Mind and Soul(Avengers) FoxWriter/TamaRose


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was just an average day for the people in Chicago, just another normal average day. The hospitals where even having a calm day, not a whole lot of people needed the emergency services, maybe that was why everyone noticed when the Ambulance came, with the half naked young man inside. Some of them might even recognize him from video feed after the massive battle in Manhattan. It had gone worldwide, the story of the Avengers and the massive battle to protect the earth from alien invaders. Loki Laufeyson, Prince of the Frost Giants, traitor of Asgard, trickster god and would be ruler of Midgaurd. He was in pitiful shape to say the least, though what he was doing back on Midgaurd was a mystery. Not even S.H.E.I.L.D or the Avengers knew he was there. No warning had been given that Loki had escaped, been released, or been banished. It was probably only luck that he wasn't in Manhattan, where the Avengers would lay down their own form of punishment.

It was hard to look at the young God, who was so pale he was white, and not feel sorry for him. He was filthy, covered in dirt and muck, his hair was in dirty tangles around his shoulders. He had clearly not bathed in well over a week, though he didn't stink, thank goodness. He was missing his shirt, showing large bruises across his shoulders and back and belly. As if he had been letting someone hit him where it would hurt the most. The most shocking thing though, was the fact that he had clearly slit his own wrists, and they where still bleeding, as was his neck, where he had tried, and failed to slit that too. He was staring with blank eyes of emerald green... which was wrong. The one honest picture everyone had of Loki, his eyes had been a pale icy blue hadn't they?

It took hours to stabilize him. To get his heart beating properly. They'd had to resuscitate him three times, and every time he was conscious he begged them not to hurt him anymore, screamed at them to let him go, pleaded to be allowed to just die already please! He babbled about feathers and knives and struck out at the doctors, thinking they where monsters and beasts. He was sick in a bad way, infection had set into the wounds and he had more wrong with him than a suicide attempt. He was malnourished, thin enough that one of the doctors guessed Loki hadn't had anything to eat for over a week, possibly two. Not even a scrap if the empty stomach and sunken cheeks where anything to go by. There where heavy rope burns on his wrists, ankles and around his neck, indicating he had, at best guess, been held captive for extended periods of time with ropes tied too tightly. He had cracked bones and a broken arm and a fracture in his sternum. As strong as Loki's bones where, he had to have been beaten hard. Considering he'd taken on the hulk and merely had the wind knocked out of him. It was a bit frightening to consider what could have hit Loki so hard it actually broke his ribs and caused internal bleeding. He was a mess, a bloody, scarred, cut all too hell and beaten mess. Even if he had tried to invade earth, no one deserved this. Well. Maybe Hitler.

The finally had him stabilized and moved him to recovery, I.V. Fluids feeding him precious life saving nutrients and painkillers. Most of the doctors where worried about Loki waking up in a foul mood, or being dangerous to himself or others so they restrained him. Tied him to his hospital bed, being very careful not to aggravate any wounds he had they cinched soft padded cloth cuffs to his arms, legs, over his hips, knees and just under the armpits so he couldn't get the leverage to break free. Or, well they hoped so anyway. It didn't actually matter since they had him so sedated it would be a miracle if he woke up on his own. Probably for the best, they figured the poor man was probably in the worst pain he'd ever been in. they where wrong, but they didn't know that.

Ciel (He has fingers instead of claws and his wings are green. His eyes are bright blue.


Cai (His horns are real and he has fingers, not claws. Cai's wings are like his brothers but they are silver and he has purple eyes.

Ciel and Cai were angel warriors from a strange planet named Heven. They had lived there all of their 600 years but now they were on the Midgardian planet known as Earth. It had been a long distance to travel after being wounded but to be honest they were two of the lucky ones to have made it. For some ungodly known reason their planet had exploded about a week ago and they had no idea why. At first they thought it had to do with the war that was going on between the angels of Heven but the more they thought about it, they wondered if there wasn't more to the explosion then what they knew. After all it wouldn't have been the first time their "mighty" Queen would have hidden something from her own kind. So, why would it be any different now?

In truth the difference was is in their opinion is that a lot of good angels died, along with a lot of their family and friends and someone needed to answer for what had happened if it was anything beyond anything natural...which they were pretty sure it was. Although, for now they were stuck on this Midgard trying not to draw attention to themselves until they could figure out a way to find out some answers along with how to find a place they could live peacefully without being targeted by outsiders or other not so nice angels that wanted to start a fight with them. So, using their angelic powers to keep themselves invisible they roamed amongst the humans, checking the surrounding areas in hope of finding someone or something that could point them in the proper direction.

After several hours of searching parts of Chicago, zigging and zagging through people, Ciel and Cai started getting tired from having to keep themselves invisible for so long so, they went to the top of the buildings where they could move freely around without having to hide themselves from prying eyes. Sure people could still have easily spotted them up above but for as quickly as they moved about but they could make the humans think they had been in the sun for to long. That or if they had gotten to hard of an accurate look they could have erased their memories with just a flick of the wrist. It really was no big deal when it came to the humans but if anything more dangerous was on this planet besides them...well, that was a whole new story that they truly didn't want to come across until they were completely healed themselves.


Ciel and Cai had been basking in the sun and resting on top of the Willis Tower when they felt a disturbance in the atmosphere. Not knowing what it was but knowing it was very powerful, both brothers set off in the direction of the disturbance until they came across a body that had looked like it had fallen from out of nowhere and was now lying in a crater on the ground. Curious and wanting to see what kind of creature could put off such an powerful aura, they made themselves invisible once more and placed themselves in the middle of the chaos as people began to gather around the body, along with some huge white machine with round wheels on it.

Watching, and paying close attention to what was going on, they listened as the healers tried to help the man right there at the location before deciding they couldn't do anymore and they had to take him elsewhere. Climbing, on top of the white machine to follow along, they rode to where they were taking him and followed him throughout the whole building until they were both finally left alone with him in a room with several strange devices attached to his weakened and tormented body.

"What is he brother?"

"I do not know Ciel but whomever he is...or was...he was quite powerful."

"Yes, but whomever could do this to him must have been ten times more powerful then him."

"True! That is why I do not want us to stay here on Midgard any longer then we have to. We need to get ourselves to one of the other realms where we can find safety and solitude until we can find another planet to make our own. We can't do that when we have to worry about getting caught by humans or other beings that are here and are unsafe."

"Yes, but brother. Look at him. He is hurt and he needs our help. We have to do something."

*snorts* "Fool! You are as naive as mother. Not everyone we come across can we help. Besides, look at us. It has been a week and we are still not fully healed ourselves. How can we help and protect this man when we can barely keep ourselves alive at the moment?"

"Cai, I understand brother and I truly don't know why we are not fully healed yet ourselves but we have to help him. I know you could feel what I did back there and whatever it was that had him was powerful.

Whomever he is...you know he is some kind of strong being or entity as well. I can feel it and I know you can too."

"That's exactly why I don't want to help him. How do we know he will not turn against him if we help him? Besides, we need to keep what energy we have for ourselves so we can continue to get better so we can leave this realm."

"You say I am naive like mother but I say you are becoming as cold as the Queen herself. Mother and father did not raise us to be like her or her followers but every day you seem to be more and more like them. All you do is think of yourself anymore."

"If that were true brother I would have left you to die, lying your body in space to decay with the rest of them...and don't you ever dare say I am like them. I am nothing nor will I ever be like them. Just because I think more with my mind then my heart does not make me cold and cruel."

"Then please help me. Help me heal him. We can't do it alone but we can do it together. I am not asking for us to give us all of our energy. Only enough so he may live. Please!"

Cai hated it when Ciel was like this. It was so hard to deny the boy anything. Even something as tedious and energy zapping as this.

