Mind and Soul(Avengers) FoxWriter/TamaRose

"It's alright, kitten. Come for us. We want to taste your hot seed in our mouths." Ciel knew that he was trying to hold off but what he also knew is that Loki had a lot more stamina then what he thought he did. Even if he came and came hard, he knew that his body would be ready again within a matter of minutes if not seconds. So, the brothers basically ignored his pleas to stop and continued on, Ciel putting part of the shaft in his mouth while Cai took the tip in his and began sucking it for all it was worth.


"Well, at least the three of us know, due to Tony's AI, that the feather's are indeed no where in any system in the world. So, doing so again back at SHIELD would be pointless. Although,you know Fury. He will want to check, double check, and triple check just to get anything he can out of the feathers. The most I would like is to do is take all of them and make me the softest bed possible. I have never felt anything so soft or exquisite in my life.

Anyway, these beings, angels, or whatever they are, are not from around here. Mr. Stark...do you think Mr. Odinson would know anything about Loki being gone or about what these other things could be? He may be of great help if we can speak to him. Do you think he will talk to SHIELD?"
as soon as they spoke Loki was done for, the hot mouths on his cock was only an added bonus as he was shuddering and jerking in their arms crying out and moaning, shuddering and trembling, trapped between then and unable to do little more than spasm and cry out in ecstatic pleasure as he released, his orgasm so intense it made spots flash before his eyes. it took him several long moments once he was done to come back to himself, he hadn't passed out but he had been flung so high that for a moment all he knew where clouds and giddiness. "i D-Didn't know S-Sex could F-Feel like that." Loki gasped, chest heaving as he struggled to regain at least some contro of his limbs, though he doubted the brothers where going to give him a chance.


"I'd be careful about making a bed... there are unknown chemical compounds in the feather. likely pheramonal in nature." Tony admitted. "though it could be a byproduct, not unlike Lanolin in sheep wool." he admitted. "i'll need to run a few tests but it's more Brucie Bears field than mine. i'll be taking a few of these feathers but you can have the rest and anything else found. i'm not all that interested in what they are." Tony admitted, his eyes scanning the area. "i'm much more curious about how they do what they do." he admitted. and since Shield was likely to call Bruce in on this anyway, being as he was the premier expert on such thins, there was no harm in letting Tony give Bruce a few head starts. as for Thor..." here Tony hesitated.

"i think something went wrong. Thor hasn't spoken to us in a while. not since we asked him about Loki. we wanted to know how he was being punished.... from... what we understood it was a very brutal one. one that humans, not even Hitler or red skull might force someone to go through. from what i've read up on Norse mythology, even if only half of it is true? i'm kind of disgusted that we turned Loki back over to them. Loki was a monster sure. but he didn't rape out kids in front of us and use one to slaughter another and then tie him down using the slaughtered kids intestines." he admitted. "dunno if it's true, but either way i'm reluctant to ask Thor for help on this one." Tony admitted, looking at Phil who nodded. they'd leave Thor out of it... for now. "If we keep running into dead ends, by all means, ask him... whether or not he'll answer...." here Tony shrugged helplessly. "He's been behaving oddly so..." another shrug followed and Phil sighed.
Before Loki could even get his bearings, Cai was already moving his brother onto his back and motioning for Loki to get on top of his brother while he placed himself behind Loki. He hoped that their new lover was able to keep up because they were all going to get a chance at taking at one another before the morning light shone through their little slice of heaven. "Spread wide for our kitten Ciel. He is going to give you a nice present while I help take care of him from behind.

Is that alright kitten? You think you can handle taking Ciel while I take you. I don't want to overwhelm you right away. Although, I do have to admit that I like the sight of your pale flesh nice and pink when your all excited."

Cai, gave Loki a small nip on the neck as he wrapped his arms around Loki's waist. God, he couldn't believe at how beautiful the man was. No, he was nothing like his brother but they were both so beautiful and perfect in their own ways. He couldn't help but imagine, having them both as his lovers for years to come.

Ciel, who was wanting to have something thick and hard shoved in him, couldn't help but greedily reach for Loki as his brother pushed him onto his back. He wanted his kitten inside of him so bad that his cock ached at the very thought. Stroking, his 9 inch cock as he waited for everyone to get in place, he moaned a low moan as he gently bucked his hips forward, unable to barely contain himself. "Please, take me. I need to feel your rod buried deep inside my ass."


