Welcome to Ikebekuro;; Handcuffs and Alibis xxcloud26xx and fluxarmageddon

Jan 4, 2016
Sayaka Uede had been living in Ikebekuro for two months now, picking up work where the money would take her. It was amusing to watch empires crumble over such petty things, money, bribery, rivalry... it was what this city was made of. However, what had piqued her curiosity this time was a contact that had come through on one of her mobile phones one day, asking for her to infiltrate a member of the Yakuza's records in exchange for a large sum of yen and "a grand opportunity".

And so she found herself on one of the higher levels to an apartment building, thumb drive in one pocket to her dark jeans. She had managed to get a hold of the information disappointingly easily. However, she was wary about what awaited her on the other side of this door. She hesitated a moment before rapping her knuckles against the door in a few knocks. Her long, black hair was tied into a high ponytail that formed loose waves over her back. She had blue eyes thanks to her German grandmother... she was a mixed breed of a girl. She waited for someone to answer, looking around for a moment for any signs of surveillance or a trap.
RE: Sex and White Lies ;; Handcuffs and Alibis xxcloud26xx and fluxarmageddon

Home sweet home, Ikebekuro, that is. The city of sin. A place where white lies turned to murder and you could bribe just about anyone for the right price. This was his kingdom, born and raised in Ikebekuro, Izaya Orihara had created an empire of information on just about everyone in the city and people payed a pretty price to get what they wanted.

Recently he had hired a young girl who had seemed to have aspirations of being something big. He liked the fire in her, but she was wild, a little too wild for his liking. Her first task was simply to grab some underground information about the Yakuza's latest project. Whether she passed or failed determined her pending job status.

The door peeled back into an abyss of darkness with no light in sight. Clank~! Light switch flicked on and the 'office' finally visible. Why... it didn't look like an office at all. A frail looking man sat in the middle of what looked like a living room, heels pointed to the ceiling ontop of the center table with his hands sprawled out on the edge of the couch. The man smiled as wide as the sun, eyes almost closed as he looked at her, "Are you just going to stand there~?!"
RE: Sex and White Lies ;; Handcuffs and Alibis xxcloud26xx and fluxarmageddon

Sayaka looked upon the information broker when he beckoned her inside, though she couldn't determine whether or not his tone set well with her. She was task-oriented, however; no matter who employed her, she was going to get her job done. Shutting the door behind her after stepping in, she withdrew the thumb drive from her pocket and approached him. He had a nice place: It was high end, she could tell. It was more than she would bother buying as she moved around too often to try to settle anywhere.

"Here's that information you wanted. Feel free to check it before I leave." She offered it to him. Most of her employers figured that she was shady and went through the files she obtained before paying her. It was okay with her because she would have done the same. "Is there anything else you would like me to do?"
Izaya took the thumb drive in his hand, setting it carelessly on the little coffee table in the center of the room. The man stood up from the couch, making his way to the kitchen and finding the wine rack. "Ahhh yes," he brought two wine glasses along with a bottle of champagne back to the coffee table. He popped the cork off, poured a full glass for him, taking it in his left hand and offered the other to her in his right. "I'd prefer if my employee's didn't act like a shady drug dealer ~" The information was the most irrelevant thing on his mind. That was information he already knew, so why'd he assign it to her? He wanted to see how detailed her report actually was.
Frowning, Sayaka hadn't expected this sort of treatment. It usually came at the beginning of her jobs; nice dinners, drinks with clients. But when the job was done, the separation was far more easy. They would trade off what was part of their deal to one another and be on their merry ways. This situation was changed up a bit. "Technically, shady comes with the profession," she said despite her reservations about staying around. She took the glass from him and gave a curt nod in thanks. "Sorry, but I don't quite understand what you're playing at?" She asked, as if expecting a direct answer. She wouldn't know what was going on in his mind. His reputation had held up well so far.
One conversation ceased to finish as he ignored her closing statement, picking up on another train of thought. "I've heard your reports are pretty reliable," the man took a sip of his glass, setting it on the coffee table in front of them. He reached to the corner of the couch, to his left, and grabbed a laptop bag, tugging the device free. "Hopefully more so than your demeanor." Click...! Laptop unhinged and opened as he plugged the flash drive into the port.

