The Hive That Thirsts (Frightorflight + DuxT)

"Fine by me. We will have stop when were close though so you can put it on. When we get there we might no have time for you to wait and put your armor on." He turned the crackling meet over the fire. Slannesh represented many excesses hunger, pain, desire, all this world could provoke. Kaladin was thinking about this without knowing it. remembering the horrible seen of the two xeno woman, delighting in the blood pouring from their empty eye sockets as they were raped. Tales of such profanities were whispered on his world, old legends about demons that would do such. He never believed them, perhaps until now.

He looked over to see if Shi was out of her armor. She was, and her body seemed to have changed.
Shi had certainly changed, the fact her suit that once fitted perfectly around her was a good show of that. She had yet to get enough venom to become truly demonic, plus her races lack of presence in the warp helped. But what had changed were her feminine features, her breasts, her curves, all bigger and more pronounced. Turning to him there was an odd look in her eye. "Kaladin, perhaps we shouldn't rush this. Maybe we should take some time, should things go badly."
"Alright," He said, a little cautious. There was something about her that didn't see quite right She seemed off, flustered, distracted even. "What did you have in mind, that old suspicion that this was all her peoples doing came back up again. just for a moment. "I saw a pond a little way up the canyon," he pointed. "Maybe you should go cool off, you seem a little stressed." Really he just wanted her away from moment so he could arrange something. It was probably a good idea anyway though. Maybe that creatures bite had caused some kind of allergic reaction and her body was swelling, it would explain the exaggerated assets.
"Yeah... pond... cool off, sounds good." Shi responded, still confused and trying to cope with the changes. She picked up her carbine and began to move, heading off to the pond. As she got there she quickly stripped out of her suit, panting as she felt the need to be free of it. Stepping forward on shaky hooves she plunged naked into the water, dropping her gun by the side of the water as she submerged herself.
Inside the pond was another creature of the warped tyranids though the water. Slowly it broke the surface. Its form way beautifully female. accept for the massive male between it's legs. it's tentacles gently wrapped around her body. Its breasts pressed against hers. it moved in closer and it;s tentacled face pressed against hers, parting her lips as a tube slid down her throat into her stomach to deliver more of the corrupting venom. Then it slowly sank its rod into her.
Shi didn't see the thing at first, eyes closed as she tried to relax. She felt its wake as it approached but by then it was already atop her, grasping her with tentacles. The Tau woman struggled but the more she rubbed against it, the more things felt right, slowing and confusing her. She wasn't able to offer much resistance to the tube shoving down her throat, gagging as it slipped into it. Nor did she offer much more than a confused groan at the rod sliding into her tight sex.
The rod seemed to shrink to accommodate her, as though it didn't want to stretch her or loosen her up. With each thrust it pumped a stream of tiny parasites, that immediately began to do who knows what to her. the tube pumped for a while before the tub finally retracted, then she was simply locked in a kiss with the creature. its breasts and hard nipple rubbing hers. it's large testicles smacking against her. Then it began to speed up. thrusting harder and faster trying to ate it's own hunger for pleasure.
With the tau filled with the corrupting fluid, Shi could hardly resist. Her arms wrapped around the beast, kissing it eagerly. Her body rubbed against the thing thing and her hips moved to meet it. Cries of pleasure could be heard through the kiss and the Tau bucked against the beast. Further changes began to build in her, slowly manifesting as the new dose of venom took hold of the once proud warrior.
The creature rammed home again. With a climatic burst of parasires into hef body. Than it slowly snaked back into the pond. Leaving her alone for the Dominic changes to take root in her body and make her into a new creature.

Meanwhile Kaladin, back at the camp, had almost finished his little project . If she tried anything it would be his insirence that would allow him to save his skin. now he just had to wait for her return. She had been gone for longer than he exspected
Leaving Shi to stew there in a mix of corrupting venom and parasites, likely all pumping more into her, the Tau could no longer resist the changes. Normally a Tau was more or less immune to the corruption of the warp, thanks to have no psychic presence like all other intelligent beings have. But with the medium of the corrupted Aliens, the changes began to take hold.

Her arms extended, fingers becoming claws as demonic blades grew from her elbows. Her hair, expanded and changed into lengths of tentacles, matching the colour of her skin closely. Her eyes became darker and more predatory, fangs forming in her mouth. A feet grew claws, though kept the hooven apperance and her legs extended. A demonic tail formed on her rear, which along with her breasts expanded to more ridiculous measures. On the whole she looked like a demonette of Slanesh, a few differences, but close enough.

