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Colliding Worlds (BurningWillows & Greeneyed23)

Narxis appeared with a large bottle and held it out to Arya. "Speaking of would you like some?" it was a vintage bottle of Russian vodka, the label claiming it to be a hundred proof when distilled.

Elaya smelled the alcohol and rolled her eyes. Narxis couldn't get drunk due to his nature, and she doubted Arya could, but they might have fun drinking the bottle.

Sera looked out at the kids, then up at Elaya and held up her arms. Elaya picked her up and Sera hugged her and nuzzled into her neck. "I wanna stay with you."

Elaya smiled no surprised and kissed the top of the girl's head. "You've had a rough day dear one. But everyone is alright."

She squeezed the girl and set out for the fields, just walking and humming a lullaby to the girl.
Jeziah nodded his off towards the barn and Octavia nodded, slipping past the two as Jeziah and her headed off towards the barn, leaving Arya alone with Narxis. She snatched the bottle and sniffed it, then held it up to read before shrugging, breaking the cap off with only her hands and taking a swig.

"It's alright," she rolled her shoulders, handing it back to him nonchalantly but there was a gleam in her eye as the liquid burnt down her throat. She caught sight of Amitiel too, having arrived with Narxis and while she hadn't said it, she wondered how a demon could justify fighting alongside an angel. And more to the point, how neither of them minded the other.
Amitiel sniffed, nodded to her, then went into the farmhouse to check on Lairia.

Narxis sipped the vodka unaffected at all. "i know what you are thinking. And the answer is that we just do. We know each other's moves and tactics. And despite his divine nature he's a hell of a fighter. pardon the pun. Saved my ass many times. Just one of those things that happened you know?"


Soon Sera nodded off in Elaya's arms and she found a nice sunny spot and lay down with the girl on her chest and continued to hum as she stroked the red hair smiling to herself, thinking of doing this with Sera beside her and their kids on her chest instead. If only.
Arya wrinkled her nose, "Still. An enemy can be a worthy fighter, does not make him a friend."

That was all she would say on the matter. The woman was not for many words. Swiping the vodka back she guzzled it a bit more as she began to pass him, her shoulder knocking his.

"Thanks for the alcohol kid," she called back over her shoulder, waving the bottle in the air. She disappeared behind the bar as Jeziah and Octavia came out both looking at Narxis with funny looks. Octavia stepped forward until she beside the demon, watching. His gaze following Aryas departure.

"Just so you know," she spoke under her breath so Arya could not hear, "she rarely speaks more than three words to those she dislikes."
Narxis smiled. "I'm not surprised..." his voice was soft and far away.

He turned to them both and nodded, then went to the house porch and settled into a rocker, still smiling.


Elaya let the girl sleep, stroking her hair and neck thoughtfully, her eyes unfocused, her mind far away.


Kai was still playing with the kids, so did not notice the message that sailed high over the barn and landed almost Jeziah's feet. The arrow was long and heavy, the note jammed onto the shaft.
Jeziah turned, hearing the arrow as it whizzed, fire licked his fingertips at the sound of a fight but when he saw the note on it he let them extinguish. Narxis had walked off so Octavia had returned to him, and it was her who grabbed and unfolded the note.

~ had been days and no one had come for her. At first she had been strong, thinking it was only a matter of hours. Then she had grown weaker, the pain of them stripping her scales, and of Nix's...Nix's torture being all too much. Still she had hoped. But as the days blurred and she watched the clock, the single thing they had left in the large room her tank was in, she grew more and more depressed. They really weren't coming.

And through these days Nickens used her. Forced her into enslaving his workforce, until over half were under her control, doing as she said, which in truth was what Nickens demanded her to say. If she didn't comply, she got electrocuted. When the electrocution started to grow numb they amped up the strength, or sometimes stopped using it at all, and would leave her for Nix's enjoyment. It was...horrid. His meaty cock held no kindness, no gentle start. He would split her open and as she would scream and beg he would only quicken. It became apparent he enjoyed her cries for mercy, so the last bout Tatia had remained quiet and it had only infuriated him further. He had left in a fit, and she feared what was to come. And the worst torture yet came...silence.

Nickens had not only made her tank shock proof, but given it a black screen that pulled down became soundproof when needed. At her refusal to work for Nickens or please Nix they had pulled these screens down and no sound could be heard from outside, nor could she see a thing, the screens so dark she could not even discern her own body. Worse yet these screens provided a magic that cancelled all noise. For an hour they left her inside, unable to hear her own breathing, let alone her screams. And she tried. She pounded the glass, although no sound was made. She screamed till her lungs hurt, and not a sound passed her lips. She grew so tired from fighting it made Tatia weak, and only then did they lift the screens, having broken her once again.

