Masquerade [ Ft. Banks & November ]

"Okay, this is already pathetic." Kylo stepped forward and look a couple of steps towards Lavish, which of course, tensed his men right behind the diving rope. "Listen, I don't know all the er... messy details of your last encounter with Hux, and I don't need to know. You're not dealing with him, right now. You're dealing with us."

Hux took a step forward at this development. "Am... I included with the us? If so, then technically..."

Luckily for his physical well-being, he understood that the interruption wasn't appreciated and fell back in line.

"Yonen, I told you to stop bringing fresh-faced Order twerps to my doorstep, but you just don't listen do you?"

Yonen peeked out (from behind Phasma, this really was a comedy of fucking errors). "They... made me? I mean, she said she'd..." He trailed off and gave her an ironic look. Yeah, kind of a weird choice for hiding. Caught between two people that have promised to kill you. Hm. Kylo guessed Yonen was all too happy to let this happen. Somebody had to go!

"You've been working with a crew of pirates, they've been robbing everywhere from here to Carida unchecked. Weird tech, gravity weapons, even an HRD. Now, how many people know how to bring a droid to life quite like you?"

Lavish shrugged. "My work is very confidential. It's for clients only. Paying clients. If I were to talk about every masterpiece I've ever created, I'd have a lot fewer paying clients."

"Do you know who I am? You drug-addled old fool? Your clients should have picked softer targets. Stuck to raiding scummy little merchant swoops and ripping off other smugglers. Instead they decided to step on the toes of most powerful force in this galaxy, and we're about to step right back. Except we aren't bothering with toes. So you can be a professional and stand aside, or you can get their same treatment."

It was actually a good speech. Hux would be proud. Kylo looked back as if to confirm this, and he was... yes, a little impressed.

But Lavish was less so. "If the First Order really cared about this," he said, waving his hand as if weighing the situation evenly, "they would have sent more and better than you three."

"You have no idea what we're capable of."

he said with a smirk. "I have met Hux."

"This is your last chance."

"Do you know how many people at this party work for me, Kylo Ren? Do you think it would cause a stir if I pulled this out -"
He quickly drew a blaster from his holster. "- and blew your brains out all over this floor? People would dance right over you."
What was it about his shoes.

It was odd of her to even care, momentarily wondering why she had noticed anyone's shoes, but even more so that he felt familiar to her. When was the last time she had met a Twi'lek, really. Arms folding over her chest now as she looked over the four armored men, unfortunately they were outnumbered, even more so if you disregarded Hux as a real threat to anyone here. Sighing softly, the woman shot Yonen a hard glare, viscious gaze daring him to say what she had told him she would do, almost wishing it on him just as he gasped himself to shutting up. Her eyes moving to the side now, she watched the door now, the Twi'lek sliding in and moving through a set of smiling faces, disappearing among another group. Clicking her tongue behind her teeth, Phasma didn't like any of this one bit. If it was another trap, it certainly wouldn't involve this many people for the three of them, right?

Didn't make any sense for Lavish to even be here if it was a trap. But what was starting to make sense was where she had seen his face. Turning her head now just as Lavish threatened Ren with his blaster, the woman immediately reached down and gripped Yonen's wrist, glaring at him now, " You're not sneaking out of this. " If they died, he was going right down with them. Speaking now, her tone was soft and inaudible to the men behind the rope, watching as one of Lavish's companions leaned in to him. " One of the pirates is here, " Phasma wasn't going to immediately tell him that it was probably the one who had taken his lightsaber to be checked in, speaking softly again, " I haven't seen any of the others. " The threat was unfortunately more than just Lavish waving his blaster around, though now would be a beautiful time for him to tap into his inner force. Any. Time. Now.

"You're joking," Kylo mumbled under his breath. Of course not. She wouldn't joke about something like this. Actually, she wouldn't joke about most things. On one hand, it meant their odds had just gotten worse - especially if they had any sort of fancy weapons with them - but if they could get out of this alive, and maybe somehow capture him...

He groaned softly to himself, looking up at the chandeliers. Of course, that was hard enough without literally giving their weapons up at the door. Hux wasn't exactly going to be useful, who knew what side Yonen would be on, and Phasma... were they supposed to take on the entire room? You take one half, I take the other.

