Elf Struck(moon/lady)

Nov 30, 2010
Sam Winchester swallowed thickly as he eased around the corner in the warehouse, tense and unhappy to be hunting vampires after dark, but sometimes there was no choice. Not if they wanted to save the victim they knew they had. He disliked it even more knowing that they’d caught this case, so soon after gaining the mark of cain back. The last thing Dean needed was to be killing something that looked and acted so human.

Leaning against the wall for a moment, gun pointed at the ground, he listened, trying to figure out exactly where the high pitched laughter and shrieks of pleasure were coming from. While it was better to have room to fight in, it sucked that it made sound echo so badly. Glancing up at dean as the man came around the other hall he sighed softly, well. They had to do this, no matter how much he disliked it. Nodding towards the last hall he moved towards it, knowing that the vampires had to be at the other end. And he was right. For a moment, so overwhelmed at the sickening sight at the other end, he cursed as he put the gun away, knowing they couldn’t risk shooting any of them, not when they were so close to their victim. Ignoring the sick feeling at seeing another human hanging in chains, served up like a side of beef as he moved in to kill the vampires as they headed towards hem.
Dean stood there, trying to control himself. he could smell the blood, sell the sex inside. he could hear the grunts of someone fucked someone else and the terrified whimpers of the victim. The Mark of Cain made everything so sharp and clear. he could smell and hear and taste too much. the flavor of the room dancing on his tongue, making him want to dive in there and join in, or slaughter them all. one of the two. the Mark was even worse this time. the push was harder to resist. he looked at Sam and swallowed because he could feel the darkness pressing against him, trying to drown him. he could hear the sickness in the other room and felt himself reacting in very inappropriate ways. he really needed to kill those things before he found himself swept away. he had to end them, now. it was going to be hard, they didn't have an angels touch, nor did they have sunlight or dead man's blood so they where going to have to decapitate them all. he gripped the Machete in his hands and swung into action.

he blinked a little and looked around. he was not where he was supposed to be. the First Blade was in his hand and he was covered in blood. he had cuts all over himself but he was pretty sure none of the blood was actually his. the cuts where already scabbed over and he knew that was because of his Demon, it could regenerate fast enough that he could see himself heal. he grimaced as the Mark of Cain burned on his arm and he hissed, dropping the First Blade and clutched it, trying to ease the pain. he looked around once he'd recovered and realized he was nowhere he recognized. it was abandoned wherever he was. that was when he noticed her. the girl, the victim that the Vampires had been torturing. she was, without a doubt, the most beautiful thing Dean had ever seen. she was.. perfect. unconcious but so, so perfect. and hurt. hurt bad. he grimaced as he realized he must have hurt her, because she hadn't been that bad off before, he didn't think so. it was hard to remember. he could, sometimes, get fuzzy images and now he could recal calling the first blade and tearing through the vampires and turning on Sam when he ran out of victims. turning on the Girl who had been strung up still. he remembered backhanding Sam, knocking him to the ground and trying to attack the girl and... failing? after that nothing. "okay... first things first. call Sam." Dean muttered, reaching into his pocket for his phone.

"Sam! God, are you okay? i think i hit you... i don't know where i am but that girl the one the Vampires had, she's here with me and i think i... i think i hurt her Sam." Dean admitted, feeling pretty sick at the idea. "she's... just gorgeous..." he admitted, his attention focusing on her again. "just beautiful... like an Angel..." he sounded... sappy. that was, weird. had Dean found himself a succubus or something?
Sam cursed as he woke, searching the vicinity for his brother, pain tightening his chest as he realized that dean had managed to slaughter them all, but that he was alone. Scared as he considered what Dean could be doing. And wondering if Cas would have any ideas of how to restrain him, even though he knew Cas was struggling to help them last time. They needed a solution, and fast. “Dean?Dean thank god.”Sam said with such relief as he picked up the phone, paling a little. “Is she alive, Dean?is she still there?”he said, wondering if Dean would recover from killing her if he did, before frowning. “Dean?”He questioned, frowning at the tone. That was just weird. “Dean, come on. Talk to me.”