"Fine," she croaked, seeing one of Nickens men holding a rather scared young man. Another to enslave for Nickens workforce and army, "Fine I'll let you, I'll - AH!"

She screamed, her head pounding as a million cuts flashed across her body, though she could see no wounds. Her body twisted in the water, every nerve in her in agonizing pain as she felt the deaths of a hundred men. No...more.

"Something is wrong," Nickens voice came over the intercom in the room, "Someone explain. And where is Nix?"

Nix had been gone since the night before, after storming out at her uncooperative, or more like silent, behavior. Two men rushed forward to try and see what was happening as Tatia screamed and squirmed in her tank. Suddenly mayhem broke outside, the intercom bursting with orders to send all men outside to protect the cattle, and drive the enemy force off. Tatia's pain grew double-folded and her body bent in wrong ways as she shrieked in painful horror. When the pain finally ended she was too weak to move, having floated to the bottom of her tank and remained there, her gills working double time to breath. It took half an hour before anyone even entered her room, possibly because of the fight outside, possibly because of the state she had been in.

"She's barely alive sir," a girl spoke into a walkie talkie on her shoulder, staring at Tatia in the tank, "I think your right sir, she's connected to them. It's whats keeping that hold."

Bleak eyes looked at the woman, although she could not move an inch even if she needed to. Tatia had just suffered what felt like a thousand deaths, and her brain and body were too worn and broken to try any longer. Over the intercom, Nickens voice rose.

"What an interesting discovery little fish," he sneered, "It seems the death of my men comes at the pain of yours. I just lost half...HALF my damn army because of your little persistent group. I bet you felt each of their deaths didn't you? Did you feel them vividly, or just the pain of their hearts stopping?"

Vividly. She had felt how each of them died. Now that she knew, her brain could sort what ones had been who. The most painful had to have been Elaya's. Tears pricked her eyes but were unable to fall within the water.

"Well their efforts were in vain. Now that I know this, I wonder how your group would feel knowing they tormented you? Oh don't worry. I will let them know after they have killed many more of my men, not before. I will enjoy this. Oh and there is more news for you little fish. Nix has returned, and he is dying to tell you what he has done."

She grimaced, but was unable to even curl her body up at the thought of what Nix "wanted".

"He will see you soon, right after a few minor fixes..."

The intercom died and Tatia's eyes fluttered closed, happily embracing the comfort of sleep.
The siren was yanked screaming from the tank.

Nix had refused to go be fixed, and now held her by her hair, dangling above the water, his face a bloodied ruin, his body in tatters, his penis gone, and his missing wing enormous in it's absence.

But his rage was what filled the room and the siren's eyes and mind. It was so overwhelming it had a physical presence.

Then he began to beat her.

Not slap her.

Not hit.

But brutal crushing blows of his fists to her face, body, and even her tail. His strength was monstrous, but through it all he was silent, smashing his fists into her again and again and again and again.

Only when her blood covered his hands and death was but moments from her did he drop her onto the stairs letting her smash over their hard edges.

Then he crouched over her and spoke in a ragged angry voice. "Your little friends cost me much bitch. That stupid water woman. And the blood sucker. But their gone now. Forever and always. And the rest are going to follow."

He twisted her hair so her shattered face was toward him, her ravaged eyes on his. He spit bloody foulness into her face, then snarled. "Nickens is hiring more little sea witch. We will swarm over your friends. And I will enjoy making you feel every last scream as we cut them to pieces."

With that he kicked her off the stairs into the water which had been supercharged now.To heal her.

He only allowed that when he was at his most sadistic. Whatever he had planned he needed her alive and healthy for.


The note was from Nickens of course. "Well done little fools. But do you really think that is all i have? I will bath in your blood and let my people ravage your corpses."
Tatia had reached a numb state of unconsciousness when she hit the stairs. Her body could take not a single piece more of agony, not after the deaths she had felt. and yet he continued. There was no breath left in her body and barely a stutter in her heart, and Tatia almost eagerly embraced death, wanting it. She heard his words, and the pain of her friends death cut into the last shred of life in her heart. And then he kicked her into the water, which instantly began to heal her wounds. Tatia let out a scream, not in pain but in the agony that he did not give her death. No, he was healing her. Healing her so that she could be tortured more and forever, their weak little puppet now.


Jeziah stole the note from Octavia, reading it then growled.

"We need to show Elaya."

They found her in the field, rocking a sleeping Sera. His little sister always loved to be rocked and sang too, and for a second he smiled. Then he handed the note over.

"You should see this."
Elaya shook her head. "i don't need to. i can smell who it's from and what it is. The words don't matter. he's trying to play tough with us. I want everyone to eat, sleep, rest, do whatever they have to. Things about to get a lost worse. And when you see the farmers send them to me. I need to speak with them please. Lady Octavia would you stay with me?"

