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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake got up a few times throughout the night to get sick. Anytime he tried drinking water it didn't stay down. He even had issues going to the bathroom. He was miserable.

Not being able to keep anything in his system was making him dehydrated. He woke up in the morning still cramping and even light headed from being dehydrated. He still had a high fever as well.

He noticed Adri was out of bed, hoping Owen was better he went to go find them. He crawled on the couch and groaned and laid his head on Adri. "How's our baby boy?"
"Same as you." She said softly. "Not doing any better. I think I am going to take him to the hospital." She looked at Jake, "Do you want to go with us? Maybe they can get you hooked up with an IV to get some fluids in our system." She rubbed his chest and smiled at him.

"I'm hoping they won't do that to him but I think they will. He won't drink anything. He's had quite a few diaper blows out as well. He needs water. He needs something but he won't take it." She felt helpless. She wanted to make him better but she couldn't.

The same went with Jake. She wanted to make him feel better but if he didn't go with him to the hospital she couldn't make him feel better. "What do you think Max? Should daddy go to the hospital with me and Owen?" She asked and got kisses from Max. "He agrees with me."
Jake kissed Owen's head and looked at his baby boy. "I'll go with you. They may not treat him if I'm not there. Hospitals are weird and stupid like that. Is he clammy?"

"If he's dehydrated and needs an IV I'd rather they do it and get fluids in him. If he won't drink or fluids in him there's no other way." Jake got quiet a bit and had trouble thinking from being light headed.

"Baby...I can't get an IV. I'll go. I'll do whatever. But...I can't get an IV or I can't fight." Jake looked at Adri and groaned before snuggling up to her.
She nodded her head, "Kind of. He started shaking last night so I put him in some winter pj's and that helped him out." She said softly. Jake had a point. She technically wasn't Owen's mother so she could sign any paperwork for him. Jake would have to go with her. Or she could Layla, which she didn't want to do.

She looked at Jake, "Jake you're dehydrated. You need something in your system. An IV is just water. What's so bad about that?" She knew the judges were picky about what they allowed but she needed ale healthy now. She didn't care about the fight. She cared about his health.

She sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Okay. Go get dressed so we can take him. But I want you to try and drink some water and keep it down. Take the day time medicine and try your best not to throw it up."
Jake sat up and put his hand on Owen's forehead and cheek. "You poor baby. Daddy and Mommy are gonna make you better okay?" He kissed his cheek.

"I know babe...but guys use it after cutting weight. If they know I'm sick they may allow it. But I'm gonna have to jump through hoops. I don't know I've never had to have one. I never had any issues." He didn't want to argue or talk much about it, cause he had trouble thinking and he just wanted to feel better and for Owen to feel better.

Jake got up and went upstairs. He put on basketball shorts and a tshirt. He grabbed the daytime medicine and a bottle of water and took a few drinks with the medicine. So far he was okay but the car, the car could change everything. "I'm ready baby. Please be gentle when you drive."
When Jake changed she tried feeding Owen one more time and then handed him off to Jake so she could get dressed. She threw on some dark jeans and a tshirt and threw her hair up into a ponytail. She came back downstairs and took Owen and got him buckled into the car seat.

She gave Jake a look and drove them, carefully, to the hospital. She watched Jake for any signs of sickness. He was not going to row up in the car.

They got to the hospital and she was glad Jake came along because he had to fill out all of the paperwork. The doctor came and called them to the back room. They had to undress Owen and the doctor did some tests to check him out. They did say he was dehydrated so the admitted him to the hospital and joked him up to an IV which he did not like and he did not want to be put down. So Adri got in the hospital bed and let let Owen lay on top of her.

"I'm not going to force you to get checked out but I think you should. Maybe they can give you some anti-biotics."
Jake filled out the paperwork as soon as they arrived. This was one reason why he just wanted to get Adri to adopt Owen sooner rather than later. That way if he couldn't get him to the hospital she could take care of him. She was his mother and took care of him. She should have that right to get him the care he needed.