"Listen, if you know who I am, you really shouldn't bother dong this. You'll be hunted for the rest of your very short life. You plan on staying in the slums of Ord Mantell for the rest of your life?"

Lavish grinned and spread his hands, letting the blaster drop. "It's a wonder then, that I'm not going to kill you." He pointed behind them and smiled. Kylo didn't need to look back - not when he heard the familiar hum of the lightsaber behind them.

Kylo Ren ran a hand through his hair, his face twisted into another frustrated grimace. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

But really, at this point, what else could be done? Kylo whipped around, spinning to his knees, taking a silver plate into his hands and hurling it at the Twi'lek as fast as he could. He might have had the weapon, but he wasn't a Jedi - the plate smashed him in the hands and went scattering across the floor as the place broke into screams. Now the people were running in every direction. That would buy them a few seconds, anyway.

So he let out a shout and charged the guards.
It was clear in the change of expression on Hux's face as he took a moment to glance around that he had also heard Phasma, amazed that his face really could go beyond its normal pale.

" Lavish, we're not here for any confrontation. Just, information. "

The red haired male was ignored, instead a threat given to Lavish from Ren, huffing his cheeks out for a moment as he reached up to unclasp the top button of his shawl accessory. Well, there would probably be no need for this in a few minutes. Phasma would have shown amusement when she watched him pull his hat down to tuck it beneath his arm and look up at the ceiling as though he were praying to Snoke himself. Though each of them held their own moment of tension when the crackling hum grew closer, the blonde turning and gritting her teeth softly. Of course. She felt Yonen jump slightly, accidentally bumping into the brick wall behind him when he turned, impossibly large eyes getting bigger. " I think my job here is- "

Whatever he planned on saying was cut off by a plate shattering, someone screaming to start up the next few, the woman moved now, Yonen free from her grasp as the Twi'lek made immediate eye contact with Phasma. The lightsaber had only moved a few paces away, slid across the ground, however when he began to move toward it, Phasma immediately beat him to it, kicking it away and letting it slide further out of his grasp. Oh. She'd definitely have to apologize for that later, swearing she heard Kylo cry out like she had kicked him in the crotch. For now however, her focus returned to the built pirate, avoiding his fist and bringing her leg up to kick him across the face, out of the corner of her eye noticing Yonen attempt to run. Unfortunately, a guard had made his way to the green man, targeting him like he was a part of First Order.

Well. By association.

Thankfully, the little green thing held his own, clearly deciding that he wasn't about to just die for doing what he had been threatened into doing in the first place, whether he was First Order or not. Phasma didn't have the time to see where Hux had gone, the Twi'lek standing after regaining himself before charging the woman, grabbing her up by the shoulders and slamming her onto the ground. The woman's body writhed beneath him, the pain from the drop surging up her back, causing her to grit her teeth. " Stupid. . Fucking First Order. . " He grumbled, his hands reaching for her throat while her own reached behind her, feeling the ground and finding a dropped platter, picking it up through the food that had once been on it and slamming it against the side of his head. " Get OFF me. " The platter slammed into his head at least three times, his hands closing around her fists, though from each blow growing decreasingly less tight, the Twi'lek's body grew weak after the fourth, immediately pushing him off her as he passed out among discarded party food.
The bad news was, he was surrounded by four armored men with guns, weapons training, and the desire to kill him. The good news is, he was surrounded - with all these men so close to each other, none of them had the room or inclination to shoot him directly without lining each other up for friendly fire. That only bought him a second or two, but Kylo used it, jamming an elbow into one man's face (they hadn't quite been devoted enough to the cause to wear helmets) and sending a hard kick into another man (that thumped uselessly off his chest).

Kylo did understand how to throw a punch and speed his own reflexes, but he wasn't exactly a martial artist. He turned around to look for his lightsaber - there it was on the ground... and then Phasma kicked the thing, probably shorting something out in the process.

He turned around just in time to avoid the butt end of a rifle. He looked on Lavish's table to find something worth using as a weapon... a china plate? Good enough. He called the plate from the table and flung it like a discus into one of the guards at point blank range, shattering him and sending it reeling.

