Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Passionate Pokemon (LR-Studios and DonVoltonus)

He blushed, moving his claws to reveal a 6 inch cock, short but quite thick, covered with tiny barbs. "Th-this."
He blushed. "I-I dunno...Doesn't hurt my hands...never tried it on a female." He admitted.
"No, it's..." He blushed. "I...like dominating females, and Sandslash girls are all submissive." He sighed.
He blushed. "Somebody like you I guess. Somebody who'll be on top and tell me what to do..."
He blushed deeply, moaning as his warm pre coated her fingers. "I'll do anything you ask miss." He panted.
"Y-yeah." He pants. "I-I can dig a quarry for materials, a-and carve stone...Please, touch me mistress..,"
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