Avatar [ Bear & Sugo ]

She wanted it so bad that she could almost feel it already, his cock throbbing and pulsing inside of her like it was a living being all its own. She was so sure that he was going to please her and fill her with his cum that she didn't bother to keep the death grip on his hips, her legs loosening up just enough that it was rather easy for him to unwrap her from around him. Her legs were still far too weak to support herself as he lowered her down onto the ground. She grit her teeth and glared up at him, this time not with the same adoration and lust as before, but with irritation. The coals had turned to fire, her anger rising in her belly like a snake. How dare he do this to her. How dare he ask her what she wanted only to completely and utterly disregard her wishes and decide to do this.

There was no time for her to get out remarks, his cock already so close to finishing that she was soon assaulted with his seed. It was hot and thick, much thicker than what she had expected, and it came in copious amounts. There were several shots that covered her face, some forceful enough that it struck the wall behind her. Her eyes didn't flinch as the salty substance dripped down into them, oozing down her face as if she had been covered in a delectable icing. Her face was covered in his seed and it was heavy enough that she could feel it drip from her chin and onto her thighs. For all the care that he had been displaying to caring for her wounds, he didn't seem to care as much about his own health. He most likely wasn't aware of the fresh new hell that he had opened up for himself, her lips pulling down into a slow frown.

He stared down at her in pride as he admired the work he'd done, from her cum-dripping face to her abused sex, covered in her own fluids and now his as it slid down her thighs and slid between them. She reached over to the abandoned robe, using it to wipe her face clean of his cum, then wiping her blood from her neck and thighs. She balled the dirtied garment up and set it aside, as calmly as she could. He fanned the flames with his statement, her jaw clenching until it was visible. "You. Do not own me." She said, the words growled through her teeth as she fought against the urge to punch his gut, her hand clenching into a fist but not being thrown.

Mizuki forced herself onto her feet, having had enough time and enough anger to fuel energy into her orgasm-racked body. She straightened herself up to her full height, and even though she was shorter than him, she had an expression that was fit to kill a man. And she was tempted to. "I permitted you to take me. I am not your property. And don't think that you have deterred my plans in any way." With his cock out of her, it was much easier to turn her mind back to thoughts of planned murder and overthrowing the throne.

She couldn't let that happen again. He couldn't have that much control over her, it wasn't safe.
He would across the room, leaving his companion smeared in the mixture of juices and he picks up his robe bottoms, sliding them on and tying the belt around his waist to keep them up, he then heard her grabbing for the abandoned robe and turned to watch her clean her self before she proclaimed that he didn't own her, he rose an eyebrow looking over to her watching, not responding just yet to see what would transpire, there was that fierce look in her eyes, the look of her mind being lost in orgasmic pleasure that was there earlier when he was kissing her gone. He smiled softly, he couldn't help but admire the fierce looking girl who stood in front of him with her hair in a stupid state standing up above her head with cum holding it together like glue, that was going to take a lot more than a bath robe to clean up.

She then spoke again, and he walked back over to her sliding his hands down her bare arms to hold her hands, he had seen her ball her fists, if he was this close to her he didn't want to not be holding them for fear that she would start attacking him, while his fire bending was great his hand to hand wasn't superb so he'd be relying on raw strength if she did, he couldn't use fire bending in this wooden building. "My lovely Mizuki..." he said softly looking down at her, holding her wrists tight to stop her from throwing any punches. "The only time I own you, is when you offer your body to me..." he said with a soft whisper "If you never submit to let me have you again I'll never be in a position of control over you again." he said finalizing his point with a kiss on her lips for a brief moment before letting go of her hands and walking across the room towards the pile of clothing that the maid had brought in before they had fornicated.

He came back over to her with a towel, and then a robe dress similar to her black one but this one was red, with golden patterns running all over it, he looked over to her and then walked up passing her the clothing and the towel. "Wrapped that towel around your head and get into the dress, we'll go get into one of the bath rooms and wash that out of your hair. Okay?" he said with a playful tone behind his voice, he'd came now, and the violent roughness was seeming to slowly fade out of his body the less time he spent inside of her body, his eyes still wandered around her bare skin though, his eyes flicking down to between her thighs, at the woman's vagina that laid between her legs, no longer a girls vagina after it had lasted through what he had done to it mere minutes before, one day maybe he would fill her up with his seed and give her what she begged for on her first time, but today wasn't then day he wanted to do that.
It was hard to stay angry with him when his expressions softened back to the way they were pre-coitus, her body struggling to keep the rage going as she stared at his face. Yes, he had insulted her in a way that he didn't understand, but he was just a man. A man that didn't know her any more than anyone else in this tavern, though she could easily bet he knew a good deal more than what he let on. The scroll he'd been handed was too long to just be a list of her charges and an explanation of her being a present. No, there was more to the story and she was going to figure it out before she trusted him any further than she already had. Hell, she trusted him too much as it was. She had given him the most important card that was in her deck, and he knew it. He knew that he had taken the very thing from her that no one else had been able to take. And if he could accomplish that, what else was he capable of?

When he reached out to touch her, his hands were soft on her, his eyes just as non-threatening. She felt silly for holding clenched fists against him, felt stupid for even thinking to take up arms against the man that she had just laid with. But still, there was a part of her that wanted so bad to still hate him. She wanted so dearly to knock him unconscious and make her grand escape, to return to her people and be welcomed back as a hero... To plot again to kill the Fire Lord and end his reign of terror. She couldn't help it as much as he couldn't help who he was - it was ground into her nature. Mizuki's hands unclenched slowly and she let out a long, reluctant sigh as he explained that she was only his when they were 'together,' but it did nothing to quell the fact that everything had returned to feeling completely and utterly wrong.

She kissed him back softly, but she had returned to not meeting his eyes. She couldn't, because she didn't dare let him get under her skin. She felt a new emotion that she hadn't felt in a very long time - fear. Not in its most raw of forms, but in one of the newer forms. She was afraid of letting him in, because he was more dangerous to her than anyone else could ever be. "Fine." She said, but the attitude was gone by the time she donned the dress. She smoothed out the edges of it, admiring the patterns on the material and the craftsmanship that had gone into its making. Mizuki did as she was told with the towel, delicately wrapping her hair up to conceal the worst of the damage. She offered him only a small smile and her arm as a sign that she was ready, her eyes on the floor.

"Zuko," She stopped before he could take her out into the hallway, reaching out her other hand to touch his chest softly, "You have to know... I lied earlier." She said, though she didn't know why she felt it was important to tell him now of all times. "I wasn't for sale. I was a dancer. I am a dancer. I performed for the palace and was later approached by the guards when I had returned home. They told me that the Fire Lord requested a private show of my abilities, that he was considering taking me on as a member of his entertainment staff. I didn't know how close I would get until I was already there."

