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Stay strong (Furry princess and Ladydark)

Aden catches her easily and smiles at her "It's ok... I like having you close..." He picks her up again, this time wrapping her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. "Think you can hold on..." His arms move under her ass, making she she won't fall. "Come along Izzy... I still owe you a reward for helping Tia..." He wanted to inforce her good behaviour.

He glances at her as they walk, noticing her slight shift now and then, he had also noticed her hesitation when first putting it on. "Relax baby..." He reaches over and loosens her tie, allowing bits of her to show as she walked "I'll get you a better robe later... We're almost there..." His room wasn't far from the spring room, it was right past the kitchens.
Tia let out another shriek as he lifted her off the ground again and found herself in a different position a considerably more embarrasing position then last time. "B-b-b-but m-master people are going to t-think..." SHe buried her head in his chest not wanting to be seen or at least hoped people would think she was just sleeping.
Izzy couldn't help but laugh at her friend in such an embarrasing moment, Tia was always so shy when her privacy was taken away and nothing had changed, Izzy on the other hand didn't seem to care either way, she was confused though, the offer of a reward making her wonder what it could be, she hoped it would be time with Tia, at the moment she didn't want anything else, she stared into the back of his head as they walked hoping to somehow steal the answer from him telepathically.

Jewel was excited and with each step only grew more fidgety, it certainly wasn't helped by David loosening her robe, she hoped someone would step out and see her on display but as they walked no one showed. "Better robe?" She asked confused, what could be different? She continued to look around as they neared the baths.
"That you're mine... That's what they'll think... And are you not mine Tia... Do you not love your Master..." he spoke softly, only for her to hear, he then kisses at her neck softly "Relax..." It was a soft command, but he knew she was quite obedient by now. As they got closer, he saw David and his new girl just entering the room ahead of them, 'This should be fun...' He thought.

David smiles at her and opens the door, the warm air hitting them once he does "Yes... You don't seem to like covering up... We have some silk robes that are almost see through... And light enough to forget you're wearing it..." He leads her in, not noticing Aden and the girls a few minutes behind them. "Alright... Pick a pool..."
Tia felt disheartened as he asked. "O-of course master...sorry master..." She whispered back in reply, now worried that she had hurt him by her panicking or something she had said, as he told her to relax she began to take deep breaths in an attempt to calm down, staying quiet now as they walked.

Isabelle had noticed the two ahead of them, flashes of memory popped into her mind as she looked at the girl barely holding back her fidgeting form in the robe that threatened to fall off at a moments notice. But she couldn't quite place the face.

Jewel was snapped to attention as the sudden rush of warm air hit her, the smell of the room filling her senses, it was such a relaxing atmosphere that for just the smallest of moments her mind was free of perversion until that moment came tumbling down as David bought up the silk robes. "We will definitely have to get some of them then..." She whispered sensually, as he asked which pool she had already picked and dropped her robe before getting in the pool closest to the door, eager to be seen by any visitors.
David chuckles and moves to follow her, dropping his robe by the side of the pool as well, he hugs her from behind and kisses along her neck. He turns her around to face him and smiles "Anything for my little gem stone..." He let's her go and moves to along the edge on an underwater rock ledge, he was facing the door. "How's the water baby?"

"That's my girl..." He kisses her neck again and rubs her back "I love you..." Again speaking only for her ears, they soon come to the spring room, he pulls open the door and lets the warm water wash over them, entering slowly. He looks to the first pool and smiles "Hello David..."
Jewel had such a filthy grin as she saw David drop his robe, playfully turning her back on him before he hugged and kissed her and finally turned her around to look at him. "Mmmmm~ it's nice, better with you in it for sure." The small kisses along her neck simply teased her and made her want more, she heard more steps and perked up once again, her body shivering with excitement as she wandered over to David, sitting on his lap, one hand reaching down and softly stroking him as the two men exchanged glances.

