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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Well he does have a cute butt like his daddy." Adri smiled and laughed. She nodded her head, "He is super cute. You are handsome." She put her head on top of his and closed her eyes.

"We are at the hospital, if something is wrong they will let us now. So far his tests have come back clean. The doctor said there is a really bad flu going on. He probably got it. You both did. Your entire family did. Luke and I will probably get it next week. Once his fever starts going back down we can all go home."

She smiled, "I only want the best for you." She said softly. "Don't go to sleep yet. I'm going to call your father and Dana and then you can sleep. Alright?" She picked up her phone and called his father first.

His father was fine and asked if they needed anything. To keep him healthy she said no and told him shed keep him updated and call when they got home. She called her parents and let them know where they were and they were nervous right off the bat. They wanted to come visit and check on them but Adri said no. She was the wife/mother and she could do it herself. And she didn't want her parents getting sick. Especially her father after his surgery. The last person she called was Dana and he voiced some concern for the fight. He wanted to be kept updated and he would postpone it until Jake got better if he needed to.
"You are obsessed with my ass." He rolled his eyes. "I'm handsome?" He smiled. "Even sick like this? You are crazy."

He sighed. "Babe I know we are at the hospital but do they have machines to know if he goes into a seizure? I just felt more comfortable saying awake. I don't want him any worse than he is now. My poor guy." He kissed his head. "Daddy is supposed to protect him." He rubbed his back.

"I know you do. Okay." He waited while she made calls. Jake was glad neither of their parents were sick. Jake did see her dad in the hospital when they got back. But Amy was around the boys more when Adri was out of town. Maybe they got something then. It was hard to figure out when they actually got infected. Jake told Adri he was fine and would be ready to fight. He wasn't postponing the fight. He had a couple weeks yet and if anything he was cutting weight and will get back on a good diet. "I think my body is punishing me for eating shit lately. Never again..."

Owen woke up and started to fuss then just downright cried. Jake tried comforting him and giving him his bink. No luck. He kept crying. He tried to give him a bottle and Owen cried more. "What's wrong now buddy?" Jake hated that his son couldn't just tell him what was wrong.
"You're never going to eat crap again?" She asked and rolled her eyes. "Okay. If you say so. Just remember we have a wedding cake to eat and wedding food and since you won't be scheduled for any fights around that time, you can eat what ever you want."

She watched Jake with Owen and she felt bad for the both of them. She held her arms out for Owen and got off the bed. She held him in one arm and rolled his IV bag so she could move around with him. She got to one spot and rubbed his back and bounced. "It's okay, Baby Boo." She said softly and kissed his temple. "You're okay. You're going to get better." She patted his back and looked at Jake.

She never felt this helpless before. "Maybe he wants Max. Call Luke for me. FaceTime Luke. Let's see if we can get Mac to sit still enough for Owen to see him.
"No. Except Chipotle." He smiled at her. "Ooo wedding food." He could discuss ideas for that.

Jake too felt bad he couldn't help their baby boy. "Poor buddy. I'd take it all if I could. "

He grabbed his phone and called Luke. Luke got Max. "Here baby. Look it's Max. Your big brother wants you to get better and get home so he snuggle with you." Max saw Owen and whined and barked. Owen just watched Max and settled down a little. He nuzzled into Adri. Jake smiled at Adri. "Good call mama."
Adri pointed Owen towards the camera and when he heard Mac he looked at the phone. She rubbed his back and felt him settle down.

"There you go. You just missed your friend, huh?" She said softly and kissed his temple. She smiled at Jake and sat on the bed again. She leaned against the pillows and tried to get Owen to eat some jello. She'd give him anything if he would just eat it. But he moved his face away and that was that.

The doctor didn't come into their room until pretty late. He had two folders one for Jake and one for Owen. "You two have a bacterial infection. We are going to put you on antibiotics which should combat the infection and if you feel better tomorrow we will send you home."
Jake was happy Owen was settling down. "We should take video of them playing. Then if he's upset we can just show him the videos." It would be good to have a plan for it.

He opened for a bite if Owen didn't want it. He then laid back and closed his eyes to rest.