And all of that was true, though she left out highly important details, such as the knife and the rest of her gang. But those were still secrets she held too close to her heart to let him have. He could never have them. He was still Fire Nation.
His heart sank as she spoke, she'd told a lie yes but it was nothing he didn't already know, the letter had told him what she truly was but he just accepted her lie fine, however there was one issue stuck in his mind.. His lie, his huge lie, would she love him like she did? Would she have offered him the most delicate possession she had left? Her last bargaining chip? The most protected and well kept secret to her body... her virginity, if she knew what he truly was, if she knew he was his son, if she knew what his mission was with her... He wanted to go home, no lie, however breaking this girl wasn't the way to do it.. Maybe, maybe if he caught the avatar his father would welcome her, let her back into his home.. His thoughts cut off, there was no way that his father would allow that, she had stabbed him after all, but he didn't want to get the information the Fire Nation wanted from her and then see her burnt at the hands of the Fire Nations armies after he'd seen so much, such delicate areas, he wanted to see them again, and again, and again, over and over, he knew not much about this girl other than she was passionate, a great lover, beautiful and fierce, and all of those features bundled up to a woman he was very, very interested in.

He leaned in softly with a charming smile and kissed her on the cheek. "It's fine, I know, the letter said so." he said softly whispering into her ear "Come now, let us clean that beautiful hair of yours, I hope you don't mind if I wash it." he blushed slightly "I kind off miss when we where snuggled together in the dining hall and I was running my fingers through it." he said honestly, he wasn't lying, running his fingers through her hair then was probably comparable to the virginity claiming rough sex that he and she had just shared in his rooms. He guided her out of them, locking the door behind him and walking down the corridor with a towel around her hair and her arm locked with his, he opened up one of the bath rooms and walked in with her, turning to lock it behind him before reaching up and removing the towel that had become fairly cum stained inside.

He reached for his shirt pulling it over his head before slipping off the pants that he'd slipped on in the room, revealing his naked toned body to her again, the cock that had just dominated her lying flaccid, and still between his legs, a sharp contrast to the tip she'd stared into before it had fired the thick white cream that had stained her face and hair. He moved towards the tub, reaching for the shower apparatus, a simple pipe leading to the head, he turned the nozzles that held back the pressurized water and it began to fire from the shower head, he ran his fingers through the water waiting for it to warm. "Want to lay your head over the side of the tub Mizuki and I'll get to work?" he said softly looking over to her as he stood in the bath tub holding the shower head, water firing over his fingers and down his legs as he waited for her to come over and let him clean up the mess he had caused on her.
There was something about his face and the way it took a somber tone that made her heart sink just a bit for telling him the truth, though she knew that it had been the right thing for her to do. It was dangerous to give him information, but there was a part of her that didn't want him to think that she was just some girl that had been selling herself to the highest bidder. She wanted him to truly understand that it had meant more to her to give away her virginity, and that it hadn't been a choice she made lightly. She didn't want to acknowledge it, but she truly did feel something for him, heavier than lust and more binding than friendship. But the emotion was still budding in her, fragile as a flower and not quite ready to bloom.

His own small admission made her feel heavy, though, weighted down with the knowledge that he, too, was hiding things. And she could guarantee that there was a lot more in the note than what he had admitted to. When he told her about his 'past,' she had already been doubting him heavily, but now her mind was busy picking away at every small detail. Had he even been a soldier, much less a general? Who was he, really? "The scroll must have said quite a bit that you're not telling me." She said, but she left it at that. It wasn't an accusation, but it could easily become one. He had lost some of her trust, but she still wanted so badly to believe he deserved to have it back.

Mizuki was silent as they walked back to the bathing room, watching him as he disrobed and started up the small showerhead, his fingers beneath the running water. He was so caring now in contrast to the way he had been before, and she admired the duality in him. In privacy, he was a passionate and fierce lover, but he was openly an affectionate one. She found herself... Fond of it. Though her eyes were still on him, moving over the curves of his muscle and his limp dick, her fingers reaching out to touch him, tracing across the lines of his ribs and down towards his hips. A soft smile came to her lips, not because of the irony of her once ironic touch turned true, but because she found herself desiring him again all too soon.

As he stepped into the tub, she offered him a smile, a bit of a laugh in her eyes that she dare not release. "I would love for you to wash yourself from my hair." She said, gathering up the tangled locks and tossing them over the side so that he could wash it easily. "I enjoy you touching me." She admitted, eyes closing gently as she waited for him to begin.
He smiles softly as Mizuki walked up, dropping the towel from her head but keeping in the tight dress that looked so good on her body, her hands started to explore, he didn't resist, he let her fingers move over the side of his body walking down and tickling his mid rift, then he leaned down placing a light kiss on her lips for a few moments before she started to sit down talking. A grin came to his face as she proclaimed that she enjoyed being touched by him. "I know." he said softly as he knelt down in the tub running his fingers through her hair, cum sticking clumps of it together. "When I was massaging your thighs and licking your clit you came in my face. If that isn't a sign of enjoying someones touch I don't know what is." he said playfully with a coy smile before leaning over to kiss her on the lips once again, his chin touching the top of her nose as his eyes where past her chin looking down the cleavage the dress provided, impressive, her breasts where not of insane proportions, they where a comfortable handful but the dress made them look like more of a handful, not to mention the fact that her bandages hugged her body firmly. Deep down he couldn't wait for her to heal, so he could play with them... gently of course, he'd seen the bruises, they may not have taken her virginity but they'd 100% had their lecherous leper hands on her intimate chest. He was starting to hate his fathers fire nation more and more as the days went by, who needed to get information from Mizuki, he could just have her, roam the lands with her, making love to her in all the nations, he sighed content, that would certainly be wonderful, he thought to himself.

He leaned out of the kiss and then starting to spray the now warm water over her raven hair as he knelt in the tub, running his fingers through her hair softly with a light smile, her hair was becoming sleek and smooth, the cum washing out of it with the water and away down the drain, he'd certainly done a number on him. She wasn't his first time, back in the fire nation he'd had many maidens, even though he was only young he was a prince, and being a prince had it's perks, however, those sessions had been ones of lust, not love, her virginity wasn't the first that he'd taken but it was certainly the only one that meant something to him, minor nobles donating their daughters virginity to the fire lord's sun in exchange for favor with the fire lord was just, pathetic, in Zuko's mind, but it happened nether the less, and sometimes too often, even though he'd only been 17 when he'd been given the first minor noble's daughter to spend a night with. They meant nothing, none of them, too many to count on one hand, meant anything in comparison to the passion and actual love he felt when taking Mizuki's virginity, she was very fire nation in appearance, she could pass in the fire nation as being one of them, the pale skin and raven hair, a sign of a fire nations citizen, he smiled softly his fingers still swooping through her now straight, un-clotted hair as the cum had been all pretty much removed and his fingers glided freely now.

