Shitheads (captain levi and Razz)

RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)


call me a s i n n e r, call me a s a i n t ❜ ❜ ❜
tell me it's o v e r, i'll still l o v e you the same

× × ×

As soon as Matt lost his balance and teetered against him, Mello instinctively wrapped an arm around the other male's waist to stabilize him, regretting that save just half a second later. This was a compromising position, one that left Mello wishing he would have stepped to the side instead to spare himself the embarassment.

But, for what this was worth, Matt was a pretty face to admire. He was undeniably attractive and it was just a damn shame that he had to hide half of it behind those stupid bug-eyed goggles. Mello blinked a few times, the ocean of his eyes meeting with the forest in Matt's. His heartbeat was slurring and his gaze eventually fell to the smooth, Cupid's bow-shaped curve of Matt's lips, wondering for a split second how much better they would feel sealed and soft against his.

What the fuck, Mello?

He blinked again and realized just who he was fantasizing about: the stupid nerd in his chemistry class whom he really shouldn't be caring about as much as he hated to admit. "You fucking retard," he growled, lightly shoving him off before Matt could notice the faint hues that blossomed on his cheeks were not the same color as his scars. "Why do you insist on being so annoying?"

He brushed himself off as if Matt carried germs, shaking his tousled, blonde tresses free from the weight of the redhead's arm. Both of them were clearly discombobulated from that but Mello recovered quickly and swung his backpack over his shoulder again. "Follow me," he ordered. "I'll make you some udon at my place."

He walked ahead, and he would have walked ahead for a long time without looking back even once, but he did, just to see if Matt was catching up. It was the only time he had ever waited for somebody.

RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)

"I'm not the next of them,
I am the first of me

_ _ _ _

Matt let out a surprised little gasp when, probably out of instinct, Mello's arm looped around his waist in response to him tripping against him. In response, Matt grew stiff. He.. he wasn't used to physical contact that wasn't intended to be harmful. But feeeling the others arm wrap around him like that was admittedly very nice. He wondered if Mello would be able to feel his heart beating like a drum in his chest as their bodies momentarily pressed together, his eyes traveling down from the blonde's eyes momentarily to his lips, and his slender, almost girlish neck...

Matt snapped out of the weird trance when Mello suddenly was calling him retarded and shoving him away. But there was no denying that Mello had blushed. Even through the orange tint that he saw the world through, the redhead could very clearly make out the discoloration on the blonde's cheeks as he shrugged Matt off of him. In a way that Matt feared he would never understand, it got his heart beating faster to see that cute blush on the other's face.

Even as he was insulted, Matt couldn't help but stare in surprise at Mello's face. His adorable, annoyed face...

He pouted inwardly, shaking his head and tucking his hands into his pockets as he forced his gaze to the side. This was so wrong. It wasn't because Mello was a guy, it was more of because Matt had NEVER been so fucking interested in anyone before. He had been so detached from the world, then Mello had to come along..

"It's your fault for being so easily annoyed." Matt huffed, puckering his lips and looking anywhere but at Mello. That is... until Mello told him to follow. Matt's head perked up and his brow arched, eyes looking directly at the other boy. However, when food was mentioned, Matt's eyes lit up and a bright smile spread across his face.

"Wait... You're gonna feed me??" If he had a tail, it would definitely have been wagging as he quickly caught up with the blonde. He was nearly drooling just THINKING about getting something into his belly! He didn't care what it was. Matt wasn't picky. Especially not when he hadn't eaten in a few days.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)


come on, come on, don't leave me like this ❜ ❜ ❜
i thought i had you figured out ; now i'm haunted

× × ×

This wasn't good. Matt had seen him falter (blush, even!), which would give him the slightest idea that Mello had certain... weaknesses.

He cooled the heat blooming in his cheeks with slow and steady breaths, always at least three steps ahead of Matt so the redhead wouldn't be able to tease him about how flustered Mello really was. The blonde swung his backpack to the front and fished out a half-eaten chocolate bar from the smallest pocket. He hadn't been able to enjoy it in peace due to the events that transpired at school and if Mello didn't have a piece now, he thought he'd actually murder someone.

"That's what I said, didn't I, idiot?" he pursed his lips tightly over a block of chocolate and savored the sweet morsel until it melted away like a snowflake on his tongue.

The chocolate kept him busy and the two hardly talked the whole way to his apartment unless Mello snapped at Matt to 'hurry up' and 'stop lagging behind'. His place, fortunately, had been left spotlessly clean by his visitors from this morning, because his subordinates knew how Mello's temper was and just how tidy the blonde liked his living space. Besides a blanket tossed haphazardly on the couch and a crate of empty sake bottles shoved carelessly in the kitchen corner, everything was immaculately clean. It even smelled nice, like fresh laundry and cocoa beans.

"You light a cigarette in here, I'll kick you off the balcony," he threatened, tucking a piece of his long fringe behind his ear as he pulled out a pot from a cabinet. Instant udon wasn't much and he knew just one package of it wouldn't quell Matt's hunger, so he also fished out a frying pan to make some sweet tamagoyaki.

The udon was sweet. The egg rolls were sweet. Just to Mello's liking. He glanced at Matt while he was cooking, his tone of voice sounding just a tad bit concerned at first. "Was he your dad?"

RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)

"I'm not the next of them,
I am the first of me

_ _ _ _

Mello was human, Matt knew that much now for sure. Maybe he was grouchy, easily annoyed, and carries weapons around in his backpack like it was normal, but that blush did set off a few lights in Matt's mind. Huh... had Mello actually enjoyed the brief moment of contact they had just had as well?? In all likeliness he had probably just been embarrassed by Matt nearly kissing him on accident, buuut he had looped his arm around Matt when he fell.

Well, regardless, Matt wasn't thinking too hard about that as he tailed after Mello. His curiosity was once again piqued when Mello pulled something from his backpack once more. This time, it wasn't a weapon, but... more chocolate. Damn, how much chocolate did Mels have? And why? Whatever the reason, Matt did his best to keep up with Mello. He found that during that little fight he must have hurt his leg though, because he was limping slightly, pain shooting up his left thigh and into his hip uncomfortably.

Matt was beyond relieved when they finally reached what was apparently Mello apartment. And, upon entering, Matt was left in complete shock. The place was fucking spotless! Coming from his own home, which smelt of sweat, old beer, and rotten trash, this place seemed unreal. So, he took a moment to stand in the doorway and simply take a deep breath, closing his eyes and relaxing.

Subconsciously, he had reached into his pocket and fished out his cigarettes and a lighter. What better way to further relax than smoke? Mello, however, must have noticed him and immediately dashed his dreams by telling him no smoking in here.

"Seriously?" Matt looked to the cigarette and bit his lip. What was more important right now? Food? Or a quick smoke? Well he supposed if he really got the urge to smoke, he could just take it outside... sighing, he shook his head and set the cigarettes and lighter on the small table beside the door.

His attention was quickly averted to Mello as the blonde started to prepare cooking. Matt would have offered to help, but A) he was shit at cooking and B) he would have to be stupid to think Mello was likely to let him intervene. So he settled for leaning against the kitchen wall and watched Mello. It looked (and smelled) so fucking delicious that soon Matt was just staring at the food as it cooked, in a trance of sorts. It smelt sweet, but Matt liked all foods. Sweet, spicy, bitter, or bland. If it could fill his belly, he could eat it!

"Eh??" Matt blinked when Mello turned to glance at him, asking about that drunk bastard with a hint of concern lining his usually harsh voice. Matt stared for a moment, as if contemplating an answer. He was a little tense at first, not really used to talking about the guy. He hated that bastard, and was offended by the thought of him being mistaken for his father, but how would Mello know any different? So Matt didn't get upset. He eventually even smiled, even if the smile was somewhat bitter. Not towards Mello, of course, but towards the sheer THOUGHT of that fat, drunk asshole.

"No. He's my mom's boyfriend. It's.. a weird situation." He rubbed the back of his head and sighed a little.

Shaking it off, he smiled a more natural smile and walked closer to get a better whiff of the food. "Ah.. Who would have thought that someone like you could cook something so good! I also didn't expect your house to be so.. well.. clean, I guess. Hehe~" He teased, trying to smoothly change the subject.

Meanwhile, he was wondering how the fuck he was going to manage to get back into his own house. Despite Shane's threat, it was still the only place Matt had to go.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)


come on, come on, don't leave me like this ❜ ❜ ❜
i thought i had you figured out ; now i'm haunted

× × ×

Matt didn't have to know that Mello could only cook as many dishes as there were fingers on his hands. Let him believe that Mello was impressively great at cooking and housekeeping.

