
Nov 30, 2010
Jared paused as he stopped in front of the door, staring at the sight of the man in front of him. Not sure what to consider normal....or well, considering the two men he was looking at, maybe the fact that they were looking at what appeared to be supernatural porn pictures, he really shouldn’t be surprised that they were looking. Clearing his throat he raised his eyebrows at jensen and misha as he walked further “Do I even want to know why your making every fans dream come true, and watching porn?Together?”Jared asked as he slung himself into the chair next to jensen, snickering slightly.
Jensen chuckled as he watched Jared come onyo the room. "We're just trying to figure out who's computer this is. It seems that when I was at the airport, this person's computer and mine were switched." He explained, brow furrowing as he squinted a bit, Flipping through the varius things on the computer. He still had no real clue who the computer belonged to, but he was sure of i thing. This was a woman's computer.
Jared snickered a little before shaking his head. “You find yourself in the weirdest problems.”He teased his friend, shifting, looking amused as he nudged jensen’s hand away so he could look through the picture folder himself. “You know, considering those-”He nodded towards the dean-huntress fanart pictures, “Whoever it is might be here. I mean, you two were in the airport together.”He said smirking. “Did you try calling the airport to see if someone called about it?”he asked, thinking about it. Trying to decide how to find out who it was.
Jensen sighed, though he chuckled a little. "Don't I know it, Brother." Was all he said, taking in all the taller man was saying. He wore a sheepish grin as he looked to the others, running a hand through his spikey hait. "Actually no, I didn't. " he admitted, going to get his phone. As usual, Jared had found a clear way to at least begin to solve his problem.
Jared shook his head, snorting slightly at the other’s words, “Call. And if that doesn’t work, if she’s like normal people, she’s probably logged in on facebook still. Or twitter. Might be able to find her that way.” Wincing a little as he listened to Jensen talking to a bored flight manager, yea, that was just going to annoy the sleep deprieved, jet lagged jensen. But at least the airport said they’d pass along his name and number if anyone called. Stirring a little as Jensen’s phone digged with a facebook notification. Raising a eyebrow, as he waited to see what it’d say. “....You have my computer.”Jared said shifting to read over his shoulder, amused that ‘jensen’ had messaged jensen’s facebook just to let him get dinged with the notifcation. Seemed whoever it was had been smart enough to head to jensen’s always logged in stuff, cause he was so tech handicapped, it was just easier to not sign out.
Jensen stared at his phone a moment. "Well, at least this person was smart enough to ping me on facebook, cause ya'll know I wouldn't have been" he muttered, already typing out a message. He was really curious about who this person could be, despite being annoyed because he was still on texas time. "Yes, it appears so. What would you like to do about it.. Miss?" He typed, honestly wanting to know the person, despite the strangness of the circumstances. Jared was right, how did he get himself in such weird situations
“You really wouldn’t have been. You’re tech phobia is adorable.”Jared teased his best friend snickering a little. “At least you have a few days before con. Rest. Relax, she probably can courier your computer to you, if you’re that anxious to get it back.”Jared said watching him. Glad that they’d had the foresight to fly in a few days early, just to get used to the 9 hour time difference. ‘Sam Colt. And I can have it courier’d to where ever you are, but it’ll be a few days, I’m currently not in Texas.’
Jensen rolled his eyes at his friends teasing. "Yeah, i know. I don't think I would've ever thought of it unless you told me, really" he admitted with a sigh, watching as a message appeared again. He started typing, looking at the computer, then to misha, who was still rifling through the computer.

"I think I found some fan fiction... Dean and some girl" misha explained, rubbing his face a little. Jensen raised an eyebrow, but otherwise made no comment, typing away. "Neither am I. I'm in italy for JIBCon. We decided to fly in early to avoid panel hetlag." He replied, pressing send
Jared shifted leaning over, reading over Misha’s shoulder looking interested. “Huh. She even has pictures to go with it.”He said smirking a little at the fanart that had been linked to certain sections of the story. “Of course you’d find the one computer that had fan fiction. The girl’s going to die when she realizes it’s you.”Jared said snickering a little.

The response was slow coming, as if the girl was processign the fact that indeed the computer was lookign at, really was jensen ackles, instead of some fan impersonating him. “....well. If oyu can go a few days without it, I’m going to be in Rome myself for Saturday and Sunday.”
Jensen blushed a little. It was always embarrassing to know what the fans were writing about him. Misha chuckles at the blush on his friends's face. "It must be hilarous as she realizes its really him." He added, chuckling. Jensen just rolled his eyes.

