Mind and Soul(Avengers) FoxWriter/TamaRose

"I promise you my love. We will not be angry. We are here to help and comfort you. To protect you." Ciel went back to letting cleaning his brother's wings as he and Cai chuckled at his antics about not enjoying the outdoors, something they would have to remedy as time went on. "You hate nature!? That is truly a shame when me and my brother could show you so many beautiful things in this world. Flowers, the sun, the stars, and moon. It's all nature my pet and if you learn to even like it a little, there are so many things you can experience."

Cai, every so often would look out of the corner of his eye, noticing the pout on the man's face as he and Ciel continued to bathe themselves. Knowing, he probably felt left out he did give Loki the option of joining them so he could learn to do as they were, so he wouldn't feel left out. "If you feel left out, love why don't you come back in the water and let Ciel teach you on what he is doing? I am sure you would love to learn all there is about us if you are going to be spending most of your time with us." Cai, wasn't sure if he would actually join them but he had at least opened the opportunity for him in case he wanted to get back into the water. Although, with the fish still nibbling, he wasn't quite sure if he would.

Cai and Ciel went quiet for a few minutes while Ciel finished Cai's wings before switching places. Making, only light swishing noises as they moved, they listened to Loki speak from the grass, claiming that they belonged to him, making them chuckle softly as they admired the boy's audacity. "You claim us child? You must be quite powerful or foolish to be able to claim us aloud while proclaiming that you will protect us from harm. Although, if what you say is true....love can make humans and other beings do foolish things."

Cai, wasn't mocking him or intentionally trying to hurt the man with his words. He only wanted to tease him a little while making sure he understood what he was doing when he said he claimed them and loved them. Being from different realms and being involved with each other was going to be hard and cause great chaos amongst all of the realms. Anger many while others would be pleased. Although, if he truly did love them as he knew they were starting to love him, he knew love would be able to get them through this no matter what happened.

Both angels were close to being done when Loki left it slip that he had been pregnant more then once, they looked at each other a little confused, wondering if he was having another memory or if he was slightly confused. Yet, when he continued on about his children and said about them possibly being killed by someone they didn't yet know, Cai let out a surge of energy so powerful it killed all of the fish in the water and forced Ciel to hold on so tight to his body that he shivered hard as he did his best to get air into his lungs.

Waiting, for his brother to catch his breath, he finally unhooked his brother's hands from his body and gently dragged him up onto the grass where he lay him down on a lush gassy spot to rest from the sudden burst that assaulted his body. Then flying into the air, Cai took off in a rage, tearing trees and anything else he could get his hands on to pieces.

Ciel, who was till slightly out of breath, let tears run down his cheeks as he thought about the boy's lost children. He wouldn't have known what he would have done had his brother or child had been taken from him but in no way...in Heaven or Hell was he ever going to find out."Come here pet. Let me hold you for awhile. We will wait here together until Cai comes back.

Don't worry little one. He isn't angry with you. He is just hurt that someone would kill your children. Here I will keep you warm until he settles."
Loki nodded, looking reassured. they had never gotten angry with him before, and they had never lied to him either so if they said he could wake them in the middle of the night and they wouldn't get mad then he believed them. he smiled a little at the others teasing him about nature.

"Well, i don't hate All nature. just the fish." he informed them. he remembered that he didn't even like eating fish. they where so gross! he liked the other things, like the chickens and the butterflies and the deer and the ants that where now crawling all over his toes making him squirm a little because it tickled! he hesitated at the offer to join then, eyeing the water where the fish seamed to have dispersed now that Loki was gone and considered how long he'd have before they started coming back. it wasn't too bad when it was just a couple, but when they swarmed him it made him scared. he decided to learn about the wings next time, when there where not so many fish. r

at the next comment he smirked and puffed his chest out like a proud toddler. "i am powerful!" he stated firmly. quite confident in that. "but, i am also very foolish." he admitted with a bright grin his eyes glittering playfully, amused by the conversation. "Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that I saw you, Did my heart fly at your service." Loki recited, as if reading something or repeating something. "i knew the second i laid eyes on you, that you where meant for me." Loki admitted with a smile. "that you where the ones i would love above all others." he admitted. though no love in the word was getting him in that water again after all those fish had swarmed him. he babbled on, unaware of the can of worms he was about to open and at the surge of energy, he looked around, quite confused. where had that come from? watching the dead fish rise up from the water made Loki sad. he didn't like them much but that didn't mean he wanted them dead... though, maybe the brothers where hungry? he certainly wasn't going to eat the nasty things. it wasn't until Cai took to shattering the trees that Loki realized Cai was enraged an he whimpered, curling up and trying to make himself as small as possible because if he was noticed it wasn't the trees that where gonna get it. He was always the one who got hit and smacked and beaten when the people around him where angry. the words 'whipping boy' saturated his memories, though he didn't know what that meant.

he winced and trembled wen Ciel came closer but relaxed when he realized the other wasn't angry and shuffled into the embrace, hiding his face in Ciel's chest because he knew if Cai found out he had frightened him, then Cai would feel very bad. "am i in trouble?" Loki asked Ciel softly, looking worried and frightened.
Pulling, Loki closer and covering them both gently with his wings, he buried his nose in the boy's neck and gave him a small nip and lick before snuggling him in comfortably his arms. "No...pet! You are not in trouble. Cai is just upset that...that you were hurt so badly. I know he says he is...let's just say in the small time he has known you....even though, he tries his hardest to hide his feelings...he has become quite fond of you. My brother does not take to someone as easily as he has you. In fact it has been quite some time since he has trusted anyone but me.

So, you see...you are quite special...and to know that you have been hurt in more ways then you should have been...well, that is a lot for his heart to bare when he himself has suffered so much.

Also, I want to thank you my little kitten. I don't think in all of the years that me or my brother have lived, has anyone declared their love for us like you have. I think that is also why my brother was and is upset. He has feelings for you he don't want to admit to and then when you declared that you loved us....well...the thought of you hurting so badly just made it worse....but do not worry. Neither one of us is angry with you. If anything I think we have come to appreciate you more...even though we tease you mercifully. "


Cai had suffered more then anyone knew...including his own brother. So, when he had heard that Loki had, had children and they were taken away from him and killed, Cai had about lost all reason and sanity. After all it was one thing to torture those that one hated but it was another to take a baby, an innocent child and kill them for something that they had no control over.