The blonde was too focused on making perfect rolls of the cooking eggs, anyway, knowing that his mild obsession with perfection would drive him up the wall if the sheet of egg tore. He exhaled softly when the tamagoyaki was rolled nicely in the pan, carefully ladling it onto a clean plate while the udon noodles simmered in the broth. "Someone like me?" he repeated with a sour scowl, thumping Matt lightly behind his head with the back of the frying pan he used for the eggs. It went into the empty sink. "Well, someone like me is being very generous to someone like you, so maybe someone like you should be a little more grateful."

Not that he cared to hear an actual 'thank you' from Matt. Seeing him eat his food, although it was a lacking meal in many ways, would be all the gesture of gratitude he needed. When the udon was done, he poured everything into a bowl and chopped some green onions into it. Even he thought in the middle of cooking that this was all too much effort for a stray human, and the only excuse he had was that Matt was... Matt.

He placed everything on a tray and stopped in front of Matt. God, he reeked. Not of body odor, but of blood and dirt and everything outdoorsy that Matt had rolled in just half an hour ago. "Get out of my kitchen," he scrunched up his nose in disgust, setting down Matt's food on the cozy dining room table for two. "Fucking hell, you need a bath."

On top of that, he needed a haircut, band-aids, and then his dirty clothes washed. Well, fuck. Mello wasn't going to be productive at all today taking care of this stray dog that wandered into his life so randomly.

He seated himself on the chair across from Matt and crossed his legs loosely under the table. "So, are you going back?" he asked, just out of curiosity. He wouldn't tell Matt to stay, but the offer was subtly extended to him in the comfort of silence. It was his choice, after all, and Mello had made it specifically clear that he wouldn't make Matt's decisions for him, not now, not ever (although he'd think Matt was an actual fucking idiot if he went back).

RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)

"I'm not the next of them,
I am the first of me

_ _ _ _

"Ouch! Hey, that shit is hot!" Matt gasped when Mello lightly hit the back of his head with the pan, sticking his tongue out when Mello pointed out how generous he was being by doing all this. He figured he'd just hold his tongue until the food was done, that way Mello wouldn't change his mind about feeding him. So, he was a good boy and stood by simply watching. Albeit, he did so very impatiently, asking multiple times 'is it almost done??' and 'how much longer?'.

So, when it was done, he was happy to turn and get out of the kitchen when Mello said so, headed behind the blonde to the table. He did, however, catch that disgusted look, which was followed swiftly by the blonde's blunt comment on how he needed a bath.

"I don't stink THAT bad." The redhead retorted, going as far as to sniff under his armpit and shrugging. He smelt like cigarette smoke, sweat, blood, and dirt. But that was how he always smelt, so he didn't really catch on to it.

He didn't really care, though, and instead dug right in, showing just how starved he really was. He didn't seem to care abut how hot it was, he stuffed his face, barely even chewing or stopping for air. And when Mello asked out of the blue if he was going back, he just shoved a whole egg roll into his mouth to buy himself more time to conjure up an answer.

He did vaguely catch on that Mello was offering him to stay, even if maybe just for the night. But.. he felt like putting Mello out would be wrong. Mello had already done more than expected for Matt.. he... couldn't really ask to stay here with him.

Finally, he finished his food and let out a heavy sigh before forcing another little fake smile onto his lips as he slouched forward and rested his face in his palm, arm folded over the top of the table. While his lips were saying one thing with the smile, his eyes were saying something totally different; that he was confused and unsure, his world completely torn out from under him and leaving him lost as to which way was up. But his handy-dandy goggles did a good job hiding that as he grinned over at Mello.

"... Maybe. I haven't decided what to do yet, to be honest! Heh!"
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)


come on, come on, don't leave me like this ❜ ❜ ❜
i thought i had you figured out ; now i'm haunted

× × ×

Mello wrinkled his nose in disgust when Matt sniffed under his own armpit, briefly wondering where he had learned his terrible mannerisms despite looking like a normal teenager. Really, some dogs were even more civilized than Matt was being now.

One corner of his lips quirked into the faintest of scowls when Matt scarfed down his food, flicking broth and ringlets of green onion everywhere. Well, at least he was eating, and ravenously, too. A dark part of his heart lit up just then, surprising Mello who hadn't thought cooking for someone could feel so rewarding. He grabbed a few napkins from the counter and wiped the table around Matt, simultaneously biting off pieces of his chocolate bar to sate his own hunger at the same pace Matt ate.

Eventually, the treat ran out and he waited, arms crossed over his chest, for Matt to finish his dinner. His gaze flickered up, almost as if to bore holes through the goggles Mello desperately wanted to tear off if only see to what kind of green shone in Matt's eyes. Were they green like emeralds? Green like the heart of a forest?

"Maybe?" he repeated with the faintest of frowns. Was Matt actually contemplating this? "If you haven't decided yet, I'll decide for you. Stay here." For the night. For the week. Possibly even longer than that, until Matt would eventually drive Mello up the fucking wall with his unhygienic ways. So, maybe he had to bend his own rule about making decisions for others, especially with Matt. As he had expected, Matt was clearly lost and unmotivated, lacking even the ambition to plan whether or not he would have a roof over his head that same night.

He stretched and excused himself from the table, heading towards another room that he opened to reveal a tidy bathroom. "I'm going to shower first," he said, already unzipping the front of his leather jacket to reveal smooth, fair skin underneath. Only when he slid his top off completely did the scars running down his shoulder glare, but he quickly covered it with a towel and closed the door behind him.

Mello didn't take too long, maybe ten minutes tops, until he was out of the shower clad in nothing but a towel knotted around his waist and another hung over his dripping-wet hair. "Put your disgusting clothes in the laundry basket," Mello instructed, a toothbrush clenched between his teeth and slurring some words he spoke. "And take a bath."

RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)

"I'm not the next of them,
I am the first of me

_ _ _ _

Matt shrugged when Mello seemed displeased by his answer of 'maybe', giving the blonde a puzzled look. He honestly didn't think Mello cared.. then again, Mello had saved his ass, and even brought him back to his home and fed him. So he had to have cared, even if just a little, and even if he knew Mello wouldn't admit it. Still, Matt felt a little beside himself when Mello told him he was staying here. It had to mean a lot for Mello to straight up say that.. how could Matt say no? And, based on how clean Mello obviously was, Matt knew that even if he had to sleep on the bathroom floor he'd be sleeping in a much cleaner place haan he was used to sleeping. So that alone was a really refreshing thought..

"... I mean, if you're offering... but only for a little while." Matt murmured bashfully, rubbing he back of his head in a nervous way and pursing his lips a little. It was kind of the closest he could come to saying 'thanks, I owe ya one'.

He watched then as Mello excused himself from the table, unable to help himself as he stared at the undressing Mello. If it was any other guy, Matt wouldn't have cared. They were both guys, and Matt had taken gym, so it wasn't like he had never seen the anatomy of a man before. But, as always, Mello was just different. His torso was so smooth and warm-looking, his body lean, skin soft with thin muscle twitching beneath with each movement he made. And that scar.. was... it weird that Matt found it appealing? For one it just made Mello look badass. It also carried a sense of mystery, keeping Matt curious to know how he got it. But Matt mostly found himself wanting to just graze his fingers over it--

He tore his eyes away just as Mello closed the bathroom door, mentally kicking himself as heat washed over him. Fucking Mello...

Matt sat there awkwardly for a few moments, but after a minute or two, he decided to get up and do something he had never done before; clean.

The house was spotless, of course, besides the dishes that had been dirtied so he could eat. So he washed up the pan and other dishes, then decided to step outside for a smoke to calm himself. It was when he came back inside that the bathroom door opened, and out came the half naked, dripping wet Mello. Matt's eyes undoubtedly went wide, even if just for a second before he corrected himself and looked away. The mental image was impossible to shake, but he'd be damned if he didn't try!

"I'll be sure to leave a nice mess for you~" He teased, rolling his eyes a little and chucking a little as Mello told him to go bathe. Damn, this was weird... he normally hated being told what to do, but he hadn't had the urge to really 'oppose' Mello once yet. Probably because Mello was smart and knew what he was talking about, so when he said to do something, Matt trusted that it was something that really needed to be done. If Mello said he smelt bad, then hey, he prolly did! And plus, Mello had just invited him to stay. He wasn't gonna get kicked out so fast just for smelling like cigarette smoke and blood.

Unlike Mello, he didn't strip down in the living room. He strolled casually past Mello and into the bathroom, but left a small crack in the bathroom door. Really, he didn't see why he'd need to close it.. it wasn't like Mello would peek on him. And if he did.. Matt wouldn't mind.

Shrugging that off, Matt started the bathwater and then stripped down, taking his PSP from his vest pocket and setting it on the counter before tossing all his bloody, smelly clothes into the hamper. Matt was lean and lanky, his own skin dotted in bruises that were in various stages of being healed. Some were fresh, but most were old bruises that Shane so generously gave him the last time he kicked the shit outta him.

