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Wildlands (rskde & BurningWillows)


Andrew floors it, easily escaping from the soldiers behind him as he drives, he quickly finds himself driving out of the city.

The countryside around them doesn't look much better, a lot of it being destroyed by the invaders.

"Faster," Dakota breathed, knowing the soldiers could speed up too if they wanted to, "We can't let them cut us off at the border. Blake might be with them, and he's still pissed."

Andrew quickly nods as he presses his foot down as far as he dares, not wanting to go so fast that the car would spin out of control if they tried to turn. His eyes flick up to the rear view mirror, the soldiers are getting closer.

"They're going to catch us Dakota.." He says quietly.

"Watch out!" she screamed suddenly, seeing two tanks barricading the road ahead, with only enough space to spare if they hit the brakes right then.

Dakota head spun then she grabbed Vanessa and pushed her down so her head and neck was covered, urging her mother to do the same. Her own head ducked down with Vanessa's as screams filled the car, fear bubbling up that they wouldn't brake in time.

Andrew slams his foot on the breaks, the tires screeching against the pavement, the car skidding towards the barricade before flipping on its side, throwing everyone in the car forward.

Andrew groans as he falls unconcious, the last image he had seen being the soldiers aiming their weapons into the car.

The car skids and everyone is thrown, but Vanessa and her mother are safe in their positions, curled up protecting their necks. Dakota sees Iris's body slam forward before ducking herself in time for the hit, her head hitting the seat but she remained conscious. As the vehicle screeched and slide along the pavement to a stop Dakota's hands reached for Vanessa, terrified she'd be hurt.

"Pull them out," someone ordered, "If they try to run shoot them."

"Vanessa, baby, are you alright?" Dakota whispered, shaking her arm, "Please say something. Mom? Mom are you okay? Iris? Andy?"

There was no reply from the front seats, everyone either out cold or in pain. Dakota's eyes flickered to her girlfriend, checking her for any wounds as soldiers surrounded the car, ready to pull them out.

Flashes of what is going on around them go through Andy's mind as he stays unconcious, he hears his sister's voice but finds himself unable to respond. He groans again before resting his head against the wheel.

Soldiers began pulling everyone out, one by one, until they are all lying on their bellies on the grass beside the road. Dakota keeps her head down, listening and waiting, fear tugging her that none of her friends or family had yet to speak.

"This one is dead," someone called out and Dakota's head snapped up, seeing a soldier place her mother's body gently on the asphalt.

"Mom!" she screamed, abandoning her tactic and jumping up only to drop down beside her mother, tears welling in her eyes, "No don't be dead. No...I can't do this. I can't loose you both. No no no..."

"The other four are alive," another soldier barked out to whoever was in charge, "Although the driver is semi-unconcious and the brunette girl is pretty banged up. Looks like she hit the windshield."

Dakota's held her mother in her arms, crying, as her head swivelled to see her best friend, blood coating a side of her face that looked like she'd hit either the windshield or the front dashboard. Her eyes were closed and she was barely breathing, holding onto life by a string.

"That's Iris Winters," someone exclaimed, "Boss...isn't she..."

Dakota's head turned to the soldiers, her breath sucking in harsh as the last face she ever wanted to see stepped out of one of the vehicles that had been chasing them. Blake.

"You son of a bitch!" she snapped, holding her mother close to her chest.

Blake looks down at Dakota before reaching into his belt, grabbing his M9 and firing a chest into her gut, the most painful area to be shot in your entire body, if not treated she would bleed out.

"Take the rest, leave her to die." He says cooly before kicking Dakota in the side of her head, hoping to render her unconcious.
Dakota screamed out as it hit her gut, dropping her mother as pain launched through her.

"Don't," she coughed, "please Blake. Don't take them from me. Don't... Leave me out here."

She knew it was a long shot but she had nothing else. They'd stripped her of her gun already and she was lying in a pool of her own blood. Feet from her the three still living people that mattered most to her were going to be taken away. She could hear Iris spluttering and waking, coughing up blood as two soldier pulled her up.

"B-Blake?" Iris gurgled hazely, obviously suffering injuries, "w-why are ou here? Are you...going to"

Blake just shakes his head at her. "No, I'm just here to make a nuisance pay." He says before turning his gun on Vanessa, firing two shots into her skull. He watches the blonde drop before turning to his last two victims, he spits on Andy before turning to the soldiers. "They're no use to the Americans now, let them go on their way." He says before firing a shot into every tire of their car.

He and the soldiers walk back to their cars and tanks, driving off and leaving the group to its casualties.
Dakotas wails pierced the sky, anguished as the love of her life died. All fight in her left, defeated by seeing the beautiful blonde lying dead. She didn't have her father, her mother, and now not even Vanessa. She couldn't...couldn't do it. She lay there bleeding, in agonizing pain as she cried and cried. It was over. They had lost. She looked over at the other too, Iris bleeding and unconscious again, her brother yet to move. Would they even wake? Would they survive?

The thought of being entirely alone broke her heart further and Dakota couldn't do it. She just...didn't have the strength. As her life ebbed away inch by inch she whispered a prayer that her brother and Iris would live. That they would get out of this hell and grow old and be happy. And with her final breath she whispered her love for Vanessa to the sky, hoping she'd see her in the afterlife.

Andrew groans as he gains consciousness, he crawls over to Dakota, his heart falling when he tries to feel for a pulse but finds none. He grabs a knife from his pocket, silently apologizing as he rips Dakota's shirt, crawling back over to Iris with the fabric and starting to examine her, his heart drops again when he realizes she's internally bleeding, which is why she was coughing blood.

"No.." He says quietly, resting his head against hers. "Stay with me.. Please.." He whispers to her.


