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[PTU] Pokémon: Unbound Adventures

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Mercy waved back to Caitlyn and laughed nervously, scratching her head as the bold octillery sternly lectured her. "Well yes, but you know The Code. Interacting with your subjects contaminates the observations." she tried to explain, though deep down she knew the little assistant wouldn't have any of it.

So instead she giggled a bit at the exchange between Axew and Meg, a bit relieved Meg wasn't taking deino's reaction poorly. Giving octillery one last apologetic look, she turned to walk around to Caitlyn, but didn't get very far before the noises stopped her in her tracks, wincing and looking worriedly at the rattling windows. Between that and the sudden power outage, it really did seem like there had been an explosion. Her first instinct was to run out to somewhere with a better view, see what was actually going on, but... that seemed to mean going into the building that might have just exploded, which she wasn't exactly anxious to do.

A question that was quickly answered for her as their new guests arrived, bringing a little squeak from her lips as they shattered the door entirely and leveled their weapons. For someone who had never had a weapon pointed at her, and who wasn't very physically-minded to begin with, she could only but freeze in place at the sight laid out before her, making a rather flattering impression of a deerling in headlights. Completely stunned, she couldn't even begin to dodge when the substance came flying at her, coating her in sticky white goop while her face was every kind of "Why??"

It took her a few moments to finally snap back into reality. She wasn't dead. That was good at least. But if they thought they would get in here without a fight, they had another thing coming! "O-octillery! Please help! Y-you can use octazooka to blind them!"

Suri giggles to the little Swablu's kicks and squirms, finally lifting herself off the ground and to her feet again, all the while keeping a firm grip on the little cloudy fluffball, though also making sure she doesn't get into range to be pecked at again!

Like that, her attention finally does fall onto her peers again, quirking a brow at the much changed scene. Without context, the sudden splashing-battle between Meg and Axew does make quite the bizarre sight.
Similarly weird is the image of octillery pulling Mercy along and lecturing her.

The dark-skinned girl had just opened her mouth to ask what was going general. When she freezes in place at the sudden loud thuds, gaze wandering around to to spot their source, then squeaking and reflexively ducking a little at the explosion. Now her eyes wander towards the door and the flickering and dying lights behind it, her grip on the struggling Swablu tightening, now pulling it in and holding the little thing close to her chest "Shh~ ssshh~ stay calm sweety, everything will be fine.." Trying to calm herself down just as much as the Pokémon.

At least keeping decent composure, she already starts backing off when the first guy appears behind the door, thus ending up a decent distance away, which makes dodging the weird glue shot towards her nothing more than a slight step to the side.

With a worried glance sideways she quickly realizes that she seems to be the only one who got this lucky. Her eyes fix on the intruders, glaring, trying to cover her intense fear with anger "Wh-What are you doing?! Who the hell are you guys?!"
The girl softly giggles to the retreating dratini from her touch. pulling herself back, and up away from the water, glancing to Caitlyn "You might be right." It seems, to Vika at least, only the axew was fully used to people. She watched with amusement at the splash war raged on, dragon versus human, who would win?

Whump... "Huh?" The blond haired girl quickly whipped around, watching at the light in the hall die, and are replaced by the red glow. What's going on, was that an explosion? Her eyes swiftly dart around the room to all the dragons. "Shi-" She stops herself as footsteps go to the door. She was already fully standing, almost making herself a little wall to whatever would try to get to the others.

The window is smashed in, and the men walk into the room. The eyes of Vika quickly widened when she saw the weapons. She tried to find a spot to not be shot at, but there was too many other trainers there. Then she heard the twhamp. She watched in horror as the substance was launched at her, swiftly trying to jump out of the way, but her leg is just far enough behind to get slammed into. You have got to be kidding me. "Sorry to ask for your help little one, but you need to do something." Her eyes were on the dratini, right behind her. Something felt, right, about talking to this pokemon.
Vika watched as the Dratini looked at her, before slithering out of the water, and making her way to the attackers in the room, getting in distance to softly raise her head, and let out a menacing glare, leering at two of the ones on the end.

Vika command:2D6+2 → 11(6 +3 + 2)

Dratini uses leer, -1 CS to defence of two of the men on the end of the line.
The initial booms had startled Octillery, and left it flailing its tentacles in the air as it looked this-way, and that. It seemed like it was about to run off before the room was invaded by five men clad in dark clothes. It frantically watches as people are pelted with sticky goo, and then turns to Mercy upon hearing her. It quickly shakes its head. "Oct! Oct!" And points toward the submerged Meg before jumping into the water with a splash to save the kicking lady. Axew cowers some, shufftling closer to Mercy to hide behind her legs, covering its head with its hands.

And Mercy might have more to worry about given the frightened little Eevee in her hands, struggling to likely run away from the explosions, or the frightening men, and given it is much younger than Suri's Swablu, it would be a lot harder to keep it calm. The glass domed room, after all, did have small openings for Pokémon.

"Does it matter!? D-Deino! Deino attack!" Kyle says shakily in response to Suri's question, and it seems Mercy and VIka had the same idea. Deino looks at Kyle for a moment, then gets up, as Vika's Dratini comes forward and leers at the men... who don't seem particularly shaken over it. One of them even chuckles, turns slightly, raises his weapon and with another 'fwoom' launches a second bolt of sticky goo toward Suri. "We're the ones taking these dragons! You can co-operate, or you can all wind up stuck in the same positions they'll be in!"

"Pin her, I'll get those ones," one of the men to the left says, pointing at the labcoat-clad Mercy. The man next to him raises his gun again and goes to plant more goop on Mercy's legs, to keep her firmly trapped in place, while the one who spoke rushes forward. From a pouch on his belt he pulls a small folded piece of metal, but a flick of his wrist turns it into what it is--a metallic collar. As he reaches Mercy, he goes to grab the Eevee in her hands.

"G-goomy, help please... " Caitlyn says very quietly, making the thus-far unreactive Goomy blurble, then shuffle to the edge of the water. It looks at the man hassling Mercy, then puffs up its cheeks--a moment later a torrent of little bubbles fly out of its mouth, pattering the man's side, and making him wince, and swipe his arm in that direction to 'clear' them. "You want one of these too!?"