Besides that, though, Matt's skin was soft and pale. Faint freckles dusted over his shoulders and arms, along with a few that graced his back. Soon, though, he was hopping into the tub. He hissed a little at the hot water, but it felt really good at the same time. He reached up after he was sitting in the hot water, fingers grazing over the goggles as he contemplated taking them off. He decided he needed to in order to wash his face, but before pulling the goggles down around his neck, he closed his eyes and kept them that way.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)


come on, come on, don't leave me like this ❜ ❜ ❜
i thought i had you figured out ; now i'm haunted

× × ×

Was it odd that Mello wanted to know exactly what color Matt's eyes were more than anything else? It probably was. Probably obsessive, too.

So, when the redhead left the bathroom door ajar, Mello knew he was overthinking it to be some sort of trap with Matt as the bait. Why was it so effective, then? Why was Mello actually tempted to nudge open that door and see for himself what Matt looked like underneath his trashy clothes and those hideous orange goggles? He desperately distracted himself for a while, rummaging through his drawers for a pair of black boxer briefs for himself, and then some gray sweatpants and a black v-neck for Matt. He could go commando for all he cared. He had no intention of sharing his underwear with him.

Since he preferred sleeping in nothing but a pair of comfortable briefs, the blonde only wore a loose, black button-up to "cover up" the best he could, although there was still plenty more to behold. Mello organized Matt's clothes for the night and some clean towels in a pile, hauling the stack under his arm to take into the restroom.

He interrupted Matt's bath quite nonchalantly, too, just to place the stack of fresh clothes on the closed toilet lid for Matt's convenience. While he was there, he helped himself to a peek at the other male, his gaze wandering where they shouldn't under the bubbles of the water. It was nearly impossible not to notice just how attractive Matt was without his shitty, lazy fashion statements.

The redhead's skin was pale, but not like his. His skin was freckled, not like his. His hair... his hair was vibrant and messy, not like his... and his body was perfect... not... like his. Mello chewed on the inside of his lower lip and feigned disinterest, kicking the laundry basket out of the bathroom to rid the tiny space of the pungent, earthy smell he so hated. "Wash your hair and scrub behind your ears. I don't want fleas in my apartment," he jested crassly, still wondering what color Matt's eyes were more than anything.

He should have left, but he didn't, choosing instead to kneel beside the tub, his fingers dipping into the water to test its temperature before swirling them around in small circles. He was sure Matt could feel the ripples even with his eyes closed.

"Open your eyes," he commanded softly, his curiosity too much for him to ignore at this point. "What are you so scared of, that you have to hide them behind these?" His thin digits grabbed the goggles so Matt couldn't pull them up like it was his one and only defense mechanism. He wouldn't allow it. "Are you afraid of being predictable? Of being... figured out?" He was exploring Matt's mind now, his voice almost entrancing as he tried to unravel him from the inside-out.

Strangely enough, Mello felt... bonded to Matt, like there was an invisible thread between them that only seemed to strengthen the less the blonde struggled against and denied that Matt was somebody special. Not just special, but special to him.

His face was just inches from Matt's now, fingers curled into the cinnamon-red hair on the nape of the other male's neck. "You don't have to hide from me," he mumbled as if to share a secret with him, and impulsively leaned in to press a fleeting peck to Matt's lips. It was simple, quick, and probably meant little in the grand scheme of things, but to Mello, it was something a lot more.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)

"I'm not the next of them,
I am the first of me

_ _ _ _

Of all the things Matt had expected, Mello trotting on in was not it. At most, he assumed that Mello would peek in while Matt was relaxing with his eyes closed. But no, this fucker just came strolling on in like he owned the place! Which, technically, he did... but that was beside the point! Matt tensed up immediately, his breath growing quick and shallow and his eyelids twitching. Instinctively, he wanted to pop his eyes open so he could see where Mello was and what he was doing. He gulped softly, keeping those eyes pinned shut and waiting for the indication that Mello had left so he could quickly pull those goggles into place and breath again.

But that sign never came. He could hear Mello walking around the bathroom, kicking what was probably the laundry hamper, before telling Matt to wash hair hair and behind his ears. Was that really all he came in here for?! Sighing, Matt mentally rolled his eyes and let out a small, nervous laugh. "I know how to clean myself, thanks!"

Maybe he'd leave now? Matt listened as hard as he could... and his stomach flipped when Mellos bare feet padded CLOSER to him rather than away. The redhead even jumped a little when he felt Mello's fingers dip into the water, a small gasp escaping him as the little ripples danced against his flesh. Then Mello said it. He told Matt to open his eyes. As a reaction, Matt reached up to grab his goggles, but it seemed that Mello had the same idea, as he felt the snag of the blonde gripping them.

Matt wanted to pop a joke and make light of the situation, to weasel his way out of this by changing the topic, but his mouth felt dry and his voice was stuck in his throat. Dammit, Mello! Why was he doing this?! Matt cringed, fingers slowly, and reluctantly, releasing the goggles he held so dearly onto. Maybe looking someone else in the eye was no big deal to normal people. But Matt.. he hadn't looked someone directly in the eye sense he was a child, before he was given the goggles. He had seen the world through orange glass most of his life, and it was comfortable and familiar to him by now. It was an invisible wall between him and the rest of this disgusting world..

And Mello had crossed that wall into Matt's word. The redhead had no idea how to deal with that. Panic was the first thing he felt, followed by a large dose of fear, and then--

"Me-.. Mello.." Matt breathed out when he felt the blonde's fingers curl into his hair, tickling against his scalp in a way that caused the redhead to shiver softly. Somehow, those words seemed to wipe away all of Matt's fear and doubt. He.. trusted Mello. It was crazy, but.. Mello felt really safe. And his words just solidified that, causing Matt's defenses to waver. And then.. it happened.

Everything seemed to slow down, if not stop completely, when he felt those lips press against his own. It might have been nothing more than a soft peck to anyone else, but to Matt, it was the single most euphoric thing he had ever experienced. His mind went completely numb, shutting down the rest of his body in the process. Even when Mello pulled back from the light kiss, Matt's lips were left tingling and his brain was left reeling. Then, slowly, Matt's eyes peeked open and he stared up at Mello as if he were seeing him for the first time. And, in a sense, he was.

And Mello would finally get what he wanted. Matt's eyes weren't emerald green, nor were they as deep green as the heart of the forest... Matt's eyes were bright. They were like a fresh meadow in the middle of spring, on the sunniest of days. On top of that, Mello would notice that the goggles (as well as Matt's shaggy hair) had hidden he faint freckles that were dusted over the bridge of his nose.

Likewise, Matt was finding out what color Mello's everything was for the first time. His hair was gold like the sun, and eyes weep and blue as the ocean... and his skin was much softer and livelier than the redhead could have ever imagined.

Matt couldn't help it.. after a moment of simply staring in awe, he found himself reaching up to gently graze his wet fingers over Mello's scarred cheek, touching the damaged flesh as gently as he could manage as a goofy, almost shy, grin spread across his face. His fingertips slid past Mello's ear and combed into his hair, which Matt seemed transfixed on. His hair was still damp, but soft as velvet.

"... I still think you're a cocky bastard, you know." He sighed, but that smile remained. This felt really surreal. In fact, he was pretty sure he was still in shock.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)


come on, come on, don't leave me like this ❜ ❜ ❜
i thought i had you figured out ; now i'm haunted

× × ×

He hadn't expected Matt to show him in the end just how dazzling and beautiful his eyes were, so when his gaze met Matt's, it was his turn to feel bashful. Matt's eyes were alluring in all the right ways and Mello couldn't fully understand why the redhead had wanted to hide them from the world if not in the same way someone would hide jewels in a safe.

He was literally at a loss for words, left to silently admire all the different shades that Matt's irises sparkled, even under the poor lighting of his bathroom's light bulbs. It was like he could read a story in the way his pupils flickered—the chapters of Matt's childhood to now—and the pain and suffering that were woven into them shone the brightest. Matt was broken. Life had beaten the purpose out of Matt but Mello was convinced that he wasn't completely gone, that the other male was still alive somewhere deep down, and Matt had shown him that part.

He memorized the freckles peppered on the bridge of Matt's nose to the way his lashes, thin and long, curved like a doll's over the piece of heaven he concealed behind those goggles. Mello knew that this moment wouldn't last and Matt wouldn't abandon his lifestyle of seeing the world through an orange lens just because the blonde preferred it that way. So, he soaked in the moment and even remembered how Matt smiled and the way the corners of his eyes crinkled, too.

Mello would have liked to take a minute or two longer to admire Matt, but he was now alert to Matt's fingers on him. He was used to physical affection. It wasn't like he expected any harm to come from the other male's gentle touch, not quite like how the redhead foresaw pain before anything else, but this type of touching was foreign to him.

He was used to the feeling of calloused hands pressing firmly into his hips. He was used to having another man's seed painted carelessly on his inner thighs and that being the only warmth he'd ever feel during and after any sexual encounter with another male. But this... made him uncomfortable. He wasn't used to having someone, let alone Matt, smile at him this way. When the redhead touched the burned, warped skin of his cheek, he visibly flinched and jerked away as if Matt's fingertips were scalding hot.

