For Love And Revenge (eric X Swallow540)

Eleanor sat there having barely touched her food, clearly distracted Eric's question going unanswered. That song Eric had sung had opened a gate in her mind and now Peggy's memories began to race through Eleanor's consciousness.

Eleanor managed to snap out of it just before Peggy drew her final breath. Eleanor gasped for air as she dropped her plate, the food falling to the ground as she brought her hands to her eyes in a feeble attempt to stop the tears from coming out.
Eric comforted Eleanor in the best way he knew worked on Peggy.

He rubbed her shoulders briefly, and pecked her on the cheek.

"I'm so sorry. She and I were perfect together. I want to make absolutely sure NOBODY suffers the same, horrible fate, at the hands of Team Rocket." He said, concerned about Eleanor.

Meanwhile, Pyroar was tempted to eat the discarded food, still hungry. Apparently, because it evolved from a Litleo mere moments after Peggy's death.

"If it makes you feel better Mil--I mean Eleanor, I could do anything for you. ANYTHING! No matter how ridiculous the request may seem." Eric added, still getting used to the fact that Eleanor disliked he whole 'Milady' thing.
Eric had once again cought her off guard, yet somehow Eleanor felt this time was different. Eleanor stopped crying as the overwhelming rush of emotion subsided and her cheeks turned a rosie red her pale complexion standing in stark contrast.

She had seen everything through Peggie's eyes, the good and the bad, and she couldn't help but feel a connection with Eric despite having only met him just the night before. "Thanks Eric, I'm fine now" was all she could muster up even though she had a thousand things she wanted to say but found herself unable to find the words, partially due to respect of Peggy and partially due to fear of rejection.

She brushed those thoughts aside and resolved to continue with the mission "We should head to Vermillion, and take out every Team Rocket installation we find on the way there," said as she stood back up. She began cleaning up her things and had Froslass put out the fire with her ice breath before returning her and the rest of the Pokemon to their pokeballs. Their was one thing she knew now more than ever and that was Team Rocket had to be stopped before more tragedies were allowed to happen.

"If we could make our way through Lavender Town as well, I'd appreciate it, last I heard from anyone there Team Rocket had taken both the Pokemon Tower and the nearby power plant leaving the town with no electricity as they desecrate the graves of our fallen" she explained as she slung on her backpack
"As you wish. Let's head to Lavender Town first." He said, grabbing his Holo Caster, as he had received a message from Peggy's aunt, former Nacrene City Gym Leader Lenora.

"Eric. I just heard the news. I'm so sorry. My husband and I send our condolences. Peggy would've wanted you to be strong. I still can't believe that Team Rocket would stoop that low. Good luck, and give 'em trouble." was the message.

"Lenora was kind enough to take me in after I fell in love with Peggy. I was pretty much alone for all of my life before that. She treated me like a son." Eric explained.

Eric returned all six of his Pokemon to their Pokeballs, and looked at his PokeNav and said "The gate to Viridian City is about five miles east."
Eleanor listened in an attempt to pretend that she didn't already know, the last thing she wanted to do was scare him away, "My father abandoned us when I was 5 and I never knew my mom. I know that she was an amazing psychic and that she passed away shortly after my birth but nobody ever told me how, though I have my suspicions it had to do with complications during my labor" she shared feeling she at least owed Eric her story.

"My brother, Franklin, he raised me and served as protector of the town, along side his Golett, the very same Golurk I now have with me. Besides Missy he was all I had, it's been 3 years since he was killed and it's been 3 years I've been hunting down my father, I haven't had much interaction beyond the Pokemon I've managed to capture and train"

She looked at Eric needing to get something off her chest "We had no money to speak of, we relied on the generosity of the rest of the town, always bringing us food and other gifts, we never lacked for anything. I repaid their kindness only with tricks and pranks lashing out for the parents I had lost. I twisted my brothers teachings as a spiritual medium and tought myself how to use my psychic gifts to get everything I wanted and to spite those who tried to stop me" she confessed as she looked away in shame.

"This is how I've been getting by these past 3 years, I never gave a second thought to those I was taking from, my unbridled anger had left me cold and unfeeling." She looked back up at Eric fearing she had perhaps shared too much.

"I realize now thanks to you and your wife that it doesn't have to be that way, that my gift could instead be used to help people, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right, starting with those that never stopped helping me even as I lashed out at them for something they had no part in," she said as she looked deep into Eric's eyes longingly before turning away no longer able to take it, she was certain he would hate her for her crimes "...I understand if you no longer wish to travel with me, I only ask that you let me attempt to redeem myself"
"I forgive you. And so does Arceus. Well, we HAVE to stick together." Eric replied to her story. "We must stop Team Rocket. They must pay with their blood!"

He then noticed someone running in the distance, probably a Rocket Grunt.

Eric pursued him, following his own heart.

Eric was correct, and the grunt had no Pokemon on him, luckily.

Eric then snapped the scumbag's neck without any second thoughts, then running back to Eleanor.
Eleanor let out a sigh of relief "Okay, thank you Eric" she said before watching as Eric chased down and took out the grunt "Where do you think he was headed to?" She asked "Do you think there is another base around here or do you think he was spying on us?"
"He was probably spying on us, knowing them." Eric said. "They try to spread their bases a little more than you'd think."

