For Love And Revenge (eric X Swallow540)


Hey, Lois! I'm a shiny!
Jan 24, 2009
Eric was a lone Trainer with spiky brown hair, and piercing blue eyes, and wore a Snag Machine on his left arm. His clothes had some holes and rips in them from a recent escape from death. His most prized possession was his Mega Locket, which on the outside was shaped like a heart with a Key Stone in the center, and inside was a picture of Peggy, the beautiful black woman he loved dearly, yet she was sold into slavery, raped and eventually killed, by Team Rocket about a week ago.

Eric is currently infiltrating one of Team Rocket's bases near Mount Silver, on the border of Johto and Kanto, trying to avenge the death of his beloved.

Eric suddenly noticed a woman in a cell nearby awaiting a similar fate to the woman he lost.

He threw a Pokeball, and out came his Tyranitar. The large kaiju-like Pokemon let out a roar of anger.

"Intruder alert near Slave Cell 7! This is not a drill! Suspect is a spiky-headed brunette and has a battle-ready Tyranitar!" The intercom boomed.

"Crikey." Eric muttered, in his Australian accent, clutching his Mega Locket. "Tyranitar! MEGA EVOLVE!"

Tyranitar went through Mega Evolution.

Eric noticed a horde of five Rocket Grunts who each sent out an Arbok.

Mega Tyranitar then went into a blind rage, and instinctively used a combination of Dark Pulse, Ice Beam, Rock Tomb, and Dragon Claw on the five Arbok, leaving them defeated.

"I guess you're still driven by grief, mate." Eric said, clutching another Pokeball. "Hawlucha, I need your help!"

Eric's shiny Hawlucha came out, and Eric looked it in the eyes.

"Hawlucha. Use Brick Break on the bars of this woman's cell while I go try to calm Tyranitar down!"

Meanwhile, Tyranitar killed the five Rocket Grunts, and was about to begin eating one when Eric ran after it.

"Tyranitar! I know you loved her as much as I did, but please, LISTEN TO ME! Peggy is gone, and even Arceus knows, there is nothing anyone can do to bring her back. We need to control our bond for Mega Evolution, so we can avenge her death and send these filthy bastards to Hell where they belong." Eric said, with a tear in his eye.

Eric fell to his knees.

Hawlucha has decimated the cell within moments, freeing the innocent woman inside.
Eleanor sat quietly in her cell meditating, her long black hair resting quietly against her back. She had been captured trying to sneak in the night before after hearing rumors that a man resembling her father had been seen with the Team Rocket grunts entering this facility.

She had been trying to pass time and keep her cool through meditation as her brother had taught her but the voices of the mistreated dead pierced her psyche and it was starting to break her calm.

Suddenly there was a brake in the screams as a loud crash came from outside her cell. She snapped out of it her deep green eyes opening just in time to witness the majestic Hawlucha breaking down her cell gate.

She rose and quickly dusted off her short denim skirt worn over black leggings and fitted black t-shirt pausing only briefly to thank the Hawlucha, paying no mind to the crying man and his Tyranitar.

"Thanks, but I really don't have time for this," she said coldly before running off quickly trying to find where her Pokemon and other belongings had been kept. "I have to find him before he slips away again!" she thought to her self as she exited the area.
Eric's Tyranitar calmed down and reverted back to normal.

"Alright you two, get some rest." He said, calling them back to their Pokeballs, before going after the woman he just saved.

He caught up to her, and said "I know how you feel. I lost the only woman I ever loved, and what Team Rocket did to her, I'll never forgive them! I'm Eric, and I am here to help."

He then thought out loud, "Peggy, my love. I promise you that I will avenge your death, no matter what the cost."

Eric then began to lead this mystery woman to where Team Rocket keeps whatever they stole.
Eleanor stopped and heard the crying man out, she wanted to tell him she had bigger problems than to listen to his sob story and that unless he could hear the hundreds of screaming dead victims in his head that he had no idea how she felt but seeing as it seemed he knew the facility better she decided against it as she fought back a tear.