He didn't like it.

He didn't like having his comfort zone compromised and his insecurities cornered by this one stupid boy who gazed at him like that and touched his grotesque skin like it was porcelain. Mello especially didn't like how he liked it, deep inside.

He was genuinely flustered now, and when Mello felt vulnerable, anger was usually his immediate flight-or-fight response.

"Yeah, well, I still think you're an annoying fuck, so we're even," he muttered half-bitterly, almost pissed off at Matt for being so... him! He turned his face away, suddenly self-conscious about how he must have looked to Matt, and stood up abruptly to conceal the blush of shame that spread like wildfire across his cheeks. "Just... Just hurry up and get cleaned. I'll get you blankets for the couch," he said rapidly as if he was in a rush and slipped out of the restroom.

Only when he was outside did he exhale heavily, eyes shutting tightly and jaws clenching equally as firm. How was it that in the process of breaking down Matt's walls, the fucking redhead had demolished his?

He lethargically tossed some clean sheets and a pillow onto the couch, turning up the heater so the living room wouldn't be so cold the next morning and he wouldn't freeze wearing only a button-up and a pair of boxer briefs in the wintertime. Then, he went to bed, although sleep didn't find him as soon as he would have liked.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)

⦋ " They told me to ṠṪἉỴ ἉⱲἉỴ
Those two words I ĊἉṄṪ ȌƁḘỴ " ⦌

_ _ _

Matt knew the moment wouldn't last.. especially when Mello pulled away when Matt's fingers so gently brushed over his burned flesh. To Matt, there was nothing 'grotesque' about how Mello looked. He was just so real.. so much more interesting than anyone Matt had ever met. The scar was just proof that Mello had been through some shit, and while Matt knew he would never fully understand Mello's suffering just as Mello wouldn't understand Matt's, he still felt like at least they both knew the reality of this world. And... maybe that was why Matt trusted Mello so much.

Still, his heart did sink a little when Mello decided to take his leave, clearly frustrated about something. And, feeling trapped, he acted the only way he knew how; he got mad. 'Course, Matt wasn't the least bit offended by being insulted by the blonde. He had learned early on that this was just who Mello was, and Matt didn't want to change anything about Mello. Well.. maybe he did. He wanted Mello to be able to accept his touch, and not act like Matt was diseased.

Ah.. but... maybe it wasn't even about Matt? No, Mello had only drawn back and gotten flustered when Matt touched his scar. Mello didn't seem like the type of person to be self-conscious, but it was blatantly obvious to Matt that the scar was a tender spot for the blonde.

Matt bit at the inside of his cheek and sighed through his nose, wincing a little as Mello left as if it physically hurt to watch him go. Matt figured the normal thing to do would be to console Mello, and all that shit. But Matt had never consoled anyone... and Mello seemed like he could use some space to process all of this. Matt didn't blame him, as he himself was still in the middle of processing it all.

Still... he wanted more of Mello, so he was a little grumpy that he had just stormed out like that. Huffing, he quickly pulled the goggles back up into place and went back to his bath.

He was quick, washing his hair and body with whatever scent soap Mello preferred. And, of course, it was sweet-scented.

Once clean of all the fowl scents Mello seemed to hate, Matt slid into the low v-neck shirt and loose pants (only drying off halfway) and, after grabbing his cherished PSP, headed into the living room and crashed on the couch. He tried to occupy his mind by playing his game, but he couldn't shake off Mello. He had only gotten a brief feel of his skin... but just thinking of how Mello felt had Matt grinning like he idiot he feared he was.

Soon, he had to set the game aside so he could just lay there and freely wonder about Mello. He was such a confusing asshole. But he had made the mistake of showing this mutt some affection... and now Matt fully intended to stick around and thoroughly annoy the blonde jerk.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)


come on, come on, don't leave me like this ❜ ❜ ❜
i thought i had you figured out ; now i'm haunted

× × ×

The funny thing was, after storming out on a confused Matt, the blonde was still fuming under his sheets about that close call. He wasn't entirely sure why because he had never felt this way for someone before, and it puzzled him as to how Matt, the dumb kid in his advanced chemistry class, had managed to reduce Mello to a grumpy, emotional mess without doing more than smiling.

He simmered in the darkness for a while, thinking, thinking, and thinking some more about anything and everything but Matt to distract himself. Eventually, like it was all scripted, all of his thoughts led to him and it gradually exhausted him until the last of his anger seeped from his bones. Mello relaxed, staring at the ceiling with nothing but visual remnants of those bright green eyes and the feeling of Matt's plush lips lingering in his mind.

His imagination wandered some more until he almost felt Matt's lips against his neck, chest, and navel, pillow-soft and gentle to the touch. The thought itself was innocent for Mello's personal taste but his body was heating up quickly, thighs twisting together as more scenarios just like the first invaded his mind. His chest rose and fell slowly, his own fingers parting his pair of supple thighs to brush against a very obvious tent in his boxer briefs. Fuck, thinking about Matt was giving him a hard-on, now?

It was more difficult fighting this type of urge in the privacy of his own bedroom, though, so he willingly gave into his desire and rewarded himself with a few lazy strokes to his cock under the cotton prison of his underwear. He was painfully stiff imagining Matt's lips on his twisted flesh, the thought alone pushing fat beads of precome from the tip of his member that he quickly swiped away with his thumb.

He squeezed his eyes shut and tugged down the elastic waistband of his briefs under his taut balls, thighs tensing as he expertly tugged on the tight foreskin of his sex. There were those thoughts again. They were lewder this time and Mello briefly imagined Matt riding his cock before the scene painted in his head snapped like a film reel. He grunted and kicked off the heavy sheets, pumping his dick faster as if it would bring him back.

And it did, but in a different way.

Matt was now trailing kisses down his neck, their sweat-slicked bodies pressed intimately close, and he almost felt just how amazing it would feel to be fucked by him as a finger coated in saliva pressed against his puckered bud. His spine arched off the mattress as he pushed his digit in deeper, thighs parted wide to show off to anyone who may walk into him finger-fucking himself to thoughts of Matt.

It helped to imagine the redhead more vividly when he closed his eyes and soon he was afraid to open them for fear of his vision dissipating into nothing but disappointment. Frustrated by the lack of stimulus after five minutes of fingering himself, he nudged in a second and gasped at the intense stretch. "M-Matt," he moaned and he must have thought he had only uttered that forbidden name in the privacy of his mind because he whispered it again, his thighs clamping tight around his own wrist to prolong the feeling of being full.

He didn't want Matt to pull out. At least, not in his imagination. "Fuck me, Matt, fuck me..." he mumbled quieter now, pumping his fingers in and out until he pulled his digits out quickly at the brink of an orgasm. Fuck, that was too close. Why was masturbating to Matt so... easy? Why did it feel so right?

RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)

⦋ " They told me to ṠṪἉỴ ἉⱲἉỴ
Those two words I ĊἉṄṪ ȌƁḘỴ " ⦌

_ _ _

Matt had just been falling asleep when he heard what sounded like the muffled sound of Mello calling his name. Matt grumbled, rolling onto his side and pulling the blanket over his head. He hadn't gotten a chance to sleep good in.. who knew how long? Never had a clean blanket and sheets, or a soft, fresh pillow... hell he couldn't remember the last time he went to bed feeling clean, wearing such crisp clothes and having a full belly! He was destined for what was likely the best night sleep ever, and that asshole wanted to wake him up?! The redhead had every intention of ignoring him.. but... what if it was an emergency? Why else would Mello be calling him??

It was unlikely, but Matt couldn't shake that little concern from his mind. He was bound to lie there, wide awake, until he found out what Mello wanted... so, though it annoyed the lazy teen to have to get off of the warm, comfy couch, he did just that. He grunted as he did so, rubbing his now soft (albeit, messy bed-head) hair and yawned as he staggered towards Mello's door, goggles around his neck as they usually were when he slept.

"I swear to God, that asshole better be dying or I'm gonna--" He started to mumbled under his breath to himself, but once he was just outside Mello's door, his words cut off when he heard something from inside the room. And.. not just ANY something..

It was faint, b-but... he.. he could have sworn that he heard Mello moaning for Matt to.. fuck him..

Matt gulped, mind at first drawing a blank as those green eyes of his went wide. Mello hadn't been calling for him at all! He.. he had been moaning for him. Holy hell, was Mello actually masturbating.. and thinking of Matt while he did it?!

Immediately, Matt could feel a wave of heat wash over him from head to toe, red face contrasting against the brightness of his wide eyes. It was obvious that he and Mello held some sort of attraction towards each other, but.. Matt... had never done anything like this. Yes, he had masturbated, what teen hadn't? He just hadn't done anything with anyone else before, and he certainly hadn't caught anyone red-handed masturbating to the thought of him!