"Let me tell you something about this business," he rambled while he tried to find the files she'd brought to him. "Shady will only get you so far," he paused, "If you want to get the information you truly want," the man reached for the glass, gulping down another sip. Thud! He set the glass back on the table, "You have to be charming." Double clicking the file she brought to him, his eyes roamed on her. "Besides why do you think I hired you anyways ~? A smile settled on his lips, eyes turning back to the computer screen. "You've got the face of a doll~"
Raising an eyebrow, she decided to not amuse the notion as she took a quick sip of the wine. It was a good vintage, judging by taste alone. She did enjoy some alcohol from time to time and had even moreso during her academic years. This was fine. She turned and watched him as he accessed the files that she had recovered, holding the glass of hers in one hand. Of course things would all be there and in tact. She always did her work as flawlessly as she possibly could and left no traces of her involvement behind. It was what made Izaya's opinion so amusing to her. What was the use of playing friendly with people if she did not mean to have any sort of relationship with them?

"And you are playing as an example of being charming?" She lightly inquired as she pressed the rim of her glass against her lower lip. "I think I would be insulted if you hired me on the look of my face."
The man planted his hand on the girl's hair, like a doll, petting away like a toy. Glass gripped in his other hand as he reclined on the couch, his eyes scanning the files. Everything was in perfect detail, to the T, but he smiled still not satisfied. She had the details of what the operations were, what the plans were, but she was missing the good old sleazy dirt.. specific names of people running the operation.. That's what he sold to the hitmen.

His fingers lazily laced in and out the strands of her hair, "There's no doubt your work is good," sly smile still lingered on his distrusting face, "but you're missing the dirt ~" Izaya turned his gaze from the computer, dark orbs settling on her. "Who's with who and where the moneys going to ~" His hands let go of her hair and gripped the girl by her jaw, forcing her to face him squarely. "If you want to get to the root of the Yakuza, follow the sex and the paper trail," the male's cold thumb lightly caressed her cheek and his frame leaned in towards her "and see these ~?" His pink plush lips slowly approached hers.. feet away.. inches away.. then brushing against hers with each word he spoke, "this pretty face is going to win hearts dear~"
What was going on? Sayaka lifted her eyebrows when he stated she had missed anything. Well, she hadn't thought about partners but she couldn't follow a paper trail. All of that could be easily adjusted but his criticism was coming in an unconventional way... and then he was up in her fav before she could register what was going on, touching his lips to hers.

She gave him a light shove and frowned. "I believe I keep a majority of my work relationships professional..." Though he was a rather attractive man. She banished that thought and looked back at him. "Though, I can do as you suggest."
He smiled at the shove, eyes averting back to the computer screen. One hand spread on the back of the couch, the other cupping the flute glass of wine between his fingers. A smile of from doubt curled wide from lip to lip as his lips pressed against the glass. Up his glass went and down the wine flowed before he finished the glass. "As far as I'm concerned," he sat the empty glass down on the table, "you're about as seductive as the coffee table."
Sayaka had to laugh at the analogy and shook her head, leaning forward and setting her glass down, only half finished. This guy was pretty amusing. She turned to him with a grin. "I don't know why anyone would be concerned about that. I haven't had a reason to use my 'feminine wiles'," she waved a hand at the end of her reasoning dismissively. "I believe I would do rather well if push came to shove, thank you." Well, perhaps. She wasn't a virgin by any means. At least someone out there thought she was enticing enough but it hadn't been a focus of hers.
"Gooood ~" he said almost too welcomingly, "well I'll give you a reason to." Dark brown orbs peered back into hers with a suggestive smile while his arms rested on the back of the couch, sprawling behind her shoulders.. "I want you to get personal with the Yakuza ~" from a hacker to a spy, "can you do it?"
She raised an eyebrow, curiosity now piqued. "Oh? And why would you want me to get personal with the Yakuza?" She asked airily, noticing how he was now was behind her. She didn't flinch. After all, it was the name of the game. Whoever paid her the most money tended to give the orders. There had been an offer placed that she couldn't refuse. She waited for an answer.
His hands began to sift through her hair out of habit as he listened to her inquiry. A soft smile raised from cheek to cheek. From the pocket of his jacket he pulled out a wad of cash, bounded by a rubber band and waved it at her before tossing it in her lap. "I thought you kept work and personal things separate~" The Yakuza had a massive underground bounty on his head and there were a couple key members he needed information on. "Why you're getting personal shouldn't matter, the money on your lap should," he stuck his tongue out at her as they sat on the couch, side by side.
Sayaka shifted her legs when the money fell into her lap. She looked intently at it as she began to leaf through the bank notes, subtly counting it as she replied to him, "I never said that I wasn't a fickle person. Or that I don't enjoy changing things up from time to time." Especially when it came to large sums of cash. A small smile played at her lips as she finished and then quickly placed it within her back, picking her head back up to look at him. "Oh, I suppose I can get a look around... but only because you asked so politely~," she teased, smirking. Well, this was something. Both sides were tossing cash out at each other. She would have to play her cards carefully.
He kissed her forehead and pushed her away, laughing, "You, are, a tool." Back towards his laptop he shifted, closing it and dislodging the thumb drive and throwing it back to her. "I don't need this anyways." Packing up his laptop in his bag, he rambled throughout the process, "Well are you moving in to, or isn't it about time for you to take up your drug dealing job?" It was getting rather late... 10 pm already. The meeting had lasted longer than he'd thought.
"Hm," She grinned. Of course he didn't, but it had done it's job. She gave a loose wave despite the comment he had directed sat her. She got up and shrugged her bag back on. "I suppose you are right. You know where to find me if you need me," She walked over to the door and then blew a kiss his way. "Onward and out," she opened the door and stepped out of the apartment, shutting the door behind her. He was more a dumbass than she thought, right? It was scarily easy... she felt on guard as she took the stairs.
He let her talk and gesture as she made her way out to the door, but couldn't help laughing at the kiss. "Caoi ~" he soluted with two fingers. Clank~! And just as the door closed the grin on his face grew wider than ever. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through connected devices renaming one of them 'Sayaka's Thumb Drive.' "You can't trust a tool ~" It was too obvious that she was working for money, and Izaya would never give her her first assignment until her back ground was cleared.