Eric continued to lead the way to Viridian City, noticing a pamphlet on the ground. It was clearly Team Rocket propaganda, and Eric promptly tore it to shreds and threw the pieces behind him.

Suddenly, Eric had another vision of his wife's ghost. This time, she didn't say anything, though, but this vision lasted for five whole minutes.

He got up, and told Eleanor "I think Peggy wants us to... Ah, shit.. Never mind... It's nothing important."
Eleanor followed Eric watching him as he stopped suddenly, she felt Peggy's presence so she waited patiently. She looked around taking in her surroundings for once, "Everything feels so different now, I don't understand what is happening to me but at least for now it seems to be for the better" she thought to herself trying make sense of everything.

It was like a part of her mind that was sealed away had finally been unlocked and even though she didn't understand why she resolved to at least enjoy it because at this point she didn't even know if it was permanent.

Eleanor listened to Eric as he returned with a message from his beloved "If she took that long to tell you it must have been important to her, don't you think?" she asked him curiously "Don't be afraid, you can tell me," she added
"She wanted me to treat you the way I treated her." He told her. "I feel filthy, there is a lake nearby that was sacred to my people. They said that if multiple people bathed in it at once... They are bonded for life. It's where Peggy and I last made love."

Eric then walked towards the lake, and waited for her to follow.
Eleanor blushed hesitating only briefly "Okay, I understand" she responded nervously but with certainty as she followed him, her cheeks so red they almost appeared to be glowing against her ivory skin.
Eric arrived at the sacred lake, and began disrobing himself, then doing a naked cannonball into the water.

"The water's PERFECT, Eleanor!"
Eleanor watched as Eric undressed and jumped in before removing her shirt and size 36D bra exposing her luscious perky breasts. She then took of her shoes and undid her belt, letting her skirt fall to the ground before sliding her leggings down each of her athletic well toned legs. She looked down at the water as she nervously stepped into the lake holding her arms to her chest covering her boobs modestly. "Do you think anyone else is around?" She asked as she looked up at Eric not wanting to get caught unaware.
"Seems safe to me. Jump on in!" He said, immediately before submerging. He looked around underwater, and saw something glowing in the depths. He grabbed it with his toes, and surfaced.

It was an ancient artifact, shaped like Arceus itself. Apparently this lake was home to an underwater temple.
Eleanor walked slowly into the water towards Eric her nerves preventing her from going any faster. She watched Eric as he went under and returned with the artifact.

"What is it?" She asked now up to her shoulders in the water, she began to swim before stopping a few feet from Eric "It's beautiful," she observed "Where did it come from?"
"There's a sunken Temple of Arceus in this lake. It's pretty deep down though." He explained.

Eric was debating on whether or not he should make his move on Eleanor. He decided against it, for now.....
Eleanor swam closer to get a better look at it "Too bad, I would have loved to see it," she said a bit disappointed allowing this distraction to calm her nerves a bit before looking deep into Eric's eyes "Thank you for bringing me here, it is beautiful" she managed to say even though there was so much more on her mind.
"You're welcome." He replied. "Peggy would've wanted me to find a new love. I'm not sure if it's you, because it hasn't been that long since we met. But there's something about you that really reminded me of her.."

He pecked her on the cheek again, thanking her for being there.
Eric's kiss brought a smile to Eleanor's face as her cheeks went red again "I don't know if I could ever live up to her, she seems like such an amazing person" she said looking away "So much has changed for me so quickly and I'm afraid that it could all disappear at any moment, and so I'm at least willing to try but I don't think I can do it alone," she said returning her gaze to him "I think we were meant to do amazing things together, Eric,"
"Thank you, Eleanor. Your presence has been a blessing from Arceus itself. How can I ever make it up to you?" Eric asked, trying to conceal himself a little. "We can avenge all of the lives lost to Team Rocket, and do anything else we put our mind to, together."
"...Just don't leave," Eleanor forced herself to say "Don't ever leave me, I don't know if I could survive losing someone else," the words flowed from her mouth easier now "I know it sounds stupid, we just met last night, but I can't help how I feel and I don't want anything else"
"I don't plan on leaving your side, Lady Eleanor... You helped me through my grief." He told her He then wrapped his arms around her, and locked lips with hers, hopefully not catching her off guard....
Eleanor was ready for it this time as she accepted him into her lips embracing him as she did so "Thank you..." She said as she locked eyes with him, her breasts pressing up against his abdomen as she held onto him as if nothing else mattered "It never even occurred to me that I could possibly find someone that could make me feel this way" she said her mismatched eyes gleaming with the reflection of the water.
His cock was just about to become fully erect, entering her pussy. He wanted to go easy on her, gently thrusting in and out of her.
Eleanor felt Eric getting hard and knew that she was ready "...You should know, this will be my first time" she let out just before he entered her, she let out a moan of pleasure and only the slightest pain as his cock gently stretched out her virgin pussy. She wrapped her athletic, well toned legs around his strong back, moaning louder as each thrust into her there was less pain and more pleasure.
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