Two For the Price of One (Uminator)


Sep 28, 2013
It was hard to process his current feelings toward the raven-haired Shinigami. It had all started about a week ago during a rather routine soul burial, things going south with the abrupt appearance of a rather grotesque Hollow. It hadn't been too strong, but the element of surprise let it get a good hit on Rukia, before Toshiro put it down with a solid strike. Rukia's clothing had gotten rather torn from the scuffle, and it had given him quite a good look at her body.

From that point on it was hard not to look at Rukia without envisioning that lithe perky frame, imagining his hands roaming along her fine curves, having her mewl for him... yes, it left Toshiro in quite a state even if, on the outside, he seemed as aloof as ever.

So, ultimately, he knew he'd have to do something about it to clear his head. And he knew for a fact that Rukia was sticking around after class, busy with clean-up detail. Sure enough he spied her through the modest window in the door, looking at her back, eyes roaming along the exposed section of her slim legs. He opened the door casually and took a step inside. "Kuchiki," he said curtly to catch her attention.
Rukia had been lucky to survive that day, she had let her guard down and had suffered for it. If Captain Hitsugaya hadn't been there then she almost certainly would've come away either dead or at the very least much more badly injured. Such a weak Hollow meant that the greatest injury had been to her pride and reputation. It was bad enough that she'd let her guard down around a weak hollow once, but this was the second time now! If this kept up she'd almost certainly end up with a reputation as a complete weakling. Still, right now she could forget about all that for just a little while. Others might have hated cleaning duty like this, but she found it somewhat relaxing, an escape from the rigors of being a Shinigami, and living the dual life of a school student. This was a time she could be alone with her thoughts and relax a little.

She was unaware of someone looking through the door, watching her clean. Her back was to it at the moment and as usual her guard was dropped, senses not looking out for anything unusual. Then again the Captain wouldn't have been considered unusual anyway. It wasn't until he opened the door and called out her name that she realised she wasn't alone. She recognised the voice immediately, the tone matching it perfectly. She immediately turned around to face him, quickly standing to attention as best she could in the school uniform. "Ah! C-Captain Hitsugaya sir. Can I help you? I was almost done with cleaning the room"
Toshiro entered and closed the door behind him, making sure that they were indeed alone in here. The vast majority of the student body had headed home by now, and the remainder were likely attending clubs. Those same clubs being located a reasonable distance away from this room, that he could do what he pleased without risk of being caught. "I was hoping to get you alone, when there wouldn't be risk of anyone listening in." He had to start by making it seem like official business. Rukia could be smart as a whip at times, but then again Toshiro could be a decent actor when the need arose.

"I suppose I was... concerned, after the other day. That Hollow managed to catch you by surprise, and I wanted to make sure you're alright. With attacks like those, it can be days before any actual symptoms arise." He shrugged his slim shoulders "I'm aware that I may have some reputation for being callous, but... believe it or not, I do care a great deal about those under my command. You included, Rukia," he told her, smiling faintly. Dropping her first name like that would likely get that point across, and also wriggle through that crisp front Rukia often gave off.
"Alone? Ah, I see sir" Rukia nodded, it must've been Shinigami business, no wonder he had waited until she was here alone, and that he had closed the door. If anyone overheard them talking then at the very least they'd be seen as possibly insane. Then again, Rukia had overheard so many strange conversations here that she sometimes did wonder if anyone would even notice if she and the other Shinigami wandered around talking official business the entire time. Human teenagers today were rather....odd to say the least.

"Hm? Oh! did catch me by surprise...I can assure you Captain, I wont allow such a thing to happen again" It was only a matter of time before this happened, Rukia had been expecting a lecture about her conduct that day, it made sense for Toshiro to be the one to deliver it. Though when he started talking about symptoms arising...she couldn't help a flash of confusion across her face. "Symptoms Captain? What kind of Symptoms?" She tilted her head, another flash of confusion across her face when he used her first name, she couldn't help looking a little taken aback. For him to use her name like that was....well, she never would've expected it. He had certainly penetrated through her outer coolness, at least for a moment. "Well....I've felt fine since then, I don't think I've had any symptoms of anything. But then I suppose I don't know what I should be looking for. Perhaps...are you able to help Captain? You seem more knowledgeable about this than I am"
"Hollow's in general can be harmful to Shinigami. By the look of things, that one managed to hook its claws in after it... damaged your clothing," he explained. Damaged was putting it lightly. Her dark robes had been torn in half at the front, and it had left very little to the imagination. Hence, here they were now. Toshiro flashed her a modest smile and then proceeded to act quite casual an businesslike in his approach.

