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Father Knows Best (Dawn Dearest & Tyr)

Sep 11, 2009

Slowly, the young girl walked into the one story home. She sneaked a glance around hoping her mother wouldn't be up. Suddenly the hall light flicked on. Blinking in the brightness Elixa looked up into her mother's face, obvious anger covered her mothers features.

Where the hell have you been? her mother yelled as Elixa closed the door slowly.

Elixa had been gone for three days now. She hadn't bothered calling her mother or anything. Looking at her mother carefully she spoke slowly and carefully.

Out...why? she stared at her mother slowly then began walking to her room.

She could hear a huff from behind her and turned around, glancing at her mother, she saw her mothers face pale, she knew why. The seventeen year old girl had gone behind her mother's back and gotten her tongue pierced. Of course, she wouldn't admit to wanting it. Her friends had dared her to get it. So she did...she never turned a dare down.

Her mothers high pitched voice broke out over her thoughts. What the hell is in your tongue?

This ended it, glaring she stormed into her room, and grabbed articles of clothing and stuffed them into her bag. She continued glaring as she jumped out her bedroom window and took off running down the street.

She knew where she would go... her fathers....
Although she wasn't positive where that was, she slung her bag over her shoulder drawing her sweater tighter around her midriff she continued walking. Soon enough she reached the club house. Lucky enough she remembered where that was....
The clubhouse as it was called, was the home of the Soldiers of Satan, a local bike gang. Most of the membership was comprised little more than hoodlum and criminals. The building served both as a meeting place, workshop, and tavern. Though they didn’t have a tavern license that did little to dissuade the group from enjoying alcohol and selling it to those they wanted to. The building was in an industrial district where it wouldn’t bother or raise anyone eyebrows. Surrounded by large tall building the only light was that at the door, shining down on a mural of Satan riding a bike followed by flames, that burned and destroyed everything behind the figure.

Parked outside were rows of motorcycles, most customized and altered to their owners specific requirements. Outside there where people hanging out and talking, most had cans of beer and/or cigarettes as they hung out. The standard attire seemed to be a combination of jeans, leather, and t-shirts. Large boots and even leather pants weren’t uncommon. The mixture was equal men and woman, one pair was even making out while sitting on a bike. They seemed unconcerned that anyone was watching, as the man openly groped the girl.

If someone were to make it inside, which usually was limited to club members or direct friends, they would see tables strewn about as even more people relaxed and partied. A small bar on one wall had people drinking heavier things, and taking shots. The music blared some form of older rock and heavy metal. Many guys sat in chairs with women resting on their laps as they talked. A layer of smoke hung from the ceiling as a wild party was in motion.

One girl obvious seeking attention was doing an impromptu strip routine as several of them cheered her on. The aroma of other things besides regular cigarettes was easily discernable to those that could smell.
Finally rounding the corner, she saw the 'clubhouse' a sigh escaped the girls pink lips. Elixa moved the last few steps and reached the building. She looked at the bikers and nodded swiftly and quickly.
She knew most of them knew her because of her father, she looked around quickly as she strode up to the door.

Her gaze moved down her body, making sure everything was still in the same place. She hoped to find her father here. She inhaled quickly and looked around again. Wondering where he was, if he was inside or outside somewhere.
Spike spotted her first, as she came up to the door. If she wasn’t the bosses kid, he would have tried to nail her years ago. Oh she was jailbait, but when it looked that good who cared. So he steps away from the porch covering the entrance door and greets her.

What are you doing here sweetheart? It's a little past your bedtime isn’t it?

Spike didn’t dare make a move on her or he might end up dead in some alley with a knife through the chest. Still looking her over, he wasn’t sure it wouldn’t be worth it. Damn that girl knew how to fill out an outfit.
Elixa looked up and grinned at Spike she let go of the front of her sweater shouldering her bag once more.
Spike, I haven't had a bedtime in four years. she laughed softly, the sound coming from deep within her, and reaching her eyes.

She knew her tongue ring was showing and she didn't care, she hardly expected anyone here to question her or have some form of concern she then added to her first sentence.
Is my father here?

