Don't Open: Dead Inside (1x1 between randomname98766789 and Iikaitlynii)

Dec 22, 2014
United States

This will be a one x one between myself and Iikaitlynii based off the AMC television series The Walking Dead

Traveling in the new world was far from safe anymore. Not only did one have to worry about walkers but they had to worry about other humans too. Many had to worry about the living and whether or not they were trustworthy or wanted to kill someone for what they had. It was those sort of reasons that caused Scarlett to end up on her own. It had been some months that she had managed to get by without a group and honestly she sometimes had no clue how she managed. There were many times where food was scarce and she was so tired that a safe shelter had to be found but all that could be done was taking things one day at a time. The one thing she had going for her was the fact of having enough ammo to last for awhile with her pistol and had a decent blade for when there was a need for silent kills.

The dark haired woman had managed a few hours of sleep the night before and found herself on the move again. She was in some town now that was abandoned; just like any others that one might pass through. At first she had rummaged through a couple of houses and managed to find a few canned goods, which was nice since food was so scarce to find. These days it was hard to say when someone would get their next meal. Everything was going fine at first. Only a few walkers were spotted here and there, which she took care of. But on the fourth house she began hearing noises outside that were clearly not from the dead. No it sounded like human voices which made her tense up immediately.

The last time Scarlett had seen humans other than her group, those people had been the ones that were killing her people. So running into any just made her feel a sense of dread. At first it seemed like they were just going to walk right by, but she must have caused some commotion or movement inside the house which got their attention. With very little time to think, and not much in the way of hiding spaces, the only thing she could think to do was go upstairs into one of the bedrooms which was what she did. Either they would assume it was a walker, or she could climb out the window and carefully drop to the ground to get away. Either sounded fine by her since she wasn't exactly interested in finding out if they were good or bad people. If they weren't too good then she was only one person and didn't stand a chance, so it didn't seem worth the risk unless there was no other choice.



Things had been slowly growing bleak ever since the fall of the prison. Not only was their home shattered and many loved ones killed but the group was now separated. Beth Greene found it hard to continue to remain hopeful about finding them the longer that time passed without running into another living being. After the death of her father and being separated from everyone else, she found the only bright spot to be the fact that Oliver had been the one to escape with her. So while she didn't have anyone else around, she still had him. In a way that made up for the fact that her sister was nowhere to be found. Oliver was the only other person she had known before the apocalypse started and had been her boyfriend for as long as they both could remember. He was her first in everything and she couldn't imagine ever loving anyone else more than him let alone the thought of them not being together.

Being apart from the group was difficult at times. Primarily because it could be difficult finding food and water for survival. Somehow they managed well enough though. Beth wasn't sure how long it had been just the two of them before they were snatched away into some cars. They must have used something to put her to sleep because she didn't remember any of the car ride and also didn't remember being taken inside of a building. All the blonde knew was that she was waking up to find herself in an unfamiliar room. It looked like some sort of hospital room but she couldn't say for certain as it had been so long since she was in one, and the room looked to be a makeshift bedroom anyway. There was a second bed that looked to be used but wasn't at that particular moment. From what she could tell there was another small room aside from the door that led out into the hallway, so she assumed the other room might have been a bathroom.

"Oliver!" The girl called out and hoped he was close by to hear. Barely had she looked around the room but knew he wasn't in there unless he was in the bathroom. She felt alone and out of her element which was why she was hoping it wasn't just her that had been brought to this unknown place. It seemed unlikely but she still felt a slight fear that it could've happened. If he was there then at least she would feel a little better about the situation. She had no clue about where she was or who the people were that brought her there, which bothered her greatly since the governor made her weary of humans that were still living. Many out there were not good anymore and couldn't  be trusted. That could very well be the case here and she didn't want to face that alone. At least it was likely that they both were brought here, she thought, and did her best to keep some optimism despite bad things happening as of late

After the fall of the prison, Daryl found himself on the road with Beth Greene and Oliver West. The trio had been shacked up inside of a funeral home but it was quickly overrun in the middle of the night, forcing Oliver and Beth to separate. Whatever happened next, Daryl had no idea because the pair disappeared in the back of a car. After chasing the car for a while, he stopped near some old railroad tracks to regather his thoughts. While he was not particularly close to either of them, Daryl did see them to be the future of society since they were two of the younger members of the group and Daryl had a soft spot for everyone even though that did not show all the time. Before long, Daryl heard footsteps approaching followed by the appearance of a large group of men. The leader was named Joe and the group members called themselves the “Claimed” group because they used their own rules.

All morning long, Daryl had been tracking down a rabbit. When he killed the rabbit, one of the other men did as well and they argued over the rabbit. Len, the other male, gave Daryl a lesson about what “claiming” meant. Daryl did not see how there were any rules and he did not want to follow along with these men but right now it felt like his best interest was staying with this group since there was strength in numbers. Something told Daryl that hanging out with this group was trouble but right now he did not really have any option to do anything else.

It was getting late at night and the sun was setting. The group was looking for some place to settle down and make camp for the night. Upon entering some old apartment building, the group realized bedrooms were limited and they needed to claim their bedrooms quickly. Having a soft place to sleep was a luxury for certain. However, everyone went into attack mode when noises were heard. Daryl and a few of the men decided to check out upstairs while the others swept the bottom floor. The first few rooms were clear and then Daryl led the way down into the last bedroom. The wooden door was cracked and Daryl had another funny feeling about this place. Slowly pressing the door open, he entered and aimed his crossbow at the first figure he saw. It was not a walker nor was it a threat. He saw a woman that looked scared for her life. She was beautiful and he knew exactly what the other men would do to her if they claimed her. While they were busy reacting, Daryl spit out the word “Claimed.” In response, some of the other men groaned and murmured about themselves, arguing over her like a piece of property as they cornered her into the bedroom.



Growing up had not been easy. Oliver’s father lost his life on the line of duty when Oliver was only six years old. His mother did not recover from the loss of her husband and fell under the spell of drinking alcohol. Not allowing this to determine his future, Oliver quickly matured and became the man of the house as he grew older, trying his best to help himself and his older sister recover from their lack of parenting in their lives. For most of the time, Oliver spent time at the Greene Family Farm since his mother was good friends with Annette Greene. The Greene’s had a daughter just one year younger than Oliver and her name was Beth. Immediately, the pair formed a friendship in childhood that was going to last much longer than childhood. In middle school when “Dating” was first a thing, Oliver and Beth did just that. Usually, relationships that started at this age lasted a total of two or three weeks before ending. This relationship was much different than any relationship ever before. The couple stayed in love and their romance flourished.

In high school, things remained the same. Their love deepened and even when the apocalypse started, Oliver was with Beth every step of the way. Two years prior, his mother cleaned up and got a job working at the local hospital in Georgia. Sadly, her life was one of the first ones taken when the outbreak reached Georgia and his older sister was away at college in Virginia. Since then, he had never heard from her and the only family he had left was Beth. Still in love more than ever before, they lived at the prison and had high hopes for their future. Those hopes were crushed during the war with the Governor since they both had to escape their lives, meeting up with Daryl Dixon. They survived for a few weeks but after an attack of walkers made them flee their home for the night, Oliver and Beth were both grabbed and pulled into a car. Not much longer after this happened, Oliver woke up inside an unfamiliar room wearing a hospital robe. Where in the hell was he? Oliver was confused and worried about Beth.