Jake thanked the doctor and then looked at Adri. "It's going to be a few day before I have all my strength back....Luke will have no problem kicking my ass." He thought it over. "Beef broth sounds good to try. What else can I try?" Jake was getting his appetite back if only Owen did too.
Adri nodded her head, "I think that's s good idea." She said softly. She kissed the top of Owens head and reassess her cheek against his head. "It's cute how much he loves Max and Max loves him right back. Max is his dog. He has been since we brought Owen home."

She fed Jake and then handed him the spoon so he could feed himself.

"Dana said he'd postpone if you need him too. You're going to kick your ass even harder if you step into the ring knowing you aren't ready." She said softly. She looked at Owen and saw that he was almost asleep.

"Chicken noodle soup. And a lot of water. I can make something with a crap ton of protein. If you don't want to chew, I can make you smoothies or you can eat the baby food in the freezer. Tell me what you want and I'll get it."
Jake smiled at the thought of Max and Owen. "Yeah you lost Max. I'm sorry baby. He's so protective of that little guy. It's pretty cute." He smiled at her and Owen.

Jake shook his head. He only wanted a bite. He didn't want too much too fast. Baby steps. It was nice though to know what exactly was going on. Hopefully the antibiotics would help Owen the most. "You think it's harder for him to fight this shit off that's why he's struggling a bit?"

"I don't know...I don't want to postpone. It's 200 babe. Guys have trained in two weeks. I need to just get healthy, suck it up and kick ass. I'm not gonna be the wimp that had to back out because of getting sick and other personal issues. I want to step in that cage kick ass despite everything."

"I mean to eat now baby. But when I get home, protein fill dinners would be nice. And smoothies." He held his arm open for her again. "Come here."
Adri sighed and shrugged her shoulder, "It's okay, I guess. It's hard to compete with something this cute." She rolled her eyes and smiled at Jake. "I guess I am going to have to steal whatever dog you get." She teased.

She shrugged her shoulder, "He is little. His immune system isn't as good as yours because he hasn't had it as long as you have. He's doing the best he can. That's all we can ask for. Maybe tomorrow he will wake up hungry and let us stuff him with food."

"A bacterial infection is nothing to scoff at. You're about to be on meds. I think everyone will understand if you need to postpone. But like you said. You have a few weeks. LEt's see how fats you bounce back from this and then decide if you need to postpone."

She curled up next to him with Owen in her arms.
Jake wrinkled his forehead. "Um no. He will be MY dog. We can get you a new dog." He smiled at her.

"I know. But with being a premie I figured that doesn't help. He will get hangry. Don't you worry love. He's just like me." He smiled but at this point would take him being hangry. At least he was eating and wanting to get something in his system. If he kept it down, even better.

"I know...It's just hard. You deal with the same thing in your industry. You want to be the best. You don't do something people expect you to do, they will talk and make assumptions of why you didn't do it. Plus 200 is going to bring in a shit load of money. I get it's not about the money but with the wedding, money is nice to have. And everyone will be watching. I can't be weak." It was true too. They had pressure too in their career.

Jake wrapped his arms around her and snuggled close. He rested his head against her. "You mentioned wedding food. What you thinking?"
"No I'll steal your dog."

She laughed, "I know! That's the problem. He's too much like you." She teased. "He'll get better because he has too. The antibiotics will help his little body get the boost it needs to get the bacteria out."

He was right. She was slowly making her way to top model status has ere were a few things that would cement her as a top model. The September cover of vogue being one of them. When she got on that cover she will know that she made it. That was her championship. Vogue and Harpars Bazaar.

"Boo, we have the money for the wedding. We have more than enough money for the wedding. Don't worry about that." When she shot the cover for Swimsuit Illistrated she made enough to pay for the wedding of her dreams and pay for their house five times over. They could have anything they wanted for their wedding.

"I kind of want fancy food. But I want it to be good too. I don't want anyone to be hungry so filling food. Maybe a few courses. Appetizer, salad, entree, dessert. Maybe not an appitizer if they will be snacking during the time between the ceremony and reception. I don't know. Maybe...I don't know. We need to pick a cake too. Decorator and flavor and design." She rubbed her forehead. There was so much to do.
"No. I want my dog." He was trying to get the last word in.