Instead she said with a heavy dose of reluctance "I need to find my father, he is somehow connected to Team Rocket...and there is something he must answer for, if you can assist I will help you in your endeavor in return"

As they reached the room she grabbed her 5 pokeballs and gear pack. "My name is Eleanor by the way" she said still keeping up her icy demeanor as she strapped the balls to her belt and threw her bag over her shoulder "Will you be able to handle that Tyranitar of yours when things get bad or will I have to handle him for you?" She asked sharply

She turned away from him as she questioned herself as to why she was treating him so harshly before reminding herself why she was here in the first place. She turned back to him feigning a belt adjustment to cover her reasoning behind turning away as she let her cold expression return to her pale face.
" I'll be happy to help you Eleanor, as long as I can avenge the woman I love. Sorry about Tyranitar. Peggy and I raised it from an egg, and hates Team Rocket more than any of my other Pokemon. I am the last of a dying faith. Team Rocket had been persecuting Peggy and I for years, merely for our faith in Arceus. Our village was destroyed, and we barely made it out alive then. About a week ago, they captured her, sold her into slavery, and raped her until she died. The worst part was... She was pregnant with our first child together." Eric explained, wiping away tears of grief.

The alarm was still blaring, and Eric noticed an arm try to grab Eleanor from the shadows. Eric knew it was Apollo, the Rocket Executive who raped and killed Peggy.

"You don't deserve to live....." Eric muttered angrily to Apollo, before punching him in the face. "Just be glad I don't plan on feeding you to my Tyranitar, but I'll still kill you either way... However, today's not the day you die...."

Apollo was knocked to the ground.

"Eleanor! Run! I'll hold him off!" Eric told the woman whose life he is about to save a second time today.
Eleanor nodded as she listened to his story another tragedy right in line with the ones she had listened to for hours on end only confirming her belief that Team Rocket had to be stopped but not before she knew her father's role in all of this. Perhaps his wife had even been one of the voices she thought to herself as Eric suddenly lunged in her direction.

Eleanor let out a gasp of surprise as Eric sprung into action knocking the hidden man behind her to the ground. She hesitated only momentarily before doing as Eric said, he seemed nice enough but her mission came first. Eleanor quickly nodded in acknowledgement of his help before running towards the stairs, whoever was in charge here would have the answers she needed.

She reached a long heavily guarded hallway with a locked executive office door at the end. "All right, this is what I'm looking for" she said to herself as she grabbed a pokeball off her belt and threw it in to the hallway "Take care of these bastards and open that door for me Golurk!" She yelled as the colossal Pokemon came crashing out using bulldoze to take out all four guards and the door simultaneously.

Eleanor followed behind it determined to resolve this once and for all. Upon entering there was a man standing in the shadows he applauded as he said "So, you've finally found me after all these years, now what?"

"Galvantula! Take care of this murderer!" Eric shouted, calling his Galvantula out of its Pokeball.

"Electroweb this scumbag!" Eric ordered, the electric spider obeying and shooting an electrified web at Apollo, restraining him.

Eric and Galvantula then arrived in the room Eleanor was in, seeing the mysterious man.
"We're here for our revenge, you filthy wanker!" Eric shouted directly at the man, whom Eric was pretty sure this was someone much higher up than Apollo in Team Rocket's pecking order. Was this Giovanni himself? Eric had a fifty-fifty chance of being right on this one.

He noticed a figure in a tube in that room. "Mewtwo.... That's... The Pokemon that saved me the night Peggy was killed. No... It can't be... What are they doing to it?" He thought in his head....
The man stepped out from the shadows revealing himself as all of Eleanor's fears were confirmed she froze only able to muster up enough courage to say "How could you...?"

The man waves his hand at the man who barged in yelling as a Haunter appears behind Eric and gives him a fierce lick inducing temporary paralysis "I'm afraid you missed Giovanni this time boy" he smirked "My name is Edgar, Team Rocket's foremost psychic and supernatural expert as for your revenge I'm afraid you won't be getting it this time as I have a family reunion to attend" he said as he turned back to his daughter "How could I what, abandon you?" He asked "What if I told you I never abandoned you and rather that Franklin forced me out, or that I still sent money every month even after that, or that I constantly offered for you to come live with me in Saffron City?" He began stepping towards her only to be stopped by the massive Golurk. Edgar stopped in his tracks staring down the massive automaton.