The other two men lower their weapons however instead of firing another volley. And both reach into their pouches with the hand that isn't supporting their weapons to draw a Pokéball each. With a little toss, two Pokémon materialise -- one a small, cute, pink catlike Pokémon, with a cream-coloured face and underside, big ears, and three little bobbles coming off the fluffy end of its tail. The other is a reddish-pink bug, with spikes coming from the top of its head and running down its body, a yellow horn, and two more 'horns' coming off the rear end of it.

"Skitty, Fake out!"
"Tackle that one."

The little Skitty versus Deino--it rushes in as the Deino does, and right as it reaches the dragon-type the little kitty rears back and smacks its forepaws together. The smack creates a small blinding flash of light and a little shockwave, which seems to daze the Deino and stop it in its tracks. The bug-type, meanwhile, rushes in after Dratini, throwing itself at the serpentine dragon-type.

Given the chaos, it wouldn't be easy, but particularly keen trainers might be able to spot the fact that the metallic collar in the man's hand is the same one worn by both the Skitty, and the bug-type sent out to battle...

Glue Cannon [AC8 Status Attack]. On hit, slowed. If hit while slowed, become stuck and trapped!
vs. Suri (18) -- vs. Mercy (11)
Wurmple uses Tackle! [AC3 Physical Atack]. On hit, target is pushed back.
vs. Dratini (17) for 23 damage
(Damage will be given at its total, from there you take it and apply your defense/resistance/weakness, and subtract it from your HP. You can note your injured mons' HP in a OOC spoiler or something to that effect).

Dratini can reach any enemy.
Octillery can get the guy near the pond, the Wurmple, or the two 'shooters' for melee, anyone for ranged.
Swablu can only get to the guy near the pond given how far back Suri is.
The guys controlling Wurmple and Skitty are the furthest back, near the door, and are only reachable this turn by Dratini, or ranged attacks.

Let me know if you've any questions or I've forgotten something!

Ohyes~~Let's say if you fail the command check, you get a stacking +2 each time until you succeed (then the bonus goes away).

Also~~DC6 Perception to notice the collars.
Suri clenches Swablu even tighter to her chest, so far away and unable to do much but observe the chaos going on all around, her mind racing.
With her attention occupied by one of the men finally stating their intentions, she doesn't notice the goo being shot towards her. Or too late, rather, faling over and loosing her grip on Swablu when the goo painfully hits her right on the stomach.

After regaining her composure, though while now laying flat and having a lot of trouble moving, she still immediatly searches for Swablu, to her relief finding it still near her, though panickally flapping from side to side above her.
"Sw-Swablu! Sh-Shhh! Calm down! Swablu, I need your help!"

Swablu stops in its tracks and looks down at the dark-skinned trainer, calming a little and floating towards her "..Blu?"

Suri lets out a sigh of relief that it didnt take much effort to calm the little Pokémon, then quickly looks around, taking a deep breath to also calm herself.
There is only a single guy even close to them, but still she can't just sit by while her peers are already fighting. She glares up at Swablu, making it freeze in its tracks once more while the young trainer points towards the guy near the pond.
"Swablu, you need to help the others! Use peck, show that guy what you've got!"

Swablu stares back for a second, then bops its head as its form of nodding and turns towards the pool. "Bluuuuuuuu!!" With that, it darts through the air and right ontop of the guy, landing in his hair and pecking away violently at his head.

Perception = 5
Command= 12 (I actually have 3d6, not 2 :p)
Peck accuracy Roll = 10
Peck Damage roll = 6 ( +8, +6) = 20

Hope I didn't mess up or miss any rolls, sorry if I did ^^;; Wasn't sure if damage applies to humans too when the Pokémon is the one doing it, but I assumed it did^^
Vika glares at the men as she tries to move around, the stuff on her body making it hard to move. "Like hell are we giving up these pokemon to you!" The girl spat out loudly as the man taunted them with those words, trying to get a handle of the situation going on. Marcy was being approached, but there were pokemon helping her out, being commanded by the others. Meg was still in the water, but she could not make it over there to help. Suri was on the ground, gooped.

The blond trainer grumbles softly, where the hell was the police? There was an explosion for crying out loud. No, no it was up to everyone here right now to stall these guys as much as they can.

Vika was doing her best to pay attention to everything, but her attention snapped quickly to the little dragon she was trying to get attack, watching in small horror as she gets hit by a little bug, and seeing it wasn't a small hit ether. "Dratini, b-be careful! Try... Try to wrap around it like you did axew." Her voice was shaken, making her command sound like a plee, not helping with the fact she is trying to command a dragon.

"Please, please little bug, don't hurt Dratini." The normally hard eyes soften a lot as she looked to the bug, trying to compel it to not hurt the dragon.

Stupid dice roller....

Command: 4
Perception: 3
Could not remember/could not find in the rules if I could or could not use a move and a command same round. So the next part is if I can.
not like it F'ing matters if I am just going to roll a 1, so nevermind.
Baby-Doll Eyes: 1 (AC:2)

Dratini takes 16 damage. Current HP 17/33
The intrepid scientist let out a little squeak as the order came to pin her, a look somewhere between panic and indignation on her face. Of course, once again she couldn’t do a thing but watch as the sticky goop hit its mark, enveloping her legs and trapping her on the spot. All in all things looked pretty bad. She couldn’t in good conscience command Octillery until he had saved Meg from drowning. The eevee in her arms was far too young to battle, and took all her energy just to keep her from bounding out and running away. The axew hiding behind her sticky legs was more promising, but she hadn’t the first clue what kind of moves such a rarity actually knew, and part of her would feel a little guilty forming a bond in battle with a pokemon that was meant for Meg. All assuming she could get it to act at all, considering how scared it was.

Though she didn’t have long to think before the first man darted at her, quickly producing a collar and going for--

”Noo!!” she cried, not giving a second thought to letting the struggling eevee go before he could get his hands on it. She knew this town backwards and forwards. She would be able to track down the poor little thing far easier than she could wrestle her from a bigger, stronger madman.

She then proceeded to pale a little as it dawned upon her that there was now nothing defending her from said man. A quick tug on her leg confirmed she could escape either. Well this was bad. Yet logic prevailed, and despite her terror she stared him down with a stern expression. If she could do nothing else, she could at least try to distract him from going after axew instead. ”Y-you’ve already lost. If you don’t leave now the police will arrive before you can escape.”

