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The Either/Or Game

Ooph, tough one. I'll choose sweats. They look good on men and women, and they're comfy too!

Music or coffee?
Chevy if it’s the car, Ford if it’s the truck, definitely Ford if it’s Harrison. {But not in a gay kinda way, he’s just a cool guy}

Boxers or briefs? {Answer your preferred choice on a partner if you don’t wear them}
Foosball table. Variable number of players, good skill ceiling, etc. etc.

Attack on Titan or Re: Zero? (They're currently airing anime, heh. :p)
Attack on Titan (Just because I haven't had the chance to watch the other)

Hard Setlzer or Hard Lemonade?
Pie. Cake is trying too hard.

Left or Right?
I’m being hypnotically conditioned to becoming a morning person. But the hypnotist is definitely having to be patient...

anime or live-action?
Ooh, tough call really. I suppose it depends on my mood and/or the movie/anime in question. But overall, I'll have to go with live-action.

Comedy or Horror?

Tough one below guys.. lucky if you get to answer this.. you are only allowed to choose one, still think you are lucky?

Edible Undies or Candy bra?
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