Finally, giving in, Cai gave a small nod, and took Ciel's hand in his and placed the other on the man lying in the bed and began concentrating on mixing both of their energies, silver and green, together. When the room was filled with the two different colored aura's Cai gently began pushing it into the man's body, letting it heal where the major part of the damage had been done to his bones and organs.
Loki lay there, unaware of his two guests. he would have been asleep even without the medication at this point because his body was starting to shut down. slipping into a coma if he wasn't already in one medicine or not. he was on a respirator because he couldn't breath on his own with the crushed ribs that had punctured his lungs. he looked helpless on the bed and the machines keeping him alive only made him look more pathetic. the dance of silver and green light flickered over him, only making him look more pale and gaunt than before. the shadows flickered over his form, showing every dip and pocket of his skin stretched too tight against bone. which was bad considering how thin he had been when he first invaded earth. it wasn't hard to understand why a soft hearted Angel might want to help him. especially when said angel had no idea of the godling's sins.

as soon as the energy touched him, Loki choked and convulsed. the heart monitor began to race with the speed of his heart, sounding like an alarm as Loki coughed, choked, gagged and spit blood out from cold lips, his lungs forcing out the blood that had pooled despite the doctors best efforts. it was fine though, because his lugs where now healing at a rapid rate and where forcefully expelling the liquid. the internal bleeding healed, and the more dangerous injuries started to stitch together at a much more rapid pace than what little energy they had fed into him could do. they had kick started his own system, giving it the strength it needed to get going, giving the spark it needed to find the will to live. Doctors where flooding into the room now, removing the respirator and doing measures to keep him from drowning in the blood he was coughing up. removing the respirator panicked Loki, who struggled against the doctors. even magic couldn't cure such severe malnutrition so he could do nothing to them as he made high pitched, terrified keening sounds, blind from pain and fear as he heaved again, spilling out the last little bits of blood, bile and other such nasty things. it was disgusting, but he was awake and no longer in danger, though his feeble attempts at fighting the doctors when he was strapped down the way he was, was rather sad.

he looked over at the angels, seeing them even though they where invisible and started to calm. those two where the ones who had made the pain stop, at least on his insides. he could feel it, he could tell. they had saved him. he knew that. he wasn't sure how he knew, but he did know and he found himself sagging back into the bed because if they had saved him, surely they wouldn't be so calm if he was in danger with all the wildly moving people. once he started to calm, the doctors all started to calm as well, less panicked now that the dangers god wasn't trying to escape anymore. Loki's emerald eyes remained fixed on the Angels so he didn't realize the doctors where trying to talk to him until one of them set a hand on his shoulder, making him flinch and cringe away from the touch as if expecting it to hurt a great deal.

"I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" Loki cowered, trembling like a leaf as the doctors all pulled back, stunned by such a severe reaction. it was only to be expected though, some of the damage, it spoke of torture. meticulous beatings and extended bouts of painful actions and constant starvation. the head Doctor wasn't sure why he expected Loki to behave any less than other torture victims he'd read about.

"Easy. we're not going to hurt you. we're doctors. healers. we just want to help. can you tell us what happened?" The Doctor asked softly, wondering if he needed to call the Avengers? how did one contact the Avengers anyway? he frowned a bit when Loki shook his head. "Can you tell me how you got here?" he asked, watching Loki shake his head again. "Do you know where you are?" another shake of his head and the Doctor felt uncertainty curl in his gut. "You're on Earth. Midgard. does that mean anything to you?" Loki hesitated, thought about it and then shook his head and the Doctor swallowed, hesitated and asked the final question. "Can you tell me your name?"

"I... No..." Loki whispered, watching the Doctor, terrified he would b punished for not being able to answer the questions. "I'm sorry. I. I don't know my name..." Loki whispered, wincing, trying to pull away when the doctor raised his hand, not to strike t Loki, ti wasn't even the right motion, the doctor just rubbed the bridge of his nose, thinking hard.

"Do you remember anything at all?" the Doctor finally asked.

"I... No... Yes. Pain... It was so much pain, and wings. There where feathers and wings." Loki mumbled, turning to look at the Angels again, staring at them, wondering if he was the only one who could see them? was he going mad? he must be if he couldn't remember anything.

"What are you looking at?" The doctor asked, hesitant and Loki shook his head. "Nothing. it's nothing. they aren't real, I don't think." Loki admitted softly before looking at the doctor when he stood up and headed for the door, mumbling to himself, wondering what the correct course of action should be? contact Shield maybe? the local authorities? have him committed to the fourth floor mental ward? he'd never dealt with an amnesiac villain before. there was no protocol for this. Loki could still hear him but none of it made sense so he went back to staring at the Angels.
As soon as the man spit the last of the bit of bile out of his mouth, Ciel and Cai pulled back there powers and allowed themselves to regain their composure. It had taken quite a good bit out of both of them but at least the human the Ciel wanted to save so badly would live.

Standing, there watching as the healers came back in, Cai and Ciel took note as to how scared the dark haired man was and how fragile he actually looked. Something had really shattered the man but they weren't sure what. All they knew is whomever did this to him, they hurt him very bad physically and mentally. For a moment Cai wondered if it had been a good idea to save him. Especially, if he couldn't remember anything and his mind was a complete mess.

Although, when Cai noticed that he and his brother could be seen, even though they were very much invisible to everyone else he wondered if saving the young man was a complete and utter mistake now that he knew that the man could easily be a threat to them. "I told you we shouldn't have saved him. Whomever he is can see us. He could be a threat."

"Cai, please. Saving him was the right thing to do. Besides, look at him. He doesn't know anything. He can't even remember who he is."

"That is the problem brother. What do we do when he does remember? Think about it. If he can see us, though we are invisible that means he is of high ranking power. Therefore he is either a God or he is an angel like us. Which is highly doubtful, seeing as he doesn't have wings. Although, if he is anything like Angela.....

This isn't good Ciel. Not good at all."

Getting, annoyed at the human beings still being in the room, Cai with the flick of his wrist made them leave the room before putting a barrier around the inside so no one could get back in. When he knew everyone was gone he lifted the invisibility shield and allowed the man in the bed to get a good look at them both.

Cai was then about to approach the being first when Ciel grabbed his brother's hand and shook his head. Cai, letting out a snort nodded his head in return, allowing his soft hearted brother to approach the man and sit down by his side. "My name is Ciel, child. This is my brother Cai. Do not be afraid of him. His bark is worse then his bite.

Now, can you tell me anything at all about yourself. What is the last thing you remember before being here?"
Loki watched the two men argue, ears picking up the strange words. Angels and Gods, both where words that seamed so familiar. 'I am a god you wretched creature'... it rang in his mind like an echo. a memory? had he been attacked by a god? what did the man mean, that he could be a threat? he wouldn't hurt anyone, would he? no, he was pretty sure he wouldn't. the thought of hurting someone made him very uneasy and hesitance. He watched, a bit baffled as all the people just suddenly got up and left, had he upset them maybe? no, it seamed to be because of the winged men in the room who weren't real. at least, he didn't think they where real. maybe they where and the other people just couldn't see them? but that made no sense either, why would he be able to see what other people couldn't? it made no sense. then again, nothing about the world seamed to make sense at the moment so he supposed he'd just have to wait and see.

Loki watched as the two brothers approached, but he didn't recoil away from them like he had the doctors, watching them with wide eyes. a little afraid, but wanting to trust them because they had saved him. why would they save him if they where just going to hurt him? he smiled when Ciel sat down next to him, the action almost automatic because he seamed puzzled at the same time, as if he wasn't sure why he'd smiled. he glanced at Cai, fascinated by the two that apparently only he could see. or maybe it was the wings that held his attention, possible even Cai's horns, since his eyes remained fixated on them for a long moment before switching to Ciel's wings, hand lifting as if to reach out and touch them. the motion stopped before it even truly began by the straps holding him down.

"I'm not afraid." Loki finally whispered, staring at Ciel, like he was the most glorious thing he'd ever seen. in what remained of Loki's tattered memories and shattered mind, that was probobly exactly what Ciel was. he looked at Cai again, watching him, fascinated by the horns and the wings and the beauty of the man before looking at Ciel again.

"i don't like tight places." Loki informed him, voice still so soft, his throat probobly hurt to talk, since someone had cut it nearly to the larynx. from the angle of the cut it was pretty clear Loki couldn't have done it himself, though the human doctors probobly assumed he had. since he'd done his own wrists, he remembered doing that. he looked down at his wrists and then back up to Ciel.