Just at that, he sensed, more than observed, Lavish pulling the trigger of his blaster. Kylo had been working on an incredible trick with blaster bolts, but it needed preparation - he leaned backwards, the deadly bolt almost singing his eyes as it passed his head and went through to the party.

He needed another distraction.

But of course.

Kylo pushed the cloud of blue powder into Lavish's face. Maybe a sniff or two of the stuff felt pleasurable, but this was a whole mountain of the stuff all at once. Lavish hit the ground, covering his eyes and coughing like a madman -

And Hux, bless him, jumped on top of him from out of nowhere, now they were both wrestling for the blaster.

One of the guards saw this and turned around to help, but Kylo was on him, grabbing him by the collar, turning him back around and smashing him across the face with his fist. But now another guard was moving, the field was clear, he raised his rifle -

Kylo pulled the guard in front of him just in time for the blaster bolt to hit the armor. Still, the guard's howl of shock was enough to cause a moment of hesitation. Kylo pushed with all his might and sent the two guards crashing into each other.

Now he had a moment. One moment where he could turn the tide. He turned around and called the lightsaber again. It flew through the air, brisk and confident - and then a Bothan woman flipped over a table and grabbed the thing out of the air.

No. That wasn't supposed to -

And just as he thought he'd seen it all, the Bothan pressed a button on her hip, and some weird looking heels popped out of her shoes. She coasted forward through the party, jumped onto the wall - and began skating up the wall with his lightsaber well in hand.

Kylo was still in a life or death situation but...

"You've got to be KIDDING me!"

... he couldn't help but express his frustration.
If there wasn't screaming and people running about trying to find themselves some sort of placement, Phasma would have laid where she was, to wish the pain out of her back. However, standing now, the woman looked over the unconscious pirate and groaned softly, " No weapons through and through. " Though the guards she knew for sure had weapons, were momentarily preoccupied, the last stream of guards actually hired for this event filing in and dealt with, Phasma knew that with such a small amount of security for this large group, that there had to be more around working for Lavish. It was almost unsettling to Phasma not to know, however there wasn't time to be entirely bothered, a blaster bolt missing her head as Hux and Lavish wrestled across the floor.

Another guard aiming his blaster, the female gripped one of the bars that held the crushed velvet rope up, smashing it out of his hands and swinging again at his head, landing the makeshift bat and knocking him down. Turning again when she heard the familiar " Oomph! " from Hux, she watched him fall to his side, a punch to his gut no doubt, Lavish starting the crawl for the blaster. Phasma immediately grasping it and knocking the man onto his back, straddling his stomach and landing a sharp punch to the bridge of his nose, the shift in his bones apparent. " What the fuck. . " Apparently both she and Hux had been thinking the same thing, watching the Bothian start her climb up the wall to the glass ceiling, Lavish attempting a laugh from beneath her. " Did they use my tech to make you or something? " However when he noticed the Bothian skating up the wall, he grinned as though he had the upper hand in this.

" People all over this party, working for me. "

Knees digging into his arms, Phasma looked through the scope of the blaster, breathing out softly as she fired the shot, watching the blue blast land in the Bothian's back and drop her off the wall just as she reached the glass. Listening to the hard thud her body made when it hit the floor across the opera house, her amber eyes looked down to lavish again as he grimaced, " You know, I could pay a beautiful woman like yourself a lot more than what- " The punch she had been saving for Yonen in case he acted out was settled into his left eye, Phasma rolling her eyes into the back of her head at the line he had attempted to fish out, her feminine " Ugh. " heard. Standing now, Phasma watched as Hux adjusted himself, dusting the blue powder residue that had gotten on him as a result of rolling around with Lavish.

" Well, now time to get down to business then? "
Kylo had really hoped that one of them would be enough of a crack shot to hit the Bothan on the roof- certainly before she started opening fire on them from the ceiling and giving them some other weird angle to have to think about. And as soon as he thought it, Phasma connected with her back.