The girl laid across the cold cement ground where dean had dropped her after he’d broken in. Naked and trembling in the cool air, so pale that she almost looked sick, until you realized it was simply she was that beautiful pale color that some nordic tribes had, but her hair was the color of jet black, and the small sliver of eyes that showed under her eyelids were the color of good sapphires, like twilight skies at the edge of midnight. She was alive, which was a feat in itself considering it looked like she’d been skinned alive, and had been bled to the point that she should have probably died from blood loss.
Dean swallowed thickly. "She's alive but she's... she's really hurt Sammie... like, really really hurt." he admitted, carefully moving over to her. "She' naked... i'm... i can't remember if she was naked before." he admitted, stripping off hi blood splattered jacket and very carefully laid it over her, not wanting to hurt her anymore than he probobly already had. "Yeah, i'm here. sorry she's just... i think... i don't..." he shook his head. "i can't focus. i think somethings wrong... well, more wrong than usual anyway." he admitted, staring at her and hesitantly reached out and stroked her hair out of her face. "god... what have i done?" he wondered, biting his lip to keep it from trembling because seeing her like that something so pure and perfect, bleeding and hurting so much because of him, it was almost enough to make him cry, or throw up. "god... Sam i don't know what to do. she's... she's going to die..." Dean whispered rather frantically. "Should... should i call nine one one? maybe? i don't know where we are but i could carry her to a hospital?" he wondered, carefully, gently re-positioning her so she would be a little more comfortable. "Oh god Sam... i should be locked up..." he muttered, the phone on speaker nw because he was tryng to tend to her as best as he could.

"Oh... Oh! Wait. wait, Cas! Cas! Cas come here! Please! please Cas. i know you hate me right now but don't let her die because i fucked up and let go! please! oh Jesus Cas don't let her die." Dean pleaded, carefully tearing his pants, what was left of them, gently pressing on the worst of her wounds to try and stop the bleeding. "Please don't let this be the last thing i do as a human..."
“She was hurt before Dean. Badly hurt. It’s okay. we’ll help her.”Sam said as he ran for the car, even if he had no idea where the other was, he needed to get to the hotel, he could trace his phone. At least he hoped he could. Hopefully he could help Dean help her. “We’ll be okay. You’re okay.”Sam said. Though he had no idea how that was going to work, they’d fix this. “She’s not going to die. And don’t call, they’ll arrest you and I doubt they’d get where ever you are in time.”Sam said sounding frantic himself because he had no idea how to fix this.

The girl blinked slowly at the feel of Dean touching her, trying to get away from his hands, but she was to hurt, to weak to move more then her eyelids to look up at him. “Dean?”Cas looked startled as he stepped into the room, pausing as he stared at them. While he was angry, so very angry with his friend for what had happened before, and the things they’d been forced to do to harness the darkness, he couldn’t ignore the plea in dean’s voice more then he could turn his back on anyone. “Dean...”He walked closer, going pale as he knelt down to look her over. Not quite sure what he was seeing, or really believing what he was seeing.
"Okay... okay so.. so maybe i didn't hurt her... but she's bad, Sam. really bad..." he admitted, his voice tight with emotion. "it's not okay.. god, Sammie it's getting worse. i can hardly remember what happened at all. i've no idea where i am, how we got here or if i did anything to this poor girl..." he whispered. "i'm a monster Sam... i should probobly be arrested, maybe then i could be controlled somewhat." he mumbled, gently hushing the poor girl, trying to keep her calm. "it's okay... your alright. help is coming. i'm so sorry. it's going to be okay." he promised her, hoping to god he was right, looking up at Cas, tears in his eyes when the other appeared.