"I tried to kill myself." Loki informed Ciel. "So the pain would stop. She hurt me..." he paused, hesitating. "there where wings. and darkness. and i was falling. and She was laughing..." he shuddered violently, cringing as if he expected 'her' whoever she was, to show up. "They where all laughing. they liked to make me hurt..." he sounded so broken and so scared. "and they laughed and laughed." he whispered. "it was a sick laugh, a sick laugh that wasn't a real laugh even though it sounded like one..." he mumbled, eyes unfocused, lost to the few memories he still had before he snapped his attention back to Ciel. "and then there was a lot of noise, and people where screaming and i was put into the white moving beast that screamed and they made the bleeding stop. you where there." he admitted, watching them both again, calculating but also awed. he wanted to believe that they had done it just to help him, but the cynical part, the part that remembered the laughter and the pain, that side knew better.
Ciel the gentler of the two reached over and undid the straps that were holding the young man down. Then when they were gone, he moved closer to the gentleman and rubbed the scars and wounds from his wrists, as if they had never been there in the first pace. "It is alright, love. No one is here to hurt you. Me and my brother will make sure that you are taken care of until you get your memories back."

When Cai heard his brother tell the man that they would take care of him and watch over him until he was mentally well, he gave him a look of annoyance and astonishment. How could his brother agree to such a thing when they had just arrived here a week ago and they didn't have even half of their powers back? They didn't even have no proper place to keep him nor did they have food to give him. What in God's name was he thinking?

Ciel who was obviously ignoring his brother's intense stare, continued to work on the man's visible wounds by rubbing them with with his hands and making them disappear like they had never been there to begin with. When he had most of what was on his arms gone, he moved to the man's neck and face, healing him until him and his brother could see the beautiful face that was hiding under all of those marks and scars. "He is quite beautiful is he not brother? He definitely has to be some kind of God because had I ever seen an angel this beautiful on our planet I would have taken him and ravished him."

Ciel, gave the man a soft smile as he leaned in and ran a hand through his thick black hair. The man was indeed gorgeous and he was pretty sure his brother saw it as well. Yet, knowing him he would have a hard time admitting it to himself or anyone else when it was quite obvious.

Cai who kept an eye on the man as his brother was healing him couldn't help but find the dark haired man quite attractive but it still didn't keep him from worrying about the man being dangerous and what it could mean for all of them if they decided to stay together. After all he wasn't his brother. He tended to think these things out, where his brother tended to follow his emotions. "You said that a she tortured you and that there were wings and a sick laugh. The only conclusion I can come to is that the Queen and a few of her followers got away before the planet exploded.

As to where she is hiding I would not know...but she had to have had a place to go before everything happened. That is where she must have taken you. This isn't good Ciel. Wherever she is hiding she is watching and planning something. We need to get out of here and now. Hurry, and finish healing him. When you are done I will carry him since I have more power then you do at the moment.

We are going to have to find clothes and food for him as well....and a place to hide. Hurry! We can't waste time."

When Ciel heard his brother's words, he quickly finished healing the rest of the man's wounds before taking some of the blankets that were in the room and swaddling him up to keep him warm until they could get some place safe. When he was done fussing over the handsome devil, he stepped away from the bed and let his brother Cai take over over from there.

Cai, lowered the shield around the room before going to the man and picking him up in his arms and holding him tight but gently. Then moving to the window along with his brother, he stepped out into the outside and opened his wings before soaring up into the sky as high as he could without killing the man from being up to high. "Don't worry. I won't drop you. We are just going to try find some place safe for us to hide. Rest. Sleep. This might take a while."
Loki watched,tensing a little when the hand came too close. frightened still but trying to hide it because he really did trust the two. he wanted to feel safe and know they weren't going to hurt him but he was still so scared of everything. when the hands undid the straps he calmed down a little, realizing they where letting him go. he hadn't even realized the straps where bothering him until they where off. it wasn't being held down, held in place, he rather liked that. it was being helpless around so many people that scared him. as much as he trusted the two brothers, he was still afraid of them. they could be up t anything, maybe they would take him back to evil laughing and the pain? they had wings too after all. though Loki didn't actually believe that, there was still a chance.

he watched stunned when the hands on his wrist made the pain there stop. the scars fading into nothing. strangely there where much older scars laid underneath that even Ciel's amazing power could not touch. scars that looked very identical to the ones Ciel had just healed. the man had tried to kill himself before. there where other scars as well under all the bruising, scratches and broken bone. they where small, nearly unnoticeable now but still there. along his back, now barely able to be seen, was evidence of repeated whippings. this man had been tortured most of his life if the layers of scars all over his body, most to light to be noticed unless you where really looking, or knew they where already there. Loki didn't seam to be aware of the faint scars covering his body, criss-crossing like a map. whoever he was, he had been abused long before the 'she' had ever gotten her hands on him.

"God?" Loki asked, blinking at them, looking truly baffled before shaking his head. "no. i'm a monster. they all said." he admitted, hesitating a little. "i... i don't know who... but they said so." he admitted, not looking too bothered by that. he wasn't entirely sure what a monster was after all, he did know that whoever 'they' where he didn't care much about their opinion anyway. then he realized what Ciel had mentioned about Ravishing and he felt himself going warm in the face. a blush, he was blushing, oh that was terrible! still, he wasn't sure if he'd ever had sex before, well, since he could remember what sex was he probobly had. the idea of getting to crawl into bed with these two beautiful, winged beings made him wish he had the strength to get aroused. he'd lost too much blood and was pumped too full of drugs to get a 'stiffy' at the moment.

"Aren't there others with wings?" Loki asked, his head tilted. "i think there are lots of things with wings, like birds, and... uhm... birds...?" well, that attempt to make Cai feel better had failed. he clearly was upset about what Loki had said and that made him feel terrible. he didn't like the idea of being a burden either, he was going to have to find a way to repay the brothers. he held as still as he could while Ciel healed him and set a hand on the others wrist because he was warm and soft and wonderful.

"I'm healed enough, i don't hurt anymore. the rest is just superficial." it was a lie, and he knew they probobly knew he was lying, but all that was left was bruises and tender places and scratches and small injuries that didn't matter. his broken bones where fixed, the stitches where gone and that was what mattered. the internal bleeding was gone and anything that might have caused him any real pain was healed. Ciel didn't need to do anymore and Loki didn't want the other to exhaust himself. he helped them wrap the blankets around himself, being naked and so very thin, even on a hot summer day he'd be likely to get cold. he had no body fat to protect him, though he wasn't as bad off as some people could get. Loki shuddered as Cai picked him up effortlessly. that was really awesome. he settled himself, snuggling into Cai and tucked his face into the others chest so his face would be protected from the wind and squeaked in fright when they launched into the air clutching at Cai's shirt for reassurance that he wasn't about to be dropped. he followed up by making the mistake of looking down and discovered he wasn't the biggest fan of flying when he wasn't the one doing the flying and tucked his face into Cai's chest again, this time to hide from the vertigo. once he calmed down though, the sensation of almost floating was very soothing, and he was soon falling asleep feeling so safe and comfortable in Cai's strong arms and commanding presence.

"Thank you." he whispered before letting himself go to sleep. he'd trust the brothers not to take him back to the pain. they wouldn't let him be hurt, they would keep him safe. he had no idea the panic in the hospital that they had created. unaware of the bald man with an eye-patch and a sour disposition showing up there to find out what the hell had happened and why Loki was A. on earth in the first place and B. how he had escaped.
Even though Ciel wasn't, Cai was quite surprised at how the dark haired man had snuggled up against his chest and went to sleep. Usually, if his attitude didn't put people off, his horns did. Even though he had wings like most of the angels, the horns was the only thing that separated him apart from the others. Although, not every angel in heaven decided to breed outside of their race and mate with a demon. In fact the whole ordeal had gotten his mother banished from Heven but before they had kicked her out, the Queen had decided to keep him and his brother as a reminder for what happened when celestial beings bred with the wrong kind of "royalty".