Her green eyes searching everything around her.
Spike just raises an eyebrow, from all the shit Alex talked about his ex wife, it sounded like this kid lived in some kind of hell. Then again he didn’t understand why anyone would have a ball and chain. So Spike the confirmed bachelor laughs with her, raises his hand and with his thumb indicates the door behind him.

Head inside. He should be back in a little while; he had some business to take care of.

Spike didn’t say he was selling drugs to a dealer, after they brought them up through Mexico last week. As she laughed he saw the tongue piercing, and his thoughts involuntarily goes to an image of her sucking his cock. Quickly putting that aside, he moves out of her way so she can enter the clubhouse.

Spike reaches over and holds the door for her as the blare of music comes flooding out.
Elixa grinned at Spike, then kissed her palm and blew a quick kiss at him. Yes, she was a flirt. Always had been.

Thanks Spike.

She entered the club house, holding her bag to her, she looked around trying to find one familiar face, she stepped forward and sighed softly. Okay, even though the smells she could deal without, this was much better then dealing with her mother.

She rolled her shoulder, ignoring the fact that her sweater sleeve slid down a bit.
Spike rolled his eyes to himself as Elixa heads through the door into the clubhouse. Damn that girl was trouble he thought, as she sashayed through the door. He returned to his beer and smoke, enjoying the peace and quiet outside the clubhouse. Truth be told, he liked country music and found just about everything else lame.

Hey Elixa, hey girl!

Bull the bartender saw her enter through the door. She’d been to the club a few times, and he knew better than to let her wander around. What he didn’t need was the bosses kid sitting on some new guys lap when Alex came back. Shit knowing Alex he might beat the guy to a bloody pulp, and that was the best result possible.

With the wave of his hand he clears a bar stool for her, as he gets her attention.
Hearing her name, she turned and saw Bull smiling, she slipped past some bikers, and walked up to the bar. Sitting down on the empty stool she grinned.

Hey there.

She began to wonder why she hadn't left last month maybe? She glanced around then back at Bull. Leaning her elbow on the bar she propped her chin on her hand.

So where is he this time?

She had to ask, any time she showed up it was very rare she caught him here, unless someone called him to tell him she was there.
Bull wasn’t exactly sure where Alex was, which meant it was probably important. Bull knew when not to ask questions, always better not to know. Damn she was cute, but like Spike he knew better than to make a move on the young girl, especially as it would anger Alex.

Not sure, probably just off having fun. He’s supposed to be back soon.

Reaching out to the bar with a rag, he cleans the counter in front of her, something he just did by habit, much like the next question.

Hey you want something to drink, while you wait?

The party continued in the background as everyone was having fun. Some guys and girl where gyrating together, what might be considered dancing, but was more similar to rutting.
Sighing Elixa placed her other hand under chin and looked around her eyes stopping at the people....dancing? Hell she had no clue the difference between what some people were doing and what others weren't. Well except the ones just sitting.
She knew what intercourse was, they just studied it in school, then well, boys and girls do some funny things at parties. She grinned at the memories.

After a moment, she licked her lips, her tongue darting out between her pink lips, her tongue ring causing a friction on her lips causing her to shiver.

Hmm, oh well. Mmm, please, I'd love a drink.

She paused trying to remember if they knew she drank...shrugging it off she looked back at Bull and grinned adding

Beer, okay?

She flashed him a smile.
Bull just laughs when the girl tries the subtle approach in requesting a beer. Still he couldn’t see an issue with it. So he reaches over and fills a glass from the tap, and slides it over the bar to her.

Sure kid, luckily for you we don’t card here. Plus the only coke usually goes in is rum. Here you go. Don’t worry its on the house.

He smiles back; cause in his own way he was just going to enjoy watching her drink the beer. Damn it was disappointing that she was off limits, or he would have taken a shot at her. Still it wasn’t worth the risk of pissing off Alex.

So what brings you way out here at this time of night?

Still a guy couldn’t help talking to a pretty lady.
Elixa smiled as she held the beer in one hand, looking down at it for a moment, she lifted the glass to her lips and took a quick gulp from it, she could feel the liquid run down her throat she moaned in pleasure. Last beer she had was....two days ago, the guys and girls she'd been with finished the last of it off when she got her tongue pierced, she licked her lips, getting the beer from it. She then smiled up at him at his comment.