Collin is driving with Nicki, when they realized that their neighbors had left they had packed up and decided to do the same. The sounds of gunshots draws them closer.

He sees the wreckage of the car, he jumps out and walks over to Andrew and Iris, a part of him still hates Andrew, but seeing the bodies of his mother and sister, he kneels down next to Iris and gets to work, starting to bandage her wounds so that her body would heal.
Nicki say in the car watching with a scowl. She hated Andrew, just about as much as Collin did. She thought Collin was being generous, knowing Iris had stood up for Andrew. But then again Collin had known Iris since the day she was born. She was only 19, four years younger than the men. Maybe that accounted for something. Nicki wasn't sure.

Still she kept to the car, knowing if she stepped out a fight would break out. And from the carnage it wasn't needed. Nicki wasn't cold...seeing Dakota, her mother, and Vanessa all dead was pulling at her already broken heart, tears threatening to spill. How many had to die?
Collin finishes the bandages before looking at Andrew. "Do you want a ride?" He asks, the slightest chance of forgiveness is here and now. He helps Iris up and walks with them to the car, loading the wounded brunette into the backseat next to Andrew.

Andrew holds her head on his lap, stroking her hair softly as they start driving towards the Mississippi River, it seemed like everyone knows where the line has been drawn between UN and NA forces.

Iris remains unconscious through most of it until almost the very end, when her eyes flutter open and shut, still unable to speak with the amount of blood in her mouth. The wound on her forehead is pretty shallow, only causing her minor discomfort. It's the migraine setting in, and probable concussion, and the blood bubbling up from her stomach that's painful and worrying.

She can hear two voices, and one of them is Andrew. Unfortunately she can barely focus but finally she recognizes the second voice as Collin and is startled. Why is he here? Is he going to hurt Andy? Iris barely has the energy to speak, let alone stop that from happening. She can feel two sets of hands on her, pulling her up and transporting her to...another vehicle. Confusion sets in, but there's too much pain and exhaustion to understand anymore. She can feel Andrew adjusting her so she is laying sideways, her head in his lap. They've pumped the blood from her mouth and throat so she can breath, but she can hear them talking about finding a hospital...her wounds won't heal themselves.

She lies quietly, listening to the voices, but mostly Nicki. She sounds furious and hurt and on the edge of tears over Andrew and Iris in the car. But she also sounds sad over something else, and Iris can't understand what. All she can do is listen and struggle through the pain, feeling Andy's hand on her head, trying to make everything better. Always trying so hard...always caring...

"And-y-y," she choked out in a barely whisper, ""

He hears her words, his hands taking hers. "I love you too.. Just hold on, we're going to get you somewhere safe.." He says softly, going back to stroking her hair with his free hand, his other hand stays clutched to hers.

Iris clung to his hand and his words, scared and in pain. She desperately tried to stay awake but the migraine got too great, and she fell unconcious once more. When she woke again it was hours later by the time on the stereo clock, and they were stopped for some reason, a man asking them a million questions.

"We have a bleeding girl in the back of our car," Nicki snapped, having no patience, "We are U.S citizens who are trying to flee and get our friend to a damn hospital."

"Wh-at's h-happening?" Iris croaked, her eyes fluttering closed as she gripped Andrew, "It-t h-hurts Andy."

He keeps a hold on Iris the entire trip, the man that had been asking them questions let's them go through, the sign to their left reads 'Welcome to Ohio', they had made it across the Mississippi.

"We're in US territory.." Andy says with a smile on his face. A couple of APC's fly past, several of them have the Canadian flag on their sides.

Nicki was still pissed at Andrew, but Iris was their focus now as she turned to Collin, "Do we know where the nearest hospital is? She needs it badly."

Looking back she could see the amount of blood soaking through the bandages, some of it staining Andrew's lap now. He didn't budge, didn't move an inch, ignoring the stains as he held her close.

"And we need to hurry," Nicki added, making no action to look at Andrew as she sat back in her seat, staring out the window.

Collin bites the bottom of his lip before nodding, he had been stationed in Ohio at one point.

He quickly drives them to the hospital, helping carry Iris out of the car and into the building.
ER is on her on a flash, asking the three dozens of questions while they get Iris on a bed and roll her away. Finally one nurse shows them to a waiting room, promising someone will be back to keep them informed when they have an update.

Hours and hours past, until it is well into night before a nurse walks up to them looking exhausted. Nicki and Collin had been talkin in low tones, watching Andrew as he got more agitated. The longer they waited the harder it would be, not knowing if she was alive or not. When the nurse finally did come even Nocki stood to hear the news.

"She is in recovery," the nurse explained to everyone's relief, "she had extensive internal bleeding. If you hadn't brought her in when you did she would have died. Are any of you family?"

Nicki shook her head, "just friends ma'am."

"Okay. We don't have enough room to have you all visit at onVery so we can only send one or two in at a time."

Nicki sat down waving Andrew and Collin forward, "I'll stay with our stuff. Go see her."

He nods to Nicki and walks in, noticing that Collin stayed back with Nicki. He walks in and sits down next to Iris on the bed, he grabs her hand and rests his forehead against it.

"I'm glad you're okay." He says to her softly
iris had been fast asleep and was just starting to stir when she heard his voice. It took her many minutes to wake up, her body numb and unmoving from the drugs, tubes inserted into her nose for breathing and an iv pumping fluids into her that she could see as her eyes fluttered open. Those chocolate brown eyes rested on Andys tired face, knowing he must have been worried all day.

"That was a close one," she croaked, her throat feeling like there was jagged glass inside.

He had nearly dosed off until he hears her voice, jolting him awake. He looks down at her with soft eyes. "Yeah, but you're safe now.. You should rest, you can talk when you've gotten your strength back." He says to her quietly, his eyes locking with hers.
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