"It's not a bad thing being like me. I'm pretty damn good looking, strong, and kick ass. Baby boo can totally be like his papa." Jake took a few drinks of water.

"I know we have money baby. It's not just that. It's just a good opportunity to give up. It would be like you being sick to walk on Fashion Week." That was the best way to try to explain it. "But only after everyone knew you were doing Fashion Week."

Jake thought about it. "Fancy food seems fitting with a castle. What if we do appetizers as the snack foods to munch on while they wait between ceremony and reception? I can test out cake after the fight. As much as you want. Should we go in with ideas though? Like marble, carrot, ooo is it weird I like angel food cake. It's healthier." There was a lot to do but Jake was more than wiling to help her out in the planning. "I"m on antique car duty. You have the band set. I would like to get a song list or ideas for them of what we like. What music would you like?" Jake ran his fingers over Owen's cheek.
"You can want him all you want but he will be mine."

She sighed and nodded her head, "Okay, okay. I get it Boo. You don't want to let anyone down. I understand that. You know, I love the fighter mentality that you have. It's kind of sexy." She wanted to kiss him up she didn't want to get sick. "I know you'll be ready. I think you'll be in your head, like you always are, but you will be ready for the fight. I believe in you."

Of course he like the healthier cake. "They will have small tasting plates for us and we can try that but we can rule out any cakes we definitely don't want. But I like all cakes so I don't how we can rule any out." She sighed. He could take the car. She would get on a song list for the band. When they officially book them they will be given a list of songs they know and from that they could scratch off what they didn't like. "Band comes with songs so we just cross off what we don't like. The Roots know all music though so I'll be happy with anything they play."

She smiled wide. "We're getting married Boo! I think I'll go to New York for the dress or maybe LA. I don't know yet. I have to find it son though. There is a wedding shoe coming up in New York, showing off all of the new trends. I have to go to that. Mom still wants me to wear her dress though so who know. I might just get someone to design me a dress. Do you think Vera Wang will design a dress for me?!"
He gave her a dirty look.

"Thanks baby." He wanted to kiss her too. "That means a lot. You always believe in me and that is more than I can explain. I just want to make you and baby boo proud and happy." He smiled at her and held her hand.

"I don't like Red Velvet. So we scratch that out. Okay. I didn't know if they had a list or if we gave them one. We can scratch off. We should go through it together though. I don't want you scratching something I like." He narrowed his eyes at her. "Baby anyone would be stupid not to design a dress for you. I think anyone you could get would be lucky to do it. It's worth a try love you baby and when I'm better, we're making out. I never wanted to kiss you so bad..." He chuckled, but realized it wasn't entirely true. When she went to do her one shoot and had to think about things... that was rough. He caressed her hand.
"But I like red velvet and cream cheese frosting. That's the best. Plus it's your color. Red. You're always black and red and you don't like red velvet." She shook her head teasingly. "What if we made it pink velvet or some other color? The groom gets a cake too. Designed how you want it. Which means it will probably be in the shape of an octagon. And you can make it your healthy angel food cake if you want. I have no say in your groom's cake."

She smiled, "It's a live band Jake. We can't give them a list a songs. What fi they don't know how to play the songs on our list. They give we scratch." She rubbed his thigh and looked at Owen to make sure he was asleep. She could feel his breath against her skin so she wasn't worried about him not breathing.

She nodded her head, "That could be true." She said softly. "I think I want a lace and satin dress. The real question is do I want white or ivory. Maybe I can be out of the box and get a colored dress. Mom would never go for it though."
He smiled at her diss him for not liking red velvet. "I'll try it again. Before when I had it it was just dry and the taste was weird maybe it was just that one." He shrugged. "We can dye the angel food cake." He had no idea what kind of grooms cake he'd want. An octagon seemed too cheesy and predictable. Maybe a UFC glove or a car would be cool. He'd have to think.

"Maybe if they don't know it they will learn it babe. We need to think about what we want our first dance to be. What fits us babe. Do we have a song? " Jake looked at Adri.