"You mean that the feathers are...you can't be serious. Feathers! Really? That's...that's disgusting. I didn't even think that was possible. Oh, well I guess I will hold off on that mattress then.

As for Mr. Odinson, I find that very strange. He always loved being with you and the other Avengers. I can't believe he would quit talking to you over Loki. After all it was Loki's fault at what happened. He can't be mad at you and the Avengers for sending him back when he destroyed most of New York and killed thousands of innocent people.

I also wouldn't feel guilty for Loki either Stark. He got what he deserved...and I am sure once we find him, Fury will either put him in a glass cage himself or he will be sent back to his father where he can be properly taken care of.

I have to go now and get everything back to Fury. I will see you back at the headquarters, Phil. Stark...until we meet again."

Leaving, both men to themselves, Maria went back to the field and gathered up her agents and evidence and headed back to base.
Loki was panting still as he slid on top of Ciel. too plaint and hazy to be anything but obedient. eagerly awaiting whatever they wanted to give him. "Yes. yes. want it." Loki agreed, not exactly sure what he was being asked but more than willing to accept it. he hesitated though, staring at Ciel's entrance and looked up at them. "he doesn't... preparation?" he asked, looking nervous about hurting the other. he himself needed no preparation. that was the joys of being a shapeshifter. his body molded itself to whatever was being pressed inside of him. he was already slick down there, naturally self lubricating. Loki mewled as he was gripped and hugged and held, trembling from the sensation because that too, he had never before allowed. because hugging, cuddling, holding; those where for lovers and Loki had no lovers... not until now. He was drowning in the sensations, arching into them, his hands stroking all over Ciel's body, feeling the angel underneath him. "okay." Loki gasped, trusting them to know what they wanted gripping his cock to steady it, h pressed against the tight, warm entrance with shuddering moans, and began to work his way inside.


"what the hell's so disgusting about it!?" Tony demanded of her, suddenly looking rather irate. "just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean it's disgusting, don't be so bigoted." Tony snapped at her. "thousands of animals here on earth use pheromones and musk to attract mates. for fucks sake we humans do it ourselves. or did you just think you liked the way Thor smelled because he smelled good? of course not. don't be a bitch..."

"Tony.." Phil said, sounding both annoyed an amused. something that Phil was very good at.

"she started it." Tony growled, glaring at her. "as for Loki, there has recently been some evidence of mind tapering n Loki's behavioral patters." Tony informed them both. "I Don't think Loki was fully in control of himself during that time. i think he was struggling for control, that's why he made such a huge spectacle about it. why he made it personal. i mean come on. Loki was fifty steps ahead of us the whole time right? he's damn smart, smarter than me and Cap that's for damn sure. so why make it a spectacle? why bring our attention when it would have been easier to simply disappear? grab the scientists he needed from places they wouldn't be missed and open the portal when no one would b ready? for gods sakes, Selvig admitted he was instructed to place the fail safe around the machine. does that sound like an insane megalomaniac bent on world domination? no, that sounds like a man doing what he has to, but taking every step to make sure he fails." Tony admitted, staring at MAria.

"so... he got what he eserved..." Tony mused. "i suppose you think i got what i deserved too then? when they held my head under water until i choked on it, and clawed the back of my own head bloody fighting. did i deserve that for building weapons, Agent Hill? do you think Loki deserved to watch two of his children die, gutted like animals, those guts used to tie him to a rock while acid poured onto his face for years? is that the kind of torture you condone Agent Hill?!"

"Tony that's enough!" Phil snarled, setting a hand on Tony's face, cradling the cheek. "come on Tony. snap out of it." Phil ordered, Tony swallowing thickly.

"Sorry... i'm, okay now... sorry."
As soon as Loki began entering Ciel, he began whimpering and moaning as he felt himself being stretched by Loki's thick cock. This would be the first time he would be taken by a man other then his brother...and as much as he loved his brother and having him buried deep within his core he had to admit the difference in length and thickness of Loki's manhood was making things quite hot and exciting.

Wrapping, his legs gently around Loki's hips while placing his arms around his neck, he pulled the man further into him, allowing his own self made slickness help glide the young man's meat into his tight and contracting hole. When he knew that his new pet was firmly inside of him, he glanced over to his brother giving him the signal that it was time to finally join them before going any further.

