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Subway Dare (leia x Azecreth)

She grinned softly as she made her way into the kitchen, bacon and eggs soon plated and on the table. "Should I make some pancakes as well, or is this enough for you, Master?" she grinned softly. The bacon was just a little on the crispy side but not burnt, and she'd scrambled the eggs, hoping that was okay with him. She'd just set down the utensils, pouring orange juice as the coffee percolated, before she'd sat down.
The bacon and eggs came out, by his reckoning, fairly well. They were a bit on the dark side but not terribly so, enough to provide a crunch that he found enjoyable. it was clear that she might have to work on her cooking skills a bit, but this would suffice for now. He could hardly expect to force that kind of lifestyle change on her out of the blue. "No, this should be fine," he reassured her, accepting the orange juice and waiting for her to sit down before he began eating.

A smirk broke out as he regarded his guest with amusement. "I take it this means you're not in a hurry to leave," he noted aloud in between enjoying the bacon and eggs that she had made ready for him.
"I'm glad, Master... I do think I left the bacon on a bit long, but the eggs came out okay it seems," she grinned softly. "My mom is good at teaching me how to cook, I think.

"No... not really, in fact I'm thinking a move from my last place might be in order, if Master approves that is. I should at least go back at some point today and take my pill for today anyways." She had to admit, the food came out pretty good anyways, at least it wasn't burnt anyways in her opinion.
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