She wouldn't know what hit her.

"Your faux body might have taken damage without your knowing. Or worse, your very spirit." The silver-haired captain nodded firmly and then looked to his slender companion "Thus, another reason for the privacy. I'll need to inspect your body, just to make sure you didn't take any actual damage." Toshiro kept his usual cool expression, but inside he was filled with the excitement of a hormonal teenager, already recalling the mental snapshots he had taken earlier.
He had to remind her of that didn't he? Getting caught off guard had been embarrassing enough, but being reminded of her clothes being practically torn to shreds...Rukia couldn't help but flush with embarrassment, her eyes quickly looking away from the small Captain infront of her. She had been so sure she'd been able to cover up in time, before anyone had been able to least nobody had mentioned seeing anything anyway.

"Damage? Well...I mean I didn't feel anything but..." It was certainly possible that the Hollow had somehow injured her in a way she couldn't necessarily feel, she had heard of such things before after all. "I-wait, what?" Rukia suddenly snapped her attention back to him. Had he just said he needed to inspect her body? "Uhh...inspect my body Captain? Isn't that....shouldn't that be something the medical division normally takes care of?" Rukia's cheeks flushed once more, though Toshiro seemed totally unphased by his request, outwardly at least. That same cool expression he always had. "Just uh...just what do you mean exactly by inspect my body?"
"Nothing too invasive," he replied. She was embarrassed... she looked pretty cute when she blushed, he had to admit. Toshiro smiled politely and made his way around to her side, his gaze looking out the window. "Just some of the usual things. Check for any markings or discoloration on your skin, or any foreign symbols. I'll have to check all over, but it's for a good cause, I promise," Toshiro explained, keeping his tone calm and curt.

His hand roamed through his silky locks "I'm not a recognised medic, but I have some expertise in this field. Besides, I would have figured that you'd want as few people knowing about the incident as possible. I'm aware that reputation is important to you, and I felt it would be more respectful not to let that incident to become known to others."
"Check my skin...?" Rukia felt her cheeks flush once again. Could she really do that infront of the captain? Not to mention, it seemed he intended to do it right here in the classroom. Sure they were most likely alone, with the only other students being on the other side of the campus, but this was still a public place, there was still the slim chance of them being caught. But then again, if there really was something potentially wrong with her, if the Hollow had harmed her physically, or worse spiritually, then it would be better to have it checked out sooner rather than later. And then he brought up her reputation...damn, he was right. If she went to the medical division to get checked then they'd ask why and then from there stories would start to spread.

With a soft sigh Rukia nodded lightly. "A-alright Captain, if you're a specialist at this, and if it's kept just between us then...thank you" Rukia moved away from the window towards the middle of the room to put herself a little more out of view, then hesitated for a few moments, before removing her grey jacket first of all. For a moment it seemed like she was about to remove her blouse as well, but instead she sat down on a chair, reaching down to start removing her shoes and knee high black socks instead, gradually revealing her shapely legs in their entirety. " really need me to take more off Captain?"
Well, he was quite the liar. And soon, he'd have Rukia wrapped so tightly around his finger (and other parts) that he wouldn't need to rely on the lie any further. Rukia was doubtless going to be a tough mark for any man, even one of his status, and simply asking her directly would have ended badly. But he couldn't get her out of his head, and as he watched her steadily undress he knew full well that... well he couldn't turn back. Rukia would be his alright, particularly if Kurosaki wasn't going to make a move on her. And hey, being with him would be great for her standing in Soul Society.

"It's to make sure there's nothing hidden away. Even with mirrors, there are things your own eyes wouldn't be able to see." Toshiro trailed off and watched as her legs came into view. He let her resume undressing while he crouched before her, slender digits stroking up her left calf, stroking the silky flesh. A bit of energy resonate between them, tickling Rukia's nerves in the most delightful of ways as he explored steadily up her left leg.
"Nothing hidden? I see..." It made sense to Rukia that Captain Hitsugaya would be able to see things that she could not, he was more skilled, more powerful, he could perceive things she wouldn't even know about. Even so, that didn't make this any more comfortable. She slowly stood back upright again, reaching for her skirt and beginning to unfasten it. She hesitated once more, that moments hesitation giving Toshiro time to reach up and start to stroke her leg. The girl gasped loudly, eyes going wide, her fingers fumbling. Her skirt suddenly dropped straight into Toshiro's hands, a shiver running through Rukia's entire body. That had nothing she had ever felt before, beyond a mere physical touch, it was like her nerves had been touched directly.

