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Pokemon: Adventures in the Outback

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After his run in from earlier, Noivern had found a quiet spot and lay down to have a nap, though he was still close to the group and his large ears ment he could faintly hear some of what was going off in the distance but he otherwise kept mostly to himself.
He was enjoying the pleasent warmth of the day even as the sun started to set.
he kept his ears perked while he lay incase some one approached him, or if someone called.
LR-Studios said:
Cerebrate said:
Lily meanwhile could only look around in confusion, where had everyone disappeared to? she sent out her Greninja to find them all, particularly Nieve who had run off to do her thing the second she could.
And there is another Weavile that is next to Nieve. It has the exact same color scheme of Nieve, but has a less numbers of head feathers, longer ear feathers, a diamond shape gem on his forehead, and is less serious.

Hanzo stopped in confusion for a moment, before noticing the differences and coming closer again.

Little Dragon said:
After his run in from earlier, Noivern had found a quiet spot and lay down to have a nap, though he was still close to the group and his large ears ment he could faintly hear some of what was going off in the distance but he otherwise kept mostly to himself.
He was enjoying the pleasent warmth of the day even as the sun started to set.
he kept his ears perked while he lay incase some one approached him, or if someone called.

he heard Lily approach him he was technically caught by her and now that she finally had the proper chance she would like to talk.

Lily: "have you got a moment to talk?"
Nieve decided to joke around with the Hanzo (Greninja). "Yeah, look at us, we look the same, but are completely different from each other. Hope that end up sparing you from the confusion."
Noivern perked up upon hearing Lily's voice.
he stood up, streaching as he did so. Though he was taller than her he kept his body lower so he was at her eye level so she wouldn't have to look up at him while they spoke.

Blinking twice before giving her an almost worried look, wondering what she wanted to talk about, though he could maybe hazard a guess.
he nodded to her question wordlessly.
Little Dragon said:
Noivern perked up upon hearing Lily's voice.
he stood up, streaching as he did so. Though he was taller than her he kept his body lower so he was at her eye level so she wouldn't have to look up at him while they spoke.

Blinking twice before giving her an almost worried look, wondering what she wanted to talk about, though he could maybe hazard a guess.
he nodded to her question wordlessly.

Lily: "you can speak up by the way, i wear a translator. anyways, i mainly just want to know about you, what you like how you´re comfortable and what i should keep you away from. I am your caretaker for the forseeable future, knowing these things would help me a lot."
Noivern raised his equivalent to an eyebrow and chuckled Slightly.
"oh i see, i thaught you wanted to talk about my attitude earlier." He breathed a sigh of releaf.

"Well lets see... i was born in kalos, i was raised in terminus cave, i have 6 younger stepsisters and 2 older stepsisters, i like sweet foods, tough battles and um, sorta just laying around and taking a nap in my free time. Also my pearents say i can go a bit overboard in battle sometimes and i need to work on that.
Also, compared to the rest of my species i'm quite a bit faster than the rest of my family, and have an odd ability that lets me read minds, though its more passive of an ability, and only works in battle.

Does all that help? I'm not very good at this sort of thing" he admitted sheepishly.
Cerebrate said:
Hanzo: "you´re actually joking? who is your twin there?"
"Twins? What makes you think that we're actually twins?" Polaris ask to Hanzo (Greninja), "I don't know, maybe he thinks we're related, even though we're not." Nieve responded to Polaris.
Warrior kissed Nic one last time on the lips before he held out his hand to her ready to leave the room so they could start travelling together once more as he wanted to see more of this new region. He loved Nic deeply and he was going to be a great mate to her.

Mike eyes opened as he said "Good news Sabrina, Warrior and Nic are just coming to us now. We can start travelling again soon"
Little Dragon said:
Noivern raised his equivalent to an eyebrow and chuckled Slightly.
"oh i see, i thaught you wanted to talk about my attitude earlier." He breathed a sigh of releaf.

"Well lets see... i was born in kalos, i was raised in terminus cave, i have 6 younger stepsisters and 2 older stepsisters, i like sweet foods, tough battles and um, sorta just laying around and taking a nap in my free time. Also my pearents say i can go a bit overboard in battle sometimes and i need to work on that.
Also, compared to the rest of my species i'm quite a bit faster than the rest of my family, and have an odd ability that lets me read minds, though its more passive of an ability, and only works in battle.

Does all that help? I'm not very good at this sort of thing" he admitted sheepishly.

Lily: "don´t worry you´re actualy doing great... hold on you have family back in kalos? Noivern like you?"

LR-Studios said:
Cerebrate said:
Hanzo: "you´re actually joking? who is your twin there?"
"Twins? What makes you think that we're actually twins?" Polaris ask to Hanzo (Greninja), "I don't know, maybe he thinks we're related, even though we're not." Nieve responded to Polaris.