Beautiful. He pulled the saber towards him from the air. One of the guards tried to snatch the thing in midair out of desperation, but Kylo was already too close to the thing and had minute control - he turned the blade on in midair and the crossguard burned through the guard's hand. He didn't hesitate, snatching the lightsaber out of midair and driving it through the maimed guard's throat. The second guard grabbed his rifle and fired, but it was all panic, outmatched against his icy precision. Kylo blocked the bolt and took a half step forward, slicing through the armor like it was nothing, sending half the man's head sliding to the clean floor before running through the third guard just as he put his hands up to signal for mercy.

The whole thing was over in seconds. Even better, Phasma had Lavish pinned like a bug and was already wailing on him. And Hux was... alive. All right. He didn't want to have to explain losing him on the job.

"Hux. You look ridiculous."

He just smiled. "Thanks. I feel. I feel like I might have ingested much too much of... whatever this is."

"Oh boy,"
Lavish said with a snicker. "You are in for a wild fucking ride, son."

Kylo took a couple of steps forward and put his boot on Lavish's chest before activating the lightsaber. "You need to start talking before you lose parts of you that I promise you will miss."

"Wow, look at all that aggression. If it helps, I told the Litari not to go ripping off Order vessels. For... well, exactly this reason."

"The Litari."

"I don't want to go into all of the motives here. We'd be all day. Let's just say they don't like the Order's policies, think of them as specist."

"I don't know if I'd say that."

"Well, there are complex political reasons behind everything, but if you are a specist, the First Order is a rather comfortable place to be, wouldn't you say?"

Kylo shrugged and turned the lightsaber off. "Where do they get their money from?"

"I don't know? And I don't care. The credits ended up in my account, and I got the rush of making new toys."

"Who was your contact? Where'd you meet?"

"Listen. You can cut off whatever you want, but I'm not telling you that. There's some level of professional..."

"Fine." Kylo stretched his hand forward and sighed. "You don't have to tell me anything..."
Well that had been, uncomfortable.

Apparently her sitting on top of him gave Kylo the sign to go ahead and start peeling through this man's brain like some sort of fruit, which meant she had to hold him down long enough for him to stop squirming. Not where she wanted to be, most definitely. " So you can't read minds! " Hux was already feeling the results of this drug. Leaving Lavish there with blue powder foaming out of his nose, the blonde carefully wiped her hands on one of the guard's shirts, watching Hux's pupils dialate showing that she definitely wasn't prepared for going on the same trip he was on. The ginger had slunk down onto the empty couch Declan had once been sitting in, staring at his hands as though they were slowly slipping away from him, Phasma having had to pull him up carefully and guide him out of the opera house. " Th- Thank you for not punching me like that. " Phasma had only smiled lightly at the little green pain in her ass, knowing he would definitely have to lay low which meant avoiding the tacky outfits for a bit. Really, that was doing everyone a favor.

" Phasma, let me just ask you. . "
" No Hux. "
" But let me just. . How do you get those in your armor. . Do they extend your breastplate or. .? "

The speeder ride back to their ship was filled with plenty of moments of Phasma shushing Hux to no avail, moving into the ship and hearing the redhead stomp in behind her as though he felt that he weighed less. " I'm not sure, what this is. But I definitely need to lie down. " Good idea. Phasma watching him slide into the couch behind the cockpit with his face down, the blonde made her own steps toward the room she had shared the night before, breathing out softly. While she wanted to think about going after the pirates, the ringing thought in her head was to get under the hot water, dress pulled away from her body and tossed aside, the woman moved to carefully lay on her side beneath the heated stream, closing her eyes.
Sigh. Hux was already raising an invisible glass to him when he opened the door. Just a nasty situation. And totally premature.

"I have to say," he slurred, "I had no idea you had it in you. Just a... fantastic show." He muttered something about colors and his hands that Kylo didn't catch.

Kylo didn't want to go back to catch it either. He shuffled into the back room and sprawled on the floor with an awkward huff. He hadn't heard of the Litari before today, but they were already an incredible pain in his ass. See...

Hux, Fedorre, even Snoke... they'd really, really been wrong about everything.

And so had he.

They had some of the tactics of a pirate organization... but what kind of pirates used these kind of tactics? Proceeded with this kind of military efficiency? Had this kind of amazing tech, to say nothing of the results. It made perfect sense when he thought about it, but he hadn't really been thinking about it. None of them had been.