He wrote back. "Sure. Sounds good. Do you mind me using your computer for a few days? Cause Jared and Misha are currently looking at it" he hoped she wasn't gonna be mad about that. His friends were as curious as he was, though he wouldn't notice it.
"It really is going to be hilarious. Especially if she realizes he's totally reading the fanfiction on here."jared snickered.

"...no go ahead. And if you go looking for stuff, don't go sharing it online. Last thing I need is getting slammed for writing stuff I haven't decided on yet."there was a pause thrn."also. Keeping your own sex pictures on your computer is both such a dean thing, and highly instructive for future stories."so, she really wasnt freaking out at him finding out the fanfiction or hadn't believed it really was him.
Misha chuckled. "Got that right."

Jensen chuled, texting the woman back. "I wouldn't do that.. the guys just to annoyme.. might. So, if it does? Blame Misha and Jared." Ehen there was a paise, he looked at the two others who were clearly reading the fan fiction. "Says you can read it, but nothing else." He explained, almost spitting out the coffee he'd been drinking before replying.

"Well, glad to help I guess.. and most fans say I'm very Dean. Is that something that turns you on?" He put a wining face in next and a stupid sticker, so the person on the other end would know he was just joking, even if he was extremely curious who this woman was.
"Sounds like a plan. Easy enough to blame them if it does."

Jared snickered a little,"she's got dean down pat. Your complaining about cas nearly hitting baby in here."jared snickered to amused to be thinking of what to do with the stories or pictures at the moment. Looking up as jensen nearly spit out his coffee."what?"

"You should be. You have a couple years work on my computer, you can at least be helpful in letting me see these....though Im not quite sure how comfortable some of these would be to actually pull off..."you could almost hear the woman looking through his porn stash and whatever pictures he had. Since he a snt currently dating anyone, at least not seriously, it was a fairly impressive collection."I think I like the car. Cars got a backseat made for sex."
Jensen snickered a little before replying the first message. "Exactly."

Jensen chuckled "sounds like she's both a good observer and writer then" he replied, smiling a bit. He liked this woman already. She was sarcastic and funny and it seemed she was basically on the same page as him.

Jensen blushed a bit, letting out a breath. "She found my stash of nudes.."

Jensen texted back. "Yeah. No problem I guess. Just.. don't look in the folder marked deedee." You could see the blush on his face as he typed aome more. "The car is beautiful. Bought That Baby off the set."
"She is. We might consider tossing her name in the hat to write some novels, dude. This is good."Jared said looking up from the computer before laughing out loud. "That's great. you'll just have to look on her computer for stuff then to."He teased a little.

"No promises. but I'll stay out of it if I don't accidently find it."Sam promised before the smile face showed up. "It's a beautiful car indeed....dammit. gotta go. talk to you later."

Late that night, definitely later then either of them should be up, but considering they were still adjusting to current time zones, it really wasn't that surprising that jensen's phone pinged with a message waiting. "....I'm not sure if I should be disappointed that you're not the one wearing the cheerleading outfit in this video, or amused that you got her to dress up as one....was that your first time dressing up as a football player?"There was a few minutes pause, as if waiting to see if she'd offended him or not by looking for the folder he'd told her to stay out of, before deciding if she was screwed, she might as well go all the way. and....well. teasing him was interesting, even if she fucked up her future book writing with the boys. "I feel the need to change the story now. put you in cheerleading, instead of cowboy boots."
Jensen smiled. "I think she'd be honored."

Jensen typed back. "Thanks. I appreciate it. Its not that i'm that embarrased, its just.. deedee think I deleted them." He smiled a little, typing more. "She really is. Oh.. sorry. Talkbto you later then, sammy." He put a winkie face there, teasing her about her name. It was perfect to write supernatural books, really.