Seeing her brother's Golurk intervene in her defense her resolve was renewed "I don't want to hear your poison you scum, what about Pokemon Tower, why did you kill Franklin!?"

Edgar shook his head "I never touched the foolish boy, he tried to intervene in Team Rocket business and he was killed as a result, if he simply accepted that he couldn't stop us he would still be alive today, hopefully you have more sense in that pretty little head of yours, join me and we will unlock your full potential as a psychic and discover the secrets of this world together!"

Eleanor stomped her foot in rage giving him a piercing glare as her eyes turned a deep violet "Not a chance, I'd rather you die, Golurk get him!"

Golurk reached over to grab Edgar only for him to disappear suddenly.
Eleanor glared into the darkness "Damn a psychic projection, come out you coward!" She yelled as Golurk suddenly began to levitate only to suddenly be tossed violently against the wall as an Alakazam appeared from the darkness.

Eleanor ran to the Golurk and returned him to his poke all after determining that he was too damaged to continue. She quickly spun and threw out another pokeball "Missy, get that Alakazam with your shadow ball!"

A Misdreavus appeared from the ball as it conjured a large ball of darkness and hurled it at the Alakazam knocking it out.

"You don't stand a chance Elly!" Edgar's voice called out from the darkness using her childhood nickname mockingly. "Haunter take care of this!" He said as he stepped out from the shadows to the tube holding the Mewtwo and began pressing keys.

The Haunter revealed itself but did not attack, in fact it merely stared at Eleanore and Missy longingly as if it were recalling the years that they had spent together.

Edgar grabbed the container as the interlocks released and stepped to the window "Hmph, worthless if you won't obey orders I have no use for you" he said as he tossed the Haunter's pokeball to the ground then breaking the window as the sound of a helicopter could be heard outside "I'm afraid it's time for me to exit" he turned briefly to Eric "You know, your wife's spirit is still here...she always was one of the loudest" he said with a smirk as the helicopter dropped into view from the window.
Eric's fists were now clenched in rage, before loading an empty Pokeball into his Snag Machine in an attempt to save Haunter, and give it to Eleanor.

Eric's Tyranitar then instinctively came out of its Pokeball to help bring Edgar down.
"Tyranitar. It's time to Mega Evolve! Let's kill this bastard!" Eric said, holding his Mega Locket to his heart and pressing two fingers against the Key Stone.

Tyranitar Mega Evolved, and was ready for Eric's orders.
Mega Tyranitar shot a blast of frozen energy aimed at the propellers, causing the helicopter to lose control within moments.

Eric knelt down in prayer to Arceus while his Pokemon partner was about to revert back to normal.
"Arceus, hear my plea. Help Eleanor and I get our revenge. Smite Team Rocket with all of your might, and bless us with all of your wonders. Amen.."

Eric briefly fell unconscious after the prayer, having a vision of his wife.
"Peggy, my love, I'm sorry. I can't avenge you alone... However, I've had some help as of late. I will not be satisfied until Giovanni is killed. You won't have died in vain. I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!" Eric said in his subconscious mind...

Mewtwo then burst out of the tube, and used its Psychic powers to try and choke Edgar to death.
Edgar was caught off guard by Meetwo's sudden outburst but with a brief moment of freedom caused by the helicopter crashing in to the side of building he pulled out a glowing orb "Foolish boy, you know not who you are messing with!" he yelled as the orb began glowing. Mewtwo was pushed back into the wall by an unknown force as a loud roar could be heard from outside as the building began to collapse and a fire began to engulf their surroundings.

Eleanor froze briefly as the chaos ensued around her and a massive burst of dark energy overwhelmed her senses drowning out even the screams of the fallen she moved her way past Haunter, seeing Eric readying his Snag Machine, to the nearest window.