His body felt awful, he was... tired and frustrated and hungry all at the same time, and the ship wasn't stocked with anything but candy and stuff you'd get at an army cafeteria. And worse than all of that, they had some choices to make.

Really, this was a decision that should have involved Hux, but... as bombed out of his mind as he was, he could stand to have his choices made for him for a few days.

There was a pitter-patter of water behind the door, and Kylo pulled his robe, still lightly dressed as he knelt in front of it. "Let me know when you want to hear my incredible findings."

A long pause.

"The pirates aren't just pirates. They're a paramilitary organization. They're developing a superweapon they plan to sell to the Republic."
The water was all too soothing against the faint red signs of what had happened along her back, eyes remaining closed when she heard the door outside open and shut with a soft swoosh. Staring at the frosted privacy glass, Phasma didn't wait very long before Kylo was speaking through the door, carefully moving to stand. " Don't be shy about it now, " A surprise in itself considering he had barged into her quarters on the Terigen by twiddling with the lock mechanism, " You don't have to speak through the door. "

Turning her head to see the cloud of black appear when he stepped in, speaking again, " What kind of super weapon?" It was momentarily bothersome to hear that the same people who were creating weapons to pull the gravity from a ship were the same people trying to sell a weapon to the Republic. Just the idea alone made her cringe, the image of the tides changing drastically causing her to frown lightly.
"What kind do you think?" No, really, it was more obvious than they'd thought. That was one of the things that made the revelations from Lavish so frustrating. "The pirates used a device that penetrated shields and fucked with the gravity and life support systems of a capital ship. That's more than horrible enough if they scale it up properly, and when the Republic gets a hold of it, they will. Can you imagine something like that getting mass-produced? If it was something the Republic could just... get their hands on and use during every confrontation?"

Most people thought of the Death Star as a weapon that changed the face of war - the ability to obliterate any individual planet that wasn't compliant was the ultimate projection of force, of course - but did they know how fucking EXPENSIVE a Star Destroyer was? Given the amount of space that was in the galaxy, even the threat of one was enough to relax most systems into submission. Now there was something widespread that could render them effectively useless? Even a frantic retrofitting would cost them billions of credits and hundreds of worlds.

"We need to... do something. They're already in contact with people inside the Republic Senate and showing off their amazing results. We need to... either call for help or try to stop the thing ourselves by stealing the prototype."

No good choices there. If they waited and talked to Fedorre, they could be too late to actually catch them (Kylo thought news of this disaster would spread fast and drive the not-exactly-pirates underground)... but if they rushed in undermanned...
There had already been one too many times the other side had only needed something so ridiculously simple to be at an advantage. Taking technical errors and making them grand in scale like a ripple effect. Just the idea alone of Republic fighters launching massive cannons that sucked away the gravity was something that none of the Order was prepared to deal with. " Wait for Fedorre or do something else with only three people. Wonderful. " Sighing softly, the blonde looked at him again through the glass, " I doubt the situation would be the same if we go in with Fedorre in the absolute dark. "

Frankly, they or rather Phasma, was already in the hole.

If they were testing resources, they may as well go for the head resource. She could hear an eventually sober Hux now, gulping down the idea that they had told on him for his drug fiasco. " Do you think they'd rush to finish it? " It made sense, to hear about parts of the smuggling group being hunted, parties being destroyed. Arm reaching out now, the water stopped rushing as she pointed at the pale fabric hanging on the wall, " Towel? "
Kylo grumbled under his breath at no one in particular. The weird dichotomy between the woman in the shower and the horrific situation unfolding in front of them had his mind racing j two separate directions. He congratulated himself on only ogling her out of the corner of his eye as he grabbed the towel and handed it off to her... but then he had to look at her to speak to her, so what was the point of all that?

"The thing already works, they've got all the proof of concept you should possibly want. Maybe they would taken their time and experimented with something bigger if they didn't know about us, but I imagine they think the entire Order is breathing down their necks."

Kylo grunted and sat down in the shower, leaning against her hip with a gloomy expression. He looked at the wall as if it were some far off, distant point. "I wish we had done... literally everything differently. Done an investigation. Watched their tactics instead of setting up some stupid ambush. I wish we hadn't just rushed to Ord Mantell. I wish we had followed Lavish and approached him someplace else instead of making a big scene. His house at night or something. I wish I hadn't floated a bunch of stuff in the air, waving my lightsaber around."

