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Post Your Face!

H a r r i e t said:
T_VIRUS said:
Well, I guess it has been a while since I posted one.


What about my polo shirt? XD
H a r r i e t said:
T_VIRUS said:
What about my polo shirt? XD

I'm pretty sure we had an earlier conversation about you wearing a work uniform. That was a polo shirt.

I... just wanted to point out that you wore polo shirts. Off work. Or somethin'. >>;

Naaa, that isn't my work Polo =]

My work one is black and all that jazz. I will get a pic of me in it later on.
Seraph Nicholas said:
Stryker, stop being such a shameless whore. It's rather disgusting. Instead, take the hint that you aren't half as attention-grabbing as you'd like to think you are.

O3O I have no idea what you are talking about. Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Do you aksdhklajhkasjdklkjsdf.bfALDFKSVHOASIDHFSADBGKS? XD

Plus i edited my pics cause their for my music page. Cant get and audience without flare. =P
Stryker said:
Seraph Nicholas said:
Stryker, stop being such a shameless whore. It's rather disgusting. Instead, take the hint that you aren't half as attention-grabbing as you'd like to think you are.

O3O I have no idea what you are talking about. Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Do you aksdhklajhkasjdklkjsdf.bfALDFKSVHOASIDHFSADBGKS? XD

Plus i edited my pics cause their for my music page. Cant get and audience without flare. =P

Yes you can. It's called 'talent'. If you think shiny myspace glitter is what it takes to get an audience, then I can already tell your 'music' is shit-awful.

Besides, I wasn't referring to the edits, godawful though they are. I was referring to your abhorrently pathetic begging for attention.

When everyone else talks about all the hot people on BMR, they don't mean you. Don't assume you'll get the same reaction that attractive people do.
Seraph Nicholas said:
Stryker said:
Seraph Nicholas said:
Stryker, stop being such a shameless whore. It's rather disgusting. Instead, take the hint that you aren't half as attention-grabbing as you'd like to think you are.

O3O I have no idea what you are talking about. Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Do you aksdhklajhkasjdklkjsdf.bfALDFKSVHOASIDHFSADBGKS? XD

Plus i edited my pics cause their for my music page. Cant get and audience without flare. =P

Yes you can. It's called 'talent'. If you think shiny myspace glitter is what it takes to get an audience, then I can already tell your 'music' is shit-awful.

Besides, I wasn't referring to the edits, godawful though they are. I was referring to your abhorrently pathetic begging for attention.

When everyone else talks about all the hot people on BMR, they don't mean you. Don't assume you'll get the same reaction that attractive people do.

O_O Hmm. I love the way you try to insult my music when you have never listened to it. Im not beggin for attention, I believe i get enough of it. I dont need people to say how hot I am. Everyone has an opinion. Whether they think that you are hot or not is clearly up to their very own discretion. -_- But you can continue to try trollin' if you like. Post a pic of yourself since you care so much about my pic and how many "hot comments" I get. >.> YOU DON GOOFED UP! CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME! XD
Let's try to guess all the crap in the background of that picture! I see...a poster with two rotting/dirty fingers on it! Which appears to be for Saw 2. Haha. So smart.
Its true, Harriet did call it before i even posted the pic xD
and yesh that is my Saw2 poster I got from being on the saw squad back when I loved Saw, before they started coming out with stupid, boring and "We are trying way to hard" movies -.-
Dameon said:
Let's try to guess all the crap in the background of that picture! I see...a poster with two rotting/dirty fingers on it! Which appears to be for Saw 2. Haha. So smart.
Holy shit. I def thought about that when I first saw the picture. 'Cept I didn't actually try...
i'm too lazy to put my clothes away atm xD and its a birthday card that talks and says "Let me guess, you picked out yet another colorful box with a crank that I'm expected to turn and turn until OOP! big shock, a jack pops out and you laugh and the kids laugh and the dog laughs and I die a little inside."
So I saw your shower curtain in the background and totally thought you were holding an incredibly oddly colored dildo for a total of two seconds.
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