Masquerade [ Ft. Banks & November ]

"Just look at this." First, Kylo knelt and showed her the 'horn' of the gun, a big metal funnel that discharged the gravity from the main chamber. "This isn't an Order issue. There's an off-chance that the Republic made it, but I'm willing to bet someone independent produced it."

Then he showed her the trigger, an oddly shaped thing that rested far away from the stock. "How many people make triggers for Quarren fingers? They tried to file the serial number off the bottom in order to make the weapon harder to trace, but... that's not something that applies to a weapon this wild. There are too many unique pieces. So you might think... well, any someone with enough free time can make something like this. But there's the problem."

Kylo shook his head and produced his compad. "An any someone with access to an HRD? These... people. Didn't build their tech by hand. They stole it. And I'm willing to make a wager."

He hit a button on the compad, showing off Hux's famed "model". But now Kylo was tracing it backwards, to the beginning of the chaos. "These attacks started right on the edge of Sector L7. Same sector as Ord Mantell. Which housed a base of the nastiest smuggling syndicate in the galaxy? And the construction of the most successful HRD ever recorded? Now I know that Ord Mantell is technically Order space, but what if there's... I don't know, an illegal weapons lab robbing the Order and scrapping ships right under their own noses?"

They'd certainly heard enough about how tight resources were for the past few months.

"So, what I'm saying is. We can blow Fedorre off entirely and just... leave. If anyone asks, you can just say that I ordered you to come with me." Of course, he was aware that he sounded like a child going to elaborate lengths to avoid facing his parents. But that didn't mean he was wrong. There was precious little to be gained from going back to the Gauntlet anyway. "We find who's making these weapons, we find the pirates. We find the pirates before they can shred anything else up, we're heroes. Twice in the same week."

At bare minimum, this had to get the woman's mind racing. She knew more about "primitive weapons" than he did, right?
Folding her legs beneath her as she adjusted her sitting to watch him pull apart each piece of the gun that had caused the majority of the destruction on the ship. She hadn't inspected it when it was down on the floor, her own concerns being to think with the way the pirates were, and figure out some way to get off the ship before it was destroyed. People clearly had different priorities, but she couldn't say she was angry at him for grabbing the gun. It was, odd to say the least, and much too powerful to be overlooked. Doubting just as well as he did that it was made by anyone in the Republic, each side was known for their species alliances, but that didn't mean they were all out making different varieties of guns for one another. Especially something like this.

Watching the hologram lift in the dimly lit room, Phasma listened to him intently, disregarding that he had gone over her mentally made five minute limit, because at least he was saying something that made sense. The chance that this was a group who had taken it upon themselves to remain neutral in the sense of not being Republic or strictly First Order was likely, their actions of taking apart weapons and rebuilding them, attacking First Order ships for new parts, it made sense how it could happen in Carida without any real witnesses or anyone talking too much. Though what he said next caught her off guard, noticing how he seemed to say it a bit faster than everything else he'd taken the time to explain, one hand settled against the sewn hem of the sheet against her chest. Of course Kylo Ren was avoiding the situation back at base, avoiding having to look at Fedorre, avoiding the potential they all risked of being sent directly to Snoke. . Oh. . Oh just the thought made her want to. .

" You need to learn how to fly a ship, " So he could run off and do his cracked missions on his own. " And that's not a plan Kylo. That's an objective, with no contingency. " Using his favorite word of the week, Phasma let her eyes move over the gun again, inwardly admitting that if this was one thing, that the idea of there being more crudely made weapons was a bit. . Well, intriguing. Scrunching her nose softly, the woman easily still had her doubts, adding, " And how do I know you're not going to do the same stupid shit you pulled the last time? "
"You don't," he said quickly. Well. Perhaps he'd said it a little too quickly. He took a deep breath and tried again. "It was not a wise decision to get lured into an obvious trap. It was something I'd never seen before, and it got me more excited than a... hyperdrive. I'm sorry. I'll try to be more judicious in the future. But look."

He sank to one knee outside the bed.

"While we're en-route to Ord Mantell, we find out who used to work R&D for the Black Sun and is still in the game and is in system. It can't be a long list, can it? We make an impression on a few people, they get us closer to these pirates. It's our own planet, we wouldn't have to sneak around like last time. We wouldn't have to be subtle. We just show up, as ourselves, and we get what we came for."

Of course, it wasn't exactly as easy as he was making it sound. Nobody jumped into the criminal underworld so lightly. "If we get to the end of that long list, and we still don't find any promising leads... we can find shipyards that have been processing a lot of military grade stuff lately. Or hang our heads and go back to Fedorre, and I'll take the blame for everything. I'll tell him you thought I was stupid and my ideas were stupid and you only went with me so that I didn't get killed."

He chuckled and gave her a pat on the hand, like she was a bedridden woman. That wasn't an implausible story, was it? "This is a black mark on your impeccable record. So get up, come with me, and let's rectify this."

In a sense, Kylo was asking her to gamble on his competence after that disastrous display.

Double or nothing?
All he was offering was pure risk. Nothing but risk with the potential of an even worse consequence than what they were sitting on. Phasma could think of at least a dozen things that could go wrong with his spew of ideas, not even getting to the point of what could happen resulting from them stealing a ship in the middle of the night from underneath patrol eyes. She could only imagine the embarrassment of a ship being taken under her watch. Though he had apologized, Phasma didn't entirely believe the apology, keeping said opinion to herself as she had the situation had happened in the first place. Wasn't he supposed to be able to feel another's. . Force? How could he just not know? " No you won't. " Another reason he wanted her to go, easily.