That last point wasn't useful. Had it been... Phasma and her trainees, they'd probably all be dead right now.
The expression on his face was more than clear to read, frustrated and upset with how things had escalated so quickly only to find more bad news when he found the answers they were looking for. Well. What had he expected? Clearly something that didn't prove that Snoke was keeping things from him, the trooper understanding very clearly that whatever information the higher ups had would have been greatly appreciated. Phasma alone was well aware and used to superiors leaving her in the dark about missions, having been sent out plenty of times into shit that they should have thought through several more steps after. Wrapping the cloth around her torso just as he placed a small portion of his weight at her hip, the woman looked down at him with a curious expression. Clearly, this was eating him up.

That is fucking adorable.

For a split second, she almost wanted to hug him. But. . Different than her hug with Hux. The kind of hug that showed she wanted to take care of him. Was there a type of hug for that? Phasma was sure there was, rolling her eyes at herself before reaching down and gently shifting her fingers through his hair, " You were just trying to make sure we didn't have to go back to the Gauntlet with a destroyed ship as our only outcome. Besides, you know what happens when he's approached alone after being watched, Hux is a prime example. " Granted, Hux was a completely different person, and Lavish and his goons weren't that scary to need to piss on himself. " And really, fucking couldn't have relieved all the tension you had, hm? " Enough tension to slice someone's head to pieces, for instance.

Fingertips tracing over his jawline for a moment, Phasma shrugged softly as she added, " Being absolutely honest, that could have gone a lot worse considering everything that happened. "
Kylo took a slow, shuddering breath and considered how he felt. And he felt... "better".

There was still a burning pit in his stomach that seemed to spread with every breath. He knew what he was trying to do - but he'd really just been reckless. And uninformed for half a dozen different reasons. And it was true that things could be worse. One of them could have been dead, they could have gotten captured, he could have regressed and messed up the mind-reading with the amount of stress he was under. But if he'd learned anything during his life, it was that things could always get worse, and that didn't make things good.

He took another slow breath through his teeth. All that was true. They'd been backed into a corner where they had to succeed. And yet.

Even despite the burning on his insides, the rest of him did feel better. There was something electrifying about Phasma's leg pressed against his face, her hand in his hair, her embrace all around him. He turned towards her hand and kissed her palm. "I don't know, I felt very relieved after that night. It's just that, I don't know..."

He looked away and an awkward little smile twitched into life on his face, like a butterfly wriggling out of a cocoon. "I get tense pretty easily?" He felt himself grinning against all natural instincts as he turned his head inward and kissed her inner thigh. "What are the chances Fedorre wants to work with us? We can both sort've yell at him until he gives us what we want. He shows up, makes a big distraction, we get onboard and..."

Steal the prototype? Blow everything up? Who could be certain?
Really, the only real negative outcome was Hux snorting drugs off of another man's body, a good story to tell if he actually managed to remember it in his haze. In a sense, made the man a bit more likeable, minus his attentive behacior to her breastplate modification. He definitely put himself at a massive risk for simply jumping onto Lavish, though it quite possibly could have been what he felt was a repayment for Lavish giving him such awful embarrassment. Smiling softly when he kissed her palm, his response gaining a faint nod, " I'm aware, " She'd seen many scenes unfold just from him getting tense.

Shaking her head when he mentioned Fedorre, though she had been greatful to avoid the conversation they'd have back at base, Phasma sighed. " Wants to? None whatsoever. But he doesn't have much of a choice, " Considering the circumstances. " But that also means waiting the two days it would take him to get here, if they don't decide to raid another ship. " What a giant shit storm that could be, although it did offer the distraction. Phasma doubted that Fedorre would demand they destroy the weapon if it offered such an advantage though.

" We take it. "

Finishing the sentence for him, it would be grand repayment for the ships stolen, almost as though it would be worth the lives lost.

"Oh, see. When I mentioned tension, I was doing one of those things. You know what I mean." He slid under his head under her towel, feeling it around his ear like a pair of muffs as he tilted his head and kissed her between the thighs. It was hard for him to imagine that scent ever being... familiar, in some spine-tingling way, but there it was. And then the word came to him. "Euphemism."

