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Into the Woods (Broken Knight and Isabella)


Sep 1, 2009
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep...

And lovely, also, this spring day, is beautiful young Isabella, than whom a more carefree girl never ran down a forest path for the sheer joy of running. Ninteen years old and blooming like a flower, her long, light-coloured muslin summer dress clinging to the luscious curves of her blossoming body, her skin golden and radiant from the sun's caresses, her long, lustrous black hair streaming behind her as she runs, laughing, heedless of where her path may lead. This road is unfamiliar to her, but she feels no fear. She is full of energy and confidence and youth.

Only when her dress catches and snags on a branch as she runs does she slow and stop, examining the tear in the fabric. The rip is slight, and will be easily repaired once she gets home; for now, it merely exposes a glimpse of one shapely calf as she walks. But which way is home? Only now does she begin to realise how far she has come. Yet still she believes, with the naive faith of the innocent, that all will somehow still be well.

Picking a direction largely at random, she strikes back of into the woods, striding between the leaning trees, singing softly to herself as she goes...
The wolf had been stalking her for some time. It wasn't like it was hard, she was making a ruckus, and leaving a trail of her scent everywhere she went. Keeping up with her wasn't hard, even if she was primarily running. He'd kept enough distance that she wouldn't notice. He had to be patient and wait until there was an opportunity for him to go after this fine example of a human female.

It was when she had to stop to inspect her dress. He'd snuck up on her, waiting for her to start to walk again. Appearing suddenly before her, the wolf steps out in front of her. He was tall, lean built, muscles apparent and defined even under his dark black fur.

"Rrrr... my dear... and just where are you headed off to in such a hurry?" He asks her, his tail flicking behind him as he speaks to her.
Isabella almost jumped out of her skin at the wolf's sudden appearance. Emitting a startled shriek, she stumbled back and fell, sprawling, to the ground, staring up in mixed wonder and terror at the creature looming over her. She'd heard stories, of course, about the beasts that lived deep in the woods, beasts as intelligent as any man that did not always remain on four feet. But she'd never imagined she would actually meet one.

Until now.

And yet, it hadn't actually done anything threatening, had it...?

'I... uh... I was heading back home, actually', she said timidly, starting to pick herself up. 'I'm not, um, trespassing or anything, am I?'
Oh, she was trespassing. She'd been doing so for quite some time. "No, no..." He says, his voice soft, reassuring to her. "Of course not. Even if you were, such a beauty would be welcome upon my own territories." He tells her, his tail flicking as he walks up to her. She could smell his scent as he stands before her. "Well, I can certainly show you the way home..." The wolf tells her, giving a smile. " trouble at all, I assure you. I need to stretch my legs and maybe take some prey..."
Isabella got to her feet and dusted herself off, pleased to see that the wolf seemed friendly, and apparently meant her no harm. 'Really? Thank you! I think I'm a bit lost, to be honest; I don't really know this part of the woods very well. I'd be ever so grateful if you could show me part of the way back! I'm sure I'll be able to find my own way once we get out of this bit of the wood...' She peered around, looking for any familiar landmarks, but saw none. Still she felt no anxiety, no fear; this wolf would show her the way out. Wouldn't he?
"Oh, you're just a bit lost..." He repeats, nodding as if he understands. "Well, that should be no problem at all. I can find exactly where you're going..." The wolf tells her. Starting to lead her through the forest, it seemed to get deeper and deeper, thicker and further away from where she wanted to be going. Coming up to a cave, he stops and turns to look at her with a devious smile. "Welcome home..." He says to her, before pouncing on her in a black blur.
Trustingly, Isabella followed the wolf through the forest. At each turn, she expected to see some well-known landmark from which she would be able to navigate home; but instead the woods seemed, if anything, to become less and familiar. She thought of questioning the wolf, asking if he was sure this was the right way; but he seemed very confident, and she did not wish to anger him. Even to her, the danger represented by his powerfully muscled body was obvious.

When they stopped at the cave, she peered about doubtfully. 'Home? What do you mean?' she said, wondering if perhaps the creature thought everyone lived in caves. 'I don't - AAAHH!'

