Of Knights and Deadmen (1x1 DarkMudkip/Jikkah)


Jun 3, 2013
Under a rock
"Oh fabled Sinner, you are not alone, in proving foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes of Saints and Sinners go often askew, and leave us nothing but grief and pain for promised joy!"​

In the era of kings and queens and religious dignitaries, there is an old tale that passes from village to village; the tale of various men and women of rank and wealth being cursed beings. They have unholy powers that no mortal could ever dream to wield, the ability to manipulate their very blood. Priests and bishops say that this is a curse given to those who would go against God and so the monarchy decreed that any showing signs of this ability must be put to death. This individuals are known as Sinners and their abilities known as Sin. Some Sinners are used as hunters to bring in others of their kind, while the rest try to flee the area and seclude themselves to be left in peace.
Though many people saw what the Queen and King did as cruel, and thus began to hate and fear the two, Yui, their only child was often loved by most, being the most kind-hearted out of her family. The princess was beautiful, with a full figure, snow pale skin, and long, fluffy pink hair.
The young woman often took part in sword play, and riding horses, but also had other duties to attend to, so she would usually have the help of a Sinner - even against her parents wishes. The Sinner she chose was always treated very well, and was even given a title with a ranking just under that of a Knight.

Shion had been lucky to have been raised in a small village, very far away from the royal city; so when she discovered she was one of the Sinners everyone feared, she quickly ran from her village and into hiding. She had been living off the land of the forest for some time now, sleeping in trees or under shrubs and never staying in one place for too long.
For the past few days now, she had gotten the feeling that someone else was inhabiting the same part of the forest she had been in, so she had been twice as cautious, and devised a plan to lure out the possible intruder. Setting out her supplies in an open clearing, she hoisted herself into a tree a few feet away, hiding in the branches.
Moriko had been with Yui since they were both children, training to be her protector for a long while. She had discovered that she was a Sinner around the same time she became a woman and was nearly executed were it not for Yui's intervention.

Seiji was once in the royal military until he had become a Sinner. This immediately put him on the wanted list, his knighthood stripped from him. Furious that they would rather not use him like they had before, he ran away, killing any who tried to drag him back. He lived in the forest, hiding from the guards night and day.
Yui had grown rather fond of Moriko, for reasons even she couldn't quite grasp yet, so until she found the reason to her fondness, Moriko would remain by her side everyday. "Moriko-chan, how does thi hunt go in search of the Sinners?" Yui asked, keeping her eyes on her swordplay, fencing against her trainer.

Sitting in the tree usually got pretty cramped, and waiting for long periods of time without moving took some effort, so when Shion finally spotted movement in the distance, she hunkered down.
"We have captured and executed five so far, my lady. We are still looking for Captain Seiji, however." Moriko answered.

Seiji moved through the foliage looking for food, grumbling that he couldn't find anything.
"Splendid, and does that conclude our search in sectors three and eighteen?" She asked, side-stepping to avoid being hit, deflecting another blow.

When Shion saw who it was, her eyes widened and she instantly cut the palm of her hand with a dagger she had on her, activating her Sin. She still had no idea that Senji had been deemed a Sinner and had a bounty placed on his head as well; as far as she knew, he was looking for her.
"Sectors Three and Eight should be finished before nightfall." She answered, head held high.

Senji huffed, finding some berries and scarfing them down, only to spit them back up when he realized they were poisonous. "Dammit." He mumbled.
With one hard whack, Yui knocked her instructor down, and he quickly yielded, and that was the end of her training. "Exellent." She moved over to Moriko, removing her helmet. "Though I would like to prioritize finding Senji~"

As soon as Senji spit out the berries and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, something heavy slammed into his back. With a grunt of effort, Shion grabbed for Senji's hands, trying to pull them behind his back.
Moriko nodded and bowed slightly, "Of course, my lady."

"Whoa!" Senji pushed all his weight back to fall backwards on top of whoever was attacking him.
Yui smiled warmly and grasped Moriko's chin in her hand, kissing her cheek gently. "Come, come, we have lots to do today."

Shion let out a yelp as she was thrown back, wheezing when Senji came down on top of her, her branch of sin wavering before falling to the ground beside the two.
By the sound of it, it sounded like a young woman, and seeing as how no hard metal jabbed him in the back, she wasn't wearing any armor either.
Moriko blushed faintly and nodded, "O-Of course!"

Senji jumped up quickly and cut his arm, activating his Sin and glaring, "You with the guard? You'll have to kill me here first if you want me dead."
((We shall come back to them later~))

The person beneath Senji couldn't have been any older than twenty, the young woman scrambling backward and getting to her feet clumsily, bringing out more blood and raising her arms. She stared wide-eyed at Senji, trying to look as intimidating as she possibly could. "Is that supposed to be a joke? Well, no offense Captain Senji, but it's not funny."
The girl before him was obviously a farm girl, dressed in a ratty, loose-fitting dress and some old boots. She was covered in scrapes and bruises, and could use a good bath, but she was most definatly not a soldier. "What?" She backed away, unsure if this was a ploy. "Why, does everyone finally hate you for..." That's when she really noticed Senji's Sin activated, and she went quiet. "Oh.. You're.."
Hesitantly, she deactivated her Sin as well, nodding slightly. "I guess you know what it really feels like now." She said softly, pulling out a strip of cloth she kept in her dress pocket and wrapped up her hand. The girl was a thin, short person, who looked like they could use a good meal or two, but she had still hit him decently, until he easily knocked her back. "Why are you this far out? Are you going to try and cross the border?"
He nodded, "Yeah, I was planning on it...get as far away from here as possible." He replied. He rubbed the back of his head, "Whats'yer name?"
Shion made a face, what if he was still a part of the Guard? What if this was a ploy? She shuffled her feet a step back and answered with a question. "How do I know you're not going to turn me in? Out of everyone, you were the most loyal."
He scowled heavily, "They wanted to take care of me as much as they would care for a horse with a broken leg; with a blade through my chest." He answered.
"Shion, my name's Shion." She said, though she looked apprehensive still; looking like she wanted to ask him something, she stood there waiting.
She shook her head furiously, quickly moving over to her untouched bag on the ground and gathering her things. "Just get out of here, two Sinners in one place isn't a good idea." She said, her voice shaky.
"We?" She threw her sack over her shoulder and looked at him with a twisted expression. "No, no, there is no we, you're the one they really want, they probably don't know about me yet, I'm safe for the most part."
"It would be better if we stuck together." He told her, "What are you gonna do when they find you? You suck at using your Sin."
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