Jensen awoke at the sound of his phone, groaning. "Yeah, well, i've been a cheerleader. I wanted to be the footballer. Deedee was nice enough to oblidge." He typed back, a few typos only because he was still sliwly waking, and had no coffee. He was a zombie without coffee. He picked a laughing gif of himself. "Cheerleaders wear stetsons, too, sammy."
"Ah, well it's always nice to have a helpful woman. And only in texas. Dean's not from texas, ergo, can't put him in both cowboy hat and football pants....though I think every fan you have would like to see you in them."She typed before pausing for a long moment. "....Did I wake you up?I'm sorry....I can go. I didn't...I'm awake, and stressed and....yea...I'll let you go..."
Jensen texted back. "Yep, it does." He let out a yawn, grabbing some iced coffee from the mini fridge in his room. He took a long swig before texting. "You actually did, but its alright. I'll nap a little later. What got you stressed? Also, Jared and misha say that they want you in the pot to right the next supernatural book." He replied, finishing off his iced coffee
Sam sighed softly as she read the words, rubbing a hand over her face as she shifted to lay her laptop on the bed, well his laptop, before stretching. "Sorry. and well, I have deadlines, and a laptop 3 thousand miles away from me, and I'm not great with public speaking, and I'm actually wrapping up a con here, before heading to rome. I'm hoping to duck out of here late tomorrow, catch the train to itlay, but with my luck everyone will want me to stay here, and demand writing and stuff."She said shifting to lay down, relaxing as she talked to him, and half wondering what he was doing.
Jensen was smilingba little as he laid on the hotel bed, booting her computer and hopping on. "Man, that sucks. Cons can be really stressful. But what are you even at a con for? Don't mean to pry, I'm just curious. This whole situation is weird, but I kinda like you, and I read some of the stuff on your computer. Fucking brilliant. If you're writing is anything like you, you're definately my kind of people, Sammy." He complimented, wanting to know her better, drinking his second iced coffee, clicking through her computer after it booted.
"Yea it does, I usually enjoy them, but this time, it's getting to me. think mostly cause it's the first one I've been to since I got divorced."She wrinkled her nose a little as she absently clicking through the naked pictures, squirming a little. knowing she should stop, but not quite able to do it. and really, erally hoping he didn't find the few pictures of herself she kept on the computer. "It is really weird. and it's okay, I mean, can't quite get more personal then finding your porn, or you reading my work."She blushed a little at his praise. "And I'm at con cause I make a living as a sci-fi fantasy novelist. Sorta required to go to con."She said, glad she'd introduced herself by her real name, and not by her pen name, she was enjoying talking to someone who didn't know who she really was.
Jensen typed a sypathetic emoticon. "Ooh. Divorce sucks." He wrote, pressing send as he read the rest of the message. A scifi writer. He could see that. In a very Dean like way, he was picturing a woman who looked like dental hygenist Lillith fom season 4, pencil in her mouth as she wore glasses and typed at a computer. "A writer. Impressive." He remarked, drinking down his second coffee as he popped up a a facebook window on her computer. "Sammy, can I ask you to save a few photos on my computer if I send them via chat? I HAVE TO TAKE SOME PICTURES IN THIS ROOM. Its to good to pass up." He replied, adding an excited emoticon, chuckling to himself. She' already seen his others, so it wasn't to much of a stretch to ask her to do this.
"Yea, it does. even worse when he's also another writer....makes....conventions interesting."She sighed a little, indeed adjusting her reading glasses, pushing them up enough to rub at her eyes for a moment before smiling. "Not that impressive."She said before sipping her own drink, pulling up the actual facebook page instead of just the messanger, pausing to look over the pictures on his facebook page before snorting a little. "Okay, yes. if you're that excited about the room, then yes."She said interested now.
Jensen winced, nodding, not that she could see. "Ooh. Yeah, I could see how that could be a lot of things." He wrote back, a small wincing sticker under it. He set up the computer to take a picture, but he didn't take one yet. He typed. "I think it is. I can't write." He admitted, stripping down. He put tge computer on the table, typing another quick message. "Yay, thanks! Um, if you need 'em for inspiration, i can keep em on the computer for you?" He typed, before setting the camera and taking the first few pictures.
"Hm, but having your computer has made this more pleasant then I'd thought it'd be."She typed before snorting a little, not that he could hear it. "No, but you can act. different people, differnet talents."She said before pausing, wondering just what he was going to take pictures out, only half paying attention to what he was taking, since she was using his laptop to get some writing done. "yea, if you want."She said then looked at what he was actually sending. staring for a long moment. Not quite sure what she was seeing, before whimpering quietly, squirming. glad he couldn't see her at least, it'd be embarrasing to be this horny over a few pictures he'd taken. swallowing thickly. "....is that a supernatural room?"She typed, determined to not let him know just how effected she was. not willing to admit to herself how much she was, even if she was wandering around her room in just a supernatural t-shirt, a pair of tiny tiny undies, and her glasses.
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