Post Your Face!


My bright as fuck hair. My camera actually wouldn't capture how bright it is so I put up a filter to show its brightness.

And yes, my eyes are really that blue.
*snugs the morning Rave* <3

I love your hair, Hahvy. So pretty. *snuggles with* <3333

And both the hair and the glasses look lovely, Tempt. *nods*

Looking suave, Shadow. :)
I want to say something witty..but animalistic arousal is getting in the way...
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:

My bright as fuck hair. My camera actually wouldn't capture how bright it is so I put up a filter to show its brightness.

And yes, my eyes are really that blue.

You stop that right now, little lady.
Anansi said:
I want to say something witty..but animalistic arousal is getting in the way...

Silly! =P

Rave said:
I'm really quoting this post just so I can show the pictures again. >_>.
I think there should be like, an un-spoken rule.
It should decree that DA should just wear dresses on a daily basis, and model all like that ^ cause dayum girl, eyecandy much.

*snuggles, blushes*
Thank you for the compliment.
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