"Cas!" he gasped. "you have to.. i don't know what i did. i don't know... there where Vampires and i couldn't... i don't know...please don't let her die!" he pleaded, pulling away when Cas got close, glad that the others touch didn't hurt. he wasn't lost completely yet, at least there was that, right? "i should... i should... not be here." Dean mumbled, staggering to his feet and crying out when he realized he was hurt too, lancing on his ass and blinking to stare at his feet. barefoot, he must have run across glass because his feet where cut to ribbons and he hadn't noticed. they where healed over, or mostly so the deepest ones had yet to really scab over but they weren't bleeding but fuck, it hurt! there was no way he'd be running away just yet. he'd have to stay and face whatever Wrath Castiel decided to bestow upon him.
“Okay, no it’s not okay, but we’ll figure it out. Cas is trying to find something dean.”Sam said sounding upset and scared, because he didn’t know either, if the other had hurt the girl. And he had no doubt he probably had. Which would only be worse. “You can’t be arrested Dean. Do you trust yourself not to go wild when you get put in a cage?I don’t. If Crowley can’t keep you from killing someone. Well. We’re going to find something else to do.”Sam said sounding upset and scared for them both. The girl blinked up at him slowly, before closing her eyes, going still as cas appeared.

“I wont. Move back.”cas said gently, looking worried about dean to, before wincing. “Do-”He started wincing as dean fell, having realized what was wrong when he tried to move. “Stay there.”He ordered before kneeling down to look the girl over, moving to touch her, before his eyes went wide raising his hands away from her. “I can’t heal her dean. She’ll heal on her own.”cas said, for once, sounding utterly out of his depth and scared. Not about to touch her. Not this mess. "We'll have to move her. you and sam had a hotel room, yes?"
"there's nothing to be done Sam, what am i supposed to do!? give it to someone else?!" he demanded, rather frantic before grimacing a little. "okay yeah... no that... good point that would be bad..." he agreed, sounding quite defeated. "That fucking son of a bitch... i should just go straight to hell and kill the mother fucker." he mumbled he was pretty sure Crowley had something to do with the sudden reappearance with his Mark of Cain. "might be best if you just chain me up in a basement somewhere until we can figure out how to remove it. clearly that ceremony you did to remove it the first time didn't do anything but make it worse." he admitted before looking up at Cas. "yeah. not moving." Dean agreed, wrapping his arms around himself and closing his eyes, miserable and unhappy before whimpering. Cas couldn't heal her. she was already dead. he'd killed her... wait, what? "What? she's... like... d... did she get turned? the Vampires... did they turn her?" he asked, worried, frantic even. "i... i think so. yes. yes Sam got one..." Dean admitted. "i'm staying here. where i can't hurt anyone..." he decided, stubbornly refusing to move. "i can't stand the idea of hurting anyone else..." he stared at the young girl, eyes fixated. "i can't hurt her again..." he whispered. "she's so perfect... it's... it's like i hurt an Angel..." he mumbled, sounding almost stoned. "you have to take her away from me Cas... you have to take her away.... We want her... so much... she's so beautiful...."
“Well, no.”Sam sighed softly before wincing. “You could. But I think it’d be worse if you keep killing demons.”he said sighing quietly. Fairly certain it was Crowley that was screwing with them. “....You know. That’s not a half bad idea. We’ll see.”Sam said wincing a little. Cas looked up at dean, shaking his head. “No. She’s not human. She’ll heal. She’s....I’m not sure what she is, but it’s not vampire. Or human.”Cas frowned before looking at dean, tilting his head a little. “You sound stoned Dean.”He said not liking how the other was sounding before nodding. “Okay. I’ll take her to sam.”he agreed before carefully picking her up, ignoring the soft pained whimper, watching dean as he backed towards he door. Not quite sure dean would actually let him leave with her or not considering how he was acting.
"i don't think it can get any worse than this Sammie..." Dean admitted softly before chuckling at Sam and shook his head a little. "Not human... that's.. good." Dean agreed, not sure if that was really good or not. "not sure what she is? your an Angel, your supposed to know everything aren't you?" he asked curiously. "yeah... stoned." he mumbled, clearly struggling to control himself. "yes. take her away. she has to go away..." but when he started backing away he snarled, his eyes bleeding fully to black and he stood up. "Where are you going?! that's mine. put it down." he growled, te First Blade appearing in his hand as he stalked towards Castiel. looking perfectly calm and in control, he was anything but. he lifted the blade, aiming it at Cas. "Put. It. Down. Scum." he ordered, each word punctuated by a step forward, seemingly unconcerned with Castiel's Angelic presence. as long as he didn't touch the angelic bitch, he would be fine. then he paused and shuddered violently, snarling at nothing, spinning on his heal to swipe at empty air. "Shut up! you have no right to speak you Human Filth! She's Mine! i'll do as i please with her!" he snarled at, well, nothing. giving Cas the chance he needed to get away.
“Yea, it is. And I’m supposed to. Or at least have a idea what she is. But she is nothing I’ve ever seen before.”Cas said looking annoyed to not know, before nodding. “Yes, we’re going.”Cas said paling a little as he saw the demon, swallowing thickly. “She’s not a it, Dean.Back off.”Cas said before bolting as soon as he was distracted, though he knew dean would be close behind. Hopefully he could hide the girl long enough she could heal. And even if he knew it wasn’t a great idea, he did the only thing he could. Stole Baby, vaguely amused that dean had taken his own car, had been aware enough to drive. Settling the girl into the backseat, he slid into the driver’s seat, settling in to drive. And well aware that soon enough the demon on his heels would catch up.