The sadness and anger he felt at that moment made his facial expression look like that of a demon. So, much power surging through his body all at once made his body ache and contort in such a way that he was in pain. He had never felt anything like this before in his whole life. Why was this effecting him so when seeing Loki in that hospital bedroom made him feel horrible but nothing like this? Was it because he was starting to feel a bond with the boy so soon? Impossible! He never allowed himself connect to another being like this before....but then if that was the case why was this happening to him?

With tears of blood dripping down his cheeks, staining his pale skin like the brightest of paints he let out a loud scream that could be heard from miles away and trembled the ground like an giant earthquake that cracked the earth around him and sent animals scurrying away as fast as they could. Thank God his brother and Loki were not there at that very moment. Otherwise they would both be so frightened neither one of them would ever never go near him ever again.


Almost after a full hour had gone by and a complete forest within a two mile range had been destroyed, did Cai, appear from the edge of the woods, exhausted and and looking paler then when he went in. With his skin tainted red from all of the tears that he had cried, he staggered toward his brother, barely able to keep himself standing.

When he finally reached what looked to be like a sleeping Ciel, he fell down onto his knees and collapsed on the ground, fully spent of all energy.

Ciel, who had heard his brother's return, quickly removed his wings from both him and Loki and saw that his brother was back but he was in a fetal position and his wings were practically wilted. Frightened, he moved quickly and went to his brother's side and took him in his arms and held him tight. In all of his life he had never seen his brother like this and it scared the hell out of him. Then to see all of the blood stained skin...had he done something to himself or had something else happen in the forest? Unable to ask the man since he was now in a deep sleep, he looked at Loki and told him to quickly get dressed so they could get Cai some where safe before anyone came looking for the mess that was left behind in the wake of Cai's madness. "Quickly, kitten. Put the clothes on Cai brought you. We need to leave here. There is to much damage here for someone not to notice. Plus, I need to find out what is wrong with Cai and I can't do that here when I have to worry about someone finding us."


Since, SHIELD had lost track of Loki, Fury had been in more of a vile mood then usual. He couldn't understand how a "practically dead" God could just walk out of a hospital without anyone seeing him.

The only thing that he and his team knew is that there was some kind of barrier around the room that wouldn't allow anyone in...at least those that were suppose to be allowed in. God, only knows what was going on in that room during that time. All they knew is when the barrier was gone, the doctor's and nurses could get back in and by the time SHIELD had reached the room it had been sterilized and ruined of any DNA. The whole thing was infuriating. Stupid people. They should have known with it being Loki they should have called SHIELD right away, so they could take him as soon as they found him. He didn't care how injured the God was. In fact it would been better had he died. At least it would have been one less threat to worry about. Yet, now they have to worry about where he had gotten to and with no evidende to let them know what happened in that room, they had no way of starting anywhere. At this point he didn't know what to do, other then to wait and see if Loki showed up somewhere, along with the people that helped him get out of tht hospital room.

"Director Fury! There is an odd occurence happening in Indiana. People have reported seeing a "winged" being before several miles of forests leveled. Should we check it out or do you think it's a wild goose chase?"

Fury, who was annoyed, ran a hand over his face as he let out a heavy sigh. He didn't need this shit right now. Some damn country bumpkins swearing they had seen UFO's or "winged" beings flying around like a flight of angels had landed. There was always some kind of nut out there wasting their time with foolish things.

Still, knowing they had to check at least every detail out, he waved a hand at the woman before giving her orders. "Send out a team but not our best. Something tells me this is just one of those fake UFO sightings."

The woman, giving him a nod, stepped back out of the room and allowed Fury to himself so he could think more of how he should find Loki and what to do with him when they did.
Loki frowned, looking a bit confused. why would Cai react so violently to his abuse? no one had ever cared before and he wasn't sure he wanted to tell them the other things he remembered if this was ho they where going to react. this was frightening, he didn't like seeing Cai so very out of control. so enraged, what if he forgot and attacked them? no, Loki didn't like it at all. still, at least they weren't mad at him. he could deal with it so long as they weren't mad at him.

"I do love you." Loki admitted with a smile. "I Love you both very much." he admitted. "and i like the teasing. it's fun. like play-fighting." he admitted with a smile. "besides, you just like seeing me blush." he teased with a smile, feeling very much better about what was happening. Cai hadn't even looked at them while he ravaged the forest, so he was feeling better about the angry Angel. Cai wouldn't hurt them an Loki knew it for sure now. he gasped when he hear the roaring scream and jerked in Ciel's grip and trembled as the earth shook. not because he was scared, though he was a little bit frightened, but because the earthquake seamed to channel right into his soul, feeling as if he was being torn apart as well. it didn't hurt, it was more of a stretching feeling, like when you crawled out of bed in the mornings. he sighed when it as over, feeling quite drained himself and rested against Ciel until Cai returned. as soon as he saw the state Cai was in, he was frantic.

