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Last Movie You Saw...

Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House

Since a couple of weeks BBC2 is showing very old black and white movies from the 1930s and 40s. With stars such as Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers and Cary Grant (among many others). Great fun and at least something on TV that isn't a repeat of a repeat of a repeat of a repeat.

Today's film, Mr. Blandings, has been remade as The Money Pit in 1986 (with Tom Hanks & Shelley Long) and Are we done yet? in 2007 (with Ice Cube)
And even in the weekends BBC2 goes on with their classic black and white movies.

Today: Some like it Hot. With Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemon & Tony Curtis. They really don't make films like that anymore.
Gonna have to thumbs down. Bad alien movie. It had a decent premise, but it was slow in all the wrong places, and even when it had “action scenes”, it almost dragged, or seemed to highlight the wrong things. Bad camera angles for the many of the scenes, too. Though, a great way to waste some time.
Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva

Really enjoyed that movie and ends with the usual Layton bittersweet ending
The Wind. Recommended by PhoenixRising82. It was not bad but also not a wow horror movie. Kinda makes me wanna do an isolated prairie horror rp.
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Just watched World War Z... (After playing the game :))

It's definitely worth the watch for anyone that's thinking about it. 'Zombie' movies are so hard to get right but this one is up there with 28 Days/Weeks later... Maybe not Train to Busan but it works. (Something about making them run just does it for me)
The Rules of Attraction, 2002

Based on a Brett Easton Ellis novel, which I've not read. Centered mostly around the younger brother of Patrick Bateman, from American Psycho and his experiences in College.

Mad 2000's vibes and James Van Der Beek. I'll let you fill in the blanks with the information provided 😝
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