How to woo a Winchester: A guide by Baltazar and Gabriel (Krystal x Katizakat)

Sebastian gave his husband another concerned look. "Dean? Don't you mean Jensen? Are you sure you're feeling alright, sweetheart?" he asked, looking so very concerned.

Dean stepped in. "We're just really tired, Sebastian. I'm still in Dean headspace and Jared's the same." He explained, telling a half truth
Sam blinked in surprise and scolded himself for the slipup but nodded at Dean's explanation. "Yeah, I'm fine. Me and JENSEN are just still in character..."
Sam blushed brightly at the kiss and nodded nervously, glancing over at Dean. "You read through that script alright? I... don't think I'm gonna get much alone time with this one..."
Sam blinked in surprise. "... Seriously?" He asked, pulling the script over, looking over the previous pages... which were all accurate to their lives... "The hell...?"
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