Dean shook his head a little. "she's... not an Angel." he agreed. "but she should be. she's so perfect." he admitted, nodding when Cas said they where leaving. "She's mine!" Dean snarled right back, stabbing the First Blade in Cas's direction. it could kill Demons. but what would it do to an Angel? or whatever the girl was. Dean skidded after Cas when he peeled out bellowing in rage because even as a Demon, he couldn't keep up with a car. never mind that the car was his baby! it was his! his! goddammit! it was His!!!! he screamed and raged, ignoring the phone in his hand, still on, letting Sam hear as Dean screamed that he would do, well, terrible things to Cas that included such terrible things as rape, dismemberment, disembowelment and cannibalism. that was nothing to what he threatened to do to the girl. turning her into a breeding mare, turning her into a sex slave and branding, collaring and owning her was the running Theme there. whatever she was, Dean was completely obsessed with her, his human half, and his demon half. after a while though he calmed and Dean trembled as he went back into the abandoned house at the edge of some woods he had found and settled in to stay until someone found a way to contain or control him. "...Sam? d..did i hurt Cas?" Dean asked once he realized the phone was still on. "please tell me i didn't hurt him..." because despite everything, he still thought of Cas was his best friend.
“Dean.”Sam sounded relieved that the other was finally listening to him, swallowing thickly as he leaned his head against the wall as he watched cas and the girl. They really needed her to wake up, maybe she could help them?if she wasn’t human, maybe she’d have a idea? “No, cas is fine.”He said not about to tell the other about the superficial cut cas had gotten from the bleed, it’d heal, human slow since it was from the first blade, but just a cut across the arm wasn’t so bad. “Cas is here with me. The girl, she’s healing dean. I can’t see it, but every time I look away and back, she’s healed a little more.”
"Okay...good. good. i... i can't remember but i'm pretty sure i tried to stab him... I don't what to know what would happen if i stabbed an Angel with that thing." he admitted with a shiver and shook his head. "thank god... listen, Sam. you need to move to a different Location. move out, and don't tell me where your at. We're obsessed. me and... me. the other me. the Demon inside of me. he wants her. so bad. so very bad..." he shuddered again. "i want her too. in ways i've never, ever wanted a persn before. it's like she seeped into my brain and i can't get her out. the other me is fighting. he wants her. he wants to get her before you move. you have to move, before it comes back and i can't hold it off... i'm so tired Sam, i don't know how much longer i can hold it in... i'm so tired..."
“You did, but he’s not hurt. Promise.”He felt bad for the half truth, but he could see cas healing just as well as the girl, so he didn’t feel quite as bad about that. “Hm?Oh. Okay. We’ll move. We’ll see that she’s safe. Just take care of yourself okay?”Sam said worriedly even as he started gathering their things, looking up as cas doctored and fussed over the girl and got ready to move. “Cas said you were in a homestead. Stay put, okay? Rest and do yoga or something. Fight it, and as soon as she’s healed, we’ll come get you. Lock you up in the bunker, okay?But for a few days, hang tight okay?”He said sounding worried and upset even if dean could hear the sound of Baby starting in the background as sam and cas settled in to find another hotel
"Okay. okay good... it seams that the more it happens, the less control i have when it does and the less i remember... i'm... i'm scared." he admitted. "i'll do what i can to keep myself safe. i promise. i'm just... not sure the other me will agree." he admitted softly. "i don't think i'm alone in my head anymore Sammie..." he admitted softly. "yeah. i'm in a... homestead? seriously? tell him to stop reading those western romance novels." he ordered. "yeah.Yoga sure i can be a bitch for a few hours if i have to." Dan scoffed. "your suggestions suck Sammie..." he admitted befre smiling a little. "but yeah. make sure you get the really strong stuff. the kind i won't be able to break even with the Mark of Cain." he ordered. "ask Cas, he'll know how to keep me locked up." he admitted before growling at the sound of his baby. "and don't scratch my car Sam! i mean it! not one ding!" he ordered, laying down on a old almost rotting mattress. "i'm just going to take a nap i think... he's pissed, but he's calmed down, knowing that he can't find you... knowing that we can't find you.." he admitted softly. "i think this is good.. i think he's tired too." he admitted softly. "just keep her safe. and not a scratch on my car, Sam. not a damn scratch."
“I’m scared to, dean. But we’ll fix it. We always do.”Sam said swallowing thickly, before wincing. “I don’t think so either. It’s gotten worse....we’ll figure it out...and yes, a homestead. It’s a house.”Sam snickered before snorting at the look on cas’ face at the words. “I think you’re getting romance novels for your birthday, Dean.”he teased before rolling his eyes. “Hey, yoga is calming, and you like sex. Consider it practice for next time you have sex, you can be all bendy and weird.”Sam teased before nodding. “We will. Don’t worry, we’ll lock you up well and good.....and not one ding, I promise.”he said rolling his eyes a little. “Rest. And we’ll tae care of things.”

