Beauty and the Beast (Integra × Alucard)(Tasinga and wiki234)

"yes master..." He simply says giving a bow with a big grin on his face, he would finally be back now to killing, it was always fun and boring, humans were easier to toy with than anythig else. After a little while everyone had left leaving the mansion cold and deserted as he took a private plane to Ireland.

Once there he would arrive just at the time of late afternoon, having a sense of the place once again and going to the first lead of the vampire sightings, then going off that as by that time there would be a strike again soon as the night start to come out of the shadows. Finally his case would leave him to another old abandoned small town, it smelled of humans death and that vampire, now it was just hide and seek.
Integra had gone ahead to the town as well. Taking her glasses she then went into the town gun ready of needed. She could not find anything right away which was normal. Stopping at the church she just smirked." And you thought god would save you? Fools." She rolled her eyes and jumped when she heard a groaning noise. Spinning she was suprised when she saw a Ghoul. Without waiting she fired killing it quickly. Then started to walk on.
The vampire was just on the other side of the town moving through it like the shadow of darkness, a floating color of red, holding his guns and loolinng around, he was ready to play. " come on..." He says looking to see some blood in the distance as he turns to see what it was from. It was already quiet, hopefully he could see it soon and start playing.
Integra stayed to herself as she moved keeping quiet as possible she could. Once sure no more ghouls were around she headed to where the vampire most likely hid, the old cemetery. Easiest place to hide a coffin and stay close to the food source. Lighting a cigar she headed on her way reloading her fire arm.

Once there she looked around for signs of the beast and did not see any. Either he was out hunting or sleeping. Carefully moving among the tomb stones she stopped when she got to the center of the grave yard. Nothing.... inter- Her train of thought broken as something hit her from the side. She landed on a stone bench having it brake bellow her. She hissed a rib or two had broken and her side was cut.
He sighed, Having that smell even stronger now as he started through the town until he found an open area and an old gate with the tombstone. Alucard waisted on the roof and pulled out his guns watching and waiting where he would even be coming from and if this was his main hideout. Alucard pulled off his glasses and looked around, jumping down below and heading through the gate inside. The other vampire had been waiting ibt he shadows and he was just liked he rest in capris on to him, a mindless vampire out for blood and killing. He had dark skin and those vampiri red eyes, jumping onto a tombstone to see the women he had attacked. "Well then someone has stumbled here alone, are you really going to try that?" The monster laughed at her, dissapearing then appearing behind her and taking her arm, throwing her on her back. " come on then..."
Integra cursed to herself getting up and being able to move away from the next attack. There were advantages to having those like Seras, Alucard and Walter to be around her. She learned to fight and move in battle in order to catch them. Also she had taken it one step above her father. Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, new dark arts she had studied her father's notes and journals in order to learn it. That though did not do much if they out paced her, which despite this one being a lower ranked vampire sadly had more speed than she was used to.

Lucky for her Alucard showed up and despite the other thinking it had the upper hand it was over before it started. Well at least it might as well been. She glared at the vampire then not waiting said. "Alucard kill it please. No I order you to kill this thing." Her hand glowed for a moment as the vampire was hit with a forceful energy enough to get it away from her. Spinning she fired at it twice. The use of magic though made her bleed faster so she had to back up.
Alucard could hear noises, walking further into the cemetery and going over to the noise seeing the vampire, " well...a vampire..." He stood there with his guns he could see more what would be going on as he put his guns away and stood back a bit waiting. The vampire had started to go ahead and attack, be able to not get hit by the shots though being able to stop the roots as well with his speed, appearing behind at a blind spot and moving in to attack, though being knocked away now from her. The vampire of red looks over at her then back to him, " I have my orders..." Slowly he pulls his guns and crosses them, turning to shoot at him. The rogue dodged every shot, getting in close and slashing him in the chest with the vampire falling, his body dissapearing into shadows as the real form turned to shoot him in the chest, pinning him down and aiming with both guns seeming to shoot into him until the clips were gone. Alucard watched boredly shooting at him until he pressed the gun and shot into the heart of it.
Integra brushed herself off and looked at Alucard. Buttoning her jacket so it hid her wounded side she said. "The meeting is none of your concern although the local authorities will be getting a bill for a new suit being mine is ruined." She then fixed her glasses turning and getting ready to leave. "As for why I came well.... that is a personal matter. You are not to ask again."

