Post Your Face!

darkangel76 said:
OMG, Frosty!!! We should soooo do a high school vs the now photo comparison piccie thing! LOLOL!!! The 18 yr old us vs present day... BWAHAHA!!! XD I love it!!! I have my senior year picture somewhere I think and I definitely have one of me doing all kinds of physics labs stuffs for engineering school my Freshman year in college, lolol! OMG, we should do it!!! XD

As soon as I get it scanned, I'll throw it up. XD I look soooooooo different. Expected, really, but damn.
Because Frosty and I made a deal......

Me at 18...
doing the engineering/physics thing

computers... just more ancient

Me... present day! lol!
pretty recently, maybe a couple months ago... yeah, I look like this!
DA, honest question: Are you a Time Lord? If not, are you by any chance related to Keanu Reeves? If not, have you fallen off any magical cliffs lately, because the only reasons I can think of that you look like you haven't aged a bit are A) you're from Gallifrey, B) You're Jesus (somehow) or C) you're a Highlander.
Rave said:
Psh, DA, all three pictures are of you at 18. Don't try to trick me ;P

But seriously though, so cute<3

HA! Silly! But thanks bunches! XD *snugs* <3

Millenium Joker said:
DA, honest question: Are you a Time Lord? If not, are you by any chance related to Keanu Reeves? If not, have you fallen off any magical cliffs lately, because the only reasons I can think of that you look like you haven't aged a bit are A) you're from Gallifrey, B) You're Jesus (somehow) or C) you're a Highlander.

Hrmm... interesting theories... hehe...

Sooooo pretty Rogue!!!!!!!!!!!
I figure since I just came back I would warn people with a refresher repost that you're dealing with a .. mature... woman. I'm NOT a young'n with piercings, wild hair dye or practiced, posed selfies. Just me being me at 5 ft, 105 lbs.

Takes a deep breath. Warning, I'm not like the rest of you young and cute people but meh. Is me just for reference: I removed it.

Never mind. Just an ancient person who shouldn't be on a young forum because I don't speak or understand the younger generation.
Knowing Dogged the way I do... I don't think she meant anything personal by those statements really. Not in that manner anyway, not to purposefully insult. I think it was more to contrast was all and if/when she sees this, I've no doubt she'll feel badly that anyone took it the wrong way. *hugs*

Anyway, yay for piccies! Even rehashed/reminder ones. XD
Rogue said:
Seems a little passive aggressive, but okay. Cute repost.

Also, something you should know. Having piercings and wild colored hair does not make anyone immature or young. But, THAT mindset truly shows your age.

Omg no no no nooooo! I was saying you're an example of young and cute! I called myself mature (AS IN AAAGGGEEE) because I didn't want to say OLD. Is this clear? Are you happy? Ancient. Like dirt. OK. I'm old. You are young and I am old. My Gods. I was complimenting you. Yikes. I'm way too ancient for drama. I had no idea you would be offended at me trying not to call myself old! Maybe I'm just too old for this forum I guess. *runs off and hides from the HUGE generation gap* Why did I come back?
I like tacos ... as well as lovely women of youth AND age. :D

Also ... Rogue, you are quite the eye candy, for sure. Thanks for sharing your face :)
darkangel76 said:
Because Frosty and I made a deal......

And here's my end of the deal!

Me at 17, all suited up for my grad dinner/dance in 2000

.... Jesus Christ, I look like a dork!


Aaaaaand another one.


Roughly 9-ish years ago


And that's pretty well the most recent pic of me with my niece last summer!
@DA: I know, right? :D

@Joker: .... I don't really recall ever hating my chin... I just let it grow underneath a bit. These days, I need to keep it trimmed a little higher for work. Respirator masks don't work very well if they don't seal properly!
Well... I ask because the only reason I can think of somebody growing a goatee like that would be either !) they're a Warlock or B ) they have a vendetta against their chins. Did it steal your girlfriend? :p
So... I haven't done this... but shall. I'm no spring chicken either Dogged... no need to be embarassed though I am still in my early thirties haha

Be kind and enjoy! Also, note: I'm not naked in the one... you just can't see my top lol, I just was loving my hair lol.


Frosty: You are adorable in the pic with your cute shy smle! <3

Linger: You're a hottie and you know it! *loves long hair* :heart:
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