Shortly after she'd leave the house she'd get a text on her phone from the head of the Yakuza, Mizuki. "Report at headquarters before midnight" He'd been anticipating this meeting for a while now.. Their target had been causing the entire clan trouble for years and costed them hundreds of thousands of dollars. It was time for them to put an end to him.
Sayaka sighed as she reached ground floor and received the message. She quirked an eyebrow and turned the corner. 'Sure,' "whatever", she thought as she sent the message off. She put her phone away and shoved her hands into her pockets. Something told her that this was a ruse. Oh, well. She had figured that someone was going to catch on eventually. It didn't matter if she wasn't going to stay in Ikebekuro for too much longer. She looked up at the blank sky. Thanks to all the light pollution, there were no stars. She had some time to burn between now and her meeting. A coffee sounded descent....
It wasn't a surprise that someone was going to catch on eventually. No one can expect to work for two sides and get away with it, she had to betray someone.... Izaya had her suspicions about her, but had no evidence to prove it on the other hand the Yakuza... well they had no idea Izaya had sent her after them, but the thing is the bounty on Izaya's head was almost an unrealistic amount! Mizuki knew he had to get rid of him... The midnight was approaching and the meeting would commence soon. Whose side she would pick was up to her.
Sayaka went to their meeting place a bit early just in case she could get it out of the way sooner. She stop back against a wall, away from any corners. She tacked away on her phone, however. This was interesting. When she thought about, the Yakuza do like to talk themselves up. Smirking, she thought quietly to herself. It would be determined whether or not she would continue her dangerous game based on the meetings occurances.
Mizuki made it sound like there was going to be a rather large number of Yakuza's at the meeting, but evidently it was just her and him. They met in a debriefing room in one of the Yakuza's abandoned warehouses. He was already there, dressed in a suit and tie, he sat in the middle of the room at a round table, one chair on each side. "Oi~" he called out to her when she came by, "take a seat."
Turning her head when she heard Mizuki, she walked into the room and took her seat as instructed, letting her bag slip from her shoulders and to her feet, beside her. "To what do I owe the pleasure, then?" She asked, crossing her arms as she looked over to her employer.
"A report~!" he said heartily in an grandiloquent voice. Wide out stretched arms gestured towards her, eager to hear about her findings. "Well.... So tell me~! Did you find out his whereabouts? What have you found out and how hard would it be to assassinate him?" The Yakuza ring leader looked Sayaka in the eyes, watching every emotion displayed on her face so that he could determine whether she was lying or not.
She sat back in her chair, the seat leaning back a bit as it was a computer chair. She rocked slowly before she considered her options carefully and looked up, meeting his gaze. "Well, I was able to deliver the flash drive as you asked. However, I don't recall telling about where he is right now was in our negotiated terms..." She frowned. "Mind if I see some evidence regarding the amount of money you're paying me? Forgive me for wanting to know my paycheck will be real. With that much, I believe I could give you some more on him." Izaya had been able to give her money up front, while the Yakuza had yet to do so. It was a fair enough request, right?
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