Avatar [ Bear & Sugo ]

He felt her slip away, but didn't stir. He would only move should he hear the creak of a window, or the pull of a door handle that indicated an attempt at an escape. He kept his eyes closed, even though the sun light that cracked over his face and his torso on the bed where she had, rather rudely, pulled some of the bed covers off of him. He gave it five minutes until he was satisfied that she had shown she could be trusted. She'd gotten up before him and he hadn't heard any sign of an attempted escape. Then, hoping her eyes where on him he ran his hand over his pectoral as if looking for her, before sitting up sharply and looking around the room until he saw her. She wasn't looking at him directly at the time, but she was looking into a mirror, brushing her lower back length raven hair.

His eyes wandered, over the silk of the nightwear she wore and down to her bear legs that sat looking ever so enticing. He cracked his neck slightly before laying flat down on his back on the bed again closing his eyes softly. "Mizuki." he said, if she hadn't seen him she certainly would hear him. "Come get back in bed, we don't have to be up until the seamstress gets here." Not true, they could do with being up before then, get something to eat and prepare for whatever his idiot sister had planned. However, he wasn't able to enjoy the cuddling while he slept, so he wanted some time in bed with her in the morning, if the twos flirtatious moods clashed and it lead to something more than cuddling, well, well that was a bonus.
Zuko's sudden movement had certainly caught her eye when he sat up in bed, searching the room for her. She couldn't suppress the smirk on her face, knowing that he still suspected her if running despite the fact she had proclaimed her feelings for him just the night before. "Well good morning, lover boy." She purred the words to him, setting the brush back down onto the vanity's top.

He wasn't interested much in waking, as he flopped back down and asked her to join him again. "I'm restless." She shrugged, tugging her hair into place so that it framed her slim body. "I'm more used to movement." Her smirk had turned to mischief, a devilish spark in her eyes as she slid from her seat, her movements deliberate and graceful.

"I think maybe I should show you why I need clothing made to dance. You fire benders don't appreciate the beauty of it unless shown." Even without a best, her hips knew a rhythm, and the night gown was close enough to her dance outfit material that it clung to her as she wanted it to. Her hips moved almost like they had been detached, her stomach taut and thighs full of power.

Her body moved to the bed slowly, easing down to it onto her knees. She tossed her hair, the rhythm traveling up from her hips and into her chest, her eyes not breaking contact with his.
Zuko opened his eyes as he heard her moving slowly towards her interested in what she was doing. As she moved towards him he rested his head back towards the comfortable pillows looking at her slightly but not giving her his full attention, partially to frustrate her, partial as he was still technically half asleep. When he felt her kneel down onto the bed and start crawling towards him, he pounched. One hand down to her hip the other on her waist as he pulled her down onto the bed.

He lay on his side, with her in front of him naturally forced onto her side as he pulled the covers over them to keep them warm. He looked into her eyes with a slight smirk as he ran his feet over her bare legs, his feet where also bare. He looked up to her hair combing a few strands of black behind her ear. Then he kissed her, sucking her bottom lip between his lip softly as he started to pull her into a passionate intimate kiss. He rolled over with her, forcing her up to straddle him as he closed his eyes rubbings her bare thighs while they kissed.

Then someone knocked on the bedroom door. Zuko broke the kiss with Mizuki immediately looking over towards the door, then towards her. At the door? That's odd, surely whoever was coming to see him would be at the front door not his bedroom door. He nimbly navigated out from underneath Mizuki leaving her in the bed. "You're asleep." he whispered to her tucking her into the bed and flipping the covers to make it look like he'd just gotten out of it. He then moved to the door, and after looking back to make sure she was behaving he opened the door.

Standing outside the door was the seamstress, dragging a huge wicker basket. Zuko raised an eyebrow. He chuckled softly, "It's for you, Mizuki." he said moving from the door to let the woman in as she dragged the basket full of red clothing into the bedroom, everything one could imagine. The woman had bags under her eyes and her hair was a mess, she'd clearly been working all night, she must have been if she got a basket full of clothes to fit Mizuki in fire nation fashion. "Come have a look." he said over to Mizuki as the woman nodded excited.
Zuko was far different from any other man she had ever been around by far -- the life that Mizuki had led up until now had taught her that there was nothing that couldn’t be accomplished with the proper sway of her hips and bat of her eyelashes, nothing that she couldn’t do if she could only learn the proper way to move and smile softly. He didn’t seem to be swayed by her as most men were, but perhaps he wasn’t as fickle as ‘most men,’ which seemed to be the case.