"A-ah....C-captain? That's...part of the exam? Checking my spiritual side too...?" She didn't dare glance down at him, not with her face now bright red as it was. She reached up and bit her lip, then began to slowly unbutton her blouse as well, taking her time before slowly sliding it down her arms, reaching out to carefully place it on the desk infront of her, leaving the girl now in nothing more than her bra and panties, both a rather plain and boring white. Of course they were something she had to wear under her uniform, so it made sense she would wear something that wouldn't stand out.
"But of course. It's something that could manifest in your spirit, or in your faux body. I have to be thorough with this... don't worry Rukia, you're in capable hands." His digits maintained their motion, steadily combing up her calf to get the stirrings of desire to rise up inside her. And, without any hesitation, Toshiro was soon stroking along Rukia's left thigh, admiring the smoothness, fingers stroking against both her inner and outer thigh.

Oh yes, she was marvelous...

Toshiro fondled Rukia's thigh for several moments, helping himself while his touch warmed her further. Then his hands shifted to her right, roaming up slowly and steadily, mimicking the same motions that he'd done on her other leg. "Mm... all seems clear here..." he mused, even though he wasn't actually checking for anything. Toshiro set her skirt atop her folded blouse, making his way behind Rukia's back whereupon his strong hands roamed over her abdomen, ghosting over the taut surface and inspiring further warmth through the spiritual tingles of his fingers.
"A-alright...if you say so Captain" Rukia nodded lightly. He had a point, he had to be thorough, this was a serious matter after all. If he rushed then he could miss something, something important, and that could cause major troubles not just for Rukia, but for everyone. She could put others in danger....she'd never forgive herself for that. So as strange as this felt, she had to just bare with it, let the Captain do his checks. She let out another loud gasp as he suddenly began to rub at her though, that same strange sensation passing through her skin to her nerves....she could feel a heat starting to build within her. What? No way...that feeling was just a coincidence right? This was a serious medical examination!

When Toshiro moved to touching Rukia's right thigh, her legs quivered for a moment and she had to bite on her lip to suppress a noise a little more than a mere gasp of surprise, her eyes closing tightly as she tried to take a deep breath. A few moments later, the feeling of fingertips caressing her thighs vanished, and she thought it might be over, slowly opening her eyes. Now though she could feel the Captain behind her, his hands reaching up to start stroking at her stomach, seemingly whilst he visually examined her back. Oh god, there was that feeling again, that heat....Rukia silently thanked that she was wearing plain white panties, something that wouldn't visually give away what was starting to happen to her body....
"Hm..." Toshiro leaned in closer, until faint wisps of hot breath were caressing along her collarbone, spurring an excitement within her and tickling yet more sensitive nerves in her body. "All seems well so far Kuchiki. Yes, nothing on your legs, and your chest seems fine so far, except... well, I'll need to see everything just to be certain," he assured her. Toshiro was no stranger to this, and he had unhooked her plain white bra with a single motion, the pressure on her modest bosom growing lax and allowing him to just about see her breasts from his current vantage.

Soon Rukia's bra was discarded, leaving the steadily aroused soul reaper in only her panties. They'd be gone too, in due time. Toshiro's hands made their way upward until her was holding a breast in each hand, stroking and kneading them in his strong hands, occasionally giving the rosy nipples a light pinch. "Mm... yes, seems fine here too Rukia. You should be proud, you have quite the nice pair," the silver-haired captain said.
Rukia shivered as she felt Toshiro's hot breath against her neck....she had kind of expected his breath to be icy cold, perhaps it was due to his abilities, or simply due to his normal icy demeanor, but feeling his breath so hot caught her by surprise. "I you Captain, I'm relieved to hear everything is ok so far..." She nodded, then bit her lip as he mentioned needing to see everything. Before she could even think about it though, let alone do anything, she felt her bra suddenly being unhooked and loosening. She gasped loudly once more, barely bending her elbows in time to stop her bra from falling to the floor. Doing that however left Toshiro's hands to move unimpeded up her chest, until she suddenly felt his hands grasping her bare breasts, her already hard nipples growing even harder in his palms, a loud squeak emanating from Rukia's lips.