He raced to the younger brother, landing next to him at the same time as Cai was gathering his brother into his arms. Loki didn't bother asking any questions, he just leaped to his feet an raced for the clothes, yanking them on before running back with the clothes for Cai and Ciel as well. he also grabbed the blanket and tore a peice off and dunked it in the water and was quick to gently wipe Cai's face clean, checking for injuries in case he needed to be healed. finding nothing he abandoned the scrap and focused, hard and with a 'pop' instead of Loki standing there, he was a larger than average, ink black raven. he cawed, hopped a few steps as if uncertain about his new form and then flicked up into the sky, landing on top of one of the remaining trees he called again, the hoarse 'crawing' sound beckoning Ciel to follow. Loki half remembered a place from one of the memories. they weren't his memories, but someone elses. he knew a safe place to go. it would very likely be empty, and if it wasn't, Loki was sure that one of the brothers, at least, could trick the person into leaving. they needed to be gone. the humans would have noticed the destruction and Loki knew that if they found him and the Angels it would be bad. they would be tortured, experimented on, locked up and caged. Loki was used to being caged and hurt, but he was certain that if the brothers where caged they would wilt away like a flower stuck in a dark room. he couldn't allow that. he had to protect them. on wings, it would take a good four or five hours to get there. but they could stop to rest whenever they needed. it was a warmer day out and with feathers, Loki couldn't feel the chill at all. hopefully Cai wouldn't get too cold either, the blanket would help, if Cai could handle being swaddled like that. they didn't have many other options unless Ciel could do warming spells. Loki didn't know and he wasn't sure he could change back to ask. instead, he flitted off and led the way. from what he had seen in the memory that was not his own, it was a very old cache. there was food, water, beds, clothes, even weapons. bows and arrows mostly, but it hadn't been used in a long time. abandoned. he hoped that was still true. he'd know once they got there. he would find that he was right, it was still abandoned. inches of dust lay over everything, but bottled water and MRE's and canned food didn't normally go bad, so it would be safe enough. he hoped. he had no idea the second he set foot in there, one Anthony Edward Stark would know that someone had been in Clint Barton's abandoned safe-house. what he did with that information was anyones guess.
Ciel had to admit that no matter how many times he saw the young boy in front of him do something new, he would never become less amazed or bored. The fully grown man child was truly a mystery to him. Shame Cai couldn't see him at that very moment. He would see that their kitten wasn't as helpless as they thought. Not only that but he would get to see that their new pet had a lot more to him then what they could ever imagine. Having, him as a lover could be quite interesting for all of them. Although, at the moment he needed to get those thoughts out of his head and tend to his brother who wasn't doing very well.

So, picking up his brother in his arms, he followed the black bird to where ever it was he was leading them, never once letting him get out of his sight and never once doubting him that he was leading him somewhere unsafe.

Once, they arrived at the abandoned and pretty much demolished building, Ciel, gave Loki a strange look before going in. He had wondered how Loki knew of a place like this but at the moment didn't ask. He was just grateful to have some place to keep his brother safe until he slept enough to get some of his energy back. Once that happened, they could explore the place a little more in hopes of finding some food because this time around his brother was going to need some kind of nourishment to help with his getting well...whether he liked it or not. "We need to let Ciel sleep for as long as he wants. After that we will have to make him eat something. He will be bull headed and think that he won't need the nourishment but we have to make him eat. Alright kitten?

Thank you for finding this place. I don't know how you did it but my brother and I are forever in your debt. Thank you!"
Loki crawed as he landed on the roof of the abandoned building. it was more of a metal shed on the outside, half caved in, but inside the floor sloped downwards so that the bulk of the place was buried underground. it was dusty but spacious and full of everything they would need. even a pump that would draw water up from deep under the ground. no electricity but there where candles and a furnace for heat if it was needed, and to cook food. Loki shuddered and slowly grew until he was human in appearance once more, though he didn't have the energy to completely change back, he still had a downy coating of feathers instead of hair and his fingers ended in black Talons. "damn..." Loki mumbled, shaking his head because he'd used up what little magical power he'd managed to build up, turning into a Raven. it had been necessary though and he did not regret it in the least. he'd stuff himself and turn fully back into a person once he had secured the location. he flitted around doing just that, banishing all the dust with a negligent wave of his arm n set about starting a fire, drawing water, and gathering blankets, shaking them out outside so he wouldn't dust up the newly freshened air.

"here. Ciel. you need to eat too." Loki ordered, settling what looked like a bowl of glop in the brothers hands. "it's called a Meal Ready to Eat. you add water and mix... i might have added too much water but it has lots of calories. it will help." Loki promised, smiling at him before setting about, carefully, gently giving Cai a sponge bath using warmed water and a soft rag, carefully wiping the unconscious man of all the blood, dirt, tree bark and other such stuff that had been clumped onto Cai. Loki even brushed his hair, before brushing Ciel's. fussing because he was worried and upset. there was little else to do though, so he sat down and started braiding and weaving the brothers hair in intricate patterns. it gave him something to do while they waited for Cai to wake and once he did Loki was already there, looking as frantic and doe eyed as possible. he had no problems using his innocent, sweet appearance to make Cai eat. it was a bit manipulative, but Loki had no problems doing it if it meant Cai ate his fill of the, actually not that bad MRE's.
If Cai were awake, he would be so proud of their little kitten. They had chosen quite well when they picked him. Not only was he an alpha but he was omega as well. Not, only would that be good when it came to their sexual activities but it would come in quite well if they had to go to war or have children in the future. The best of both worlds even though he could see many disagreements ahead because they all seemed to be bull headed and thought they knew what was best. He could only imagine what their kitten would be like when he got his full memories back. He could only imagine what kind of trouble he would be then. "You will make an excellent mate and mother. I know if Cai were awake right now he would be very proud of you.

Would you like me to do your hair when you are done with mine? I don't mind. Besides, I have been dying to touch that black silk of yours."

Ciel, had to admit he didn't care much for the "food" their kitten had given him but he was afraid if he didn't eat it he would get a tongue lashing worse then what Cai could ever give him. Plus, he didn't feel like being force fed and he knew the stubborn little minx would make sure he ate his meal whether he liked it or not. It was not something he was willing to find out.

After, eating as much as he could of the food, he turned his attention to Loki, and began raking his fingers through his long black hair, combing the knots out before braiding it into a fishtail braid.

After several hours of being asleep, Cai finally opened his eyes. He was still quite tired and weak but at least he was alive and awake. Looking around to take in his surroundings, he noticed that he was in some kind of strange building with Ciel and Loki, who seemed wrapped up in doing each others hair. "Where are we? How did we even get here?

Not waiting, for a response Cai began moving around, trying his best to get himself up into a sitting position. When he failed the first time, only to fall back onto his still crumpled wings, he let out a loud "hmph" before having a second go at trying to move. "We need to get out of here. It's not safe."

