Beacon Slaves (Malfrost X DuxT)

Michael waved Yang off as he gave her a playful wink, confirming her suspicion that the night indeed wasn't over yet for them...still, before the others caught him, he turned his attention back to Ruby and Blake, give them each a smile.

"You know what they say, a team is only a strong as the one leading them!" He gave Ruby a thumbs up as he moved towards Blake, eyeing the book. "It's a good book. I've read it a few times myself. What chapter are you on?" He questioned the girl as he stood closer to her now, giving her a light smile, curious about her progress.
Blake's eyes widened, take off guard by his interest. "Well... Chapter 12, picked it up yesterday." She was a fairly fast reader, especially when it came to a book she enjoyed. "I didn't think you'd be interested, sorry." Smiling some as she seemed to relax.

Ruby for her part, oblivious to the looks, went back to tinkering. She hummed happily, her sister was here safe and the guy she was with seemed nice. So she finished up her work on her scythe before leaping into bed, relaxing herself now.

Yang didn't take long to finish her shower, her head still all over the place. Only natural she figured after such an intense night. Stepping out, she dressed in her usual top and shorts for bed, putting her usual clothes in the hamper. Heading out again, she moved back over to Mike, seeing what he was doing.
Michael grinned as he took a seat next to Blake to look at the spot where she was in the book. He did often surprise people when he mentioned he was a bookworm. He just didn't really look like the type.

"You are a fast reader!" Michael gave her a grin. "Tell me what you think about it so far!" Michael wanted to hear her opinion, this seemed to be a good way to warm up with her. He saw Yang walk back in and gave her a grin.

"Hey, Yang. Anyway I could get some decaf coffee, possibly...I hope that's not imposing." Michael figured he would ask and be polite, he didn't want to impose after all.
Blake smiled, lowering the book to her chest, though he did indeed see she was mid way through chapter 12. "Well, the story is intriguing so far, liking the mystery going on. It's building good tension with how he describes the moon in each section, slowly becoming more fragmented. Characters are a mix though, like the heroine, but the main guy is kind of bland." Blake eagerly explained, which was actually a surprise for Yang, granted none of the other girls were big readers so never had these discussions with her.

"Decaff sounds great, do my head some good." Yang nodded, leaning against the wall close to her bed, eyes looking Mike over.

"Coffee would be nice." Blake agreed, seeming she wanted to sit up and read or talk.

"Ick..." Ruby responded in the corner, she wasn't much of a fan it seems.
Mike chuckled at Blake's analysis of the book so far. "Well, I think you opinion of the characters will change pretty soon...chapter 15, to be exact. Something pretty good happens there...but I wont' spoil it of course." He grinned widely as he reached down and gently patted Blake on the head....he just couldn't quite resist the temptation.

When he heard Yang speak up, he looked at the blonde and noticed how she was motioning towards her bed. He gave her a nod and a playful wink before motioning slightly towards Blake where Blake herself couldn't see it. It seemed like he was implying he was going to try and woo Blake a bit more before he turned his attention back to pleasuring Yang, which he intended to do for the rest of the night once they were done.
Yang gave a nod, a little nervous but still, she was drugged up enough to think this was a good idea. Turning, she climbed into bed, relaxing into the covers, though she ended up turning to watch. She was curious how he exactly intended on doing this, knowing the girls weren't like her. A part of her wanted him to fail, but it was small right now.

Blake closed her eyes and he'd just about be able to hear a rumbling in her throat. She still had a bow on, hiding her identity as a Faunus, but he patted her oh so close to those sensitive ears. She blushed a little, pulling the book up again as she cleared her throat. "Then I look forward to getting there. Maybe we can talk more about the book when I finish with it all?"
Michael gave Blake a small smile as he moved his hand towards her bow. "You know don't need to hide the fact that you are a Faunus.....there is nothing wrong with that." Michael gave her an understanding smile, and then blushed slightly as he looked away.

"I'm not gonna lie....I want to see your ears...can I take your bow off?" He asked her politely, not wanting to be intrusive too much, and also showing that he understood if she said no....but the curiosity in his eyes clearly showed that he wanted to removed the bow.
Blake froze at that, how did he know? She kept it secret no one knew.... Except the girls... and the White Fang... and Ozpin... Thinking about it Wukong knew as did Neptune, Team JNPR, she'd confided in Velvet once and... Yeah the more she thought about it, the more keeping it secret seems like it was over.

