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Colliding Worlds (BurningWillows & Greeneyed23)

Narxis smiled. "Perhaps you would like another bath? The others will just be tidying up this mess."

He turned and whistled, and a flash of light greeted them. He nodded and flew off toward the house. There was no need to bother the others.


Kai stood, spit on the body, then kicked the head off into the fire.

Anitiel moved over and first hurled Nix's, then Nickens' bodies into the fire as well. "The Rythert have Tatia back at the farm. In the barn. not sure what is going on with her. Shall we go?"

Gerry nodded and reached over stroking Ebony's head. "Wanna go see mama sweety?" She purred. He nodded. "let's go. Kai, you have to come say goodbye to Sera before you go back to your sweety."

Kai smiled.


Elaya cooed and pressed Sera against a tree, kissing her neck and chest now. "Mostly because you surprised me with it first. Then you were so cute. Damnit."

Her hands moved up the redhead's legs to her butt, then up to her breasts and smiled to find pleasurable changes there. She nipped Sera's left earlobe. "you know...we got interrupted last time because I was a bitch..."
Arya rolled her eyes. A bath. Is that all he could think of? Adrenaline was coursing through her, the victory of battle and the blood of the slain washing over her. And he wanted her to take a bath.

"There is plenty else I'd rather do than sit in a tub and scrub myself clean," she raised a quirked eyebrow, "Yet by the sounds of it you want to be alone with me...again. Having second thoughts on turning me down?"

This was the deathhound speaking, all glory, cockiness, and lust. Whatever humanity may have come out at the prospect of death had quickly vanished. Still, it was something to be said that her humanity spoke to Narxis, calling for him when she was in need. Arya thought nothing of the matter, too obsessed with dirty thoughts, but Narxis was the wiser.


Tatia was enraged, and destroyed. She had heard of Nickens death, and screamed in her frustration and pain at hearing his death before slamming her mouth shut and refusing to speak. She would give these people nothing. Silently she glared daggers at the two beings holding her hostage, handcuffs wrapped at her wrists to keep her from trying to attack them...again.


Sera eyes rolled back as she hit the tree, wiggling to press herself harder into Elaya.

"If you haven't noticed, cuteness is just a natural part of me," she teased, before feeling Elaya's hands run over her and shivered, "Yeah...we did...and don't insult yourself baby...just stop talking and take me."
Narxis chuckled. "Well yes. i want you alone. But if you want we can go watch Sera and Elaya kiss. And tatia cry. And the others mope around."

he started to turn back to the others.


The Rythert were weeping as they watched Tatia. They could not believe the change in her. And they were beyond hurt that she didn't know them.


Elaya grinned and opened Sera's legs, moving fabric aside as she lay the Phoenix's legs on her shoulders and speared her tongue deep into her lover, lapping and sucking at her sweetness, moaning at the taste.
She wrinkled her nose, "Fine, I'd rather be forced to bathe than watch a bunch of people mope about. And I'm not even that stupid to walk in on lover's embrace. Especially those two."


Tatia ignored them, looking past them out into the field, waiting for the group she was sure to be coming, to gloat over their horrid victory.


Sera held onto a branch above her, allowing Elaya to rebalance her on her shoulders and gasping as she wasted no time digging her tongue within.

"Baby be soft!" she whined, wincing, "Rebirth comes with all"

She turned her in cheeks as she looked down, "You've just become my first kiss in this lifetime. My first everything in this lifetime I"

She couldn't believe she had to admit to it, but she did. In her head she secretly hoped Elaya would be her first in every lifetime for now till her last, wanting to be with no one else.
Narxis laughed and took off for the house. There a bath was waiting for her. "Just as well. Everyone will want to clean up and rest. Then we'll likely be leaving quickly. Now i ask again. Are you coming with us?"


The Rythert watched her closely.

The others were not going to bother here. They wanted Lairia to examine her first, and they wanted her to be ready for whatever insanity or traps Nickens had burdened her with.


Elaya smiled up at her lover. "That hope will be fulfilled darling...but you taste...amazing."

She dipped her tongue back within and moaned into the center of such sweetness, sucking softly, her tongue dragging slowly and hungrily over the flesh. She was a bit appalled at herself, but she needed Sera..In every way possible. And with the news of Sera regaining her virginity, the redhead needed marking. Immediately.
She rolled her eyes at his question, pushing past him in the bedroom to reach the bathroom, "Your wasting your breath on a lost cause kid. I may have had a weak moment, but I'm over it now. Your cute and all..."

She looked over her shoulder, leaning on the doorframe, "But I don't do groups. Being social...not my style."

It was clear any shreds of humanity had disappeared again, only having ssurfaced when her fear became greater than her own nature. Now her emotions were locked down and shoved away again, her composure cold and distant like when they had first met.

"I'll be bathing if you need me," she called, closing the door.


Lairia was already at the farm, but she hadn't stepped into the barn yet, not sure how to handle things. Rythert were in a fragile predicament and she didn't want to hurt them, nor risk hurting Tatia in any permanent manner. She waited for the rest of the group to arrive, having put Ebony in the room with Rhaegal, hoping to glean some wisdom from the people who knew Tatia the longest.


