Beauty and the Beast (Integra × Alucard)(Tasinga and wiki234)

Aug 8, 2014
A year and ten days that was how long she had been alone or felt that way. A year and ten days after loosing so many she had trusted. A year since London had been burned almost all the way to the ground. Integra was half asleep at her desk the moon coming in brightly through the large windows behind her. She had read the same page of paper work three times, but the words not sinking in. Sighing she was stunned a little when she felt wetness on her cheeks. Had she been crying? Getting up she walked to the window looking down over the court yard of the estate.

" It's taken a year to get this far..." London had almost been completely repaired. The church and government had covered up the attack as an extremist attack the creatures written off as men in costumes. Even though London had been mostly fixed Integra did not feel the same. Walter whom had raised her since her father's death had been a traitor, Pip a loyal man to the cause gone and her most trusted servant dead. How though she would never understood, she had thought Alucard un-able to die. Yet he was gone.

Yes, Saras Victoria was a strong and good servant, by far more willing and less likely to talk back, but she was not Alucard. Sitting down once more she glared at the paperwork she still had to do. An hour later though she had fallen asleep at her desk.
During the passing of such a long time only a year as everyone could remember, the last day he would think that he could exist in this torn world as a monster, killed not by a human but something more that he couldn't even describe a strange feeling that took him out of the world of the living or dead for a whole nother year that the this strange place he unleashed his true form, the person he was before, the true hell.

Finally it seemed that those humans he found interesting were like ants finding resources and rebuilding just as they have for centuries nothing had changed all his life being in this world and he doubt it would ever. Alucard the lord of damnation the reaper the death servant of his destined master sir integra. But alucard could not be killed, he was simply taken out for a while from everyone that ran and hid from his terror.

Today was the day he would reveal his mark and the day he would return to the living. As the moon appeared, the sky started to become darker and the moon was was so familiar yet also different. It had the rays of red light instead of soft white, the moon had died and turned to blood. It was time for him to go down back to earth as a bats wings could be heard in the distance, then suddenly a swarm as they headed toward integral window vanishing suddenly as a black figure started to form and appear just behind her on the other side of the room.

The vampire finally stood up walking toward the figure sat on the desk, his boots making a sound with each step as he slowly picked her up and put her in bed. "It's...been long...your servant has returned my master..." He says with a smile turning to walk out and close the door leaving her to sleep.
Integra woke to the sound of birds and the sun was coming in. She sat up rubbing her eyes and then finding her glasses on their night stand. Putting them on she stood up going to her closet and took out a white dress top, black dress pants and a belt. She spoke to herself. "Do not remember going to my bed last night but would not be the first time." Something felt different she did not know why. Saras was still gone on a mission in the Northern part of England. Sighing finished getting ready for the day then shut her closet and strapped her pistol on her belt.

Moving out of the bedroom she started down the hall to her office when she was stopped by one of her men. "Sir Integra... meanwhile I did my rounds I found the door to the lowest cell unlocked." Integra looked angry suddenly her eyes turning dark. She had Alucard's room shut off from the rest of the estate un-able to go there often she did not want it touched. Every so often she would go to the door and talk as if speaking to him, but if someone had broken her rule they were lucky if they were only fired and not killed.

Turning around she went to the mirror that the hidden stairs was behind and opened it walking towards the cell. Her steps angry as she moved her insides almost boiling. Her face was already bright red with anger at the idea of someone touching his room. Getting to the door, sure enough the bolts where broken. "Alright someone is dead." She snarled to herself opening the door her eyes though needed to adjust to the darkness.
Alucard had been where he always had, it was his birthplace, it was his death and his life before and after everything changed. His service to her was eternal till death do them part, his death was just an obstacle that forced away from those peaceful times after England was back to normal now, and now he would fibalky see and explore. He sighed as he would stay hidden for a bit longer now until it would be really the time to show her, sitting on the roof of the estate and looking out. It was so different and familiar it was too familiar remembering that day...that monster that was born from him, the power he was cursed to hold forever inside him.

His eyes moves down to see his white gloves hands, knowing that they only knew how to hold a gun and pull the trigger without mercy or resistance, being a monster something everyone hated was the only thing he knew now, always thinking of the day that he will really die not from a monster but from a noble human.