Watching him shift to kneeling at the side of her bed, the woman raised a brow slightly as he again began to improvise, coming up with this off the top of his head because really, that's all he could do. There clearly couldn't be some set way to do this, but evidently he flourished in the unexpected. " I don't have my armor Kylo, " Which he would know if he hadn't been running around, playing the smoke bomb game with droids. Walking into any environment without her armor and demanding things, well, it was odd. Very few knew of her appearance beneath her helmet, even less outside of her trooper armor. Sighing softly, while inwardly screaming, because that potentially meant wearing someone else's uniform, her head turned toward the fitting bodysuit laid against the chair. Definitely couldn't just walk onto a planet in that. Right? Right.

Turning back to him as he patted her hand, the expression on his face made her close her eyes, inhaling sharply. " I can't stand you. " Came out in her soft tone, that almost clearly being the woman confirming that she would go, shifting in her bed now before turning her head down to him. " Turn around. " Watching the confused expression on his face, Phasma merely nodded her head to her garment of clothing, watching him shift now to face the opposite wall. Standing now and turning her back to him, the woman stepped into the suit easily, the faintest sign of a wiggle as she slid it up her curves, " If you run like that again though, I will leave you. I will get in the ship and fly back to the Gauntlet. "
He sounded like a little boy looking to catch a ride with his mother to some long anticipated event. But even though the optics seemed less than ideal, he was unfathomably pleased with the end result. He wouldn't have to go back to the mothership and admit defeat. But was that all there was to this situation?

He wondered to himself whether the sudden eagerness to go on a wild journey to track down space pirates, and Phasma's most unlikely agreement with the notion... were both a reflection of their own desire to be alone together, to experience each other outside of the confines of the Gauntlet and the tight-knit environment of the Order military. Maybe in their own weird way they wanted to reenact Chandrila.

Then again, she wasn't letting him see her naked. Things weren't perfect.

"You have my word. I doubt I'll find anything quite as interesting anyway."

He tried to look her squarely in the eyes and not drop his jaw for the sight of her in the body suit. Somehow she looked better here than she did naked. Everything... pushed together in the right ways.

"I don't want you think I just assumed you would go. But I actually arranged a ship already. And if having something to wear is so important to you... let's figure it out planetside. You can't possibly look more awkward than last time."
The temperature controlled material holding onto her frame after adjusting it slightly, the woman raised a brow softly at the stern expression on his face, immediately aware that it was in no regard to him keeping his word. Rolling her eyes softly as her arms folded beneath her bust, stepping toward him now and looking over his face, " Oh you didn't assume huh? " Figuring out her clothing planetside almost seemed as revolting as her options prior, though she knew if it was imparitive, she'd figure out something else to wear when the time came. " Don't pretend you didn't like my dress. You were the goose in space, remember. " The stuttering sound of her door caused her to sigh softly, glaring at him just slightly for messing it up in the first place, at least she wouldn't be around to hear about it for too much longer, silently moving through the hallways as they moved toward Terigen's bay.

Unfortunately, what Phasma did not necessarily think of was running into anyone else from their mission.

" Commander! It's good to see you finally out of your- " The pause in the man's voice when he noticed Kylo Ren behind her, the ginger haired man squinted slightly, looking back and forth between the two. Now this could go several ways, Phasma decided. He could either assume that there was something. . Well, sexual going on here, taking a glance down at the woman's lack of armor and feeling his eyes avert back up rapidly in realizing he had probably been looking for far too long. Or they were going somewhere. The second seemed more plausible, doubting Phasma would even be interested in the man behind her, " Where are you two going so late? " Phasma could hear the bite in his tone, the sound of a man who quite possibly knew there was something going on.
Oh, so that's how it was. Phasma got the collegial greeting, and then as soon as Hux saw him, he tries to revert to the stern daddy act. Kylo turned around and let out a slow snarl.

"We heard there were cookies and milk in the mess," he explained tersely, drawing closer to him. He felt his lip curling as if he'd smelled something bad. "As you can tell, I'm very excited about it. So... do yourself an incredible favor. And fuck off."

He grabbed Phasma by the arm and started to haul her down the hall, but Hux circled around and got in his face again. It was so strange, because most people became less bold after you shoved the burning end of a lightsaber into their faces. He was quickly learning that Hux wasn't most people.

To his great displeasure.

"No. No, I will not 'fuck off' as you put it." Kylo couldn't help but smile. He said it like he was trying a new flavor in his mouth for the first time. "I think Commander Phasma is up to something, but I know you are. What's this talk of you debriefing everyone on my team tonight? Hm?"

"Debriefing? I spoke to them, Major General." And Kylo was leaning how to make innocuous words sound like swears, too. "It wasn't the conspiracy you're making it out to be."

Hux picked up the pace, still walking right at his shoulder. "What about the... gravity weapon? You took it for yourself. For what purpose?"

"I tore it up," Kylo said gruffly. He'd meant it to be another, elaborate way of demoralizing him, but he could tell from the look in Hux's eyes that he had barely underestimated him. His eyes were wide open, and Kylo could practically hear the gears turning in his head.

"You... you disassembled it. The two of you are trying to trace the pirates through their weapons. I'd planned to do the same thing, so I'd have... something positive to put in my report." That made sense. He'd want to give a stiff upper lip and claim he was closer than ever to... what have you. Now he was looking Phasma over, guessing that she'd be the one more likely to spill the information. "But the two of you are working on more than a report, aren't you?"

Kylo heaved a big sigh, as if the question wasn't even worth answering. "You're paranoid."
The flare up between the two men was amusing, to say the least. It was like watching animals fight, two birds circling each other and puffing their chests out to see which one was bigger. For a moment, Phasma could've sworn she heard one of them caw at the other, snapping out of her vivid daydream when she felt the grip and tug, narrowing her eyes slightly as she was definitely going to have a conversation with him about shoving her around like that outside of a sexual situation. Being grabbed for sex and just being grabbed need not be blurred as things he could just do all the time, as only one was truly acceptable to the blonde. Pulling her arm away from him only for both to settle in surprise at Hux circling around again, another subconscious caw before he announced his manhood again, deciding that he just wasn't going to stand down in this.

