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Into the Woods (Broken Knight and Isabella)

The wolf growls with pleasure, more and more filling her mouth with his seed. Slowly, coming down from his climax, he removes his cock from her lips. Grinning, he stands there, watching her drink his cum. "Mmm, now what a good little girl you're being..." The wolf says, sated. For the time being, at least. "At least I don't have to eat you for the next few hours, right, little human girl?" He teases her, smirking.
Isabella spluttered and gagged as the wolf came inside her mouth, his seed spraying across her tongue and down into her throat. She tried to pull away, feeling that she was drowning, that she would surely choke - but the paw on the back of her head held her in place, and she had no choice but to swallow desperately instead. As he spoke, she looked up at him pleadingly, wrists bound, cum trickling down from between her pretty lips, still wrapped around his cock. Her lovely eyes were full of fear, and he knew that she was thinking of nothing except how to escape this place without being eaten alive - whatever she had to do in the meantime...
Finishing his orgasm, he murrs deeply. "Mmm, what a good little pet you're turning out to be, aren't you?" The wolf asks her teasingly, grinning. "I'm sure you'll taste amazing, too. Did you know I can track scents for miles on miles?" He says, grinning just wide enough that she could see his fangs. His cock retreating into its sheath, he crawls onto the bed and stretches out, yawning. "Keep me warm as I sleep." He says to her, putting his paws behind his head.
Still quivering with fear, Isabella curls herself against the wolf's powerful body, sure that for her, at least, there would be no possibility of sleep. Her mouth was still full of the taste of his cum; but that, she reflected, was better than what he had threatened earlier, when he had been about to rape her and tear her virgin sex apart... But how could she ever escape him? How could she even persuade him to keep her alive?

Terrified, she lay shaking against his body, wondering how this nightmare could possibly end except with her messy death.
He didn't really need to keep a close eye on her. They were in the middle of a deep forest, and the nearest settlement was a day's travel by foot. Even if he fell asleep and she crawled out and snuck out without him noticing, he could still simply track her down, being both adept at stalking and much faster than she is. So, when he slept, he slept soundly, until morning spilled sunlight down into the lavish cave, adorned better than most royal castles.
For her part, Isabella slept not a wink, fearfully curled against the powerful body of her captor. A hundred times, feeling the eveness of his breath as he slept, she considered creeping from his bed and trying to sneak away; but what if he heard her, and ate her as punishment? She knew how easily sleeping dogs could be awoken; were his senses not likely to be just as sharp? And once roused, she would have no chance of outrunning him...

So she lay, sleepless and terrified, for the whole duration of the night, formulating and abandoning fruitless plans for escape, and wondering with growing dread what the coming day would bring...
The wolf, on the other hand, had slept quite soundly. Without worry that she could escape, he slept through out the night. It was quite obvious that she wasn't his first catch. What wasn't so obvious, is what he'd done with the girls that he'd caught before her.

Once the sunlight was spilling into the cave, his eyes opened slowly to the light. Yawning and getting up as if she wasn't even there, he went about his day. After he'd woken himself up, he leaves her entirely alone in the main chamber of the cave, moving into a further back in the series of cave-esque rooms to a large spring, sinking down into it and bathing his fur.
Tired from her sleepless night, Isabella cowered on the bed as her captor rose and strode off to wash himself, ignoring her as though she was just part of the furniture. Was he that sure that she could not escape? Slipping off the bed, she crept to the cave's entrace and looked out into the woods outside. Should she make a break for it? But he would discover she was gone so soon... he would track her by scent, and he was so much faster than she was - even when she was fresh, which right now she certainly was not...

Hopelessly, she returned to the cave and sat down on the bed, staring about herself in increasing wonder at the rich furnishings of the place. Where could he have acquired such luxuries, so deep into the woods as this?
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