Turning her attention back to Michael, she gave a slow, nervous nod. "I guess... Go on, you can take it off." First time she'd let anyone else mess with her bow. She tilted her head towards him, letting him get started on the ribbons of the bow.
Michael nodded and gently undid her bow to reveal her cat ears. He marveled at them slightly, a blush settling on his face as he watched them twitch slightly. He gave her a smile as he rubbed the back of his head with his free hand.

"I have to say, are really, really cute." He gave her a light smile. While he had played the aggressive playboy role with Yang, he seemed to be playing the kind and sensitive role with Blake...he had switching personas down to an art style, it seemed.

"I...if you want me to stop, just tell me." Michael blurted out quickly before his two hands quickly shot to Blake's ears. He took them between his fingers and gently began to rub them, loving the feeling of the fur of her ears against his fingers as he gently caressed them as he gauged her reaction.
Blake blushed at the compliment, ears twitching again. She'd gotten it before, many times infact, but it was most times from another Faunus, hadn't from humans since she was a little girl. "Thank you, typically hide them away though." Which was obvious from the discarded ribbon laying on her bed.

When Michael blurted out something, Blake had time to look up confused before he grabbed her. At first she was going to complain, but then he began to rub them and rub them just right. Her throat erupted into purrs like a large kitten, the occasional gasp leaving her. Her whole body relaxed there, reclining back and tilting her head into him. Her ears were clearly a very sensitive point for her.
The purrs and gasps from Blake seemed to turn Michael on, his cock beginning to get hard in his pants. He moved his eyes towards Yang's bed to see if she was still watching, giving her a grin as Blake began to turn to putty in his hands. He decided to push his luck just a bit more...after all....Blake hadn't told him to stop yet...

" are too cute...." Michael's voice was deeper now, more gruff and full of desire. He slowly lowered his lips to her forehead and gave it a gently kiss before moving to kiss her cheek before her started planting hot, feather kisses up and down her neckline. All the while, he continued to rub on Blake's ears and just the rights places, tugging on them just gently as he did so.
Yang watched with wide eyes from her bed, a hand down her shorts already, doing what he might expect. She was still being hit hard from everything earlier, so he was probably good with her till morning, where she might start thinking straight. Right now though, seeing him play with and kiss Blake seemed to turn her on once more with the extra aphrodisiac.

Blake didn't stop him, shuddering as he began to kiss her neck, tilting her head up to expose more. She could hardly refuse him, it all felt so good that she began to get caught up in it all, slowly panting with the continued purrs and gasps.
Michael saw with Yang was up to and grinned. As soon as he got Blake a bit more warmed up....he would be sure to move the action to Yang's beg so she could get involved as well. For now though, he focused his attention back on the Faunus.

His lips kissed her up neck before hovering above her lips for a moment, teasingly. His hot breath on her lips and cheeks before slowly he moved in and planted his lips firmly on her own. His tongue moving to lick at her lips to gain entry to her mouth as he kissed her affectionately. One hand left one of her ears and slithered down her back towards her ass, where he groped her lovely rear while the other hand continued to rub her ear tenderly and lovingly.
Blake's eyes opened for a moment when she felt his breath against her lips. She saw him hover over and blushed, but didn't pull away as his lips met hers. She hoped everyone else was asleep, feeling embarrassed she was making out with a stranger. Her lips parted and her tongue, which was a little more textured due to her cat nature, was submissive to him. She didn't pull away either when he began to grope her ass, her bed robe so short he could easily get under and feel the naked flesh of it.
Michael loved the feeling of Blake's tongue against his own. It's different texture was a change of pace and she was so naturally submissive to him. It seemed like he picked a good girl to corrupt...she naturally wanted to obey him.

His hand slithered under her robe to feel her bare ass. He gave it a nice spank before groping her rear. He squeezed her ass before he withdrew his lips from her own, playfully licking her cheek before sweeping her up into his arms.

Instead of laying her down on her bed though, he dropped her down onto Yang's and he looked to the blonde with a grin. "Okay, about you have some fun with Blake for a bit while I watch." He suggested to her with a grin as he was sure both of them were aroused enough now.
Blake gave a shudder from the spank, all the sensation getting to her. so much so she wrapped her arms around his neck as he scooped her up. Half expecting to get whisked away like a princess in one of the stories. Instead she was plopped down next to Yang eyes opening in confusion. "Wait..wha..."

Blake didn't get to finish, as the overly horny Yang dived on, mounting the girl, legs each side of her chest. Then without hesitation she pressed her lips to Blakes, pent up feelings for the girl coming out with the help of the drugs. Blake struggled only for a moment, before melting into it, kissing back and not stopping as Yang began to undress the girl and play with her smaller breasts.