She giggled, feeling her tongue slipping back in and wiggled, moaning out, "Elaya..."

She continued to hold the tree, trying to not fall sideways, but something was nagging at her. She should of spoken of it before asking Elaya to take her. Now it dug into her hand, as she tried to keep it concealed, wanting desperately to ignore it and fall into the throes of pleasure.

But she couldn't. She truly couldn't wait one more second.

"Elaya stop," she moaned, looking down and with one hand gently pulling her head back, wiping her lips with her thumb, "I...I want to say something before we continue."

She wiggled off her partner, suddenly looking up instead of down, as she stood on tip toe to kiss her.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, "For the fight. For almost leaving you. For all the silly choices I've made that last couple weeks. I'm sorry we lost Rey - I didn't understand as a child but I do understand now, and it hurts knowing our old friend is gone. As much as it hurts that Duldrea is gone too. I'm sorry I wasn't there for them, or for you, or for the group."

She paused, taking in a breath. If she could cry she would be.

"But I'm not sorry for loving you," she sighed, her voice full of love, and determination, "I'm not sorry for wanting you, or for loving you even during my rebirth, in a different yet so familiar way. I'm not sorry for thinking about you, or dreaming about you, or wishing that our days will never ever end, so that I don't have to spend one long aching second without you."

She drew lower now, her eyes never leaving Elaya's as she knelt to one knee and from her hand exposed a small ring black in metal, with sparkling light and dark blue saphirre's around the edges, intertwined and engraved with vines. It had reminded Seraphina of the night sky and at the top of the ring was a large rounded diamond - a representation of the moon.

"It is made from metals unknown by men inside the earth, where only lava resides," she smiled, "A pure rarity only I know of and can reach. The gems were made from my ashes...when I was reborn not all of my ashes rebirthed with me...which is why I'm slightly shorter. Jeziah kept them for me and in turn I made them into beautiful sapphire's for you, so you may always wear me. And the reminded me of the moon, and I know how important the moon mother is to you."

She held it up, "Elaya, if it isn't obvious...I'm crazy in love with you. And I want to stay crazy for you till my true final breath. Please...marry me?"
Narxis rolled his eyes and sat on the counter and closed his eyes meditating. There was little else to do for now.


Gerry came up behind Lairia. "Go talk to her. See if you can figure what they did. Even Tatia can't drag Sera and Elaya apart. And she needs help now. You are the only one who can possibly help her. Narxis would just make it worse, and Amitiel would eliminate her personality."


Elaya stared at her lover, and the ring. She sobbed, then nodded, pushing her finger into the ring. She put her hand on Sera's face as tears spilled from her eyes.

She held up a finger, unable to form words, and slida beautiful ring, onto the redhead's left ring finger.

She gulped. "Only...only if you'll marry me."

The ring was dark, made from metals of the same source as Elaya's own, though the stone was a true firestone, living flames dancing within. "I got earth elementals to make this for you...and fire elementals to make the stone.....I...I..."

She fell to her knees and hugged her Seraphina, sobbing with joy.
If Sera could cry she would be but instead she made a sobbing chokin sound that turned to joyous laughter.

"Of course I would," she blubbered out, staring at the beautiful ring adorned on her finger, "it's perfect Elaya. Like you."


Lairia nodded but looked concerned, "I'll need a favour then. Someone must keep Rythert from getting in the way, or trying to help Tatia if they think she's in need. I can't promise whatever Nickens has done to be pleasant, and trying to understand the full length may result in upsetting Tatia further."

She looked back to the barn, "Is this what you want me to do?"
Geryr looked up as Amitiel landed. "Yeah. he'll help. he can't mess with your magic or be affected by it if he prepares...and i need a nap."

He was utterly exhausted. Amitiel held up a finger, then dragged him inside. He came out and smiled at Lairia. "What do you need me to do?"


Elaya sobbed harder at the woman's words, stroking the red hair she loved so much. "I missed you so much." She shuddered unable to say more, just clutching Sera tight.
She nodded to the barn, "I can't have Rythert involved, but I would like someone watching my back, for a second pair of eyes to report to Elaya and Sera. I'm mostly needing you as support and a guard, to keep all out of the barn while I work."

She stepped towards it as she spoke. As they turned into it Tatia's eyes opened then glared and she spat at the ground, growling at them.

"Stay away from me you monsters!" she yelled, "I'll never come back to join the likes of you! I'd rather die then face dispair and torture again."

"We've never torture yo-" Lairia started with her hands raised to show she had no weapons.

"Don't lie, you witch!" she snapped, cutting her off, "I remember all the horrible things! I know what you've done!"

Lairia casted a concern glance at Amitiel then looked to Rythert, "Can you please wait in the ranch house? Perhaps help with dinner? You shouldn't be hearing this, it's all part of something they did to her."