After a while he disappeared down into the mansion, going into her room, the. Coming out into the hall, then to the darkest place in the manor to the prison cell from where he was found before, but he found it to be open, deciding to walk down into the darkness as he kept his hands in his pockets ready to pull a gun.
Whoever had been here and broken the rules were gone and they were luck, because Integra was not pleased. She did not know what she exactly felt at that moment. At first it was anger that someone had come here and angry she had hoped he had come back from the dead. The anger quickly turned into numbness which shifted into depression. Yes, sadness and utter loneliness. She missed him deeply and it hurt to realize someone she had become so close to was gone.

Walking over to his chair she held onto the arm.' Damm you..... Damn you! DAMM YOU!" She suddenly cried out in mix of depression and rage." I can live without Walter. I can live without Saras. But you! You why did you leave me alone!?" After a few moments the cold seemingly unphased Integra was back she breathed in and out a few times." The least you could have done was take me with you." She said straightening herself up and turning around getting ready to leave the room.

Yes, this was how it was. She had to live alone and stay fighting the dark with Saras, but that did not replace the fact he was missing. The worst was no one knew just what he had done to save people. Honestly she sometimes wished he had let the world burn.
Alucard continued to walk in the darkness against the rows of cells, he could hear crying and screaming, despair in the air around him. Things did change indeed for him the last time he had saved the world from himself and the nazis. His need for blood ended in his past before and ended now with the nazis destroyed. There was still danger in the world of vampires and other monsters but nothing he couldn't handle.

The past...something more that was always on his mind than what the future held now. Everything that happened to stop the madness, the destruction of one world... He looked down with a sigh as he let his arms fall to the side. Deeper he would go until seeing his cell at the end of the room, " end and beginning..." He says standing there looking down knowing that the other voice could hear his. " the past...dead and buried with those fools..." Alucard would be reborn in his birthplace, his master would find him again exactly like she did so long ago. In the darkness of this room.
Integra spun looking towards where the voice came from. She felt herself shake trying to stay calm. Walking towards the door she looker at him blinking fast a few times. Her heart was hammering in her chest and she has to hold herself back from running to him. Inside she just wanted to scream at him another part of her wanted to go hug him.

Walking up to him she said." Welcome back." She was trying to not hall off and smack him for hurting her." You're room is as you left it. Currently there I'd no danger... Saras is skilled enough to handle herself these days the threats are minor." She walked past him and started bavk towards the stairs. Damn it all it was taking all her will not to brake down and be the little girl from when she first found him.
" I am always here for my master so then please excuse the long absence. I had to find myself again..." He says turning to walk over and follow out. He gives a sigh feeling a bit that something did change over the last time he saw her and he could feel something different from her presence. Slowly they left the darkness as he finally saw the bright hall of light again, it was the same before but also different.

" is there anything you need of me..." Alucard stops and just looks over at her, "human extinction seems to be over, that's what's its been like for centuries just attack and kill anyone who has their own twisted dream and simply rebuild..." Of course he would not care much anymore, "command me my master, sir integra.."
Integra was bit confused by him. Then again she always had some level of confusion concerning him." For now we wait until Saras returns." She walked to her office sitting down her hands folded in-front of her face mostly to hide the fact they were shaking." A lot has changed since you were gone. Not only is London rebuilding, but hostile vampire attacks stopped for some time. They only started again a few months ago and that has been only every so often. The church and Hellsing have come to an agreement finally. It seams after you killed Alexander they were left without their strongest combatants being Walter killed two of the ladies whom he taught."

She stopped at the mention of Walter. She had not been able to lay him to rest and that only fed the anger she had inside. Leaning back she lit a cigar trying to let the smell relax her. If Alucard had been reading her mind it would have been like the first few weeks he started serving her. A frighten girl trying to run an important company, while keeping him in line and not show any outward emotions.
Alucard followed inside, sitting down at one of the chairs and leaning back quielty, " God dammit...that Alexander was such a stupid fool....." He couldn't help but clench a fist for the moment at the thought. In the past when they had fought the young vampire was merely more than a match for him until that idiot Alexander used the holy artifact to kill him. " that idiotic fool!" He had hoped that Alexander would manage to kill him as a man and not what he feared as another monster, he couldn't help but think about the reasoning behind his choice.