Cai, who let out a small moan of pleasure as he saw his brother and Loki connected together, quickly hurried and finished slicking his cock with his own cum before sliding up behind Loki and slowly pushing the tip of his head inside of Loki's ass. Moaning, at the tight ring that was putting pressure on his cock as he slowly pushed his way into his canal, he griped hold of his lover's hips, trying his best not to sing praises to the Queen of Heven as he moaned at the tightness that was engulfing him. "Ohhh, kitten. You feel so good. Tell, me does it feel good being inside Ciel while I'm fucking you from behind? Why don't you start rocking your hips first and then I will follow that way we are all thrusting as one? I'm sure if we do it right we will all reach bliss together."


She couldn't believe how worked up Tony got over Loki. The last she knew, he and the rest of the Avengers didn't give a shit about what happened to him. If they had they wouldn't have sent him back to Asgard to be punished by his own father. What had changed since the last time she seen Tony? It was almost like someone had insulted his wife...which in Tony's case would never happen but still. Whatever the case, she was going to let Fury know to keep an eye on him in case he found Loki and might try and hide him so SHIELD couldn't get to him.
Loki gasped an moaned, shuddering as he slid inside the others hot, wet, tight entrance, feeling as if he was being wrapped up in the most perfect... well, to be honest, it was the most perfect ass ever, but that was besides the point. sensitive from his previous orgasm, Loki could barely stand the pressure and the pleasure, his vision swimming in ecstasy. he squeaked, dropping off his hands and onto his elbows, opening himself up, letting the other inside of him, gasping and trembling, moaning as he felt the cock sliding deeper and deeper inside of him, feeling so perfect, pleasantly stretched and perfectly full in ways he had never imagined possible.

"Oh Hel. oh Yes, oh Hel!" he mewled once the other was seated in as deep as he could get, gasping and moaning, shuddering against them. "Yes! Yes! it feels great! so good! can't imagine! so much!" Loki gasped, shuddering and trembling and struggling to contain himself. "yes. yes." Loki agreed, moving his hips, carefully at first because it was a new experience and he wasn't sure how to move before he was fucking Ciel, and himself, with wild abandon, making the most adorable noises, tiny squeaks, shuddering gasps and breathless moans, struggling not to cum again so soon.


"Tony. what the hell has gotten into you?" Phil demanded and Tony sighed, setting a hand over his eyes to compose himself.

"you know how you let me look over the staff that Loki dropped?" he asked softly. "i've been working on replicating a signature to identify people who are under it's effects." Tony explained. "i went through the back videos of the chitauri incident and just as i expected, Clint, Dr. Selvig and dozens of others glowed blue...." he swallowed thickly. "including Loki. i haven't told the others yet. i wanted to be sure. i started looking into what lore we have of Loki and it's fucked up Phil.... worse than that, i asked Thor what color his brothers eyes where supposed to be. i think he figured out why i was asking. you know what he told me? "Green as the ever-glowing emeralds of the Vanir..' didn't get most of that but i understand emerald green Phil... you know what color they are in every, single, video we ave of him?" he asked.

"the same color Clint's was. light blue, almost glowing, shining, bright, blue.... we sent a man, not in control of his own actions, to be tortured. honestly, i don't think Odin would care if Loki where innocent." he admitted. "Fury sure as hell wouldn't. Clint escaped because you like him, but what if it had been me with the glowing blue eyes, wrecking plans and killing people? i'd still be in prison right now and you know it." Tony shook his head. "never mind. i don't have proof yet. just... just suspicion, but you know i'm right."

Phil sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "i want a copy of all this information. and a way to scan my people for effects of the staff."

"sure thing. i got what i need from here anyway. i'm going home. Pepper's waiting on me." no she wasn't. Pepper had left him, again, and he just didn't have the strength to chase after her this time.

"Tony..." Phil sounded worried and Tony smiled at phil. it was a sad, hurt smile.

"i'm fine... it's just dreams..."

"you've been having flashbacks again."

"...sometimes, when i wake up." he admitted softly. "they're not so bad, i'm just not always sure where i am when i wake up. that's all."

"when is the last time you got a full nights sleep Tony?"