In either case many people did not care for Cai, even when it came to his own race. Maybe now that the foolish Queen had blown up their own planet he could take the time and visit his mother and father in the other realm. Although, at the moment he had more important things to tend to, other then himself. "Ciel, we are getting away from this...place. We are going to find someplace more quiet until we can find clothes and food for the boy. After that he can get rested while we figure out what to do next."

When Ciel heard that they were going to the dark haired man with them, he soared through the air like a silly child getting a new toy for Christmas, which just but Cai roll his eyes at the man. Ciel could be such a simpleton and fool at times but that didn't mean he wasn't a good brother or angel. It just meant he got his heart broken more times then most."Can't we just keep him brother? Make him our own. He would make us each a good mate and from the slight blush on his cheeks earlier I am sure he would not mind in the least."

Cai, just shook his head in annoyance. They couldn't keep the man. He wasn't theirs to keep. Besides, once he could remember he would want to go back to his family. It was just in ones nature. Still, they didn't know what kind of man they had with them. If he was a God was he a cruel God or and good one? So many problems since they arrived here and for some reason Cai could see much more coming their way. "No, Ciel! We can not keep him. He is not a child but a man. A man that probably has a family. No, we get him well and get him to remember and send him on his way."

Ciel only pouted at the response his brother gave him. He wasn't one for not getting his way and in this instance he was very unhappy that his brother was denying him something he really wanted. This was something they would definitely have to speak about later when the man couldn't hear because to him it was finders keepers and they had found him first.


Ciel and Cai had flown for several long hours and anytime they would notice the dark haired man move in anyway, they would quickly help sooth him back into sleep so he could get as much rest as possible. The more he slept the better it would be...not only for his health but for them as well. They really didn't know how well he would have handled such a long flight, knowing they had been up so high all that time and they didn't want him getting sick. So, this was the best route for them all.

It wasn't until about two hours later and they were practically worn out did they come across a place called Indiana where there was lots of thick green grass and private farms. Deciding, that is where they were going to settle for the evening to get some rest of their own, they gently landed onto the ground and went inside to a big building that was filled with warm light, several animals and lots of bedding.

Not having time for being picky as to where they could sleep for the night, they lay the man down on the large heap of straw and got on each side of him, pulling their wings together to keep them safe and warm for the night.
Loki only tried to wake once during the flight, whimpering while trapped in the midst of a nightmare that was easily soothed away with the promise of his protectors stoll holding him, watching over him. he woke once in the barn, fighting against invisible enemies that only he could see but making not a sound, simply lashing out with frantic hands at darkness and empty air to fight off something that was coming only in his mind. it was a little harder to sooth him back to sleep after that but once he realized his protectors where there he settled into sleep again and stayed asleep until the horrid crowing of a god forsaken rooster woke him from a very lovely dream he was having about an orgy with two very pretty men. he blinked slowly, wondering where he was all the while being very grateful it was so warm wherever they where, though he wasn't very fond of how dark it was. perhaps it was only night time? he hoped they weren't underground. he couldn't stand underground. locked away with no air... he jerked, frightened all of a sudden that he had been buried. buried alive. he sat up, heaving in a great gulp of air and felt all around him, searching for any hint of anything. he found feathers and he shouted in uncontrollable terror tht She had him again and had buried him alive with wings and the pain to mae him suffer until he suffocated to death. he rolled to his feet, bursting free of the feathers and the dirt and rolled down into sunlight and fresh air and hay the fresh smell of some kind of flowers and the shock of the two extremes made him very still for a moment, trying to come to terms with what he had been half dreaming and what was reality. he nearly crawled out of his skin when a chicken strutted past his knee and he back crawled away from it, back to the hay and the two men there, looking for their warmth and reassurance. it took him a moment longer to realize that he had been wrapped in their wings, which was why it had been so dark and warm. he blinked a little, staring at them but not really comprehending, still half asleep and still terrified out of his wits that he might have been buried alive. had that happened before maybe? was that why he couldn't get the idea out of his head? no of course not.... but then, maybe it had. She had made the pain, but maybe she had done other things too. it was impossible to know. not yet, all he could d was try to calm down and wait until he remembered. he wasn't sure he wanted to remember. some part of him, some deep part of him didn't want to remember anything. not a thing.

"C..Ciel?" Loki finally asked, blinking at the two brothers, checking to make sure they really where who they looked like. "Cai?" he asked, crawling over to them and settling in the middle of them, trembling again, though it was a mix of fear and chill, since he was still wearing nothing. "You won't let me be buried alive, right? you won't let it happen?" he asked, snuggling into them, though he had tucked his face against Cai, Cai was bigger, stronger, he would do the protecting and Ciel would do the cuddling. at least, that's how Loki thought of it. it was simple but t was all he had until he knew them better, understood them more. after all, if they'd taken him this far, it wasn't like they would leave him, right? they where his, he had found them and they where his. well, they had found him, but it was the same basic principle. they where his and he wouldn't let them leave him. his hands curled into tight fists, clutching Cai's shirt because he knew if one of them was going to leave him it was going to be Cai. and he'd take Ciel and he would be all lone, but he couldn't go away if he didn't let him. it was as close as he could get to pleading 'don't leave me', he wasn't sure they would understand the motion. they might, someday, when they had been together long enough to know. for now, he would play it off as his bad dreams making him extra needy, which was also true.
Cai wished he could have said he had slept better but he hadn't. Anytime Ciel or the dark haired man between them moved he was awake. He didn't want to disturb either one of them by moving so he stayed where he was, keeping them and himself warm and safe throughout the night, even though he knew the the tiny man in between them was having nightmares that were causing him to move and thrash around in his sleep.

Apparently, Cai had dozed off at some point because they next thing he knew, some kind of strange bird was squawking and the man that he had been trying to keep warm was running about like he had just gotten attacked. Sitting, up and pulling in his wings, he watched the scene unfold, as his brother Ciel awoke and did the same, both slightly confused as to what was going on.

When the man finally calmed and realization set in for everyone, Cai, simply pulled the man closer to his chest and wrapped his arms around him as he quietly whispered in his ear. Ciel' who's heart was practically breaking for the man, snuggled up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist like his brother had and tried to comfort him the best he could. "Don't worry, kitten. Ciel and I won't let anything hurt you...and I promise you will not be buried alive...ever. I am sorry if my wings scared you. I was only trying to keep us warm for the night.

Now, why don't you try and relax and I will go get you some clothes and food. We will even find you a place to clean up a little...and don't worry. Ciel will take very good care of you. He is just as strong as I am so he will protect you. I wouldn't leave you alone with him if I didn't think he could protect you."

As Ciel smiled and nodded, Cai began to carefully removed the man's arms from around his body and began to link them with Ciel's arms, whom quickly took over as his protector. Then moving few steps back, he ruffled his feather and shook out the straw and soot until they were clean "Ciel, behave yourself while I am gone! We don't need "kitten" to be scared more then he already by letting him know what a warped angel you are."

Cai, gave Ciel a smirk while Ciel looked at him as if he were insulted. How dare his brother even think that he would defile the poor boy's mind while he was gone. Besides, if anyone was warped it was Cai. He could come up with things that would even scare him. True they could still arouse him more then one could imagine but he was still not as warped as his brother.

After sticking his tongue out as his brother, he lay back down next to their "kitten" and snuggled close as he gently wrapped a wing around his naked frame. He knew now that Cai had given the man a pet name, there was no way in hell they were going to let him go. "Do, not listen to anything he says. He is just jealous because I get to stay here and have you all to myself while he searches."
Kitten? was that his name? he didn't think so but he liked it. he liked knowing they thought he was cute and sweet like a kitten. he had a feeling he was anything but cute and sweet but that was okay, he could find out later. he clutched tightly to Cai, slowly starting to relax at the man's whispered comforts. he felt a bit bad for getting scared and he shook his head. "Your wings didn't scare me. it was dark, and i think i was having a nightmare. i can't remember." he admitted softly, looking up at the other with wide eyes that appeared entirely too innocent. "i like your wings. they're warm, and really soft. and they smell nice." he admitted before nodding at the order to relax. he was calm now, he had his protectors there. he was fine now. until he realized that Cai was going to have to leave to get clothes and food and he clutched at the other even more tightly. he was still too weak for that to be at all effective however and he didn't put up too much of a fight anyway. he was too hungry to really complain and he was getting cold again. he snuggled into Ciel instead, pressing himself completely into the other for warmth.