Sera pulled Elaya in, hugging her to her chest as she sat back into the tree, now just holding her partner - no, fiance - and stroking her hair, allowing Elaya to let it all out.

"I'm here now," she whispered and cooed, softly stroking Elaya's dark hair, "You did such an amazing job as leader. I was there all along baby, I saw everything, even when I didn't understand it just yet. Even when I was unconscious, I felt you caring for me. Oh my sweet Elaya, you've been phenomenal. But I'm here now. You can let it all out. Everything is okay now."

She meant every word, and as she held Elaya close she began to rock side to side, closing her eyes as she breathed the wolf's scent in and just held her softly, needing this as much as Elaya needed this. Then ever so softly a hum rose in her throat and soft words began to spill from her lips, almost too soft to hear, but the song was unmistakable. It was the lullaby Elaya had sung to her in the cave after Octavia's death, and Sera had memorized every single word of it, singing it now to soothe both her and Elaya, to give them a moment to suck in all that happened and all that was over. And all to come.

"I love you," she whispered halfway through the song then continued on, rocking and holding her fiance tight.
The Rythert looked at Tatia with such forlorn heartbreak even Amitiel had to bite back tears.

When they had gone he shut the door and barred it, then sealed it with a Enochian rune circle, along with the other, and the loft window. He then knelt, ignoring Tatia, and prayed, glorifying in a way Lairia had not seen before. Usually, he was a massive armored warrior, or a huge man of immense power and presence.

But now he was just a man, a very calm and innocent looking man. He spoke softly, his voice warm and soothing. "Tatiana. Have i ever harmed you? Would you wound me so?"

He did not wait for the answer, continuing to pray. As he did so more rune circles appeared about her, below her and above her, sealing her into an invisible cage she could not harm herself upon, but also could not escape.

When he finished he looked at Lairia. "What else can i do? It would be best if i not touch her. She could use me to hurt herself badly." He would stay, and he could create more such cages to pin Tatia if need be.


Elaya laughed, then pulled her head back and smiled. "And i love you. Now c'mere."

She pulled Sera into a hungry kiss, and let them fall until she was ontop of her lover, her world, her fiancee, her dark hair creating a cave for their kissing as her hands roamed the flesh beneath.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to stop. i missed your touch so much Seraphina." As always she thrummed the word, caressing it with her tongue and voice, filling it with all the love she held for it's owner.
Tatia snarled and spat like a feral beast as Amitiel got closer, "stay away from me. You and your lies. Pretending to be such an angelic force when all you do is torture and kidnap girls like me. Your no better than your pal demon. I wouldn't be surprised if he taught you his tricks, he's no better than you."

Lairia grimaced, starting to see glimpses of what they might have just done. But she did not seem angry enough yet. It was almost like she was holding back, and as Lairia got closer she could see her eyes were guarded, as if hiding something she refused to share.

"We are trying to save you Tatia," she stated calmly and slowly, "we aren't the bad guys."

Tatia only glared, suddenly mute again.

"She's toying with us," Lairia realized, "looking back at the door, "Amitiel open the door!"

Even a sorceress of her power could not break his wards but even as she spoke she heard the crashing through the trees and the image of those zombie like men piling on Elaya at Tatias command came to mind. If they reached the ranch house, what might they do to the children?!

A ball of energy grew suddenly in her hands and she threw it up, watching it disappear through the roof. It would fly up into the sky, and then split into three pieces, sending distress signals to Narxis, Jamie, and Elaya and Sera. She felt bad to bother the last two but if Narxis didn't arrive on time and if Jamie wasn't close enough yet, not to mention if Amitiel didn't undo all his wards quick enough, within minutes the ranch could easily be in flames. She didn't bother sending anything to Arya, knowing so little of her.

A second ball of light grew from her hands but this one shot through the door, tracking down Rythert in the house as the small ball stated in a very panicked voice of Lairias, "Lock the doors and windows! We have trouble!"

"You can't save them," Tatia sneered from her cage, yanking at her cuffs, "I will take everything you stole from me!"

"We saved you!" Lairia snapped, "call them off!"

"You tortured and beat me!" She screamed suddenly, looking terrified and angry all at once, "you all took turns and then you let the men rape me! I was nothing more than a toy! Narxis saved me! AND YOU KILLED HIM! YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME! NOW LET ME RETURN THE FUCKING FAVOR YOU BITCH!"

It was so much worse than Lairia realized. They had brainwashed Tatia into thinking that they were the good guys, and her memories of torture were from the group, not Narxis. Lairia felt overwhelming sadness at this but she knew she couldn't fix it within a day. She needed to save everyone and end the threat, then devise a plan for Tatia.

"Amitiel please!" She begged knowing he was going as fast as he could.


Sera let out a squeamish giggle as Elaya pulled her down, wrapping her arms tightly around Elaya and kissing her in earnest. It was only then she noticed a small ball of light rocketing through the sky at them. As it neared Sera groaned and pulled back, her eyes flicking towards it to alert Elaya.

"Can we ignore it?" She sighed, not yet ready to give up this moment, "they need us don't they?"
Elaya studied it, then sniffed and smiled.