So he was surprised when he felt that familiar tingle of arousal in his groin as his mind swerved into the ditch and he was left wondering what Mello was doing to himself. W-whatever it was... it.. sounded like it had to feel really good.

The way he saw it, he had one of three options:

1) Stand there and possibly masturbate to the sound of Mello moaning and whimpering. Which.. honestly felt like the creepiest thing ever.

2) Go bad to the couch and pretend her had heard nothing, only to regret it for possibly the rest of his life.

3) Go into the room and give Mello what he obviously wanted.

Now, given that Matt had never had sex before, one would think he would choose one of the first two options. However... Matt wasn't low enough to just creep on Mello and jerk off to him jerking off, and he'd be damned if he was going to do something he knew he would regret. Even if it meant risking being thrown out for it.. Matt had to go with option three.

So, taking a shallow, shivering breath, Matt lifted a slightly shay hand and silently took the doorknob. Then, with all the courage he could muster, he slowly pushed the door open, and...

... he was immediately proud of his decision.

There, squirming and writhing in pleasure as he finger fucked himself while panting Matt's name, was the most beautiful being on the face of this planet. Finger stuffed up his ass, while he jerked wildly at his cock with his other hand.. it was the most erotic thing Matt had ever seen, and it got him sailing at full mass in a matter of seconds.

Slowly, Matt made his way towards the bed, eyes shimmering with lustful hunger. Mello still hadn't noticed him.. but Matt was about to change that. Leaning forward, he crawled smoothly up onto he bed, his thighs soon wedged up against the underside of Mello's own bare thighs and his hands on either side of the blonde's head as the redhead peered down at him, offering that same crooked smile as before. Albeit, he was a little more nervous this tie around.

"So... you called?" He breathed, wondering how Mello was going to react. Either he was gonna punch Matt in the face, or accept that Matt was here now and take advantage of that fact.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)


come on, come on, don't leave me like this ❜ ❜ ❜
i thought i had you figured out ; now i'm haunted

× × ×

He edged himself for the third time, his two fingers rocking him on the brink of an orgasm. Mello had to admit through his lustful stupor that this, although his fingers were doing all the work, felt the best out of all his sexual encounters with richer, more experienced men than Matt. Just thinking of the stupid redhead got him moaning like a bitch in heat and that wasn't just any easy task.

When the fingers weren't enough to make his fantasy of Matt real enough, his other hand left his cock for his perky, neglected nipples, pinching one to soothe how stiff they were for attention. It would feel much better, he thought, with Matt's warm mouth closed around it, his tongue flicking the nub back and forth and his teeth occasionally nipping it for that extra jolt of pain. He wasn't even the least bit ashamed now, was he? Well, as long as Matt didn't know, Mello wasn't opposed to being a bit... kinky.

His eyes were still closed and his fingers were still greedily stuffed in his ass when Matt sneaked in, his focus still too trained on achieving that rewarding orgasm to care about the very real possibility of getting caught. Only when he felt the mattress dip under Matt's weight did he flinch and gasp sharply, his blue eyes met with green in an instant.

He would have yelled, cursed, and literally kicked the redheaded mutt for intruding, but... he wasn't done yet. This was all a bit more comfortable and erotic for Mello as he preferred fucking under no light at all, using only the moonlight streaming between the blinds to illuminate their bodies. Mello shifted onto his elbows. "Are you going to fuck me or not?" he asked curtly, his cock impatiently twitching against his slim and toned stomach.

He was totally embarrassed having been caught like this after the tantrum he'd thrown in the restroom, but right now, he didn't care. He just wanted Matt to make himself "useful" now that he was here.

Mello dragged one of Matt's fingers to his plush lips, his tongue poking out to glide over the tip. His gaze trained on Matt, knowing he looked completely debauched and shameless for sucking and licking the redhead's fingers like they were his cock. "What, you've never made a boy feel good before?" he smirked, seeing right through Matt's lack of sexual experience in a heartbeat. He led Matt's lubricated fingers to his softened pucker, nudging them inside slowly and moaning at the breach. God, if Matt was a toy, he'd be using it all night long.

The blonde curled a hand into the cinnamon-red hair over the nape of Matt's neck and tugged him down. He kissed him, running a tongue quickly over the healing scab on Matt's lower lip and biting it to draw fresh blood. He squirmed when the other male's fingers brushed against his prostate deep inside, pressing Matt's head so he could feel those velvety lips on his unmarred neck. His cock twitched at another lewd thought.

"How big are you, Matt?" he asked. His cock was the only thing he hadn't seen of the redhead now and his dirty imagination was running wild with possibilities. Was it thick and angrily red at the tip? Was it long and curved? Veiny? He grew even more excited thinking about it.

RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)

⦋ " They told me to ṠṪἉỴ ἉⱲἉỴ
Those two words I ĊἉṄṪ ȌƁḘỴ " ⦌

_ _ _

Are you going to fuck me or not?

Well, it seemed Mello was a as blunt as ever. Even if Matt should have expected it, he didn't, and was mentally thrown off balance. The green-eyed nerd blinked in slight surprise, shoulders slumping a little in the process. "Uh... yeah? I mean.. isn't there supposed to be.. some kind of build up?" He muttered, chewing at the inside of his lip as he glanced down at Mello's softly toned body. Though he assumed that Mello had already had all the buildup he needed, what with the way his fingers had been working his ass only moments ago.

Matt didn't fight back as Mello grabbed his hand, instead watching curiously as his finger as dragged up towards the blonde's mouth. Slowly, the redhead licked at his bottom lip, an excited grin spreading across his lips as he watched Mello work his finger expertly. "Wow.. you're pretty dirty, Mels~" Matt teased, only to pucker his lips and blush softly when the other made the observation that Matt had never done this. Sheesh, what, could he smell Matt's virginity or some shit? "That's irrelevant, jackass. So.. stop talking." Matt huffed, eyes now trained on his own fingers as Mello guided them down to his rear entrance. Matt's heartbeat picked up as it happened, shivering softly at the sight of his two fingers sinking into Mello's asshole and disappearing from view into the other's body. Shit.. Mello was really tight and hot.. even if it was blatantly obvious that Matt wasn't about to be his first 'partner'.

Fingers in, Matt took control of his hand, slowly pushing the digits knuckle deep into Mello before looking to the blonde's blue eyes and watching his perfect reaction. The way those rosy pink lips parted, allowing the boy's naughty moan to fill the air.. damn... it was so fucking hot! Matt's own erection was left throbbing hard in the sweat pants, pre dripping down the swollen pink tip.

And, of course, the boy was all too eager to return the heated kiss. He leaned down over Mello, right hand busied with slowly finger fucking the blonde while his left hand held him up over him. He groaned into the rough kiss, half lided eyes bearing down into Mello's own, and then--

"Ah!" Matt gasped sharply when Mello bit his lip, tearing the cut open again and causing the taste of blood to fill his mouth. It was like the pain switched something inside of the redhead. He groaned, eyes very nearly rolling back as his body shuttered. The hand that had been holding him up over Mello quickly shifting, reaching down to grab the blonde's hip with crushing force, fingers curling into his flesh while his right hand picked up the pace. He crammed a third finger into Mello's entrance and started to thrust the digits in and out roughly, figuring this had to be what Mello wanted. And if it wasn't.. well... Matt DID want it. And Matt only did what he wanted.

He chuckled roughly at Mello's question, hips grinding down against Mello's own so he could feel his erection through the sweat pants. He stood at a very meaty 8 inches, the head fat and drooling plenty of pre by now.

"Why don't you find out~? " Matt grunted, drawing back from the aggressive kiss and kicking the trail of blood that ran down his chin. He curled his fingers as he spoke, loving the way Mello squirmed and moaned.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)


come on, come on, don't leave me like this ❜ ❜ ❜
i thought i had you figured out ; now i'm haunted

× × ×

Was Matt attempting at talking dirty just now? Oh, Mello loved being called a jackass while having his tiny ass split apart by just two fingers.

He grinned at how sarcastic he sounded in his own head, his fingers sifting into Matt's feathery-soft hair that even smelled as sweet as the warm colors implied. Mello would never admit it, especially in this compromising state, but Matt was beautiful from the freckles lightly brushed over the bridge of his nose to his lips tinted by fresh blood. He had known it from the very beginning, the moment he stood practically nose-to-nose with Matt in the classroom bickering about who would do the project.

Who knew they would end up doing each other instead? Deep down, Mello had known all along.

Mello kissed him aggressively, an arm curling around Matt's neck to draw him in closer, his tongue shoving deeper into the other male's warm, inviting mouth in the process. The bittersweet flavor of Matt's blood made pulling away that much more difficult as Mello wanted to taste more before the tiny cut would coagulate. Also, it looked and sounded like the redhead didn't mind the prick of pain that accompanied the blonde's unorthodox method of making love. So, Matt was a masochist, wasn't he?