Which was disturbing because it wasn’t 12 hours later that things went to hell, after he promised he’d take care of things. “I’ll take the girl now, please.” Sam stared at the demon in the doorway, it always amazed him what a gentleman the king of hell could be, when he wanted to be. Eyes flicking towards the doorway were he could hear the hell hound snarling. “No. You can’t have her.” “Samuel Winchester, you have no idea what you are messing with. The girl. Now.”Crowley demanded hissing as he backed up a step as cas lashed out with a angel’s blade, and soon enough the fight of the year was going down in the hotel room as the two crashed into each other, doing as much damage as they could as they fought.
"Yeah. Yeah, we can fix it eventually." he agreed. "it has gotten worse. it seams really different somehow though." he admitted. "something has, shifted or altered... i don't know... and he better not. i want a gun for my birthday." he stated simply with a smirk. "...well. i do like sex, but seriously? Yoga? i think not." he scoffed. "okay... thanks Sam... for helping me like this. i know i fucked things up." sometimes Dean remembered that he had willingly taken the Mark back to stop all the pain and darkness and sometimes he didn't. his brain was breaking, and no one could tell why. he hung up before Sam could complain and laid down. he slept until hunger drove him awake and he was unsurprised to find his bags in the other room. he must have unpacked them when he'd kidnapped the poor girl from the Vampires. he ate the easy meals he always packed and then slept some more until a burst of... something, attracted the Demon inside of him. he was up and moving as soon as he realized it was Cas, the First Blade in his hand, the Mark of Cain a brand of fire tapping pain into his very soul.

when he burst into the room he wasn't Dean though, the Demon in him reacting to the precense of Crowley. he slammed into him, biting and scratching, clawing and trying to stab and Cut with the first blade. "Mine, Mine, MINE!!!!" Dean screamed, gripping Crawley around the neck, mad with rage he'd abandoned the blade and was simply strangling the demon and slamming his head against the floor. "MINE!!! SHE'S MINE!!!" He screamed, turning and launching himself at Castiel, ignoring the smoking of his flesh as he attacked the man, his best friend and his own brother nothing but enemies and competitors. The girl was his own. his only. he snarled and slammed a lamp across Castiel's face and, yet again backhanded Sam. he didn't seam to think Sm was much of a threat really. he snarled and turned to face Crowley, punching him in the face a few more times to make sure he wouldn't get up and bother him again before gathering the girl into her arms and pressed his face into her hair. "mine. mine." he mumbled. "smells so sweet." he purred before turning and flouncing out the room, face pressed to her hair, simply breathing in her sent bfore, rather gently for a demon, settled her into the backseat of his Baby and headed on the road, leaving behind chaos and a demon and an ngel who would likely try to kill each other once they woke. good, maybe if they both died they would stop taking wht was his away from him. because she was his, and no one was taking her from him. no one.
“Well, you are just human. Or was. Nothing like cain. It might have been altered with it being you....”Sam sighed before snorting. “Yea, I don’t think that’s happening. He’s looking stubborn with the book.”he warned before smirking. “Yes, yoga. It’s good for you.”he said before smiling. “No more then I fuck things up. Get some sleep.”he ordered even as he was hung up on.