They were really torn between two problems. They needed the immediacy of an attack - something within the next few hours, while he still knew where they were, before they were driven deeper underground. But they needed organization and manpower, too. And that usually took time to organize.

So just as suddenly, despite the very wonderful sights taking up his immediate vision, his mood passed. The freighter incident flickered on and off in his head like a lightbulb that just hadn't quite burned out yet. "We don't need Fedorre, specifically. We just need... some form of help in the system."

Of course, even with his weird little dispensation, Kylo couldn't tell a fleet where to appear. However... there was an obvious someone who could approve of that immediately. Kylo imagined it wouldn't be a completely pleasant conversation. But an elaborate heist of some experimental weaponry, that might be enough to brighten anyone's mood.

He took a breath and pushed his nose into the warmth in front of him.
Watching his head carefully bury itself beneath her towel, raising a brow as though she were silently asking what he was doing. But of course, it was familiar and even more so when his lips coasted her skin, inhaling sharply only to laugh when he spoke up through his hiding place. There it was again, that soft tremble that began at her head and slid down to her toes, the towel lightly spread and allowed faint peeks of his loose waves when his head shifted again. If they were going to ask for help, Phasma knew that it was going to be another uncomfortable situation, almost as though it were preparation for the end of all this. Preparation for returning to the Gauntlet and going under fire, she could already hear it now. " You're one of my brightest Phasma! A Commander, with troopers at that! Young minds who are looking to you for guidance. How does it look when they hear about you running off into space. Going AWOL! " Like an angry father disappointed for her running off with some boy. .

Oh my god.

That's exactly what this was.

Her eyes stared blankly at the white wall, slightly wide for a moment as the thought sank deeper into her mind. Even if it was for good reason, and with backing influence of someone of higher rank, Phasma knew immediately when she had stolen the ship that Fedorre's conversation with her was not going to be of any joy, no matter how many things they stopped the Republic from getting. For right now, however, her mind was brought back into reality when she felt his warm breath against her thighs again, speaking up to her again and only now noticing her fingers absentmindedly back to shifting through his hair. " Because we just have so many al- Ahmm" The sound interrupting Phasma mid sentence as her body responded to him again, hand lightly gripping his hair when her eyes dropped down to his covered head, one thigh gently pressing against his cheek.
It was the little signs he liked the most with her. The moans that barely escalated above a sigh, the way her legs shifted just a little in response to his movement, the sensation of her hand curled in his hair, her laugh. There was something about that laugh that set his hairs on end.

And when he started, those were the sensations he wanted to bring out. He took his time, licking and nibbling on her outer labia, almost as if he could get her to memorize the texture of his lips and tongue.

He tasted her in his mouth now, she was starting to drip and that scent seemed to get everywhere in his brain. He kissed her more aggressively, bringing his hands into play, rubbing her thighs, stroking her calves, touching everything within reach in one sense or another.

A satisfied little moan escaped his mouth as he pushed forward, licking her more roughly, tilting his head and really throwing himself into serving her. There were... problems still floating around the edge of his mind, but he was just thrilled to know that being here could block them out for a few minutes, leave him surrounded by more primal thoughts, even if it was just for a few minutes.

Kylo gripped her thighs, licking her and slowly making his way up to the clit. Of course, he could feel his own dick buzzing between his legs, but somehow ignoring it for now made those feelings even more intense.
By far, Phasma was definitely fond of his mouth. The way his voice caused vibrations to move into her folds, even more so when he began to moan. How he grabbed at her skin as though they hadn't been here and done this before, it was almost warming to feel his hands coast along her lower half. Again she had to resist the urge to all out close her thighs around his head, the tender skin again grazing his cheek in added approval to her moans.

Back pressed against the cool frosted glass and offering comfort that she didn't notice to her heated frame, her back had only gently begun to curve into a light bow. It was as though her body knew what he was doing, curving with him so gently when he made his way to her sensitive bud. It was there that Phasma could feel the familiar sensation against her thighs, closing her eyes as she let the present moment wrap around her.
Now he craned his neck backwards, looking her in the eyes and sliding his neck up and down, studying her responses as he made out with her pussy. Kylo moved his hands now, drifting up her legs and meeting at her opening. Let's see. He worked out a count with his hands, eventually settling on three fingers and slowly pushing them inside her, working up a faster and faster rhythm as he lapped away at her.