Hanzo: "in any case, i believe introductions are in order? Hanzo... full name Hattori Hanzo, companion of the trainer Lily."
"This is giving me headaches..." The Bisahrp who was also named Hanzo as well rubbed the back of his head.Suddenly there were so many other pokemons around him,he had grown up and lived all alone for what could be considered the entirety of his life which made the Bisahrp a little bit unconfortable when surrounded by too much people.Also things were happening so fast that he didn't even know what to do or to wait for anymore.
Toujou said:
"This is giving me headaches..." The Bisahrp who was also named Hanzo as well rubbed the back of his head.Suddenly there were so many other pokemons around him,he had grown up and lived all alone for what could be considered the entirety of his life which made the Bisahrp a little bit unconfortable when surrounded by too much people.Also things were happening so fast that he didn't even know what to do or to wait for anymore.
Sabrina sees the Bisharp, noticing it has that he has no trainer, it's considered a w Pokémon. This the perfect time to use the Luxury Ball, which is is empty. At this point she will have a full team of six Pokémon. She takes a deep breath, then throws the Luxury Ball at the Bisharp.
Although his guard seems to be down, Hanzo is alert all the times.He noticed that some fool threw a pokeball towards his direction,the same thing that countless other trainers also did so he was somehow used to expect them.He strettched his arm towards the pokeball and caught it in mid air with his palm,crushing it with a tight grip "Hey. What's the big idea?",he says while staring Sabrina with a not that friendly gaze.
Noivern chuckled.
"Yes, my pearents and 8 sisters... which is probobly why attract doesnt have a major affect on me, being raised with all girls, some clingy, some spoiled all 'princesses' he noted slightly sarcastically. We were a pretty big family even for our species. And no, my 3 youngest sisters had not eveolved by the time i had left."

Noivern was having fun talking to her, it had been a while since he could really open up to someone, maybe it was the fact that he was now captured but he felt like he could trust Lily more than he would have before.
Noivern was about to say something else but he heard a commotion in the distance, and it didn't sound too happy.

"What was that noise?" He asked, half to himself and half to Lily whilst looking in the direction of everyone else.
Toujou said:
Although his guard seems to be down, Hanzo is alert all the times.He noticed that some fool threw a pokeball towards his direction,the same thing that countless other trainers also did so he was somehow used to expect them.He strettched his arm towards the pokeball and caught it in mid air with his palm,crushing it with a tight grip "Hey. What's the big idea?",he says while staring Sabrina with a not that friendly gaze.
Sabrina notices that the plan of just catching him just failed. "Wait, how come I forgot this, weaken the Pokémon first before catching it. That's is something that confident trainer always do." So, Sabrina decided to send out her Lopunny, Cyra. "This Bisharp might be stronger than you Cyra, so be careful with his attacks." Sabrina said to Cyra. "Got it master." Cyra replied.
"looks like fighting is unnavoidable..." Hanzo mutters while both blades at his forearms pot out with a sharp,metalic sound.The Bisharp didn't like the idea of being the possession of someone else and was bold to fight for his freedom,afterall he never liked the idea of being stuck inside such a tiny ball and having to listen to someone else's orders.

Since it was a fight for real Hanzo didn't hold back.Without giving his opponent time to come up with an strategy he swang his blade into the air,creating a blade of pure Pychic energy that flew Viciously towards Cyra. ( Pyscho Cut for those who haven't caught up yet :p )
Cyra manage to avoid the attack, then Cyra strikes back at him by using Low Kick. Since this move is a fighting type move, Sabrina knows that Bisharps are Dark/Steel type, so they're weak against fighting type moves, she has chance of weakening him. Cyra takes running start, then she swipes one of her legs at the Bisharp, trying to trip him over.
It's not the first time time that Hanzo has to deal with fighting moves,everyone tends to use them against him given their outstanding effectiveness, so he was allready expecting the Low kick.The Bisharp jumps up to avoid being tripped over and arches his back,the axe blade on his head glowing as he does so.While still in midair the Bisharp swings his head back forth for a powerfull Iron Head directed towards Cyra's forehead,the level diference bettwen them giving Hanzo the upper hand when it comes to battle experience.
Cyra gets hit by it, however since there was a huge level differences between them, she fainted. Sabrina knows that this Bisharp is stronger than the rest of her Pokémon. Nieve knew that Sabrina is in trouble, she could just there and watch the battle or assist her. That was tough decision that she has to think.
Hanzo approached the fainted Lopunny,taking a quick look over her just to be sure he didn't use too much strenght and actually killed the lady.He then looked up back at Sabrina,waiting to see if she would withdraw from the battle of if she would send out yet another pokemon for him to beat up.Hanzo did also start strettching while he waited,he didn't exactly got time to warm up before the fight started so his body felt somewhat sore.
Sabrina has think of very quick, otherwise her entire team is going to be defeated one by one. "Hey Sabrina, do you need some assistance from me?" Nieve said from a distance, but she had to get permission from Lily first., cause if not, Sabrina is done for.
Hanzo,starting to get a little bit cocky and entertained with the fight as a whole, said to Nieve "You guys can go two vs one on me if that makes the fight more fair.".He then took a few steps back and sat down on a rock,too bad he didn't have the option to just leave and had to actually wait for the trainer to give up.
"Okay, you're right. Maybe Sabrina should give. I mean, after all, you seem to a pretty pathetic excuse for a Pokemon. I bet you can't defeat me, because I think you're too weak." Nieve taunted at Hanzo (Bisharp), hoping that will get him to land an attack on her.
"Is that so?" Hanzo chuckled as he retracted his blades,he wouldn't fall for such an obvious taunt.Instead he remained there,sitted down as he looked over Nieve.He then decided to taunt her back and said with a smirk "Why don't you come here and kick my "pathetic excuse for a Pokemon"s ass since you're that confident on your skills?.....I promisse you i won't move from this rock.".

Raising the bets is the least he could do to succesfully taunt the Weavile to attack him,Hanzo even went as far as to imply he would beat her without even giving up on his seat at the rock."Or coud it be that you're afraid?" he concluded with a teasing tone.
"Oh really, cause look above you and tell me this. Am I too quick for you to handle?" Nieve right above, using Icicle Crash, kicking the platform right at him. This was only the beginning for Nieve.
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