"Something big is coming, curse this bastard Missy and let's get the hell out of here, Eric I suggest you do the same!" She yelled as her Misdreavus' eyes glowed as dark energy emanated around her absorbing some of her own life source before reappearing around Edgar and forcing itself into his body.

Edgar stumbled back through the window losing consciousness as the dark energy infiltrated his body. But his fall was broken by a massive shadowy figure as it flew past the window.

Eleanor returned Missy to her pokeball before crashing through the nearby window hoping she would be able to manipulate a small amount of this massive energy signature to break her fall.
Eric called back his Galvantula and Mega Tyranitar, saved Haunter with his Snag Machine, and called out his furriest Pokemon, a male Pyroar.

Eric told Pyroar to follow Eleanor, and Eric then jumped onto Pyroar's back in order to cushion his fall.

As soon as they got down, Eric gave Eleanor Haunter's Pokeball.

"Here you go, milady." He said, handing it to her, before pulling out something from his backpack. "Bloody shame I couldn't use THIS...."

He pulled out a miniature replica of the Ultimate Weapon of the Kalos region's lore.

"I named this weapon the Black Blossom, after my wife's nickname. I planned to use this to blow the base to smithereens after saving you. I can always make more, though. It requires just a little bit of my life's aura to use it... It's only got a tiny percentage of power compared to the Ultimate Weapon that ended a war in Kalos three thousand years ago."

He planned on using the Black Blossom to assassinate Giovanni, to avenge Peggy's death, and also get back at them for the genocide of his people. Team Rocket even destroyed the most sacred sites his people held dear, including the Temple of Arceus.
Eleanor gracefully drifted down to the ground successfully using the energy but she could feel that it had left it's mark on her though she was unsure just what that meant for now. She looked up at Eric, her right eye returned to it's usual ocean green color while the other stayed the dark violet it had become only moments before.

As he handed her Haunter's pokeball she let out a hesitant "...Thanks" before being surprised by the Haunter jolting out of the pokeball and glowing a bright white "Right, of course, he's evolving" she observed with an exhausted enthusiasm as the Haunter transformed into a Gengar before giving her look like it was good to see her again and returning to it's pokeball.

She eyed the weapon as Eric explained it to her "...Too quick, it's too good for them, they don't deserve to go that easily" she said as she shook her head "But I did say I would help you, and I intend to keep my word, and as you can see our goals are intertwined whether we like it or not" she said "The curse Missy put on my father was a particularly potent one she infused him with a part of her life force and even now as we speak it's killing him slowly, and while I know he will be spending every moment of his spare time trying to be rid of it, my bond with her means until he succeeds I'll be able to track that miserable bastard down to the edge of hell and back"

She looked over at the burning facility her anger subsiding as she noticed the voices had finally faded, she put her left hand up to her forehead clenched in a fist before closing her eyes and bowing her head "May you find peace, tortured spirits" she said softly and remained that way a moment before returning her gaze to the flames and then back to Eric

"...I think it's your wife...she said thanks...for freeing her" she said
Eric then found something shiny in the rubble, and picked it up. He could not believe it was Peggy's wedding ring.

He thanked Eleanor for her help.

"One day, I'll set things right. I have to be strong for her." He thought, holding back tears, looking down at the ring.

He turned to Eleanor, and asked "How can I ever repay you?"

He waited for a response, rather patiently.
Eleanor looked at him unsure, she had gone so long without any meaningful human interaction she almost had forgotten what gratitude looked like "Uhhh..." was all she could manage before turning away.

"I don't know, don't worry about it" she said as she thought to herself "I've been so focused on this mission for so long I don't even know what else there could be"

The realization of this finally broke her as she collapsed to her knees in tears as all of her bottled emotion came flooding out.
Eric got down to her level, and gave her a hug for support. "Stay strong, milady. I know exactly how you feel. Together, we'll set things right, and avenge the lives that were lost to Team Rocket."

He then knelt down, opening up his Mega Locket. "Peggy, I know you're watching over me. I promise you... Revenge!" He said, Pyroar nudging Eric's arm to express sympathy.