"Gerry has this."




"Oh shut up." He pushed past the Rythert and looked out the window. He yawned, then did a quick count. "Really?"

The Rythert, more than little miffed, had somewhat panicked and sealed all the doors and windows with hard water. Not really ice, but much like it.

Gerry sighed. He drew out a small device and pressed a button. Fully half the force were caught in explosions that vaporized them. And a quarter of the rest were engulfed in flames.

No matter how much they loved Tatia, they could not make nonexistent muscle move, and as their bones charred and split and they became ash he grunted. With only nine left he wasn't truly concerned.

Especially when the first two hit the barn doors and were crushed with bright white flames from above, disintegrating them, then the flame actually leapt onto a third, who literally melted in moments.

Gerry punched out a knothole stuck his rifle barrel through it, and began to fire. First knees. Then head shots. In moments all of them were dead, and not surprising to Gerry their souls tried to make their way into the barn as well. But as they touched it they became streams of light toward Heaven. Soon they were all gone.

Gerry grunted, pulled open the door, checked the perimeter, planted more mines, and also buried some hidden magic traps with and around them, then went back inside, told everyone to go back to what they were doing and went to bed.

The mines could not be tripped, even accidentally, by anyone or anything. They were unarmed, and only Gerry had the arming device. Which was he used the magic traps with them. They would alert him or one of the group.

He smiled to himself, and fell back to sleep.


Elaya smiled and kissed Sera. "He handled it."


Narxis actually did not get the message. He was busy wrestling with a growth from the vines which had smelled the blood of the hearts and was trying to reach it.

"That's Arya's you tosser."


Amitiel looked at Lairia a bit confused. "Do you really think we don't take precautions? Go on. Help her."
Lairia was annoyed. Not only in the blatant look of contempt that had passed Amitiel’s face over Lairia’s panic, but that they had so carelessly thrown their most injured group member at a horde of, for lack of a better word, “zombies” and not thought twice about his safety. Nor about the fact that the siren was not their friend at this very moment, and looked keen on controlling Gerry. Keen enough that when they heard the door open and Tatia went to raise her voice Lairia turned and hit her so hard with a bolt of energy it knocked Tatia’s head back and she lost consciousness. Better she was asleep anyways, as she had been ordering her little minions about, and once she had been knocked cold the group’s hive mentality ended, letting Gerry pick them off with ease.

“That was stupid of the both of you,” Lairia snapped, not even looking at Amitiel as she knelt near the cage, “Gerry could have been injured, or worse. I think I’ll take it from here. Alone. You can drop the incantations and the cage. I’m sure no one wants to visit now.


Arya had heard the commotion, her ears sensitive as they were, not to mention her hidey hole was not that far from the farm. She hadn't heard much other than the shots and explosions. After her bath she had dressed in that same black robe and found herself lounging in the window of her room, after unboarding it and cracking the window open. Her bedroom door was locked, having wanted some privacy from Narxis. She neither wanted to contemplate why this man meant anything to her, nor listen to him continue to berate her to join his little squad. She wasn't sure whether she would or not. The fact she was even considering it was only due to Narxis and he seemed to be a whole new territory for her. She didn't understand herself around him, or for that matter him. Why he stuck around, why he helped her, saved her, seemed her.

She shook her head, noting her thoughts were going down the one path she hadn't wanted to. Yet as she sat in the window, one leg hanging out and large robe wrapped around, she stared out at the moon and let her thoughts continue to roam freely amongst the stars, hoping that maybe she would come to wrap her head around all things and be content.
Amitiel looked at her. "Gerry did it because he's the best shot. And the only fighter who wasn't locked in a room."

There was an edge to his voice. "And had she started singing i would have silenced her without hitting her."

He drew out his blade and cut the circle on the door and left leaving the door open wide.


Narxis knocked on the door. "Arya i have some food for you if you want. I wasn't sure how often you need to eat. Good night."

He left the food floating before the door, and went downstairs. The tray had a large bowl of hearts, along with chocolate sauce, a single fire red passion flower, and crepes with raspberries throughout.
Lairia just shook her head. Amitiel wanted to be soft on the girl who seemed to have no qualms on getting them all killed. Closing the barn door and sealing it with simple magic she found herself a chair and relaxed in it, knowing it was going to be a long night. She was drained as it was, and she had no idea where to start on Tatia. if she still had that asshole of a sorcerer in her hands she would get the information from him, but he was dead. Alas, she was on her own.

Before long there was a knock on the door and she stepped out, finding Jamie.

"Just wanted to say goodbye before I head out. Most of the vamp's are gone, but a few are waiting for me to head home with them."

"Thank you for your help," she stated, "I couldn't take that asshole down without you."

"I just hope you find comfort in knowing its over," he replied, "And that you take it easier on yourself. You're not a bad person Lairia."

"Niether are you Jamie."

He pulled her into a short hug before kissing her temple where Anabelle's gem lay and bowing to her.

"Until we meet again fair lady."