Truthfully, there was a small portion of her that saw sense in telling the man what they were doing, after all it had been his information that Kylo had used to draw back on. Yet, if it hadn't been for Hux, they wouldn't be here in the first place, hm? Phasma could see the line of ships growing closer, merely needing a few more side steps to get around him and into the ship Kylo so conveniently had ready. Meeting Hux's eye contact with a raised brow, the woman met his question with a simple, " Absolutely not. " Did it seem like something either of them would do? Run off into space based on hints and intelligently made assumptions? Phasma didn't find a need in asking that out loud, rolling her eyes softly when Hux went as far as to mention that they weren't even going in the direction of mess. His guessing didn't stop her from walking however, the woman moving carefully along the still ships until her eyes moved toward the ship Kylo so silently implied was the one.

" What are you doing? "

Phasma looking over her shoulder now as she moved ahead of the pair, the blonde simply shrugged her shoulders softly, " He doesn't know how to fly a ship. " While one could take it as a sweet way to say she was giving him lessons, Hux's facial expression damn near contorted when he refused that as the case. " You're. . You're going after them, aren't you?! "
If she'd just kept quiet for the entire conversation, they would have gotten away from this with a little less trauma, but as it was... there'd be a fuss. He'd be fussing at Phasma for running her mouth, she'd be fussing at him for trying to get her out before she Immediately Did Exactly What He Was Worried About Her Doing... and of course, there'd be a form of fussing that was quickly becoming his favorite.

"You need to take me with you."

"I absolutely don't."
Kylo pushed past him, just barely knocking his shoulder into Hux as he closed distance to the ship. This wasn't a miserable vessel like the one from the Chandrila incident, and it was a little bit bigger. He wondered -

"Do you even have a reason for doing this? The two of you are just going out of pride and egotism. You're going AWOL -"

"It's impossible for me to go AWOL. And Phasma's with me, so she can't either, plus -"

"Don't be pedantic, Ren! My point is that you've been interested in this for perhaps a day. And that's between the two of you!" Hux tightened his fist in and out. "I've been working on this for months, I've been eating it and sleeping it."

"And you're going to be so upset when we get to the bottom of your months long mission in a few days. That's what you're really upset about here." Kylo leaned against one of the engines and sulked. Even having this conversation was wasting his time, really.

"What's your plan? You must be looking to..." Hux squinted and tried to figure it out. "You must be looking to track the weapons. I already tried that. There are so many small manufacturers in this sector that -"

"I've got a few ideas. Listen, just stay out of the way, and when this blows over, I'll give you a glowing recommendation on the debriefing. That is what you're interested in, right?"

"I know this case, those weapons, the pirates, their tactics, more than anyone else." Hux got between Kylo and the door, stretching his hands out and looking between the two of them. "What are you going to do once you actually find them? I can... help you. You have to take me."
She could almost taste the distress in Hux's voice when he began to state his reasons, firing them off rapidly as the woman shook her head faintly. Though neither of them held a true amount of respect for the young Major General, Phasma wasn't thinking out of sheer bitterness and absolutely against dear Doriel the way Kylo so clearly was. Setting her hands on her hips now when he went as far as saying that they had to take him, raising a brow lightly as she asked, " You know that technically counts as you going AWOL, right? " Though with the thought of the supreme shit-storm Hux would be in if in fact this little trip did go to absolute shit, the woman almost felt a calm in it, some of the pressure lifting off her shoulders. If only Ren saw it that way. No matter, she would simply remind him of it later, already sure he would be brooding and swearing under his breath as the redheaded man chipped away with reasons for him going.

" He did save my life, " In a sense, he had, simply by being lucky enough to fire the blaster directly to the Quarren who probably would have taken a shot at her with his gravity weapon. But, Kylo didn't necessarily know the details of that, again his fault for being reckless. " And he does have a very good point. " Carefully shifting one of his arms up and away from the door frame of the ship, Phasma had damn near batted her eyelashes at Kylo through her words when moving past Hux to get inside. Kylo's plan was riddled with holes that neither of them knew enough information about to fill, which was easily where Hux came into play. And if all else failed, well. . He could be used as a shield if it came down to it. The expression on Hux's face when he had at least one vote in his favor had been amusing, although they all knew time was ticking away from them. The more chatter off the ship, the less time they'd have for this to go well. The sound of her boots soft as she entered the ship, the blonde woman sighed softly, quietly thankful that the ship had plenty of capabilities far and beyond that of the tin shit they had been in before. Granted, it didn't make any sense to steal a piece of junk if you were going to go all out anyway.
"I can't believe this is happening."

Kylo ran his hands through his hair, once... and then twice. Hux had made a little puppy-dog face and given the sad sad story, and of course, she'd went right along with it. Perfect. That just made perfect sense. The two of them deserved each other.

And yet, she was his transportation off this boat. And he didn't really have much interest in going to do this by himself. Hux had saved her life, somehow. And now he was stuck with Hux.

"All right. You can come." Hux's expression brightened of course, and Kylo held up a hand. "However, there are ground rules. The first rule is that I'm in charge. The second rule is that you shut up."

"Of course," he said dryly.

"I'll think of some other rules, trust me. In the meantime, help yourself."

Hux spun around and clapped his hands, touching the slide door open and letting himself in with a jolly whistle. Kylo looked at his back for a few seconds before trudging inside. The ship was another seized vessel - he was fortunate that business was so much better in this sector. He entered the cockpit and saw high, rounded walls with black leather seats and subtle, ornate gold trim.