The wolf crashed into her, and she was bourne to the ground in an instant, the breath knocked out of her, her limbs pinned helplessly beneath it's weight.
The wolf takes her, dragging her into the cave. He didn't live like some mongrel. His cave was better kept with better furniture than most humans had. A little ways in, he tugged open the wooden door, stepping inside with the girl slung over his shoulder. Walking inside, the cave furnished with a bed, dresser, mirror, everything she had and more, he shuts the door, locking the bolt. Taking the girl, he tosses her onto the bed, slipping himself atop of her, using his size and weight to pin her under his body.
Shrieking in fear now, and struggling uselessly against the wolf's powerful grip, Isabella was dragged kicking and screaming into the cave and thrown down on the bed. Momentarily half-stunned, she tried to pull herself up, but in a moment he was on top of her again, his body pinning her down. 'AAH! Let go! Get off! Let me go!' she screamed, writhing desperately beneath him. 'Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?'
The wolf takes her, pressing her into the bed. Leaning against her body, he takes a length of rope. Binding her wrists with it, he loops it over the head board, so that she cannot get off of it. Smirking, with her movement now restricted, he looks down at her. "Why, the same thing every male wants from a female. Humans are just too terribly coy about it." He leans down, his lips brushing against her ear. "Rrr, how about, to impregnate you?"
Isabella tried to fight, to stop him from binding her wrists, but her captor's much greater strength soon won out. With the rope twisted behind the headboard, her arms were pulled up and back, leaving her more helpless than ever. When she heard the wolf's proposal for her, she went into a veritable paroxysm of terror, writhing desperately beneath his weight in a frantic effort to somehow get away. 'What? No. No! You mustn't! You can't! You're not even human! Let me go! Please, please just let me go!'
The wolf gives a laugh at her frantic comments, her desperate struggle to free herself, and her obvious failure of both to have any effect. Moving atop of her, kneeling between her legs, he starts to unbutton her shirt. One, by one, by one, her shirt began to part until he'd found the last button unclasped. Pulling the fabric apart, he reveals her chest and stomach, her breast clasped in her bra. Slipping his paw under the right cup of her bra, he starts to caress and fondle her bare breast, feeling her pink bud beneath his palm. "Rrr, you certainly are beautiful for a human..."
Isabella's screams give way to fearful whimpers as the wolf opens the top of her dress, his claws caressing her breasts. He found her beautiful? Did he really mean to ravish her, to impregnate her, as he had claimed? Was that even possible? They didn't even belong to the same species!

Her nipple rises erect and sensitive under his palm, and she shuts her eyes tightly and murmurs, softly: 'No... please... no...'
He smirks, looking down at her, his paw softly caressing over her breast. "Your voice says no..." He comments, letting his fingers explore the supple mound of flesh that aroused him so, all the while pouring pleasure into her body. Pinching her pink, hard bud between his fingers, he softly rolls and squeezes it. "...But your body is loving my touch. So, what is it, then, girl?" He asks her rhetorically, starting to slip her skirt up her thighs, to her hips and revealing her panties.
A strangled sound, half-moan, half-sob, emerges from Isabella's lips as she feels the wolf's paw manipulate her breast, teasing the sensitive flesh. Virgin that she was, she had never experienced anything like this before, her untouched body quivering beneath his touch. 'No...' she moaned softly, as he rolled up her skirt to reveal her white panties stretched tight over her sex. 'Please. I'm scared. I won't come back. Just let me go...'
The wolf looks down at her, listening to her beg so sweetly. It could not have been more arousing. She could feel her skirt bunched around her hips, no longer protecting her pussy from him, only the thin cloth of her panties providing that for him now. "Rrr... my new little pet... I suppose I'll make you a deal..." The wolf says, licking his lips. "You'll never leave here again, you must know that by now. So, I'll take you inevitably, but you can stave it off... I'll let you pleasure me with any part of your body you can muster up the courage to use, and if you make me cum, at least that'll buy you a little time that it won't be in your pussy..." He says, starting to tug her panties down her thighs.
'What? Never leave? No! NO!' Isabella launched herself into another bout of desperate, almost frenzied, struggles, only to collapse back, weeping and broken, in her bonds. It was useless... she was trapped, she would never escape this place. Unless she could distract her captor, perhaps... buy herself an opportunity to escape...