Jake didn't care what she had on. He just wanted to marry her. "You will look beautiful in anything. I'm just gonna want to take it off you." He grinned and chuckled. "Max getting a tux? I hope Owen is walking by then and he could walk down with Max. O will be such a stud." He smiled.
She laughed out loud and covered her mouth, "I'm sorry." She shook her head, "Our song would be the first song we listened to together and that would be Hail to the King by Avenged Sevenfold. I'm not dancing to that. I don't think you can dance to that." She laughed again and shook her head.

"Lost in the Moment by Daniel Lee Kendall. That's the song I have always wanted to be a part of my wedding. That is our song. As of now, it is our song." She rubbed his cheek and smiled at him.

"Yeah after the wedding. Maybe not even after the wedding. On the honeymoon. We might be too tired from partying after the wedding." She thought about it, "Black bowtie for Max. We should probably send Owen and Max down the aisle with some supervision." She laughed. Or we can train Owen to walk to you. Max will follow Owen anywhere."
Jake thought about it and laughed a bit. "I didn't even think about that. It was Hail to the King. I do have a king theme with my walk out songs. We do have to have it played though. We can jump around and head bang. It's only fitting." He smiled and laughed a bit.

He didn't know that song so he looked it up on his phone. He played it softly not to wake Owen. "Hmmm. I was thinking something slower...and you can't just pick our song babe. It's not how it works. Can we keep looking? I kind of like Everything by Lifehouse."

"No no. After the wedding. I'm taking your dress off of you. You won't sleep in it." He stopped and thought about it. "No Adriana. You are NOT sleeping in your dress. No." He knew that sounded like something she'd try to do. "We will train our son to walk to me but not our dog. That seems backwards." He laughed a little. "Owen could always follow Max too. I think Owen will get to me. If I squat to his level and motion for him to walk to me. How many people are you thinking for in our wedding?"
"I'm not head banging. We can walk into the reception to that song. How about that?" She laughed. "That's the only way we are going to hear that song."

She frowned, "What happened to agreeing to everything that I say?" She sighed and nodded her head. It was their song. It would be their song. "Fools Rush In the Twenty one pilots version."

She laughed, "But it would be so pretty. And I can wake up and feel like a princess." She rolled her eyes, "Fine. Take the dress off but don't be surprised if I'm in it when you wake up." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Max is trained. You call him, he comes. Owen is the wild card in this situation. We have to train Owen and the Max will guide him to you. If you squat you'll wrinkle your tux." She said softly. "We do have to take pictures. But maybe we should take pictures before when my make up is fresh. When I haven't cried yet. When you haven't cried yet. Then we can do reveal pictures with you where I turn around a corner and you give this amazed, shocked expression and the photographer takes the pictures. Maybe I'll do the same thing with my brothers and father. What were we talking about? I think I'm going to sleep in the dress." She concluded. "I'll only wear it that once."

She thought about it, "Oh." She said a bit too loud and Owen moved around. She rubbed his back, "I don't know how many. I have a big family. Not just immediate. I have a lot of friends. I have a fashion world. We have a big list. We have a castle. You don't rent a castle and have fifty people. You rent a castle have hundreds of people. Maybe 2 or 3." She shrugged her shoulder.
"The Roots playing it would be kind of cool. I don't know if we want to walk into that. We will discuss it."

She was right. He wasn't following the whole, agree to everything his woman said. "We're not married yet. I don't have to agree with you yet." He grinned. "I like that song. It's actually Can't Help Falling In Love, but close enough. You like different music. I like it. I like they use a ukulele. It's cool. Ukes are becoming big."

Jake rolled his eyes. "My tux won't get that wrinkled for a couple minutes squatting to get Owen to come to me. It will be fine for pictures. I kind of don't want to see you until you start walking to me." He closed his eyes and sighed. "Why don't you sleep in it before the wedding." He would seriously need to tell her no to wearing it whenever she wanted. "No Adri."

Jake shushed her a bit. "You want two or three girls to stand up with you? That's what I meant. I know we will have lots of people attending. I'm a fighter and you are a model. We will have a lot of people there plus our families. We are doing save the dates, right?"
"But the pictures Jake. The pictures would be so much better before the emotions. You'll still get the same, 'she's walking towards me' feeling. And we will still take pictures of that. I just want everything to be perfect." She pouted and looked into his eyes. "Please Boo?" That was one way to get what she wanted.