Aww, thanks

She paused as he asked why she was out this way. She wondered if she should tell him shrugging her shoulders she looked down to make sure her bag was still there, seeing it she nodded to herself as she took a sip of the beer trying to figure out how to tell him.

Figured I'd come and visit my dad for a bit.

At least most of it was true. She didn't say exactly why she was here.
No problem, just tell your dad you don’t remember who gave it to you.

He gives her a coy smile as she takes the beer. Then Bull watched the girl consume the beer seeing the tongue piercing clanking against the glass. He see many things, so it didn’t surprise him, it just amused him that Alex’s daughter was growing up. Still the gang had rules and you never knew what could happen, especially if Alex gave permission, then all rules where off. God he’d love to hear the girl squealing beneath him. He turns briefly to help another person with a request before returning.

When she mentions coming to visit, he almost laughed. Only those that came for business came to visit Big Al. He wasn’t the sociable kind; in fact he was the scary kind. Still who was he to question father and daughter?

Really, well I hope he’s happy to see you?
Elixa grinned and nodded, of course she wouldn't tell her father who gave it to her. Smiling, she finished the beer and licked her lips again then sighed thinking about the last thing he said.
Would her father be happy to see her? Hell, she'd changed a lot since the last time she was here, fixing her sweater absentmindedly she looked up at Bull and grinned suddenly.

He better be happy to see em, if he's not, I'm gonna be moving in with some guys.

She and two others had planned it already, if it didn't work out with her mother, she'd go to her father, if that didn't work she'd go and be with the guys. She smirked as images of them flashed through her mind.
She'd lost her virginity to those boys, and hell, she hadn't argued one bit, she'd loved every minute of it.
Bull’s eyebrows went up, as the girl adjusted herself and then commented on it. He wondered deep down how much of her wild father might be in this girl. Damn she would be a good fuck, even if she tried to knife you afterward. The eyebrow stayed up as she mention moving in with some guys. He figured if she didn’t kill them, he father would. Either way common sense said to stay far far away from that situation.

Bull wasn’t sure of the relationship between Alex and Elixa, and even if they spent anytime together. Still he chuckled as she mentions moving in with some guys and can’t help but make a comment.

Really, and your father knows about these guys?

It wasn’t his business, but he couldn’t help but wonder if the kid realized how her father dealt with things.

Do you want another beer?

Two was safe he figured, and if nothing else he was enjoying the conversation while they waited for Alex’s return.
Elixa's cheeks went red as she came out of her memory, she nipped her lips then looked at Bull, her downfall, she could never control her freaking blushing.

No he doesn't know them...or anything about them.

The blush stayed on her cheeks as she nodded, another beer would be perfect...maybe it would calm her blushing. She could just imagine what her father would say if he found out about her loosing her virginity to some high school boys. The blush darkened on her cheeks and she lowered her head letting her hair fall in front of her cheeks.

It probably won't come to that though, and if it does, I'm not going to complain

Adjusting the sleeve of her sweater that kept falling down she wondered what he would say if he knew.
Bull just winked as the girl blushed and admitted she’d never talked to her father about the guys she was planning to shack up with. Alex led a relatively wild life, and Bull doubted he would find his daughter’s plan acceptable. Still stranger things were known to happen, especially when Alex was involved. The second beer was handed off as he watches the sexy thing begin to explain some of her plan. The room was hot from all the people packed in it, though most seemed to ignore it as they continued to drink and party.

Watching the girl, he continues the conversation with her.

Well I’d love to be a fly on the wall when you tell him that would be a very interesting conversation. Not that your asking, but I might be a little slow in mentioning the two guys darling, the way your blushing is giving you away. Not my call though.

Fuck begin a fly on the wall, he love to be one of those guys playing hide the salami. He just smiles as the rag wipes down the bar top. All the years tending bar, he'd heard some crazy shit, so nothing was surprising really. Still, sometimes you just saw a train wreck coming.
Holding the glass in her hands she felt the blush creep away, she sighed softly and pulled out her cell phone, it was her mom.....shaking her head she ignored the call. Then took a gulp from the beer, willing her mother to leave her alone. She groaned and rubbed her temples, god, she could just picture it now. He would most likely not be happy with her if she went through with going to the guys.