"I was thinking," he said between kisses, "that I should suck it up and..."

He shook his head, giving a weird arrythmic laugh as he leaned forward, pressing his cheek onto her mound.

"We should actually talk about this... after."
Eyes half lidded and her chest rising and falling, neither stopped her from watching his hands unfold in a count that would later make one of her knees turn toward him and a feminine " Hah, " become muffled by her once free hand, fingers subconsciously curling over her lips. Not necessarily to protect dear Hux from anything, more out of a reflex that her body wasn't allowed to do prior. Cheeks their familiar shade of soft pink when he began speaking of business again, Phasma almost couldn't believe him. Almost. Her own laugh emerged through her fingers, hand dropping to the exposed skin of her chest as her arousal remained. " You are the worst kind of person. "

Of course, being the "worst kind of person" didn't stop him from bringing her to yet another spine tingling orgasm. And she was greatful for that when they finally got out of the bathroom. Phasma had momentarily left to go, well babysit, Hux, peeling his powdered shirt off of his pale frame, only to hear him, " Phasma, are you getting fresh with me? In Kylo's robe? Well I. . Like where this is going. " It was much too easy to simply agree with him, only joking though at least thankful that days at a time spent stalking space pirates hadn't left his body some rickety mess. No, instead he was a pale, muscled mess.

" Well that's surprising. "

Having carefully sealed the shirt and left him back on the couch with a pouch of dried fruit and water, Phasma returned despite debating whether to sleep in here again. It was the principle of it, but she set it aside after setting the robe among the darkness of the robe, placing herself beneath the warmth of the sheets. She could smell the faint fragrance of the soap she'd used, something floral she had decided before speaking, " You were saying? "
"Iiiiii.... " Kylo spoke with a cheery, sing-song voice. He was sitting with his legs folded on the bed now, sourly sucking down some tea and eying some salty looking soup suspiciously. He thought about it. Really, really, he was still a little upset from Chandrila. Wasn't that funny? "I gotta talk to Snoke."

He wanted to say we gotta talk to Snoke, but then it seemed like he was foisting a punishment on the both of them.

"He is not going to like any of this. But he's not a very.. temperamental person exactly. Except when he is." Kylo narrowed his eyes and shrugged. "A lot like you, come to think about it. And when he sees how important this is... and why wouldn't he... we'll get everything we need to make our move."

Of course, there was the chance that he would be so calm that he didn't see immediate action as necessary. Or he already knew about this "superweapon" and had some other plans. Or any number of issues - and if that happened, he'd just send them back to the Gauntlet to face the music.
Laying on her arm carefully as she watched him form the words as though he hadn't been thinking about this all along, her eyebrows raised immediately when he mentioned going a bit further up the hierarchy. It was almost frightening the way he spoke so casually of his actual handler, though the ringing of going to him in the first place was still in her head. " Do what? " Fedorre was one thing but Snoke?

" And if he already knows? " A huge chunk of this mess had been because there were secrets kept that should have at least been made clear to Hux, if anyone. Though the benefit of Ren saying something rather than the rest of them was as clear as night and day, better chances held if Snoke's shining star asked for it rather than herself or Hux. She could already hear the question now of what happened to her armor. Well Phasma, if he already knows, he'll probably pout his way into it. Just like he does with you. Cue the split second of self loathing and internal screaming.

"If he already knows, or he doesn't care, or he decides it's too much of a risk for us to be involved with it... then..." Kylo buried his head in his hands for a moment, and then he threw his hands into the air, his eyes clearly showing his frustration with the situation. "Well, we're fucked. And there wouldn't be any bureaucratic wriggling out of it, we would just... "

He clapped his hands against his thighs. That didn't require any extra elucidation, did it? They'd have to lie down and take whatever came out. "But it's really the only possible way we're going to get everything we want. Our alternatives are a virtual suicide mission, or going and getting help from the appropriate people which will take too long."
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