"Mizuki." he said softly to gain her attention, not sure what it was but there was something ringing in his mind, something that didn't make sense, he'd taken her, taken her everything, the only thing that kept her safe, her main bargaining chip. No. He hadn't taken it, she'd given it to him.. "Why" he said softly "Why did you choose to give me your virginity? You where brought to me as a toy... A play thing... But you're so much more than that, Mizuki I.." he cut himself off, he was just an array of emotions he felt he didn't have the right to deserve anymore, he didn't deserve love, he didn't deserve compassion, he didn't deserve happiness. He was a banished fire lord prince, a monster, the son of a murderer, the grandson of a conqueror. His fingers fell from her hair down onto the basin as he bit his lip slightly and looked away, the water running over the wood basin that her clean hair hung to. "I am no general nephew to the fire lord." he said softly, realising what was bugging him. "I am Prince Zuko. Son of Ozai, banished heir to the fire nations throne" his voice remained soft as normal, but he was quiet, anyone hearing him say this could end up being a threat, knowing they had someone of such high status in the fire nation would be a huge bargaining chip with the fire nation, well, it would be if his father didn't hate his guts.
There was a strange sensation in her chest as she felt his hands in her hair once again, so gentle in comparison to the man that had been taking her so roughly just moments before. Her eyes closed and it was all too easy for her to imagine a world of horrors - a guillotine coming down across her tender neck or his gentle hands clamping tight about her throat. It was easier for her to picture the savagery of the fire nation, not so much to enjoy the tenderness of its Prince. She didn't relax until his lips sought hers softly, her body easing against him.

The warm of the water made the clumps of seed come from her hair with ease, the locks becoming smooth at his gentle touch and the slow feeling of his fingers made her eyes close in bliss. It had been too long since she had felt affection in its simplest form, and her body craved it far more than she dare admit to. Her eyes opened and she did her best to find the steel in her spine again, but she couldn't. He had softened her, surprisingly so considering her nature.

His question caught her off guard and she didn't have an immediate answer, her eyes moving from his to the floor of the tub where water swirled in gentle eddies. She didn't have time to find her answer before he struck her with a statement that sent her calmed emotions into a flurry. Son of Ozai. She had given herself to the son of the most hated man in all of the nations. Mizuki couldn't stop the clench of fear in her heart, or the way her stomach turned. Every instinct demanded that she run from him, her eyes moving to the door but her body immobile. Even if instinct dictated fleeing, her feet were unwilling. Mizuki found the steel in her spine again, her body straightening and standing tall. It was a great mask to hide the fear that made her heart race.

"I see that we both still have secrets kept, then." She said softly, doing her best to remain calm, her eyes meeting his with only slight trepidation. Mizuki lifted her hand and touched his face, her fingers trailing over his jaw and down his chin, thumb brushing his lower lip softly. "I gave myself to you because there is a piece of me that believes I can trust you. My only problem is that I don't know if I can trust that part of me." And that was true, as it was the same piece of her that felt the urge to stay with him, even though he was the enemy. But that was not to be a dream she could chase.

She leaned in, her hand moving to grasp the back of his neck and bring him to her. Her lips pressed against his soft, her heart aching gently in her chest with an emotion she didn't care to identify. She pulled away after a moment, the kiss chaste but intimate. "Where do we go now?"
As she stood up, moving from the stream of water he was using to wash her hair, he hung the the shower head up on the wall where it belonged and watched her. Beautiful temptress assassin she was, his mind was still divided on how to treat her, he knew the information he needed to get out of her but he also knew what she was capable of, she'd got a knife into the Fire Lord's chambers who's to say she doesn't slip one from her bandages now. The Raven hair sat wet against her shoulders as her hand ran across his jaw finger touching his lip as she spoke. His body was a thing of beauty, he stood in the tub naked before her, toned and lean, he stood at about 6 foot and was built like a fighter, as that was what he was. He'd had his fair share of scuffles with the Avatar, be it at the boys weakened state of only knowing air bending and recently water bending but he still held his own.

He listened intently to her words and then her hand slid to the back of his neck, pulling him down, and kissing him, her wet lips tasting sweet and tender under the pressure of his own as his hands instinctively reached for her hips placing themselves just below the tight wrapping of the gauze that wrapped around her wounds and he then bit down softly on her lip as she pulled away from him slowly and then posed her final question. "Hmm.." Zuko said gently as he reached over and turned off the flow of water turning back to face her leaning down and giving her another kiss, his father had certainly done him a favour, he now had a beautiful companion as deadly in the bedroom as she was as an assassin, maybe he didn't care to return to the fire nation with this in his hands. He climbed out of the tub letting go of her finally breaking the kiss as he moved across to get a towel, rubbing down his wet body to a point of reasonable dryness before wrapping it around his waist his toned upper body still visible to the room his lower body covered comfortably, he then moved over to her with a fresh towel which he took to her hair, rubbing fast as he started to dry her hair for her, his rubbing fair rough but getting the job done for sure.

"We continue with what I was doing, the fire nation recently conquered Omashu, we will move their and make my presence known. You will wear fire nation clothing and accompany me as a colony girl who caught my eye." He said with a confident tone as he told her the identity she was to take on for the foreseeable future. "You are to be madly in love with me and no one has to doubt that" he removed the towel from her head looking down at the mess of black hair that he'd just been drying with a slight smug grin on his face. "That shouldn't be too much trouble for you should it." He said gently leaning in and kissing her again as he started to wrap the towel around her underarms making sure her upper body and crotch was covered but showing off an awful lot of leg as it only reached about half way down her thigh. "We will spend one more night here, then into town to get you some fire nation approved aristocracy attire, a few nice dressed, casual clothing the whole lot and that's what you'll be for the next month or so while we're in Omashu, the Princes colony girlfriend, that sound fine by you?" He said with a charming tone as he finally finished tying the towel around her body.
Omashu was conquered. The words struck her harder than they should have, considering she had been to Omashu only once, and considering she had no ties to the earth nation by any means. She had been a drifter with her group for as long as she could remember and couldn't imagine life any other way... But Omashu had been a place of wonder for her the previous time. She'd been barely a teen when she had been there, just learning to dance and starting to fill out her figure. Her body had been more willowy then, her muscles not as toned and her movements more sloppy. But she had been quick as ever, her fingers sticky and quick enough to be an adept thief in the streets. The city had been where her troupe had started the best of her shows, and had been where they'd picked up some of her closest friends, her dance partner among them. It was almost hard to bring herself back from her thoughts on the past, her unrest visible on her face.

"Princess colony girlfriend?" She questioned, truly only catching the last bit of his conversation. Mizuki chewed it over and smiled slowly at him, forcing her unease at the loss of a city she should have no emotions towards back into its box in the back of her mind, "I do hope that means you'll take me on proper dates, then?" She teased, punching his gut lightly in a very playful manner. "Or do you plan on playing pretend in public and fucking me in private?" She asked, leaning forward to nip his ear before walking away. "Because it might be worth mentioning that I'm a performer before all else. If you want to play pretend you might find yourself with a bigger crowd than you expect." She winked back at him before leading the way down the hallway, confident though she was dressed in only a towel. She had plenty opportunity to run now, but she was... Intrigued. It would do her good to get into the city with him, probably even get her further than she could get on her own.