She looked at Jeziah. "Forgive me. But if we don't act quickly lives will be lost. Please do what i ask then come back. Sera will want to snuggle with her big brother while I give orders."

She looked down at the sleeping girl. "Would that i could let her sleep all she truly needed." She kissed the redhair and sighed, holding her lips to the girl's head for a long while.
Jeziah nodded and disappeared, doing as she bid and returning with the farmers. Meanwhile Octavia sat down on her knees beside Elaya.

"You needed me?"
Elaya smiled. "You are going to be a major part of my plan."

When Jeziah returned she cradled the girl, then handed her over to him, and surprised them both by kissing his cheek. "Thanks."

She turned to the farmers. "I need you to got warn the other farmers. get them to take precautions. Then bring them all here. We need to make preparations to protect them, and their farms."

They nodded and set off, while Elaya looked to Octavia. "I need you to handle the reinforcements Nickens is going to buy. There are only so many paths into the valley. i am getting most of them covered. You are going to meet with them and make sure they don't come back. I would presume you and Arya could handle it without trouble."
Jeziah cheeks flushed a bit. She had never shown such niceties to him. As Elaya turned and spoke to the farmers he fell into spot beside Octavia.

"Of course. I can help although Arya alone would be faster."

"That's not true," Jeziah started but Octavia gave him a glare and he added quickly, "Let me go with Arya Elaya. I can help her. Octavia can watch Seraphina. We can trust her for an hour."
Elaya blinked. "Jeziah that's very kind but I actually have another plan for you."

Sera stirred at her name and Elaya leaned in stroking her back. "It's alright dear one."

She looked up at Jeziah. "You are going to start two wildfires in the north and south. The farmers told me that the fields need a good burn. But I need someone who can control those. Can you do it?"
Jeziah shook his head, "Not at the same time, no Elaya. I can do one then another. And Sera is not yet ready. This..." He was careful of his words around his sisters little ears, even if she was an old soul, "jerk Nickens is giving me no time for lessons either. I'm really worried about her."

Octavia nodded, "me too. Is there a way to finish this early Elaya so Jeziah can focus on Sera? Perhaps it be best if you three left for a few days."

"No," Jeziah shook his head, "Elaya needs to be here as do I. We just have to figure this all out."
Elaya nodded. "Yeah we don't dare leave. And Only one of the fires needs your control."

She drew a map of the area. To the north was the Golden Hills ranch, which butted into a massive canyon on it's north and east sides. To the west were the Rockies, and the east land they had come through. To the south was a dead forest.

She pointed to the last. "Start one here and let it burn. It doesn't need your control. There is nothing and no one there to hurt. So actually if you let it burn it might help. i need you in the north brother. to cut off the ranch itself. maybe fill the canyons with fire?"

She pointed at Octavia, then pointed at a point to the west. "There is a mountain pass to a merc outpost up here somewhere. You and Arya can handle them. But i can't leave. i've sworn the protection of my group to these people. And i have to help organize the others. nickens will lash out at someone somewhere."

She touched Jeziah's hand. "Do this quickly brother and I'll make sure you have at least two days of uninterrupted time to teach Sera. While she is awake anyway."

She pointed at the note. "Nickens was going to buy help whether we survived or not brother. they have been on the way since dawn. I can smell them. They will be here this time tomorrow. If we fix this now Nickens will have to call a truce. He won't have a choice. he'll buy more but in the meantime he will not be able to do anything to hurt us or anyone else. He can't afford it. But his magician is too powerful to attack now. So we are at an impasse. And yes Octavia I am certain he or she is protected from things like death hounds and even you. Amitiel couldn't even affect it in the slightest way. I need Lairia to handle that...thing."
Jeziah nodded, "I can do that sister. Protect our Sera for us?"

He leaned forward and kissed the redhead's little head before stepping back. Turning to flames he disappeared into the woods, intent on starting that fire in the south first. Meanwhile Octavia was sighing, looking around.

"Lady Elaya we may have a problem. Your demon gave Arya a bottle of old vodka. While she is no lightweight, she will be reluctant to part from it. It may take me a bit to round her up and move. How long do I have?"

Elaya had no time to answer though as one of the pixie children ran up and pulled at her shirt, big eyes looking worried.

"Elaya! Elaya!" she called, "Your friend got up and left. She spoke to my brother and she got really mad and we don't know where she went!"

One of the men from the ranch and Narxis appeared, both looking concerned. Narxis spoke first, "Lairia woke Elaya. I guess she's healed enough, but one of the children she spoke to upon looking for Reynault told her he had passed. She looked as furious as the day she was protecting Gerry and the children in that fight. The last we saw she was stomping into the forest, and I haven't been able to locate her. Luckily Kai followed her in. She must be using magic to keep us at bay. Should we track her down or stick to the plan?"

