Beauty and the Beast (Integra × Alucard)(Tasinga and wiki234)

Integra nodded her head and said" All right soon we will see. You back to full wellness? Do we need to find something to aid you?" They were in the car soon enough and she sat a crossed from him legs crossed eyes calm and cool. She was worried if a new danger was on the rise would she loose him again.
" i think not, though my powers have been lost over the years it will take some time to become stronger again....' he followed her in and sat down across, " I can feel a strange presence, and it seems different than normal of course, nothing that i know of yet...' he looked out the window and leaned back waiting now until they would come back now finally to the mansion.
Integra stayed quiet for the rest of the car ride though she seemed tired. Once at the house she got out after the vampire then headed to her office. It was not late yet she felt like she had been up all day. The heavy feeling of a dark energy still hung in the air.
Later in the she had fallen asleep in her chair only to wake up to the room as black as night. She went to move nut could not. "What?" She breathed out trying to get up. Her head was spinning and her neck hurt. She quickly felt. No bites yet she felt overly sick. What was going on?
Alucard sighed as he walked in as normal, life did become boring not being able to have enemies anymore not even understanding why he died and also came back to the world of the living. He walked through the halls for a while stopping at her office again as he peered in just standing there watching.
The feeling left after a little from Integra. Getting up she headed to her dresser to change though as she started to undress she felt something watching her. Stopping she looked around. No signs of Alucard plus he knew better than to watch without being invited in the room. Turning back to the mirror she froze seeing a woman there not her.

The skin was so white it was translucent. No eyes but black holes that had blood coming from them. Her neck and arms also bleeding. Her hair so soaked with blood it was black not red. For a moment a symbol glowed on the mirror and Integra knew it as a gate way spell. She jumped back as the woman sprung for her.
Alucard stayed in the hall sitting down, he could not think of anything took, going over now to his own room and staying there for the night as it would pass slowly now. The mansion now seemed quiet now again until tomorrow that things would pick up as usual again for now.
The phantom vanished after a few moments but Integra now had a cut near her breast bone. She sighed and went to bed not wanting to think about it.
In the morning she left her room going to the basement and grabbing a bottle of wine. She also made sure there was plenty of AB blood in the stock being it was Alucard's preferred taste. It was also her blood type which sometimes made her glad he had control over his wants. The cut on her chest was still there but she hid it with a collared shirt.
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