Rather than run, she returned to the room and waited for him, playing with the edge of her towel gently. Her fingers trailed down to her own legs, thick with muscles that had been toned but softer now than they had been in years due to lack of use. For the most part, her legs had been spared any of the abuse from her captors, her more sensitive areas the points of attack. When her lover boy joined her again, she smiled up at him, "Tell me, prince," She purred, "Do you dance?"
He chuckles slightly at her teasing words, reaching down and brushing her wet hair out of her face as they stood together in reasonably privacy in the bathroom. "Yes. You will accompany me to dinners and the like, anything a noble of Fire Nation occupied Omashu wants me to be present at you will be too, to a certain extent." obviously he wasn't going to bring her into a meeting with a Firelord General as even though Zuko was an outcast and a banished prince that didn't mean that a General receiving the 'Yes I agree that's a good plan' from Fire Nation royalty wasn't something they where interested in. A slight tint of red appeared on his cheeks at her teasing remark about what they would do in private and he responded. "Yes." he said almost in surprise at himself, it seemed like an offer from her and that was an offer he would gladly oblige to, not only was she beautiful and witty she was also like she said - a performer. Flexible, and even though just a virgin no more than 3 hours ago she was still great in bed and he would most certainly be abusing that fact to the best of his ability. She then began to take the lead, leading him out of bathroom as they both wore only a towel and he reached for her pulling her back and forcing her to hook onto his arm as they walked together. "Get used to it." he muttered under his breath a little bit to her, there was a couple of people out and about on the corridor who paid no attention towards the duo at least not so much the females, the males on the other hand - unsure if Mizuki had noted - where taking slight peaks at the skin shown by the short towel after they'd walk passed her.

He guided her into the room and over to one of the chairs present in the room, the room wasn't densely populated in furniture just a desk and few chairs to sit on as well as the one mat that Zuko had been using to sleep on, he was going to call for her to have her own but after the last thing they'd done in this room he'd decided there was no need. He watched her playing with the edge of her towel, his smooth fingers running over the smooth clean skin of her thighs and he smiled softly. She wasn't completely aware of it yet but what she could do to him with just those legs was equivalent to what everything recovering under those bandages could do and maybe even more. She then perked up questioning him once more. He dropped his towel as she spoke and moved over to the chest in the room pulling out some under garments which he threw on to cover his crotch, still showing her all his toned muscles in his legs and torso. He then turned around and moved over to her, crotch at her head height as he mused through her raven hair gently. "Only when a ball requires it." he said softly playing with his companies beautiful raven hair while he looked down at her eyes, the cock that took her virginity sitting as a bulge in front of her face while he played with her hair like he owned it.

After a few moments of enjoying himself with her hair he let go of her and moved away stretching out softly, he looked out the window to check the time seeing the sun cresting towards the horizon getting ready to set. "It's getting late." he said softly, it was a simple time period and they worked in simple ways, when the sun rose they got up and when the sun set they went to bed. He closed the simple curtain which was just a large piece of square fabric he moved back over towards his back pulling out his simple nightwear, a light pair of robes. "The clothing the maid brought had a set of nightwear that should fit you, nothing too nice, peasants clothing really. You'll get something nicer tomorrow I'm sure you'll cope." he said as he started counting out a few coins from the large pouch he also kept in his chest. He may be banished but he was still a prince, his father did want him punished but he didn't want him starving and strap for cash. He would have to furnish a woman with a whole wardrobe of fire nation clothing, that wasn't going to be cheap but it had to be done. Not only was she one of his two methods of getting back home, his banishment being lifted, he was also rather fond of her, a few months playing a couple sounded like something he would enjoy, and there is no way on earth the prince's girlfriend would look anything but extravagant.
The image of herself being taken to places such as a fancy Fire Nation dinner was such a foreign thought that it almost seemed ridiculous. She looked the part of Fire Nation nobility, with her raven hair and pale skin, but she severely lacked in the department of training that they had been taught practically since birth. Zuko had been taught the proper way to eat, proper way to stand. They had table manners that would seem ridiculous to someone that had been almost literally raised by a band of marauders. Her younger years she had been with her parents but that had been so short-lived that they were nothing but dim memories growing fainter as the years went on. Her true family had been the people she took to the stage with every night, first as just a background dancer for the main attraction, but soon becoming one of the star pieces as her body filled out and her lanky pre-teen body had become that of a blossoming young woman. Behind the scenes, she hadn't been taught manners that would suffice at the table of a regular house hold, much less that of royalty. She had been taught how to steal, to pick the pockets of people in the crowds and weasel her way out of almost any situation with a silver tongue...

It was almost enough to make her laugh at the idea that she would soon go from picking the pockets of Fire Nation royalty to being entertained by them.

But if Zuko thought that she could pull it off, it was at least worth a try. If nothing else, it would be a way for her to slowly work her way up the ranks and earn trust until she could get her hands on Ozai again. Just because Zuko had tamed her temporarily didn't mean that she felt any less of the drive to end the man's reign over the people, to kill the head of the beast that was the Fire Nation. She could play nice, but she didn't do it without her ultimate goal in mind... Though, she had to admit that Zuko was becoming a bit distracting, her eyes moving over him as he dropped his towel and turned to find his night clothing. They moved over his toned back and down to his rear, then down over his thick thighs and well-toned calves. He didn't have the body of a dancer, but she could certainly see him learning the trade quickly. He had the muscles that would attract a female audience, even with the obvious scar on his face. "You only dance at balls?" She was shocked, though it made sense. He was royalty and hadn't had to live the life of a street performer, so he had no reason to dance otherwise. "That's no fun," She commented in almost a pout, thinking of all the fun that could be had...

Her mind admittedly wandered towards the more intimate dances that she had been choreographed to perform, all too easy to imagine the way his hands would feel against her skin and the feel of his muscles against her own... He would have to learn to dance at least a little bit if he expected to keep her. "You're really going to try and pass me as a woman entering nobility?" She asked, skepticism and curiosity in her voice as she searched through the small pile of clothing that the woman had brought to the room. Her night gown was easy enough to find, made of a simple white dress that would hang loose on her body, the material thin and soft to the touch. "Just how do you plan on keeping me contained in a city like Omashu?" She teased, letting her towel fall from around her as she tugged the gown over her head, the simple cloth dangling to mid-thigh though long enough to cover her. Mizuki watched him count his coins with a raised brow, his 'allowance' from his father more than her salary for a month. "You know, I could just rob the vendors, right?" It was more of a statement than a proper question, the girl placing herself on the small mat that was their bed.

It was hard for her to think of him spending that amount of money on her, not only because she had never had nice items but also because she had always been encouraged to steal the things she needed instead of paying for it. Her troupe had been morally correct in their political leanings, but their morality when it came to other laws was rather lax.
He chuckled at the concept. "Steal it? What're you going to steal? Fabric?" He slid down onto the mat with her, the mat was small, only really made for one, but regardless it was comfortable. However she did have no choice but to cuddle if she wanted to stay on the mat, and so he forced her to do, he slipped down onto his back pulling her close, her bandaged chest pushing against his side as his arm wrapped around her keeping her head near his pectorals before pulling a simple thin blanket over them. The Earth Kingdom was hot enough, not quite Fire Nation heat and humidity but definitely warmer than the air temples of old and God forbid the water tribes.