"Where should we go now?" He asked.
Eleanor was caught off guard by his hug but she wiped away her tears and stood back up "Right, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me" she said as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to center herself.

"He's moving fast, but he is definitely heading towards the Sinnoh region, it seems like we have a long journey ahead of us" she said before opening her mismatched eyes again.

"He seems alright, It'll take some getting used to but maybe it won't be so bad having some human companionship along for the trip" she thought to herself as she looked at Eric "Where is the closest port from here?" She asked

"I know there is Vermillion City, but I'm not too familiar with the Johto region" she explained as she took a second to stretch in an attempt to wake herself up after her sudden breakdown, she then realized all the cuts on arms after breaking through that window as well as all the ash covering her skin from the fire. "Maybe we could find somewhere to recoup on the way?" She added as she was overcome by a sudden desire to cleanse herself of this place.
"Olivine City is the only port in Johto. At least that I know of... Peggy's aunt is a former Gym Leader from Unova. But that's really far away. Anywho, how do you know they're going to Sinnoh? " He explained, getting up off the ground. "The nearest hotel is located in Celadon city.... We should head there..."

Eric then noticed an arm attempt to grab Eleanor. It was Apollo. Somehow he survived!

"Pyroar, use Fire Fang on Apollo! Aim for his throat!" Eric ordered, with the lion like Pokemon lunging at Apollo, flames around its mouth, and bit down on his victim's throat until the scumbag was dead. "Thanks Pyroar. You saved her from a fate worse than death."
Eleanor watched as the Pyroar tore the man's throat out "Thanks again Eric, something tells me that he deserved far worse than what he got" she said before turning back to Eric.

"The energy emanating from him right now is almost like a scent would be to a Houndour only much more vivid, the direction and the strength of it at this distance allows me to make...a well educated guess" she said trying to think of the best way to put it.

She cleared her throat "That and the stories he used to tell me, about a place in Sinnoh where the veil between this world and it's mirror is at it's thinnest, that's exactly the kind of place I'd be going if I were cursed, the bastards probably already have a research base set up there, knowing him"

"So Celadon it is then?" She asked eager to get going "I'll let you take the lead"
Eric led the way. Shortly after, he saw Viridian City in the distance, and returned Pyroar to its Pokeball.

Unfortunately it was getting dark, and Eric found a clearing that seemed like a safe place to rest for the night. "I think that we should call it a night, milady..." He suggested, mid yawn.

Eric then collapsed into the grass, exhausted.

He had another vision in his sleep, in which the ghost of his wife appeared to him.

"Remember what you're fighting for. Only you can avenge the people of Arceus. In order for my spirit to rest, Giovanni must die. I believe in you." She told Eric, before fading away.
Eleanor looked around the clearing before finding a spot she deemed acceptable and sitting down "Stop with the 'Milady stuff already, I told you my name was Eleanor" she said sternly as she echoed Eric's yawn.

She laid there on the ground for awhile but even as tired as she was she found herself unable to sleep. She sighed to herself and sat up deciding that the time would be better spent meditating.

She took a deep breath and let her mind clear itself. However after awhile she began having strange visions of a place similar to where they had camped out, yet distorted and misshapen with a large shadowy figure watching over it. The figure seemed to be calling out to her in distress but the harder she tried to answer the fainter it became.

A large crystalline structure appeared in her vision only briefly before being ripped asunder violently by an unseen force followed by an explosion of energy. She broke from the meditation suddenly panting and sweating "...What the hell?" She asked herself quietly hoping she had not disturbed Eric who seemed to sleeping peacefully.

She stood up and left the clearing, unsure of what to make of her visions she decided she would at least gather some firewood so she could cook some breakfast for them before they had to set off again.

She came back shortly with an armful of of foliage and tinder along with a few decent sized logs she had acquired with the help of her Honedge. She promptly placed them in the center of camp before lying down and promptly passing out on the spot.
The next morning, Eric woke up after what seemed to be dawn.

