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Subway Dare (leia x Azecreth)

With her laid down Alex got to work on tying her up, glad that she was willing to put up with this. He would waste no time, though he would not move so fast as to make this uncomfortable. The handcuffs would not be used on her hands but rather on her legs, fastened around her ankles and used to secure her to the lower bedposts, forcing her to keep legs spread as they were make to be apart by the restraints.

From that he moved on, more gentle and flashing her a smile as he did the same thing, but with the ribbon, to her hands, tying her wrings to the bedframe. Given how she had said that she hadn't done this before, he figured that it would make her more comfortable than if he had flipped the restraints to keep her from moving her hands. He could always change it later if he wanted to after all.

"So, hows that," he asked as he sat back, placing the leftover ribbon to the side at the same time.
She shivered softly as she was soon secured to the bed, not so much in fear but nervous anticipation of what might be to come. His smile did help though, helping her to relax the more she was secured and unable to move at all.

"It's good... feels strange, but good," she grinned softly at him before taking a few deep breaths to get used to the helpless feeling. To help prove where her mind was at, her bare nipples were perky and alert again soon after, just begging to be played with.
It seemed that things were good, and his companion was good with it as well. "I'm glad to hear that," he replied smoothly. Reaching down under the bed, he produced a vibrator, making sure that she could see it as he checked to make sure that it still worked. Moving onto the bed itself, he said nothing as he brought the active vibrator up, letting it rub against her bare slit. She certainly seemed eager, so he'd give her what she wanted.
She shivered as she saw the vibrator come out, depending on how it was used, she could wind up coming hard and fast or it could wind up being torturous if it was on a low enough level. She moaned as it was soon rubbing against her bare slit, frothing up her juices quickly since she'd still had some arousal left from earlier.
Alex grinned as he worked, slowly dragging the vibrator across her slit as it drew forth her arousal once again. Seriously, this girl was inexhaustible. Her moans filled the air, but he knew that he could basically do what he wanted. It'd ruin the fun if she got so desperate as to get herself off, even if she could get free with some concerted effort. Slowly he intensified though, digging in a bit harder, moving a bit more firmly and a bit faster. All to give her a real taste of what he could do, that he hadn't been able to before.
Charlotte groaned as the vibrator was dragged across her slit, between the helplessness and the intense feelings coursing through her, it was all she could do to not cum at the moment. She squealed, arching her back as it dug in harder and faster. She was close, oh so close to cumming she could almost taste it. "Please... please may I cum?"
Alex couldn't help his grin widening as he listened to the squeals of pleasure, the way her body shook and thrashed giving a good sign of the effect he had, until at last she broke down. That was the sort of thing he wanted to hear, and he relished the opportunity as he leaned forward slightly. "Ask me again, bu this time address me as 'Master'. Maybe then I'll consider it," he told her smoothly.
"I'm sorry, Master... please Master, may I cum? I..I'm sooo horny..." she moaned softly, her pussy already drooling as she lay there, helpless to any of his whims. Her begging was pathetic at best, her not being used to it and all as she writhed on the bed from the lust filling her every thought.
Well that wasn't very hard, now was it? It might not be the most effective method of doing so, but it was successful in getting her to say what he wanted her to say, and that was good enough given the situation. He didn't miss how she felt, of course, and after a moment he gave in for her sake and the sake of what he was trying to do. "Go ahead. I expect you to hold on better next time though."
"I..I'll try, I swear..." she shivered as another wave of pleasure swept through her. She couldn't help how aroused she was feeling, and soon came after he gave permission, though it wasn't a big one it still sufficed in her opinion. "Thank you.. Master."
Alex shifted back a bit as she heeded his request and came, soaking the sheets beneath her in the process. He certainly wasn't about to judge her on that sort of thing, and he nodded as she thanked him for allowing her to do so. "You're welcome," he replied with a grin before moving on. His next trick would be to take two small vibrators, almost the size of pills, and to tape them in place against her pointed nipples before turning them on, letting them buzz away and varying speeds in comparison to each other. "But we're not done just yet."
She blushed slightly as she soaked the sheets under her, she definitely didn't think she'd cum that much. "I'm really not surprised we're not done yet... but hit me, so to speak... or would you actually do that literally?" she smiled softly.
Alex chuckled as he fastened the vibrators in place and turned them on, letting those work as he sat back to address the question. "Well, I'd do it if I felt like it. Probably not in that particular position though, but I could give it a shot if I felt like it." Which was to say that he would, but h wasn't going to admit to it or do it without some sort of incentive first. He was the one in charge and could demand at least that much.
She shivered as the new vibrators started to kick in, it was enough to keep her aroused, but not enough to give her an orgasm either. "Ohhh fuckkkk," she groaned, somehow they were touching her piercings too, making the vibrations more intense. "I understand, Master... I know it's up to you. This is my first experience, so I don't know what to say or not here," she grinned softly.
No matter what he did, it seemed like Alex would always find a way to affect her. That was what he had taken from the current situation as she apologized again even as the vibrators continued to work. At least she wasn't getting off on it, though it did have some effect. And she was right, it was up to him in the end. He just had to decide what it was that he wanted to do, and he had plenty of things in mind.