"These are clothes for a noble girl, accompanying a Prince, no cheap rags will do. Everything will be custom tailored, from night wear to formal dresses." He said gently his spare hand that wasn't holding her close began to run through her thick raven hair. He paused for a moment enjoying the embrace and the muse of her hair before speaking again. "I think, five dresses? Several casual outfits. Which in fire nation nobility stems down to less fancy dresses.." He said with a slight chuckle under his breath "Appropriately coloured night wear, a beach outfit just incase and then a gown to match my military suit for the most prestigious occasions. You can't not match me." He mused while his fingers did the same in her hair still, a day he had had this girl and in that short period of time he'd tamed the fierce girl, taken her virginity, charmed her into bed for the night and was now planning to make her a fixture for the indefinite future as his accompanying lover. It was, interesting, to say the least.

"Fire nation nobility works in interesting ways.." He said softly "The highest ranking man in the room, which a lot of the time will be me, has control of the flow of all conversations he's involved in, and his female companion the mirror in social conversations of the ladies." He said voicing an obvious concern, Mizuki was no Fire Nation noble, she couldn't hold conversation with the higher ups of Fire Nation occupied Omashu, especially with the women, conniving most of them would be double Mizuki's age, but their daughters, they would be Mizuki's age and imagine what status they could achieve wedding their daughter off to the Fire Lords son, regardless of his banished status. Yes, Mizuki would have to tread lightly. "So to avoid you getting stuck in conversation you can't uphold the whole" the emphasis on whole was very prominent "time we're in Omashu you will hang from my arm like a light feature and act like a timid country noble, scared of conversation with people of such higher status than yourself and will only talk when spoken to, and I will dig you out of any trap questions." He reached his hand from her hair to find her chin tilting her to face him a smile sitting on his lips "Got it?"

Timid little Mizuki, now that was a thought, this girl was the furthest from timidity of any girl that Zuko had bedded or met, even while in bed with him she was fierce and feisty, a harsh contrast to the Fire Nation girls who would offer the Prince their bodies multiple girls at a time, Mizuki was definitely more fun. Regardless of her answer she was getting a kiss, a no would earn her a chuckle alongside it but regardless he would be pressing his warm lip to hers with a slight grin as he did before he finally laid down on the mat, Mizuki pulled close to him as he closed his eyes. "Goodnight, Mizuki." His hand held tight against her as he closed his eyes with a smile starting to drift to sleep.
Mizuki not only didn't object to him forcing her to close proximity but instead rather enjoyed it. In deep contrast to her previous nights, she was more than comfortable and felt the delightful security of his arms around her. There was no hesitation in her closing the space between them and resting her cheek against his chest, the steady rise and fall of his breathing more soothing than she had imagined. His skin smelled of warm spices and ash, a strange mix that seemed unique to the fire nation men.

"I have stolen more expensive items than cloth and jewelry." She stated as if it were nothing, and to her it truly was. Her people had stolen food and finery alike in the towns they visited and would steal the hearts of their viewers with every show. People didnt seem to mind the sudden rise and in crime rate when they visited because they brought joy and amazement to the young and old alike. They were celebrities in their own way and used their status to their advantage.

His description of what it would be like in Omashu made her nose wrinkle. He expected her to play the part of some timid woman-child while she hung off his arm like a purse. To be beautiful but silent. She had seen the women before, stoic and beautiful as they smiled solemnly at people with blank stares and met friendly conversation with as little words as possible. "So you expect you will be able to tame me enough for me to not run free throughout Omashu and to hold my tongue as well?" She laughed, a short thing that was mirthless.

"You still have so much to learn, Prince." She murmured, settling against his body slowly. She found that she was having a harder time falling asleep than she should have, her body relaxed but mind still wild. As Zuko drifted to sleep, she found herself increasingly restless, her face burying into his chest to try and get some stillness in her mind. Sleep didn't come easy for her, but it did come eventually. Her body fell lax against him though her arms clasped him with fierce tenacity, as if frightened she would wake and find him gone, though he was the one that should be sporting that worry.

By the time that the sun started to peek through the window, her legs having entwined with his some time during the night and hand still clutching the material of his sleep wear tightly
The sun finally cracked through the thin, barely useful curtains lightning the room. Zuko had been awake for at least half an hour, his fingers playing with the thick strands on hair his companions head provided, she was sleeping soundly and that put a smile on his face. In her sleep she looked so peaceful, so quiet, a stark contrast to how fierce the girl really was, as a beam of sun found its self hitting the girls eyes causing a slight natural wrinkle of her nose and scrunch of her eyes as the light irritated the sleeping beauty. His hand moved to block the interference, covering over her eyes to stop the sun beams as he shook her slightly to bring her awake as he started to move off the mat away from her. She was tenaciously gripping on that was for sure, but he did manage to make his way free from her climbing from the floor with a stretch as he moved over to her pile of clothes, looking at them.

She was to be tailored for clothing today, and she had to look the part of fire nation even for that meeting, Zuko picked up the dress she came in, the tight red dress that hugged her body tight as it didn't quite fit, the same dress he'd peeled from her mere moments before he popped her cherry. He set that on the one chair in front of the only mirror in the room and then set her pair of flat red pumps and thick black nylons she'd arrived in. It wasn't perfect, but it would make her look fire nation enough for a dress appointment. Zuko pulled a small piece of paper from his pocket, a picture, a picture of his mother her hair up in fire nation fashion, a simple bun clipped with the blade like clip that he set out on the table for her, one of his mothers more timid pieces, no large lick of fire that would brand her a queen, no just a simple row of red flame that anyone could pick up from a fire nation jewellers. "You must be up by now." He said looking over to the sleeping Mizuki.

"Come, I've laid out your clothing and I need you to spend some time getting your hair to look like this." He said setting the picture by the mirror as he moved over to his own bag to change, leaving a hairbrush there for her also as he began to route through his own belongings quietly the day still young.
The moment that Zuko started to moved away from her, she started stirring awake, at first quite slowly as she covered her face from the sun then swiftly. Her free hand grasped beside her by instinct as she tried to make some sense of her surroundings. The past few weeks hadn't quite gotten out of her brain yet, her mind still asleep as her hand searched in vain for a weapon. She came to her senses quickly enough, curling up rather than stretching.

In the morning sun, Zuko looked the part of a fire nation Prince more than ever, the bright light making his body look all the more impressive. She yawned after a moment and slowly pulled herself up to standing, arching her back and extending her legs slowly so that her muscles could get the warmth back into them. She watched Zuko set a picture up at the small vanity they had been provided, her attention drawn to the woman. She was beautiful, with long raven hair that was pulled back into a very traditional fire nation style for aristocrats. Her lips had the hint of a smile and her eyes were kind. The family resemblance was apparent in a moment's glance.