He frowned, looking confused at the byplay and then flushed as he realized they where talking about sex. Ciel was a pervert maybe? probobly both of them? that was okay, he had a feeling that he was a pervert too. he seamed to have a thing for wings at the very least. and considering he wouldn't mind having both of them, well, he seamed to have other ideas too but it was better not to think about that when he wasn't sure he'd get to play on those fantasies at all. still, e felt he better say something so he looked up at Cai, feeling shy but bold at the same time. odd sensation. "i'm not scared... you could never scare me." he said softly, head tucked against Ciel's shoulder as he watched the other brother getting ready. he seamed to have a thing for horns too because, damn those where hot. Loki wondered if they where too sensitive to grab hold of like handlebars and force Cai's head down.... maybe he better think things like that when he had clothes to hide erection. he cut off the blood flow there without even thinking about it, killing any organ 'malfunctions' before they could even start. he didn't realize he had even done it. being a shapeshifter had amazing perks, being able to control when you popped a boner was one of them.

"okay." Loki agreed, looking up at Cai, his head tilted. "i wouldn't mind it if you defiled me." he admitted, snuggling into the warmth of the other. "when i'm a little better. i don't think i could now. it's too tired." he admitted, already tired out from his panic attack. "Don't leave me? i don't want to be alone..."
Cai was surprised at the man's confession. Not only did his horns not scare him but he found his feather's quite warm and satisfying. The only other person who had ever said anything so kind to him was his brother Ciel or his mother and father....but even now that time seemed like a lifetime away.

Feeling, a slight warmth fill his soul, he smiled for the first time since he had arrived to Midgard and it felt nice. Walking, over to where Ciel and the boy were lying, he leaned down and gave the man a small kiss on the forehead before turning around leaving.

Ciel, who lay there running a hand over the man's back to keep him calm and sooth away any fears, began speaking to him softly, trying to get him focused on him while Cai was going to be away for awhile. "You are a naughty little kitten aren't you? Trust me if I wanted to defile you I would but I would not do it when you are not well. Plus, I want it to be of your own free will and only when you can remember at least who you are. As much as I like you and as tempted as I am to taste you. I would not hurt you like that. You have already been through so much.

Now as for leaving. I will not be going anywhere. You are safe with me here. So, why don't you go ahead and get some rest with Cai gone. Before you know it he will be back and you will be getting your belly filled with food."

Situating, himself a little differently so he and the dark haired boy was a little more comfortable, he finally leaned his head against his wings like a pillow and quickly went back to sleep.


Cai, who had been gone for about three hours finally came back to the barn where two sleeping beauties who seemed to be completely out cold. Trying his best to be quiet, he went ahead and lay the clothes that he had found across one of the doors of an empty stall before clearing a space on the floor and throwing a blanket down over the cold cement floor so he could start laying the hot food out for their little kitten, so he could get his belly full.
Loki looked delighted that the other was smiling and blinked, surprised by the kiss to his forehead before he brightened like a small sun and beamed at Cai as if he'd never gotten a kiss of affection before. in Loki's memories he hadn't... although, what little Loki did know about himself, he suspected he'd never gotten a kiss to the forehead ever. he ws wrong, but it was still very rare to receive any kind of affection at all. he blinked at Ciel once Cai was gone and smiled ever so innocently.

"I'm not naughty." he assured the other. "i'm sweet and innocent and ever so compliant." he teased, smiling up at the other, looking very much like a naughty kitten. "it is a good idea." he grumbled. "i can give my consent. i'm an amnesiac, not brain dead." he sulked before he sighed.

"i guess i can understand." he admitted, watching the other with soft lidded eyes. sleepy and fighting it because he was afraid of having more nightmares. afraid of waking up alone, even more, afraid that all of this was a dream and he was going to wake up and it would be the pain again. still, he was very tired and Cai was bringing food and Loki was desperately hungry. he would sleep until food was there. he settled into the others wings with a sigh and mumbled a thank you and went to sleep, letting the soft feathers and the others soft breathing sweep him away.


Loki stirred as the other was laying out the food. it wasn't the sound of the other moving around that had woke him, but rather the smell of the food. the wonderful smell of food. food that he hadn't had in a long time and he was out of the warmth of Ciel's wings and crawling to the food, too weak to actually walk at the moment, and was patiently waiting on the blanket, watching Cai intently. Loki wouldn't touch the food though, not until Cai said it was okay because some part of him was wary that the food might not be for him, or they would get mad if he took without permission. somehow, he didn't think this was because of Her or the Pain, had it been trained into him? it felt like it. it didn't matter right now anyway because his stomach was trying to crawl into his throat it was demanding the food so eagerly. another good thing about being a shapeshifter, or maybe just being a god, was that he wouldn't get sick if he stuffed himself after weeks, maybe even months without food the way a human would. he stared at all the hot food and wondered what he should try first, nothing looked familiar except the small square things that where colorful.

"poptarts." the name came to him as suddenly as a bolt of lightning. the name made him think of lightning too, how strange. one was in his hand and he was devouring it before he even realized he had forgotten to wait for permission. he couldn't stop though, once the taste hit his tongue there was no stopping him. he was eating, he wouldn't stop until he was full. it didn't take long for that to happen, even for a god, months without food had effects and a small stomach was one of them. still, he had devoured much more than a human could have, and he could already feel strength spreading through his body again and he was mumbling thank yous between final bites of poptart and carrots.
Ciel almost snorted at his kitten's response. This one was definitely a feisty one. It made him wonder if Cai was right when he said he was a God of sorts. After all the longer he seemed to be around him and his brother and got comfortable the more he got a little bold in his words. Which was just fine because it meant that he was going to be an entertaining little shit as time went on.


As soon as Cai saw the dark haired man out of the corner of his eye, he stepped back and gave him a nod towards the food, letting him know it was alright to go ahead and eat as much as he wanted. Then laying back on the pile of straw with his brother, he gently nudged the sleepy head awake before pulling him into his arms and giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead. "I am glad to see our kitten has not been tainted in any way. I am very proud of you brother. You must really like this one not to take him so soon."

Ciel, who only snorted and looked innocently up through his lashes at his brother gave a devilishly smile before looking over at their kitten, afraid if he ate to much to fast would make himself sick. "Kitten, please take your time. I don't want you to get sick. I promise no one will take the food away from you....except maybe the chickens. The food has seemed to draw their attention toward us...but other then that you are fine, love."

Cai glanced over to where his brother was looking and chuckled. For some reason that boy was a fascinating one. Not only did him and his brother take interest in him but so did the strange animals and humans that came in contact with him. That may or may not be a good thing but for now he wouldn't say anything.

Breaking, his thoughts on the man in front of them, he turned back to Ciel and began snuggling his face against his neck, giving him a small nip here and there as he pulled him into his arms and covered them with his wings....
Loki ignored the two brothers for now, intent on stuffing himself as much as he could before the food was taken away. it would be, he knew, once they thought he'd had enough, he had to eat as much as he could before he was forced away from the food. he didn't think they would physically punish him, but he wasn't one hundred percent sure and he was more than ready to duck out of the way if he was wrong. he trusted them, loved them even though it had only been a short time, but some habits where too deep to break even in amnesia. he paused at Ciel's voice, swallowing thickly, he wasn't hungry anymore though s it was fine if he was told to stop now. he still craved food, still needed it but he could stop. he blinked a little at the mention of the chickens and looked at them with the quite startled look of a person who had never been so close to a chicken before. He studied the chickens and the way they scratched at the ground with fascination before he picked up a pop tart and held a piece of it out to the chicken, generous enough that even though he was still starving, still desperate, he'd share.

he looked utterly delighted when the chicken plucked the piece right out of his fingers and he looked up at the two brothers in delight. "it likes me!" he informed them, offering more food tot he chickens, and the small mice that crowded around him, examining him as if he was the odd one. well, he rather was, feeding mice and chickens as if it was common, even picking them up and examining them without any fear of being bitten or harmed. he wasn't either, had a normal person tried to pick up a wild mouse they would have been attacked for sure, they lay calm in Loki's hands, as if mesmerized by him. he was soon bored though and they scattered as Loki headed back over to the brothers.