Maybe Mello was one, too. The moment the redhead crammed a third finger into his tender hole, he tensed up, a hushed swear leaving his lips at how amazing it felt to be taken with no hesitation. He wiggled his hips lower to swallow all three digits and inhaled sharply when he felt Matt's erection grind against his thigh. Fuck, he was big!

How had he managed to tuck something that monstrous into the same skinny jeans he wore every single day to school? Mello's tongue quickly swiped over his upper lip as he imagined it, all eight inches pulsating inside of him, forcing his tight walls to stretch more than it ever had. "You're pretty big, aren't you?" he crooned like he was stroking a dog's ego, an open palm clutching Matt's cock through the thick fabric of his sweatpants. Oh, it was damp, too. He leaned up, just enough for his lips to graze against the shell of the redhead's ear. "Did you think about this, too, Matt? Do you think of me in bed?"

He flipped him over before he could answer, slowly tugging Matt's glistening fingers from his well-stretched hole. It would still take more preparation and a shit ton of lubricant to fit Matt's cock inside, but he wasn't interested in that yet. He was more keen on the "build-up" Matt so wanted in the beginning.

Mello straddled Matt's hips, knowing that the other male was hurt and sore to fuck him properly on top. That meant more fun for him being in this advantageous spot. He pressed the other male's cock between the cleft of his taut ass cheeks, swirling his hips and grinding while his lips pressed open-mouthed kisses on the curve of Matt's neck. A selfish part of him wanted their peers in chemistry to know exactly what had happened the night before between them and make it ten times more embarrassing for the teacher to ask what had happened. A purplish patch appeared on Matt's neck the size of a quarter and he moved on, making another below that.

The hickeys looked nice on Matt's pale, freckled skin; nicer than the upsetting bruises Shane gave him, anyway.

He pulled back and sat on Matt's thighs, tugging down the waistband that hid his prize from view. Fuck, he really was big. Mello tentatively grabbed it by the base with one hand and closed his palm over the slippery tip, squeezing and stroking the head to overstimulate him for a brief, torturous moment. "You're so hard, Matt, and I haven't even put you inside of me yet."

RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)

" They told me to ṠṪἉỴ ἉⱲἉỴ
Those two words I ĊἉṄṪ ȌƁḘỴ "

_ _ _

Matt grinned at Mello's comment about his size, his figurative tail certainly wagging as he stared down at the sexy thing beneath him. Admittedly, Matt had never really considered his size before. He knew he was big, but that just meant it was more of an annoyance when he sprang a boner. Reason being that until now, Matt had no on in particular that he wanted to plow. This was probably the first time he felt grateful about it. Matt's body stiffened a little when Mello reached out and began to stroke his cock through the sweatpants, lips parting to make way for a deep groan. His body slowly started to relax once he got accustomed to the sensation, his fingers curling against the other's hip when he felt his hot breath against his ear.

"Mel-ah!" Matt yelped when, before he even had a chance to answer the lewd question, he was being flipped. He went from looming over Mello to laying on his back beneath him, eyes wide in clear surprise. Once Matt had his bearings, though, he narrowed those bright green eyes and reached up to grab Mello's hips. He had the intent to push Mello back and get back on top, but that was when Mello started to grind Matt's cock between his firm cheeks. "F-fuck!" He gasped, fingers gripping now at Mello's thighs as his pout dissipated in a matter of seconds. W-well.. he guessed Mello could stay on top for now, if he was going to do something so fucking amazing.

The redhead's body started to writhe beneath Mello, his breathing faltering to ragged little gasps as he started to clumsily thrust his hips up against Mello to add to the pleasure. Meanwhile, he jerked his head to the side, eyes closed for the moment as he gave Mello all the room he needed to do what he wanted to Matt's neck. The boy hadn't even considered that Mello was marking him up.. he just knew that it felt good, the way Mello sucked and kissed at the side of his tender throat.

And, just when Matt was thinking the moment couldn't get better, he felt Mello draw away from his neck. At first, it earned a grunt of disapproval from Matt. That is, until he felt the pants being tugged down followed swiftly by Mello's soft hand coiling around his bare, thick, throbbing shaft.

Another grunt from Matt, who now lay flustered and panting like a dog beneath Mello as he effectively tamed the mutt. For a second, all Matt could do was stare up at Mello with that dazed stare, eyed half lided and body trembling softly. Thick globs of pre oozed from the fat mushroom tip, which were smeared when Mello decided to squeeze and grind his hand over the head.

Matt just about lost it, eyes rolling back as a strained moan pressed from his marked up throat. But Matt wasn't ready to lay over and give in just yet! With a hungry growl, Matt shoved himself up so he was in a sitting position, Mello held firmly in his lap by the hand curled around his hip. He ignored the sharp stabbing pain in his bruised, damaged ribs as he did so, figuring he'd have time to sleep off the pain afterwards.

"You're so slutty..." He grumbled, leaning in to force a rough, brief kiss to Mello's soft lips before kissing downward. He dusted light kisses a the way down Mello's neck, nipping at his collarbone, but not stopping there. He continued all the way down to the blonde's chest, stopping only when he reached his left nipple. Then, while peeking up at Mello from beneath his shaggy red bangs, Matt latched his lips around the pink bud and gave it a harsh suck. He let out a muffled groan as he did, the feel of Mello's hand working hiss shaft nearly too much to handle.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)


come on, come on, don't leave me like this ❜ ❜ ❜
i thought i had you figured out ; now i'm haunted

× × ×

Slutty? Oh, Matt had no idea.

Although Mello's sexual encounters with men were few and far in between due to the blonde's unreasonably high standards for his partners in bed, Mello fucked hard when it came down to it. His kinks were a bit extreme but certainly not unexpected of someone as eccentric and dark as Mello. So, if Matt thought this sort of "vanilla" foreplay made Mello slutty, he couldn't wait to bring out the rest of his toys.

As the other male seated Mello on his lap, the shift in motion dragged the thin button-up he wore down to his elbows where they hung, revealing everything that was left to see. Under the faint gleam of the moonlight, Mello's fair skin appeared to glow, although the sinister burns twisting down his neck and shoulder on his left contrasted greatly with his unmarred complexion on the right. This time, he wasn't so ashamed of his imperfections to cover himself again. He even enjoyed Matt's gaze ravishing him before his cock would, feeling an unfamiliar heat billow up to his cheeks rather than pool low in his groin.

But how he wanted to fuck Matt hadn't diminished in the slightest just because the redhead had managed to absolve the blonde of his cruel facade, if only for a moment. "Matt..." he moaned his name just the way he knew the redhead would like it. Erotic, pleading, slutty. The difference between this time and any other fuck was that Mello didn't have to try. He didn't have to force himself to sound a certain way, just to arouse himself more than his partner.

With Matt, the motions and dialogue were effortless.

He slipped his fingers into Matt's shaggy hair and held his head tightly to his chest, gazing under lashes lowered at half-mast at the way Matt hungrily sucked on his nipple as if Mello could lactate. 'What a dog,' he thought in the most endearing way possible. It was difficult not to think so when Matt was rutting against his ass like one, the only thing stopping all eight inches of the redhead's cock from spearing him full Mello's hand.

His grip on Matt's hair tightened and he tugged his head away, flicking his tongue quickly over the other male's glistening lower lip. He was also hard from all this torturous build-up, his own cock straining and twitching between their toned bodies. Matt had tweaked and toyed with his body in all the right ways so far and it was obvious by the way the blonde gazed at and kissed him lustfully that he wanted this, so fucking much.

"Don't make love to me," he warned. "If you want to fuck me, we're doing this my way, until I'm done with you." Maybe they would go at it all night and skip school the following day. Mello liked to be in control at all times, even in bed, and would have loved to put Matt in a collar and leash set and a cock ring just to show who owned the mutt.

Since he didn't have a collar, his fingers wound around the column of Matt's throat to pin him against the mattress again, his own lips hovering close to his. "But something tells me you like taking my orders," he smirked, stroking Matt's cock between his thighs lazily. "You like being my little bitch."

Maybe if Mello was feeling nicer and certainly a lot less horny, he would have said something along the lines of "you like being my good boy," but he wanted to ride Matt's fucking cock and cared fuck all about being a romantic. He kissed him, reaching into his bedside drawer for a bottle of lubricant and a condom. He tore open the corner of the condom's plastic packaging and fiddled with the rubber ring, fitting it tightly over the tip of Matt's cock and rolling it down like a sock. Even for a "one size fits all" condom, it looked a bit too tight.

"Now, suck my cock and maybe I'll let you fuck me without the condom," he bargained, scooting up to straddle the redhead's chest, his stiff manhood perfectly aligned with Matt's lips.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)

By now, Matt was running off of pure primal instinct. He wanted nothing more than to bend Mello over and fuck him hard and raw, until he exploded inside of him. There wasn't really a thought in his mind that Mello would have any control over that. After all, Mello was the one wanting to be fucked like a bitch in heat! Matt was just here to give it to him.