"If your friend is a sorceress I am sure she can handle herself m'lady," Octavia spoke, trying to be of help, "Jeziah is already doing as you asked and I must go find Arya to get to the pass in time. We cannot delay."

She took her leave then, allowing Elaya to handle Narxis and the problem at hand. Returning to the farm, it was easy enough to find Arya on scent alone, but convincing her to leave the half drunk bottle and fight was not a simple task.

"I have done enough killing with a contract today Octavia," Arya shook her head, "Nope."

"We aren't killing, but dissuading. And you in truest form is fearful enough image to dissuade anyone."

"So there isn't any blood involved either? Even less fun."

Octavia sighed, "Arya, so help me-"

"Relax," she gave her a devilish grin, placing the vodka down, "I'll help."

"Thank you."

And off they went.


Meanwhile the fire's in the south had already begun to burn. It had only taken a spark, but Jeziah made sure to light a few trees, allowing the wildfire to pick up slowly, and also give time for any wildlife to flee. It took him half hour to reach the north and start the same, this time making a wide arc of flame on the western side nearest Nickens ranch and coaxing it east along the patch of forest, again allowing wildlife to make their escape. By the time the stretch of woods Elaya had mapped out was fully engulfed Jeziah was in the very middle, keeping it contained so as it didn't spread down to Lodestone, and yet wild enough that no amount of water would quench it.
Elaya smiled at Jeziah, then sighed at the news.

She nodded when Octavia gave her advice, then sighed. "Leave her be. And have Amitiel replace Kai. I need Kai to do other things." She looked at the man as Narxis vanished. "Are you troubled about Lairia or something else? What about the rest of the farms?"

Elaya did fire a note off to Octavia with a wind. "I would like to hire you and Octavia not to kill the new hires. You can name your price."


There was no wild life to the south, but Jeziah's fire was brilliant.

The east was cut off by wild animals, and there was a storm forming on the west, forcing even the fliers into the pass to meet Octavia and Arya.


Elaya smiled as she received reports. The storm she knew full well was a gift of sorts both from Jeziah and Sera, but also Drea. The great fire they had produced had superheated the air above them, creating a massively hot warm front that had crashed into the cold air of the mountains creating the storm, while the rain was a kindness from the goddess.

The animals were the same ones Kai had helped call. They had pledged themselves to the cause of the Metuzi Princess.

She stroked Sera's hair and sighed. "We will give this valley peace my love."
Even as Elaya spoke of Amitiel and Kai they both appeared, looking annoyed. Kai groaned, "I lost her Elaya. I was trailing her, making sure she was safe but she noticed me and suddenly disappeared. Only then did Amitiel spot me, like I had been revealed or something. We searched but we couldn't find a trail, nor a single sign of hers."

"I think she may be using the stone," Amitiel added, "She only just fully woke, and she must still be healing. I fear she is using the stone to increase what power she has left."

"I'm worried she's heading for Lodestone and might hurt someone. She looked shattered Elaya. I didn't know she felt so strongly for Reynault. She might do something she will regret."

Amitiel nodded, "Allow me to station in Lodestone and keep watch for her Elaya. I heard you are in need of Kai."


Arya and Octavia got to the pass rather quickly, thanks to their speeds. While the dragonling rooted herself to the middle of the road, Arya hid in the shadows, her body becoming one with it so that only her eyes could be seen. They were trying the routine of good cop/bad cop. Octavia would reason with them first, and for those that ignored her warnings, Arya would jump out and scare the life from them. Any more who opposed would be met by blade or by claw if they wished for a fight.

It proved rather effective, as most turned tail and ran. Luckily for Octavia and Arya, Nickens did not know they were there yet and Octavia hoped it would remain so, as long as none got past them. Arya could easily become the teams secret weapon, at least in Octavia's eyes. The hellhound blended with shadows, and could disappear without a trace. As long as they had the element of surprise with her, Arya could take out many. If Nickens got wind, he would surely make preparations to hinder the two newest members of the little rebellion, and that would do no good. Arya's greatest attribute was the fight in her. Strip her of that and they had a hellhound with no bite.


Tatiana wished for death. More so she embraced its cold arms every time it neared, but Nix had other ideas, always healing her, only to pull her back out minutes later and beat her again. Thoughts of her friends coming for her, thoughts of Rythert, all thoughts had abandoned her after three days and this vicious cycle of torture. All morning and afternoon he had been beating her, since the second he came back. And all Tatia desperately wished for was death to take her away, to a place where it did not hurt. She had never experienced such pain, such agony. Not only physically but mentally. Every man who died for Nickens cause she felt, having them wrapped under her warped spells, forced to control them by Nickens. It broke her every time she felt it, a piece of her sanity dying off little by little. When they brought in new recruits to be processed she refused. When the electric shock started she simply welcomed it.