She started to walk off as she did she said to him knowing he could hear her. "You may come on the chopper with me or the plan you choose." Luckily for her the wound was not deep even though the broken ribs did not feel great as she moved.
He turned and loaded his guns again putting them back in his coat as he turns to walk, his hair and the tailcoat behind him flowong behind him. " well if we're done then there's no point then..." Alucard slowly follows behind quietly, it seemed that she was more on edge though it confused him why she would come knowing he would be here anyway to kill the vampire. On the trip he sat and just leaned back looking outside, clouds passing by not really having anything to talk or think about.
She nodded her head as he spoke and once they were at the chopper got in and sat down. "Do I even wanna know why you seem so amused?" She said looking at him her hands folded in-front of her face." What ever shall that be?" Deciding it was better left alone she stopped talking looking outside. For her this was what she liked more was the travel and just seeing things. Once they returned to the estate she headed inside and did not stop until she sat down in her desk.
" a mindless monster always dies to another monster who knows what he's doing..." He simply leans back more with a sigh looking out as well. They would soon be back to the mansion as he got off and followed after, though he stayed outside deciding to think and relax on the roof of the mansion. Alucard was already thinking his purpose of being back here then, other than protecting seras and his master. Everything was never the same as before and he had to figure out just what, but with a small smile on his face he knew that nothing would stop him from being the ruler of vampires.
Integra stayed working in her office and got her phone calling a few need to know contacts who wanted to stay in the loop. She needed to make sure to keep her friends close and her targets closer. Though she felt like there was still a danger in the air around her. She planned to go for a ride then just to relax. Going out she drove into the city and stopped when she got to what looked to be a run down bar and went inside. The tender looked at her and asked. "The normal?" She nodded and he let her go as she walked to the back and went in. Once there she started speaking with a man who was cleaning fire arms. "What can I get you miss Hellsing." She handed him a note and he smiled at her. Grabbing a box he said. "Holy Water core gold plate with silver inlays." She paid him and headed out.
As the night grew more slowly, his eyes started to glow more as he had a smirk, his power was already growing a bit from the darkness. Alucard looked out at the moon it also sometimes reminded him of the old days like before, his past was always following and there were so many reminders of that day he could never forget. Staying on the roof he continued to look around boredly even waiting for something to maybe happen.
Heading out Integra went back to the mansion and put the bullets away. She called Alucard then so that he would be aware the situation stating then." We need to head to the Queen's tomorrow apparently you are not the only one back from the dead. Anderson's grave has been disrupted. It is empty and nothing left in the grave. So, we cannot be relaxed about this. If he is back then it worries me on what or who else could be back. London does not need all the demons rising from the dead."
After a while they would talk going back inside, he sighed and walked into the room, " the only thing left might be ashes or something, there was nothing left anyway..." Alucard would finally be really back to be a monster and a killer again. " it would be a new group then.." Now he would be a bit confused of another organized attack than random vampires like before.
Integra nodded her head and sighed closing her eyes and adding. "Either way be ready to leave by the morning. Oh, and try not to attack to many of the guards this time alright?" She smirked remembering the last time they went there. Alucard had broken to men's arms and knocked another three out. Integra stayed passive and got up going behind the wall and started changing.
"Well I'll try then.." He crossed his arms and looked around, turning when he had nothing left going out into the hall and walking away. He would be just waitin as always until something would happen. It always seemed like that now not even using his basic powers to kill any of the vampires only simple tricks though, Alucard would go to his own room and be ready for tomorrow.
When the next day arrived Integra left by motorcar and made sure to be dressed in her best business outfit. On getting to the castle she sighed once before going in. In the meeting hall was the current Vatican Knight leader, herself, the queen and a few others. Bowing to her queen they sat down to address the matter at hand. She stated though. "I want to know what this matter has to do with me?"
The Vatican said slightly annoyed like." Well your pet is back we hear. Which only concerns us more."
Her eyes became darker and she said calmly." I do not know how you know this but it then be best not to anger me."
The vampire had been able to rest for a bit before he would get up and be ready now as she wanted. Alucard could see that this would be the beginning of something new, if they would meet he wiuld assume then things would get maybe even more interesting than last time at least. As they would arrive there and go inside he would be set in the shadows everyone else thinking she would be there alone.
1the argument got heated quickly. "Listen here you lonely bitch, just because you sleep with monster does not mean I am okay with it." Integra did not seem bothered, but smirked slyly."Hellsing has been fighting the demons long before you have. Only the Queen invite came. So, shut your mouth." She just then looked at the queen.
The man went to aim a gun at her but she grabbed his wrist and glared. Alucard would get a strange feeling even as her eyes flashed dark for a moment at the man. The only other person he would have felt that is from her father when he was mad.
He continued to watch, giving a smirk and a chuckle, heard by the whole room yet no one there accept them. A shadowy chuckle from nowhere in the room. Alucard had his inside the wall itself just in case anything happened as it was normal for evrryone to flip like that when they had to talk about matters like that mostly.
The man paused when he heard a chuckle and snapped. "You brought that monster he-"
"You owe that monster your life as does everyone else! Now if you insist on insulting Alucard and thusly myself then you best keep it to yourself or I will shoot you myself!" She cut him off her eyes now on fire it seemed as her blood boiled. The Queen lifted her hand at which Integra bowed. "I am so sorry your grace forgive my outburst."
"No need Integra..." The queen stated though she spoke. "Alucard..... if you are here please do not hide." The queen had a fondness for the man similar to Integra she had been saved by him when younger and did not fear him like most.
" I didn't want to get in the way of course..." He simply said walking out from the wall and into the light, his red suit, hat, and orange glasses. " yes I am here and back, I would never die to anything accept by a human of course...but even they can't damage one bit..." He took his glasses then looked around the room, " I am honored as always to be in your presence my queen..." Alucard stepped over standing beside his master.
The queen smiled and sighed then. "If Anderson is back it grieves me to say he will need to be stopped. There is little chance he is back as a holy knight as before. I would hate to see that man ruin what honor he had. Despite towards the end he fought like a beast he was one of the strongest and most devoted men I knew. So without to say.... Hellsing will deal with this. Alucard is the only one strong enough for it and I trust Integra's judgement. Understood?"
Integra bowed and said. "Yes, your grace." She stood up then and smiled turning heading out
It's impossible for him to be back, he has no body anyway..." He sighed and crossed his arms putting his glasses back on and turning to leave as well. He could feel that there would be a strong presence though and it was growing slowly sensing some unknown growing power as well. "We'll have a new problem now... It will grow and I can feel it.,,"
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