The thing just barely straddled the line of taste and gaudiness.

"A bit nicer than what we're used to." Hux sat on a little curved couch and pressed a button, revealing a compartment that probably would have been used for drinks of some kind. Kylo closed it with a twitch of his thumb. Hux looked back up at him suspiciously, and Kylo smiled at him in return.

"Maybe you couldn't trace the weapons in the past, but now we know they're using a LMD. That narrows the amount of people who could know about this. Our plan was to... go to Ord Mantell, find people who worked in munitions and were alive during the Black Sun's peak."

Hux crossed his legs and steepled his fingers. "Declan Lavish? Going to be hard to get to him, he's got an intense personal security detail, he lives in a city full of scum, and he doesn't like speaking to authorities."


"Declan Lavish? Big ears, big sunglasses, bit of an accent, wears fur all the time?" Hux smiled softly. "This is exactly why you needed me."

"Can you get us a meeting?"

" I tried talking to him, but he... well, he was very rude. I think the two of you would get along."
Even without any sort of sense of the Force in her, Phasma could feel that Ren was pissed. Pissed he had been melted down in his risolve, and here they were, sitting in a twice stolen ship. The red backlit dash controls made her sigh with satisfaction, satisfaction that she wasn't in charge in flying something that could collapse on them at any time. It seemed that the leather theme continued from the seats, fingers awkwardly gripping the wheel before simply shaking her head. Deal with it Phasma. Eyes venturing upward, the woman calmly noted the patrolling trooper running down the flight of stairs, however the blonde already had the ship hovering, rising out of it's dock, the bay doors opening just enough to grant them passage. " Sit tight, " It was a warning, not really an instruction as there wasn't much time for her to really check and see who may have still been standing.

The ship made speed quickly, Phasma smiling softly as the black machine soared through the bay doors, the realization that they were even opening coming much too late. " What are you all doing with that - " Hand having been carefully reaching beneath the comm, the voice fizzled out easily with a faint jerk of her hand, the familiar wire hanging toward the ground now. Turning her head slightly, her eyes danced over the radar, watching for the off chance of a ship to be following them, though with it happening relatively quickly, she doubted that poor trooper on patrol was able to put proper words together to tell anyone what had happened just yet. Good. Looking up now, the coordinates set into play and the ship beaming straight to Ord Mantrell, the blonde turned within the pilot's chair, mentally amused by how smooth it was, rolling her eyes when Hux handicapped himself by announcing that he couldn't exactly help with the man.

" You are the only one of us who is in a First Order uniform, " If he was going to help at all, something had to be done about that, especially when dealing with criminals who weren't entirely fond of authorities. Even more reason why Hux couldn't be out in the city talking too much, as this Lavish man was aware of who he was, watching the red haired man glance around in noticing that now. " Yes. . Well, I think it's, ahem " Coughing into his hand lightly, " An advantage to approach him with someone unfamiliar. " Phasma narrowing her eyes slightly as he looked from the floor to her, the woman turned immediately back to the dash, her silent 'Nope' being clear. " Wasn't rule number two for you to shut up? "
"I'm going to need at least one of you to come with me. I don't think I can fight off an entire compound with just a lightsaber and my dashing looks."

"If we're being frank,"
Hux said, "I think the two of us should sit down together. And you should give me a clear assessment of what you can do with this, er... Force of yours. Rumors and misinformation are wonderful for... cultivating an air of mystery, but I'd like to have a deeper idea of your capabilities. For if we're in a combat situation -"

Kylo leaned forward and narrowed his eyes, shaking his head back and forth darkly. Rumors and misinformation were among his most powerful weapons. Even Commander Phasma - who he trusted and liked infinitely more than this one - didn't know the full extent of what he was capable of. Furthermore, she didn't just go asking him right off the bat. "Right now, you're violating your agreement of silence. You should know better."

Hux swallowed, wiggled his hands around as if defending himself, and settled back in the seat. "Very well. If you prefer silence, I'll simply -"

"Wait." Kylo folded his arms together and rocked back in one of the seats. "I think we should get all the painful details about you trying to... get yourself in with this tacky engineer that's apparently living like a drug smuggler."

And this got a reaction from him. But it was only a flash of one - within a second the impassive expression of a cold FO lifer was back on his face.

"I don't see how that would at all be relevant," Hux sniffed, folding his hands and looking around the cockpit. He seemed weirdly evasive about the whole thing. But of course it was important. Especially since Phasma seemed like she wanted to leave the task to him.

"I'm apparently going to be talking to him. I want to.... understand his character. What's he like?"

Hux held his hands up like the answer was self evident. "Declan Lavish was one of the galaxy's most successful engineers and inventors. He was co-opted by the Black Sun crime syndicate back before any of us were born, he was instrumental to the creation of the most advanced HRD model, an instrument by the name of Guri."

Kylo's eyebrow twitched at the mention of a vaguely familiar name. "Where's this Guri now?"

"Nobody knows, and I'm certain that she won't be appearing during the course of our investigation."
Hm. What an oddly confident and specific statement. Before he could reflect on it, Hux was steamrolling on. "He considers himself an artist. Most of the work his team did was under the influence of one opiate or another. I don't think he invents anymore. He's a petty gangster who snatched up a piece of the Sun after Prince Xixor was killed. He's more of a... name brand than anything else."

"You're avoiding your personal interaction with him."

"I spoke to him, looking to get his assistance tracing these weapons - you weren't the only one to have that idea, Ren. But he didn't take kindly to my presence, he... had his men assault me."

"He assaulted the son of The Great Commendant What's His Face? Without any fear of reprisal?"