For once Ciel didn't say a single word. He just sat back and watched Cai get up, knowing Loki would take care of the defiant young man without him even having to say a word.
Loki beamed at Ciel, very happy with being praised. he wasn't much of an Alpha to be fair, he just knew when he was right and wouldn't back down for anything. he was the most stubborn Omega, maybe even Beta depending on which race you where talking about. "I was a good mother." Loki admitted with a small, sad smile. "some of my children are even live yet, they're just... trapped... chained and locked up." he admitted. "I think there's three left..." he admitted softly. "but... it doesn't matter for now, i can free them later." he decided. "i have to take care of you and Cai right now." he admitted. "yeah. you can do my hair. i'd like that." Loki admitted with a smile. he'd never had someone play with his hair before and he thought he'd quite like it. granted, he had to turn it back into hair first, his head was still covered in feathers but another gulp of those nasty MRE's and he had enough energy to turn all his hair back into hair.

"I'll go out later and hunt for proper food. there aught to be a garden around here somewhere. probobly very overgrown but there might be some potatoes or berries left. possibly a few other things, carrots maybe." he admitted. "and i can get us a few rabbits, maybe a duck." he said as he fussed over Cai a bit more as Ciel ate and then settled in to do each others hair, smiling because this was very nice. he'd never felt so safe, and wanted. he was moving as soon as Cai was and pressed a hand int the other's chest and forced him back down, his emerald eyes narrowed in a warning. "Lay, still. or i will strap you to that bed." he hissed, using the most dominant tone he could muster. it was quite effective. Loki, despite not being an Alpha, was used to his orders being followed.

"I Braught us here. it's safe enough for a fw days while you recover now stop trying to move and eat." Loki ordered, plucking up the warmed MRE... which wasn't much better than the cold ones, and stuffed a spoonful into Cai's mouth before the other could protest. force feeding the stubborn younger brother just as Ciel had feared would happen to him if he'd refused. "i know it's nasty but it has tons of energy, eat and stop your bitching." Loki ordered, forcing another spoonful into Cai's mouth, looking very pleased with himself, almost amused. as if bossing Cai around was a novelty. Loki was certainly very used to getting his own way, despite being all but tortured his entire life. "we're safe here. no one will get here before we can leave, if anyone knows we're here at all. this has long been abandoned." Loki admitted. "now relax and eat or i'll force feed you some more. i quite enjoy it. it's the sadist in me i imagine."
Ciel was so amused at the way Loki was acting and at how his brother was annoyed, he sat back and watched, giggling every now and again before finally deciding he better busy himself with something, otherwise his brother would give him a beating he wouldn't forget. That or he would torture him by withholding intimacy from him. Something he had only done once but it had been the longest year of his life.

Cai, who was irritated at not being able to move like he wanted and to have food that tasted like shit shoved in his mouth was making him even crankier and bitchier then he normally was. He didn't like to be told what to do and he didn't like the one not to be in control. Ciel knew that so he didn't know why he wasn't pulling the little one away from him. Although, the first glance he got of his older brother he could see a satisfying smile across his face that he quickly wanted to smack off of him. Something, that would happen later since it seemed like he wasn't going to be allowed to move for quite awhile. "Kitten, now you listen here...if you don't let me up I am going to paddle your pale behind until it is so red you can't sit. Now let me up.

...and what did you have any business bringing me here when it is I and Ciel that is suppose to be taking care of you? Ciel....Ciel!!??"

Ciel looked in his brother's direction only once and grinned like he didn't know what was going on. There was no way he was going to get in the middle of to alpha's balling it out when it came to who was to do what. Although, the thought of having to dominate males in the fold made him and his wings shiver all over.

"Ciel....damn it kitten that stuff tastes like horse dung. You will stove shoving it my mouth this instant."
Loki shrugged. "i'll enjoy it. not a punishment." Loki stated simply. "i'm a bit of a masochist you know. i just remembered. you talking about spanking reminded me. i'm a sadist too." he admitted. "so i'll hit you right back and enoy it just as much." he stated simply. "Besides, what the fuck made you think you where in charge of me?" Loki demanded. "who the hell do you think you are to say your the boss of me, hmm?" Loki demanded, well aware the crude language would annoy Cai. "It is a safe place for a few dys and i was able to construct a few safety nets to warn us if someone is coming as well. we're as safe as we can be in this world."he stated simply. "Don't ask Ciel to help you, i've instructed him to stay out of it and i've proven to him that i'm a tad more dangerous than you are." He admitted. "you should obey your older brother once and a while. it will be good for you. now lay still. Ciel, get the ropes." Loki knew Ciel wouldn't, but he was interested in seeing how Cai would respond to the threats.

"i know it tastes like horse dung... though, i won't ask you how you know what horse dung tastes like." he admitted. "it's all we have right now so shut your face, plug your nose and eat." Loki ordered. "me and Ciel had to eat this and i see no reason why you should get special treatment just because you went and made a mess of yourself." Loki admitted, shoving another spoonful into Cai's mouth, looking delightfully sadistic indeed. "if your a very good boy, i'll fly around and see if i can't find anything more sweet for your refined and noble tastes. there should be an apple orchard nearby if i'm remembering correctly." he admitted. "and i know there's a vegetable patch around here somewhere. i just have to find it, the trees and brush have taken over since he was last here." Loki admitted. "and i can certainly get us a few rabbits or some other wild game... how do you feel about rats?" he wondered, his head tilted. he himself was used to eating them, but he wasn't sure the brothers where.
When had their kitten turned into a sadomasochistic...because he was quite sure before everything went black, their kitten was nothing but a playful but slightly innocent little bunny. What had Ciel done to him while he was out? Giving, Ciel a dirty glare that was only returned with a smirk and a haughty laugh, he then turned back toward Loki and gave him an annoyed sigh. "When did you become such a bossy little shit? If I remember correctly it is I an Ciel that saved you and were in charge of your well being. Not the other way around."