I'll hold off....for a few days at least.

She cursed realizing she'd just given away that she didn't plan on leaving for a while. Taking a small sip from the beer she glanced around. As irritating as it was to be waiting for her father, she figured he had a good reason.
Bull saw the girl check her cell phone, thinking nothing of it as girls her age seemed molded to the things. Whatever it was, was causing her some distress as she began to rub her temple and drink more beer, he just figured it was boy trouble. The girl was probably walking some very fine lines; they all did at that age.

Can’t wait to go back can you?

He flashes her a knowing smile, as tending bar was more about listening then probably anything else. The kid, no she really wasn’t a kid anymore, obviously was coming into her own, and just getting a feel for what life had in store.

Alex was riding back to the clubhouse, the wind in his face and a bike beneath him. To say he was happy was an understatement he was pissed. The drug deal didn’t happen, the buyer though that with economic times, they should get a better price than the one already agreed upon, and unwilling to budge, the deal fell apart. Now he’d have to find another buyer, and wait to get their fucking money back. Fuck the world was full of flakes. It would have been far more satisfying to kill the fuckers, but they’d met in a spot that would have made that a serious problem, probably why the motherfucker choice the spot.
Elixa finished off the second beer easily, she tossed her phone down into her bag and looked at Bull confused. What was that behind? Her mother or the guys? Shrugging her shoulders she absentmindedly played with the sleeve of her sweater as she decided how to answer that her lips pulled together as she thought.

Well, that depends on going back to where...

She paused to look up at Bull still playing with the sleeve, she then continued.

Back home to mom is out of the question. Back to the guys, I don't know fully yet.
Watching the girl consume the second beer, he just smiled as the girl gave him a look on consternation. The girl sat in her chair that seemed to him to be nervously waiting for her father’s return, her hand playing with the sweater. Then more of the truth began to spill out, maybe caused by his friendly banter or the two beers she’d already consumed.

Well I think you better have a plan before your father gets here or at the worst a very plausible story.

He reaches out and takes the second empty bottle. Anyone else and he would have offered a third. He was about to anyway and thinks better of it, so he words it more broadly.

Anything else I can do for you?

Alex turned into the industrial section of the city, traffic now thinning out to almost nothing, he guns the motorcycle, enjoying the wind on his face, knowing there wouldn’t be any law out here, at this time of night. He was only a few minutes from the clubhouse.
I already know what I plan on saying to him....I think....

Elixa groaned and rubbed her face then looked up at Bull through her fingers, she was terrified of what her father would say. She could easily say.

Oh hi dad. Guess what, I left mom...I was tired of the fighting. I've come to live with you. If that's not okay, no worries...I have another place I can go.

No, she couldn't say that, she bit her bottom lip and spoke slowly.

I'll worry about it when he shows up. If you could warn me when he walks in, that'd be great...

Under her breath she added Then maybe the floor will just swallow me.
The clubhouse came into view tucked between to big warehouses, Alex pulls up and parks his bike putting it in line with the others. Finally the stupid required helmet removed he stands for a moment and stretches out the kinks.


A few of the gang raise a beer or raise a hand to say hi. Alex really wasn’t in the mood and kicking the dirt off of his boots begins to make his way to the den as he sometimes called it.

Bull couldn’t argue with the kid’s logic, facing Alex even when he was in a good mood was to be avoided. The guy just seemed to be a bundle of anger that was ready to boil over. Still those same qualities made him a good leader, even if most lived in fear. Bull’s eyes momentarily see the door at the entrance open, and he quickly realized whom the silhouetted figure was.

Well, then consider yourself warned.

Bull said to the girl.
Elixa closed her eyes quickly, unsure if she wanted to go through with this. Instead of turning around to see her father she stayed with her back to him. Inhaling a deep breath she finally turned and looked towards her father, still trying to figure out what to say to him.

Biting her lower lip she leaned against the bar, then wondered if she should go up to him, or if he would notice her. Giving up on the fight in her head she carefully waved at him. Not wanting to call out.

Elixa looked at Bull quickly as if saying, do not leave. She wasn't sure if she could do it on her own. She turned quickly to glance over at her father.
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