"Hey, are you having sex without me? that's not fair." Loki complained, trying to peer through the feathers to see the two brothers. "hey. if your not gonna eat, ca i have the rest?" he could pack it away too. anything he ate that wouldn't fit in his stomach would be instantly converted into magical energy that would go into healing anything that needed healing. anything left after that would be stored like a battery, only without limit. there was a reason Loki had been one of the most feared sorcerers in the known realms. he could cast with almost limitless energy. do things that almost no other god had ever been capable of. it was more than just his unique heritage, he was something special. like most people who where truly special, he had been hated for it. he just didn't remember that part yet.
It was hard to deny that Cai was getting quite stiff within the confines of his armor but when their little kitten interrupted the special little moment between the two brothers, Cai couldn't help but stop what he was doing and pull his wings to the side so he could look down at the little one while his brother lay on the straw panting and whimpering from being heavily petted. "You can have as much as your stomach will hold and as much as to where it won't make you sick. We will not take it away from you but we don't want you to make yourself sick either.

When you are done little one come back to us so we can talk about getting that bath. I think after the past few days that we all have had, we are all in need of a nice warm bath."

Giving, Loki an almost heated look, he quickly turned back to his brother and covered them back up so he could finish what he had started with his brother, almost afraid to keep his eyes lingering on the human for fear of devouring him with his mouth before he actually wanted to.
Loki blinked at the two brothers, his head cocked looking very put out that he was being neglected but decided that he wasn't fit for that kind of activity yet anyway. he was still too weak and still in a bit of pain, and not the good kind either. he grinned when he saw how mussed and messed Ciel was, the other man looked simply ravishing and Loki swore that within the next week, once he was better and able, he was going to defile that sweet body. He had the unfortunate feeling he was going to have to be firm with these two, they seamed to have this most distasteful problem about being worried about taking advantage of him. he'd fix that soon enough. even if it meant he'd have to take them both on separately, he would have them. they where his now, and he was going to get what he wanted.

"Oh, i can't get sick." Loki said, waving off the concern and going back to the tablecloth with the food in it and started eating again at a more sedate pace. the more he could eat, the faster he would heal. the faster he healed the sooner the two would be his. "Bath?" he asked, perking up at the word. oh to be warm and clean! e was soon devouring anything that was left, saving a good meals worth for both brothers. he didn't want them to go hungry either. instead of rejoining them however he sat there and listened to the sounds they where making, enjoying the trailing lust floating in the air like silk threads. he smiled, savoring the flavor of the magic in the air before he struggled to his feet and staggered over to them, running his fingers through the feathers of Cai's wings once he was there because he couldn't resist touching the soft warmth. he was trembling again, the air was chilled in the barn and he was still very naked and far too thin, he grew cold so easily and he ignored any protests and pressed himself into the warmth of the wings with a content sigh.

"i am full now. you said we could have a bath now?"

Cai really didn't mean to neglect Loki. It's just after sleeping next to him and his brother all night and having elicit dreams about the three of them he had to have some kind of release and at the moment he was unwilling to involve Loki in anything as dirty or as strenuous as sex. True, they weren't really having full blown out sex. There was just a lot of heavy petting and kissing but it was still enough to make them both orgasm hard enough to cause an array of colors to shoot up through the barn roof and up into the sky.

Coming, down from their intense high, Cai quickly waved his hand and cleaned him and his brother off before fully pulling away to lie back on the straw. His perfect older brother looked gorgeous. His pale skin was such a dark shade of red that anyone that walked in on them right now could tell what they had been doing....and even though Ciel enjoyed having his brother touch him he couldn't help but get flustered and embarrassed at how red he got.

Cai, on the other hand was slightly tinted but he was better at controlling his body temperature after sex. It annoyed Ciel more then he let on but it was mostly because his brother would wait until someone was only several feet away from them before giving him a heated kiss or whispering something dirty in his ear. He enjoyed making him blush and it jerked his chain more then not. Although, now that they were just laying there alone with Loki it didn't seem that bad and Ciel took the time to enjoy the euphoria of it all before climbing to his feet and pulling Loki into his arms and giving him a chaste kiss. "Come kitten. Cai will lead while I carry you.

Now, I am going to wrap my wings around you to keep you warm but I won't hurt my little dove. I just want to keep you safe and protected, alright?"
Ciel gave Loki another small kiss before wrapping his wings around his light body and lifting them both into the air. "You can carry the clothes "little" brother. I have our kitten to carry."

Ciel gave a devilish smirk in Cai's direction as he began to leave the barn with Loki. Cai may have been the stronger of the two but he was still the oldest...and if Cai could get away with making him blush, he could do the same to him.

Cai, who snorted as a look of annoyance crossed his face, grabbed the clothes and went flying out of the barn as he began leading them to the nearest lake he could find. "Do not call me "little". I am much bigger then you...and stronger."

Ciel who only laughed softly as he rolled his eyes, held Loki close to frame as he began following his brother until they reached a small lake that was just the right size for the three of them.....
Loki shuddered at their release, had he been capable he would have had one too. as it was he was barely half stiff. too tired, too weak. he could see what they weren't including him, damn it all. but he would get better, especially if they kept feeding him like this. the magical buildup would slowly infuse him, and heal everything that they hadn't been able to. including the loss of his muscle mass. building up his fat stores would take longer and he would be painfully thin for a few weeks but it wouldn't take him much longer than that to be back to his standard form. Loki watched them settle back and he giggled a little at ho bright Ciel was. the more affectionate of the two seamed to be more emotional period, and Loki took great delight in watching the blush. Ciel looked fantastic when he was blushing. simply edible.

"Okay." Loki agreed, snuggling into Ciel happily, a bit worried about being dropped but since they didn't seam to be flying off, he wasn't too concerned. he snuggled into the warm feathers, nuzzling into them so he could inhale their warm scent and he smiled. he couldn't have found better protectors. sure, they had found him, but it was the same thing. wait... Cai was the younger brother? that was... not what he expected. Ciel was so much... younger, in Loki's opinion, or maybe just not as hard? was it the horns maybe? he didn't know. he did know that being different could get you hurt, had someone hurt Cai? the thought made him want to snarl. he scowled, tucking himself into Ciel and silently planned for revenge. he couldn't actually do anything now, but he knew without a doubt that someday soon he would get some of his memories back and then he would be very dangerous. he would make the people who hurt Cai pay dearly. if that was the case at all anyway. at the very least Loki would be seeking his own retribution, he wondered if the boys would help?

"pretty." Loki admitted when they stopped, looking around at the pretty trees and smiled when a couple of butterflies decided to settle on him. he had an interesting draw to the animals that was for sure, because no sooner had he set his feet on the ground than a mother Doe stepped out of the treeline with her fawn and froze, staring at them before relaxing, content to watch her baby drink and play at the waters edge while Loki watched, enraptured by such a fascinating creature. Loki stroked the water, pleased to feel that it wasn't as cold as ice and started sliding in, yelping when the water began to steam. not the way water did when it got too hit, but the way it did when it got too cold. the fawn squealed and raced back to her mother while Loki stared, stunned as a layer of ice began to build on the other side of the lake, slowly creeping towards them as the water grew more and more cold and Loki looked down at his hands. they where blue. not blue from cold, but actual blue like he had dipped himself in dye nd now his skin had taken on that color. he did the only thing that made sense. he screamed ad scrambled out of the water, flinching and trying to scrub away the blue on on skin, which had covered everything the water had touched. his hands to the wrists, and from his toes to his hips.