"Are you mocking me? That's my only dress. I will not sleep in it before the wedding. And it's my dress. I will sleep in it that night if I want."

She frowned when he shushed her and if she didn't have the baby she would tell him where to stick that shush. "I don't know. I want Amy. I want Callie. I don't know if I have a third. I feel like I should. So maybe three but most likely two." She nodded her head, "We are doing save the dates and Dana will be the first one to get a save the date. His will have big bold letters that say 'If Jake gets schedule to fight this day, I will fight you.'" She smiled and looked at Jake.
Jake closed his eyes and sighed. "That's not fair. No it's not the same will be perfect. You can have a make up artist to fix any make up that you need. You got people for that. You can have a whole team for that."

He shook his head. "No I'm not mocking you. I'd like to sleep with my wife preferably naked the night I get married. But it doesn't matter what I want." He said pouting a bit.

He laughed at the comment about him having a fight that day. "Depending where the castle and fight is, it could be doable if it was the day before. I could do the wedding the day after a fight. Totally." He knew she would NEVER go for that, but that was why he was saying it. "I could do that and pull it off." He smiled at her. "Do not hit me you have the baby and if you wake him up he will be grumpy..." He just kept grinning. "The second invite goes to YOUR agent so that way he doesn't schedule you to do a shoot that day. Or I will shoot him." He stuck his tongue out at her. "Spring or Fall? When you thinking? What kind of ideas do you have for our photos for save the dates?"
She frowned when her look didn't work and sighed, "I know I'll have a team." She grumbled but she wanted her pictures before the ceremony. She'd convince him later and she had a feeling she knew how to convince him later when he wasn't sick.

She rolled her eyes, "We sleep naked every night. Don't you want to sleep next to satin and lace?" She smiled. "The entire honeymoon. I'll sleep naked the entire honeymoon. Came you imagine what it will feel like to sleep next to satin and lace for one night though?" Sheu bed his chest as much as she could but Owen was in the way.

She pretended not to hear him talk about fighting before the wedding. She would kill him and the. Dana and then Luke. All three would be dead. She agreed that the second save the date would go to her agent. It was only fair. He didn't work, she didn't work. "But my work doesn't take a toll on my body. I don't come home with a bunch of bruises, broken bones or cuts. So my work cut off date will be later than yours." She decided.

"Early fall. Or late spring. Or whenever it looks prettiest. We have to find the castle then we can do the date picking." She shrugged her shoulder, "I don't know. Did you have an idea? Maybe we can do something different. Like a video or something. We can do like a walk in, like before your fights and then we get to the ring and do a stare down. The date wold pop up next telling people our wedding date. Something cute and different and fun. What do you think?"
"No. I want skin on skin contact with my wife." He looked at her with a blank look. "I'd slide right away from you if you where satin..."

"They are just battle scars my love." He smiled at her. "But no traveling the week before and of. I feel that's fair. Just in case of a situation you will be around to make a decision together."

Jake didn't really have an idea but her's was cool. "I like that. A lot. But that would be good for social media. But we do need to do an old fashioned one of a photo so people like my mother that isn't tech savvy still can have something. We could make it look like a movie poster. That would be cool." Jake liked that they had fun with everything they did. With revealing Owen to their engagement and save the dates. They were a fun couple.

"Baby? Would see if I can order some toast and broth." He was getting hungry so maybe Jake was gettimg better.
"Yeah, well I don't want your battle scars to affect my wedding photos." She laughed. She agreed to no traveling the week before and of their wedding. That did seem fair.

"Of course we will do an old fashioned one too. Mom would demand it from us. Maybe just some classic black and white photos. We can rent out the rolls Royce for the photo shoot so the pictures tie in to the wedding. Maybe have Owen and Max make an appearance in the pictures. I'll find us some outfits. You just look pretty and show up."

She looked down at Owen and looked at Jake, "Push the call nurse button. You can do it yourself. I don't think you're going to get anything more than jello and pudding though. The cafeteria is closed."
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