"I don't want life any more," she stated, lying dull and hopeless on the bottom of her tank, "You've taken it, like you've taken everything from me. Just kill me. I can't take the pain any longer."

It had taken days of torture and assault but they had done it. They had broken her spirit, broken her body, her mind, her strength, and any shred of hope she had left. All she wanted was it to be over. And she would not help until the pain went away.


Lairia wiped angry, broken tears from her cheeks. That bastard...that bastard had taken Reynault from her. Did the world enjoy her suffering? Could she not have one shred of happiness last for more than a few days? She had lost so many loved ones in her lifetime, and how many more?

Amitiel had been right in telling Elaya to watch Lodestone, for that was where Lairia headed now. Although by the time Amitiel would arrive she would be long gone. It didn't take her long to step into the town, and by wearing a clock with the hood shielding her face, no one bothered her. She got to the saloon, every dark spell and evil curse ready on the tip of her tongue. She would make this man pay. Her fingers went to the large stone on the necklace around her neck. She had promised not to use it again...but some matters involved breaking a few rules.

Shoving the saloon doors open she stepped in, looking around with a curl of her lips, "Where is he?! Where's Nickens?"

The crowd paused, all heads swivelling to her as a space was made until she had a clear line of sight to a table where a man sat eating lunch. As he looked up her breath caught, and her heart stopped. Him.

"You bastard!" she screamed, dropping the hood so he could see just who he was speaking to. And oh, he would recognize this face anywhere. Same went for a few of his vampire goons, their faces paling then turning red with anger as they stood. But she ignored them all, stomping towards his table, "You killed Reynault! Have you learned nothing from last time?"

Nickens faced paled further, those memories spinning through his head. He was ancient, but he was no forgetful. As he spoke his voice was full of malice and hate, each would a snarling viper that spat from his mouth, "You. You dead hearted, soulless bitch. You have no right in my saloon! Get out."

But Lairia didn't budge. Of all the magic casted on the saloon, it barely brushed her, her magic too strong now to be overcome but simple tricks.

"Good, you do remember me," she spat back with equal hate and malice, "So you know what's coming for you now, you worthless, spineless roach. I should have killed you when I had the damn chance!"

The dozen or so vampires amongst the rest were moving through the crowd, getting closer to spring.

"You took everything from me the first time Nickens," she snarled, leaning over the table so he could feel her breath on his face, "And you will not do so again. I will erase you from this planet and any legacy you have. No one will remember you when I'm done, you piece of shit."

The first vampire broke through the crowd, ready to lunge, but he never made it to his targets. Instead he froze, like the other vamps, and one by one they began to cry out as blood began leaking from their eyes, then their mouths and noses and ears. Slowly blood dripped down their faces as they began to choke and writhe, all of them hitting the floor as seizures took them.

"They are dying on the blood of the mortals they drained," she hissed, the one right behind her on full display as he slowly died in agony, "As will you Nickens. As will all your men."

She knew she couldn't kill him here. He had too many protections, and she wanted him to suffer first. Just like he knew better than to try and take her now, knowing she had casted her own protections and spells. The two stared off as she began to back up, stepping over the dead vampire on the floor, his face soaked in blood.

"Remember Versaille," she snarled, seeing his eyes darken further, "And now what is coming will be much...much worse."


No one had noticed her arrival, and no one had seen her departure, although the fact that someone had riled up Nickens became clear all too soon, and Amitiel would be arriving to hear news of the dozen deaths within the saloon, though no murderer had been named. Lairia was gone by then, deep within the forests once more, walking aimlessly as she let the tears fall this time. There was no way she would let this man live, nor his farm, or his men, or anything she held dear. She knew that now. She only wished she had dealt with him all those years ago, and then maybe...maybe Rey would still be alive. And everyone would be safe.

She continued to travel along, shrouded by her magic, until she stumbled upon a small pond. Dropping to her knees, she cared little about her dress as she splashed water on her face, trying to think up ways to end this battle, and win once and for all. All she knew was she would not leave until it was done. Staring into the rippling water, memories of that time long ago rose, bringing forth fresh tears and pain, but slowly also a plan. Waiting for the water the settle and become clear her eyes closed, knowing this was her only, and by far last resort. But she knew he could not say no.

"Provoco," she whispered and the pond shimmered, a dull light growing underneath. She focused on a single face within her memory, allowing the pond access to it as her spell searched the world quickly, using water as its guide. She always found water to be the easiest form of communication apart from all other elements. Water was everywhere, and therefor the spell could travel everywhere. Fire and earth and air were not always as lucky.