After waking up, a faint call of his name from the other room was heard. Oliver tried to move but he was in so much pain yet the need to find Beth was too great so he forced himself up and ripped the IV out of his arm with a hiss. Walking down the hallway into the next hospital room, he saw Beth sitting up in the bed. “Beth, I’m here!” Oliver breathed out, approaching her and quickly wrapping his arms tightly around the blonde. They both had just woken up and were clueless about what was happening. He kept his arms around his girlfriend and hugged her, just knowing they would figure out something. The important thing was that they were together and everything else was going to work out. “Are you okay, Beth?” The young man asked quietly into her ear.
The brunette tried to listen for approaching footsteps but the must have been rather quiet because by the time she did it was far to late to try and get out of the window. From what she could tell it was only men. While that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, she felt uncomfortable. It didn't help that the first word she realized was said was 'claimed'. And instead of it being considered crazy, the others just looked annoyed and unhappy that they hadn't said the word first. As if she were just some property to take or something. A few of them started walking closer which just backed her into a corner. The worst part was the fact that it wasn't even the corner that had the window.

Out of defensive reaction she pulled her knife out on them. The only one that had a weapon out was the one with the crossbow and oddly enough he was the least of her concerns. He may have been the one to say 'claim' but it was the others who were getting too close for comfort. "Stay back," she warned. While she didn't have any problem shooting one of them, she was kind of hesitant to use the gun since there more of them and they didn't seem to realize she had it which gave her an advantage. It probabaly wouldn't deter them much but she had no other options.


The words were obviously more than a little relieving to Beth as she heard him say that he was there. It calmed her fear of being alone in this hospital which only just now made her realize she was wearing robe that one would wear when they go in to be taken care of. It caused a slight frown on her face but then Oliver appeared in the doorway which caused it to turn from that into a happier look. They both seemed to be fine, or as well as could be expected considering the circumstances, but she was glad nonetheless. "Yeah I'm fine," she nodded while hugging him back tightly. But she tried not to squeeze too hard just in case he may not have been alright himself. "Are you okay?" She asked and was obviously concerned about him and why the hell they were in a hospital.

"Do you remember anything about how we got here? All I remember is being in the car and then... nothing," she admitted and didn't like that she had either passed out or had been given something that would knock her out. It made her worry that this place wasn't actually safe and that the people had bad intentions. Why the heck couldn't they have just left them be? The two were fine before that and had been with Daryl who was one of the members of the group that was most equipped to fight and watch out for them. Oliver knew how to take care of walkers too, and she was slowly getting better at it, but Dixon was a hunter before the end of the world. He was also a tracker and their hope to finding the others which now meant she didn't have that hope of finding her sister anymore.

"I'm worried," she whispered.
The woman was heavily outnumbered and looked quite skittish. Her threats made a couple of the men laugh and scoff before aggressively grabbing her arm and yanking the knife away from her grasp to leave her defenseless. Realizing this was not going to end well, Daryl stepped up and pushed them all away from her. “Get your damn hands off her. I claimed her and I claim this bedroom too.” Daryl spat in a harsh voice though his thick, southern accent still showed clearly. By this time, Joe and the others arrived to the bedroom upon hearing all the commotion. Just to be sure the woman did not try anything stupid, Daryl grabbed her by the arm but tried to keep the pressure off, showing that he was not going to harm her.

“What the hell, boys? You know the rules. All of you leave this bedroom and leave Daryl alone with his woman before I have to teach all of you a lesson.” Usually when Joe taught someone a lesson, the receiver of the lesson was injured or dead at the end of it all. Dissatisfied, the other men backed away and left the room acting like this was completely normal and not doing anything to help the woman that clearly did not want this. “You two have fun. I think you’ll fit in just fine here Daryl.” Once that was finished, Joe simply smirked and exited the room before pulling the door closed. When the group was gone, Daryl just released the woman and did not really say another word, dropping his backpack down onto the ground. “Trust me… you’d rather me claim you than them. I’m not gonna hurt you.”


“I’m alright. My head feels like it will split in two, though. I just woke up.” Oliver whispered to the sweet blonde girl that he loved so dearly, sitting down onto the edge of the bed. Obviously, this place was not safe and they needed to find somewhere to escape. His left arm was in a cast and he touched his forehead to feel some kind of scarring and suturing like he had been hit over the face with something. That’s probably why his head was throbbing. Looking out of the lone window over an empty parking lot and street, Oliver noticed a few signs. “We’re in Atlanta Beth… that’s a long way from where we were.” With a sigh, Oliver stepped away from the window when he heard footsteps down the hallway. Tensing up, he immediately placed himself in between Beth and the door when it opened.

A doctor and a female police officer entered, introducing themselves as Dr. Steven Edwards and Officer Dawn Lerner. “Calm down, we’re not going to hurt you.” Dawn spoke with a cold tone. She did not look very friendly. “Welcome to Grady Memorial Hospital. You two were found on the side of the road unconscious and we saved you… You owe us.” The last part of her statement was spoken ominously and made Oliver trust these people even less. He sure as hell did not think they were on the side of the road unconscious. Memory was not clear at this point but he was certain that he and Beth were knocked out by these people and taken into the car immediately but he kept his mouth shut, hoping that was all the harm they would do. “You both will have jobs to do. If you don’t do anything stupid then I might let you work together. You will follow Dr. Edwards around today as he shows you what we do around here and then you are expected to contribute… or else.”
Normally Scarlett was a better fighter, but being outnumbered made it hard to watch all of them. So it was easy for the one off to the side to roughly grab her hand and yank the knife away. Obviously she wasn't happy about that but the one with the crossbow stepped between her and them. While she still didn't care for the word 'claim' at least it got the others to back away when who looked to be the leader walked in on the whole ordeal. With how many of them there appeared to be it seemed stupid to try anything, which was why she didn't, and just stood there. At least he didn't seem to grab her as rough as the one who took the knife.

A small frown formed at the mention of being 'his woman' despite the fact she had barely 'met' these people even a minute ago. When the door closed though, nothing happened. Anything that she might have expected considering the way the other guys acted didn't happen. At least that was somewhat of a good sign. Plus she had also noted the way the leader, or who she assumed was one, said that he would fit in. Meaning he must not have been with the group very long. Slowly she nodded and it seemed like he was being truthful about not harming her. He could have the moment they left but didn't. "I'm Scarlett," she finally spoke and figured she would probabaly have to stick around until an opportunity presented itself for her to go. But until then she would stick close to the one who didn't seem as bad as the others.


"I did too," The blonde responded softly and had also just woken up herself. It made her feel better that he was there but she still didn't feel very safe. This place didn't feel like somewhere that would be safe for them, but maybe that had to do with the fact that these weren't their people. "Atlanta.." she breathed quietly and obviously didn't react well to hearing that. It was very far from where they had been and was likely even farther from where any of their group was. Beth was worried about not finding her sister again since that was her only family left. There was Oliver and she considered him family but her love for him was, obviously, slightly different than the love of a sibling. In one way it was stronger but in another it just wasn't the same. But she was glad that if she couldn't see anyone else again then she was glad he was the one with her.