"C-C-Captain!" She couldn't bring herself to look over her shoulder at him, or move at all really. Her breasts certainly weren't large, especially compared to many of the women of Soul Society....that had always been something of a sore point in Rukia's mind...she'd always wished to have the amazing endownments of people like Matsumoto, Yoruichi or Isane. Even so, in Toshiro's small hands they were a perfect handful for him. "I-I-I you C-Captain" She couldn't exactly admit to him that she was far from proud of them. It was difficult enough to say anything at all!
He smiled wryly, relishing her mounting embarrassment. She was cute when that icy demeanour began to falter, and he'd have fun seeing this side of her more often. Toshiro glanced to the flush of her skin and then slowly proceeded to lift his hands off her modest bosom. "Yes, very nice. All's well so far... let me just check this out," Toshiro said, moving in front of the slender woman, crouching before her and sliding her panties down past her knees. Gravity took care of the rest, leaving the white garments at her ankles, the interior sporting a few spots of moisture.

"Aroused, Rukia? My my. It should take quite a bit to turn a faux body on, but you... well you're quite naughty aren't you?" he teased. His hand roamed up, and suddenly she would feel slender fingers caressing her labia, juices smearing his digits. "Quite hot too," Toshiro said. "Yes, all seems well here. But, it mightn't hurt to do an internal exam either." And, before Rukia could ask what an 'internal exam' entailed, the stud captain kissed her firmly, his tongue invading her mouth. By now, he knew she'd be wound up, and that'd make his final stroke just that bit easier.
Rukia stammered a little as his hands remained on her breasts for a bit longer than she thought could be necessary for a medical exam, though she was unsure what kind of medical exam would require him to touch her there, or like that. As he moved around infront of her she blushed even more, now dropping her bra to the floor so that she could quickly fold her arms across her chest. " that everything checked now Captain?" She had barely finished the sentence before he crouched down and suddenly grabbed her panties. "Ah! C-Captain wait a-" She didn't get to finish before they came down, the girl yelping as her hairless pussy was exposed to the cool air of the classroom, the moisture glistening in the light and growing greater by the second.

"I...I...n-no Captain! I must be one of the symptoms you mentioned that's all, has to be" Rukia was clambering for excuses, but they both knew that was all it was, just an excuse, a pointless one at that. When Toshiro's fingers touched her, Rukia was caught by surprise yet again, and couldn't stop herself letting out a moan of pleasure, before quickly moving a hand to clasp it over her mouth for a second. When he stood up, she lowered her hand to try and cover up her pussy, panting slightly. She had been able to ask what he meant by an internal exam, but then suddenly the Captain was kissing her. He was kissing her. Why? Why was he kissing her of all people? Oh god...but did she even care? Before Rukia realised what she was doing, she was leaning in to the kiss, her tongue pushing back against his as it invaded her mouth, tangling around him.
Despite his modest build, Toshiro was all man and knew full well what he wanted. Added to that, he was far stronger than a mortal man had any right to be, and had a higher degree of power than even Rukia. He felt Rukia lean into him, a modet growl leaving him and echoing into her mouth. Their lips parted briefly and he flashed Rukia a sly smile. "Well... looks like I'll have to get very thorough with my examination. Especially if I managed to get you all hot and bothered. I never like to leave a woman high and dry." Though, as his probing grinding fingers could assure, Rukia was far from dry.

Toshiro slowly pushed his index and middle finger into Rukia's soaked core, parting the lips of her labia steadily. His fingers were slim, but he knew how tight Rukia was, and the intruding probe would meet a bit of a strugle. But faux bodies were strong, and Rukia would be dealing with something far more impressive. He undid his belt and fly, slowly fishing into his shorts with his other hand until he pulled his cock out into view.