Instead of him being sucked towards her by allure, he was a predator that took her in as his prey, capturing her with ease and dragging her down onto the bed with him into the position he wanted. The warmth of his body mixing with the soft touch of his hands was enough that she could feel any struggle she may have put up against him taking the initiative dying down with the feel of his lips against her own. She let the worry that crept up in her stomach crumble until she felt normal again and let her body just react to him, enjoying the moment and the way his skin felt against her own.

It would have been a great moment, perfect really, if there hadn’t been a knock at the door that made her heart clench and thighs squeeze him in a moment of fear. She hadn’t yet gotten used to the fact that she was safe in ‘enemy’ territory, though she knew that Zuko wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Her heart was still going back to a normal rhythm when he tucked her in to keep up appearances, her arms moving so that her cheek lay on her cradled hands. She let her breathing slow and closed her eyes, leaving just a crack where she could dimly see through her lashes.

The visitor was none other than the seamstress, Mizuki lifting herself slowly from the bed as he beckoned her. “For me?” Even with knowing who it was, she was mildly skeptical, her brows lifting as she approached, pulling the pieces of clothing out slowly. It was a wardrobe that was truly luxurious and made for a young woman of status. For the most part, the material was silk-based and flowed easily over her hands, the deep crimson in contrast with highlights of gold and occasionally orange.

The outfits ranged from the most modest - a lovely dress that would hug from her slender neck and go to her ankles - to a skimpier outfit that was surely made for nighttime wear. “They’re lovely,” She murmured, though none of the outfits were anything she would have bought for herself. They covered too much and were made for women that were… Of better breeding than she could have ever dreamed of coming from.

Mizuki took the basket from the woman with a small smile, setting it down out of the way. She made herself busy in sorting the outfits until the woman had left, staying quiet for just a few moments afterwards. There was a question burning at her, desperate and dying to be asked.

“Zuko… What do you expect to happen? In the future, I mean? What do you expect of me?” Her fingers were rubbing a bit of silk between them, enjoying the soft vibrations of the material and the way it seemed to danced almost like fire.
Zuko moved from the door and back over to the bed as Mizuki moved over to the woman and took the basket from her. Zuko sat first, before flicking his legs up onto the bed and laying flat on his back once more. He didn't seem to give Mizuki much attention at the moment, he just allowed her to go on as she pleased. He heard her thank the seamstress who bowed happily and exclaimed how she was happy that Mizuki was happy and then the seamstress left, leaving Mizuki with a basket of tailor made clothes. He tilted his head and finally looked at her. She was fingering some silk as she looked down at the folds upon folds of varying red clothing. Hot colours and warm colours, even some that where soft on the eye despite behind the fiery red that the Fire Nation preferred.

"Mmm?" Zuko responded when she said his name, she took a slight pause in her sentence so he felt it appropriate. Then she asked a question and he stood up from the bed and moved towards her, sitting down on the cold wood floor next to her the basket of red clothes sitting at the same height as him when he sat down. He moved his hands to hers, his large powerful hands dwarfing her small delicate ones and took the fabric from her moving it back up into the basket and slipping one arm smoothly around her waist pulling her into him and resting a hand on her thigh before kissing her gently. "I expect..." he said parting the kiss for a moment but stopping himself from talking only to go back in for more, sucking her bottom lip and grinning softly, the burn on his face cracking with the wrinkles it held as he smiled before finally parting the kiss again. "I expect you to be a good Fire Nation fiance and look pretty and regal. On top of that I expect you to not talk to anyone Fire Nation without being spoken to and without thinking it through. If I'm there with you, let me do the talking." He mused her raven hair behind her ears and kissed the tip of her nose. "Ever having to introduce you to my father would be awkward." he said with a chuckle before standing up his crotch at her head height before he bent down and aided her to her feet.

"Pick out a dress that flows, you need to look regal not voluptuous. Don't let anything peak out." he said as his hands wandered over her body like he owned it. He leaned in and kissed her lips again. "and do your hair like I showed you, I'm going to go wash up." he said in a caring tone before turning from her and leaving her to dress as he moved to the wash room. "I have a sibling to meet with."