When the two came in she grabbed his hand and held tightly for a since of comfort. The blonde felt no trust towards the two who came into the room. The doctor seemed alright but she felt uneasy around the female officer. All the woman did was threaten them and said that the two owed them and was going to contribute as repayment. A frown had appeared for a second as she looked at them. It seemed best just to go along with it. "We'll contribute.. how long do we have to stay here?" She asked and didn't want to be there long. She'd rather be in the world where it wasn't safe and they could find others than stuck in here.
Listening to the woman talk and introduce herself, Daryl nodded his head and waited a minute before answering. “Daryl.” The male simply responded with his thick southern accent. Again, he did not make a move towards her and instead he removed his leather jacket and just plopped down onto the bed. His eyes closed and he relaxed for a couple seconds but his conscience was nagging him and the good guy deep down refused to let him lie there all night long. Sitting back up, he patted the bed while looking towards Scarlett. He stood to his feet and approached one of the small chairs in the corner of the room. “You take the bed. I don’t need it.” With that, the redneck plopped down onto the chair and then kicked his feet up onto the edge of the bed.

He was hoping to find some way to help this woman to escape the group. However, he was also looking for a way out and that was not working out so well so far. Daryl had no idea what to expect from these men but he figured it was not going to end well. Instead of being able to sleep, he basically sat there with his eyes open and just waited to see if she finally took the bed or not. She had nothing to worry about as long as he was here. Daryl did not need to protect everybody but he felt like he did. This woman was obviously innocent here and it was a dangerous spot to be in right now for her just as Daryl was. There had to be some way out of this, he hoped.


The doctor looked at Beth like she was a lunatic when she asked how long they had to stay here. “Until you die.” He responded and the look on his face was serious. It was a one-way ticket. Oliver squeezed Beth’s hand and knew they needed to escape immediately. Until then, they had to keep attention off of themselves right now. They had to accompany this doctor, right? Maybe Oliver was going to find a few exits during the rounds. Dr. Edwards motioned for them to follow and Oliver pulled Beth to her feet gently. He figured she was wobbly just as he was. When her balance was regained, they ventured down the hallway into another hospital room. A man was lying there on the bed with red numbers all over the screen of his vitals. It did not look good. “We have very low resources here. If a patient does not start recovering then we have no choice but to end their suffering.” The doctor pulled the plug and unceremoniously stabbed the man’s head like it was nothing.

Fear crept back into Oliver as they were ordered to take the body for disposal. So Beth did not have to do it, Oliver pushed the hospital bed down that hallway towards the elevator where the doctor ordered him to go. Once they arrived, the door was opened and Oliver was ordered to just dump the body down the shaft. Oliver complied and dumped the body down, hearing a sickening thud at the bottom. From that point, Oliver and Beth were ordered to return the hospital bed back into the room and replace the sheets. After that, they were allowed to head down to the cafeteria and get something to eat. When they were finally alone and changing the sheets, Oliver quietly spoke to his girlfriend. “We have to find a way out of here… fast. I don’t know how yet but we have to start looking.”
Scarlett stayed in the spot she was in while he had began to lay down on the bed. She wasn't exactly sure what to do since it wasn't like either of them could go to another room to sleep. There was the floor, which she didn't really mind sleeping on, but otherwise there wasn't much in the way of options. It was slightly surprising when she saw him get up and take the chair which she felt a little bad for since she had slept in an empty home in a bed the night before, and she couldn't know for certain if he had a good night's sleep. Not that she did, but it was usually better when there was something comfortable involved rather than out on the cold, hard, ground.

"Are you sure?" She questioned and seemed hesitant but moved to sit anyway. At the very least she wanted go sit for a few moments to get off of her feet. Honestly she didn't even feel very tired now and just felt anxious about having to deal with those people now. It seemed there was more bad than good ones nowadays and it just seemed more evident by not only what happened to her people before but the way most of this group was acting.


Beth kept her expression neautral even though she didn't like the answer about being there permanently. What made these people they wanted to stay there? They probably didn't care, she thought. Hell they might have even assumed the two was happy to be there because it meant being safe from the walkers. Which made sense considering the look the doctor gave her. But honestly she didn't care about the supposed safety and was thinking about the people that were still out there. They were much better fighters than she was and it was hard for her to believe any of them were dead. When Oliver squeezed her hand she did feel a little better though and knew he probabaly had the same thoughts about trying to get out of there. Maybe not right this minute since the attention would be on them for awhile, but soon enough they could try and escape.

Silently the two followed as the doctor lead them around the hospital and was explaining the way things worked there. They even stopped at one man's room and it was told to them that if a patient didn't show signs of recovering then they had to pull the plug. The doctor had them do that before having them take the body to the disposal sight. Beth felt grateful that Oliver did that since she wasn't exactly up for the task. Not that she wasn't used to dead bodies but because she felt uneasy and was only just starting to feel normal after the drugs they put in her. Well she assumed they used some sort of drugs because she was almost positive that neither of them had been unconscious when they were taken. When they were finally alone again and changing sheets she nodded in agreement about leaving. "What about the elevator shaft?" She questioned. "It would be quicker than trying to find a way off this floor," she spoke softly to keep from being overheard.
Yes, I’m sure. Otherwise I wouldn’t have offered.” Daryl responded with a grumble, attempting to lean his head backwards and close his eyes. It seemed that nighttime when he tried to sleep brought the worst memories back into his mind from Hershel’s death to being separated from the group. The pessimist in Daryl worried he never would find the others again. He had gotten used to these people and they had become a family but that family was now broken apart. Unsure of what he would do next, Daryl opened his eyes after a few minutes and then glanced towards the woman, Scarlett, again.

“Look, I don’t know these people well. I just found them yesterday. I was alone and they would have probably killed me if I didn’t join them. I’m trying to find a way out. When I do, I’ll help you escape. Until then, don’t do anything stupid that will get either of us killed. I’m pretty sure you’re my responsibility since I claimed you. Anything you do reflects on me, too. I’m not trying to die right now.” Again, his voice was deep yet quiet so nobody else heard him. However, he needed to tell her this. He had this sinking feeling that if Scarlett fucked something up, Daryl was going to be the one that got the blame. It would not end well for either of them.


“I think climbing down the elevator shaft is too dangerous. They dump their bodies down there because the walkers take care of the bodies. I’m sure that shaft is crawling with those things and we are not equipped to fight so many walkers. Plus, it is a tight space and we have no idea what the layout of this place is right now. We can keep that in mind though.” Oliver answered while fluffing the pillow and double checking their job to make sure these people were going to be satisfied with the job they did. The last thing Oliver wanted was to piss someone off already. They were going to be walking a thin line for sure. Beginning to speak again, Oliver quickly quieted himself when Dr. Edwards entered the room. “I’m sure you two are probably hungry. I’ll show you both the cafeteria then you can grab something to eat.”

For this, Oliver was not going to complain. He was starving and he was sure that Beth was, too. They probably had not eaten in days after being knocked out. Exiting the hospital room, Oliver reached down to grab Beth by the hand and follow the doctor down the hallway. He kept quiet and kept his eyes forward most of the time, searching for a possible exit but nothing was showing itself right now. After feeling rather hopeless, he simply laced his fingers together with Beth’s and hoped they would soon enough find some escape route. The cafeteria looked like a typical hospital cafeteria with a lunch line forming. A tray was given to each individual and food such as a small piece of chicken, vegetables, fruits, and some kind of roll was placed on the tray. The food was given in small increments but it was better than nothing. Dr. Edwards told Oliver and Beth to come find him after they eat before he exited the cafeteria. Oliver chose a location in the corner of the cafeteria away from everyone else to sit down and eat, sitting right beside of Beth. “If you want some of my food, you can have it.” He spoke quietly, wanting to make sure that she had plenty to eat, obviously caring about her more than himself.
Scarlett didn't really know how to respond to that so she merely to scooted back so she could lean her back onto the headboard. She didn't exactly feel tired so laying down seemed pointless. Things were silent for a moment, maybe even considered awkward, and the woman had a feeling it was going to stay like this for however long she was with the group. It would be worse, the uncomfortable feeling, when around the others but even still that thought didn't help her feel any more at ease right now. As the silence grew she had closed her eyes for a moment. She had no idea how she could slip away or how long she would have to stay. There was also the thought of if they'd do something bad to Daryl if she escaped and he didn't. Maybe she shouldn't care since she didn't know him, but she had a feeling things wouldn't go well for him if she got away and he stayed with them when it happened.