"She is beautiful." She commented quietly, taking a seat before the mirror and slowly brushing out her hair until the long locks shone in the light. "What happened to her?" The question was innocent enough, her eyes curious as she pulled her hair back slowly and brushed it into place. The style was not hard to duplicate, and it frankly suited her more than it should have. Her eyes examined her reflection, not liking how the style looked natural on her. Mizuki could see the ancient lines of fire nation that ran in her blood, an unfortunate thing in eyes.
"Yeah." he said quietly at Mizuki's aside comment as he began to dress himself, dropping the robes that he wore revealing his naked back, ass and legs to the mirror that she was staring into, not intentionally, but his positioning just happened to put him right in her line of sight. After that, undergarments slipped on, and the most surprising part a holster which went around his torso housing a small knife that he slipped into place under his arm before throwing on the red robe, his robe was a darker red than normal fire nation clothing, something kept only really for the royalty or the really really higher ups, the robe was just a simple bit of fabric dressed perfectly for him. He bound the robe with a red rope around his waist like a belt, before pulling a pair of loose slacks on under the robe which also fit him perfectly. A pair of boots followed, also red, roped up by the lighter red laces and then finally the haori like jacket, that wasn't anywhere as loose as a traditional haori, that would limit his movement, instead it hugged him some what loosely but not so much it would be an issue, this piece of clothing provided a lighter red to accompany the dark robe underneath.

Zuko's hair was too long to do anything fancy with, he just ran his fingers through it to keep it as flat as he could get it before he turned around to look at his companion, in the mirror he could see her brushing out her long black hair, the same long black hair he'd stained with semen and played with for 30 minutes while she slept, her hair was certainly one of her more defining features, and when her whole body was one glaring defining feature you knew that her hair was something. He blushed softly at her next question looking down, notable in the mirror to Mizuki before softly saying.. "I don't know" the truth, he didn't know, he had no way to tell her what happened as he himself didn't know, he looked over at the girl still sitting in her little stool, her hair now up in the bun, clip in place holding it firm as she sat still in the white gown she'd slept in, he moved over. He helped her up to her feet as he stood in front of her, his domineering figure blocking some of the sun from her, giving him almost a glow as he stood in front of her. His hands found their place firmly on her hips before he leaned down, lips connecting for a brief moment before pulling back only to connect with more passion while during the kiss his hands slipped the white gown off of her leaving her only in her bandages that covered her torso. She was pretty much naked, he wanted nothing lewd from her just a kiss and to help her dress, but it must feel terrifying being in her position, at his will almost as his hands held her hips below her bandages to get some skin contact as he held the long kiss with Mizuki looking into her eyes as he did before letting them close in the passion of deep kiss.

The kiss rang out with legitimate love, this wasn't something Zuko was faking, this girl was certainly something, Zuko hadn't charmed her into bed, she had charmed him into bed, and what happened the last time she charmed Fire Nation Royalty into bed? None of this was going through Zuko's mind, it hadn't even occurred to him that he was being played, that she didn't actually have feelings for him, that wasn't even a consideration, all he knew was passion for this woman he'd been given basically as a slave, and as he sucked her bottom lip between his lips before finally breaking the kiss he knew there was something more to his banishment, something else that he needed to do more than mindlessly chase after the dream of being let home. He parted from her after what felt like hours of passionate kissing that had only been 20 seconds at most, he turned and grabbed the black nylons, turning and handing them to her before moving away from her finally looking out of the balcony, blocking the sun itself from laying it's eyes on the naked body in his room.
Though it was voyeurism in its truest of forms, Mizuki couldn't help but watch him from the corner of her eye as she prepared her hair. His body was a thing of beauty, his muscles toned to be impressive and skin smooth enough that it was desirable to touch. Though he was by no means a model, he was by no means a weak man. His nobility had not robbed his body of the signs of a hard life. She watched him dress in silent appreciatation of the way his body moved and she couldn't suppress the small smile of watching the fabric fall so delicately across his skin.

Mizuki felt the small tug in her heart of emotion for him, something that was strong and growing stronger each minute that they were bonded to be together. She fought the urge to reach out and touch him, instead focusing on her own task. His words about his mother it her harder than she thought, her face softening a bit. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked." She couldn't imagine the pain of not knowing. It was worse than what she had ever endured. Her parents were dead, that she had been witness to, but at least she knew exactly what happened to them.

His touch on her skin was a welcome distraction, her body relaxed and unguarded for once. She could feel the vulnerability as he removed her night gown, her skin exposed to him as much as her bandages allowed. His hands roamed her sides and found her hips, holding them securely as he placed his lips against hers in a soft kiss. She melted into him rather than resisting, her body softening and pressing to him in a soft embrace. Her eyes met his with a tenderness that couldn't be explained other than affection, and for once she wasn't thinking about running.

A small kiss first. The next one was more passionate, his eyes closing slowly as he poured himself into her almost, her heart racing in her chest. Her hands slid down to his neck, trailing down his shoulders and towards his arms. Her fingers caressed him and adored him. They adored him until her fingers found the hilt of the blade hidden beneath his robes. Her pasion pulled away instantly, body springing away from him and drawing the blade in the same smooth movement. Her body had become a coiled spring, taut and powerful. Her eyes had turned from soft to confused, angry even.

"Just what is your game?" She demanded, her hand clutching the blade so tight that her knuckles were white, "What do you want from me? Ozai wants something or I would have been killed weeks ago. What kind of tactic is this? You think that you can get me to fall for you? That I'll magically start loving you and tell you all my secrets?" She spat the word love, her voice betraying her steady body to show she wasn't on the offensive. She was in full defense mode now.

"Be warned -- lie to me now and I'll cut out your tongue."
She held the blade tight, but not well, this wasn't her forte to say the least her stance was off and her grip was weak but she was serious. He looked at her for a brief moment before stepping into her weak guard, one hand grabbing onto her wrist lifting her hand up high, higher than she could normally reach before he slipped his second hand along her arm to disarm the blade from her in one smooth simple motion. While this wasn't her forte - it was his. He'd held his own against the Avatar, broke the Avatar out of a prison full of fire nation soldiers, he was The Blue Spirit, she was just a dancer from a group of ragabonds, yes her group would have some good fighters but she, she wasn't their fighter, as far as Zuko knew she was their seductress, their assassin, and she was damn good at it. He threw the blade that he'd disarmed from her across the room and it pinged into the wooden wall strong holding firmly as the weapon was now taken from her and he pulled her arms into him now, her weapon gone.

There was something different in this embrace, not the reason behind it but more the feel of it, hotter.. Much, much hotter. His breath was warm, warmer than normal and his skin was hot to the touch, he'd been ready to Firebend against her if she'd attacked but he'd gone for the physical restraint first, luckily that had work off and he didn't have to risk the flames against her, he looked down at her, a few strands of raven falling from the bun that sat atop her head and he blinked once, and gently smiled down to her before breaking the embrace. "You are my gift, and if you happen to tell me anything about your friends I have to report it." he said gently looking at her, not entirely the truth but pretty damn close to it. "So.. Don't tell me anything." he said gently looking at her, his voice was soothing, charming, he could sooth even the most savage of beasts with his voice but was it enough for her? She'd had a slight outbreak, but hopefully seeing that Zuko wasn't weak, she couldn't take him in a fight, maybe she'd realise that having him close, having him a friend, a love, was a valuable asset. After all, she was technically wanted by the fire nation, but while she was with Zuko that had a null effect, he was sure that she would rather be in his care than the care that rendered her entire torso unviewable. The care of the lover, not the rapist.