And what a cock it was! Even soft, as it was, the damn thing was huge, and seemed to compliment his heavy sack quite nicely. Toshiro kept that sly smile on his face, and after letting Rukia examine it he flicked her clit with his thumb.
Rukia could not only hear but feel him growling into her mouth, like some kind of predatory animal....perhaps right now that was exactly what he was. But deep down, that only aroused her even further. She let out a soft whimper as he broke the kiss, then quickly bit her lip, unsure what she could possibly say after he had kissed her like that. She glanced away as he spoke, but when she felt his fingers suddenly pushing into her she squealed out in pleasure, her hands immediately going to grasp Toshiro's shoulders, and just in time. As his fingers probed her impossibly tight hole her legs were quivering, unable to keep her upright alone, it was only her hands on the Captain's shoulders that were keeping her on her feet.

"C-Captain..." She whimpered again, then couldn't help letting out a loud, throaty moan of pleasure, her body somehow squeezing on his fingers even more tightly, Rukia's eyes closing tightly for a moment before the fingers seemed to withdraw a little, leaving her panting as juices now flowed down her thighs. She was so wet, wetter than she'd ever felt before. "Captain I...I..." She trailed off as she watched him removing his shorts and withdrawing way...that...that was his cock?! It was still completely limp and was enormous! It had to be almost a foot long just hanging there! "O-oh god..." She just stared at it for a moment in disbelief, unable to grasp that anybody, let alone someone of the Captain's small stature, could have such a beast.
"You're not scared of a cock, are you?" Toshiro said, smiling slyly as he saw the awe and worry on her pretty face. Matsumoto had looked about the same, for all her rampant overconfidence. The silver-haired captain slowly withdrew his digits from Rukia's pussy, holding them up toward a light source to examine just how much was now glistening on his fingers. "My, so wet after just a little teasing. I suppose we'll have to do something about all that arousal... after all Rukia, you must have been pretty pent-up all this time to get so turned on just from an examination."

In time, they could move onto things like blowjobs and the like, but right about now... well, simply put Toshiro was pretty pent up himself. He wanted to fuck Rukia senseless, and that was all that was on his mind at the moment. Skilled lips made quick work on her neck, seeking out any bundles of nerves on her faux body while his hand steadily jerked his cock. Harder it went, longer it grew, and it seemed Rukia's earlier assessment was half right. For now fully hard and protruding from his short body like a thick fleshy spear, was two entire feet of cock.
Scared? Who wouldn't be scared of that thing? But at the same time Rukia was mesmerised by it, awestruck. She'd never imagined such a thing could exist. Rukia hissed as the fingers withdrew from her, squeezing the captain's shoulders a little as she still struggled to remain upright, panting softly whilst Toshiro examined his fingers which were dripping with her juices. "I...I just...." Rukia whimpered slightly. How long had it been? She couldn't even remember. It had been before she even became a Shinigami that much was certain, so long she couldn't even remember it clearly.

Rukia moaned as he began to kiss at her neck, her head instinctively shifting to give him easier access to wherever he wanted, her hands trembling on his shoulders, her chest moving to press her breasts into him, her steel hard nipples rubbing across his chest. She was vaguely aware of his hands doing something, but she didn't know what....not until she felt something big, hot and hard beginning to press against her...oh god...was that...? But it was was even bigger than before. Nervously Rukia moved herself away from him a little, just enough to look down, gasping loudly, gawking at the sight before her, a 2 foot erection thicker than her own, admittedly rather slender, arm was now protruding from the Captain's body...throbbing, radiating with heat and power. "O-oh my's so..." He couldn't really be planning on putting that inside of her could he? His fingers alone had been a tight enough squeeze. But even so....oh god...the thought of it alone was nearly enough to make Rukia cum, her pussy now so wet that juices were flowing down her legs and beginning to pool on the floor.
"Big? So I've been told. My form has a lot of quirks, and the shortness can often have it's downsides. But, I suppose this bonus more than makes up for it," he remarked. It had helped him out of a few jams, and it was something that had made more than a few women in Soul Society rather happy. But Rukia, well Rukia was getting something rather intense. He couldn't entirely explain why, of course, but for some reason something about her just made Toshiro want to own her in every possible way. And right about now he knew full well that he had the means to do so.

