Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


"She's doing... Better I suppose, honestly I wish that the cartel would stop going after my girlfriends." He says with a light chuckle.


Winters helps keep her supported while the men talk.

"The squad leaders assumtption is that he will die before he gets to the NATO hospital, but we haven't had a doctors perspective on things." He explains.

"I know," she sighed, "I wish they'd all just fall off the face of the earth. Anyways Al, I should give Shrake a call. Like I said, its urgent. Give Kevin a call for me and tell him I'm safe please? I can't risk calling unless its absolutely nessearry. Thank you Alex."

She let him go and called the number given, listening as it rang.


She shook, the news only getting worse. She had told him...god she had told him not to go.

"I can't," she choked out, stumbling away to the couch where she lied down and curled up, her heart pounding in her ears, tears streaming down her face.

Arya couldn't handle the grief rushing through her, leaving Kevin to talk to the marine as she shut down, her prayers going out to the man she loved.

Winters steps out of the door and utters a few words to the Marines, the group promises to keep them updated on the situation.

He steps back into the apartment, closing the door and watching Arya, unsure of what to do.


Shrake puts the cellphone up to his ear before pressing the answer button, not speaking as the phone is picked up.

She curled up more, sobbing quietly. A phone went off but she could care less whether it was hers or Kevins. All she wanted was Kyle.


"Hey," she kept her voice low, careful no one was listening in, "It's me. You somewhere alone?"

"I'm with my family, what do you need?" He asks her, his fingers tapping agaisnt the phone as he speaks.


He presses the phone to his good ear, muttering to himself quietly. "Please pick up.." He silently wishes as he feels the helicopter shaking under him.

"I have a job if you want it," she kept her voice low, "It's confidential, will make you a load of cash and all I need is your piloting skills."


"Kevin," she gasped, "What phone is ringing?"

"And where will this job be? And what exactly is it?" He asks while walking into another room, shutting the door behind him with a small click.


Kevin walks over to the phone and picks it up, hearing a helicopter before passing it to her. "I think it's Kyle." He says to her.

She scrambled for the phone, wiping tears away as she pressed it to her ear.

"Kyle? God Kyle are you okay? Baby talk to me! I'm here, baby I'm right here."


She checked her door to make sure no one was listening, "I need you to get a plane and pick me up. I'll send you coordinates. I then need you to fly me to Bolivia and back, all undetected. It cannot be known where I am, where I am going, or how. This is FBI territory Shrake. I need your help. I can explain more on the plane, when I know its safe. Are you in?"

Shrake sighs before responding. "Fine. Send me the coordinates, I'll be there." He says before ending the call, saying goodbye to his wife and leaving the house, expecting the coordinates through text message.


"Saying I'm okay would be lying, I've got a massive fucking headache." He says, chuckling softly before groaning as he feels more blood entering his system. "I can feel myself slipping.."

She texted him the coordinates, knowing it would take him into well past midnight to arrive. She packed the few things she had and decided to get a head start to the coordinates she sent him to, a good few miles outside the city she was hiding in.


"Don't slip," she begged, "Baby listen to my voice. Listen and stay with me. Please baby stay with me. You're so strong. I know you are. Hold on. Hold on for me. Talk to me baby, tell me what they are doing? How are they helping you? Just keep talking to me okay?"

"I.. I just gotta rest.. I can't hold the phone up.. I can't see." He whispers before closing his eyes, dropping the phone. It slides a little before a PJ picks it up and hangs it up before continuing his work on the Marine.

Her fingers trembled around the phone as she sobbed.

"Kyle? Kyle?! KYLE! Fuck no...no no no..."

She couldn't even call him back, his phone a burner one with no traceable number. he let her phone slip through her fingers and clatter to the ground as she curled her legs under her chin and cried even harder.

He's dead...oh god he's dead, her thoughts spiraled, repeating over and over as her heart breaking into pieces, Why god, why Kyle? Fuck...he's dead. He's dead.

Winters walks over to her and grabs the phone, placing it on the counter before hugging Arya, it was the most he could do at this point to attempt to comfort her. "Everything's gonna be fine, maybe they just got him to sleep to lessen the pain." He suggests.

"Arya, the more faith you put in him the harder he will try to get back home to you alive, you gotta keep your head up." He says to her.

"He's already dead!" she snapped, her body shaking, "You didn't here that conversation! the line went dead, he was saying he couldn't see anymore and he needed to sleep. You don't sleep when your that badly wounded! Because you die! I should know this, I'm a doctor!"

The tears were flowing freely again. She wasn't made at Kevin for trying to help, she just felt helpless and lost and it was maddening. The more she tried not to think he was dead the harder the heartbreak crushed her.

After minutes of shaking and crying her pager went off, the hospital calling for her. Arya had no choice but to get up, knowing her patients couldn't wait while she grieved, and the hospital couldn't just pause for her sake.

"I-i'll be home later," she hiccuped, pulling her coat on, "I-I have to get t-to work. Thank you for comforting me, I-I'll be fine now. I just...just need..."

Her words failed and she shook her head, giving up all too easily on them, "Nevermind. Don't wait up, okay? I'll be home...late."

Without waiting for anything else to happen she left, praying she could make it through the night without another breakdown.

He watches her go before sighing to himself, sitting down at the computer in the apartment to hunt for jobs in the area.

As 2 am approached she spotted the plane in the sky, watching it land before jogging to it. Climbing in, she dropped in small bag down and pulled on a pair of headphones to talk to him.

"Thank you!" she called through the microphone, "You're the only pilot I trust to get me there and back without detection...and to keep what we are doing to yourself. No one can know. Even the FBI will probably frown on this, at least for now."

"Right.. How did you even get my number, anyway?" He asks over the microphone as they take off, headed for Bolivia. He sits back in his chair as the autopilot takes over, hectares at the sky ahead as he waits for an answer

"Alex...uh, Al I mean. I called and got it from him. He understood I needed it. Don't be mad at him, this will work out well for both of us."

"Right.. You might as well get some sleep or something, it's a long way to the other side of the world." He says to her over the microphone.

"Yeah, probably. Hey wake me up when we are an hour out? I'll need to make sure I look the part. Uh, and fill you in on the details then too."

She rest her head back then, letting her eyes closed as she dozed off.

"Sleep well." He simply says before turning the microphone to its stand.

Several hours later they near the coast of South America, Shrake stands and walks over to where Katerina is sitting, grabbing her shoulder and lightly shaking her. "Wake up."

"I'm up," she yawned, stretching, "Thank you."

She wandered further back into the plane, taking her bag with her to change and ready herself. When she returned to the front she was in much different clothing, her choice of attire showing more skin than it was probably worth.

"I'm going to need to pick up a new gun," she murmured to herself sitting down and strapping in, "I threw my glock at Narcos before we blew up the place. Going to need another one for this. You want to here details yet? Or are we just going to do a 'need to know basis' thing?"

"Details, I need to know what I'm getting into." He says to her before sitting down, listening to what she has to say.
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