When he spoke she opened her eyes to glance in his direction. What he said was no news to her since she was already considering that fact and had a feeling it was true. "I'm not either," she responded and was not really interested in dying. "Or worse they kill you and do whatever they want with me," she stated and could see that possibly happening. Scarlett didn't want to think about that or what they might do to her if that became a course of action for them. "Maybe you should take this then. I don't know how they'll react if they see me with it," she said and had pulled the gun out to set on the dresser. While she didn't like the thought of not having it, she didn't need those other men's attention on her. "I have another knife anyway," she stated and figured they wouldn't care about that. Especially considering how easy it was for them to take the one away from her. So having a blade would still offer her a way to defend herself against walkers.


"Your probably right," Beth agreed but did have a bad feeling that it might be there only way to try and get out. The blonde felt every other way would be guarded and near impossible for them to. But perhaps if they were there long enough to learn the guard schedules and learn the layout then maybe they could sneakily bypass them to leave. Her only worry was that they were not on the ground floor so their absence could be noted before they were safely out, or far enough away from the hosptial. It might just lead to them being taken again which wouldn't be a good thing. As Beth thought about that she did it best to make the room look nice and neat so that there would be no complaints. They needed to keep the attention off of them as much as possible.

Before they could really discuss more the doctor came back and lead them to the cafeteria. Beth was kind of glad for that since she was extremely hungry. Who knew how long it had been since they were brought here. Which meant it could've been days since they last ate. After they were told what to do after eating they grabbed their plates of food before sitting away from everyone else. Hopefully it wouldn't look too odd, but since they were new it might be expected. "I'll be fine," she shook her head lightly. "We both need to regain our strength if we want to get out quickly," she spoke in a voice barely above a whisper so that no one else would hear. He was more the fighter out of the two of them, which meant he needed to regain his strength before they attempted to escape. And she knew that wouldn't happen if she ate off of his plate too. After saying that she began eating some of the fruit to quell her hunger.
For the couple moments when Scarlett started speaking, Daryl listened to her closely. She brought up a couple decent points. The main reason why he refused to escape on his own and leave her with these men was obvious and she pointed it out just now. They would do whatever they wanted with her. In the apocalypse when a pretty girl is taken by a group of men that have shown they have ill intentions, not much imagination was needed to figure out what was going to happen. With Daryl, at least she was going to be safe from that if he claimed her. Reaching for the gun on the dresser, Daryl quickly checked on the integrity of the weapon from whether or not it was loaded, if the gun was jammed, and how much ammo was left. Tucking this away inside of his bag, he nodded to the woman and returned towards the chair. Plopping down again, he crossed his legs and glanced towards Scarlett one final time. “Are you hungry? Thirsty? I have some food and water to spare if you want anything.” Daryl was not loaded by any means but he had eaten and had plenty of water and liquor to drink not long ago. He was going to be more than fine with spare some of his items with the woman. Besides, she might have been alone for a while and without any food or water of her own.

After making his offering, Daryl took solace in the fact of knowing that at least he offered and did his part to help out. Daryl always thought if this happened, his conscience might be clear if anything went wrong. Regardless of her answer, Daryl slid his small bag of food and water across the ground beside of the bed if she changed her mind. Finally, he was getting tired enough to rest and made the decision to try and sleep. “If you need anything during the night, wake me up. Don’t even hesitate to do anything.” Daryl reminded her before leaning his head back against the chair and prepare himself for sleep.


Beth was probably right about them both needing to be full of energy and needing all the strength they could get. Without arguing with the blonde, he returned to his own food and kept silent while his eyes scouted the area. After a couple minutes, another police officer walked up to their table and sat down in front of the couple. The name tag said Gorman and he was probably in his earlier 40s. A smirk was on his face and already, Oliver did not like the man. He spoke of bad news. “Hey there. My name is Officer Gorman. I found you two on the side of the road and saved you. I brought you here.” The smirk grew into an egotistical smile. He acted as if he saved their lives and as if they owed him for what he did. “I guess you could say that you two owe me now. When someone does something nice for you, then you should be nice to them. I think it is just common courtesy.”

Already, Oliver was getting defensive and he went quiet while stopping his teeth from chewing anymore food. When Gorman looked to Beth, he nearly lost it. “Especially you, blondie. I suggest you become more friendly with me soon.” A dry scoff left his throat and then he winked at Oliver. It was clear that Gorman was trying to intimidate them. It didn’t work on Oliver. When Gorman left, he huffed out some air before looking to Beth. “You know I won’t let him hurt you. He’ll have to kill me first, Beth. Don’t let it get to you.” He assured his girlfriend before shaking his head. “We really have to find a way out of here.” It was true, what Oliver said to Beth. He refused to let anything happen to her and he would fight to the death just to protect the woman that he loved.
While not much could really be done about the current situation, it was hard for Scarlett not to realize that her well being basically depended on another person. One could argue that in a world like this that was the case anyway and that was why people were safer in groups, but this was slightly different. She wasn't exactly with a decent group and the only way she wouldn't be harmed was to stick by the only one who didn't seem bad. It kind of felt like she would be walking on egg shells but there wasn't much she could do about that.

"There's nothing wrong with it," she stated when he started checking the gun. Before ending up on her own she had been taught how to use it, and more importantly how to keep it in decent shape by keeping it clean. "I'll be fine," she first said to the offer. Scarlett didn't exactly feel right with taking any of his stuff. Actually if anything she was just thirsty anyway rather than hungry. When he slid the bag over she was still hesitant but figured if she woke up feeling dehydrated then she could drink a little bit of water. "Thank you," was all she could think to say in response to both the offer and mentioning to wake him up if she needed anything. Sitting there made it easier to start feeling tired, especially after having been worried about what would happen next with dealing with this group, so her eyes ended up drifting closed before she decided to adjust to lay down.


Beth was slightly relieved when he didn't argue with her about the food. The blonde knew how he could be about making sure she was okay first before worrying about his own well being. Of course that wasn't a bad thing and she loved him for caring so much but at a time like this they both needed to be in their best shape. If not their best shape then at least in better shape than they currently were. For the minutes they were silent Beth continued to eat the fruits and vegetables on the plate. She didn't want to scarf the food down and then her stomach become disagreeable afterwards, so she wanted to take it a little slow and enjoy the meal. Especially since she didn't exactly look forward to going back to the doctor.

The young woman grew slightly tense when another police officer strolled up. This one was a male and he didn't come off as very friendly. That thought was confirmed when he spoke and acted as if they truly owed him something. Beth didn't really feel that was true since neither had wanted to come here in the first place. Her tension grew slightly as Gorman turned his attention towards her and it was easy to tell what he wanted from her. It was hard not to look uneasy and even a little disgusted, but somehow she managed to hide that until after he left. Forcing a nod when Oliver tried to reassure her it only made her more worried. She didn't want to see him die. Not just because he was the only person she had left, but because then Gorman could definitely do whatever he wanted with her.