Crowley twisted away even as Cas stabbed at him as Dean did, getting his arms up to defend himself. Well aware if dean was there, he had the first blade, and it’d take a death blow to actually kill him. He just had to keep dean from getting it. “Dean!Stop!”Cas ordered trying to get him away from the girl even as he was bashed in the face with the lamp falling hard to the floor, for a moment dazed enough to stay down even as sam tried to keep dean away form the girl, only to be knocked out to. Which was amusing really, since all three were knocked out, and not aware that dean and the girl were gone just yet.

“....”The girl blinked awake slowly, a soft pained whimper escaping as newly healed skin pressed back into the flannel button up shirt she was wearing. Looking so small and breakable curled up in the backseat with just sam’s shirt on, since none of the other clothes they had would fit, or feel great on healing skin, so they’d simply dressed her in a shirt to cover her up. Frowning as she looked up at the sunlight inside of the car, she tried to figure out where she was, and what was going on. Feeling disoriented and lost.
Dean didn't listen of course. he was mad with rage and the Demon had fully taken over and it was in a furious rage that they had taken the girl from it. he was eager, glad even to punch the Lord of Hell. he remembered that asshole who had forced him down, controlled him, made him something else while he was within Cain. he didn't know if Crowley had known, but that wasn't the point, the point was was that he'd done it, and the Demon was happy to teach him a minor lesson. he would have taken the time to slaughter him painfully, but the girl was more important. he'd kill Crowley and that Angel fucker later. maybe he'd turn the boy into a sex slave too. he was cute enough he supposed, though the Human inside of him felt sick and appalled at the idea. he was a Demon, he didn't care, it wasn't like HE was related to the human bastard, even if the body he shared was. wasn't like he could breed the bugger anyway.

He scowled a little as he drove and paused for a moment, using skills the Human didn't know he had to slip into a store unnoticed and stole supplies he needed. including better clothes for the girl. that shirt looked horrible on her and if he wanted her in pain he'd put her there himself. he was the only one allowed to hurt her. he was delighted to find her awake when he came back and carefully, very carefully removed the shirt and helped her slip into cool satin that slid instead of rubbed over her tender sensitive skin. a skirt followed, made of the same cool soft smooth material and he stroked her hair. "Mine." he murmured, pressing a claiming kiss to her temple first, and then to her lips before sliding into the front seat and driving out again. he didn't like the look of some of those houses, he needed to find something better where those bastards wouldn't follow him. and then he could make the woman his, all his. yes, she would be so sweet. and if she struggled, he would simply take what he wanted.
Morrigan’s eyes went wide as the door opened, looking up at the man as he neared her. While she was in human form, as she had been for a countless milliena, she was locked away, hidden from even herself. She knew she did not live a a mortal’s lifetime, and she did not die per-say, more that after a few decades, she forgot that lifetime, and while she kept the same body, she did not know what she was. Only that she was different, and that the man in front of her made her stomach tighten with both fear and need. Which scared her even more. Swallowing thickly as he helped her undress she leaned into him a little, still to hurt to really be up and moving just yet, sighing quietly as he helped her dress.

