How to woo a Winchester: A guide by Baltazar and Gabriel (Krystal x Katizakat)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
When Gabriel woke up in a feild near one of his houses on earth, he was very confused. "But.. Lucifer killed me?" He muttered to hemsilf, getting up and snapping his fingers, cleaning himself up. "Thanks Dad" He muttered, figuring that would be the only way that he would be back. With another snap he was gone, landing next to Castiel.

"Boo! so, What bad Idea are you planning, little brother?" He asked, and Castiel jumped back 2 feet. Gabriel was supposed to be dead, so how was he here? The blue eyed angel could tell it wasn't an imposter either, as he could sense the grace pulsing from his brother.

Castiel's eyes widened. "Brother, how are you alive? We saw you killed by Lucifer" he asked, before muttering skmething to Baltazar about making the boys a decoy for Raphael. Baltazar disappeared then, going yo bobby's house to do the spell to put Sam and Dean in an alternate reality.

Gabriel Shrugged at his brother. "Dear old Dad I suppose. He's the only one who can brin an archangel back from the dead." Her replied, and Castiel's jaw dropped. Well, maybe they weren't doomed after all.

Baltazar appeared in Bobby's house with a flap of wings. "Hello, boys! I'm got a little present for you from Cassie." He murmurred, handing Sam a key as he started quickly flitting around the house, looking for ingredients for his spell. He found the vertebre he was looking for. "Well, isn't your mr. singer well stocked. this will do nicely."
Sam blinked in surprise and looked at the key curiously while Dean focused on Balthazar. "Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down there. What are you doing here Balthazar?"
Baltazar chuckled softly. "Ahahah, Mon couer, Sammy boy. If I told you that, then big brother Raphael would be on you even more. You have to keep this key safe, Mon couer, and I'm gonna help you two do that. Ah! that's what I needed." he murmurred as He painted the sigil on the window, finishing the spell quickly as virgil appeared and threw the winchester boys out a window, and Balthazar didappeared also, wispering. "Be safe, My heart. You should be there."
Sam raised a confused eyebrow as Balthazar kept calling him my heart in french. He and Dean then both grunted as they were thrown through the window and landed on a... landing pad? Sam heard the whisper, still very confused by Balthazar's words as he and Dean got up slowly, looking around confused.
Sam and Dean stood up, looking around confused and a little freaked. "Ok... Um... Where are we?" Dean asked and Sam just shrugged, stepping off the mat.
Sebastian Roché sauntered over to Sam and dean, Warpping his arm around Sam. "Filmings wrapped for the Day. Ready to go home, Jared darling?" He asked, smirking at Dean as he pulled Sam down for a kiss.

Dean sputtered. "Balthazar!"

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Oh, jensen, like that's still funny. Come Darling. Cliff is gonna take us home." He murmured, kissing his cheek. Dean followed after them, confused.
Sam blinked in surprise when 'Balthazar' wrapped an arm around him and his eyes then widened in shock and he blushed brightly as he was kissed, rendered speechless as he stared stunned at 'Balthazar' as he was dragged along. Sam looked back at Dean shocked and confused before he stammered. "W-Wait... Balthazar. What the hell is going on? Where are we?"
Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Vancouver, Darling. Are you feeling aright JareBear? You look pale, and you only call me Baltazar when we're filming. I'm Sebastian. Remember, Your husband?" he asked, checking the taller male over for any bumps or bruises that might've made him have temporary amnesia.

Dean just shrugged at his brother. "I don't fuckin know. I'm coming with you.. Jared.. Sebastian.." He murmured, almost as weirded out as his brother.
Sam's eyes were wide and he stammered. "H-Husband...?" Before he took a breath. Must be an alternate universe or something... As weird as this is he'd have to go along with it. "Y-Yeah... I'm fine... sorry Sebastian..."
Sebatian nodded. "Yeah. "been married 3 years now. You sure you're alright, Jare?" He asked, concern obviously woven into his voice. He simply nodded again at the second part, kissing his cheek and locking arms with him. "Come on, Mon couer. lets go home."

Dean's eyes were as wide as saucers, and he muttered to his bother. "You married fake Balthazar?"
Sebastian lead them to the SUV that their body gaurd cliff was driving and Dean said "Yeah.. uh, cliff? I'll be tagging along with Sa- I mean Jared." The driver just shrugged.

Dean's eyes widened as they stopped at a hug mansion, and sebastian grinned. "home sweet home."
Dean's eyes widened too, and he followed Sam. "Nice place Sammy. Wonder if my place is as good" he mused, enjoying this a bit despite being totally confised.

Sebastian mumbled. "At least they're talking again.."
Dean grinned. "Chinese sounds great. Thanks." He replied, and Sebastian chuckled.

Sebastian gave Sam another kiss before watering the roses on the nearby table. "I'll order the whole menu for you, Jarebear, mon cherie." He murmurred, patting sam's cheek. Dean chuckled.
Sebastian grinned, skipping off to order the food.

Dean smirked. "He really seems toblove you Sammy. Wonder if the same goes for his counterpart in our world?" He teased smork widenjng as he flopped on a couch
Sam blushed more at his brother's teasing. "S-Shut up Dean. Be serious. We need to figure out what's going on. Balthazar wouldn't just send us here with the key to all of heaven's weapons if things weren't getting bad. We need to get back and help them."
Dean saw a script laying onbthe table. "Maybe we should check the script?" he asked, flipping through it. It had been right so far, so, maybe it could help them figure this all out?

Sebastian came back out, kissing sam's head. "Running lines? Jarebear.. why don't we rehearse the kissing scene.."
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