"Apparently," Hux said testily, a hint of redness starting to show in his eyes, "I did not merit that sort of reprisal. An open war with the Black Sun in our own space was considered an overreaction and a waste of resources."

Everything was a waste of resources lately. He needed to talk to Snoke about that, one of these days. Where was all the money going? Kylo tapped his foot to the floor.

"You're hiding something. You should be eager to face him again after that. I practically threatened to decapitate you ten minutes ago, and you were back in my face a few minutes later like I'd kissed you on the cheek. What happened between you two?"

"I would rather not talk about it."

Well, now Kylo was interested. There was the obvious - that he did want to learn a little more about Lavish. But there was a hint of embarrassment that he wanted to root out as well. "I've decided we should talk about what I can do with the Force. I can... read minds for starters."

"Y- you're bluffing."

Kylo slowly stood himself up and the nervous smile faded from Hux's eyes. He took one step forward, then another... "Commander Phasma can attest to it. Every sensitive memory, replayed with light, color and sound. So you're going to -"

"I pissed myself!"

Kylo put his hand down, and his nervous chuckle at the revelation gave way to a grimace, one that crossed both of their faces. Hux continued, his face turning a bright, horrid shade of red that neatly matched his hair.

"All right? Piss. Urine. Going everywhere. It was not my proudest moment."

Well. It had to be something that made him sound like a sociopath for getting it out of him. "I ah... apologize. If I knew it was something so personal I wouldn't have teased you."

"What did you bloody expect it to be?" Hux snapped. And then his expression softened. "It's fine. And if I need to face him again, it won't impact my performance."

"It actually isn't. Fine, I mean." Stifling a groan, Kylo stiffly made his way out of the cockpit and down towards the living area. There had to be somewhere he could sleep until he got planetside.
Well. He had walked right into that hadn't he. If we're being frank.

While Phasma had theoretically handed him a No, Hux had taken it upon himself to branch out in the worst of ways, shaking her head from behind the seat as though she could see the face Ren was making. It was easily something they were all curious about, but it almost sounded like an intrusion, and awkward admittance to the fact that he had been holding on to these rumors like a checklist to go through in the off chance they were placed near one another. It was almost as though she felt uncomfortable for Hux, on the same personal level that people had when they sat in the background and watched something shitty unfold. And that's exactly what Phasma did, done pretending she had something important to do at the dash and turning to watch the spectacle. God, she wished she had a snack for this.

There were traces of emotion that fluttered over Hux's face, but what caught her instantly was the way the blush began to creep on his cheeks at his assault. Why would that make him uncomfortable? Had it been. . Inappropriate? No, that wouldn't have went over so kindly, biting her bottom lip softly when Ren made his very valid point, the hesitance that Hux was showing proving that he was in fact lying. That was when things got a bit more tense, palms subconsciously settling against her chest when the mention of his ability to. . Read minds. Thankful that Hux was too busy being afraid, Phasma's eyes momentarily lit up, keeping her mouth shut however as this was looking to be more and more like something she was going to enjoy. Not necessarily watching Hux squirm but-

" I pissed myself! " It struck her rapidly, quickly, her lips parting as though she had gasped with surprise like some dramatic actress. " Piss. Urine. Going everywhere. " Her eyes had welled up so fast that by the time she breathed in and closed her eyes, the tears settled into her eyelashes, the fit of laughter absolutely consuming her. Not everyone in the First Order had been trained the way troopers were Phasma! But by god was she laughing at his expense, leaning down in her chair as she inhaled sharply, further laughter aiding to the blush in her cheeks, exposing freckling that often went unnoticed. " I can't. . Breathe! " It was the nervousness between the two men, the sheer terror over Hux's face and the absolute embarrassment Ren held because he had never wanted to know the man just that well, that caused her to regain her breathing again only to curl her hand over her mouth to stifle more laughter.

She was laughing at both of these superior ranking men, but it was absolutely worth it, inhaling a calmed breath now as she fanned her cheeks, the glisten over her light brown eyes offering another mental image of Phasma not being the cold hearted bitch she kept within eyesight. " God. . I'm. . " Pausing as she stood, the blonde woman moved toward Hux now, the man standing slightly as if going on the defensive, his face still flaming red. Now Phasma felt a pang of guilt. A small one, but still felt it none the less. It was like a reflex, one that almost hurt to do, but it seemed necessary for the crushing blow she dealt to his ego, the way she had laughed until it almost hurt. At his expense at that! But where do you- Put your. . Do you go above or below?

Winging it, the woman wrapped her arms above his shoulders, around his neck just slightly and patted the slightly shorter man's head. Sure. . This felt, right, right? Eyes scanning the ceiling as though there were someone up there to confirm, the blonde nodded softly to herself more than anything. " I'm. . Sorry. . For laughing at your unfortunate circumstance. " Good, there it was. Releasing his well cradled head, the blonde offered the smallest of smiles, patting his shoulders gently before moving away from him now, on her own search to find food.
Well, this was already awkward enough.

As bad as the discussion was, Commander Phasma's reaction made this even stranger and even more uncomfortable. He'd expected her to pout at the two of them and give a high-minded speech about team unity... and that would have been bad enough. But to hear her like this - losing all straces of her usual dignity and screaming with laughter...

It somehow made the whole situation worse. Kylo barely noticed it from a couple rooms away and out of the corner of his eyes. She was giving Hux perhaps the most awkward hug he'd ever seen in his life, and Kylo felt things getting even worse. He felt bad, but he really hadn't planned on sharing Hux's (most?) humiliating memory. He'd just assumed that there were dozens of weird things going on in his life, and that it was just one never-ending montage of humiliating activities.

Which hadn't been exactly disproven.

Phasma headed out of his sight, and Kylo slunk the long way around the ship, finding her in the little dining area.