He tried to drink the water he brought and halfway through it didn't stay down. The doctor noticed how awful Jake looked and he asked him if he wanted to be treated too. Jake felt like shit and said fuck it in his head and told the doctor yeah. The doctor wanted to hook him up to an IV as well. He wanted to protest but felt like shit so he gave in.

He laid in a bed next to the one Owen and Adri was in. A nurse came in to hook up the IV and she ended up blowing out a vein. So they poked him a second time and blew the third out. Jake was getting pissed. They were having trouble since he was so hydrated. He shot Adri a look that he knew she'd understand. He didn't want to be rude but wanted someone who could stick him and not bruise the hell out of his arm or hands.
Adri was happy to see Jake get some help. She knew it was hard for him to ask for help, especially when he felt weak. She watched the nurse try and fail to get the IV. She shrugged at Jake and looked at his arm.

She finally found the right vein and taped the IV down. She apologized for taking so long but didn't make eye contact with Jake. She just blushed and walked out of the room.

Adri smirked, "You made her nervous." She teased Jake and closed her eyes. "I'm exhausted." She said with a yawn and looked down at Owen. "I'm happy he's sleeping." She sighed and stroked Owen's back. "I didn't think we'd be back in here."
"Why did I make her nervous?" He turned so he could face them. He pulled a blanket over him. He still had chills.

Jake looked over her and Owen. "I bet you are. You've been our wonderful nurse. It means a lot you're here." Jake got up and climbed in bed with Adri making sure he didn't pull his IV out.

"I know..." He looked at Owen. "I hate he's back. He's a Daniels though. The boy is a fighter. He's strong like his daddy." He kissed his head before snuggling up to both of them. He closed his eyes.
"Because you're hot and you're you." She smiled at Jake.

"I wouldn't be anywhere else, Boo." She moved over so Jake could fit on the bed with them. Owen fussed at the move,net and Adri smiled, "He's so grumpy. God, he's just like you." She teased and rubbed Owen's back to settle him back to sleep.

She yawned again and moved the bed so they were actually in a better laying down position. She pulled the blankets up a little higher and got settled in the bed. It wasn't the best bed in the world but it would do for a quick nap. So she closed her eyes and got some rest while she could.
"Ohh..I look like shit today though. If I feel better when I can go home maybe I'll take a pic with her." He shrugged.

"Hey leave him alone. He doesn't feel good. He has a right to be grumpy. But he is my boy." He gave her a look. "And you get grumpy when you don't feel well too. Especially when you're tired." He wanted to kiss her but didn't. "I want to kiss you. This sucks ass."

Jake fell asleep with his family curled up on the hospital bed. When he was better he'd call Dana and inform him of what happened so there was no question when he took his drug test. He hoped he could still fight. Jake slept a while with his IV in. So did baby Owen.
"But you're still you. And you still have the abs. Even though she can't see them." She laughed, "Not as grumpy as you two." She laughed.

Adri woke up when she felt someone touch Owen. The nurse looked apologetic for waking her up but asked to check out Owen to see how he was doing. Adri pulled the covers back and let her do all of the normal check ups.

While she was awake she googled the protocol with the UFC and IV's. As long as Jake gets admitted he would be fine. She asked a nurse if she could admit her fiancé and filled out the paperwork. Those months of being his assistant really paid off when it came to his information. When he woke up he'd have a tag on his wrist and he'd be fine to fight since he could prove he was admitted into the hospital.
Jake rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Yeah." His jaw dropped, "I beg to differ. You can be grumpy without your beauty sleep."

He had no idea what was going on because he was finally getting a bit of the rest he needed. His fever still hadn't broke yet. Neither of the boys' fever had broke. The nurse voiced concern in Owen with the seizures. It was rising and not going down. Jake's was at least steady. After awhile Jake woke up feeling bad again. He moved away from Adri a bit. "If you don't get sick, you have the best immune system on the planet...and you're one lucky son of a bitch."