Cai wasn't sure if he liked this new kitten they had. He had a habit of talking back and he wasn't as submissive as before. Cheeky little shit. If he knew he wouldn't like the ass beating so much and he wasn't so damn tired he would beat his ass right here and now....but at this point he didn't think it would make things better. It would just make them all excited and he didn't have enough stamina to even get it up right now.

Turning, his head before anymore crap could be shoveled in his mouth, he folded his arms in defiance, not willing to take another bite of that horrid stuff he called food until he heard Loki mention something about rats for food. "Rats! Are you serious? Who would ever eat such vile creatures? They carry disease. If I ever find out someone fed you rats I swear when I am better I will hurt them. No one and I mean no one should eat something worse then this...whatever this stuff is again.

Also, I do not have to listen to my older brother when I am the dominate one. It is how our relationship was decided long ago. Not because we actually chose it but because it seems that is how we work best."
Loki shrugged. "just now when you started being a prissy little bitch." Loki admitted. "your acting like spoiled little cunt, so i'm going to treat you like one. just because i'm normally submissive doesn't mean i can't push my weight around when i want something. i'm not at all as simple as that." Loki scoffed. "i am more than capable of taking care of myself when the need calls for it. just because i was sick, weak and helpless when you found me, doesn't mean that's what i always am." Loki scoffed, shaking his head before rolling his eyes.

"Rats are a common staple where i am from... i can't remember where that is but i remember the feasts and there would be huge platters of rats, roasted whole. granted, the rats WE had aren't the same as earth rats. ours where farmed and fed good foods so they weren't diseased or anything." he admitted. "they're actually quite delicious and the rats around here would likely be fairly healthy. no garbage to eat here." he pointed out. "now. eat. this is all we have right now, i need to get m magic back up before i can go hunt for something better." Loki admitted. "yes, well. i'm here and i'm throwing everything into chaos." Loki stated, looking amused before he sighed and gave Cai his best sad, puppy dog face. "please Cai. i don't have anything better to feed you and if you don't eat you won't get better and im not good at being in command. please eat. the sooner you eat the sooner i can get us something better. okay?" he asked, looking as upset as he could. he felt no guilt at all for trying to yank on the others heart strings. so long as it worked anyway.
Cai, didn't know what top say. He had never heard such words come from such an innocent mouth before. Although, the more he talked he wasn't to sure at how innocent their kitten was anymore. Watching, with slight anger that quickly turned into amusement as he lay there and let the man feed him, he slowly began to relax a little to the point of basically shutting Loki's voice out, due to the fact that he wanted him to quit talking so he could say something.

When Loki practically refused to quite talking and just gave him a sad puppy dog look instead, Cai rolled his eyes, having seen this before from when his brother would do it when he wanted him to do something. Knowing, that Loki was only doing it because he was actually concerned, he reached up and grabbed the man by the front of his shirt and pulled him forward, pulling him into a warm kiss before wrapping his arms tightly around him as he gently began to tickle his sides. "You talk to much kitten. Someone needs to teach you a lesson about that dirty mouth of yours!"
Loki was glad that his foul language seamed to have stunned Cai into momentary obedience. that wasn't actually what was happening but Loki didn't know that. he squealed when he was grabbed and proved to be overly sensitive when he writhed and giggled and laughed, trying to get away from the tickling fingers. "no no! i'm gonn pee!" Loki waited through his laughter, managing to extract himself, flushed and still giggling and panting. "that was mean!" he complained, though he didn't look all that bothered. "i do have a filthy mouth, you should fill it." he teased, glancing towards the others crotch. "you've eaten enough i think." he admitted, gulping down what was left and beamed at the other, kissing him again because he liked kisses. "stay in bed." he ordered. "i'll find us some better food." he promised with a smile, pausing to kiss Ciel. "keep him in bed. i don't think he can stand on his own anyway but he seams to be almost as stubborn as i am." and with that he vanished in a small flash, becoming a hawk that cried before swinging out the door to ind food. rabbits, grouse, geese if there where any. mice where too small but squirrels where delicious. Rats if he could find anything healthy, maybe a snake. he'd have to see what he could find.

Twenty minutes later he was very pleased with himself. four rabbits, two grouse, three fish and a rattlesnake. there where four rutabaga, two cabbage, sixteen skimpy looking carrots and some sweet potatoes. there was a tiny pile of tiny onions and bigger pile of tomatoes and his shirt had been tied into a pouch and had been filled to bursting with wild raspberry and blackberries. he had found wild mushrooms as well that where safe to eat, a simple magic spell told him so and he tested each mushroom separately. just in case. "I'm back!" Loki called, hauling his finds into the bunker, looking very smug. "look what i got!"
As soon as Cai found out that Loki was ticklish he couldn't help but think of other things he could do to the man, once they were both in better shape to do anything. Although, it really didn't help his "little" problem when the young man told him that he needed his mouth filled to keep it from spilling dirty words from his lips. It just made his semi hard cock even harder which caused him to grumble as Loki pulled away from him and went off to get more food.

Calling, Ciel over to keep him company while Loki changed into a bird........to go bring them better food, he gave his brother an odd look before leaning back on his wings, thinking that whatever had just happened.....didn't because he had to in fact be hallucinating from being overly exhausted!

Ciel noticed the look on his brother's face and laughed out loud. It was amusing to see his little brother be completely at a loss for words for once. Although, he couldn't blame him. If he had just woken up, only to see their kitten turn into a bird, he would have befuddled as well. "Our kitten has grown up!"

Snuggling, into his brother's arms without moving around to much, he pulled his wings around them and held him close until their little bird returned to show them what he had found. "Oh, Cai. Look at what our little kitten has brought back! He will definitely make a good mate."