She smiled and courtseyed, seeing the briefest sliver of the old, funny Jamie within him.

"Until then kind knight."

Turning he disappeared into the trees and she returned to her station in the barn, relocking the door. Before long she had dozed off in her chair, awaiting morning.


Arya had heard his knock but decided not to answer, waiting until his footsteps retreated. Crossing to the dresser she quickly pulled on clothes, feeling the dead weight of the metal cuff on her wrist as she pulled the robe away. She had been able to break the chain, but no amount of prying or smashing had opened the cuff, as if it could not be tampered with by mortal means. Until it was off Arya was trapped in her human form though, something she was not too impressed about. Still, she was sure she'd find a way out of it in the morning, either by stealing Narxis' blade or the angel's to crack it open. In any case, Arya's focus shifted to the door as she creaked it open just enough to pull the tray in. In honesty she felt fat with how much she had been eating. Normally she was lucky to get a good meal in once a week, snacking on human food in between to keep the hunger from nipping at her. But Narxis seemed to think she needed food at all hours, and continued to provide her with more than her stomach could handle. Even know she felt full just bringing the tray in, so she ignored the hearts and picked up the crepe, carrying it and the sauce back to her little spot in the windowsill. At this rate she wouldn't want another meal for a month, or at least she told herself that. Chances were she'd eat tomorrow, only because it was there. She wasn't about to tell Narxis how often she fed. If he grew that strangely interested in her habits, than he could ask around Hell for his answers. Most Princes had their own personal pack of deathhounds, one of them was bound to let him in on all her secrets. Arya snorted at that. Secrets. She had none.

Sitting and eating, she let her thoughts travel again as she watched the still forest, hearing no more signs of battle. For once the land around them was peaceful and quiet. Polishing off the food she dropped the plate to the ground beside her without moving, leaning her head against the wood behind her and just listening. It was a welcomed sound, the silence. Even the animals were asleep, all resting from the chaotic week that had been had throughout the forest. Her eyes started to drop when she heard it. The softest heartbeat racing. It wouldn't have alerted her, as their was plenty of animals, but most animals weren't racing through the trees and breakneck speed, or heading from the farm's direction towards the house Arya was bunkering in. Neither did these animals have heart's the size of a human's, nor would be racing so fast. She would not have picked up any of this had the being moved in any other direction then at this house. When the heartbeat continued past the house she got a whiff of something that definitely smelt mostly human. And she was curious as to who. And why.

Checking the door to see it was locked Arya slipped out the window feet first, sliding down the small patch of roof under her bedroom and landing silently on the earth below. She took off like a bullet after the heartbeat, not as fast as her other form's but still quick, not to mention deadly silent. She jumped between bushes and par cored through and around the trees, making not an effort of sound. Narxis would have no idea she was gone, and neither did this person know they were being chased.

All too soon Arya had caught up and she lunged, tackling the person into the ground. They wrestled briefly and Arya was almost tempted to end the fight with a snap of the neck but she held back, wanting to know firstly who it was. It did hit her that the only reason she was holding back was it could be one of Narxis' friends, and the consious motion to not hurt Narxis or those he liked boggled her. Why did she care?

"Get off!" it was very much female, and very much angry. Arya punched the girl in the chest then, feeling the air rush from her lungs enough to wind her and let Arya get the upper hand. Dragging her up to her feet, Arya pressed the girl into the nearest tree, pulling the hood back to reveal a new face, but one she had a clear guess of to whom.

"Your the siren girl," Arya hissed, flashing her pointed teeth at her, "Making an escape?"

"Fuck off," she snapped loudly, trying to wiggle free, "You don't understand."

"I think I do," Arya growled, pushing her into the tree a little harder to stun her, "You've had quite the week with some very bad people, who from what I've been told has jumbled that wee brain of yours into soup. Now your trying to get away from the people trying to fix said soup, because hell, they must be the bad guys."

The sarcasm and lack of emotion was just dripping from Arya's voice.

"And what are you, their guard dog?" she snapped back. These two had never met, and therefor Tatia's memories were clean of Arya, and thus sane. But it didn't mean she wasn't angry at being attacked, "They hire you to keep me from fleeing?"

"I'm not for hire," Arya growled, "Take it more as a curiosity as to why you were out in the dead of night. Looks like my curiosity paid off. "

"If you're not being paid, why the hell do you care what I do?" she snapped, "Why not just leave too?"

Interesting proposal from the new girl. And why did she care?

"Great idea, I should," Arya replied, her voice still low and quiet, "and you'll just wait here for your group little siren."

She could smell the salt water on this one and finally placed it as to why. Siren. Made sense.

"Why the hell would I wait here?" the siren snapped again, obviously having little to no patience.

"Because you're what I call bait," Arya sneered, knowing that this one had been talking much too loudly the entire time. Narxis would be here in minutes, if not the rest of the group would be hot on the trail too. And while they were busy with this one, Arya had a window of opportunity to sneak away. A city would be good. Especially one she knew was near. Blacksmith's frequented the city, and perhaps they could get the ugly cuff off. If not, she knew a few underground places where the supernatural hung about, and perhaps one of them would have the right weapon to cut it off.