Tia finally began to relax as the doors swung open, her body tightened like a vice as Aden spoke to another man however.
Isabelle didn't seem to bothered by the added company, her inhibitions mostly broken away now, she slowly joined the two in the large pool, assuming Tia would get thrown in the warm water to relax or risk snapping Aden's neck, she looked over to the girl who seemed lost in a cloud of lust. "R...Rebecca?" She questioned, Isabelle seeming confused as she locked eyes with the girl.
Rebecca didn't stop her stroking, barely slowed down as she looked back. "I-isabelle. H-hi." Part of her did seem embarrased upon seeing her old community guard, the upstanding moral support for her village.
David smiles "I'm sure..." He lightly wraps his arms around her waist as she sits on him, he had nodded to his boss. He moans softly into her hair as she starts to stroke him, then looks to Isabelle as they start to talk, his girl was no longer Rebecca. "Who baby..." He whispers into her ear, one hand moving to her clit, he starts to pinch and pull it ever so lightly. He knew it wouldn't take much to set her straight.

Aden holds Tia and watches Izzy slip into the water, and speak to David's woman, he looks back to Tia and smiles. "He won't touch you... You belong to me... You are safe..." He slowly works her off him, making her stand before him, he then starts to remove her clothes, stopping her protests with a firm No. He tips her chin up and makes her look at him "You belong to me... Do you not trust me to keep you safe..." He ignored what was happening in the water for now, trying to calm Tia.
Jewel seemed confused as he questioned her response, it took her a few moments before she understood why, she didn't get a chance to correct herself as his hands moved to work her body in a way that only he could, she couldn't hide the moans as he did. "I-its Jewel n-now." Her hand tightened on his shaft and she only continued to moan as he played with her.

Tia attempted to explain it wasn't about protection but sheer embarrassment as she was made naked by his hands, each no made her feel as if she had insulted him and after a few more attempts she simply gave up attempting to convince him and simply stared at him with a sorry expression. "I...I trust you." Tia's hands and legs still gripped onto him tightly, scared to let go, now not only due to embarrassment but out of fear he would push her away.

"J-jewel? Rebecca what is happening?" Isabelle stood up that small part of her that wanted to fight this sparking to life momentarily as she saw one of her friends in such a state, she personally knew Rebecca's mother, her gaze bounced between the two men, anger and a hint of fear starting to force its way onto her face. "What are you two doing to us?"
Tia needed to get over this fear of being seen, he kisses her softly and rubs her cheek "Relax love... You're beautiful... And I wish to show you off..." He looks to the water as Isabelle starts to raise her voice, he looks back to Tia and kisses her again. "Sit on the edge of the pool until I call you... You will be fine..." He let's her go slowly and removes his clothes, getting into the water behind Isabelle, he quickly slips his arms around her, one going to a breast, the other to her pussy. "Relax Izzy..." He starts to slowly work both.

David blinks at her a moment, but doesn't stop his actions, even kissing along her neck "Good girl... Tell her about me..." He switches to rubbing her clit softly, letting her calm enough to talk "Would I hurt you..."
A tinge of a smile appeared on her lips as Aden called her beautiful, Tia couldn't help but feel a little better just hearing it, She was shaken as Isabelle suddenly began to shout and looked over only to be told to wait while Aden sorted it out, she simply sat at the edge like he asked, her hands and arms covering her as best they could.

Aden happened to move as Isabelle had been looking to David, she didn't notice Aden until his arms were around her, his touch on her sensitive body dulled her rage as if hitting a pause button and her anger began to subside on the surface, mentally she was screaming to fight and punch, kick and stab the men who turned each of them into toys for their amusement.

Jewel ignored Isabelle as she threw a hissy fit instead focusing on David, Her legs spread wide praying he would go further but instead was asked to talk about him and asking if he would ever hurt her. "N-no he would never hurt me..." She tried to think of other things to say but was struggling between the thoughts of mounting him or being shoved over the side and him fucking her senseless. "H-he's very s-sweet and c-caring a-and....and..." She planted a deep kiss on him and tried to bat his hands away unable to hold back her desire anymore.
Aden continues, rubbing and pulling her nipple and slowly fingering her, he kisses at her neck "Do you like that Izzy..." He spoke in her ear softly, still keeping his touches light, wanting to slowly sniff out her anger. "Or maybe it's watching Jewel..."