"when i was six."
If things couldn't get anymore intense, Ciel wrapped his long legs tightly around Loki and his brother and pulled them down around him as Cai used his wings to wrap around them like a cocoon, while still rocking back and forth. The feeling of having Loki inside of Ciel and Cai being inside of him all at once was a feeling neither one of them could describe. They felt as if they were one with this strange and gorgeous man but couldn't tell anyone why.

The mews and whimpers between their own moans, pants, and groans egged them both on as their slick skin rubbed against one another as they continued pumping in and out one another, unwilling to stop due to pure pleasure they were giving one another. At one point the heat from Ciel and Cai was letting pure energy seep out of their skin, sending tingling sensations between the three of them. It wasn't until both brothers reached completion did a warm burst of white light fill the room as they spilled into and onto the child meshed between them. Nothing had ever felt so intense, sweet, and complete as this strange experience.

As they started coming down off of their high and the light seemed to diminish to a glow, Cai, unraveled his wings from around Loki and his brother and pulled out before falling onto his back sated and completely exhausted. Normally, he wouldn't have tired so soon or so fast but after the rough day he had, had he needed a little more time to rest before having another go.

Ciel, who was still panting heavily under Loki, held the man tight for a little while longer before letting go so the hot little minx on top of him could move if he so chose to. Yet, as he stay in one place he ran a hand through Loki's dark thick locks, giving a satisfied smile as he glanced at Loki's beautiful face. "You were divine, my kitten. I can't wait to change positions with my brother and take you for myself. You are indeed a magnificent specimen of a man."


When Maria Hill got to base, she informed Colonel Fury of everything they had found, along with all of the pictures they had taken at the scene. There wasn't one part of evidence that wasn't gone over. She had even informed Fury of the fact that Tony Stark had been there as well as Coulson...and that Tony had apparently taken a fancy to Loki since they had seen him last. Something Fury was none to happy about. If Tony was involved, that meant he would do anything to throw him and his team off of track. He would have to be watched and possibly get someone on the inside to have Tony Star's house bugged...but first he wanted to talk to the man himself to see what he had to say about all of this. "Get Stark on the phone!"
Loki as nearly boneless by the time he came again, only the fact that he was sandwiched between them kept him from collapsing. he'd never had two orgasms in a setting before and he was nearly mindless with the pleasure of it. he mumbled something, not fully certain what he said and nuzzled Ciel before wiggling so that he was laying on top of both of them and sighed, the sound very much like a content, lazy cat with a full belly. clearly, Loki thought he was being spoiled and was enjoying every second of it. "need sleep." Loki mumbled. "too tired... go again after a nap." he promised, kissing Ciel as 'thanks for the compliment and then just laid there, luxuriating as his hair was stroked through.


Stark answered, though he sounded strained. "Hey. look. can you call me back in a day.... maybe two. i'm not entirely sure what's real and what's not right now." he informed Fury and Phil sighed as he walked in. "if you would have waited, Director, i could have explained. Tony's had a bad week." he informed the man, hanging up the phone. "he's just having panic attacks and a few flash backs. i've informed his therapist." he promised Fury. "i want to let him continue looking into Loki. something doesn't add up and i don't like not knowing what it is. if anyone can find out what Loki is up to, it's Stark. i've spoken to Thor as well. he mentioned something about the scepter and something about gems and then started crying." here Phil wrinkled his nose. "and started wailing about how he'd failed his brother. honestly, that man. Loki tries to kill us all and he thinks all Loki needs is a hug and he'll be all better." clearly Phil didn't really buy into the whole 'Loki is innocent' thing either, though he did accept that something wasn't adding up. "i looked into the things Tony mentioned as well... if the Lore is correct then, well, i can understand why Tony is empathizing. not even the Red Skull would do the things those people did to Loki." he paused and examined a tablet. "i refuse to believe that Loki ever gave birth to a wold, an eight legged horse and a snake though. that's just stretching the limit of reality."
Even though they were all quite tired, Cai and Ciel couldn't help but each nuzzle their faces in the crook of Loki's neck and give him a few butterfly kisses before falling asleep all "cozied" up together and for awhile very, very happy and content.


Stark was becoming a lose canon and he didn't like it. He always knew Stark did his own thing but now he was at a point that he was interfering with SHIELD business. His self destruct button was now beyond the breaking point and Fury had, had enough. At this point he didn't care if Tony sat in a corner and drank himself to death. He wanted him as far away from this mission as possible..even if he had to see over the whole thing himself. "Agent Coulsen. Tell Stark he will not be needed for this mission. In fact I want him as far away from this mission as possible. He is no longer stable. Do you understand me? If I even find out he has had contact with Loki in anyway he will be brought in where he can be watched 24/7. I can not have him fucking up this mission."