Intimidate = 9

Perception = 10
~ ~ ~ Trouble in the Lab! ~ ~ ~
(Mercy, Vika, Suri)​

"Give... me... that!' The man trying to swipe Eevee from Mercy orders, only for her to let the Pokémon go! It bounds out of her arms, stumbles upon landing, and then just bolts! It wouldn't be hard to see a Jolteon in the little guy as he dashes around the pool before anyone can even react, heading away from all the chaos. The man glares at Mercy, and goes to slap one of those collars on Mercy...

Only for Swablu to swoop in out of nowhere and start pecking at his head! "Gah!" he cries as he swats at the cloudlike Pokémon, distracting him. A moment later Meg bursts up from the water, her brow furrowed as some of the goop just loosely slops off her face. She points at the man. "Y-YOU STUPID PUNK! AXEW!"

"AX!?" Axew cries, startled, and glances at Meg, who points at the man. "GET HIM!" Axew glances between Meg, and the man, eyes wide, but it seems it might be more scared of an angry Meg as a moment later it leaps at the man, swiping at him with claws and crying aloud: "Axeeeewwww!!" The man goes to step back, but trips, and without his hands to catch him he hits the ground hard and... doesn't try to get back up, it looks like he's out cold.

"Tch. Idiot," one of the men near the door utters, raising his glue gun. He takes aim at the flying Swablu and fires a shot -- but it sails passed harmlessly. The other man lifts his glue gun to also take aim at the blue dragon-type, except he doesn't ever get his shot off. The man from the lobby suddenly appears in the doorway, takes one glance around, then rushes in. He grabs the arm of the second glue-gun wielder, turns him, and lays a solid punch right into his face, knocking him flat and getting the gun into his own hands. "Littleroot P.D.! You're all under arrest!" he calls, confirming Mercy's comment.

"Grr... Skitty, tackle that!" One criminal calls before turning and dashing toward the 'cop,' while the other one focuses on what he's doing. "Wurmple, give that Dratini another tackle!"

"Deino, you can take it! Attack it right back!" Kyle calls after taking a breath. His hands clench to keep from shaking. Caitlyn glances over to him, then Meg, chewing on her lip and whimpering some before she looks at Goomy. "Pl... please help Dratini, Goomy... do what you did again.. please?" she pleads quietly, and Goomy nods.

Deino and Skitty clash again, the two tackling into each other. Both stumble back, on shaking legs, it almost looks like a strong breeze could knock either down. Dratini seems to ignore Vika's order, and instead of listening, just throws itself at Wurmple, struggling to batter it back before it turns and flees, darting around behind Vika's legs. It isn't quite fast enough to escape though as Wurmple does get another tackle in, but it stopped from pursuing from a sudden barrage of bubbles, making it wiggle and shake in place.

Vika's pleading seems to go unnoticed. A red light on the collar flicks on for a moment, collars that for the moment only Mercy has noticed. And now? A tendril touches her hand as Octillery hops back out of the water. "Tillery?" it asks, as if checking if she is okay, then turns and glares at the men, in a deeper, angrier tone growls: "Tilllllerrrrryyy.... "

Ammendum: ... The 'Wurmple' from the last post should have been a 'Yanma.' I used Yamna's stats, but flubbed on which Pokemon it was somehow. I made up stats for a Wurmple instead, and it has 5 less attack, so Dratini only gets 18 incoming damage, which after her 7 defense, is reduced to 11 damage. Sorry about that.

Battle Breakdown (No links today, I'm on limited time!)
Between the Peck, earlier Bubble, and Axew, Man 1 goes down!
Man 2 misses Swablu (AC of 7 on a base of 8).
The newcomer takes care of Man 3 (he's not KO'd, just downed and disarmed); there are three left (2, 4 with Skitty, 5 with Wurmple).
Deino and Skitty trade attacks.
Dratini uses Struggle on Wurmple for... I should have labelled my rolls, I already subtracted the damage (from that, and the bubble though) so! It looks like it is struggling to remain upright too.
Wurmple hits Dratini with another tackle (AC 18, 12 damage).

I will say--Skitty is faster than Deino, and it's next attack will KO him.

I wasn't quite sure Mercy's intimidate would help much here, but I'll keep it in mind for coming replies if the battle turns enough.

Octillery doesn't need a command check this turn, it's willing to listen to, and help, Mercy.

I feel like I'm forgetting something, please ask any questions you might think of ASAP so you don't forget them. :p

~ ~ ~ Full-Fledged Trainer! ~ ~ ~

A failed exam under her belt, but a new Pokémon, put Sera in quite the awkward position when the day after her parents her parents told her they were Hoenn-bound. They never really gave much reason beyond "Work," but aside from being short-notice, it was also non-negotiable. Packing took up most of the time, and then the move came, all without Sera being able to get another chance at getting a proper license. Which meant the day she and her parents arrived in Slateport... well, she was stuck!

Nobody in the Slateport market would sell her any real supplies beyond traveling gear, food, and the like. No Pokéballs, or even a Pokédex (not that she could afford it anyway!) The Pokémon Fan Club? No license, no entry. Battle Tent? Contest Hall? Double nope! In fact, someone even attempted to give her a lecture at one point about trying. The forms from the Pokémon Centre for registering a license were easy enough to obtain, but the person there told her that it would take some weeks before she got it in the mail. However... they had another suggestion. To go to the lab Littleroot Town, passing on that Professor Birch oftentimes gave out Pokémon to new trainers, and along with that, expediting the license process along. Never mind the free Pokédex, and Pokéballs!

It was four or five weeks, or a bus trip and a short walk. The choice was obvious.

Sera's parents paid for the bus ticket, and in short order she was off. She could walk, of course, but that would also take a fairly long time, and defeat the purpose of being able to really get started as soon as possible. In a bit of bad luck, the bus broke down in Oldale Town, and Sera missed the next bus heading toward Littleroot. Walking was put back on the table, given it was now apparently the fastest route, so amid groaning and moping travelers, she set off to the south.