"Yeah," she agreed. "It won't be easy though. There will be plenty of people watching us," she said and could already feel the eyes on them. After continuing to eat and then drink the water she looked to him after she was done. "Ready?" She asked but was clearly not thrilled to return to Dr Edwards.
Without making another word to Scarlett, Daryl closed his eyes and finally relaxed against the chair. Since the prison was destroyed, Daryl had been on the run every night since. He had been unable to sleep just like many other people. While he was not exactly with a good group of people, Daryl realized he was inside of a house on the second level with other people below. The door to his room was locked and he figured this was the safest the male had been since his last night in the prison. It made him realize how much he missed that place and his group. Hopefully one day, they would all reunite together but those chances were looking dim at the moment. Daryl was unsure whether to hope for the best or accept the worst right now.

Regardless, he finally fell asleep because the chair was comfortable and he felt somewhat safe for the first time in months. If Scarlett did not wake him up for any reason during the night, then he slept until the next morning. It was early because the sun was peeking through the curtains and a couple of the other men were awake. Daryl heard movement and voices down the hall but not enough to show that the entire group was awake. Daryl was the kind of man that must stay awake when he woke up from his night of sleep. His body just never allowed him to fall back asleep and he knew it was no different now. His brown eyes traveled towards the bed to check on Scarlett to see if she was still asleep or already awake.


“I guess. Let’s go.” Truthfully, Oliver was not ready. Nothing about seeing Dr. Edwards again sounded pleasant. The young man was on high alert because of what Gorman said to Beth just minutes ago. The final decision for Oliver about this place had been made. He hated this hospital and he needed to find an escape route with Beth. If they stay here, bad things were going to happen to them. It was the most precarious situation they have ever been through. Surviving in the wilderness after the fall of the prison was bad but it was probably much safer than being in this damn hospital. Oliver had to think of something.

The couple dumped their trays and exited the cafeteria. Again, he reached down to hold Beth’s hand tightly in his own. Just touching her and being close to the blonde helped him relax enough to think coherently. No exit signs were seen so far and that was certainly not a good thing. Oliver needed to find some outline or blueprint of the building. That was the best shot at escaping right now. Sadly, Oliver had no idea where to find one or where to find one without anyone knowing. They reached the doctor’s office again. He was doing paperwork but jumped to his feet when the couple returned.

Their next stop was to a new patient named Gavin Trevitt. He fell from a second-floor window but was bleeding internally and things were not looking good. The second stop was to a woman’s room. Her name was Joan. She tried to escape the hospital but was bitten in the process. They were going to amputate her arm but she refused treatment. Oliver and Beth were asked to hold her down while the doctor amputated her arm. Obviously, Oliver did not want to do this. It was risky because she might turn at any second but he gave Beth a look knowing they had to comply so they did. Thankfully, the woman passed out rather quickly and the amputation was finished. Blood smeared all over the hospital gowns of Beth and Oliver so Dr. Edwards directed them towards the laundry room with some fresh clothing to wear.
It took a little longer for Scarlett but she did end up drifting off to sleep. The door being locked helped since the others made her kind of nervous from what little she had seen of them. Perhaps it was still too soon to tell if he wasn't a bad person  like them, but at least Daryl hadn't tried to harm her in any way as of yet. Which was what made it slightly easier for her to eventually fall asleep. When she did it wasn't until the next morning that she actually woke up since by her self she usually had to stay alert for noises even in her sleep. So she actually could sleep a decent amount for once.

When she did wake up the following morning, the brunette was in no hurry to get up. What would she do anyway? Going out there where the other men were was far from ideal. So she figured the best option was to just stay on there and do nothing, which was actually a nice change from always having to watch her back from walkers. While there was undoubtedly more safety in numbers, that safety came at the price of dealing with people who were far from good and could only have ill intentions when it came to her.

Noticing the movement, she realized the other man must be awake now so she moved to sit up slightly. "I didn't wake you did I?" While she hadn't moved around much she figured it didn't take much to wake people up nowadays because of always having to be alert for trouble.


The blonde knew he felt the same way that she did. Beth didn't really want to go back and also did not want to be in this place. The people made her uncomfortable and the officer who had just approached them really made her uneasy. She knew Oliver wouldn't let him do anything if he could help it, but she did have a worry that he would get in trouble if there was a confrontation between the two. And it's not like the others would believe them over one of their own, which made her worry what would happen and what she would do in that instance if Oliver was taken to confinment, or something like that, and she was alone for Gorman to take advantage of her being by herself.

Beth stayed fairly quiet as they went with the doctor on rounds. It was hard seeing the people injured and with little to do about it. They could probabaly be saved but if this place really didn't have a lot of supplies then it meant many were dying just because they were not seen as worth saving. The thought made her sick and she felt even worse when they were made to hold down a woman so she could be amputated. She complied but didn't really like what they were doing. Luckily she passed out so they didn't have to hold her down long.

When they were alone in the laundry room for a minute she looked to Oliver. "I don't like this," she whispered. She didn't like this place one little bit. She then grabbed some clothes to change into while sticking by him for comfort.
Shaking his dark head of hair, Daryl sat up from the bed. He yawned and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands before standing up and gathering his shoes and leather vest. In a matter of seconds, Daryl was dressed and ready to move forward. “I guess we need to join the others and get moving.” Last night, Daryl heard the men talking about repeating a routine every night. Find some shelter then move on during the next day. At least slept for the first time in a while but he was still uncomfortable. There were six men with heavy weapons outside of his bedroom. One wrong move left Daryl dead.

Their intimidation and numbers were the only reason Daryl joined. He knew if he killed one of them, his life would end soon as well. Plus, he had someone else to look out for now. These men would do much worse to Scarlett than Daryl was doing. That was certain. “I suggest you stay close to me. I’ll make sure nobody touches you or hurts you.” It was a blank promise because Daryl was unable to know for sure whether or not this was going to happen. However, he was trying his damn best to keep that promise.

Already, the male had a few run-ins with the men. Len and Daryl both tracked and Daryl killed the rabbit. It taught Daryl about their rule of claiming and they were each awarded half of the rabbit but he felt animosity from his counterparts. Taking a deep breath, Daryl pushed open the bedroom door and led the way with his crossbow down the hallway and downstairs.


“I don’t like this, either. We’re stuck for now.” Oliver responded with a frown and a shake of his head. His clothing consisted of blue jeans, a gray t-shirt, and the typical boxers, socks, and tennis shoes. Granted, it felt nice to be wearing actual clothes again instead of some hospital gown. It was cold inside and Oliver shivered constantly. Though, Oliver might not have been shivering because of only the cold. This place gave him the chills. Finally, the couple was dressed and ready to go. Well, they were not ready to go. They were ready to get the next rounds finished.

The next order of business was mopping up the blood from the floor of Joan’s room. It was messy but thankfully it did not dirty their clothes. The doctor stood with them inside of the room and apologized for any maltreatment they faced. This doctor seemed the most reasonable of all the people here. Dr. Edwards must have heard Gorman talking about Beth, as he assured Oliver and Beth that Gorman will no longer be a problem.