Cai, gave a small snort at Ciel's praise toward Loki. True, he liked the kid but it was his job to do the providing for everyone and it annoyed him that he was in no way capable of doing any of that. Plus, he was a tad bit jealous that his older brother was practically falling all over Loki when for years it had been him that was at the center of Ciel's world. He hated feeling like this but he couldn't help it. He didn't like sharing his brother even though he knew Loki would never take him away from him. "I think I am going to try and get up and look around. See if I can find myself some clothes. I am tired of laying here!"
"I am a good mate!" Loki agreed, looking so very proud with himself before he looked at his pile of stuff and then looked at the boys. "i don't know what to do with it though...." he admitted. He was still a prince after all, even if he was a mostly self sufficient one. he had caught and foraged, run through the woods and soared through the air but he still handed his catch off to the cooks once he got home, or made someone else prepare them. he didn't have the first clue what to do now that he had caught their meal. "Don't get up!" Loki gasped, looking panicked, rushing over to Cai. "you'll hurt yourself. please..." Loki pleaded, desperate to make sure Cai was okay because these where the first people who had ever been kind to him, he hated to see them hurt and sick like Cai was. "i got you food so you would feel better... don't.. don't you like the better food?" Loki felt tears coming up because he had tried so hard to make Cai happy and it didn't seam like it had been enough. Loki knew that if he wanted to stay, he had to make himself useful and he seamed to be failing at that and he desperately didn't want to be sent away or abandoned.
For the first time...or was it the second or third time in one day that Cai had been flustered by what Loki had said or done? Whatever the count at this point was he had to admit the dark haired male left him confused and wondering who and what the hell he was. True, it didn't make him feel any less for the young boy but it did cause for a lot of "surprises". He had to admit that wasn't always a good thing since he was sure people were looking for them by now but he couldn't deny it was a bad thing either. Maybe until he learned who he truly was his powers would stay "wonky" for awhile. In either case, he didn't like seeing Loki sad and upset at the fact that he was hurt and couldn't be a good provider, so he gave up and lay back on his wings, taking Loki with him.

Wrapping, his arms around the young man he pulled him into his chest, wrapping his warm wings around them both as he gently planted small kisses on his face. "Shhh, don't talk such nonsense. I am very proud of what you have done. It's just that I feel guilty for not being able to help. I know I have done this to myself and I have no excuses...but I am angry with myself for letting myself get worked up over your pain and making it so I am not a good protector for you and my brother.

I won't go into anymore details, since my brother does not know everything about what has happened to me and I do not want to burden him with my past but I can say my heart genuinely aches for you and your lost children."
Cai wouldn't go into anymore more and he didn't know if he ever would but maybe Loki would come to an understanding as to why he had acted so foolishly.

Ciel, on the other hand looked baffled and hurt. He had thought he knew everything about his baby brother but apparently that wasn't the case. He did not like it when Cai kept things from him but for now he would let it go until they were alone. He didn't want to make Loki or Cai more upset then what they really were. "I will put everything in it's proper place and when we are ready to eat I can begin the cooking. Although, I think for now you should both rest. It has been a very busy morning for you both. I will be right back so save me a spot."

As Ciel left the room to put things away so they wouldn't spoil, Cai lay holding Loki in his arms, refusing to let him go while deciding for once he wasn't going to argue with his brother, since he was to mentally exhausted to argue.
Loki snuggled into Cai, relaxing at the promise that he had done well, sniffling a little to himself before looking up at Cai, his eyes wide and horrified. "oh Cai..." he didn't have to go into detail for Loki to understand. a parents pain could never be erased and Loki knew without a doubt that Cai had a deep set agony, the kind of loosing a child. he tucked his face into the others chest and shuddered, wondering if maybe he could ease the pain somehow. he didn't think he could, but he would try when he wasn't so exhausted. they had a pain that they shared. he understood a lot more about Cai now.

"You don't have to feel guilty Cai." Loki said softly, smiling at the other. "it's not weakness to need help sometimes. you can't be strong all the time. it's okay to need help sometimes." he admitted. "it's okay to rest and be relaxed and let someone else help you." he promised, kissing Cai gently. "besides, it's good for Ciel to be able to take care of you. it makes him feel better to know he can help you the way you help him. you're quite selfish you know. not letting us take care of you." Loki huffed, sulking a little. "i like to help too. i like to know i'm useful, because people don't like me if i don't make a use of myself. i need to know that i'm contributing." he looked up at the other. "and hiding things like that... it's not good for you." he mumbled, yawning a little because transforming the way he had, took a lot out of him.

"Okay Ciel." Loki mumbled, snuggling into Cai, too tired to argue or complain, though he refused to go to sleep completely until Ciel was back and snuggling with them. he sighed, very content to lay there and cuddle both boys as best as he could with Cai in the middle but he didn't want to move into the middle. he didn't particularly like being surrounded. he dreamed of course, and woke up struggling against the hands holding him down, tying him in place, the burning, burning, burning! he shrieked, rolling out of bed and rolled their, clawing at his chest whih was burning... only it wasn't. he wasn't burning. there was nothing on his chest, there was no ropes holding him down. no fire, no acid. nothing. he was dreaming... no, remembering. he had remembered, because there where small smooth scars, there that must have happened a long time ago. he lay there, trembling, trying to calm down from his sudden frantic wake up call, his heart pounding and his blood ringing in his ears. he looked up at the boys and flushed a little. "sorry... just a nightmare... go back to sleep." he certainly wouldn't be going back to sleep. nope. he'd find something else to do.
He never saw himself as selfish. If anything Cai always saw himself as the one who did everything he could to help and protect his older brother. He provided for him. Protected, him. Made sure that once he was of a certain age that Ciel didn't need to do anything other then fight if need be. Everything else he tried to take care of himself so Ciel didn't have to worry.

Although, from what the little one was telling him, he was being selfish. Was he selfish? He wasn't quite sure but if Loki thought so maybe Ciel thought the same way. He hoped not because he wasn't trying to be selfish, it's just that he wanted to be the alpha because he wanted the position. After all he liked taking care of Ciel. It pleased him and made him happy. Still, if Ciel wasn't happy like he was starting to question himself about...he would definitely have to speak to his brother about what he needed to do to change things.

Ciel, who had finally found the appropriate places to put the fresh food, came back into the bedroom to lie down with his brother and Loki. Climbing. into the bed, he snuggled close to Loki and his brother before wrapping his wings around them, trying his best to comfort them both while trying to allow himself to relax and not worry about what was going to happen about tomorrow.