A good, real taste of adventure, and a few battles for Fia from wild Pokémon that stumbled across her path. Her first night camping out in this new region came during the trip to Littleroot too. A few hours walk after she woke in the morning, the first tops of buildings came into sight in the far distance. As soon as they had... a dull boom came from the direction of the town, and a thick, black cloud of smoke started to rise from somewhere in the town...

Whether she sped up, or slowed down, Sera would easily be able to spot scared Pokémon fleeing through the woods in the opposite direction. She could continue down the road, or she could make a beeline through the woods toward the source of the explosion, or, well, there wee always other options, but those were the first two most might think of immediately.
It had been a very long trip. At least, for Sera it felt that way. In truth, moving had only taken a couple of days and Slateport but the real issue was just how much of a stickler for the rules everyone there was. No matter how much she pleaded she couldn't get anywhere with the store owners and didn't have any luck wandering into any shadier areas of town looking for someone who'd be willing to help a license-less trainer out.

So when she heard that Professor Birch was usually happy to expedite the process of getting the license, she happily took off, not bothering to gather much in the way of supplies for what should've been a simple trip, figuring that it would be more fun to stock up on supplies during her adventure rather than before it began, only to find herself stuck walking anyway with the bus broken down. Luckily, she was always happy to get some exercise and even had Fia out walking alongside her to spend time with her special little Petilil. Laughing, she smiles, "Well, I guess our adventure starts now!" Who really needed supplies anyway?

Of course, the fun was cut short the next morning. Seeing the smoke and hearing what could only be called an explosion, the fledgling trainer looked concerned, a look that only got worse as the horde of Pokemon fleeing from the source. Looking down at the Petilil, she quickly calls her back into her ball, "Come on Fia, we've got to hurry!" And without a moment's hesitation, she sets off at a run straight through the woods to the explosion.
~ ~ ~ Full-Fledged Trainer! ~ ~ ~

The wild Pokémon running away from the trouble give Sera a wide berth--little Wurmples and Zigzagoons mostly. However, she does spot a few Pokémon she might not recognize on sight, and attached to some part of their body, she might even catch fleeting glimpses of a tag. The tag, of course, if she had a moment to read it would note the Pokémon as having come from the Littleroot Lab, in the event one got lost, but given no Pokémon is stopping to let her get a good look, well... !

Or at least, most of the Pokémon aren't stopping. One does.

As Sera nears the edge of the woods, and sees what looks like a nice open field, with some broken fences, a shadow momentarily washes over her before with a loud "Scyyyy!" A large green Pokémon lands right in front of her! It stands on two legs, a little bit shorter than her, but towering over Fia. It's primarily green, and instead of arms, it has two, long bladed 'scythe-like' appendages; the two wings upon its back flutter, one of which looks... bruised, or injured, but it's hard to say for sure. The Pokémon doesn't exactly sit there and let her examine it! No, it seems quite surprised to run into her out here, and unlike the meek wild Pokémon around her... this one seems far less so, and it's first reaction isn't to go around her, but through her!

It rushes in quick, and takes a swipe for Sera's chest. Which either because it misjudged the strike -- or she moved abruptly to dodge -- doesn't really hit home. But it doesn't miss either. Whether she scrambles away, or steps back calmly, she would find her front... rather... drafty. One glance down would tell her the damage: from he neckline to half-way down her front, her outfit had been slashed open, sparing her skin, but also, showing it off quite prominently as well!

A wild scyther appears!
-> Fight -- Pokemon
Bag -- Run

And a DC5 Perception test will allow her to notice something... if she would be able to given the situation!
Concerned for all the panicked Pokémon fleeing past her, Sera slows down trying to get a look at them to see if any are injured but even with her moving at a slower pace they don't do the same and continue to zoom by making it difficult to get a good look at them.

Realizing there's no way she can help all of them, she looks away and starts to pick up the pace again, just in time to notice the injured Scyther. She blinks in surprise that such a rare Pokémon just appeared in front of her and nearly orders Fia into battle as her instincts scream at her to do so before she notices its injured wing. The hesitation cost her a precious second though, and it's all she can do to dodge backward to avoid being turned into Zigzagoon Bits. Eyes widening, Sera's heart begins to pound in her chest, part out of fear for her own life, but partly from sheer excitement at the situation. The fact that her favorite shirt was barely held together by a teensy bit of fabric, barely concealing, in fact, as she'd been so excited to leave that she'd neglected to put on a bra when she left, it was almost tantalizingly teasing the world, and the Scyther, more than keeping her modest now.

But that was a fact that she had to ignore, it's not like there was anyone to see her right now and there were more important things to tend to! Holding out a hand in front of Fia to warn her not to attack just yet, as the blazing Petilil had been just about to unleash a burst of flame, Sera steps toward the wounded mantis Pokémon. "You're hurt, I don't want to fight you while you're injured, it wouldn't be fair," she says in a soothing tone. "I'd love to play with you, but not like this, so just stay right there, okay? I have something to help you so just relax and let me look at that wing."

I'm just glad I found that old pack yesterday...

It hadn't been particularly eventful, an abandoned, torn up backpack with a few pokéballs and potions in it was just lying in a bush. She'd have felt bad for looting it if it didn't look like it'd been there for at least a few weeks, given the condition it was in. Besides, Finders-Keepers, right?
Fight -- Pokemon
->Bag -- Run

->Potion x2

Perception passed with a 7

Command check on Scyther to calm it down enough to let me look at its injury and try to use a potion on it, rolled an 18.

(I would be happy to fight it, I'm eager to, in fact, but while it's injured like this I can't justify beating it up without attempting to calm it first. If it keeps up the attack, however, I'll do what I have to and hopefully catch him in the process!)
The normally quiet girls voice echoes through the room as the shot of goo flies towards Swablu...only to sail right past the little Pokémon.
"Great work Swablu! She tries sounding cheerful, though the worry is still much more than an undertone in her voice.

With terror written over her face, more in fear for her new fluffy blue friend than herself, her gaze turns towards the second guy who took aim toward it, only for her to once again be filled with relief at the sight of the criminal dropping to the floor.

"We're saved.." She mumbles to herself. With newly sparked confidence given the 'police' are here to back them up, she takes a deep breath to finally calm herself, then allows herself a few seconds of just observing the whole room, trying to get at least a little bit of a grip on the chaos.