Turning the siren around with a whip she grabbed her by the brown hair and flung her head forward, hitting her forehead straight into the tree. The siren went out like a light, crumpling there. Good. It would look like she ran herself into the tree, misjudging where it was. And hopefully the scent of the water on her would drown out the scent of Arya for a bit. Arya's scent in general was faint. It was hard to smell a shadow, and only in this form was it concentrated enough to do so. Even then, most easily missed it if they weren't looking. Narxis would have no idea she had been there until he realized her missing self in the house, and only then might he track her. She hoped he didn't. Let him cut his losses and move on. Surely, he could do better. Again, it struck her as odd that she even had the thought, or that she felt like she should care. She would care if her emotions were on, and that boggled her more.

Stop thinking about it and go! her thoughts demanded and she took off, careful to leave no trail in her wake, moving as silent as before. By dawn she would arrive at the city, having made sure no one followed overnight.
Amitiel saluted Jaimie. A good fighter.

He sighed and sat in the same chair Elaya had been in. Well this had turned into a royal mess.

Ahh well. He closed his eyes and regulated himself, putting his feet up as Ebony and Rhaeghal came and lay together under his legs. The cats had had long days as well, and very sleepy.

Still they both stirred some while later, and mewling, woke Amitiel from the thoughts that carried him away. He leapt to his feet, drew a blade then rushed into the barn. The first thing he saw irritated him, but then he had a flash of fear. he rushed to Lairia and checked her for life, then sighed, then shook her. "Lairia! Where is Tatiana?!"

Elaya spoke from the doorway, and Amitiel gulped. "Yes. Where is Tatiana."

Elaya had been enjoying her time with Seraphina very much. But then something had touched her mind as they lay cuddled together in the same cave Sera had been staying in for training. She had scooped her lover up and rushed to the farm.

Gerry had come out and was smiling at Seraphina, whom Elaya had left standing by the porch. Gerry chuckled. "She's still in protective mode i see. how ya feeling chief?"

The cats purred and nuzzled into the Phoenix, while Elaya glared at the two before her.


Narxis had not noticed anything. Until the plate fell.

He had heard it, but had listened for several minutes. In which he grew veyr concerned.



He went up the stairs to the door and knocked politely. "Arya?"


He rapped on the door. "Arya please!"


Now he hammered on the door. "ARYA!"


He punched it and the door broke open. He saw the fallen tray, and the open window and cursed.

He dove out the window looking around. He started one direction then a familiar scent struck him. Tatia? Impossible.

He followed it anyway, then cursed again. He sighed and gathered her up, and would have believed Arya's attempt at a trick, but noticed something. The smell of chocolate on Tatia's hair. It was fading, but still there.

"Damnit Arya."

He sighed and flew toward the farm.


Amitiel was still struggling for an answer when the demon arrived. With the siren.

Narxis lay her in a bed, then looked at Elaya. "Arya is gone. I'm going after her."

Elaya started to gesture toward Sera then noted his eyes. he wasn't asking. She bit her lip then shrugged. Amitiel started forward and Narxis shook his head. "Protect the siren."

He was gone without any warning.

Elaya sighed. "Well...shit. Oh honey!" She moved toward Sera, knowing the Phoenix would not like this.

Amitiel ignored Laria. He cast more rune circles, this time on the bed, and even on tatia herself. including on her mouth. he had a feeling what was to happen.

Elaya smirked at Gerry, then took the redhead's hand and kissed it. "babe...we need to go. We've raised enough hell in these good faeries lives. let's pay them, and go. Somewhere where Lairia can work on Tatia in peace and safety. And we can hopefully catch up to Narxis." She waited. The decision was Sera's, not her's, and she found that so freeing.
Lairia had woken with a start, looking up into the angry face of Amitiel before she realized something was wrong. Exhaustion nipped at her but she pushed it off, feigning energy as she stood and noticed Tatia was missing. I should have waited... she scolded herself mentally. She had taken the stone off after returning to the farm, her mission now complete. It lay back in a box encased in her magic, out of temptations way. But because she had, any energy she might have shown after the battle was a crutch from the stone. In truth she had overspent herself and was exhausted. Now she wished she had held on to the stone, and she might've not fallen so fast asleep.

"I-I don't know," she explained, "we had her chained. She shouldn't have gotten free I-"

Suddenly a commotion outside drew Amitiel and Lairia from the barn to see Narxis, and an asleep Tatia. He tucked her into the barn and let Amitiel cast his spells before his proclamation of going after Arya.

"Tired," Sera was laughing to Gerry as the group came closer to speak, "I won't give you the details. But I'm glad to be back. Have you seen my brother?"

"Here sis," Jeziah stepped out of the house with Rythert, yawning, "I knew ou two would be awhile so I took a much needed nap. Boy am I happy you've grown."

They hugged just as Narxis left, pulling everyone's attention.

"If the girl left, is it wise to try and follow?" Lairia asked the group, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she stifled a yawn.