He kept holding the naked Shinigami aloft, and slowly lowered her down until the ample supply of her juices were coating along the peak of his thick shaft. The pressure of their entwined bodies, coupled with the general pull of gravity and the impressive amount of lubrication soon had the lips of Rukia's tight labia parting around the girth. "Oh wow..." Toshiro murmured, the incredible tightness caressing his steadily intruding shaft. This was gonna be hard work... but so worth it.
He was right...what guy would mind being that short when you had something like that to make up for it in return? Rukia swallowed nervously as she continued to stare at it, almost totally unaware of Toshiro slowly picking her up, her trembling feet leaving the floor as the powerful male picked her up effortlessly. "C-Captain...I...I'm not seems a little too-" Rukia cut off as she felt her pussy being rubbed along the shaft of his cock, her face contorting in pleasure as she felt the heat and power radiating from it, her juices soaking him, running down the shaft almost like a river, until finally the tip was against her entrance.

Rukia's eyes went wide as she felt the pressure, her body fighting it, her natural tightness resisting the immense invader, but it was no good. Between her own wetness, and the Captain's own raw power, her body yielded and the tip entered into her. Rukia's mouth opened wide, but no sound emerged. The pleasure was so overwhelming that for a few moments her brain lost all other function, able to process only the feeling of Toshiro's gargantuan cock entering inside of her body, splitting her open....and this was merely the tip. Her fingers once more grasped at the Captain's shoulders, squeezing tightly, her teeth clenching as ever so slowly, Rukia's body began to slide down the two foot shaft, her own slenderness combining with his thickness resulting in a cock shaped bulge forming in her stomach as he stretched her beyond anything she could ever have imagined.
"Mm... you should be proud Rukia... you're probably the tightest I've ever had." Not that he was particularly surprised. Everything about her had looked so damn tight from that perverse glimpse he had caught that faithful day, and this was already better than his lurid fantasies had envisioned. And he saw the awe in her expression, that wide-eyed shock as she was penetrated. Even if this wasn't her first time, there was no doubt that it'd feel like getting her cherry popped all over again. He didn't know Rukia's status in that regard, but it really didn't matter as far as he was concerned.

This'd be perfect either way.

Toshiro gave her a quick bounce, the motion allowing more to sink into her soaked core, and Toshiro was soon gently bouncing the attractive young woman with slow and shallow jerks that steadily loosened the tight walls of her pussy. "Fuck..." he murmured through clenched teeth, his pulse quickening inside his chest. Already he could feel his muscles start to heat up, and his mounting desire spurred him to bounce Rukia faster and faster with her back pressed flush against the cool wall. He was sure she'd be getting loud soon enough, and he was sure glad he'd picked this isolated time to do this.
The Captain spoke like this was something he did on a fairly regular wasn't that surprising really. He was an attractive man, and besides that he was someone in a position of power, someone who could likely have almost any woman he wanted on a mere whim. But right now she didn't care about those other women, right now he was having her...oh god was he having her...he was giving her sensations that she never thought possible, that no other man could ever possibly give her. As Toshiro bounced her on his cock, allowing more of him to slip inside of her, Rukia finally cried out, almost screaming in pleasure. Her stomach was bulging with the outline of his shaft now, the tip of his cock pressing up against her Cervix, and yet less than half of him was inside her yet.

"O-ohh...oh fuck...oh god...T-Toshiro!" Rukia screamed as she sank a little further, his cock penetrating into her was finally too much, the girl screaming in orgasm. Every effort that Toshiro had made to loosen her was undone as her body became tighter than ever as she thrashed against the cold wall. Despite the increasing tightness though, her own erratic jerking was forcing her body further and further down onto his cock even as she came, even as her juices sprayed across Toshiro's chest, her fists slamming into the wall behind her over and over.
The sudden constricting of her twat around his intruding member left Toshiro breathing in sharply, taken aback by how quick it had happened. He didn't think she would have cum quite so quickly. Sure he was big, but he would've figured Rukia was a bit tougher than that. He grinned up at her, seeing Rukia thrash a bit in the throes of her orgasm, quivering from the white hot passion inspired within her. God she looked good like that...

"Mm... I'm not done yet Rukia," he purred, his voice thicker and coarser than usual, a lustful edge from his rising desire. She had relaxed just a bit when he made his move, starting to roughly buck into Rukia's pussy again and again, each inward thrust driving into the back of her womb and expanding the bulge in her abdomen a little further. He was getting rougher, faster, reshaping Rukia's soaking interior ro be a better sleeve for his shaft. "Hah... how's that Rukia?" he asked in between rough thrusts, the added momentum allowing his heavy nuts to smack up against her sweet ass with every buck.
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