And surely anything would be better than what he was threatening her with now. Her panties were around her ankles, now, and she was totally vulnerable to him, and surely he would tear her apart...

'Alright! Alright! I'm sorry! I'll be your pet. Please don't rape me. Please. What... what part of me do you want to use?' Blushing crimson, she tried to call to mind the lewd stories she had overheard. 'My... my breasts? My mouth? Please, just... just don't... not there...'
The wolf smirks at her quick acceptance of her new deal, her new life, her new complete and utter existence. Looking at her, he takes her bound hands from the bed, but leaves them tied together. She wasn't broken yet, and odds were, she was still going to plan a way for her to escape. So, better to leave her hands bound for the moment than to let them free and have her thinking of a method of flight.

She was only in her skirt and bra by this point, the wolf looking down at her body, quite rather pleased with how gorgeous the human girl was. "Rrr... why don't you show me what those pretty lips of yours can do...?" He asks, grinning at her, showing her his fangs. His objects of destroying life. His threat if she were to be thinking of escape at that very moment. Holding his cock by the large knot, he smirks, watching her.
Climbing gingerly from the bed, Isabella looked up fearfully at the wolf towering over her. A shiver ran through her as he bared his teeth. He was so much stronger and faster than she was, so dangerous, so powerful... she had to obey him, at least for now. Being his 'pet' was better than being his lunch...

Kneeling before him, trying to control her shaking, she fixed her eyes on his colossal cock. Surely something so huge could never fit inside her mouth? Leaning forwards, she tentatively kissed its head, and then parted her lips and began to suck gently on the very tip of his cock.
He watches her, watching her movements, her eyes. He could tell that she was scared, and that was good. If she was scared, she wouldn't think about fleeing, and once she was broken, she wouldn't be scared, nor would thoughts of flight enter her mind. As her lips softly touch the tip, he growls with the pleasure it gives him. As she starts to suck on the tip of it, he reaches down, putting his paw on the back of her head, encouraging her to do more.
Sucking on the tip of the wolf's cock, grimacing slightly at the unfamiliar taste, Isabella felt his paw press the back of her head. He wanted more. Of course he did. But he couldn't expect much more, surely? It was so huge...

Opening her mouth wide, she leaned a little further forwards, yielding to the pressure of his paw, and took the whole head of his cock inside her warm, moist mouth, licking and sucking it as she did so, silently praying that this would satisfy him.
The wolf growls deeply with pleasure. Feeling his body becoming warm, he bites his lip. "Rrrr... Good... Now, stroke the shaft, little pet." He tells her, calling her his pet for the first time. She could taste the thick, warm precum leaking into her mouth, his cock throbbing, obviously the wolf was starting to enjoy the pleasure that she was giving to him.
Raising her hands before her, bound at the wrists, Isabella began to hesitantly stroke the throbbing length of the wolf's shaft. She could feel some kind of thick, warm liquid seeping into her mouth; she longed to spit the vile secretion out, but didn't dare remove her mouth from its present position, and so simply continued her ministrations, feeling the precum pooling on her tongue and starting to trickle down her throat as she did so.
The wolf grins, smirking in fact, as she sucks on the tip of his cock. Leaking precum into her mouth, he murrs, watching her. "Tastes good, right?" He asks her, knowing full well that his precum was salty, but he was going to make her say that it did, over and over, each time she pleasures him.
No! No it does not! Isabella longed to pull her mouth away, to spit the vile fluid out, to howl in disgust and run as far from this place as her legs could carry her... but the wolf's grin exposed his terrible teeth, and she simply didn't dare. Whimpering around the thick cock between her lips, she nodded slightly and continued to suck, running her tongue across the foul-tasting head as she did so.
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