"That one will like him for being a traitor...He deserved it without regret or mercy.." He relaxed a bit more after a moment and laid his hands in his lap wondering now what the future would already be like for them
Integra smiled faintly at what he said, but then stated firmly. "Even though peace has been hear for a year I bet it won't stay that way. I will need you to be here and ready to take any enemies down as they come forth. I refuse to be blindsided again." Getting up from her chair she walked to the window thinking her brain turning about things to say or do.

Grabbing her coat she put it on. "As before you have free roam as long as when I call you will come. I have a fox hunt with the Grand Minister. Not looking forward to this... politics one area I hate. If you need blood you know where to get it." She then left the room needing space to breath and think.
" of course it will never be the same, no one is free of sin or the promise of immortality....himand will forever chase thas fantasy that will never exist in this world.." He gave a chuckle as he leaned back a bit more on the chair. " of course I will, I will kill them in cold blood without regret or hesitations. I'm always ready when you need the servant...well good luck my. My master, sir integra..." He tells her giving another chuckle being happy he would be back in to kill like he always wanted to do again. Slowly he would leave and go outside to be able to see more of the world around him as before than the darkness of the mansion inside waiting.
Integra did not return for several hours, when she did she seemed more relaxed and less tense than before. Saras also returned around the same time. The two woman were talking outside in the court yard despite Saras seemed on edge. She sensed Alucard her master... but how? Integra and her went inside going to the room they used to talk about Saras' missions and just be themselves. Saras had become attached to the strong willed human and Integra had liked the company. Saras may not have been as strong as Alucard, but she was growing in power.

After a little Saras could not stand it anymore standing up eyes bright red she half barked half yelled. "Why can I sense him? Where is he hiding?" Integra knew this could happen the young woman was stressed, tired and probably hungry so the added presence of Alucard would not help her. Integra said then. "Stop making the poor girl suffer Alucard you have had your fun."
The vampire had explored for a little while, seeing it would be a little surprise to come home early to see that her master and his...student would come back soon, Alucard was always bored when he couldn't fight so it would be fun to after coming back to drag out the introduction a little more.

He walked around through the building, phasing through walls and door exploring again around, but sensing they were even there, hiding inside one of the walls they would see comig back inside now. " well it wouldn't be fun even for the moment beside the introduction...." He gave a chuckle sloely sppearing behind them now. " I need more fun you know..."
Saras would have before probably jumped with joy to see Alucard. She had grown more though she crossed her arms glaring at him." It is more rude than fun master." Integra smirked at the change in Saras. A lot has changed Alucard She thought to herself getting up." You being bored means we are doing our job Alucard it may not be fun or what you like, however it means peace and this world can use some of that even if it is fake. Saras take a few days off. You have been wanting to travel to your home town for a while now. Well Alucard as we both know can handle things of needed. But be ready to return if needed."

Saras nodded her head once clearly understanding and left the room. Looking at Alucard, Integra questioned half to herself half to him. "What to do with you is the question. You are hardly one to wait. So, Alucard any thoughts? I know you have been walking around the building and grounds. Something get your attention?" She went to her book case pulling out an old leather bound book with leather ribbons tying it shut. It was all of Hellsing's dark magic secrets in one spot, only a Hellsing blood line could open it.
He just stood there looking over at both of them quietly, "have fun then..." He says looking back at his master, " it's just...the past...I can't let that go no matter how much I think about it, and that stupid fool Anderson and that encounter..." Alucard always reminded himself of the battle and what he had always said to Anderson before he lost his humanity, rather being able to be truly killed one day by a noble human than a monster....being a powerful monster was a curse to him he knew all too well he had to embrace for eternity. " I will serve and kill anyone who dares come against us, don't worry about me's been so long I guess I forgot how long ago I lost my humanity as well..."
Integra said. "You may have lost your humanity, but that makes you an able warrior. The human race is fickle often weak and un-able to stand for their wants. We sin quickly and fall faster." She had never liked how he thought himself a monster. True he had done great wrongs, but he had also done many goods. Looking through the book she found what she was looking for and wrote something down quickly. She asked Alucard then. "Alucard what will you do once I am not here? I have no heirs nor do I intend to find one yet. Most men want to much control of this organization when they do not understand what the job requires. So, once I am gone you might be left without any master."