“We’re not going to stay here longer than we have to.” Oliver simply told him but the doctor shook his head. The bottom floor was crawling with walkers and the entire city was also filled. There was not a clear exit other than the one exit everyone used and it was nearly impossible to sneak through. At least Oliver felt confident about one person in this damn place but the Doctor was not going to really offer much help to them it seemed. All they could do was deal with things one day at a time.
Scarlett watched as he almost immediately gathered his things and the unease started to grow worse. Truthfully she didn't even want to leave the room let alone have to travel with those people. There really wasn't any choice in the matter though as she doubted they would just let her stay behind. Moving into a sitting position on the edge of the bed all she really had to grab was her shoes and the small bag that she carried around with her. Other than that the only thing she had was the knife, which didn't feel like much protection against those men if things went south.

Glancing over when Daryl spoke as she stood up she wasn't sure if that was a promise he could keep but she hadn't needed to be told to stay close anyway. The woman certainly didn't plan on going near any of the others if she could help it, which meant having to stick close to him. But even still she nodded slightly at the words before forcing herself to follow out of the room.

Following him, she already guessed that others were up before they even left the room. Seeing who was up was a little different though as she saw a few of the men were ones who had found her in the home the day before. They unnerved her the most even if the rest seemed just as sleezy as them. One even made a comment about them finally gracing them with their presence. That one seemed like an arrogant asshole; but she had no way of knowing if he said that just to be a dick or if he somehow knew nothing happened between her and Daryl the night before.


Even though Beth already knew he was right about them being stuck there for awhile, she hated to hear that. This place just felt uncomfortable to her and the people here weren't their people. If it came down to it she highly doubted these people would try to save them if things went wrong. At least they wouldn't try as hard as someone like Rick, Glenn, Maggie, Daryl, or the rest of the ones from their group that got split up. Plus it bothered her that they were considered somewhere 'safe', at least from walkers, while the rest were out there somewhere and likely struggling.

The blonde changed into some fresh underwear, jeans, a light blue blouse, with some socks, shoes, and even a bra. It felt nice to have a fresh pair of clothes on that felt decent since it was usually a bit hard to find clothing that fit right nowadays. After they were done she went with him back to Joan's room because they had to clean up the blood. Beth did her best to be careful so she wouldn't dirty the new clothes already and did manage to keep them clean thankfully.

The doctor stayed with them so they couldn't talk freely, but he did apologize for any mistreatment and she figured he might have heard Gorman earlier. It worried her slightly if he somehow heard them talking of escape, but then again Gorman was much louder in his talking than they had been. She glanced at Oliver when he spoke of them leaving and felt worried how the older man would react, but he didn't seem phased by the words. After they were done there he lead them to tidy up a few other rooms of patients that didn't look too well.

"So are they really cops? I mean were they before all of this?" She spoke hesitantly to Dr Edwards but was wanting to know if they were like Rick before the apocalypse. While they could still be good with guns despite that, it would give her a better sense of if any of them could be on a power trip because they weren't a person of authority before.
Doing his best to ignore what the other man said, Daryl kept his look straight forward and his mind absent from the setting. All men finally joined together back in the bottom level of the house. When Joe entered, he told the group they were moving forward today but had no idea where they were going. He also was happy to see that Daryl stayed with them after all but he knew better than to think Daryl wanted to be here. Again, the male did his best to ignore everything else but the stares and side comments he saw and heard about Scarlett was making his blood boil. Nobody had any respect anymore for anyone.

They had hardly took two steps outside when Daryl was jerked backwards. “Hey! You stole the other half of my rabbit, you son of a bitch!” Daryl was shoved roughly and clenched his fists, ready for a fight until Joe entered. “What in the hell is going on here?” He asked and before Daryl even responded, Len was already speaking. “He stole half of my rabbit. Check his bags.” Daryl rolled his eyes because he actually did not take it. “I didn’t steal shit.” Joe did not care and took his bags anyways.

There was the other half of the rabbit inside somehow but Daryl had not taken it. It confused him until he realized that Len planted it there and that made him ready to fight again. He asked Len whether or not he set Daryl up and Len claimed that he didn’t. However, Joe saw Len do this and called the others to teach Len a lesson and then they started to brutally beat the man, making Daryl cringe and back away from the scene. These men were crazy.

Dr. Edwards nodded slowly. “Yeah, they were. At first, they actually helped people. This place was good. The man that ran this place was named Hanson. At some point, he started losing his mind and sending people on suicide missions, basically. Dawn took care of him but kept it quiet from everyone else. She took control and then things started going downhill. I’m just here because there is a roof over my head and I’m pretty safe here.” The older male explained with a shrug of his shoulders before realizing they had more jobs to do and he needed to get off this subject anyways.

“I need you two to visit Mr. Trevitt again. You need to inject him with 75 milligrams of an anti-psychotic. It’s just a sedative. Everything is labeled in the room.” The doctor spoke and left Oliver and Beth alone to get to it. Oliver was then asked to come help Dr. Edwards with another patient that was being rowdy. Oliver hated leaving Beth alone but he realized there was no way around it so he gave Beth a quick glance to show he would be there as soon as he could. Oliver was worried, though.

Basically, all Oliver did was hold down some man while Dr. Edwards gave him a sedative. He settled down in only a few seconds and Oliver was dismissed. He almost sprinted towards Mr. Trevitt’s room down the hallway to find Beth. Thankfully, she was still alone and she seemed to be doing fine but the patient was starting to have a seizure and then he flat-lined. Oliver yelled for Dr. Edwards to come inside but it was too late. He realized that Beth injected him with the wrong syringe and killed him. Dawn entered and demanded to know what happened when she stabbed him in the head. “I’m sorry… I accidentally unplugged the ventilator.” Oliver spat out. It seemed that Dawn believed him because she grabbed Oliver and made him follow her out of the other room and it was clear she intended to make him pay for what he did.
Being there was uncomfortable for her and that was putting it mildly. Scarlett wasn't sure how she was going to ignore these people and not do anything about what they might say or even what stunts they might try to pull. It would be easier without having her gun but still. At least it wasn't too long before the man named Joe came down and saying that they would be moving again but didn't really have a destination where. That didn't bother her so much as the fact she even had to travel with them at all. But there wasn't much she could do at the moment.

Scarlett was the first one out of the house between her and Daryl. The brunette was barely a fee feet out of the door before there was a confrontation between Daryl and one of the other men. The other claimed that he had stolen the other half of the rabbit. Scarlett was close enough to the scene but not so close that she could actually see inside of the bag. But apparently it was in his bag though he more than confidently claimed he didn't take it. Which turned out to be true because Joe had seen the other man try and set Daryl up.

Scarlett backed up a bit as the others went to teach him a 'lessen' and she realized it had been extremely lucky that a witness had seen Len or else it would have been Daryl and she would have been screwed. These men obviously had a screw loose which made her more uneasy about having to be there. And once they were done beating the other man to death it was as if nothing ever happened and they were moving again. This caused a hint of a frown but she didn't say or do anything.


Beth listened as he spoke and wondered what might have caused the man to loose his mind. This world was certainly more than enough to do that to someone, but she was merely curious if there was anything more to do with it. Like any of the people here, or something else. Of course it didn't really matter much though since he was gone and they had other things to worry about. Not to mention the fact that they had to get back to work. And the blonde felt uneasy about them being separated. While she knew it was inevitable, it still made her weary having to be alone. Especially after the thing with Gorman and what he said.

When the other two left she nervously looked at the syringes. Everything was labeled just like the doctor said, but she had no clue what the words meant, which was obviously a problem because she didn't know what to give the patient. After standing there a few minutes trying to figure out what to do, and growing more frustrated, she picked one of them up and injected it into the man's arm. Beth had no clue if it was the right one or if it would end up being deadly to the man. Hopefully it was the former, and she was worried what the officers would do if she had screwed up.