It took a minute but then the light within the pond grew and shapes formed in the water until a clear image of a young handsome man reflected in the water. He looked to be in his early twenties, his skin unblemished by scars, his light brown hair neat and in place, having been cut short. His blue eyes came to life as the image settled and remained, and then his mouth opened, thin lips stretching to speak.

"Lairia? Is that you?"

Lairia leaned over the pond from her kneeling position, nodding as she wiped a stray tear away, "Jamie, it has been a long time."

"No kidding," he shook his head, the motion slow within the pond's display, "I heard you had a run in with an old friend of mine from back in the day. I'd be upset, but the guy was an ass. He probably asked for it."

"He did," was all she could muster, fresh memories of Rey only making the stabbing pain in her heart worse, "I guess I should spare the niceties."

Jamie nodded, "You were never one to beat around the bush. And you aren't calling for a stroll down memory lane. Neither of us wants to remember Lairia. So what is it?"

Tears started falling again, "I...I need a favor Jamie. A big one."

His eyes grew concerned. Even after all the years and what she had done, she wondered if he still held on to a shred of love for her. Lairia had let him go. She had to, for her own sake and then for Reynault's. And no he was gone too.

"I need you to find me," she explained.

"Are you in trouble? Did someone take you?" he asked.

"Yes...and no," she replied, "I've been crossing the continent to hand over an item to the Academy. Trying to get my name in the good books before the Circle prosecutes and executes me."

Jamie blew out his breath, "Lairia, you shouldn't be alone. This was not only your doing."

"Yes it was," she replied with a snap, knowing it was a lie, but she needed it to be, "What I did, I did alone. That is all the Circle needs to know."

"You still shouldn't be alone."

"I am not. I hired a group of mercenaries, but things have gone awry."

"Mercenaries? Do they...know?"

She shook her head, "To protect them, I left out much. All they know is what I have and where it needs to go."

She held up the stone on her breast and he whistled.

"That thing. I thought you had disposed of it years ago."

She shook her head again, "Hid it. But even I cannot protect it from other greedy hands. The Academy can. We have gotten sidetracked. Jamie, I need you to round up whoever you know who's ready for a fight and bring them hear. I am outside a town called Lodestone."

"Never heard of it, but I can find it. What is the problem Lairia? I can't just expect people to come blindly."

"I never recognized him by his name, but his face... one of the vampires of Versaille is here. He's here, and he's killing my friends. He took...he took my lover Jamie. Just like..."

"Just like Annabelle," even Jamie's voice choked on her name, a name Lairia had not been able to speak out loud in decades.

His eyes grew dark then and his jaw set, "I'll be there by morning Lairia. You have my word. We will make this bastard pay for every wrong mistake he has made."

She could see he had matured, or at least seemed to. She hoped it was true. The old Jamie she knew was a handful. Perhaps he could actually be of help. She wanted that. Needed that. Their small group couldn't take on this foe alone. Letting the spell die, she allowed herself to finally cry, letting the pain and heartbreak out. It wasn't till she saw the sun was beginning to set that she knew the group would be worried. She had been out for hours. Rubbing the last tears from her eyes, Lairia stood and began making her slow way back to the farm, her hands covered in mud, her dress sullied. She looked like hell, but she cared not. When she finally would get back to the farm the fight would be over and the group would be waiting at the ranch. And for the first time since she had met them Lairia would step forward and wrap her arms around Elaya's neck, letting out a hiccuping sob into her shoulder as she began to cry.
"Sh...shoot." She stroked Sera's hair again, amazed that Lairia could hide even from an angel.

She studied the girl, then nodded. "Alright Amitiel. but be careful. We've lost enough."

Once the angel was gone she looked to Kai. "You have to get to Tatia."

He blanched. She shook her head. "No time for that Kai. She's dying. i can feel it. If we don't find a way to help her we will lose her. And i promised to protect her. If i could do something, even trade places with her I would."

He started to protest but she cut him off. He gulped.

"You have to get to her. i don't know how. The Rythert say the water is blocked off, and the magic is supposedly too powerful. But there has to be a way. That poor girl needs something. I bet you could sneak in on or as one of their mounts, but i'm guessing. just find and help her Kai. Let her know hope is not lost. Then i want you to find out everything you can about that ranch house."

Kai nodded slowly and she gently gripped his hand. "Malakai i can understand your free. And I will freely let you stay with your new lover. But only once Tatia is safe and these bastards are dead. You here with them alive would not be a life worth living long anyway.

Kai nodded. "I might have an idea..." he explained and she gave her permission.


The mercs were so scared they had not even been able to recognize Arya for what she was.


Nickens snarled at Nix. "leave her be. She'll let herself die."