Her decision is made almost instantly when she spots the Wurmple clashing with Dratini not too far away from Swablu. All that studying on types and weaknesses was finally paying off!

"Swablu, attack that Wurmple next! Peck it too!" She shouts, using one hand to wildly gesticulate towards red and green bug.

Command = 10

Peck hit = 21

Peck damage (if it hits, which im assuming it does :p) = 11 + 8 + 6 = 25 (x1,5 because of the weakness, so 37 or 38 I think, depeding on if its rounded up or down~)

Didn't write out the attack itself this time, think that was a mistake last time right? ^^;;
Even if she was still in danger, she couldn't help but huff out a little sigh of relief as she saw her little companion dart away at impressive speeds. That... could be a problem for later, but one thing at a time. And the first thing was squeaking in surprise as she saw the man come at her with that collar instead. It wasn't all that hard to notice the similar collars on the pokemon these crooks were using (even if she was the only one who actually noticed). She couldn't help but how they worked, and more importantly if they would work on her. The safe assumption would be yes, considering he just tried to put it on her, but she wouldn't get the opportunity to find out, as soon thereafter the little swablu came to her rescue, followed surprisingly by the axew hiding behind her sticky legs.

She nodded a thank you to axew, before reaching down to grab the collar, stumbling a little to try to get back upright but making it eventually. Really it was a lot more calculated a decision than it might have seemed. She wasn't mechanically minded so taking it apart would do no good. Which meant that a direct physical test was the only way to find out the extent of its capabilities. And of course putting it on after its makers had been apprehended and taken away had a good chance that it wouldn't work at all. Which meant that she was by far the best suited to test it, stuck in place and physically ill-suited to combat as she was. As long as she let the others know what she was doing there was no way she could hurt anyone while under the control of these goons. Though first things first, the police officer... she knew every one in Littleroot, yet she didn't know him. That was worrying.

"Just one!? Call for backup!" she shouted, before huffing and turning to Caitlyn. "Okay, I'm going to test what these things do, and if they work on people, before it's too late. If something goes wrong, just take the collar off of me and it should all work out." she explained rather matter-of-factly, before holding the collar up to her neck and doing just that. Assuming she could figure out how to get it to work.
The blond watches as the dratini does not do as she asked, though it was not out of the ordinary, the dratini did not know her. She watched as the dragon slammed into the bug. Vika winced as the dragon was attacked once more before fleeing behind her. "Your doing good, but we are not done yet." Her eyes flick to the door, watching as the man get taken down, watching the skitty and dragon clashing along the way. "Okay, we got this... we got this."

The girl's mouth opens to try to get the little dragon to attack the bug, but little puffball quickly dives in, her eyes widening a little. "Quick, your friend needs you, go take out the little pink cat, hurry! Try to make it not be able to move, paralyze it, something!" She watched in the corner of her eye, watching as Mercy starts to put on something around her neck, though she can not really tell from this angle.

Command: 2D6+2+2 → 12(5 +3 + 2 + 2)
Accidentally rolled a attack roll, but using thrunderwave on the skitty.

If the damage from last time is 11, dratini starts this turn with HP 22/33, after this turns attack (12-7=5) she is at HP 17/33.
~ ~ ~ Trouble in the Lab! ~ ~ ~
(Mercy, Vika, Suri)

Swablu swoops in, and pecks at the Wurmple before it can land another attack on Dratini. The dragon-type's strength, combined with the type advantage, sends the little guy reeling. He tumbles back and away, end-over-end, and when he comes to a stop he's out cold, fainted. There's a spark from his collar, the red light glows again, then suddenly pops, and shatters. "O-Oh crap!" the one man exclaims, tossing aside his Pokeball for that Wurmple. He glances to the others with him, who aren't fairing much better.

"Skitty, tackle!" The other man calls, only for Dratini's thunder wave to hit the catlike Pokemon. Its whole body suddenly locks up, and Kyle gives a thankful glance over toward Vika. "Deino, you can do this! Finish it!" Kyle calls, then points at Skitty. Deino lets out a roar, and charges forward, sending the Skitty tumbling away and crashing into the fainted Wurmple, the two now in equal parts in a pile, and equally out cold. Just like Wurmple's collar, there's a spark, the red light glows briefly, then the bulb pops and shatters. And the force of Skitty hitting Wurmple even makes Wurmple's collar just.. fall off like it wasn't even fastened on. "Tch," the man utters, glancing to his fellow, as the cop lays another punch to the one he downed as he tries to get back up and shoots them both a glare. "I said you're under arrest!"

"And I don't need backup!" The officer half-shouts at Mercy, giving her a glare. The two remaining crminals--outnumbered and now outgunned--glance at each other again before -both- seem to take Mercy's earlier advice. Both split off in different directions, heading toward the larger openings in the dome to escape. The cop grabs the glue gun quickly, aims up, and pulls the trigger. He seems surprised by the kick, and stumbles, leaving his shot only nicking the one fleeing man's foot and momentarily halting him. The criminal curses under his breath and tugs at his leg, as the one on the ground takes this moment to tackle the cop, preventing him from taking a shot at the other man. Though, two glue guns now lay discarded on the ground... The officer doesn't call for anyone to help him, and merely grabs a pair of cuffs from somewhere to incapacitate the man trying to fight him.

Kyle glances about. "Sh-should we help!?"

Meg stands up, splashing water about. "Of course we should help!"

"Axew, scratch him!" she calls and points to the temporarily stuck man. However, with a feaful look between Meg and the man, it seems this is all too much for the poor little Axew and it just.. topples over, fainting itself. Meg bristles. "Oh, what!? Come on!" She kicks at the water, splashing the Octillery, who glances at her and lets out a little: "Oct!"

Caitlyn opens her mouth to say something to Mercy about her idea for the collars, but can't seem to find the words before Mercy has the thing to her neck and is trying to put it on. There is no visible latch or link to hold it on, but from the look of the open ends it has some kind of magnetic lock for a quick seal. Which meant just slapping it on herself would be easy as putting it against her neck and pressing in the sides...