Feeling better for even just that much clothes, shivering at the kiss. Wondering what was going on as she leaned against the door. To brutalized by the vampires at the moment to try to get away, simply going with him, even if she suspected he hurt her, in those fuzzy moments she remembered he had, but it didn’t scare her as much as the vampires had. “...Cain?”She said watching the back of his head from where she was curled up in the seat.
"Just rest. i won't hurt you, so long as you obey me." he promised. well, he as a Demon, he was allowed to lie, and who knew, maybe he'd even keep the promise if she behaved properly for him. he could use the boy for his blood and pain-lust if he needed to. "Lay down.you'll be more comfortable." he suggested as he drove before cocking his head to to the side, curious as he looked at her in the mirror. "Yes. i am Cain." he agreed, watching her in the rear-view window, examining her face before returning his attention back to the road to find a good place to hoard up. he finally found another small abandoned 'homestead'. this one had plastic over all the furniture and a layer of dust so likely it was closed up because the owner was gone for a while. He carried her inside, his nose pressed to her hair because she smelled so damn good, and settled her onto the bed. he hovered over her, pressing his nose against her neck and inhaling deeply before nipping at her neck, tasting her flesh before slipping out of the room, letting her rest before pausing. "if you try to escape, i will make you regret ever being born." he warned before slipping out of the room.

He was back an hour later, looking pale and shaken, holding a bowl of soup. "...hey. uhm... i'm Dean." he said softly. "i know... i know i probably must have hurt you, earlier and... and i'm so sorry." he said, gently setting the soup down on the end table. "i have no idea where we are but... but i can't let you go... he'll... he'll do something terrible if i do..." he admitted, sounding very much like he wanted to cry. "i can't control him anymore so... i'm really sorry..." he whispered. "i brought you food." he admitted softly. "there's nothing in it. just food. i thought about offering you some painkillers but i don't know if you can have them..."
Morrigan nodded slightly watching him, closing her eyes. “Okay.”She muttered shifting to lay down, obeying as she laid down, looking so small and breakable in the expansive back seat of the impala. While she was small, dainty anyways, she looked downright childlike in the huge backseat of the 60s sports car. Yelping quietly as he nipped at her, shivering as she settled into the bed. Looking up at him as she nodded. “I wont go anywhere.”She promised.

“Hello. I’m Morrigan.”Morrigan said looking up at him, sitting up, reaching out to gently take the bowl, sighing softly. “I...I think you did. Yes. I don’t...it’s fuzzy. You saved me to. I was dying there, with the vampires.”She frowned a little as she took the soup off he table, watching him, utterly confused at how to help him, and not understanding why she wanted to. “Thank you....I do not know....I am healing. Do not worry, the pain is fading.”
"Good." he growled, pleased with her obedience. he offered her a small smile when she introduced herself. "it's nice to meet you Morrigan." he said softly before grimacing. "i don't remember." he admitted. "i don't remember many things when... He, is in control anymore." he admitted. "pretty soon, i don't think i'm actually going to exist anymore." he admitted. "being as he lives inside me, there's not much i could really do to help you." he admitted. "not without him coming back out and making us both pay for it." he admitted softly. "yeah. those bloodsucking freaks... me and my brother, we where called in to deal with them when you where kidnapped. we didn't know who was taken before you, but her friends called us and told us about them kidnapping young girls. i don't... remember much past going in and slaughtering them all." he admitted. "and even that's pretty damn fuzzy..." he admitted with a sigh before smiling at her shy and ashamed. "i'm just sorry we didn't get there sooner and that i added to the pain." he admitted, sighing a little. "i should let you eat, and rest... i don't know how long He will sleep... hopefully for a while." he admitted softly. "He's weak still, sort of. he can't stay out for so long without having trouble. He gets tired and has to sleep... i'm pretty sure it's the only reason i still have any form of control at all anymore."
Morrigan smiled back at him, though it looked shaky around the edges. Definitely still recovering. “I have times like tha....when I wake up, and I have no idea how I got there.”She said frowning a little. Thinking about that as she watched him. “We’ll just figure out what he wants then, and go from there. We’ll figure out whatever this is....”Morrigan said. Not scared, but not quite steady either. “I don’t know...I only ever remembered me...I didn’t see anyone else...”She said frowning a little, tilting her head. “It’s okay....well. It’s not...but there’s nothing to do.”She sighed a little, eating the soup. “Well. You look fairly in control for now....is there anything I can do?”
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