[size=-2]Though Mizuki felt a small comfort in his physical touch and the feel of his lips against her own, there was still the question that needed to be answered. He did answer it, but not quite in a way that answered what she had quite meant. Yes, she did want to know what he expected of her when they went out into public, since she wasn’t exactly a royal-raised maiden with all of the training that the fire nation could offer her… But she had meant after all of the posing and faking was finished and their act had been ‘established’. After all, he was introducing her as his fiance to all of the fire nation nobles in the area - what would they think if his fiance were to be seen months down the road dancing for the entertainment of the highest bidder?

Mizuki didn’t push the subject just yet, knowing that there was little time. They did still have a meeting with the ever-fearsome Azula later in the morning, after all. She wouldn’t wait for them should they be late. Azula would come looking for the ‘happy couple’ and start a line of questioning that neither Zuko or Mizuki would be ready for at this time. “I’m sure that your father would recognize the person that tried to put a knife through his ribs.” She commented, smirking at what was a fond memory for her. Yes, that had been a failure that day, but she had been closer than anyone else had ever been. She’d enjoyed the feeling of the blade in her hand, his skin so warm on just the other side of it. If she’d had just a few seconds longer she would have felt his blood on her body and have ensured that future generations were safe from his tyranny.

She let that memory play over and over in her mind as Zuko moved on to clean himself, leaving her to select an outfit that was fit for her to wear to such an event as meeting the fire nation princess. She selected an outfit that had several parts - a lighter red bodice that was secured in place at the waist by a heavy gold sash that hung down to her ankles with a deeper crimson piece that hung over her shoulders and flowed loosely, small golden arm bands holding the piece up. It was lovely, her pale skin standing out in stark comparison to such dark colors.

The last touch was the traditional fire nation clip that secured her bun in place on her head, her reflection showing a person that she barely recognized. Though she had never truly ‘belonged’ to a nation that she could ever remember, she looked the part of the fire nation noble as much as any other person that had been raised there. It was shocking how just a change of clothes could make her look like a completely different person, though her eyes would always be a giveaway that she was never a true member of the fire nation. Now that she had done all that he needed, she stood in the doorway to the wash room, “When I asked about the future,” She wasn’t able to look at him directly, her arms crossing over her chest and eyes locked on her feet as she leaned on the door frame, “I meant after we leave here. What do you expect? You’re introducing me as your fiance… I’m just a dancer… A dancer that was one step away from being a concubine, no less.”[/size]

There was no answer for a period of time from the room Zuko was bathing in. After a couple of minutes the door pulled open and Zuko walked out drying his body with the fluffy red towel as he ran it through his hair and over his body as everything hung loose and open, he was fairly comfortable around her now. They'd had more than a couple intimate interactions and spent the past few weeks together, everything in their relationship was starting to feel a little bit more natural - for Zuko at least.

He began to tie the towel around his waist as he looked at her in her dress and then ran his fingers over her pale forearms and up over the bandages and then touched her cheek for a moment. "You told me you loved me right?" he asked, rather rhetorically but he asked it anyway, he then lent in, making a purpose of not touching his body against hers as he was fresh from washing and she was full dressed, and kissed her. "Trust me then. I know what I'm doing." He said looking into her eyes and kissing her a second time before moving his hand from her face to her body. His fingers pushed gently around her chest and ribs, pushing at her skin that was bandaged underneath what she was wearing. He pushed one hand against her breast lightly almost like he was kneading the skin. "Is it feeling any better?" he asked moving away from her as he finished of drying him self and reached for some clothing from his bag.
There was no answer at first, then she saw him coming from the room and toweling himself slowly, her eyes looking over his still damp body. He didn’t say anything until he was there with her, his hand touching her arm then up to her cheek. He didn’t answer her question the way she had hoped, but he was making it quite clear that he didn’t want her to keep pressing him for answer. “I don’t understand… But I’ll trust you.” It was a difficult thing for her to do, to trust someone the way she had to trust him, but it was something she was having to learn to do. He was leading them down a road she was completely new to and she was having to learn a lot of things she never would have thought of.