He moved across the room taking the small dagger from the wall, slipping it back under his arm before turning around to face her. "Get dressed, and please don't do that again." he said softly, but stern at the same time. He moved over to his bag, reaching down for it, slipping a bag of coins onto his person before lifting it up and turning around to watch her, he didn't want to watch her change, but if she was going to do things like this - maybe he didn't have a choice. "Please, we have a lot of things to do today, and then we will start for Omashu." he said softly looking up at her, in his mind he was begging her, begging her to think smart, he couldn't stand the thought of saying he couldn't break her and sending her back to be groped and molested by the men that had done it to her before, done what he'd seen to her breasts. The thought of them getting their hands between her legs made him sick. "Please." he said again looking at her with the caring look once more as he took a gentle breath holding a bag of his belongings waiting for her.
Mizuki had the chance to fight him, had the opportunity to strike. She had been trained to wield a knife better than this, but she wasn't stable. She didn't want to be aiming a blade at him, didn't want to have to threaten him to get answers out. And she didnt fight him. There was no resistance as he grasped her wrist and lifted her almost with ease. She didn't even go against him at the solid thunk of the blade in the wood. As he drew her near again she fell lax, the steel turning almost into a living doll. Her eyes searched his face for answers to questions she couldnt ask.

It wasn't his words that soothed her, but more so his actions. His body felt hot against her in a way she was so familiar with. She had felt a bender like this before and he hadn't been so gentle with her. Mizuki couldn't meet his eyes anymore. There was something in her that wanted so badly to give in and feel for him but she couldn't do that. Life wasn't so simple as to let her have the things she wanted. But her arms did wrap around him slowly, her face nuzzling into his neck softly as she held him steadily tighter.

She let go of him after a long moment, quiet externally but still in quite the internal turmoil. Mizuki dressed herself with a grim face before she turned back to the mirror, smoothing her hair back to the way it had been before he had ever embraced her. Her eyes moved from her reflection to his, the confusion still quite apparent on her face, though the anger now muted. She didn't have words yet to explain to him her emotions, but she at least wasn't resorting to violence again.

Mizuki took one last glance in the mirror to straighten herself before approaching him, hesitant once again but not by any means the timid girl she would have to play. Her hand reached up to his face again and gently grasped his cheek, leaning up to press her lips against his. Her heart aches and she didn't want it to. Her eyes softened and she wanted nothing more than to stay in the room with him and hide away from the world. But that wasn't feasible.

When she pulled away, she touched her cheek to his gently before letting go. "Lead the way, my love." That was as close as she was getting to admitting what was truly bothering her.
He kissed her back, her hand a stark parallel to the heat of his body at the time, as her cold hand slipped away and her lips that had once been a warmth where now the opposite to his fired up body. The heat inside of him started to dissipate and he started to return to his normal room temperature. "Right." He said softly as she said they best go, he quite heavy handedly reached over for her, pulling her into him and hooking his arm with his, his hand finding its self slipped into his pocket, the other slipped into the other pocket. "Cling to me, from here out you play the part of a timid country noble, incase we bump into anyone I wasn't expecting on the road." He said with a stern look at her, her arm was around his from were he'd forced it, but it didn't cling in desperation. He nodded his head down at it to reenforce what he's just told her to do.

He then left the room, walking casually with hands in his pocket as his, not quite blushing 'timid' love clung to his arm, he made his way down to the reception, carrying but one medium sized bag on his back that held nearly everything he needed, then placed the key from his pocket onto the reception. The woman behind the counter took the key with a slight smile and handed Zuko back a pouch - deposit. Zuko smiled to the young woman tending the reception, likely a daughter of the owner who blushed softy. Despite having a hideous scar in a prominent place on his face he still had the looks and charm about him to make innocent women blush.

After he'd picked up his deposit he lead her out of the tavern out into the warm Earth Kingdom day. The tavern he had been staying at was some what simple, it was large and held a lot of rooms and also had a small stable station next to it where a few horses sat and stood patiently. Zuko moved towards the stable with Mizuki in tow and found what he was looking for, an old man sitting on a stool in the shade a large straw hat sitting atop his head, Zuko cleared his throat and then threw the bag of deposit money towards the man. "Transport to Elendal." He said in a stern powerful voice, Elendal was the large town near where he was staying, the last stop on a journey to Omashu, he'd chosen to stay at this out of the way tavern to avoid possibly running into any nobility moving towards Omashu.

"Yes M'lord" the man said in his harsh old voice getting up and moving towards the horses "two horses m'.." Zuko cut him off, "you have a carriage, I've seen it, there is enough money there for one of your stable hands to accompany us, my wife shall not ride horseback." He said in a confident strict tone as the man blushed slightly nodding his head softly before moving off Into the back of the stable, Zuko stood tall and strong, still holding Mizuki his 'wife' close to him, protective.
Entering stage left, Mizuki the arm decoration. At least, that was the thought that ran through her head as Zuko drew her arm around him forcefully and commanded that she play her part and play it well. She didn't have the urge to be snarky with him in return for his less than desirable behavior, and frankly she didn't feel like running. Though she looked every bit the part of the timid country noble as he led her through the tavern for the last time, she was quiet but not naive.

Her eyes bore daggers into the face of the young woman whose demeanor showed her feathers ruffled by Zuko"s obvious stature. As odd as it was for her to feel, she felt the seed of envy of that girl. She dared to seem bashful about Zuko when she didn't even know him and when he was... Was what? Rather than assert her sudden possesslvieness over him, she bit back her tongue and forced herself into silence. If he noticed, he didn't say anything to her about it.

As Zuko spoke with the stable master about horses she pretended to be completely uninterested in the conversation. The hand not currently wrapped around his middle was drawing designs on his chest, as if she were too enamored in him to even realize there was anyone else in the world. She was convincing enough that the stable master didnt seem to notice her eyes flick to the horses, already envisioning riding away into the sunset on one. Zuko was smarter than that.

Mizuki didnt drop character until the man was well out of sight. The hand that had been playing on his chest moved up to strike along his neck, following the muscles to the point of her finger meeting cloth. "Your wife? What happened to just pitiful country noble?" She teased, nestling her head against him as the man started back towards them.
He stood strong still, ignoring her for a moment. "Get used to it, I'll be calling you my beautiful fiancee for the months to come." he said with a slight chuckle, "don't get too attached to the sentiment, I'm not going to be proposing to you." he said with a slight smirk. A sly attempt to make her blush, he didn't bother to look as the stable manager came back around and bowed his head respectably. "My boy is waiting around the back fer ya." he said in his thick slightly hard to understand Earth Kingdom peasant accent. Zuko nodded in response, understanding most of what he said before guiding Mizuki around the stable to the back where a modest carriage sat, a young man hooking a horse up to the front of it, Zuko approached.

Zuko pulled himself towards the carriage moving past the young man, no older than sixteen, and opened the wooden door for Mizuki, he held out a hand offering her it to balance herself as she guided her self into the carriage and found a seat inside, the carriage was fairly small, built for two - at a push. Zuko closed the door on this side of the carriage leaving Mizuki inside it as he turned to the young boy. "Keep your ears closed on any conversation myself and my wife will be having and focus on getting us to Elendal in good time. Do so and you will be, fairly handsomely tipped." he said, his voice slightly muffled to Mizuki from the thick wood of the handmade carriage but not too thick that she couldn't hear him, if she was listening. Zuko moved around the front of the carriage, stopping a moment to inspect the horse, a strong beast but nothing of notable breed, just something the stable could get their hands on.