It wasn't more than a minute later when it was clear the patient was starting to have some... complications. Right about that time Oliver came back in when the patient began having a seizure and flatlined. She didn't even get to be happy about seeing him because of that and the people running the place came in. Before the blonde could say anything Oliver took the blame and was dragged away by Dawn. "No!" Just as she started to move Dr Edwards stopped her and waited until the others left before saying how it was better that way. He seemed to know that it had been a lie and that it was her mess up that got the guy killed. But he hadn't said anything and he told her Oliver would more or less be fine. He then took her to help learn what the labels meant as she would sweep and mop.
It was difficult to watch the beating occur. However, Daryl felt guilty because he was thankful that Joe saw Len try to set him up. If not, this would be him in the middle of those five men, taking a beating of a lifetime. He turned to watch them every so often but they kept on pounding him into the ground. They were going to fucking kill him! In fact, they actually did kill him after a few minutes spent kicking his ass all over in front of the house. It was unnerving to know they found someone so expendable. They did not hesitate to kill.

Joe regrouped with everyone and said that was what happened when you broke the rules of their group. Now, Daryl was able to have the entire rabbit. After gathering all of their belongings, the group of only six men now and Scarlett were walking forward. Daryl turned back one final time to look in front of the house to see Len’s beaten and dead body. At least they gave him the courtesy of not reanimating and stabbed him in the head. That was at least something decent they did with the situation but it was far outweighed by the bad.

Nonetheless, Daryl kept walking and kept at the back of the group beside Scarlett. Joe informed Daryl that they were tracking down a man that killed one of their own earlier. Daryl did not know this at the time, but that man was Rick Grimes. He only knew that whatever man it was, was probably good as dead when this group found him. Daryl simply kept quiet and followed the men wherever they wanted to go. The day was still early and it was probably going to be full of walking and traveling down this road.


Oliver had no idea what was going to happen to him. Surely, punishments in this place were not pleasant. Dawn Lerner dragged him into her office and made him sit down in a chair across from her desk before she closed the door and walked somewhere else. Regardless of what happened to him, Oliver was happy with his choice. He would much rather himself get a beating or get whatever was coming to him than for it to happen to Beth. He sat in the chair and crossed his arms, spending these few minutes just anxiously waiting for what was going to happen next. His eyes studied the layout of her office and he wondered if there were any maps of the building inside of here. He made sure the coast was clear and then finally started to sneak through her drawers. Luck must have been partially on his side today because he found a set of blueprints for the building. They were on printer paper and easily folded and were shoved into his jean pocket.

He had just sat back down when the door opened and he froze but did not look behind of him. A couple seconds later, Dawn and Gorman were standing in front of him and he swallowed nervously. “We saved your life, Oliver. You have to follow our rules and do as we say. This might be your first mistake but a punishment is still needed. You have to learn discipline.” It caught Oliver off guard because he was looking at Dawn and listening to Dawn. He hardly even saw the fist coming right towards his face. Gorman punched him hard underneath the eye and sent him flying out of the chair and into the floor.

Oliver cursed and the Gorman kicked him as hard as he could in the abdomen, taking the breath out of Oliver. Then, he grabbed Oliver by the shirt and punched him a couple more times in the abdomen before ending with another uppercut to his jaw. It sent Oliver tumbling down again and he was dazed. His face was a little bloody now and he felt like just lying there on the ground but Gorman forced him up and back to the chair. Apparently, that was all his duty because he left the room as soon as this was over.
Scarlett really couldn't watch the scene before too long. Not when it became clear that the lessen was more than just a little beat down. With Len being one of their own it made her weary because of the fact people were so easily disposable to this group. That fact made her know she had to be extra cautious not to do something stupid since she got a better idea of just how badly things could go for her and Daryl if she did. Which was why she tried to keep her distance from the other men but tried not to be extremely obvious about it.

When they regrouped and spoke of that being the punishment for breaking a rule, she had to force herself to keep her face neautral. Just like Scarlett made sure to look the same way when she heard Joe speaking of tracking down a man that killed one of the people just recently.  It made her feel sorry for whoever that man was. Maybe they wouldn't be good trackers though and never find him. But she didn't know any of these people so she didn't know what their skill sets were. Until then she just made herself keep walking and tried not to think about the fact that they were going to be doing this for hours.


Beth forced herself to pay attention even though all of her thoughts and worry was on Oliver. The blonde had no clue what they did as punishment. What was worse was that if it was bad then what would happen next time. It had been a mistake, an accident, and if he was punished harshly over this then there was no telling what could happen if there was a time in the future where one of them got in trouble again. Of course she hoped there wouldn't be, and she would try to make sure of that, but it just made her like being here even less.

It felt like a while and still she had not heard, or saw, any sign of him and that just made her more scared. She didn't know what these people were capable of and if they might decide to just kill him over something small. Not that a life was a small thing, but it wasn't like it had been done on purpose to screw with them. There wasn't really anything she could do though and wasn't even sure where they took him exactly. Because of this she managed to get herself to keep cleaning after she had been shown some different things by Dr Edwards. The blonde had decided to use a sticky note to write down the information so that she would not forget. She hoped to find out what was happening before too long as the waiting was driving her crazy.
While walking, Joe spoke about this man possibly heading to Terminus. “What do you think about it?” Daryl asked, referring to the entire Terminus façade. “I think it’s a lie. A joke. There’s no sanctuary anymore.” Daryl had seen the signs before along the train tracks and the roads near the tracks. However, he always felt like there was nothing good about this place. It was advertised as some safe haven but Daryl was reluctant to believe anything like that existed. It seemed like they were going to find out soon though whether or not it was real. The men and Scarlett finally got onto the train tracks and started walking further towards where this Terminus was supposedly located.

While walking, Daryl spotted a couple of strawberries growing from the ground and quickly “Claimed” them. He grabbed the food and kept one for himself but gave one to Scarlett. He ate his quickly and kept walking with his bow and arrow ready to fire at a moment’s notice. Daryl was a good tracker but he was not going to speak up about the tracks they were following. He did not want to be responsible for another man’s death. It was something that would lay heavily on his mind and prevent him from ever moving forward probably. Daryl had to do his best to throw them off the track.


After the beating, Dawn decided to give Oliver a stern talking to. She threatened him if he screwed up again and threatened Beth. Lastly, she gave him a warning and told him to not fuck anything else up. With that, he was released and dismissed from her office. What Dawn did not know was that Oliver actually found a spare elevator key in the midst of all those drawers along with the layout of the building. While the area closest to them was filled with walkers at the bottom of the elevator shaft, they might find some opening down in the basement if they were able to access the elevator. It was going to be risky and tough to accomplish but this was a desperate time.

Finally, Oliver found his way back to the room where Beth was located. He walked in the door slowly and kept quiet. There was some bruising above his eyebrow and he had a black eye as well. Some dry blood was on his nose and on his busted lip and it just showed that he had been beaten for a punishment. He simply walked to Beth and pulled her into a hug. He was thankful that she was not the one that had to suffer this. She seemed alright for now and that was the most important thing to him of course. His own health came second to Beth’s health and needs. He was just too in love with her to think about anything else other than her.
Hayley listened as the two talked about a place called Terminus. The woman had not seen the signs but she would have been hesitant to believe anything about a place supposedly being a sanctuary. Nowadays there didn't seem to be such a thing and if there was why would anyone put up a bunch of signs? It seemed like it would bring too many mouths to feed. But she tried not to think about that much since there was the thought of finding some male and she was sure these guys would beat the man to death just like the had Len.