"What's happening!? what happened?!" Loki babbled, watching his skin slowly fade back to the pale pink it was supposed to be. "i'm a monster!" it only made sense, only monsters where blue. he remembered that. the voice of someone he couldn't recall. 'All the creatures that are most foul in this world are blue. the Kree, the Chitauri, the Svartálfar and the Jötunn.'. was he one of those creatures? was he a monster? was he a creature most foul? would the boys now hate him for being such a freak?
Even after they both got Loki to his destination, Ciel and Cai were still lovingly bantering back and forth about the others shortcoming or lack of abilities as they began undressing themselves while Loki took in the scenery around them, thinking he was fine until they settled their little disagreement before getting in the water.

It wasn't until they heard loud splashing, screaming, and the sound of the animals fleeing, did they turn to see a completely changed Loki then what they had come to know him to be, both confused as to what was going on but not overly worried since neither one of them felt anything sickly coming off of him or noticed any actual pain radiating off of the boy. Still, Ciel being the more motherly type and not liking the fact that Loki was in some sort of emotional dispair, stepped forward before he was stopped and pulled back by Cai, being told to stay while he went to try and settle the boy down.

Taking, hold of Loki's shoulders and getting him to focus on his face, Cai looked down at him sternly, yet not harshly or angrily and began speaking to him like a father would a child. "KITTEN! Look at me. I said look at me. I don't know what just happened but I know you are no monster. If you are one then so am I. Look at me. Look at my horns. I am part demon and part angel because my mother and father fell in love. I did not to grow up with my mother and father because the Queen took them from me because I was a bastard!"

Ciel winced at his brother calling himself a bastard. He never liked that word but he hated it even more because that is what the Queen and her follows called Cai at all times. It was like he wasn't deserving of kindness or love because of who and what he was, when in fact he deserved so much more. It had been so hard for Cai growing up. He couldn't understand why the others called him names or why other children wouldn't play with him or why other parents wouldn't even allow such a thing to happen but he did the best he could growing up, with a lot of help from Ciel and his father. Maybe that was why Ciel had become more of the feminine one while Cai worked so hard at being the stronger one.

With tears welling up in his eyes, Ciel looked off into the forest as his thoughts of their childhood took him away. He knew Cai and Loki would need a little time to themselves and he didn't in anyway want to interrupt the lesson he knew Cai was going to try and give the young boy, even though he desperately wanted to run over and hug them both. "I don't know what it is that me and Ciel just saw but it was one of the most amazing things we have ever seen. You are quite powerful kitten. That means you are special but it also means means you have to be careful. What happened I am sure is not something you did intentionally. It was something that just happened but you will have to learn to control. I am sure once you remember everything about your past you will be just fine. It's just until then things will be...hard to control."

Letting, out a loud sigh, Cai finally pulled Loki into his chest and hugged him before continuing on with speech. "Kitten, the only thing that would make you a monster is if you used those powers to hurt others for your own sick amusement.

Now for as your being blue and your eyes being red....what makes you think we and my brother would treat you any differently because of the color of the skin or eyes? You are not a monster because of how you look but because of what you do and how you feel inside your heart. If there is nothing but blackness, bitterness, and hate in your heart you will be the ugliest person in the world....but if you love and treat others like you want to be treated...and do you very best at being good, even though you might end up making mistakes a long the way, you will be the most beautiful person anyone would lay eyes on.

Now, come. We will talk more after we get a bath. I will warm the water up and Ciel will stay with you until I get it to a satisfactory temperature. Until then relax. You will be fine and there is nothing to be frightened of."

After, Ciel was done, he finished undressing himself and setting his clothes off to the side before climbing into the water and heating it slowly with his fingers until he got it the right temperature. When done, he motioned for Ciel and Loki to get in so they could begin spending a few hours enjoying one another and the environment around them before they had to decided on what to do next.
Loki was giggling at their bantering. it was really cute and adorable and fun. he could tell they weren't actually being mean, and it was all for play and fun. turning Blue had not been part of his plan for the day, nor was having a bad panic attack. He gasped when he was shook by Cai, afraid to meet the others eyes, terrified he would see fear or disgust. he couldn't help but obey when the other commanded it. obeying was something so ingrained into him his body reacted instantly his eyes snapping to Cai's even as he trembled in terror at what he would find. he didn't find what he expected. his lip trembled and he looked frightened, but not of Cai. never frightened of Cai.

"No! i love your horns!" Loki protested. "You're not a monster! you saved me!" Loki protested, clutching at Cai, wanting him to understand that Loki could never hate or be afraid of him. still, Angels and Demons? he hadn't expected that, he had always thought them to be myth and tale. not real. apparently he was wrong. had the feathered ones who had taken him been Demons then? the ones who made the pain. couldn't be Angels. Angels where sweet and pure and kind, right? he'd worry about it later. he winced at the other calling himself a bastard and shook his head, clinging to the other even more tightly because he didn't much like that word either. ['i]get out of the way you little bastard[/i]' followed by a smack. it had been a common sensation, he was sure because he flinched as if he could feel the strike even from his shattered memories.

"P-Powerful?" Loki asked, stuttering over the word because he didn't fully understand the concept of it. it would explain why the Animals flocked to him. they where attracted to the magical output he was releasing. it was also why it was easy for the boys to know he wasn't Evil or a monster, the animals wouldn't flock to him if his power was of a cruel or wicked nature. water was a major conductor, so when Loki had stepped into it, his power had spiked violently, reacting in the way it did naturally. Loki had no control, considering he hadn't even realized he had power, and so it simply reacted the way magic did. Loki didn't fully understand but he was nodding anyway, glad that the boys at least seamed to know what was happening and how to help. more, they didn't look like they where mad or hated him. they where his protectors, they would keep him safe even from himself, he just knew it.

"I don't want to hurt anyone!" he protested, wrapping his arms tightly around Cai. "i don't want to hurt anyone." he promised before hesitating, looking up at him. "except, maybe the people who hurt you... i'd ike to make them scared." maybe not hurt them, but he wouldn't mind making them piss themselves in fright, maybe break their arm if they really didn't get the picture. more than that? the idea of really hurting someone made him feel very ill. the idea of hurting someone in a bad way and enjoying it made him want to puke.

"...everyone always hates me because i turn Blue. i remember." he admitted. "they call people who turn blue 'Creatures most foul'.... they said i was a bastard and they hit me for being in their way. and they said i was a monster and that i should be drowned..." Loki whispered, his voice trembling like he wanted to cry. he wouldn't though, he remembered, Crying only got him smacked some more.

"I do want to be good." he admitted softly. "i want to be perfect like you and Ciel." he admitted, pressing his face into the other with a sigh. "i want to be beautiful like you." he admitted, offering him a smile and leaned up and pressed his lips against Cai's in a soft kiss before sliding over to Ciel so he could watch Cai make the water warm again, watching closely like he could learn how to contain his powers if he watched Cai enough. he inched his way over tot he water, wary for the moment, slipping his fingers in and when nothing happened he slipped the rest of the way inside with a contented sigh and sank in until there was nothing but the top of his head showing. basking in the warm water before poking his head back up and watched the brothers. he seamed perfectly content to bathe in the wilderness and even scrubbed himself clean with handfuls of sand. he seamed to be very used to bathing in the wild, even if he yelped and nearly drowned Cai when the fish where attracted to him the way everything else was and Loki freaked out because 'something slimy grabbed Me!'. once he realized it was just fish he was okay though he wasn't as happy with those as he was everything else and he was quick to evacuate the water when too many fish showed up. especially since they kept nipping at him.
After Cai had warmed the water and Ciel and Loki had entered the water, Cai, went over and sat closer to his brother as he watched Loki enjoy the water. He knew that the boy...man was probably just as old if not older then him but he couldn't help but want to treat him as he did Ciel and protect him as much as he could. Still, he knew that, that wasn't possible when the memories that Loki was starting to remember was practically causing him more pain then what he had probably felt at the hands of the Queen.