She spoke matter of factly and straight to the point. Placing the book back she then took her jacket off so she was only in the white blouse once more and her dress pants. Today was a calm day which she liked. They gave her less of a headache and the need to shoot something so to speak.
" I never knew before if I could ever have feelings and care for human lives, they were animals scared and always fighting among themselves for power...but I see humans are interesting and I have grown to respect and even care a bit about them, you are one of them. I respect you as a person and my master, I have nothing left other than you and seras. I will probably be the same deserted shell of a human I was before....for now I will have my loyalty for you in the future and that's the only thing that will matter to me..."

Alucard had the feeling more of a human caring for people around him than a monster being mindless to kill anyone around him just with orders. He knew what it was like facing the truth that immortality was just a story...alucard could not think how much he would have to make that fact true to himself and accept the facts of human life and death.
Integra was not sure how she felt about this andwer, buy she would have to let if be the one he gave. She would have to find something to do. Lord knew a restless Alucard was never a joy or fun to be around. Finding something he could hunt and kill would do both them well. Little did she know just with his return the dangers were already on the mlce. For the underworld never rested.

Going to her room she told him not to bother her unless it was an emergency. Undressing and going to her private wash room she filled the tub with warm water and stepped in after a few moments letting the water relax her tense muscles.
He sighed, and looked over turning then after they would leave each other out, of course he would be bored not being able to even have a rival anymore or a human who could match him without the need to turn into something not. He dissapeared again into the hall, seeming to roam around now again.
Integra stayed in the wash room for some time trying to think of something Alucard could do. Once she was done washing up, she changed into a red night gown and a white robe. Walking to her private office desk she sat reviewing old files she had and some new ones. Then she found a case file that seemed promising and started reading it.

It was in the Irish lands so she would have to speak with the vaducan on matters. Every month two or three young women would go missing only to be found dead in the Mores. Sighing Integra decided they would need more infermation on the events before she could send Alucard. Taking a glass of water and walking to her window again she tried to piece what she could in her head. That was when a movement in the window caught her attention.

It was not outside though it was in the glass itself. The figure seemingly a lady walked back an forth a few times then paused. It looked and then sprung at Integra. The blond jumped back dropping her glass but nothing came. This had happened two other times and each time it was just as frightening as the time before.
As he still rained he could feel the air around him colder with every step, the shadow of death itself to anyone who would explore these halls even for the first time. All he could thjnkf about again and again was the past, the end of the world, the end of life and death. Though for a moment he would stop and think of why things had happened always this way, interrupted by the distant sound of crashing as he walked through the walls and halls until he would dissapear into the wall where integra couldn't see him but he could see her. For now then he would wait
Integra cleaned up the broken glass carefully then tossed it out. She then returned to her desk writing down several notes. Going over to the window she shut the blinds. For once in a long while she was at a loss as what she should do. Going to her bed she sat down just trying to put things in order mentally. Why was this so hard? Why was his return making her act like this? He had not done anything to her yet she felt confused and like she was stumbling. That was when she noticed she had cut the back of her hand. Not deep just grazed more. Going to the wash room she grabbed a cloth and pressed it down to stop the blood.
The shadow stayed in the darkness for a bit longer watching her, it was now even odd for him to see her like this, like he did see it before hat one other time in that one distant time and past where that same place they had only met the young little girl integra van hellsing. It was too familiar he could never forget it at all. Finally he would be gone away from his master sleeping in darkness. His past and present come together to care but for two humans. They were nothing special when they met but this mighty alucard had sworn and risen again to protect his master and seras from anything that would get in their way. When that time would come he would hunger for blood seeing his enemies beg for mercy.

Alucard appeared on the roof, thinking more and more, a deep smile coming from his lips then a small laugh then a chuckle, then the unholy laughter of darkness itself.
Morning came and after packing a bag Integra informed Alucard of what was going on. "Ireland is dealing with a problem that looks a lot like a vampire. Every month two to three women go missing and are found later dead in the Mores. I already called the Vatican and they agree this is our area more than theirs. I am going ahead to learn more. I want you to follow behind when you are ready and if it does turn out to be a vampire. Hunt it down and kill it." She went outside to her car then and had it bring her to the landing pad for her chopper.

The next two hours was flying to Ireland and once there dealing with the legal maters that she had to along with meeting with the police dealing with the case. Looking at the files more in detail she was sure this had to be a vampire. The Police though her thinking a group of mad men because like so many other fools they knew nothing of the dark.
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