He kept his gaze focused up on Mello's lusty blue eyes as he sucked at his nipple, giving it a not-too-gentle bite when he felt Mello's fingers twist against his scalp and tug at his crimson hair. It wasn't hard enough to draw blood, but Mello was definitely bound to feel the way Matt's teeth ground around the hard little bud before he pulled away, groaning hotly at the way Mello licked at his bottom lip. Fuck, Matt thought to himself, body feeling jittery and desperate to just throw Mello down and jump on him. That need only growing stronger when Mello so bluntly told him that they were going to be doing this his way.

While a part of him certainly did enjoy Mello taking charge, there was another part of him that stubbornly wanted to disobey. If only to prove to Mello that he did whatever he wanted. "Really?" Matt growled, licking his lips and leaning closer to Mello's face to nibble at the other's bottom lip. However, before he could get close enough, the blonde's hand was around his throat, pushing the yelping redhead down against the bed in an instant. Honestly, Matt would be a big fat liar if he said he didn't enjoy it. He fucking loved it. Mello's hand was so tight and controlling.. and the way he slowly stroked Matt's fat cock nearly had the boy panting and drooling like a true bitch.

But the redhead refrained, green eyes narrowing as Mello took the liberty of getting out a condom and rolling it down Matt's cock like he owned it. Ahh.. so he wanted Matt to be his boy toy tonight? Heh.. well, he had another thing coming. "A-ahh... o-.. okay.." Mat breathed, feigning submission when Mello 'generously' offered to let Matt fucked him bare if he sucked him. Shakily, Matt's hands slid up Mello's creamy, soft, warm thighs, up to his hips, where his fingers locked into place. The redhead then leaned up, lips parting as if he were about to take Mello's manhood into his mouth--

... and then he grinned.

With energy even he didn't know he had, Matt suddenly shifted things up. The hands on Mello's hips quickly shoved Mello backwards, landing him on his back so Matt could again climb over him, his fat erection hanging heavily between his legs as he sat on his hands and knees over Mello now with that playful smirk still in place.

"Tsk, tsk~~ Remember? I only do what I want to do. And maybe I want to be he one calling the shots, huh?" Matt teased, one hand reaching up to grab at Mello's silky blonde hair while the other hand reached down to grab at Mello's own throbbing cock. He licked his lips and grinned as he did so, grinding his palm over the thick head before beginning to rub and squeeze his shaft.

"I like the idea of you being my bitch ten times more~"
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)


come on, come on, don't leave me like this ❜ ❜ ❜
i thought i had you figured out ; now i'm haunted

× × ×

Now Matt was messing around.

Mello saw through his "dominant" act like it was spring water, knowing all of the redhead's gloating that Mello should be his bitch was a pretty, white lie. Not that Mello would oblige to be his fuck toy, anyway. The blonde was far too prideful and controlling in his everyday nature to be made somebody else's plaything, even if the person in question was Matt. Especially if the person in question was Matt.

The corner of his upper lip curled into a fixed scowl when Matt teased, his hips still bucking his stiffened cock into that warm, albeit calloused palm he wanted to feel inside of him again. This was good, for now. "Aw, now you don't get to fuck me raw," Mello taunted. For that act of misbehavior, the redhead had earned himself a whole night fucking him with a rubber sleeve around his dick, which Mello knew wouldn't make him any different than a dildo. Maybe if the puppy had done what he had been asked to do, they could be fucking bareback right now!

"Oh, yeah?" Mello challenged Matt with an arch of a brow and a coy smirk on his lips. "You think you have what it takes to make me want you that bad?"

The blonde knew Matt was sexually inexperienced by the way the other male's hands shyly explored his body and how he was mostly bark, no bite. He appreciated the effort, though. Bluffing boys that secretly liked being manhandled were his favorite. So, he waited for Matt to "call the shots," waited for that flicker of disappointment and panic to show in Matt's gaze as he'd realize this wasn't his role at all.

Mello smirked and grabbed a fistful of Matt's hair at the same time he scooted onto one elbow, jerking his head back to expose the beautiful, marked arch of his neck. He found a spot he missed and suckled away, his sinister tongue gliding up to the hollow of his jaw. "Well?" he grinned, the hand in Matt's hair now grabbing a handful of the redhead's taut ass cheek to tug forcefully against himself. "Your moans sound so much prettier when I'm doing things to you." His voice lowered to a husky growl, one that contrasted with his effeminate features.

"Give yourself to me, Matt," he mumbled against the redhead's parted lips, his fingers having collected some of the pre from his cock to rub at Matt's virginal hole. He slipped his middle finger inside, waiting for an entertaining reaction as he pushed his digit in deep to the second knuckle.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)

At first, Matt was feeling completely confident about his position over Mello. He was on top of him, his fat cock resting against his inner thigh and throbbing to be stuffed somewhere. All while Mello bucked his slender hips up into Matt's warm, tight grasp, spearing pre all over the redheads palm in a way that left Matt feeling lewd. He felt in control... until Mello spoke, taunting Matt, telling him this meant he couldn't fuck him raw. This had Matt's confidence waver.. but just a little. He arched a brow, then forced a little grin.

"Heh.. well, I 'have what it takes' to have you finger-fucking yourself, moaning out my name like a true slut. And that was without me even having to do anything." Matt retorted, leaning in a bit so his lips were lingering an inch or so over Mello's. The hand around the blonde's cock began to jerk faster, his other hand reaching back to grab at the other boy's tight ass. Despite his talk, though, Matt was beginning to wonder what the fuck he should do next. Instinct told him to just cram it inside Mello and have at him. But his mind told him that wouldn't be so pleasurable, as he had felt with his own fingers how tight Mello was. He needed to be loosened up first, right? And--

"A-aahh..!" Matt was torn away from his thoughts, pulled back to reality by the hand in his hair. His heart skipped a beat when Mello jerked his head back, arching his neck forward to the pretty little thing beneath him to show off his own slender neck. Matt did his utmost to suck back a moan, both hands moving to grip at the sheets on either side of Mello and leaving the blonde's body neglected for the time being. It as all Matt could do to keep from collapsing when he felt the other boy licking up beneath his jaw. It earned a sharp, jittery gasp from Matt, a hand lifting to roughly shove Mello back down onto his back. Or.. that had been the plan, anyways.

But Mello wasn't as scrawny as he looked, and Matt was more shaky at the moment than he'd like to admit. He ended up with his hand simply exploring Mello's torso, rough fingers grinding over his nipples and dusting over his collarbone.

"Fuck you.." Matt growled when Mello grumbled for Matt to just give up to him, pulling stubbornly back from Mello's lips to glare lightly down at him. He opened his mouth, but just as his lips parted, Mello unexpectedly shove his middle finger up the redhead's tight ass.

Matt's eyes went wide and his body jolted, his voice caught in his throat the moment the tip of Mello's slender digit pressed against his pucker. Mello would easily feel just how tight Matt was, his hole twitching around the intrusion, squeezing hard the more tense Matt managed to get. And he was fucking rigid, staring down at Mello with a look of utter shock.

He tried to regain his composure, but that was a bit hard to do when you had a finger halfway crammed up your ass. Damn Mello... w-.. was this all part of his plan? He knew Matt would freeze up, especially after throwing in something like this that Matt had no idea how to deal with.

"F-fine.. we'll do this your way... for now." Matt exhaled, slowly relaxing his body down against Mello's own. One arm slid around the blonde's petite frame, his hand sliding over Mello's hip and around to his back. His other hand reached down, hooking under Mello's thigh to pull his leg over Matt's hip as the defeated redhead leaned in to kiss lightly at the side of Mello's neck.

"So you ant me to suck you off? W-well.. get your fucking finger out of my ass first." Matt lifted his head to pear down into Mello's icy blue gaze, a nervous, uncomfortable bead of sweat trailing down the side of his face as he did. He wasn't sure how he felt about having Mello in him like this.. he was supposed to be the one doing all the penetrating, r-right??
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)


come on, come on, don't leave me like this ❜ ❜ ❜
i thought i had you figured out ; now i'm haunted

× × ×

Oh, Matt was definitely a virgin.

If his embarrassing attempt at dominating Mello hadn't been a dead giveaway, the way he froze when Mello's finger breached him was. He was enticingly tight and the blonde hadn't done much but wiggle a single, bony finger inside of him to take him off guard. Now that he had, the opportunity to really fuck him was sounding more tempting than being fucked by someone who probably wouldn't plow him the way he liked.

"Doesn't seem like you don't like it," he gauged Matt's reaction closely, azure eyes meeting green for a split second. He slowly pulled his digit out when the lubrication ran thin, rolling the redhead around with ease now that Matt had succumbed to him halfway. From this angle, Mello saw how perfect of a "bottom" body Matt really had minus the eight-inch cock that would make things a bit more exciting when Mello would want to "bottom" from time to time.

