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Pathfinder Custom Campaign Looking For Players


Wet Narcissist
Feb 25, 2016
Madness Incarnate
So, some of my fondest memories were of playing Pathfinder (I suppose 5ish years count as a while ago). I loved the focus on story that the game allowed, while adding systems that would mess with the best laid plans of both DM’s and players. Unfortunately, I was fairly busy at the time, so I wasn’t able to attend all the time, and eventually the local game store shutdown, essentially killing my experience with the game. Since I’ve joined the site, I’ve mulled around with the idea of participating in one of the games run here, but none of the ones I’ve seen have quite caught my interest, at least for a full campaign.

I always found with both Pathfinder and D/D 3.5 that the games presented rule sets that allowed for the game to focus on stories more than combat. I’m not interested in arguing over editions or rulesets, this is just what I’ve found in my experience. Anyways, let me put it plainly. I’m interested in DM’ing a game under the Pathfinder ruleset, and I’m looking for about 3 to 4 players (Negotiable). Now, before you reply, let me explain what I’m looking for and disclaim what I bring to the table.

I’ll start with disclaiming that my grasp on the Pathfinder ruleset is fairly loose. I haven’t played for a long amount of time, and as a result, the more complex rules are going to be a bit fuzzy for me. On the bright side, I have the rulebook and am a pretty quick learner. Also the internet is a fairly useful tool for any confusion. Suffice it to say that there will be people who understand the rules better than I do, but I will do my absolute best to know pertinent rules before they’re needed.

With that out of the way, let me describe what kind of DM I’m looking to be. I put a lot more focus on story over rules. If you’re looking for someone who can troll through the rulebook and cobble together encounters with obscure stats and the like, I would look elsewhere. My first priority is telling a good story. That’s not to say there won’t be vicious traps and nasty enemies (Oh yes, there definitely will be), but instead think of them as a means to an end.

Despite my inexperience, I am a fairly decent storyteller. I’ve already got a custom campaign outline, a rough draft of the first couple hours or so, and I think it’s a fairly decent storyline. Then again, I could be tooting my own horn. In addition, I’m a fairly good writer, and my posts will be fairly detailed, and will allow for different approaches to situations.

Just to give an idea of setting, the group will be held together under the notion of a gang of mercenaries of sorts. It makes much more sense in detail, but it essentially allows diverse backgrounds that oppose each other to have to work together in some sort of way. The setting is definitely High Fantasy, and its technology level is medieval, so no firearms I’m afraid. I can delve into more depth if you’ve got specific questions, but I’d like to wait and make sure there’s interest before bothering to type out the premise.

If you have other questions, I’d love to answer them, feel free to ask in this post or to PM me! Now, let’s talk expectations. Firstly, I expect longer than a couple of lines in reply. I’m not expecting anything over 500 words, but detailed interactions are necessary. Since this isn’t in real life, simply quipping back and forth is just going to lead to a cluttered and messy thread. Again, the posts don’t have to be all that long, they just need to have substance behind them.

If you’re looking to powergame and exploit the rules to create a massively unfair character, don’t bother replying. I’ve played with people who have created characters that exploit the hell out of the rules, and it isn’t fun. Just create a character with a level of ability relative to his fellow party members.

Be able to roleplay properly. I know this sounds dumb, but remember that your character needs a backstory, and your actions should mirror your character’s alignment. I don’t want to DM a group of adventurer’s who all get along without issue. Some of the best moments in these kind of games is when the Lawful Good Paladin refuses to let the Neutral Evil Sorcerer finish off an unarmed combatant. That kind of thing is what builds the best campaigns, in my opinion. This also means that I’d like the people playing to have alignments that can conflict. A group composed entirely of Chaotic Neutral characters all agreeing with each other sounds pretty dull.

Finally, I’d like to address smut, since this is a smut site. Essentially, I was thinking there would be a few ways to incorporate into the game. Firstly, I think it would work well as a way to solve some encounters (i.e garnering information from a drunk merchant through sex). I also assume that there would be some interaction between characters, with the roleplay kind of determining how the adventurers pair up, so to speak.

Basically, I’d alter the way death works as a system, to add further smut. Assuming I understand the rules correctly, feel free to tell me I’m wrong, a character who drops to 0 HP is disabled, and when they drop below that they start to die. Finally, they are killed when their total HP has more negative points than a character’s constitution. Essentially, I was thinking of removing death as an option and changing loss of HP into two states. I’d keep the disabled state, where healing could still bring the person back into the fight. However, once dropping below 0 HP, I’d change “Dying” to “Incapacitated”. When incapacitated, a combatant is unable to re-enter combat and they may be subjected to the whims of their captors. The idea would be to either drag the adventurer off further into the dungeon, requiring the party to save them while they’re being used, or to simply have enough enemies to where the unfortunate combatant is left alone to the winner’s whims until the rest of the party can deal with the enemies still trying to stab them.

I’d love to hear thoughts, comments, or suggestions either through PM or simply posting here. Thanks for reading this far!
As a heads up I am a bit busy over the next few days so not sure what my posting will be like.

Here is a bare bones sheet for now:

Basic history would be along the lines of joined the company cheaply with an eye towards finding out more about the world after she was raised in isolation.
kckolbe said:
Looks good, Morcleon. Still working on the ranger. The sheet is here, but still has a lot left to do.

Of all the bordering "nations," which race seems to pose the biggest threat?

The Arolden Nation. They draw inspiration from the Franks under Charles Martel and Charlemagne
Kaybee said:
I'd be very much interested in joining this, is there any room left?

I'd love to include more, but I'm not sure if I could handle the clutter. I'm sure this won't be the last time I run a campaign, so there's always next time. Incredibly sorry!
Still some bits to update (spending more money and fleshing out the Roc's stats) - but effectively done except for minorish issues.
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