David could feel her losing control, when she tried for control, he smirks and let's her, allowing Isabelle to see that her 'Rebecca' was gone, and Jewel was very much willing. "Ride me baby..." He looks Jewel in the eyes, watching them gloss with her lust and need.
Tia could only look on as her friend fought with herself, trying to find whether she wanted to give in or fight for the freedom of all the girls that had been tainted by the perverted men around them.
Isabelle's hatred and anger was beginning to dull but also take a strange direction compared to what it had moments ago, she forcefully shrugged Aden off and moved to Tia, a look on her face like a sulking child as she now pulled Tia onto her lap and hugged her tightly, her attempt at making her feelings only extending to Tia heard.

Jewel didn't need to hear it as she got on top of him and with one hand guided him in, his length moved to fill her, she felt like she had been sculpted to him as he fit in so perfectly, she kissed along his neck as she began to ride slowly at first, getting used to the weird feeling of the water against her, it picked up as she began to nibble at his neck.
Aden let her go and watched her move over to Tia, then sitting and pulling her close to hold onto, he looks to David and shrugs, not that he was paying much attention. He moves over to sit with them, he runs his fingers over Tia's back softly. "You let her move you..." He says softly.

David groans and holds her hips, tipping her head up to kiss her roughly.
Tia had remained quiet, not wanting to do something that would set off a bigger problem between the two, when Aden stepped closer and whispered to her, Izzy reacted by hugging Tia tighter as if to protect her, her eyes bulged wide she hadn't even thought about it and was to worried about causing more problems. "I...I..." She was caught between a rock and a hard place with no correct answer to give, no excuse seemed sufficient and she simply looked down with shame.

Izzy almost snapped at Aden for his comment but instead focused on Tia, tilting her head to lay against izzy's chest, trying to supply what comfort she could. "Your okay Tia..." She shot an evil look up to Aden, it was his fault she suddenly felt so off.

Jewel hadn't even noticed the argument now spilling out so close to them she had spectators in her mind and was riding her perfect man, his lips pressed hard against hers were just a bonus that she readily reciprocated just as eagerly.
Aden just looks back at her, "Don't be mad at me... You made her break my request... If I see fit to punish her... Its all on you..." He looks to Tia and again rubs her back "Or... You can show her who's in charge... Tia..." He was hoping to spark something.

David started to move against her, thrusting up to give her more, he moves to kissing her neck.
Isabelle once again was about to snap at Aden only to be stopped by Tia, she didn't want this to get any worse by either of their actions, if she had to be punished she would be to avoid this getting any worse, as he made the subtle suggestion she struggled to understand what he meant, she had been expecting to be dragged from Isabelle so to suddenly get an out that offered her a sexual opportunity was nothing but a shock. "M-master you want me to...ummm..." She pulled away from Isabelle and attempted to look confident and dominating but it came off shy and sheepish. "M-master can I have some h-help?" She asked, Izzy attempted to speak but was shushed by Tia, the only thing she could thing to do in the moment.
Aden looks at her and smiles, she needed to show her more controlling side more often, he knew it was there "What do you need love..." He rubs her back and moves to stand before them, ready to do as she asked to help her take control of her pet. He looks to Izzy and smirks slightly, knowing she also knew how Tia could be when pushed far enough.
Tia looked up at Aden hoping for some sort of inspiration and confidence, the thought of doing this in front of others made her so uncomfortable she wanted these moments to be comfortable and alone the both of them but she didn't want to disappoint her master even if it meant pushing herself out of her comfort zone. "I...I..." She looked between the two, her panic just barely helped by his hand on her back, it wasn't something she could just turn on and off like Aden. "W-what should I do?" She asked hoping for a push in the right direction, something for her to leap off into.
He looks her in the eye and steps closer, he ignores Isabelle and cups her cheek, then kisses her softly, licking her lips. "You've done this before... Just forget the others... They've forgotten us..." He spoke softly to her, one hand gently massaging her breast, trying to work her up and body her confidence. "Remember taking her in our room... You're in charge Tia... Show her..." He kisses her again, roughly and deeply.
Isabelle didn't like the fact that she was simply here to be employed as a tool or toy but she couldn't fight back against Tia both out of love for her friend and the unimaginable pleasure the two had shared in the past made her want Tia to take charge again.
Tia was shaking against Aden her body and desire trying to push her over the edge while her shyness and what was left of her sense of morality held her back but with Aden's touch it was obvious what was going to win now, after their kiss she let out a low growling moan. "Y-yes master." Lust filled her voice rather then the nerves of before, she looked down at Isabelle, her stare passing over Isabelle's skin made her shiver before finally with one hand she grabbed a handful of her friends hair, the action making her friend let out a yelp of pain mixed with a low moan as Tia took control, without another word she pulled her friend towards her, burying her head in Tia's crotch.
Isabelle didn't need more coaxing and immediately began to lap at her friend moans from the two of them starting to fill the room.
"M-master." Tia whimpered through her moans as her spare hand reached out and began to stroke her master, her eyes begging for a compliment, begging to be told she was doing right.
Aden smiles at her and grins when she finally does as told and takes charge of her pet, he watches a moment until Tia starts to stroke him. "Nnnn..." He moans softly, then looks to her, he grins again and reaches out to cup her cheek, making eye contact. "That's my girl... She's your pet... Make her work for her reward..." He moans again and leans in to kisses her once more, his hand returning to her breast, pinching her nipple.