Cai and Ciel didn't know when they had fallen asleep but when they heard Loki yell out in the middle of the night, they both jumped, startled but quickly coming to his aid by pulling him back down into their arms and doing anything the could to get his mind on other things instead of the horrible things he was seeing when he closed his eyes at night. "Tell us what we can do to comfort you, kitten?"

"Yes, please tell us what we can do to make those dreams leave your mind for a little while?"
"Sometimes, Cai... people need to feel like they can help too." Loki admitted. "and if you do all the work, then we feel useless. and if you get hurt doing all that work, then we feel guilty for not helping... understand?" Loki asked with a smile. "we depend on you, that's true. but you can depend on us too." he admitted before yawning and settling in for sleep once Ciel was back.

"I..." Loki blinked at them and swallowed hard. "I don't know... what can be done to comfort what has already been done?" he wondered. "I'm only remembering it now, that's true but it still happened so long ago i barely feel anything for it. and yet, the memory is fresh and new so i feel scared and confused.." he shook his head. "i want it to stop... i don't want to remember such terrible things. such awful horrible things..." he whispered, reaching for them as if he was a small child. "i don't want to be the creature i used to be... please don't let me be the thing that i was. please... don't let me break again..." he wasn't sure where all this was coming from, but he had a feeling that it was because he knew what he had once been. a broken shell of a man pushed far too hard with nothing left to loose and everything in the world to gain. the broken shell of a man who had fallen and had only gotten up when another crawled inside of him and gave life to his limbs. a broken shell, who had nothing to live for, but clung desperately to life because of his own cowardice. he did not want to be that man, not ever again.
Cai, only nodded at Loki before making him a sandwich in between him and his brother. For being so young he was very wise with some of the things he said. Maybe sometimes wiser then what he thought he was even though he was thousands of years older.

Wanting, nothing more then to make Loki's terrible memories, go away, he gave him a small nip of the outer part of his ear as his brother Ciel slowly began to undress the young boy before dismissing his own clothes and his brothers. Then sliding in and pressing his hard body against the front of Loki while Cai pressed up against the backside, he began giving the dark haired man small gentle kisses over his neck and chest as he glided his soft feathers up and down his leg."We promise we won't let you become what you once was. That is if you promise to keep us in line and never leave."

Placing, his mouth over Loki's, Cai gave him a passionate kiss as he joined his brother in teasing the young boy with his feathers. "Do you want us to stop? If you don't want this tell us and we will stop."


When Maria Hill and the other agents arrived in Indiana, they stood in the middle of the demolished area and stared in awe. They had never seen this kind of scene before. Not because they had never dealt with The Avengers constant demolishing of cities and small countries but because they had never seen so many...feathers!? Feathers as to what or whom they were not quite sure but they knew it was something they had never encountered before. That is unless there was new mutant in town and if that were the case they needed to contact Fury, The Avengers, and Professor Xavier. Although, as for now they had better start taking pictures of the damage and DNA of the feathers and anything else they could get before calling anyone. Fury would be pissed if she called him before she had any kind evidence as to what was going on. "Start collecting evidence and save every single feather you find. Fury will want to see everything, no matter how small! Agent Harris! Set up a perimeter and don't let anyone in or out. Agent Patterson! You and Agent Michaels start talking to anyone that might have seen anything strange. I will get hold of Coulson and tell him we have a bigger situation then what we first thought. We are going to need a lot more agents if we want to cover all of this ground by nightfall!"
Loki yipped a little when he was nipped, from surprise more than any pain. he didn't feel any pain at all though he thought it probobly should have hurt, waking up the brothers like that. he shuddered when he felt himself being stripped though he wasn't sure why. he wasn't cold for the brothers where so very warm and he wasn't scared. he knew they would never, ever hurt him. he enjoyed sitting naked against them, feeling their hot, hard flesh pressing against him. he gasped at the kisses and the feathers and leaned into them, his long coltish legs falling open in eager invitation. "I don't know that i can ever keep you in line." Loki mumbled dryly. "but i can promise i won't ever leave you, and if i'm taken away, the takers will very much regret it till their end days." he promised, kissing Cai back because there was nothing else to do. the kiss was warm and sweet and made him warm inside. made him understand that so long as they where with him he would never be the wretched thing he had once been. "No! don't stop!" Loki pleaded, tipping his head back. "please don't stop! i want you, so much. i want you inside of me, in every possible fashion. anyway you can think to have me!"


While Maria Hill was barking her orders, Phil Coulson was stepping out of Lola with the same cool cold indifference as he always had when he was sure something was a waste of his time but he was going anyway because there was something. something that could possibly be an O84. might be something worth investigating. not to mention his little spy in Tony's pretty little tower informed him that Tony's machines had started buzzing just an hour or so before the first reports started coming in. that meant something had happened here. something with a power output. he was entirely un-surprised when a gaudy red and gold suit flew overhead, pumping out ACDC so loud the local birds took flight and the nearby animals took off. Tony Stark had no idea what 'low key' was. "Agent." Tony said as he landed, flicking his face-plate up. "i take it Shaylynn told you?" well crap, so much for his spy being a spy. ah well. "She did." Phil admitted, moving over to Maria while Tony's suit started to fold out and hen collapse into an equally hideous red suitcase. "Man! this is a hell of a sight." Tony admitted with a whistle. "You know what this reminds me of?" "oh, please. enlighten us." "the time Thor smacked Cap's shield with the Hammer. only worse. this is worse." huh, well even Tony could have intelligent thoughts now and then Phil supposed. "Any reports yet Agent Hill?" Phil asked moving over to her even as Tony stepped away from the last bit of his suit and bent down to pick up a feather, looking at it very curiously. "Stark?" Phil demanded, making Tony blink at him. "it's... i'm not sure."
Cai still had reservations about what he was doing but since Loki was so beautifully irresistible, he threw caution to the wind and tried to allow himself enjoy this moment, allowing them all to forget their misery for awhile. "Oh, kitten. You make it so hard to resist you. Especially, when you beg for it so freely."

