The Hive That Thirsts (Frightorflight + DuxT)

Shi got out of the Piranha as ordered, listening to his speech. She knew this all already, she had similar talks with her troops, but never her, never had something happen like this. "I'll be fine Kaladin." She was hardly going to call him sir. Turning, she returned to the Piranha, once he was in, piloting the speeder towards the drop zone.

Arriving, they found the staging ground for the Tau invasion, set into the second largest city on the planet. They'd turned the thing into a fortress, yet here it stood lifeless. However coming round to the landing zone, they came across a large swathe of vehicles, from simple transports to even one of the giant Manta's. They had plenty of choice to get off this planet, most intact.
"I don't like this no way that place is just deserted. The universe isn't that merciful." He eyed the ground below them carefully. "Set us down near the edge. Not in the middle. I want to be absolutely sure at least one operation vehicle is around in case we have to run."

Mean while. From up in space, from the hive fleet above. A creature unlike any other amongst the hive sat. With an intelligence more malicious and hungry than any other. It could feel the presence of Shi in its web. It called out to her, it whispered to her, it was a seductive voice in here ear begging her to come to it, encouraging her, telling her how much she needed and wanted to come to that voice calling her. It was the queen of the hive. Though something far different now than what she once was, and she wanted Shi.
Shi could not resist such a strong voice, shuddering lightly. She didn't speak though, but it did change her plans. For now though, she followed along with Kaladin's suggestion, setting down on the edge of the pad. Hopping out she grabbed her rifle, looking around for any of the beasts waiting in ambush, though had a feeling the voice in her head would let them come to her.
The voice called to her it lusted after her, it directed her to come to it, it promised her such pleasant things if she did.

Kaladin was cautious as they waked through the staging area. It was as silent a a grave, though their a not a body to be found. They searched the ships until finally they found one that seemed to be fueled and functioning. It was then that Kaladin realized something they had somehow forgotten. Without a word he began to return to the their small craft so he could leave.
Shi began preparing their new craft for launch, the screen a mess of Tau symbols, unreadable to Kaladin. If he could read them, he might of noticed she was setting a course that would take her into the hive fleet, not away from the planet. The voice called to her and she could not keep it out.

The Tau was about to launch the craft when Kaladin left. This confused her enough to stop the launch, forgetting about the voice momentarily. "Kaladin, where are you going?"
"We can't leave." He shouted back angrily. It had just struck him that none of these crafts were warp capable. Any Imperium ships that were warp capable either buged out or were destroyed. If the xeno's were smart than they did the same. There was no escaping this world, not really. They were trapped. It was probably certain that he would inevitably die on this planet and the hands, or claws, of those things, but until then he would do what he did best, what was the only thing he cold do, go to ground, and hope he could ride out this storm.
"Why? We just go up to one of the ships in orbit and take whichever one works!" Shi responded, not her plan but it made sense. "I'm sure something is left in one of our two fleets, yes?"
"No," He said flatly, angrily, "Any ship that could fly and get out did. If their are any ships up their that can fly they have been breached almost certainly, and if not they will be crawling with bugs. We have no way off this rock."
Shi glared at him at this. "So you suggest we sit on this planet and wait to die? I'd rather chance it in space, safer to await rescue there even if there is no fleet left there." She started up the take off again. "If you wish to stay, then leave."
"You think someone is coming to save us! No one is coming, not any time soon, if they do it will be a while and our only chance will be down here."
Shi frowned again. "So you'd rather stay down here and not check it? Nothing stopping us coming back down." The Tau turned her attention back to launching. "Besides, none of the beasts can get us in here, now can they?"
He sighed, "fine, but if nothing lokks viable we cone straight back down." He climbed on board again and took a seat. Then the voice came again. It asked her of she wanted that human, it promised to give him to her if she did. To keep him uninfected as her toy.
Shi gave a nod, but not aimed at him, mentally she was saying yes to the voice. The Tau started up the ship again, launching them off the surface and soon out of the atmosphere. Shi only made a token attempt to search before she directed the ship towards the Queen, though still acted like she was searching for a good ship to keep the human from figuring things out.
"Come to me," said the voice. "come to your mother, come to your hive, come and receive your gift. Receive your power, receive a new and beautiful body, and receive more mates than you could ever wish for. "
Shi didn't respond, instead headed for the Hive Fleet, setting the auto pilot for the main ship. This was a precaution should Kaladin catch wind, she doubted he knew how to use a Tau interface much less fly a vessel.
Unfortunately for kaladin he didn't realize until the hive had already embraced the ship and they were already embrace. of the tyranids. through the fleshy corridors of the ships. Deep into the heart of the ship, where the queen sat. When they were brought in Kaladin was placed against the wall where he sank in and was restrained, The queen descended from her hatching throne and stepped down to Shi, "my daughter." She embraced Shi, than she began to kiss her. She turned her around and started to group her. While something began to push out of the queen's body and between Shi's legs slowly sliding inside her. "Soon, you and I will be one."
Shi shuddered and retuned the kiss, wrapping her arms around the larger Queen. After being captured and on the way here, Shi had began stripping down, nude again before the mother. The tau gave a soft moan as she was taken, nodding up to the Alien. "Yes my Queen..."
He queen wrapped her clawed hands around Shi's thighs and held her up, allowing her member to slowly slide into the Tau, once this act was complete the queen would fill Shi with her genetic material and, their minds and bodies would merg and the genetic potential of the Tau would be added to the hive. The queen kissed her, her long tongue coursing down the tau's neck while her equipment coursed up, and slowly the queen began their unholy mating.
The Tau could do little but go along with it, even if she wanted to. But no, with how her mind was right now, all she wanted was for her queen to use her like this, for them to share their bodies and breed a new generation. Closing her eyes Shi began the moan into the kiss as the unholy mating began, her body shuddering as she was used.
Each time the queen thrust a little harder, her body building to climax. While she was preparing the body of the Tau for the transformation. She was already in her mind, clouding it with pleasure and hunger as he mixed her knowledge, and personality, and desires with that of Shi, melding them together and transferring them to her .
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