The nurse came in, "Do you want something for the nausea?" Jake just looked at her. "You could have given me something for that?" She nodded. "Yes ma'am. Yes I would." She went to go find the doctor. Jake looked at Adri and let out a sigh. "How's our baby boy?"
"Well, let's hope I am one lucky son of a bitch because I really don't want what you are having. Although, I would probably drop a few pounds..." She thought for a second and shook her head, "No it's not worth it."

She rubbed Owen's back and looked at Jake, "They are watching him for signs of seizures. His temperature isn't getting any better. If it rises then they will run some more tests to make sure they didn't miss anything. They don't feel comfortable releasing him to us until his temperature goes back to normal. So we are staying the night. I will go home and grab some clothes and diapers and food and whatever else. You can stay here with him. I'm going to take Max to Luke's house." She said softly.

Her parents couldn't watch him because mom was too focused on getting dad healthy. Amy was sick but Luke was fine and since he didn't have Jake to work out with and train, he would watch Max for them.
Jake shook his head. "Babe you are so skinny the way it is. You have no weight to lose." It did make him wonder what his weight was.

He rubbed Owen's temple. "Come on big guy. You have to kick this fever so you can go home. I'm sure your big brother misses you." Jake still wasn't feeling fantastic but he figured with the help of nurses, he could handle Owen. "Okay." He asked about Luke and Amy. He wondered if his dad was sick too.

"Baby, why don't you take some time and take a nap in our comfortable bed. I have Owen and will be alright." It was second nature to want to kiss Adri. Whether it be her shoulder, cheek, lips, but he knew he couldn't and he was really trying to not let it happen. "Thanks for being so great baby. I love you."
"Are you sure?" She hate to be gone and something happened to one of them. She still had to do the laundry from their trip. Maybe she could be gone for a little while and then come finback with their clothes.

It wasn't easy switching Owen from her chest to his chest. Owen didn't approve of the change and she had to make sure they didn't get their wires tangled or kinked. She rubbed Owen's back and then rubbed Jake's hair out of his face. She kissed the top of his head. "I won't be gone long. Okay? I'll bring you something healthy to eat even if can't eat it." She told him and grabbed her purse.

She looked at Owen, "Call me if anything happens, okay? Anything and I'll come rushing back. I'll be quick. I probably won't do laundry. I'll just spectate it and get it ready. I can do laundry anytime. I'll just pack bags and bring some stuff over. Okay?" She didn't want to leave them too long. She would bring some thicker blankets and Owen's favorite blanket.

"I love you. I'll be right back." She said softly and fished her keys out her purse and went to do what she told him.
"I'm sure. We will be fine."

Jake hated he had to move Owen but Adri needed to bring back some things for them. "Shhh. You're okay buddy."

He made a face and shook his head. "No food. No." The thought of food made him turn green. He wasn't even hungry. "Love you too." As soon as she left, Jake went after more sleep. He rubbed Owen's back and closed his eyes. Then Jake realized what Adri said about them making sure he didn't have a seizure
So he wondered what would happen if he had one and Jake was asleep.

Jake wouldn't sleep till Adri was back.
Adri got home as fast as she could and picked up Max. She got his food and water bowl and his big tub of food. She drove him to Luke's house and he came out to take him inside. She thanked Luke for taking him on short notice and then she went back home.

She separated their laundry and put them in the different baskets for when she got home. She did some light cleaning around the house for when Jake and Owen came home. She packed clothes for the three of them for three days but she hoped she wouldn't need them. She also packed some homemade baby food and formula. For Jake she packed so,e fruits and hoped he would try to eat something.

She put the bags in the car and locked up the house and set the alarm. She went to the hospital and set the bags in the corner. "Hey Boo." She said softly and pulled her iPhone charger out of her purse. "How did he do?" She asked and sat on the bed. She rubbed his leg and looked at him, "How are you doing?"
Jake turned the tv on, turning it to ESPN. He watched while he kept an eye on Owen.

He smiled a small smile at Adri. "Hi baby." He was rubbing Owen's back. "He has slept the whole time. Still seems warm. I didn't want to sleep just in case..." He kissed his head. "No one has been in since you left."