"Ahh..." Kylo let out a low, open mouthed grimace, like a cringe in slow motion. When he spoke to her again, a bare whisper. "I am so sorry. I thought I would get... well, something. Not that."

He squatted down, opening a drawer and pulling out some freeze dried confection in a pink package before wrapping his arms around her waist. He took a deep breath before resting his chin on her shoulder and whispering into her ear. "I feel so terrible. I don't think I've done a single kind thing all day. But I was thinking..."

He leaned down, taking a slow whiff of her neck before kissing her right along the top of her collar bone. The time alone hadn't been the main reason he'd gotten her to take her to Ord Mantell, but of course it was on his mind, somewhere at the back. And it had to be on hers too. She'd set up that bet with the express purpose of seeing more of him, hadn't she?

"I can think of one or two things I could do for you. To get back in your good books."
She had only been thumbing through a stack of air tight foods before hearing Kylo move into the small space designed to simply offer room around the kitchenette, Phasma looked over her shoulder at him as she chewed softly on the dried fruit. His apology was odd, though it seemed genuine enough despite the fact that well- " You shouldn't apologize to me. " Clearly there was no true shame in her laugh, especially when he hadn't actually been there to deal with the full force of it. But, if it made him feel any better, Phasma knew he felt bad for making Hux out to be a lesser man in such an unfortunate way. Obviously they weren't fond of one another, but taking it to another man's peeing on himself in a time of absolute fear was apparently just too far. Another piece of the red fruit pushed into her mouth, Phasma watched his arms cross at the lower portion of her stomach, finding the slightest of comfort in leaning against him.

Not a single kind thing hm? One could very easily find themselves announcing that it was a good thing, and that he shouldn't be out doing kind things regardless, who was Phasma to stop him from feeling so guilty. Why, it seemed absolutely rude of her to just turn him away, especially now that he was showing clear affection. Head at a tilt and her hands leaving the counter top, while one allowed her fingers to graze his hands where they connected, the other slid over his jaw and into his hair, " I suppose you could try, " Turning her head as her eyes opened, her shoulders raised faintly as she looked over the side of his face, " But I can't make any promises. "
"You don't have to promise anything. I'm actually..." He couldn't contained himself long enough to finish the sentence as he hands trailed downwards, roughly gripping the textured fabric of her bodysuit and pulling her backwards, pressing her body roughly into his.

He curled his hand and began to massage her, his hands rubbing in tight circles through the material. He'd thought that the first time being with her would be the most intense, the thing everything else would measure up to. But as soon as they'd gotten back on that ship, he'd been thinking about the shameless sounds she made, the way her body wriggled and reacted when he was inside her, the way the room smelled when they were finished. How hadn't they been caught at the end of that? How couldn't everyone just tell?

Even then he'd wanted more. That kind of connection wasn't one you could work out of your system with one orgasm. If it had been up to him, he would have spent an entire weekend rutting like a wild fucking animal. But she'd gone and broken the entire thing off.

Kylo grabbed a handful of hair and kissed her, his tongue lapping at hers. moaning softly into her lips at the sensation of... connectedness he felt from both of them caressing each other.

"You'd better not tease me," he said with a low voice, almost showing his teeth to her as he talked. "I've been out of my mind wanting this since the last time."

He reached down and fished his cock out of his pants - he was already rock hard and didn't see any sense in hiding it as he marched the girl down the hallway and towards a suitable room.

"I'm about to give you the most amazing fuck you've had in your entire life. You're going to feel addicted by the time I'm finished with you tonight. That's my promise."

He whipped her into the wall, his eyes widening as he stepped into her, almost stepped through her, close enough to taste her breath and feel the rise and fall of his chest against hers. "Do you believe me, when I say that?"
Maybe it was a chain reaction in the way he shifted so rapidly, feeling her body clench then release when her curves blended into him, relating it to melting when she felt her nerves surge. He didn't need to finish what he was saying, as Phasma got the message loud and clear when he began rubbing the just thick enough layer over her skin, breathing out softly as her mind told her body immediately that that just wasn't acceptable. It had been forced to the back of her mind, the way his hands felt on her skin when they roamed her curves, grabbed at her thighs or gripped her neck, even if the unprofessional moments of blushing were hidden beneath her own helmet. But it was for the better, Phasma had assured herself, as if no one had suspected them when they returned to the Gauntlet, no need to push it any further, right?

It wasn't entirely worth it, right?

Second guessing that immediately when his lips crashed into hers, her tongue did the familiar dance with his only to be eventually be greeted with a threat. To be honest, such a threat made her smile, as Phasma could almost tell that he wasn't going to give her the opportunity to tease him even if it came up. But that was fine, teasing was for some other time. Teasing was for when either of them were much too busy to peel away from what they were doing, and Phasma would tuck that away for later. Though when she felt his length bump into her from behind, the hand that had so easily grazed his over her stomach reached back in their awkward walk to the nearest room that proved to be a well enough bedroom, stroking his cock as though she missed it. Well, to be fair. .

His promise made her skin tingle, shivers radiating up Phasma's spine just in time for her hand to reluctantly release him when her back was pressed against the wall in the dim room. Heavy bust pushed upward when he pressed into her, brown eyes looked up to him when he demanded an answer, smiling softly, " I believe you. " It was in record time that her lips met with his again, stepping forward to begin relieving him of clothing and move herself off the wall. Another step forward and Phasma was reluctantly pulling her lips away from his, pulling his arms up and beginning the pile of clothing for the night. Oh she absolutely believed him.
He was almost naked within a few seconds, smirking softly to himself as the big blonde sank to her knees and attacked his clothing, pulling off his boots with a rough intensity, knowing full well what she'd be getting when he was stripped down in front of her.