Mizuki didn’t deny his kisses for him not answering her questions, instead her kisses becoming slightly more passionate as if to distract herself from the situation. “It’s healing very well,” She stated, letting him gently knead her skin that had become considerably less tender. Before she had bandaged herself again, she had noticed that her bruising was turning from the deep purple that it had been and moved towards a paler yellow. The worst of it was still visible but the vast majority was starting to heal and fade into her own skin tone. The worst injury was still sore, but a burn would heal slower than the blunt force she’d endured.

“What should I expect from your sister? She seems like a real peach.”
Zuko smiled as she explained that it was healing and he nodded gently as he gave one last grope of her body before kissing her forehead and moving away from her. "Good." He whispered gently with a caring smile on his face that she couldn't see as he moved over to the luggage that had been left on the bedroom floor from the night before.

Zuko pulled out a few garments that Mizuki hadn't seen before, clearly some for of nobleman's garbs, crimson red, of course. He dropped his towel from around his waist and used it to wipe up any remaining beads of water from his body before throwing the wet towel into a wash basket in the corner of the room, he then began to dress him self, sitting on the bed and pulling on undergarments, before pulling on his clothing. Dark crimson trousers over his legs followed by a paler shirt that looked more like a vest than a shirt. A robe top that went down to his lower thigh was clearly the main article of clothing, it was the same dark crimson as the trousers and had a gold trim around the seams, he buttoned up the collar and looked toward her and chuckled. "Don't expect anything, that's how you get caught in whatever she's planning with this meeting. Zuko stood pulling on a pair of boots which also held a gold trim around them leaving him in garments of a dark crimson with a gold trim.

He then moved toward Mizuki, walking past her to the Vanity that Mizuki inevitably probably dressed herself at and picking up a brush that he ran through his medium length hair. "Your name is fine, Mizuki sounds fire nation." he said starting to brief her, he finished brushing his hair rather quickly and turned to face her. He moved towards his lover and touched her cheek looking down at her. "You're pale, so you're from the south. You've lived in the colony for most of your life though so you don't know a lot about home politics." He rose his eyebrows to make sure she was getting everything. "Your fathers name is Solomon, your mother's name is irrelevant. If she asks don't answer her I'll change the topic." He brushed some of her raven hair behind her ears for a moment looking at her as if he was testing her appearance before he finally pulled it back from behind her ears either side leaving her with a long strand of hair flowing down the side of her face. "Your father made his money as a Merchant, that's all you know about it he never shared details."

Zuko smiled for a moment looking at how beautiful Mizuki looked and leaned down to give her a kiss. "We're not engaged, however act nervous if she asks, she'll probably enjoy that." Zuko took hold of Mizuki's hand and starting guiding it to his arm. "Shall we?"
Mizuki enjoyed watching him as he went through the mundane task of dressing himself, the clothing fitting him much better than it ever would her. It was in clothing like this that you could truly see the nobility in his face and his stance, his silken robes fitting him so much better than anything else she had seen him in. Even with the scar on his face, he was still a handsome man and one so worthy of becoming the FIre Lord. He was nobility more than he showed when in common clothing, and the look fit him well.

She was quiet and appraising of him as he told her what her life ‘story’ would be should his sister asked, and it was a well thought out one. A girl from the Southern provinces, daughter of a busy but successful merchant with a mother that was a wallflower - it seemed easy enough for her to remember. She had done acting before in her services to the band of ragtag circus type people she had been with, but it had never been anything to this extent. It was going to be interesting.

But even more than she thought about the short term of hte path, she was thinking of the long term - if they could fool his sister, then what of the rest of the nobility? Would they feel the same about the story when she mysteriously showed up and had no records of the history they claimed? Her group had toured all across the nations and had been through more fire nation cities than not, surely one of the men would recognize her from her shows eventually and the lies would come to a crashing halt.

The thoughts were spinning in her head as Zuko broke her thoughts with a soft kiss, her mind coming back to the present instead of taking a trip into what she thought to be the future. Her hand grabbed his arm gently, holding him back instead of letting him guide her away, “Zuko,” She loosened her grip a bit, “You could join me. Join my group, I mean.” She said, “We could run away from the fire nation entirely. We could start a life together and never have to worry about this place again.”

