Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Passionate Pokemon (LR-Studios and DonVoltonus)


Nov 29, 2015
United States of America
Nieve the Weavile is resting on top of the tree in the forest on a warm Spring afternoon, she wasn't getting use to the warm weather at all. She tends to live in regions the is much colder, as she is part ice type. Nieve isn't around a lot of Pokemon so often, she is in places that she doesn't want to be bothered.
A Pelliper man soared past overhead, a letter slipping from his pack, fluttering down and landing on her face.

"This is an emergency request for all Mystery Teams! I've lost my ring in the forest. It's very important to me and I'm willing to pay a great deal for it's return!"
"Requester: Madame Glaymeow."
"Goal: Retrieve silver and ruby ring."
"Reward: 2500 Poke."

(Couldn't think of a better way to get a lone pokemon moving than straight cash.)
DonVoltonus said:
A Pelliper man soared past overhead, a letter slipping from his pack, fluttering down and landing on her face.

"This is an emergency request for all Mystery Teams! I've lost my ring in the forest. It's very important to me and I'm willing to pay a great deal for it's return!"
"Requester: Madame Glaymeow."
"Goal: Retrieve silver and ruby ring."
"Reward: 2500 Poke."

(Couldn't think of a better way to get a lone pokemon moving than straight cash.)

"Hmm, I think I can find whatever that Pokemon lost. I might as well get on my feet to find that missing item and give it to this Glameow. Might as well do it.

Nieve gets down from the tree and begins searching around the forest to find the missing ring. She looks around everywhere, behind trees, bushes, under lakes. She was wondering if the ring is lost or somehow stolen. She wasn't sure what to do after she is rewarded with the 2500 Pokes. She just hopes that no one takes it and traded it away.
(Under lakes?)

She soon comes across a male Lucario, holding a small shining ring, looking it over. He notices her and turns, looking her up and down. "Hold on there, down this way is my territory, nobody else allowed."
DonVoltonus said:
(Under lakes?)

She soon comes across a male Lucario, holding a small shining ring, looking it over. He notices her and turns, looking her up and down. "Hold on there, down this way is my territory, nobody else allowed."
(You can lose things under lakes)

Nieve was not sure what he meant by that, but she thinks that she wasn't allowed in his territory, even though she wasn't a threat to him. She notices the ring he is holding. "Hey, is that the missing ring your holding? The one that a certain Pokemon is looking for."
(Just odd wording. By the way, if you type in the box at the bottom instead of hitting "Reply", it won't attach my quote to your posts.)

He looked at the ring. "Is it now...Well it was in my territory, and thus is mine, though I'm sure I could be convinced to part with it." He smirked.
She wanted to snatch the ring from him, but she couldn't step in his territory. She doesn't know what would he do to her if she dared steps into his territory.
He smirked. "Smart girl, watching your disadvantage. Now then, I can't find a mate this season...you want this from me...see where I'm going with this?" He raised a brow.
He calmly stepped in front of her. "Where do you think you're going? You don't go through my home without permission."
He lean in close, placing a hand on her shoulder. "And I want that body, seems a fair trade to me."
"You seriously don't understand?" He chuckled. "Sex, just one little chance to have a little fun, and the ring is yours." He smirked.
Nieve doesn't like at all, but if she wants to get the ring from him if she wants to return it to its rightful owner. She has no other options. "Fine, I'll do it."
He smiled, stepping back a bit. "Shall we do this in my cave then? Or do you prefer it just be done out here?"
He led her to his cave, with a very soft looking bed made from natural materials. "Why don't you lay back and relax?" He smirked.
He moved to her, crouching down, fingers running up her thighs as his tongue slipped between her legs.
He smirks, two fingers spreading her lower lips as his tongue explore her. "See? Not so bad is it?"
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