Which in the interest of science--and perhaps bad judgement--she does. And like one might expect, the moment the two edges are close enough, they snap shut, and there's an audible 'click.' Attempts to open the collar immediately afterward would be met with failure, and that red light from the little bulb immediately clicks on and starts to glow. Mercy, however, would not find she feels any different, beyond whatever feelings might arise from having a collar locked securely around her neck. ... And whatever feelings might arise from the sudden, and painful, electric shock she gets as the collar she puts on suddenly shorts, crackling with electricity, shocking her, and sending an overload which, like the Pokemon's collars, makes the red light's bulb pop, and break, and the whole device to fail. If she wasn't touching it, it would just limply fall off her neck into the grass.

Caitlyn, however, breathes a sigh of relief.

Meg gives her an incredulous look. "... Sure you don't wanna give up that labcoat?"

~ ~ ~ Full-Fledged Trainer! ~ ~ ~

(Un?)fortunately for Sera, her wardrobe malfunction seems to be irrelevant to it. As does the fact she doesn't immediately send in Fia to help. With a loud cry of, "Scyyyyyyy!" it moves in to attack again, bringing back one blade and swiping. However, perhaps it is her tone, the presence she has, the care she shows, or a combinatin of everything, it stops itself mid-swing, and looks at her questioningly. ".. Scy?"

Slowly, with a glare at Fia, it lowers its blade arm, and takes a few steps back. Only to wince, and stagger, almost falling to a knee but with a bit of 'lift' from its injured wings it manages to keep itself stable and upright. To the notion of letting Sera take a look at it though, maybe even help it, the Scyther shakes its head and stands up even taller at that. Wings fluttering rapidly as though trying to show her it was fine. It turns its head afterward, peering behind it to the clearing, though it doesn't turn its head entirely, keeping one eye on Fia and Sera. Then Scyther's head snaps back, and it slowly starts to circle Sera. Clearly she managed to give herself enough of a presence to make it stop trying to cut her to Zigzagoon bits, but it doesn't seem entirely convinced to let her help it, and seems to be trying to get around her so it can continue in the direction he was going initially when she encountered it.

Without the immediate threat of the Scyther baring down on her, it might be easier for Sera as well to see passed the Scyther and into the clearing, and what it held. As well, where the smoke is coming from. It appears there is a large lab on the edge of the town, likely Professor Birch's lab that she had been coming here for, and the smoke seems to be rising from one of the side-wings of that building. That would leave the clearing, and area behind it, part of the lab's habitats. And there were a few. Grassland, pseudo-forest, and mountain. Not true, actual forests or mountains mind, just small simulated ones. Attached to the lab where several rooms with these specific themes, visible through large glass domes, and from the looks of broken fences and other things, the Pokemon she had seen running away must have ran away from the lab--spooked by the explosion. Had something gone wrong?
Not flinching from the Scyther's intended attack meant it would've likely cut her in two if it had followed through meant that she was very, very close to its razor sharp blades when it stopped its assault. And seeing as it lowered its arms before retreating, there was nothing to stop its scythe-like appendages from completely severing her top and making a noticeable cut in her miniskirt. If there weren't more important matters to deal with, the fledgling trainer might even be worried if it would stay up...or if her panties were still in good shape. Luckily, she didn't have time to think about such things.

But there were more important things to deal with. I can't just let him go, he's hurt! And I think he belongs to the lab, I should try to return him...I can't catch everything that escaped but I'm sure I can get him!

Confident in her and her partner's ability, the trainer smirks at the Scyther, unaware that the gust of wind had blown her shirt, or perhaps it'd be more accurate to call it a vest at this point, into a position that left nothing above her waist to the imagination as she takes up a defensive stance. "I can't just let you run away, if you won't let me heal you up then I'll just have to capture you first! Fia, use ember!"

Eager for the chance to prove herself, the flaming Petilil flares up at the command and unleashes a gout of flame at the oversized mantis.

Orders: Focused Training

-> Fight -- Pokemon
Bag -- Run​

Attack: 18 (16+2)
Damage: 21 *1.5 for Super Effective after subtracting special defense, right? (I haven't updated my PDF in a while so it still says x2 but IIRC it was updated to x1.5 a while back)
After finally pushing herself to her feet with some trouble, given that she is still covered in that icky goo, she lets out a cheer of glee at the sight of first the Wurmple going down, quickly followed by the Skitty
"Good job Swablu!!" She shouts across the room towards her new friend, by now looking more confident than ever with the criminals finally being outnumbered by quite a large margin.

"Of course we're hel-" She starts responding to Kyle, before suddenly spotting what Mercy is doing "Are you insane?! Stop that!" She screams out, though a fair bit too late, leaving her just sighing in relief when the collar simply seems to break, though giving the pained Mercy a pitiful look "You DID bring that on yourself..." she mumbles, probably unheard by anyone, before returning her attention to Swablu and pointing to the criminal nearest to it.

"Almost done! Now get that one next, another peck~!"

Command = 17

Peck hit = 20

Peck damage = 18
Just slap it on. Well that made sense considering who was using them. The young scientist held her breath as it clicked securely into place. Perhaps a touch reckless when she didn't know where the release mechanism was, but it wouldn't matter in the long run. For the moment though all she could do was concentrate. The red light turned on. She expected it to start playing with her mind right away - an idea that brought a light blush to her cheeks, but that's besides the point - but no such thing occurred. She felt perfectly normal. Like nothing was happening. Well that was disappointing.

"Maybe it needs a comm-mnnnh-!!" she began, but was interrupted by the most painful thing she'd ever felt in her life. Her body spasmed under the shock, leaving her to slump down to the ground as much as the sticky substance would let her. Her teeth grit hard as she strained under the pain, but it wasn't long before the bulb on the device shattered, and the whole thing fell to the ground. All leaving her panting and enduring the reprimands on her companions. To which she shrugged, held out a thumbs up, and smiled. "Nonsense. That was a valuable experiment."

A quick look at what she missed during the... shock... revealed that they were doing even better than before. The two left standing were on the run, a third actively being arrested. She made the quick call and pointed to the one who hadn't been shot by the glue gun. "Octillery, see if you can slow him down with an Octazooka!"

