Heinrich perfectly understood the subtle hints, by his reaction."I will take you to the temple. But I'm not going inside. The place gives me the heeby jeebies. I don't think it is 100% empty. When you are ready to go we can set off. It is easier to travel during the day though. Things are still going to try to eat you, but at least you got a better chance of seeing them," replied Hienrich.
Heinrich: AC 7, MV 12”, HD 4, hp 20, #AT 1, D 1-6 bow or 1d6+1 spear, Save F4, AL N, Morale 8
So do you set out now? You got 6 more hours of sunlight and could make it there before nightfall.
Heinrich: AC 7, MV 12”, HD 4, hp 20, #AT 1, D 1-6 bow or 1d6+1 spear, Save F4, AL N, Morale 8
So do you set out now? You got 6 more hours of sunlight and could make it there before nightfall.