"Shut up," he snapped. "You lost your chance." Matt had lost many chances for misbehaving the way he did and he hoped that, in the future, the redhead would learn that Mello simply wasn't merciful enough to offer second chances. He would have rewarded him with a mouthful of cum, too, and that would have made for a pretty sight as Mello bent Matt over and fucked him so hard he'd drool his seed down his chin. He even lost the opportunity to see Mello riding his cock and redeeming at least half of his pride as a man. Too bad! Now, Mello wasn't interested in either of those positions.

He grabbed the bottle of lubricant from the sheets and squeezed out a glob of the silicon gel to lather on his fingers. Mello was even kind enough to warm the lubricant before pressing the pads of his fingers to Matt's virginal entrance. "If we're going to do this my way, don't be an idiot and try to dominate me again," he smirked. At least Matt had tried but here was to hoping that the dumbass learned his lesson: that Mello could only be topped when he wanted to be. He forced the redhead's thighs apart in a way that clearly demonstrated who was boss, his lips leaving open-mouthed kisses down Matt's slim navel.

When he got to the tender sections of the other male's inner thighs, he got a bit more aggressive, his teeth grazing the skin after leaving harsh blotches of purple on Matt's milky thighs. Meanwhile, his fingers expertly wiggled inside to minimize the pain, two already fitting inside Matt and slowly working him in. This wasn't Mello's first time fucking another boy and he knew how to milk a prostate just right for them to cum even before his dick would be inside. Sitting up, he hooked Matt's thighs over his and squeezed his plump inner thigh with one hand, admiring the bruises he left on them.

He scissored him slowly, one finger sliding out and in, alternating between the two to stretch Matt's virginal pucker in the most pleasurable way he knew how. He took it slow, even rolling off the condom to stroke his bare cock. "Play with your nipples and I'll make it feel even better for you," Mello grinned, his own cock rutting against the soft inside of Matt's thigh.

The blonde stopped scissoring him and pressed his digits in to the third knuckle, hooking the tips to stroke Matt's prostate like he would a woman's g-spot, over and over, until he pulled his digits out, his warm fingerpads stroking over his tender pucker. Swirling them around the outer ring of muscles. Whether Matt was a good boy or not would determine if Mello would finger him in good again.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)

Matt growled when Mello made the observation that Matt didn't seem to dislike having a finger stuffed inside of him, his eyebrows twitching a little. This time, though, he didn't put up a huge fight when Mello decided to roll the two of them over once more. Matt was getting pretty tired of arguing. He had lost interest in it, and now, all he wanted was to fuck. Thing we, he hadn't anticipated that he would be the one with fingers stuffed in his ass. "This isn't the reason I came in here, Mell- tch.." He growled when Mello snapped for him to shut up, but he obeyed. Instead, Matt slowly laid his head back against the bed and glared softly up at the other male.

He noticed Mello reach for the lubricant, and immediately grew uneasy. He bit at the inside of his cheek, fingers curling into the covers that lay messily beneath them as he felt Mello's fingers press against his soft entrance. Matt had to resist the strong urge to kick Mello away, but there was a part of him that really wanted to see where this went. How it would feel. How skilled Mello was with those slender fingers of his... he still wanted to fuck Mello. He wanted it bad, but... fucking Mello.. Matt grumbled incoherently under his breath, shifting when Mello began to trail kisses down his abdomen so he was on his elbows. This way he could vaguely see what Mello was up to, though he could definitely feel more than he could see from this angle.

And what he felt was Mello's kisses turn to bruising bites against hiss creamy thighs, sending jolts up and down Matt's spine. His pink lips parted lightly, brow furrowing and body shivering involuntarily as Mello's teeth grazed his soft flesh. A small, quivering breath escaped through those delicately parted lips, Matt's eyes shimmering in the pale moonlight that washed over their bodies.

Then he felt it. Mello was pressing into him again, but this time he did so with two digits opposed to just the one from before. Matt huffed as he did so, legs instinctively parting a little more as the blonde expertly penetrated his soft, tight hole again. Maybe it was just two fingers, but it had the redhead squirming a little. Even more so when Mello gripped his thighs, puling the hacker over his own thighs and pressing into he flesh with his fingers as he did so.

Matt hadn't realized it, but his breathing had gone back to ragged panting, head rolled back, revealing his properly marked up throat to the one responsible for the marks. He was too busy focusing on the fingers exploring his insides to really think of anything else, grunting and groaning as the blonde went about scissoring and grinding his fingers in and out of him. He hardly even noticed the way Mello removed the tight condom, his body twitching and jerking with each little twist of his thin fingers. He did notice when the other started to stroke him again though, earning a somewhat confused moan from Matt. He, uh.. he hadn't expected that he'd LIKE this kind of attention. But there was definitely no denying that it felt really, really good.

He also never thought he'd so willingly comply to someone else's command, but when Mello told him to play with his nipples, it was like his mind was on autopilot. It seemed Mello was right all along. Matt WANTED to be Mello's dirty little bitch, and he was coming closer and closer to being able to admit that dirty little fact..

Unstead hands slid up over his smooth stomach, fingers reaching along his own warm, freckled flesh towards his nipples. Just as his fingertips reached their destination, Mello decided to shove the two fingers in the rest of the way, finding a spot in Matt that haad him whimpering. His whole body jerked, fingers pinching and tugging at his pink nipples as his back arched off of the bed and his head fell back. "FUCK!" He hissed, the sharp word followed by uneven gasps and groans. One of his legs lifted a little, curling against Mello's side, trembling as it did.

It was such a sudden, violent surge of pleasure that when it stopped, Matt was left in a needy daze. Panting hard, he glared up at Mello with a particularly desperate look in those green eyes. Matt was completely vulnerable to this blonde sadist.

"Wh-.. why the fuck'd you stop.. a-ahh... c'mon..!" He whined, biting at his bottom lip as his thumbs ground tight circled over his now hard, throbbing nipples.
RE: Shitheads (Inspirit and Razz)


come on, come on, don't leave me like this ❜ ❜ ❜
i thought i had you figured out ; now i'm haunted

× × ×

By now, it felt like Matt's tight walls were practically melting his fingers from how desperately they clenched around them with the heat rising the deeper Mello pushed into his core. He could only imagine how much better Matt would feel wrapped around his cock, pleasuring him the way horny, cock-sluts do.

He smirked when Matt reacted just the way he wanted him to, rewarding his obedience with his fingers curling into his slippery pucker again. He refrained from going faster since he knew his nails would probably tear him from the inside, and Mello wanted Matt's virginal hole to be as unscathed as possible. "You're definitely a little whore, Matt," Mello smirked, his fingers still pumping in and out of his horny mutt to keep him occupied. "So needy." He wouldn't let Matt have all the fun, though.

After spreading his fingers apart to stretch him some more and scissoring him tender, Mello gently pulled his digits out and inspected Matt's lewdly softened hole by spreading his cheeks with his thumbs. It was definitely as loose as he needed it to be.

Without actually having to be told, Mello knew Matt was a virgin. An obvious one at that. The blonde couldn't care less about making the first experience special as his own virginity had been ruthlessly taken by a man six years older than him (he was fifteen at the time), but Matt could be different. Maybe he had some hopelessly romantic ideal of his first time with somebody who might mean something to him. Maybe not. Even so, a softer side of him didn't want him to be traumatized, so he decided to be a bit gentler than he normally preferred.

He leaned his weight over Matt without a word, an arm sliding underneath the redhead's shoulder to brace himself and to have a firm grip on his cinnamon-red hair. His other hand wandered blindly to his cock. His sex was smaller than Matt's by an inch or two and lacked in girth, but it was fat at the bulbous tip and curved in a way that would make prostate milking a lot easier for his submissive partner. "Relax," he reminded Matt, kissing along the redhead's jaw as he gently prodded the head against him at first, teasing him.

Warmth flooded his entire body starting from the tips of his fingers as he slowly poked the crown inside, Matt's tight sphincter swallowing the concave bit. Shit, he was tighter than he thought. He pulled back a bit to observe Matt's reaction, using his expression as a reference to plow in deeper or stop if he showed any discomfort. Then, he got impatient, and bucked his hips a bit to shove two more inches inside, filling him deeper and fuller the wider his manhood got towards the base.

"You know, you're right, I did think of you fucking me and it drove me crazy, but I think I like this better," he mumbled against the shell of Matt's ear. It was sadistically pleasing to feel himself sink into Matt, claiming him in a way nobody else would be able to now that he had taken his virginity. Deeper and deeper, he pushed into his balls and stopped before he pulled out halfway, dragging the tip right over Matt's prostate and thrusting harder.

He moaned, his palm sweeping down the side of Matt's leg to caress him. "Open up," Mello whispered, feeling a slight resistance when he tried to shove in deep again. "Just relax and take it like the good, fucking bitch you are."
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