Command roll = 5+2 = 7
~ ~ ~ Trouble in the Lab! ~ ~ ~
(Mercy, Vika, Suri)

The one man looks like he's about to break free of the goop the officer pinned his leg with when Swablu comes in out of nowhere and starts pecking at his head, halting his attempt and replacing it with wild arm flailing as he tries to get the flying type to back off. "Gah! Get away from me!" he calls angrily. Kyle nods at the example set by Suri, and orders Dieno to tackle, sending the large dragon type barreling into the man and knocking him on his rear. He starts to rise, but one final peck from Swablu seems all he can take -- even if it wasn't that strong a hit -- and he topples over, almost comically so.

Meg frowns at Mercy's display, and wades through the pool over to the scientist. She steps one foot on land, grabs Mercy's arm, and suddenly pulls. Octillery, on the other hand, doesn't seem to listen to the command, seemingly concerned over what MErcy had done and trying to aid her -- while at the same time his calls and cries have the tone of one lecturing another. Meg's actions catch him by surprise, and all his tentacles wrap around Mercy's waist and thighs to hold her in, leaving Meg huffing. "It dissolves in the water! The fastest way to get off the glue is to pull her in! Before the Eevee gets too far away!"

The officer gets the cuffs on the one man, but with nobody to stop him, the criminal who fled manages to climb under the dome's opening, and dash off through the field. The cop utters something under his breath, then takes off two more pair of cuffs, tossing them to whoever would take them. "One of you lock that one by the pool up. Another one of you gather this collars and bring them to me." he orders, as he marches over toward the most recently downed criminal. For the moment, it all appears to be over... though would the man that got away end up biting anyone in the tush?

Selini~~You can decide if Meg pulls Mercy in, or Octillery keeps her (with aid of the glue) rooted.
I'll provide experience once I have a chance to peruse the section on it again. You can consider combat over at this point.

~ ~ ~ Full-Fledged Trainer! ~ ~ ~

This Scyther is no fool, and the stance Sera takes seems to tip it off as to something being amiss. It immediately pauses, both eyes focused to the young trainer as it lets out a little warning: "Scytherrrr... " The end of its cry drawn into a growl. Just as the words 'Use Ember' leave Sera's lips, the Scyther leaps forward, quickly charging in to attack and take a swipe at poor Lia. Hit or miss, it then immediately jumps back and raises both claws defensively, too close to completely avoid the embers--it merely tries to defend against them.

This means the embers hit their mark, pelting the fire-weak bug type and making it cringes, and let out another cry. It staggers some, and drops to one knee, injuries coupled with the attack clearly weakening it singificantly... but not fainting it, and it rises back up to rush back in and give Fia another swipe! For now, it ignores Sera, but that might change once Fia is down, lest the little Petlil mnage to stay standing for its trainer.

In the clearing beyond the woods, the grounds of the lab, Sera would be able to see a lone man clad in dark colours sprinting away from one of the glass domes. He hadn't been there a minute ago, ahd she mightnot even notice him given the batle with Scyther... Not much could be made out of him, but from his path, he is running to enter the forest rather near to Fia, Sera, and the Scyther.

Mmkay. Scyther is both faster, and has a priority move, so lest I am grossly mistaken, he's able to make two attacks to Fia's one (then it is FIa's turn again) so I went ahead and made both.

The first quick attack has an AC of 6, for 26 damage (pre defense).
The second quick attack has an AC of 8 , also for 26 damage (pre defense).

As far as my PDF says which was gotten around whne he game started, it is x2, so I went with that. Fia did 22 damage (after special defense, then type advantage),giving Scyther 1 injury (to go with the 1 he had) and lowering him to 25% or less hit points. I'm undecided if I wish to give exact numbers, general percentages (like this), or leave it for you to infer from the RP text I write so... just mentioning that for the future.
Even injured, the Scyther was fast. Faster than she expected. Sera didn't have time to yell for Fia to dodge before the much smaller Petilil was cut by the injured Scyther. "It's alright Fia, just hang on a moment longer! He's hurting pretty bad too, it's over!"

As she reaches back to grab one of the balls dangling from her hip though, she notices someone fleeing in her general direction. No time for that now though. First, capture Scyther, then chase and question the conspicuous runner. She couldn't leave the fight unfinished now, could she? And if she wasn't so focused on throwing the dark green orb at the Pokemon standing before her, she might've heard the barely audible snap and felt something fall from her waist.

Her top was already indecent but still technically on her, and her skirt was damaged, but functioning for now...but the skirt wasn't all that was cut. Her panties were damaged in the initial attack too, barely held together by a thread, and her shift in posture as she threw the ball was enough to snap it, letting them drop freely to the ground, unnoticed by Sera.

Both Quick Attacks hit, but Fia has Type Strategist Fire, so she has DR 5 for the 2nd attack (but not the first because priority move)

So attack 1 hit for 26-7 = 19 damage (20/39 remaining)

Attack 2 hits for 26-7-5 (for DR) = 14 damage (6/35, 1 injury)

Spending 1 AP for +1 to accuracy on Dusk Ball

Dusk Ball AC 6 (20)
Capture Roll 28 (forgot the -1 from level in the roll. 8 if the forest has enough overgrowth that the dusk ball bonus applies)

If Fia can she'll use Absorb but I don't think she can so not rolling
Suri can't help but giggle and roll her eyes at Mercys goofy thumbs up after her silly 'experiment'.

Though her attention is quickly stolen by the ongoing fight again, throwing a worried look towards the criminal that Swablu is so eagerly pecking at, not liking the sight of his arms flailing around so threatingly close to her new little friend. Though luckily that is quickly proven to be an unnecessary worry as the cute blue bird-type once again prevails.

"Good joooob~!" She cheers from afar, motioning Swablu to return to her while she drags herself towards the pool, having overheard the solution to finally getting rid of this goo that is still making it difficult for her to move, ignoring both orders from the police officer for now and focusing on getting herself to the water.

With the fight being over, Suri also returns to her previous, nervous and quiet self, slipping into a far end of the pool, away from Meg, Mercy and Octillery. Keeping her eyes low and simply watching the goo dissolve.
Mercy frowned lightly as the Octillery once again ignored her command. Between him and the little eevee her record of pokemon control was not so great. ...crap, the eevee! She started struggling against the glue that held her to the ground, only to stop a moment later when Meg marched up to her. Her brow quirked curiously and lips pursed together. She had but one conclusion to draw from both this approach and the Octillery's continued lecturing.