She was an incredible sight down there, and she set every nerve on fucking fire. He'd almost wanted to stay there and watch her, but he didn't really have the time or the patience. The cool fabric of his robe slid down, and then he grabbed the bottom of his tight undershirt, turning it inside out as he pulled it up and over his chest.

That went on the pile too, and by the time it was done, he was looking at Phasma like a particularly juicy cut of meat. He felt his cock jumping and throbbing in front of her, proudly reintroducing itself to an old conquest.

Kylo curled his fingers one after the other, pulling her to her feet without her input.

And here was a sensation she'd never felt before - Kylo's head tilted just a bit, and Phasma rise just a bit higher, her feet barely making contact with the ground and her limbs helpless, held with a weight far beyond what human muscles could produce. Would she think about that guard on Chandrila now, held just as helplessly before being snuffed out?

Of course, her position wasn't exactly the same. She was breathing for now. And he did enjoy her neck, her chest, the look in her eyes.

He kissed her thick, gorgeous bottom lip one more time, tangling their tongues and lips together. And he reached downwards, spreading the tip of his cock along her entrance for a few seconds and then pressing forward, sliding the head of his cock inside her. It seemed impossible, but she was just as warm as he remembered.

"Do you know," he said casually, "that you're putting your life in my hands right now?"

He grabbed his base and flicked it back and forth, still not increasing his penetration.
Just because she knew what was in the packaging didn't mean she wasn't hungry for it. Him. They had done this already, but it was almost like there was more hunger than the first time. Clothes littered in an attempt to pile, but really, Phasma knew later on that she still wouldn't have cared where her bodysuit had landed or where one of her boots had been pushed aside in the room. There were bigger things to take care of, to worry about. To have inside her. The smooth arch in her back that lead to her firm rear, only recently being free of the majority of the bruising from their last tangle with one another, though the woman inwardly admitted that she was probably very overdue.

God. All of this was overdue.

However, what caught her off guard was the sensation of her body moving, further until she felt the balls of her feet leave the ground. And though she could still feel that her body felt fluid, she couldn't feel any sensation of movement. A weight held her there, and even as he slipped between her legs so effortlessly, Phasma's body had begun to accept it. Perhaps it was helped in turn by the warmth that came from her own senses, cheeks a soft pink color when she noticed that sticky feeling against her inner thighs, her eyes remaining closed even as he pulled away from their kiss to speak.

The sweet scent filling her nose as he shifted himself against her entrance, the blonde again felt the want in her to move her hands, to pull him closer until he was completely inside her, though the sensation she was granted reminded her of a body part falling asleep, static charging up her fingers. " Yes, " Came the softened tone of her voice, eyes still closed as the question repeated itself in her head, until a different variant came into play. Do you trust me with your life.
"You don't seem as worried by this as I thought you might be. And that might be because..."

He looked down and slowly breathed through a little hole he'd formed in his mouth. The sight of the two of them, together, was one of the most intense things he'd ever seen. He wasn't all the way inside, but their two organs were wrestling, kissing, and squeezing each other all at the same time. He was stretching her out, but she was more than capable of handling him, her cunt was just... drooling down his shaft and onto both of their thighs.

This was what a great fuck was supposed to look like, he decided. The sensations her body gave off were more intense, even her musk was stronger. It tickled the back of his nose everytime he smelled it, drove him out of his mind.

"That might be because you already love this." He leaned forward, his cock pushing another inch inside of her. He just loved the sensation of his cock burrowing inside. It was her body, but she was desperately making herself wet for him, warm for him, so that he could fill her up as easily as possible.

He wound back and slapped her on the thigh. Usually a partner could move, scamper away even if their body loved the pain they were getting. But she couldn't move, didn't have any choice to focus on the pain echoing around her body, to wait and see how long it took to turn to pleasure.

"And you just started to heal from last time." He pulled out of her and twisted his wrist, turning her around and making her present her thick legs and butt to him. "I can't help it. Your skin feels too good. I like playing with your hips too much. I want to drink from you."

He bent to one knee, easily holding his concentration as he pushed his lips against her legs, finally tasting them and feeling the texture on his tongue. He'd wanted to do that since he'd seen her in that dress, and it hadn't disappointed. His cock surged to life as he knelt down behind her, almost painful as he kissed his way up her legs and then licked the back of her pussy. He took his time there, licking her like he wanted to commit every bump and fold to his memory. And like every corner of his tongue had it's own memory, along with each lip.

He'd wanted to take his time, but her smell was too powerful. He spend up, greedily drinking up every sign that she was enjoying this treatment. But there she was, dangling in the air like a toy for him. Like she was just a meal he was treating himself to.

It was a while until Kylo pulled himself away from her pussy, and most of his face was moist. He slapped her again, hard on the ass, as if nothing had happened.

"Nobody ever taught me how to be gentle with a woman's body." He turned her back around and stood between her legs again, bringing her back to her original position. He pressed his cock back inside her, fixing her with a calm smirk as he pushed himself in. Now he was halfway inside of her. "So you're going to feel it, every time we're together."

He looked her in the eye and started to caress one of her breasts. "Is that what you want?"
The shine along her inner thighs was only one sign that her body had grown to crave him, her lower lips reacting naturally, gripping around what little he gave her as though trying to pull his cock inside her. His teasing made the fire on her skin grow hotter, much too deep in other emotions to be distracted enough to mention that he was in fact teasing her. However, he wasn't lying.

Phasma loved this.

Not necessarily because she knew there was potential of death, or because she had watched a man with much more clothing on die in a similar fashion it was. . Well, it was him. It was how he did it so effortlessly, but how it meant he was concentrating on her, on holding her body here. It was the way he glared at her without anger, but the drive and determination to use her as his own while driving her further than she had ever been. It was how he knew he wanted to hear her scream, but he held off anyway. Just with that thought alone, Phasma felt her walls silently beg for him to fill her up.