Zuko arrived on the other side of the cabin, looking at Mizuki through the small window on this side that had a curtain not closed hanging above the small gap, he moved passed to the back of the carriage opening the wooden chest on the back and slipping his back inside, keeping his pouch on his person before closing the chest, locking the lock there and taking the key that was left for him. He moved back around and opened the door climbing inside.

The carriage was, cozy, to say the least. It was a 2 hour ride by carriage to Elendal and Mizuki would spend most of it with no choice but to be cuddled up to him, even if she didn't want it. He reached across her making sure the curtains on her side which had already been closed where closed nicely and then closing the curtains on his side before finally sliding the wooden slit that let the passengers talk to the driver close in front of him. Then, his hand found a place on her thigh as she was brought in close to him, his eyes closing. She'd only recently pulled a knife on him - his own knife mind you, yet he was still confident enough to close his eyes around her, he didn't think she was going to do anything stupid, attacking him, stab him, anything like that. His hand on her thigh squeezed and kneaded softly, he'd found himself the only gap in the dress on her right leg which showed of an interesting amount of thigh - too much for a noble, none of her new clothes would have that, however what it did provided was a great area for Zuko to, for lack of better words, grope as he cuddled up with her, noise of the stable boy still outside as he continued to prepare.
Though she was supposed to be playing the part of the loving and adoring wife (or apparently fiancee, in the future), Mizuki couldn't help but scoff at his statement. The way he acted was as if women had been clamoring for a position as his wife for quite some time now. She couldn't imagine what sort of sick, depraved, lonely girl must -- ah, yes. Girls like the barmaid, which had stared at him as if sunlight shone from his rear end and treated him as if he were a king instead of an exiled prince. If the wench was dumb enough not to be able to see through all of Zuko's facades of being anything more than just a boy that had been given too much power far too soon.

"What makes you think that I want you to?" She quipped back at him once she'd had an ample time to muse over the thoughts of the other girl, though for some reason she did feel a bit of a twinge of jealousy in her chest over the girl, just a bit of dislike from the fact that they had such different paths. If she wanted to, that girl could quite easily walk away from her profession and begin a new life as a wife to whomever she chose. Mizuki on the other hand was bound by duty to stay with her group. They were the only family she had come to know and she couldn't bear the thought of leaving them behind, even if it meant bettering her own life. "If I wanted to wed, I would already be married... To someone far more suitable for me."

And that, surprisingly enough, was not a lie or an attempt to seem better than she was. She had been offered the opportunity to have a wedding arranged for her with a man that by all means on paper sounded like he would be the perfect match - a dancer that was from the water nation and was well skilled in the arts of deception as she was. He was also notably known for a position against Ozai and his outspoken thoughts against the Fire Nation. But Mizuki hadn't wanted him.

Zuko, on the other hand...

No. That thought was strictly forbidden. As the stable master returned to them to instruct that their transport was ready for them, Mizuki fell silent once again to play the part of timid girl. But her mind was still quite at the work on the odd situation that she found herself in. While she couldn't deny that she felt something for Zuko, she also couldn't accept that she felt anything in the realm of wanting to marry him. He was a handsome man, yes, and physically they went quite well together... But on the moral side of things she was still quite at war with herself. She permitted him to lead her into the carriage and was deathly quiet as he spoke with the servant further.

He specifically requested privacy, though she couldn't catch all of what he'd said to the man. Privacy, hm? That idea was nice, though they were still quite in an open place. The carriage was cozy to say the very least of the situation, and with Zuko inside it as well, it was almost... No, it wasn't cozy anymore. It was cramped. His hand rested itself casually on her thigh, grasping her slowly as the servant continued to work outside. For a minute, she let the silence remain around them.

But silence and tranquility weren't exactly her forte. "You know," She slid her arm around his neck, stretching her arms out slowly, "we have quite some time to kill." There was a bit of a smirk on her face as she let her dress slide up her thighs quite a bit, the material bunching up enough to give her added mobility to permit her to swing her thigh over him, straddling his lap gently. "What was it that you wanted us to discuss so privately?" She purred the last word, hardly over a whisper as her lips caressed against his ear.
His eyes where still closed as she jumped into action, she was agile and soft in her movements, he barely noticed her start to straddle. Then she spoke and he responded. "Nothing in particular I just wanted him to keep his..." He opened his eyes to look at her being greeted by a spectacular twin mounds hiding under her dress and bandages nearly pressed against his face. "Oh." He said softly, he was intrigued and surprised, she'd pulled herself over him like this with him barely noticing.

The noise outside began to come to a hush and the boy could be heard climbing onto the front of the carriage the wood boards creaking a bit as he did and then he began to ride on the rough road, the carriage bouncing slightly as he began his ride, a ride that Mizuki seemed to be participating in too as the bouncing of the carriage met her to bounce in his lap. He leaned up and bit her earlobe coming to like the idea she had proposed and he whispered into it softly, "I thought you'd disturb our room mates yesterday with the noises you made, you think you can keep quiet enough to not perk the ears of a boy.." One of his hands lent out and touched the wood under where the boy sat "no more than 3 foot away?" He said with a deep smirk as that same hand came back down.

The dress had done most of the work of revealing her lower region clad in pantyhose as she'd straddled him but Zuko'd egged it on getting to the point where he could see the waistline of the pantyhose, both hands sliding down the back, one hand squeezing firmly on her right cheek the other hand sliding further finding a clitoris and beginning to run and knead. He whispered again, "best get that hand covering your mouth before he notices" he said softly increasing the pace of the rubbing against her clitoris with a playful smirk, fucking this girl in a moving carriage, how interesting. His teeth sunk into her neck to intensify what he was doing to her...
Mizuki went from having barely half of his attention to all of it, his view a lovely one of breasts and a sexually charged woman on top of him. Even as the noises outside started to die down, the challenge in her face did not. The carriage boy would be paid well to keep his quiet on what went in inside of the cabin, so why not make it worth the coin he was going to be spending? "You're paying him to be selectively deaf," She murmured, "You don't have enough gold or power to keep me quiet if I don't wish it... After all, isn't it a sign of your prowess to be desired so greatly by your wife that she can't even keep her hands off of you in public?"

And that was true, because while her lips were moving her hands were even more mobile. They had moved to stroke his chest and down to his hips, sliding in between his thighs and massaging gently before moving back up to slowly grasp and stroke him through his robes. Her skin tingled as he slid the pantyhose away from Her, the air pleasant against her but not more pleasant than the slowly teasing finger working her clit.

She was able to keep quiet up until the point of his teeth making harsh contact with her skin, her entire body tensing up as she let out a soft noise of surprise. Her teeth bit down on her lower lip tenderly as her hand slid inside of his robe, pushing tragic aside until she found his length, fingers wrapping around him slowly. "I must not be the only one thinking perverse thoughts, dear husband." She commented, a tease in her voice. Her thumb brushed over his head in slow circles as she started to stroke his cock, her tongue licking her lips slowly.
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