David was getting close again, he could slightly see Aden finally having his way with his two women from around Jewel. "Nnn... You like being watched baby... You're almost shaking..." He reaches up to massage her breasts, rubbing her nipples slowly. "Can you feel their eyes on you..." Hr knew she was too far gone to notice they weren't really watching her, but the thought was in her head.
Isabelle's tongue and soft moans against Tia were already getting her worked up but not quite ready to blow just yet, Tia lifted up one of her legs and wrapped it around her friends head, now balancing on her friend and her master for support as she pushed Isabelle closer to her drenched pussy "Master~" She whispered into Aden's mouth as her stroking increased in speed.

Jewel couldn't help but tighten her legs and begin to shake as she drew close, the thought that people were watching was so enticing to her. "I'm so close!" As he asked whether she could feel their eyes she began to shout. "Yes! Oh god yes I can! I'm goin-" Without being able to finish her sentence she came, tightening down on David like a vice as she came, her hands tightening on him to keep herself upright.

As Tia heard Jewel cum she felt impulsive and impatient, letting go of her master and pushing Isabelle to lay in the water, head against the edge, Tia crawled over her friend, the two pressed together, their breasts tightly squeezed against each other, Tia's tongue eagerly invaded her friends mouth and she hoped her master wouldn't waste any time in taking her.
"Nnnn... Fuck..." David holds her hips tightly as she suddenly came, clamping down on him tightly, he moans and slowly thrusts up into her tight hole, pushing himself over the edge. "Nnn... D-Dammit..." He pulls her close to him once they were finished, she was shaking, he rubs her back and kisses along her neck. "Good girl Jewel..."

"Nnn... Wha... Oh..." He grins and soon moves behind them as Tia moves them together "Mmm... Does your pet deserve a reward as well my love..." He rubs against both of them, then thrusts between them slowly a few times. "Or does she have to wait..." He pulls back and slowly pushes into Tia.
It took a few minutes before Jewel came down from her high, her shaking finally slowing as she now hugged David, she looked back at the other three with a smile on her face. "I-i-i think we inspired s-something." Her shivers on top of him made it hard to string her words together properly.

Both Tia and Isabelle moaned into each other as Aden pushed his cock between them, Isabelle looked up at Tia, eyes begging for pleasure but Tia was still feeling incredibly selfish, she pulled away from the kiss to answer her master. "Make her wait master!~" She let out a small yell of pleasure as he pushed against her, Isabelle's protests were silenced by Tia shhing her, the dominant young girl now latching onto her friends neck, suckling softly while one hand reached between them and softly rubbed one of her friends nipples, the stimulation making Izzy shake with desire and lust.
"Indeed... And would you like to watch them..." He slowly lifts her off him and turns her to face the three about to have some real fun. "Enjoy love..." He slips his hand between her thighs and rubs her slowly, letting her slowly build with them.

"Good girl... A Master comes first... Right love..." He slips further into Tia and stills a moment, letting her feel him, then starts a quick but slow pace, making sure to thrust deep with each buck of his hips.
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