The brunette gave a small smile of thanks when Daryl handed her one of the strawberries. While it wasn't much, it did help quell her hunger since she had yet to eat anything that day. She did hope to though if they were to stop for a break at any point. She didn't have much in the way of supplies, just a couple cans of food and some water, but she figured that would tide her over and could even share with Daryl if he didn't have anything. They kept seeing the signs but the guys were following the tracks of the man they were searching for. Hayley didn't know much about tracking but it seemed like they were pretty confident where they were going.


Beth had been sweeping at the time and was starting to think that it had been too long since she last saw Oliver. Maybe it only felt that way and it hadn't been that long but she did feel almost sick from worrying so much. They didn't know what this place was like, at least not fully, and she couldn't even begin to imagine what they were doing to him. But it seemed like she would find out now because it was only a couple of minutes later that she heard someone walk in the room and she turned to look at then. Her heart sunk when she saw who it was and how bad he looked too. It was her fault and she felt extremely guilty.

"Oh my god.." her voice was barely above a whisper as he pulled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry.." The blonde felt like it should've been her. Had they known it was her, then they probabaly would have went a little easier. Beth doubted they would have beaten her up, or if they did then she couldn't see it being to the same extent that they hurt him. Either way she didn't think he deserved this even though he had done it to protect her.
Even without Daryl’s help, some of the men were tracking the footprints and ground well. They were getting closer for sure as they day progressed. They stopped a couple times to eat and replenish their water at some river. When they walked further, it was getting close to night time and meaning that they would soon have to call it a night and make camp somewhere. However, Joe really wanted to find this man that killed one of his friends so they stayed out tracking a little bit longer even after night fall had taken over the area. Down the road off the tracks, they found an abandoned pick-up truck. Three people were sitting inside. A man, a boy, and a woman. “That’s the fucker… right there. He killed him!” Joe hissed and the group realized they found their man.

Daryl did not think of anything at first but when he looked closer, he found that it was Rick, Carl, and Michonne. Before he could warn them or do anything, Joe and the other marauders ambushed the trio. Carl was grabbed by one of the men and guns were pointed at all of their hands. Finally, Daryl just stepped up. “Look… don’t kill them. These are good people… I know them.” Daryl quickly rushed, hoping that they would listen but he did not have a good feeling about how this was going to end of course.


“You don’t have to be sorry, Beth. I did this on my own accordance. I knew I would be punished for doing this. I could not let someone hurt you.” Oliver assured Beth before pressing a kiss to Beth’s lips and pulling her in against his body. After kissing her and then pulling away, he nuzzled their noses together and smiled to assure her that he was okay. “Doctor Edwards wanted us to check on Joan later. Let’s go do that, okay? Hopefully tonight we’ll be able to rest and relax.” He murmured, reaching for her hand and pulling her with him out of the door. When they arrived to Joan’s room, they noticed that she had pulled out her stitches and blood was everywhere. She bled to death and it was not going to be long before she reanimated.

When this happened, Gorman entered to see what was happening. Oliver thought about what he could do and quickly grabbed the gun from Gorman’s body when he was confused and then pushed him towards the reanimated Joan who bit him in the jugular. Oliver tucked the gun away under his belt and backed out the room with Beth before calling for some help as some officers ran in to put down the reanimated Joan and Gorman. At least they did get of one problem for now.
As with any day of traveling, it was a rather tedious one that only offered a few stops of rest to eat and drink. It probabaly didn't help that she knew they were looking for someone to punish, so it made the day seem even longer than it really was. Even when it started to get dark they were out for a little longer in search of the man who killed one of the groups people. Apparently the persistence worked because they came across three figured and it was claimed that the older man was the one to kill one of Joe's guys. Frowning slightly as she stayed near the back, it came as a surprise when Daryl spoke up for the three people. The brunette felt a little tense after he spoke, and she had good reason to since Joe wouldn't listen to a word he said. He claimed that Daryl was now a liar and she had a sick feeling he was about to get the same lessen as Len.

"No!" She called out but one of the guys held her back in amusement. Hayley was tempted to do something, especially if it did look like things were actually taking a turn for the worse. She wasn't sure if they were but she was almost positive. Luckily for her she hid the knife in the small of her back and would probabaly use it on the one holding her if she had to.


"You don't know they would have done this to me," Beth whispered with a small amount of protest. With her being a female they might not have caused her harm, she thought. Or maybe something like a simple slap, which a slap would have been worth the small amount of pain to not see Oliver looking badly hurt. She didn't know if it actually hurt too much but still. The blonde didn't say much else even though she was very angry about what they had done over a small mistake. Nodding slightly when he mentioned about checking on the patient she followed him while trying not to show how pissed she was at the leaders of this stupid place.

"Oh.." Beth breathed when they walked in to see that the woman was dead and that she had bled out. Apparently  Joan had taken out her stitches for some reason. It seemed she didn't want to live in this place any longer. The blonde didn't get to think much on that as Gorman walked in and Oliver pushed him right to the walker. Slightly wide eyed all she could do was comply as he grabbed her hand to pull her out the door while calling out for help to cover up what he had just done. It surprised her that he did this even if she understood why. "You okay?" She asked quietly. It was hard to read what he was thinking so she just wanted to make sure he was alright.
Joe did not care for what Daryl had to say. “These people are not good people. This man killed one of our own. Saying that these people are good is a lie and lying is against the rules, Daryl. All of you that are not pointing your gun at someone… I think we teach Daryl a lesson.” Daryl threw a punch at the nearest person but there were so many men around him that he did not stand a chance. The men showed what their intentions were and it set Rick off as he headbutted Joe from behind and actually took him to the ground and ended up ripping out the man’s carotid artery. When this happened, everyone was stunned. Michonne and Daryl were able to fight off the others and take the guns to kill the men that were holding them.

Rick ended up killing the man holding Carl last and soon all of the marauders were dead. After everything calmed down for one second, Daryl took a deep breath and looked from Rick to Carl and to Michonne. “That’s one hell of a reunion.” Daryl muttered quietly but was obviously happy to be with them again. He took a wet rag and handed it to Rick so he could wipe off the blood. He blamed himself for even trusting these people in the slightest but Rick assured him that this was not his fault. Daryl also introduced everyone to Scarlett but now that they were dead, she had no reason to stick around him anymore. He took Scarlett to the side and talked to her. “Are you sticking around? These people are my people that I got separated from. Some of them, anyways. They are good people and won’t mind if you stick around.” He spoke, wondering if she was going to leave now.


“Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?” Oliver asked and looked up and down her body just in case. While he knew she was not harmed, he had to double check and make sure things were alright. Finally, the night was ending and Oliver figured they were done since Dr. Edwards dismissed them. They did not have any more chores left to do and Oliver walked Beth back to her hospital room and decided to stay with her unless they kicked him out. Hopefully, they would not because he wanted nothing more than to spend some time with Beth and just hold her since things had not been going so well lately.

When they entered her room, he shut the door behind of them and pulled her toward the hospital bed so they both sat down on the edge. He held her hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing her palm. “I love you, Beth.” He reminded her with a smile on his face. He was not sure what they should do next but he figured getting some rest might help even if they did not sleep, at least they could cuddle and talk for a while. That might be better than not getting any rest at all.
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