A shifting of movement could be heard by Michael, coming from the bunk above Yang's. It seems Ruby Rose wasn't as asleep as he might of thought and could certainly hear what was going on bellow her.
Michael watched with a grin a Blake gave into Yang's advanced and the two kissed passionately. He could sense the pent up feelings Yang might have had for Blake, so he decided to let the two have a few moments for themselves. It was certainly an arousing sight as he watched the two make out as Yang began to strip Blake, her lovely curves coming into view. That's when he heard noise from the upper bunk...he decided to take a peek.

He grabbed a hold of the bunk and pulled himself up so he was hanging on the edge of Ruby's bed. He looked towards her with a grin, as if everything going on below them was completely normal. "Hey Ruby....what's up? Feeling left out up here?" Michael just decided to ask with a chuckle, unsure of the girl's feelings or if she even really knew what was going on below her.
Ruby was blushing bright pink as Mike pulled himself up, eyes wide. "Eeep... I uhh, no just... wasn't expecting to... hmph. Maybe I should go, don't want to... interrupt." The girl said nervously, she knew exactly what was going on. While younger than the others by about two years, she wasn't clueless about sex. Still a virgin though, she was typically treated as younger than she actually was by everyone and hadn't gone looking.

Yang and Blake kept on working under him, Yang soon stripping out of her clothes. This left the two making out, naked right under Ruby and Mike. Hands roamed each other, not doing more than just feel and tease right now as they kissed.
Michael chuckled as Ruby blushed and became embarrassed. He could tell Yang and Blake would be busy with each other for awhile so....why not have some fun with Ruby while he waited for the two down below to finish.

He crawled up into Ruby's bunk and cuddled next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his strong chest as he nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. "Well....would you like it if I paid you some attention while your teammates are getting busy below us."He gave her a playful wink, wondering if she would go along or not. He certainly hoped she would.
Ruby blushed further, looking nervous as Michael got in with her and pulled the girl against him. "I...uhm." Her petite body easily handled by him and she wasn't struggling yet. "Not sure if... that'd be a good idea. Mean we just met you and I've never done anything like that before." Her talking speeding up as she got more nervous, very much on the fence about it all.
"Well....lets take it slow and see how you enjoy it...okay? If you get uncomfy, just tell me!" Michael kissed Ruby gently on her lips, it was tender and light, not passionate like it was with Blake or Yang. He needed to move a bit slower with Ruby.

After kissing her for a few brief moments. He began to plant his lips against her neck, his teeth nibbling on her neck and sucking on her skin gently to mark her with a hickey. Afterward, he pulled away lightly to call out to Yang and Blake. "You two having fun down there?" He called out to the two on the bottom bunk, wondering what the two horny girls were up to.
Ruby was about to object but then he kissed her. She stilled some, silver eyes a little wide. She didn't pull away and the kisses and nibbles on her neck got little shudders out of her. She was sensitive and likely had never been touched before, so this was her first feelings of pleasure like this.

Yang and Blake didn't respond, but he could hear a wet sound with the Faunus gasping. "Yang..." Blake quietly breathed before moaning out. It seemed like the blonde was busy eating her friend out and both were too focused to have heard him.
Michael's hand moved to grope one of her breast through her top, his teeth nibbling on her ear. He sucked on her earlobe gently as he pressed his bulging cock up against her crotch. He looked at her with a grin as he clearly heard what was going on in the bunk below them.

He swept Ruby up into his arms and grinned at her. "Lets joining the fun down there....shall we?" Without giving her a warning, he jumped with her from the top bunk and down to the floor where she could now see what her two teammate were up to. "You aren't naked like the rest of them." He gave Ruby a wink as he watched Yang eating out Blake.
Ruby shuddered some more, her breasts tiny compared to everyone else. Her sister won the jackpot in that regard, so Ruby was a little flat chested, but not overly so. Her eyes widened again as her swept her up, gripping him for safety as she leaped down. Leaving her in his arms, in full sight of her sister and friend with each other.

Then the suggestion to get naked was brought up and her blush deepened. "I... really not sure about this..." Nervous again, seeming he might need to push her further. That or force the issue, she wasn't exactly able to get away from him right now.
Mike just grinned as he tossed Ruby down onto the bed. He wasn't going to force the issue quite yet, but he would get her warmed up. He laid her down right next to Blake, so she could see the expression her teammate was making as she was getting eaten out by Yang.

"Excuse me, Yang." He pushed Yang over just abit so he could get on his knees. He began to play with Ruby's crotch through her pj bottoms. He prodded at her pussy as he always licked at her pussy though the fabric to see how she would react to the new stimulation she was getting.
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