Climbing from the pool, leaving her gun behind, the slender new corrupted alien headed back down the path. She sought out Kaladin, seeking to spread the new found corruption and need of excess.
Kaladin had finished with his short project and was cleaning his sword. He stopped to look at it. Besides the fact it was a power sword he didn't really know much about it. He took it from the body of an inquisitor, or maybe it was a sister of battle. All he knew was that it had some strange ruins on it he didn't recognize or really ever bother to try. He glanced up casually to see the creature hi had become. Almost immediately he jumped back and had his sword up. waiting for the creature to attack so he could cut it down. He engaged the power field on the sword and the runes glowed.
Shi hissed at Kaladin and his sword, but she wasn't going to let it stop her. Charging forward with great speed, she swung her clawed hand at Kaladin's seeking too disarm the human of the weapon. Hit or miss, she kept on charging forward, seeking to use the momentum to knock the human down, regardless of result.
He tried to keep distance. He kept backing off but he was not a trained swordsmen, and that he didn't know was self taught. Then he got one good slash that sheered off her claws one one hand, then he looked at her face, and realized who this creature was. "Shi!" he shouted, "Get control of your self, it's me, Kaladin!" He slashed at her again to keep her back. He didn't know what had happened but it was obvious that these things, or something had mutated her.
Shi snarled, moving quick to avoid his blows, but backing off from her own attacks to do so. At him saying her name she paused, glancing away as the rational side tried to fight for control. "Be best if you give in human... Won't get hurt." She snarled again, not able to get control yet.
"I wont do that. So the question is whether you are so week that you will so easily give in or not. I tbought you wiuld be stronger than that. I guess you and your greater good are both just a show." He slashed again to jeep her at a distance. One of them want going to die, the question was who?
Shi paused at that, hitting a nerve in what was left of her. "Can't... too much corruption... This is chaos...can't stop it." Her dark eyes glared at him, not moving forward, her demonic side waiting for him to make a mistake.
"O shut up with the excuses. That's all you Xeno's ever do whine about how humans are evil and oppressive. You're people are just weak and sensitive."
That hit a nerve and caused Shi to lash out in anger, rushing forward and swiping with a clawed hand. It was a sloppy but quick strike, possibly giving Kaladin the opening he needed. That was of course assuming he had planned to cause such a reaction from her.
That wasn't what he had planned at all. He Dodged to the side and swung. The blade cut deep through her thigh, cauterizing as it went. He didn't want to kill her, If that was his only course of action though he would. If only their was some way to get her to snap out of it. Maybe he could bleed it out of her, perhaps all of this was in her blood somehow. He disengaged the power field and went in to slash her until she bled into unconsciousness.
Shi spun and lashed out, but her movements were predictable. Despite her demonic enhancements she was still a Tau and combat was not her strong suit. Slowly the bloodless got to her and with a last futile swing, the demon collapsed, blood training.

As predicted, as her blood drained her noticed some of her features began to slowly return. It was clearly the venom responsible for all this, likely she'd been hit with a stronger dose while she was away.
One she had bled out sufficiently for her hair and her nails to return to normal, and her breasts to become manageable again, though just barely. He patched her up, and put her back in one of the skintight body suits that hugged her all the more now. When she woke up he forced a water salt mix on her to help her body replace all the lost blood.
"So what happened to you. I mean for a while their you looked like one of the demon's on the church walls back home."
Shi woke, her mind a haze, just what had happened to her? Seeing Kaladin over her, offering her water, she accepted, slowly drinking it, helping her feel better steadily. At the mention of demon, her eyes went wide, memories flooding back to her at what she did. "I... Sorry, one of those things jumped me... Used me. I couldn't control myself after that..."
"Well you an now so its okay. Do you think you can get your new body into suit of armor?" He knew their chances were better if she had more than just that body suit, which didn't even protect her honor let alone her flesh. He didn't want to think about how likely failure was if one slash or projectile could bring her end. Especially since she had so much more to get slashed now.
Shi slowly nodded, walking over to where she had left her armour. It was a tight fit, but soon the tau was back in the fire warrior suit. It bulged in the chest, clearly not designed for such generous proportions that she was now sporting. It would do though and she slowly put the helmet on, mainly so she wouldn't have to look at him with shame in the eye. "Best be going I guess, before more come." Picking up her Pulse Rifle, not daring go retrieve the Carbine from the pool, she got back in their transport. They weren't far from the staging ground and would reach it before sundown today.
"Out of the shuttle," He ordered with the same authority of an officer. "We need to talk," He could sense her shame, it wasn't the first time he had seen it. More than one conscripts under his command had messed up, and gotten people killed, they had the same look of shame on them. They had to get this worked out and quick if they were going to be effective as a team. "So whats the deal with you and what jut happened. I get it that you got messed with that thing but what does that matter, you screwed up deal with it, move on. The past doesn't matter, what you are right now and what you can do, that matters, so lets go, I want off this rock."
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