Cai, took his right hand and gently rubbed the inside of Loki's thigh as he continued to use his feathers to cause sweet torture against his bare chest. He had to admit Loki looked quite beautiful when his pale skin was flushed red as he quivered beneath him and his brother. It was something he could easily get used to...but then he was sure his brother could as well.

Running his tongue along Loki's neck before finally stopping in between the neck and shoulder, he began sucking gently on the soft and tender flesh, moaning as he pushed his hardened member into the side of Loki's leg.

Ciel, was finally excited that his brother had given in and had wanted to finally take what was theirs. He wasn't sure how much longer he could have held out when the delectable little morsel was always dangling in front of them like a ripe apple ready to be plucked.

Wanting, to take full advantage of the situation and make not only himself feel better but his new lover as well, he began kissing Loki, working his way from his lips down until he reached the nest of dark hair between his legs. Taking a hard sniff inward, he took in Loki's unique scent and became quickly intoxicated, seeing it was something he had never smelled before.

Placing, his face down under Loki's sac, Ciel began licking and suckling at his perfectly shaped balls, while Cai began working his way down Loki's body, finally meeting him at the same place where they began using their mouths to make Loki a very happy kitten.


Maria wasn't annoyed to see Coulson but she was slightly pissed to say the least to see that Stark was already there and on top of things when he really shouldn't have been involved in any of it until SHIELD knew more. She knew Fury would be upset and that he would end up taking it out on her before catching up with Stark himself to give him what for. Still, she didn't like getting yelled at for something that wasn't her fault. Stark always had to have his nose in everything and after awhile it got tiresome when all she wanted to do was her job without any yelling at her or interfering.

Giving, Tony a haughty look before turning towards Agent Coulson like Tony wasn't even there, she began spilling her guts of any kind of information that would be useful to her and her colleague."We know Loki was here for sure...but there were two other...beings with him as well. We ran the DNA but there is nothing in our computers that match. To be honest...this DNA don't match in any computer...anywhere. It's like whatever is here...it is something we have never seen before. It belongs to none of the enemies we have in our computer system or to those that belong to any super heroes, including the X-Men.

It is all quite strange but we are going to take what we got back to SHIELD, to go over everything again. Plus, I am sure Fury wants to see what we have. I know that whatever tore through here is quite powerful. Maybe more powerful then Thor or Loki put together. Still, for as odd as all of this is, it seems..."

Without finishing that thought, she looked out at her men who were taking bags of feathers, some green and some silver to the helicarrier to be taken back to SHIELD Headquarters and wondered if she should tell Coulson her epiphany or if she should keep her mouth shut until she talked to Fury. Either way Fury would be pissed, so it didn't seem to matter. If she was going to get yelled at for Stark having access to where he shouldn't, she might as well get the ass chewing for something worth while."Do either of you believe in angels?"
Loki mewled and wriggled, basking in all the pleasure and sensations. his previous encounters with sex, willing or not, had never included such foreplay. it had been about pain, not pleasure and Loki had liked that. he hadn't want to feel indented to someone for pleasure and he liked pain just as much. this was so far beyond what he was used to that he was barely able to keep up. withing against them like the greedy kitten he was, fairly incapable of proper reciprocation he tried anyway, his fingers stroking both of them, any flesh he found. wings, chest, legs, backs. his fingers danced over them, wishing h had the mind to map them out but unable to focus.

he finally managed to settle a hand around the turgid length pressing into his hip and he rubbed and squeezed as gently as he could, trying to tease back as best as he could before he shrieked at the mouth on his balls, both hands latching into the head of hair between his legs because he could do little else. his legs spread wide and his hips thrust up, unable to stop his own body, not wanting to. he gasped and bucked and writhed, calling and whining mewling and moaning, a hand on each of their heads, needing to hold on to something. "Stop! Can't! gonna Cum! Can't!" Loki struggled to babble a warning that he was about to orgasm, legs trembling as his balls drew up and his cock pulsed, trying to hold it back because he wanted more. feeling so very greedy, and wanting so much more. "please! please! please!"


Tony ignored Maria. He didn't give a shit about Loki really. the little pest hadn't caused any problems so far... well, so long as he hadn't been involved in this. Tony had been doing a lot of studying since he had found out about Thor and Loki and if half the things he had read about Norse mythology was true, then he felt pretty damn bad for Loki. he had thought about asking Thor, but decided it would be best if he didn't.

"So Loki really was here. what on earth could have set him off like this? he didn't even do this kind of damage with an entire army." Phil muttered, looking around at all the devastation. he turned to watch Tony who was still examining the feather before glancing at Maria. "Angels? i think you've bee spending too much time in the su...."

"Yes. i do." Tony admitted, cutting Phil off completely and making him blink at Tony. "Think about it logically. in every single culture on this planet there is some kind of reference to holy beings oftn called 'angels' or translated into smoething akin to them." he shook his head. "that's no coincidence Phil. Besides, we have witnessed Norse Gods. how the hell can you not believe in Angels?" he wondered, handing over the feathers. "look at these. Jarvis just scanned it for me and it's shape and form do not match any known species of bird, not even the extincts kind. it does however match ancient drawings found all over the world." he admitted. "that tells me that the theory of Angels? probobly not much of a theory. after all, we met some gods already, whats to say the 'one true' isn't just another asshole with power issues like Loki and Thor?" he asked, watching Phil who grimaced but conceded the point.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Phil demanded, Tony looking surprised. "what, you didn't know?" he asked. "i've been researching the energy fluctuation that asgardians cause when they transport from our realm to theirs or vice versa." he admitted. "They call it 'magic' but really it's just...."

"No science mumbo jumbo." Phil ordered before Tony could launch into things like subatomic participial and color wavelengths or things like that, that n one understood.

"....it's a manipulation of certain energies. they're basically just reaching through areas of space. like a tunnel. they where called 'wormholes' in certain science fictions. they're basically traveling in-between space particles. they're accessing negative energy is the most simple way i can think of to explain it. they're just manipulating matter at a sub-atomic level and calling it 'magic'.
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