"Really all this fuss over such a harmless experiment is highly unnecessa-RYY??" but found herself squealing in surprised as she was tugged over instead, and even more surprised when she felt soft, squishy tendrils wrap around her waist and legs, bringing an involuntary blush to her cheeks. Especially when she found they were strong enough to counter Meg's pull. Strong enough to- "Ahem... well it's hardly necessary to pull me all the way in. Besides, I'm quite stuck. You'll need to splash some water on my legs before they could even begin to move with or without tugging."
Vika sighs as the battle comes to a close and everything starts to wind down, looking over to the girls in and around the pool while the officer rounds up the man he is on. She watches the other masked man sprint off, and almost starts after him, but she was more concerned about the Dratini. She quickly rushes the little snake dragon and bends down to her. "Are you alright? You did a good job saving your friend." She softly tries to stroke the small dragon for a moment before standing up, softly looking to the officer yelling out orders.

The blond softly looks at everyone else not really doing too much to help so she sighs and walks over to the officer, taking the handcuffs, and moving to the man by the pool. She quickly bends down and locks his arms, and his legs, blushing a little at the sight, wondering how it would f- No no, not the time for that. She shakes her head to try and clear her head while moving back over to the Dratini and softly goes back to petting her.

The new trainer softly tries to coax the Dratini to softly wrap around her, and if successful or not, takes the Dratini to the pool, smiling and blushing a little from the idea of the dragon around her like this. "Not even full trainers, yet already fighting bad guys? Sounds like a videogame to me."
~~~ Trouble at the Lab! ~~~
(Mercy, Vika, Suri)

Caitlyn slumps down, letting out a shaky breath. Goomy turns to her and blows a few bubbles, which drift over and pop harmlessly on her legs, but the water leaves the goo slopping away. Much like Sufi, she doesn't say much, merely sitting aside and waiting until freed. Kyle grabs and rubs his head, taking the officer's other request and collecting the collar things, including the one by Mercy if she allows it, and bringing it to him as the officer binds the last crook and starts hauling them all together. The cop's head perks up at the sound of crunching glass in the hallway before the sound of sirens comes into earshot and rapidly gets louder, drowning it out.

Meg stubbornly refuses to give in at first, continuing to tug at Mercy for a moment. Octillery's tendrils sake further around her thighs, squeezing more tightly and rubbing against her up until Meg huffs, lets go and tosses up her arms. "Fine then! I was only trying to help! Guess your friend there can... " Meg turns a worried gaze toward the fainted Axew, then sighs, and climbs out of the pool -- sopping wet with her shirt rather see through -- to pick up Axew, and softly try to wake him. Octillery's tentacles wriggle against Mercy as it tries to pull back... then again... and a third time only for its eyes to widen as it realises it is stuck by the same goo on Mercy! "T-T-Tillery! Oct!"

Meg snickers and doesn't say anything. Kyle glances over at the sight and his cheeks turn a little red too as some thought comes to his head at the sight, and he immediately turns back to Deino to make sure it is okay.

"This isn't a video game or a joke," the cop snaps at Suri, giving the young girl a dirty look. "I want all of your names. I might have you come with me to answer questi-"

"Ah, hello? Are you all alright?"
The footsteps turn out to be a young male scientist, who carefully steps into the room. His dark hair is a complete mess, his face covered in dirt along with his labcoat. At first his eyes widen at the sight before him, but that surprise slowly fades and be breathes a sigh of relief.

"Where is Willow?" the officer questions.

"She was injured." he replies, then look toward the young trainers while shaking his head and waving his arms. "Ohnono! Not seriously. Don't worry. But she sent me with Pokéballs for your Pokémon. She assumes you've all picked one by now. She also wishes me to pass a message that she would like to continue your conversation, officer, and she would like to see you all again two weeks from now. Not just to see how you are doing but also have a proper meeting. And she also said something about correcting mistakes?

As the scientist moves about the room, he approaches each trainer and takes a Pokéball from one of his many pockets and hands it over. Each person also receives a Pokédex. If Mercy hasn't freed herself from Octillery yet he gives an odd look, but otherwise addresses the water type. "Willow would like to see you too. Now.. The lobby is a mess. A lot of broken glass and beams. It would be safer, if a little more embarrassing, if you all left out the back. Ahaha... "

He laughs and rubs the back of his head. The cop clears his throat. " Not yet. I might have some questions for-"

"Officer, with all due respect... I'm sure these young people need a moment. We have their information if you need it. Perhaps we should let them leave for now?"

"Considering that one was joking a m... Fine. All of you get going."

"Good. Great. Would you all like me to escort you all or will you be okay?"
the scientist finally finishes the back and forth by asking the six trainers before him the question.

~~~ Full-Fledged Trainer! ~~~

Scyther breathes heavily, standing over Fia, both eyes staring down at the Petlil but also keeping Sera in the corner of its eye. Which is why when she grabs the ball and raises her arm, the bug type's head snaps to the side and focuses directly on her. It lets out a shrill cry and starts to dash passed Fia to strike at Sera and stop her, but it stumbles from its injuries.

Then the ball hits it. It swipes at the air at the ball even as it turns into red energy, that energy still making the same motions before it is sucked into the ball and falls amid the grass. It begins to wibble-wobble around, back and forth. It pauses for a moment, then wiggles more. After a third time it goes still and with a little ping it locks.

At the very least it wouldn't be making Sera's clothing situation worse. Though it has stalled her from investigating the smoke and from the sounds of the sirens the police and other such things are right around the corner.
Suri submerges herself completely in the pool until only her head from her nose upwards is sticking out anymore, allowing Swablu to swoop down and land ontop of her, letting her eyes sway across the room and just quietly observing while the dissolving goo gives her more and more freedom to move.

She only makes use of that freedom when the scientist approaches her, just quickly taking both the Pokéball and -dex, mumbling a quiet "Thank you.." before getting back deeply into the water.

One of her hands emerges, holding the ball and thoughtfully turning it, the other reaching up over her head to scratch the blue little fluffball gently beneath its beak "I guess it's official now, huh..?"

She goes a little cross eyes to try and look up at Swablu, grinning uncontrollably.
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