So he shifted to the side, moving closer to her head as he leaned down. "It's up to me then," he asked with a hum. "Maybe I should leave you like this, come back and see how desperate you are in the morning. How does that sound?" A chuckled afterwards as his hand began to run along her stomach, adding to the sensations that she felt while he teased her.
"Of course... you're the one in control. No... please... I.. I don't think I have that much control." She shivered as his hand ran across her stomach, she figured he'd find some way to leave it on her all night and tease her all night, since she wasn't that familiar with everything. The only vibrators she had at home ran out after a few hours.
Alex was left to chuckle aloud once again as she admitted that going all night was beyond her capabilities, not that he was really surprised to hear it. "That's the point," he noted aloud as his hand working her stomach drifted lower, towards the joining of her legs. At the same time, his musings continued. "Hm, I think I have a camera somewhere around here. We could always put on a little show, start a career for you." He winked to her, though he wasn't above the idea.
Her face tinged pink as she heard him chuckle, almost embarrassed that she couldn't control her desires when she was sleeping or at least trying to sleep. "Ohhh yesss," she moaned as his hand drifted towards her clit, even if he didn't touch it just knowing his hand was that close was arousing her even more. Her cheeks turned a deeper color as he suggested a camera, surprised he would go that far.
Well, she certainly seemed to be enjoying the teasing just as much as ever, and he let his hand brush against her clit before pulling back, if only to spur that line of thought on. Now that she was at his mercy, he was going to enjoy himself. "Hm, or maybe I should leave you like this, put a collar on your neck, take you for a walk. Maybe we'll even see someone you know along the way," he added as he idly mused.
She groaned as his hand brushed her swollen clit yet again, it only spurred on the horny feelings coursing through her. "L-like this? A-all naked and all?" she was scared, but yet she was massively turned on at the thought. "Ohhh fuckkkk I can't believe what a turn on that is right now..."
Once again Alex was left to shrug, delighting in the moment and all the ways he could embarrass her or turn her on with what he was saying. "More or less," he confirmed as fingers once again dipped lower to brush her clit. "Or we could dress you up a bit, maybe give you some ears and a tail. It'd fit the appearance a bit more, honestly. Of course we'd have to be careful. I don't think the other animals would appreciate being teased by your good looks."
She shuddered at having to dress with ears and a tail, as in some sort of animal... she would have worried about going outside naked, but it wasn't the time of year to dress like an animal. "No... no that's okay, if you insist I'd rather be naked, not wearing ears and a tail, I'm not some sort of animal."
One had to wonder what time of year it would be acceptable to dress as an animal, since it didn't seem like Halloween extended to full on nudity for a costume. But that was something he could keep to himself upon a reflection. "I don't know, seems like it would be cute," he replied with a grin as she spoke against the idea. Picking up the original vibrator, he let it drift across her skin as well, slowly moving towards her legs but taking it slow in order to tease her once again.
"Well, if you wanted me to wear some sort of slutty animal costume maybe, but I don't know if I could wear just the ears and tail, it's... it's I don't know." She groaned as the vibrator drifted across her skin, she was already aroused as it was. She moaned as he moved it, hoping he'd move it closer to her needy pussy. "Please..." she groaned, frustrated.
While Alex could have done what she wanted, he was curious. She could only blame herself really as he made no move to get her off, instead tilting it side to side an even drifting upwards a bit. Her frustration and arousal was obvious, and that only made it better for her. "It's what," he insisted with a grin as h pushed for an answer. "Considering everything else you're willing to do, what's so special about that?"
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