Nix grunted but even in all his rage he would not disobey his master. Then a very angry Nickens exhaled, and spoke to Tatia in her tank.

"listen to me Princess. I will make you a deal. If you help me, and if your help proves of value, I will not kill anymore of your friends. And i will even stop your regular beatings. But you know I can't kill you. Your friends would swarm this place instantly."

Like that sorcerous bitch.

"So if you help me get rid of them without killing them, then I will find whatever it is you want, like those two...Sun and Moon you called them? How about them?"


Nickens waited, ignoring the blood on his floor.

Reno had not been called. And never would be.

While he waited for Tatia's answer he also dispatched more messages. The new hires had not shown. he had to assume they were dead. So they needed replacing. And he had the time and money.


Elaya moved Sera to the barn and their bed, sitting with the girl's head in her lap and stroking her hair and neck.

Until she smelled Lairia.

She stood and went toward the woman's scent, waiting at the barn door, watching the place the sorceress would emerge from. She had much to apologize for. And if Lairia was angry she would have to ensure that what happened did not happen in Sera's sight. She had no doubt that Sera would kill, or try to kill even Lairia if the Phoenix was certain she threatened the girl's 'puppy'. And now without her sense or control of age, she might explode and do herself incredible harm. She had no way of predicting such things.

So she waited, praying and hoping she could at least prevent any violence from falling under Sera's gaze. She did deserve it, and more. She knew and accepted that.

Which was why when the sorceress hugged her she blinked and nearly jumped, but did gently fold the woman into her arms. "I'm so sorry Lairia."
Tatia chewed on his words, her body still limp on the tanks floor. She couldn't stand the pain, and even the thought of feeling one more death brought bile to her mouth and made her shudder. not cooperating has gotten me nowhere. No one is coming, and even when they fight Nickens it destroys me. And I cannot let Rythert come here. I would never allow them to suffer this. Maybe...

"Nickens," she croaked, knowing his intercom would send her words to whatever device he kept on him, "Im willing to make a deal. Allow me to write to my friends and ask them to stand down. On the condition you gives those pixies their farm and leave them alone. You have the entire valley already. But no more beatings. I will swear...I will swear fealty if you swear by blood that I will not be harmed and the farm and my friends will be left alone. I will make sure they don't retaliate. But I can't take this pain. If you deny me this, then I will be dead by morning."

It took all the energy in her to speak these words and her head slumped in the water. She was true to her word. If he said no, he's have a dead siren on his hands.
Kai road on a small ledge beneath a supply wagon. He was in his snake form again.

He was beyond nervous, but he could actually see the shield about the ranch now. As they drew closer he could not help a hard wince. But he passed through unharmed, and apparently unnoticed.

He let his tongue flick out, a snake's sigh, then as the carriage drew to a stop he let himself fall to the ground, then quickly slithered into a drain under the house.

An hour later he peeked out of a pipe and sighed again studying his friend.

He could tell by her body and face that she was in a lot of trouble and more importantly that she had given up.

No one was in the room save the siren. Elaya would be so thrilled that he had made it.

He gagged then dropped a large wad of paper covered in wax and wrapped around a small but hard and heavy stone. It fell directly onto her head. he regretted the pain, but he couldn't shift to talk like Elaya, and he didn't dare expose himself fully.
Tatia felt it and winced, still waiting for her answer from Nickens. What was taking that man so long to decide? With agonizing effort Tatia turned over in the water she noticed a wax ball of paper tied to a stone that had hit her. Well at least now she had something to hurt herself with, gripping the stone in her palm so no one could see it she unfurled the note and read it, a cruel sad smirk crossing her face.

"Yeah. Sure. I'll be dead by then," she growled, her voice unable to even carry, so weak and scratchy. Scrunching the note back up she pushed it through the hole her tail was often dragged through, knowing it could go out but she couldn't. She had tried once and gotten stuck at her hips, an they had tortured her mercilessly.

Curling back up she waited for Nickens answer, dead set on her plan if he refused.
Kai stared down at her unable to believe his eyes.

He had a sudden surge of need to reach her and launched forward, smashing into a magical barrier. He gagged, and backed up his eyes cloudy as his snout bled. The blood welled up then fell down into the tank.

While his blood did not have special properties, at least not like Elaya's or Lairia's, it did have one thing. It was not siren blood.

The moment it hit the tank went red, and all of the water dropped out instantly, leaving Tatia on the bottom of the tank, the water washing away the stone and the note.

Kai was still bleeding but now saw even more of the siren and stared in utter shock.

Nickens spoke. "What the fuck happened?"

"Exposure to outside substance. Likely a rescue attempt."

"Bullshit. They aren't that stupid. I agree to your deal fish. now what happened?"