"Who's Arya?" Sera asked, confused. She had only actually seen the deathhound a couple times as she grew and it was so sheltered she could not put a name to a face.

"Octavia's friend," Jeziah explained and Sera nodded in understanding before her brows knitted again

"And why is he chasing her down?" it was obvious Sera was far out of the loop, and she didn't like that, "he did not seriously just abandon the group for a girl did he?"

"Looks like it," Jeziah muttered, "well sis I'm going to catch some sleep. Need to head out in the morning now that your all back to normal."

"Thank you," she kissed his cheek, her focus shifting, "for taking time from your life to help mine. I'll see you soon alright?"

"Sooner than I thought," he whispered, holding her hand up and kissing the ring but not saying a thing. He moved to Elaya and hugged her too, whispering his congratulations so no one could hear before retiring to bed.

Sera took a second to swallow her excitement and confusion then started giving out orders, feeling herself slip back into place with the group.

" Amitiel your on duty watching Tatia. You shouldn't have left her with our client to babysit in the first place, and you have to mind the fact she needs sleep. Lairia go get rest. We leave in the morning. I'm not about to let Narxis just wander off. That's not how this group runs. Gerry, you ah..."

She still wasn't used to seeing him so wounded and she knew it was all her fault. She faltered, wanting to ask him to be on watch but unable to. She had hurt him. Burnt him. Her mouth went dry and she looked away, ashamed.

"Your off duty for the night. Elaya and I can take watch. She has plenty to catch me up on anyways."

She looked around then, noticing two things. A lack of Malakai and a presence of Rythert.

"Can you two take care of the cats," she asked then turned to Elaya, "you have much to catch me up on love. Where's Kai?"

She led Elaya to the porch for thier watch and snuggled up to her on the rockin chair, "we will pay and leave come morning. Let everyone rest for the night. We can tell them our news in the morning. Now you have much to catch me up on..."
A few eyes flicked to Elaya expecting her to counter Sera's words.

When she realized they were looking at her she flicked her eyes away.

She smiled and first wrapped herself and Sera in a blanket. The blanket filled with their heat quickly and she sighed happily having missed that.

She did not speak until everyone had fully obeyed, meaning especially Amitiel, who was also worried about his friend. "Ok. Kai met and fell in love with a woman in Lodestone. He's staying with her. They are very happy. Of course Duldrea is banished to her deity rest. And yes Reynault is dead. The Rythert are Tatia's servants/lovers from the sea. They are not best fighters, but they have serious skill in the little things you would have missed. They are good crowd workers, have all sorts of abilities with water that are really handy."

She squeezed the redhead gently and smiled kissing her neck. "You know Octavia of course, but Arya is and was her deathhound companion. Octavia chose to give up a lot of herself to become the death hound's guardian, friend, and companion. Because of that and our ignorance, we likely caused her death. "

Elaya had sworn never to lie to Sera. And never would. "Arya needs protecting. Narxis is trying to gain her as a new member. And yes he is chasing her for himself as well, but he will come back. A big thing is that she is a key component within several power moves within the hierarchy of Hell. Which is what truly killed Octavia. Again, likely my fault in the end, as I let Narxis push them for the truth. She's an exceptional warrior, and if he can gain her loyalty she can be incredibly useful...and oddly enough i think he does love her. i use love simply because I don't have a word for how he feels. And no it isn't just lust or desire."

She bit her lip thinking. "Oh let's see. Um Lucifer himself has made it clear beyond even that attack in the woods that he want's Lairia's stone. Also Lairia had vampire lover prior to Reynault. A few in fact. One was killed by Nickens longtime ago.So let's see. Lairia, Narxis, Amitiel, Gerry, Me, you, Tatia, Duldrea, Reynault, Malakai, the Rythert, and Arya. i think that's about it....Oh minus one thing."

She kissed Sera deeply and whispered soft as a breeze. "Lairia is slowly killing herself with the stone. And she thinks she will die in Ocean City when she turns it over. She has done something to upset the Circle. likely her nature or the ownership of the stone. maybe all of the above. Not sure."

She sighed. "She also kicked Amitiel out because of the small attack earlier. Everyone was worried about Gerry. Should mention something else. He's retiring too. Guna go live with my people when this job is done. And he's not nearly as weak as he looks. In fact he seems stronger."

She ran a hand through the red hair then sighed. "That wasn't your fault by the way babe. In anyway. If anyone is at fault it's me. I should have left your sexy ass in the wounds and handled the fight then walked on."

She smiled and kissed her lover softly. "What else do you need to know Seraphina?"
Seraphina had not missed the looks sent to Elaya. She held her tongue, but it hurt. Mostly that she had been gone so long it seemed her leadership was truly in question. She was glad Elaya had held down the fort so well, but Sera was unsure where he place in the group was now.

