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A Deal With the Captain (DonVoltonus x LunaVexx)

The lizard grunted, moving over to her and helping clean her up with a rag. "You'll get used to the treatment, they're nicer to you."
She frowns and sighs. Blushing as he helps her and she tried to move about. "Where is the captain..." She asks softly
"Probably directing the ship." He smiled. "I can help you find him when we're done cooking."
He smiled, tossing the potatos with meat on the small griddle, blocking it with a long spatula as the ship tilted to one side. "You gotta learn the ocean to cook on the sea." He smiled.
She watches and chuckles. Sighing as she helps before looking about. "I think he will want me to help a lot here."
"Just taking half helps." He chuckled. "If you learn to use your tongue well a lot of guys will be happy with that."
She blushes and frowns. 'I know how... but... this is nasty..' She murmurs to herself and sighs.
"Well, a pet either way." He chuckled, "I think you should relax a little ya know, it's way harder when you're fighting it."
She sighs and leans on the table. She hears more people walking about and hopes none come here.
He moved over, rubbing her back. "Just relax yourself a little, I could hear you over here, you certainly aren't hating it."
He chuckled. "Yeah, I think some of the guys here prefer eachother. But don't tell them I said that."
"Besides..." He leaned in close to whisper. "Most of them are hungrier than they are horny."
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