Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Passionate Pokemon (LR-Studios and DonVoltonus)

He smiled, the finger slowly thrusting inside of her. "So, think this was a fair deal then?" He teased, adding another finger.
He slides them out slowly and stands, showing off a smooth ten inch cock, deep red with a pointed tip and a thick knot at his base. He moved over her with a smile, rubbing his length against her slick slit.
He leaned up, kissing her neck as he slowly thrust his length into her, spreading her walls. "Ahhhh, you have quite a chill don't you?"
He slows down, each thrust deep, smooth, deliberate. "Just tell me what will make you feel even better." He smirked.
He slowly began gaining speed, pushing deeply into her, his knot rubbing against her clit.
"I wonder if you'd have done this even without the ring?" He teased, thrusts growing stronger, starting to press his knot into her.
With a groaning thrust he pressed his knot inside, the orb swelling to tie them as hot ropes of Lucario's seed painted her walls.
He smiles, nipping at her neck. "Damn, that was great." He pants heavily, setting the ring on her chest. "You're welcome in my territory anytime." He gave a tug, still unable to pull out.
In town she was paid well for the ring, and even given a large, juicy apple along with the reward. Outside she might notice a sign stating that an old team base was for sale for only 1500 poke, a surprising deal for a new home.
The small area was overgrown and worn down, though the house only appeared to need a good dusting. However, as she entered, she would hear clattering down in the basement.
She finds a Sandslash, who turns nervously to her. "Ehhh....I thought this place was deserted..." He muttered, embarrased. "S-sorry, I'll uh...I don't really have a place to go..."
"Hey, look it's okay. I can allow you to stay here until you get back on your feel. All I need to is to give this place a good renovation and it will be good as new."
"I can help with that, and...uhm..." He blushed. "You know other pokemon can uh...smell that, right?" He said nervously. "You know, the...sex?" He muttered, a bright red tip between his legs peeking out, though he quickly covered it.
He backs up slightly. "G-getting closer isn't going to help...you still smell like sex..." He muttered.
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