Noivern's ball shook slightly.
Though Noivern was tucked away in his pokeball, and had no intention to just release himself at this time, he still heard Leia, and what she said sent a chill down his spine.
Nevertheless he didn't want to make a scene so he remained on standby just in case, though in order to combat threats to himself, master or new friends(?) He would have to work on getting stronger at some point.
Noivern's sensetive ears allowed him to at least hear most of the conversations the heroes were having, so he knew where they were, what the plans were and Lily's new interest in pokemon contests, though he didnt know much about contests.
-I should keep an ear out for those i think- he thaught to himself before returning to a sort of resting state, not quite asleep but awake and alert if called on for any reason.