Expecting, his message to get back to Stark, he hung up and went to the lab where Simmons and Fitz was already working on the DNA.
"Honestly Sir." Phil said, sounding rather bored. "you're blowing this entirely out of proportion. Stark is having a mild mental break which is making him see things that aren't really there. particularly in the case of an enemy Tony never felt right about taking down. i'll admit, something was strange about the Chitauri attack and the Loki involved events and Tony, being paranoid, is leaping to the most extreme possibility." he admitted. "Tony has no interest in any of this anyway, his focus is in the energy patterns not the beings that make them. he needs a vacation more than anything, i might arrange to have him sent to check on some energy fluctuations in some exotic island and then forget to pick him up for a few weeks." Phil admitted. "perhaps with someone to lend him a hand so he doesn't starve. he's not the best cook. just leave him there on a deserted island for a month." "You've always wanted to do that." one of the lower flunkies told Phil, looking amused. "yes i have." he agreed. "in any case, legally speaking we can't do anything to stark." Phil admitted, looking very sour. "Pott's would have her lawyers all over us if we snatched and held him for no reason. i'll contact her and see if we can't get her to help us squirrel him into a corner." Phil promised Fury. "she likes me. so long as i twist it the right way she'll be more than happy to help me get him secluded somewhere." he admitted.

"I'm more concerned about Rogers at this point. you know how he is. if he suspects Loki might be a victim, no matter how very unlikely and improbable, he'll start hunting him down himself. on the plus side, Steve won't be all that hard to track if he does find Loki." he admitted. "Still, i might have Steve sent on a mission somewhere to keep him busy." he admitted, making a few more notes to himself. "and Clint is off limits for this." Phil was extremely protective of Clint. more so than any other person on earth. "he doesn't even know Loki is on earth. if this leaks to him, i will punish the person responsible with the fullest extent of my authority." this was said to everyone in the room. he couldn't stop Fury of course, if he decided to involve Clint, but he highly doubted Fury would. Clint had been rather irrational when Loki or aliens where spoken of or involved in any way ever since he had his mind taken over. it wasn't worth the risk of Clint going ape shit and starting a homicidal war path.
Cai didn't know how long he, his brother, and Loki had been asleep but when he awoke, it was early evening and he felt a little better then have had earlier that morning. Looking, over at his two lover's he smiled softly before leaning over and giving them each a peck on the cheek before carefully removing himself from the huddle and getting dressed. He was slightly hungry but not enough that he couldn't wait for the other two to awake. So, he made his way to one of the many openings in the rubble and looked out at the setting sun, enjoying it from this point of view since he had never seen it like this before.

It was quite beautiful. Especially, since what was left of the building had been built near the water. Everything reflected from the water back to the sky and vise versa. He could see himself and his brother and Loki living peacefully near the water where they could enjoy the sunrise and sunset every day. Maybe have a family of their own and watch their children play in the water.

Although, that would be a long ways away for at the moment he had a feeling that something was soon to come, even though he wasn't quite sure what.






Ambrose and Ismael, two of many of the Queen's followers were watching from a distance as the man in the strange suit spoke with the other man and woman before separating and going in their own directions. This was all so amusing to them. Not only because the humans didn't know what they were dealing with but because they had no idea what was to come once the Queen's followers made their presence known.

Yes, there were angels that were good like Cai and Ciel but there were just as many evil ones if not more like them and once the Queen was well enough to gather her army together they would begin their fight and take over the Earth to make it their own. For now they would have their fun and destroy as much as they could...maybe even take a mortals as pets or playthings while their Queen healed and the other angels took the fall for what they did, making all the humans think they were demons from Hell instead of angels from Heaven. "Apparently, Cai had a little problem with his powers since he has been here on Earth. Oh, well we will deal with him and his brother later.

For now let us make our presence known so the mortals know what they are truly dealing with when it comes to real power."