The sharp " ah! " that emerged when his hand collided with her thigh was met with a wince, feeling the blood begin to rush, not even having to look to take note of the red hand print. Feeling her body again shift just slightly, as though invisible hands were guiding her, holding her, keeping that arch in her back as his lips roamed a new part of her body, soft moan leaving her lips. It certainly wasn't the last with how his mouth went to work on tasting her, feeling her juice smear across his cheeks and chin, the sound of her moans beginning to fill the room.

When he arose and left another possessive handprint on her skin, Phasma again found herself wanting to grab him, wanting to make him further aware that her body craved him. The sweet scrunch of her nose and her eyes closing to again silently savor him entering her again, there had been a glimmer of hope that was shot down when he only settled halfway in. God fucking damnit Kylo.

" Yes sir. " The word sounded so wicked when it slipped through her pout, the color in her brown eyes dark and burning as she opened them to look at him after her verbal accident.
How was it even possible?

The last time they'd fucked, she hadn't exactly had to do much of the work. Just the sight of her, on her knees and bent over, was enough to get his body racing. Now he had the woman totally immobilized, and she was still putting him on edge. With her voice. With her mind. Kylo couldn't help but enjoy that. It meant she was completely enveloped in this moment, desperate to give him enough pleasure to... make him happy. Happy enough to send her over the edge.

And the pure, unfiltered need in her voice was almost enough to tilt him over the edge. He thrust his hips forward a little, feeding her a little more of his cock, but he reared back. No, she wasn't going to get that just yet.

He reached out to her, putting pressure on her neck and stroking and squeezing her in a dozen different places, all at random times. Little hands kneaded the flesh around her neck, the small of her back, right inside of her navel, the curve of her breasts and the soles of her feet. Kylo watched her body shudder, almost overloaded, his cock still standing strong inside her. It still amazed him that most people thought of her - knew her - as a hardened killer. She's been compared to a clone back at the ship. And it was hard to imagine that, here in private, with her squeaking and squealing through all...

Kylo used his hands now, placing a hand over her clit as he stepped forward and finally let himself inside her with a loud smack.

Just then, he released the tension on her neck, smiling as he drew back and pushed inside her again, his hips working up a loud clapping rhythm that was completely on time. "Now you can scream for me. You can fucking howl. Daddy's home."

The confidence in his voice was total. Why wouldn't it be?
It had slipped out so casually that Phasma didn't feel the need at all to mentally reprimand herself for it. It felt as though it was right, fitting to say in the moment of her something of submission to the man in front of her who's only current connection to her was his cock being inside her. It felt natural even though she had told herself she was going to keep that word at a once per day minimum, if it had to be said at all. However, it was almost like a silent acknowledgment between the pair of them that it made the heat grow even more, taut stomach clenching softly as she braced herself for what was yet another game with her senses. Not given enough time to even be frustrated, Phasma felt something odd cascade over her skin. Without actually touching her, he was in fact touching her, embracing his grasp around her throat with a raised chin, her walls again silently begging with need against what little he had left inside her.

The soft bite against her bottom lip was telling like the rest of her body, the way her cheeks flushed in a soft pink, the muscles in her body bracing themselves when the actual touch of his hand fell into place. Shivering softly, half lidded eyes looking to him when the grasp around her throat seemed to train down the rest of her body to join the rest of what was making her crave him. The moan she released was wonderful when he finally pushed himself completely inside her, the perfect home for his cock welcoming him with a firm grasp and warmth. Perfect. When he began working himself up into a rhythm, Phasma's body, although still held by the pressure, felt some sign of relief, closing her eyes as he spoke.

Mixing in with the sounds of her pleasure came another faintly familiar sound, cheeks still their pink hue as she began to laugh. It wasn't the same as her laugh at Hux, this one instead floating out with her loud moans and the rhythmic thrusting he was doing inside her, no, there was no joke here. On the contrary, it was out of pure enjoyment, amber eyes opening to stare back at him now, their color showing the all too clear force of lust behind them.
She looked up at him with an expression of total yearning in her eyes, and he wasn't sure whether that was supposed to make him slow down or urge him forward. Faster, harder. Every thrust felt like heaven, his legs and back and chest were on fire.

"Sit up," he said, manipulating her to something almost like a seated position while his cock changed its angle of entry. Kylo's hands slid across her legs before lifting them up, raising them over his shoulders and almost folding her in half as he plowed into her, his cock easily hitting bullseye again and again and again. In any other context, the superior grin on Kylo's face would have seemed cutting, but here it was just... different.

He was giving her exactly what he'd promised, buried inside her and making her shiver. There wasn't any reason not to be proud of that.

He turned up the tempo, savagely slamming into her as he slapped her across the breasts, gradually turning the color of her skin. That felt so good that he had to go further - he spat at her again, aiming upwards for her cheek, rubbing it into her with slaps from his heavy, bare palm.

Now he leaned forward, almost jumping on top of her, burying his as deeply as it would get, grinding his hips against hers and rolling them back and forth. He slapped her again, again, again, across the cheek, more to watch the changes on her skin than anything else. As much as he'd loved the mess he was making, keeping her stock still wasn't quite giving him everything he wanted out of this moment.

"I'm letting you go."

Kylo grabbed her by the hips and gradually released her, letting her sink to the ground and use him for balance. He put his hands on his hips and turned her around, calmly looking her up and down, almost as if he was examining her. His calm demeanor was interrupted by the sound of his own pre-cum (or something else mixed with it) sliding off his dick and tapping against the floor. He couldn't help but smile a little at that.

"I hope you don't think you're finished."
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