Ciel, being the mother he was, couldn't stand it any longer and had to go to Loki and pull him into a warm embrace before walking him back to where Cai was and pulling him into his lap as he contently held the dark haired man warmth and kindness. "Pet, you are not a bastard and you are not a creature most foul. You and Cai really need to quit seeing yourselves as such. If you two knew how much it breaks my heart to hear you both talking about yourselves like that you wouldn't do it.

Also, you can not be perfect like me and Cai because we are in fact not perfect ourselves. Despite what mots people think not all angels are good and there are a lot like me and Cai that do our best to be good and help others but falter due to our own weaknesses. We are in no way perfect little one."

After Ciel, had snuggled him enough, he let go of Loki and let hims do as he pleased, along with allowing himself to wash himself off with sand from underneath the water. The young boy was fascinating to watch and it seemed the more they spent time together the more bold he became. When they had first met him he didn't know anything and he was quite thin and weak. Yet, within a day and a half he was showing signs of great improvement and was offering to hurt anyone that tried hurting them. It amused him and it made him wonder what kind of man their kitten was. Was he as good as he claimed he wanted to be or was he more of a troubled being that any of them knew?

Not really wanting to ruin their perfect day when it had started out a little rough, Ciel climbed up into his brother's lap and leaned back into his chest, letting his brother wrap his arms around him and hold him while they both watched their little kitten fuss about the fish. "You know me and Cai find you just as attractive as the fish do? We would love nothing more then to keep you for ourselves but we know you are not ours to keep. Still, you look quite delectable standing in the water all wet with the sun shining down on you."

Cai, who was getting tired of flirting so openly with Loki, gave him a small pinch to his bare bottom, causing Ciel to yelp and smack him playfully on the chest before settling back down and watching Loki fight off the fish.
Loki blinked in surprise when he was pulled into a hug by Ciel and he snuggled into the other, watching Cai and enjoying the snuggles before looking up at Ciel. "i am a bastard though. my parents where not married, and are still not married." he admitted. "plus no one wanted me so they liked to throw that in my face." he admitted with a sigh. "i don't like remembering things." he admitted, leaning a little more into Ciel. "can you make it stop? i don't want to remember The Pain, and fear and hurt anymore." he admitted softly, watching Cai. "i don't want to remember and i want to stay with you and Cai." he admitted. "you'll let me right? you'll let me stay even if i really am a monster?" he asked nervously. "even if i am bad like everyone says? you won't let me be bad right?" he asked, almost frantic with the idea he might be left all alone with no one. separation anxiety at it's finest. he looked confused at the others statement that the two Angels weren't perfect, as if he couldn't wrap his mind around the concept. to Loki, the brothers where indeed perfect, even if they weren't. still he didn't like upsetting the other so.. "i promise i won't call myself a bastard or a monster ever again." he promised, kissing Ciel happily on the lips before sliding into the water.

Loki huffed in annoyance as he tried to avoid the fish, first by walking in circles then by evacuating the water completely and they just kept gathering up near him as if he was the tastiest worm ever. Loki looked over at the two brothers when Ciel teased him and he stood up, giving them the perfect angle of his shimmering wet body glistening in the light and smirked. "I know." he admitted, looking very smug that they thought him sexy enough to want to keep before he realized what he'd done and flushed bright red, though he didn't try to cover up. nudity didn't mean a damn thing to him even if he had all his memories. he grinned at them and abandoned the water because the fish where freaking him out and flopped onto the cool grass with a soft sigh, letting the warm sun flush his body and keep him from getting chilled. "Cai? Ciel?" Loki asked, his head tilted. "even if i don't have my memories, i'm still more than capable of giving my consent, you know that right?" he asked. "i don't have a partner, i know that much. though, i don't know if i have anyone i might miss, or who might be missing me, that doesn't mean i won't live you just the same with or without my memories." he admitted, watching them with his bright emerald eyes, so innocent but firm. it was really quite cute.
"You know brother. I think he is going to be more trouble then me." Ciel let a small laugh escape his lips as he began helping his brother wash his hair and take care of his wings. It was a tedious job to say the least but it needed to be done and since they had landed on Midgard neither one of them had, had a decent bath. "I am afraid so, Ciel. I honestly didn't think there could be anyone naughtier then you."

Both brothers laughed when Loki left the water due to the fish. He seemed so childlike in that moment that it was hard to see him as the grown man that he was. He wanted to stay with them and he promised that he would be good if he could. Still, how could either one of them know that Loki wasn't someone else. Someone that needed to be elsewhere, to possibly run another realm. They couldn't just keep him and it seemed like no matter how hard they tried to say different, he didn't want to listen to either of them. "I know you don't want to remember because of the pain...but you have to. All I can offer you is that if you ever have bad dreams or bad memories or thoughts you can come to one of us and we will help you....or we can help ease your pain a little by helping you sleep...but we can not take your memories. There is a reason to everything and we have to let nature take it's course."

Ciel hoped that he wouldn't be angry with them because in fact they couldn't erase his memories. It was against the rules and they had to follow them whether the other angels did or not.

Brought out of the more serious of conversations when Loki mentioned about being able to give consent to having sex, both brother's looked at one another, unsure of what they should say before Cai turned first with a half cocked smile upon his face and spoke. "You are a stubborn little minx aren't you? What makes you think you could even handle both of us...hmmm? Besides, even if you are quite capable why should we when you just got out of the hospital after being tortured? We would feel horrible if we hurt you or made more bad memories come through. This is something you really need to think about kitten. We don't want to hurt you! Plus, angels are quite possessive over their mates when they get one. You may not like that. Once you commit to us...you are completely ours in every way. You will not be allowed to have relations with any other being unless we agree to it. You must also know that as for me and my brother...we are quite fertile. So, you may end up with a child you may not want. Think about that."
Loki was fascinated when they started grooming each others wings an watched intently. trying to memorize every move so he could learn how to help as well. he was pouting when he left the water, annoyed by the fish and turned that pout on the brothers as soon as he realized they where laughing at him. those meanie beanies. he sighed at the admittance that they couldn't erase his memories but didn't protest, trusting in their reasoning.

"Okay. you promise? you won't get mad if i wake you in the middle of the night?" he asked, sounding quite frantic about it. made a person wonder if he hadn't been punished for wing a parent, brother or guardian up in the middle of the night as a child. those things tended to stick. "i don't like Nature." Loki grumbled, sulking at the fish in the pond before smiling at the boys. watching them was simply fascinating, the way they interacted with each other, the way they touched, and smiled at each other. the way they spoke and moved and reacted to the world around them. it was like watching moving art, or poetry given form. he wondered if they knew how enthralling, how beautiful they where? it was a little annoying to be so ignored by people so amazing. he felt irritation flash even higher when he voiced his annoyance and Cai smirked at him and teased if he was able to keep up. of course he was, he was a... something. not human. he wasn't sure. he would soon he was pretty sure.

"...oh..." he blinked, startled when the other continued. he hadn't thought about any of that. he frowned to himself. thinking hard about the points that the other had raised. he didn't care about being a possession for the Angels. possessiveness was something he understood very well and he wasn't likely to give up the Angels either if they continued in this manner. he knew, without a doubt, that there was no one else, no one who would make him regret his choice to remain with the angels or even choose to remain on earth without them. the other things though, he had been tortured. he had been hurt bd and he couldn't remember how. what if the person with the horrible laugh had him raped? what if he was damaged inside? Cai had raised very goo points and Loki was unwilling to admit that he'd rather connect himself to them despite the chances. still...

"Okay we can wait until I'm all better." Loki finally declared, watching them. "But your mine now. i won't let you go away. you have to be mine and I'll be yours." he decided. "because i don't have anyone else and i know that for a act." he admitted. "besides, if your attempts to scare me away by promising me a baby in my belly that was a piss poor attempt." he admitted with a chuckle. "I've had other children you know. gave birth and everything, being pregnant doesn't scare me or upset me at all." he admitted before he hesitated, his face falling. "i think they killed my children though..." he admitted softly before looking at them. "i want to be yours, and carry your babies, and be safe and loved and welcome." he admitted. "who better to love someone like me, then someone who understands?" he asked with a smile. "and i do love you. even if you think that's stupid, or naive, it's true."
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