Kai hissed and moved back and found himself into the pipe's flow controls. He broke them and water began to flow. Not the tainted water they had been using, but clean fresh seawater, directly onto Tatia's body.

Nickens was screaming in rage, but no one could stop any of it.

Tatia learned something else. The water they had put her in had not been true sea water. But this was. The taint was gone now, the tank melting away beneath her, the 'glass' some weak substance that the metal could not contain. It drained away, and Nix came in raging as well, but entirely ignored by the others and Nickens. he did not touch Tatia, could not even get close.

Kai tried to get to Tatia again, but the magic still prevented him himself. He hissed again, then could not help a painfilled shriek he didn't know snakes were capable of when the pipe suddenly yanked him back as the pressure was reversed. He was flung through the pipes rapidly, then crashed into a drain, his scales and blood flying out onto the ground about it.

Nix and the others heard the scream and Nix prowled toward Tatia, but was called off.

Kai whimpered, but began to slither along. Within an hour he had completed his mission, then staggered out onto carriage again, hiding in the same place.

Nickens sighed as they began to argue over what to do with Tatia. The tank was gone and another could not be constructed. They had bond the siren now, not hard enough to prevent her threat, but to keep her in place.


Elaya hugged the sorceress for a long while, looking back to see that Gerry had awakened at the arrival. He waved nodding toward Sera.

She sighed and drew the sorceress back into the forest to a secluded glen. She gently helped the blonde sit, sitting beside her. "Do you want to talk? hit me? Anything?"
One second she was lying there, trying to hold what little left of the life she had in her, her body healing achingly slow after Nixs brutality. Her eyes were closed, her breath coming out shallow when suddenly the water around her disappeared, draining out. In her surprise she let the stone go and watched it drain too, cursing. I didn't need the rock, she thought to herself, trying to calm her shaking, cold body. Was this a new torture?

It certainly felt like it as the tank suddenly shattered. In the chaos she had completely missed the fact the water had changed, too concerned about how they would hurt her now. That was all her life had become. Pain. And the pain continued, her body falling with the tank as she hit the cold concrete floor. She felt her arm break and screamed, her voice rough and broken from all the screams Nix induced. Her vocals had never felt so raw, another fact that was killing her. A siren without a true voice was no siren at all, and it could kill them to withhold their voices from use. It was why the black out box hurt her so much.

Apart from the break in her arm that had her screaming in pain, shards of glass had torn and cut into her body, leaving her with dozens of small nicks, bleeding all over. It wasn't enough to truly pierce any arteries but it hurt, like a million wasps had stung her. She lay there and for the thousandth time felt death reaching for her, her mind and body long ago spent. But her heart refused to stop beating despite her wants.

She could hear Nickens yelling and people speaking and it surprised her. A rescue attempt? How was this a rescue, leaving her more broken than before? She coughed up blood as they continued, and a rather demented smile pulled at her lips as Nickens agreed to the deal. Finally.

"I want...that in...a contract," she spluttered through her blood, "or your offer is a lie."

She couldn't even move from the pain so all she could do was choke and gasp as she spoke, her eyes watching Nix, listening as they argued and yet no one pulled her from the wreckage. Bastards.


Wiping tears from her eyes as they walked, Lairia was a bit more collected when they say in the grass. Tucking a strand back from her face she looked at the woman.

"I never got to say goodbye," she whispered, "the last time I spoke to him, I was accusing him of playing me along with Tatia. My time with him seemed so short, so why does this hurt me so badly?"

She looked down at her hands folded in her lap, the mud dried and caked to her dress. She only realized now there was blood on the hem of her dress from the vampires she had killed.

"I don't wish to hate you, nor to hurt you. Keeping me away from him, it will always torment me Elaya but I cannot change all that has happened. Not even I can change time and bring back the dead as they once were. I just wish I had something of his, something to remember him by."

She sighed and wiped a stray tear away, "I wish to talk. explain who I am. So that when you find out what I've done you can understand why I did it."
Nix hissed but lay a waterproof contract on her tail. It had everything laid out as she wanted. He held up a quill, having dipped it in her blood. "Sign it witch."

Nickens said nothing as the others swept up the mess, then brought in a twenty foot tall jar that would clearly fit her. They let it fill. "once you sign you go in."


Elaya nodded. "i know...and i'm sorry. But I can help with part of that. One I know Rey understood. He wasn't angry at you. Actually he was grateful that you protected us and the farm. And..." She brought out Rey's skull and gently lay it between them.

"There was nothing truly of size left over save for this. I am sorry...Nix did a lot of damage. But I know he would want you to have that."

She sighed in regret, then nodded. "If you wish to talk i am available to listen. Sera will sleep for a while and by the time she wakes her brother will be back."
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