Not caring that they would be seen, they both took off from the top of the highest tree and began throwing fire balls at the Earth below, not caring if they got to close to the humans or not. "Come Ismael! Let us have our fun with these uneducated mortals!"
Loki grumbled a little at the peck to his cheek and scowled when the other squirmed free and gripped Ciel tightly instead, his frown easing off into sleep once more as he snuggled into a warm body. he looked so very peaceful for once. content even. relaxed and breathing softly and more than ready to continue sleeping but for one problem. he was hungry and he really had to pee. so up he got, sluggish and slow to go to the bathroom and stagger into the food area for something to eat before realizing it all had to be cooked and went whining to Cai. he snuggled himsef into Cai's side, distracted by the gorgious sunset and simply stood there with his lover while the sun went down, spreading bright colors all over. "...Cai? i'm hungry and i can't cook." he informed the other once the last of the light slid down the horizon. "and Ciel is sleeping so i can't make him." Loki admitted, watching Cai. "will you make food?"


it wasn't long before there was a response to the Angels happily tearing the city apart. a burst of energy slammed into one from a red and gold suit, and a spinning disk of red and blue sliced for the other. Captain America and Tony Stark on the scene within minutes ready to take on yet more aliens trying to destroy earth. bad enough with Loki, now there where people screaming about apocalypses and Ange's and gods wrath. Steve was not happy that there where aliens here making a mockery f his faith in God and Gods Holy Warriors. Steve also had a feeling this was going to be a hell of a fight, considering before the alarms went off Tony had been hiding in his closet and refused to come out. honestly, it was pretty bad when the assassins where more put together than everyone else on the team.
Cai, hearing his kitten whine while snuggling up to his side, he wrapped an arm around the man and bent down to give him a kiss on the top of the head while letting a small chuckle escape his lips. By the Gods, he couldn't imagine anything cuter then his little kitten begging him for food after just getting up from a good nights sleep.

Unable to deny his lover anything at this point he gave Loki another kiss before swatting him gently on the bottom, telling him to wake Ciel up while he went and took care of breakfast for the three of them. "Be a good kitten and wake Ciel up please...and be careful. He can sometimes be quite a...handful when he first wakes up!"

After leaving the beautiful scene in front of him, Cai got dressed and went into the other room to begin figuring out the strange appliances that were suppose to assist him in making them breakfast. After about twenty minutes of playing with different objects and knowing what made heat and what the pans were for, he began slicing up some of the meat and putting it in the pan to cook while he looked through the cupboards and found other things that could go along with the rest of their breakfast.

Ciel had been lying on his back, wings sprawled out across the floor as he let a small snore spill from his mouth. Last night had been the best he had slept since he and Cai had arrived on Earth. Being snuggled between two men that he loved had been complete bliss. Infact he could still feel them holding him as he slept. He didn't ever want this feeling to end but he could feel on the edge of his mind that something or someone was going to do their best to rip everything away him and he wouldn't be able to stop it.


Ambrose took the hit from the man in the strange suit but the most it did was piss him off, due to the fact that it had tore and burned several of his beautiful feathers from his body. He was not one for having anyone or anything touch his wings. Especially, by human filth. He could tell he disliked these humans already and if they kept pushing his buttons they would find out just how much he disliked him and their Earth. If they thought Cai had done severe damage to their precious forest, he could only imagine what they would think when they saw real power. "Human filth. You dare touch me? You will pay for what you have done and trust me...you will not like me very much when I am done playing with you...human."

With his eyes turning the color of coal, the clouds quickly began moving in and covering the surrounding area in darkness. With arms and legs outstretched, he pulled on the powers of everything dark, sucking them dry before spitting it back out through his mouth as black lightening bolts of tar and aiming it directing at the metal man's chest.

Ismael, dodged the flying saucer that came headed toward his body. He had to admit he liked playing with this one. He was strong and viral. Most of all he looked delicious enough to eat. He would have delighted in playing with the red, white and blue man longer but he knew when the dark clouds set in, Ambrose was pissed and it was down to business instead of playtime. As his eyes turned a blood red, his wings and hands became ablaze with fire and he used his powers to conjure up a hallow ball surrounded with fire, keeping anyone caught inside the ball...inside and keeping everyone on the outside...out! Throwing the large ball toward the man in the blue uniform he did all he could to capture the little treat in hopes of being able to take him with and having him as a pet. "You are a delicious looking thing. Instead of making you one of my minions I would love to have you as a personal pet instead. Make this easy and I will not harm you little one but anger me and I will cause you such pain you will be begging me to take you as a slave."
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