He was making a memorial to Peggy, using sticks and stones. His Samurott was protecting Eleanor, trying not to wake her up. The wind blew, and Eric believed that this was a sign.

"Peggy, I'm sorry I couldn't save you one last time... But I promise I will avenge us all. Thank you for the life you gave me. " He said. "But what about Eleanor? There's something about her that reminds me of you. I'm not sure what, though...."
Eleanor awoke with a yawn and a big stretch as she rubbed her eyes she didn't see Eric around right off but figured he would be back sooner or later so decided to start building the fire.

After getting the logs set up along with a good amount of tinder she pulled out a flint and sparked the fire. She then proceeded to pull out a pan along with some sausage and eggs she had been storing in a small cooler in her bag.

She cooked and for the first time in a long while she did it with the slightest hint of a smile on her face. She actually felt good for once even though the night before had only answered a few questions while creating many more she felt like everything was going to be alright.

She let out a sigh of relief and even began to hum a tune her brother had taught her even though it was a slow somber one (the lavender town theme) it reminded her of him and brought back good memories as she cooked the food.
Eric had just put some flowers on Peggy's makeshift grave, and smelt food cooking, making his way over.

"Eleanor. You're up. Thanks for everything." He said. "Don't worry, I have some food for the Pokemon stored somewhere nearby."

He then lifted a rock from the ground, and grabbed many cans of Pokemon food.

Eric's Dusknoir helped in carrying the rest of cans.

Samurott came out from hiding, and all six of Eric's Pokemon were hungry.

Eric let Tyranitar, Hawlucha, Galvantula, and Pyroar out of their Pokeballs for some fresh air. "Be wary, comrades. Danger could be around the corner." He told them.

Eric then began whistling a tune he heard when he proposed to Peggy in Lilycove City, Hoenn.

Samurott sliced open the cans with its Razor Shell attack, and all of Eric's Pokemon ate their fill, leaving enough for Eleanor's Pokemon.
Eleanor stopped humming as she was surprised by Eric's return, "Like I said don't worry about it, besides you saved me twice I should be the one thanking you," she said as she watched as Eric's Dusknoir brought the food over and as the rest of his Pokemon followed behind "Oh man, you're right they're probably famished," she realized as she let her Pokemon out as well.

Missy came out first and dove right into the food without hesitation. Gengar followed suit, he had been starving since his recent evolution. Honedge joined the others soon after. Froslass joined in shyly and Medicham came out and waited it's turn patiently enjoying the fresh air. Golurk came out last and stood watch while the others ate he was still damaged after the night before but he made no hint of any discomfort.

"That song..." Eleanor said as suddenly she found herself lost in whistling it along with him in perfect time despite never hearing it before, she then stopped suddenly when she realized what happened "Oh, I see it was for your wife," she said she had picked it up from her and that her spirit was still following him closely "You're a lucky man Eric," she said as she finished the food

She handed Eric a plate of over easy eggs and spicy breakfast sausage "Here, I hope you like them, I made it just how my brother used to like it since I don't know your tastes, I'm not really used to cooking for others anymore to be honest," she said before grabbing a hi-potion out of her bag and applying it to Golurk "You did good buddy, Franklin would be proud" she said as she patted him gently. Eleanor then finally sat down and started eating her food quietly.
Eric ate rather quickly, enjoying it, a lot. "It's.... Delicious mil- I mean, uh.. Eleanor." He said, deliberately stopping himself. " I'm sorry.... Peggy loved it when I acted all chivalrous.... Today would've been our one year anniversary, you know."

Eric then looked up at the sky, and heard a loud noise from the distance.

It was Peggy's partner, a Donphan that she rescued from Pokemon poachers on their honeymoon, which recently evolved from a Phanpy.

Donphan rolled in.

"Donphan, please..... Protect the wild Pokemon of this area from harm. I know you can do it! It's what Peggy would've wanted...." Eric told the elephant-like Pokemon, which nodded in understanding, before rolling up onto a ledge and letting out a loud trumpeting cry.

Eric then turned to Eleanor and asked "What's the plan for today?"
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