She moved her hand from his arm to his cheek, stroking it and letting her thumb move down his jaw, “We wouldn’t have to worry about anything. It could be just you and me.”
Zuko turned his face slightly as she reached up to touch his face and stroke it. She moved her hand over the contours of his face gently and caringly. He'd noticed something in Mizuki, at first their sex felt like something that was frustration from the both of them. Zuko had been alone for so long so a female companion was most welcome. Mizuki he was unsure. It seemed a little bit like Mizuki was trying to use her body and her ability to seduce him into laying with her as an escape mechanism, there was no point when Zuko would be weaker than when he was asleep after having sex with a woman. However she'd never left, always stayed. She'd fallen in love with him, and he'd fallen in love with her. So much so that she was asking him to run away with her, the Prince of the Fire Nation, Son of the Fire Lord, a young man born into so many responsibilities that he didn't even want to have but he had to deal with.

Zuko's hand lifted slowly, grabbing her hand from his face and squeezing it lightly, however his light wasn't soft. It caused a little bit of pain to the woman as he fingers squeezed together under his grip but not too much. He then turned his head further away and lowered her hand. "I can't." he said gently not even having the guts to look her in the eye as he said it. "I didn't choose to be a Prince, I'd be happy without responsibility. But I have it, and I can't change that." He gently and slowly let go of her hand letting it fall back down to her side as she stood, the woman he loved, dressed from head to toe in the clothing of the nation of her enemy, because he'd told her to do it. It was becoming clearer and clearer to Zuko that this woman had truly fallen in love with him. His love for her didn't feel as deep as her love was appearing to be. She'd been a close companion in the past few weeks and she'd barely left his side.

He turned to face her.

He leaned in and placed his lips against hers for half a second, there was the soft sound of their lips parting that echo'd throughout the room for just a moment before her kissed her again, his tongue slipping against her lips and parting them open to allow him to run his tongue along the smoothness of her pearly whites. His tongue retracted after a lick of her teeth and his hands found themselves on both of her hips, holding her as he kissed her. Regardless of if she wanted the kiss or not, whether she kissed him back with as much love as he showed he was kissing her for real, kissing her to the point where she knew that he was serious about what he was saying. The time he'd said he loved her. The time he said he wanted her to stay with him. Everything. Almost a minute passed of their lip lock, and Zuko's eyes closed as he slowly parted his lips from the young woman, the sound once against echoing. "Please.." he whispered gently his forehead pressing against hers his eyes both closed as he layered kisses on her jaw, neck and collar bone. "Just... Trust me okay?" he said opening his eyes and looking into hers.

This was the first time Zuko had kissed her like that, he'd kissed her several times before over their time together, but never, not once had he kissed her with the firey passion that a bender of his nature should have. "I love you Mizuki. So Trust me." he said in a soft whisper..
He couldn’t even look her in the eyes when he told her eh couldn’t, but there was part of her now that was questioning his words. Was it that he couldn’t or that he wouldn’t? He was every bit as trapped as she was, because while she had been bound to the fire nation in a quite literal sense, he was bound in a metaphorical sense. There was a sense of responsibility that hung so heavy on him that he couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to break the chains. He was so worried about what would happen and what could happen that he didn’t think of what he could do. He had every opportunity to break away, but he wasn’t able to see it. He was blind, so much so that she knew he didn’t see the life that she did.

He couldn’t even see that Mizuki, while a woman that had fallen in love with him, was every bit a slave to the destiny that she had been given. She had been given a role that she was to play and she wouldn’t be able to break from the role that had consumed her. Loving him had never been a part of the plan, and it was going to make things infinitely more difficult when it came time to attempt to kill his father once again.

“I can’t change who I am anymore than you,” She murmured, and though she knew that it would drive herself wild, she didn’t continue to push him so that she could possibly get her way. Both of them were strong creatures and both of them were as stubborn as mules so it would get her nowhere. There was no further chance for her to push the subject, her mouth silenced by his kisses. By the time they were done she didn’t have the will to protest, didn’t have the words left in her mind with which to keep up the fight.

She relaxed into his touch and let out a soft sigh, because she knew that even if the words were there that there was no point. “I trust you.” She whispered, touching his cheek again, cupping it and pulling him close as she pressed her lips against him again. “I love you.” That she whispered even lower, like a secret to be cherished between the two of them. “I swear it.”
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