They settled into the chair and everyone scattered, leaving the lovers alone. Sera listened, growing sadder as she heard of Drea and Reynault's untimely deaths. While yes, Drea only moved on to another plane, Rey was truly gone. Her eyes were downcasted, her voice mute as she mourned the deaths she hadn't been privy about till now. She remembered Jeziah telling her something about them leaving for a while when she was growing - obviously trying to keep her safe for the time being. Still it nagged her how much had happened that she was oblivious too. Kai fell in love? Narxis too? She remembered Arya coming with Octavia, but she had no idea her friend had gotten into something so deep with Hell. And Lairia had a whole other side that Elaya had found while Sera had been rebirthing. Again that nagging feeling that she had been gone too long came up.

"I missed more than I thought," she said when all was explained, looking off into the trees, "I didn't realize I had. I'll need to see Kai one last time, and talk to Lairia, and Rythert...and..."

She pursed her lips, "Elaya? Am I even their leader anymore?"
Elaya gripped the woman's head, turned it and kissed her deeply. "Darlin of course you are. The only reason they looked at me is because they all recalled how they tried to fall apart when you...died? I had to be very forceful, and a little rough on them. I suppose some thought I might have liked your job."

She kissed the redhead again. "They followed your orders darling. And Kai is waiting to see us. Wants to introduce us both to his lady. her name is Reno."

She was rubbing Sera's back now. "Talk to Rythert first. They only want to help and love Tatia. And be...cautious and patient with Lairia. She has a lot to hide and good reasons for it."

She kissed Sera's shoulder and neck. "It is not your fault my love. i should have just taken you to your source. You know how fast I am. i could do it even quicker than you and my new brother-in-law." She grinned playfully.
Sera nodded, still pouting slighty, "I'm sure some liked you in charge over me. Leadership is in your blood, but it's never been in mine. Fernard only passed me his torch because as he told me, you refused it. But now I see how they've been with you, and it just makes me wonder if I indeed should be their leader."

She had doubts of herself, and plenty of them. The team seemed to be falling apart without her knowing, and the only one holding everything together had been Elaya. Now Sera was back and she felt like she was two steps behind everyone.

"Reno is a nice name," she sighed, taking Elaya's hands in hers and playing with the ring, her back pressed into Elaya's front as they spooned on the chair, "I can't believe he found someone. Our group has grown so much smaller now."

She nodded. She didn't know what else to say to Rythert that Elaya thought she did, but perhaps this was another thing she had missed. The two had been good for Tatia when Seraphina had met them...weeks ago. Did this mean Tatia was leaving too?

The conversation turned and Sera shrugged, not sure why Elaya was bringing up such things, "I never told any of you how. A flaw on my part, but until you, none of you knew much about me. I liked it that way. Whether you had gotten me there or him, it would not have sped the process. There is a time between our deaths and our rebirths that we must be ash. We cannot ignore this part, nor try and rebirth quicker than needed. I'm fine now Elaya. I even have my full strength back, which is more than I have had in years."
Elaya laughed. "I still don't." She kissed neck and shoulder again, enjoying Sera touching her and playing with her ring and hand.

She could almost feel Sera panicking over everything. "Babe you do realize that everyone stuck together, did their jobs, and protected Laria despite everything? That is because you formed us into a powerful and tight knit group."

She kissed the red hair, then the neck again. "Seraphina is a better name. And the very best leader. I am not as...kind as you when i am in charge my love. Nor am i as hands-on with everyone and everything. I was hoping to add both Arya and Octavia to the group. I failed with Octavia. But I hope Narxis can bring Arya into the fold. As for the Rythert? They go where Tatia wants. Period and simple fact of it. So it will really be up to her. But she has gone through so much. And all this is even worse for her."

She sighed. "perhaps. But I didn't know that."

She cupped Sera's chin and made the woman look into her purple eyes. "No more secrets darlin. Alright?"
Sera sighed, relaxing into Elaya's touch as she nodded, her words making the red head feel better.

"I will speak to everyone in the morning," she sighed, "For now I am spending the night on watch with you, my wolf."

She turned and kissed her, hearing her words and nodding, "Promise. No more, all you have to do is ask. But Elaya...I do not share my secrets lightly, nor does Jeziah. Our ways are not to be known by the outside world. Meaning you, and you alone are the only one who will ever know."

She kissed her again, "So you must promise me your silence to others, even your kin on what you know. The group only knows I can rebirth. They do not know how, like you. And I will never tell them. I entrust you with my life and my secrets because you are my other half, my soul mate for eternity."

Her chocolate eyes danced up to stare into Elaya's violet ones, "Promise me love."
Elaya did not even hesitate for a moment. "i promise. And swear it by all I am. by fang, claw, fur, and spirit. My wolf will hold me to it."

She leaned forward and kissed Sera softly, then deepened the kiss some before pressing her forehead against her love's so she could look into her eyes. "Our souls are linked and bound my love. Our hearts are one. You are my mate. And already marked as so."

She raised a finger and put it to Sera's lips. "This promise must go both ways. i know things. And beings that can never be revealed to even our friends."

She kissed her finger and Sera's lips softly. "I will protect you and your truth beyond even my death. I swear it on even my love for you Seraphina."
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