"How's Max? Luke say how Amy is?" Jake still look and gelt exhausted but at least wasn't dehydrated. "My mouth is dry babe...will you get me some and ice?"
She nodded her head and rubbed Owen's back. "My poor baby."

"Max is excited to be with his uncle. Amy has whatever you two have. I haven't called your dad. He might have it too. I'll call him and ask. It seems like it's your bloodline. Do you think your mom did something?" She teased to get him to smile and rubbed his cheek. "I'm kidding. We didn't eat anything while we were there." She rubbed jakes cheek and kissed his forehead.

"I'll get you something." She said softly and got up. She asked a nurse for some ice chips and jello and went back into Jake's room. "It's coming. Maybe you can get some jello down too?" She pulled out the blankets and draped then over Jake.

"I brought you some pajamas if you want to change."
He chuckled about the question regarding his mom. "Probably. She probably poisoned us. She must like you then." He smiled and moved so Adri could lay with them.

"On ESPN, I'm the favorite to win...that's a good thing." He smiled a little and kissed Owen's head.

Jake shook his head regarding food. "I'm just dry. No food. I don't want to throw up again." Just them Owen fussed and within minutes got sick. "Good thing we have more clothes but how do we change with our IV?"
She smiled and laid next to Jake. "You're always my favorite to win,Boo." She told him and rubbed Owens back.

"It's just Jello boo. Give it a try. If you can't finish it then you can't finish it but you have to try to eat something. Banana doesn't taste so bad when it comes back up. You can try that." She offered.

She made a face when Owen theew up again. She sat up and picked him up. She wiped his face and say him up, leaning forward so if he did throw up it would be on the bed and not on her.

"They will probably have to disconnect the tube and let you change shirts and then connect you back up to the bag again. She pushed the button for the nurse and that was exactly what she did for both guys and left the room while they changed. While she changed Owen, she changed his diaper too.
He smiled and lean against her head. "Thanks Q." He patted her leg.

Jake thought the jello over but then when Owen threw up he forgot about it for awhile as they got both of them cleaned up. "This shit is tiring. Getting sick. Him getting sick. Cleaning up." He let out a sigh and took Owen back.

"Thanks for being so amazing babe. Welcome to parenthood. Nothing like having to take care of a fiance and baby who's sick." He smiled and rested his head back on the bed. Jake took a few sips of water and ice chips.

"Just for you I will try jello." He waited just a little and took a bite. He waited about ten to fifteen minutes before trying another bite. "How long do we have to stay?"
"I know it's not fun but your bodies are getting rid of all the toxins making you sick." She told him and rubbed Owen's back. She handed him over and laid on the bed again.

"Yeah, parenthood has had better days but our vows will say in sickness and in health. I love you during both." She smiled at him and kissed his temple.

She watched him try the jello and was happy when he didn't throw it up. They finally found something he could eat. Now she just wanted Owen to eat.

"You are stuck here until your temperature goes back down. He is stuck here until his temperature goes down and he eats a meal without throwing it up. Do you want me to call Dana and let him know you're in the hospital? I had to admit you so you didn't get punished for the IV."
"I know. I'm serious. I don't get sick hardly ever but when I do it's awful. I'm down for the count. And it seems this dude is the same way." He shook his head. "You could find something better to take after daddy on big guy."

Jake snuggled up to Adri. "I know. Anyone who stays with me after this, it's true love." He smiled a little. "You love Owen during both too. I think you love him more during both. He is cuter than I am."

Jake wished he could do more for his son, but he was pretty weak and in rough shape himself. "He has no interest in eating right now baby. After throwing up again he probably really doesn't want to. At least not for a while. He doesn't even want to stay awake. Babe I'm concerned."

"It probably wouldn't hurt to let Dana know. I don't think it will affect my fight but at least this way he knows what's going on. Thank you for looking out for me with the IV." It did help having her as his assistant. She thought of things like that and had his best interest at heart cause she was his fiance. "You can turn the tv. I just was afraid to sleep."
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